Predicted Description of activities start date The beginning The - Detailed schedule will be compiled, of September task group will be created, web page 2010 for a project and guest’s book will be established. Notice boards put up at all schools. - Opracowanie planu, utworzenie strony internetowej, książki gości The whole The European project will be school year promoted by interviews in the local 2010/2011 newspapers, media (head teachers, coordinators ). Project w mediach
Target Involved partners country Bulgaria is a All the schools taking webmaster, part in the project coordinator work on it checks if everyone is on board All the schools taking part in the project work on it
Students will make a notice board of the project activities in each school and update it every month. W każdej szkole tablica dotycząca projektu The results of the activities will be published on the web-site of the project. Publikowanie efektów projektu na stronie intern Presentation of the project to the Educational Community in town, involving the educational institutions of the area as local cultural associations, local authorities, pedagogical institutions, etc. Przedstawienie projektu lokalnej społeczności oraz szkolnej
September 2010
Informing all the staff and school authorities about actions realised. Informacja radzie pedag - The school presentation will be prepared (Power Point) and will be sent to partner schools. Prezentacja szkoły
- students and teachers participating in the project measure their ecological footprint, undertake the ecological commitments uczniowie i nauczyciele mierzą swój ślad ekologiczny, podejmuja zobowiązania ekologiczne October 2010 Working visit in a coordinating Poland country . wizyta w państwie koordynującym October 2010A) Students introduce Poland-
All the schools taking part in the project work on it
Turkey Romania Bulgaria Spain Greece All the schools taking
themselves. przedstawiają
się coordinator
Procedure: Artistic way determined by the pupils and school. Example: photography, painting, collage, computer, etc.
- Celebration of the Tree Day. Obchody Święta
The host country organizes the celebrations (students’ performance, different activities devoted to emphasising the importance of trees, forests to preserving our planet clean and green) and the active participation of all the pupils, but especially of the pupils with danger of social exclusion and the special educational needs. - in relation to the celebrations of the Tree Day students plant trees and bushes in the local area w ramach obchodów Święta Drzewa uczniowie zasadzą drzewa i krzewy w swoim otoczeniu
part in the project work on it
- Presentation of the host country and how it is involved in ecological action. Przedstawienie jak szkoła goszcząca jest zaangażowana w akcje proekologiczne - Photographic Exhibition about the visit realized in Spain Wystawa fotograf. z wizyty
November 2010
- Producing CD-ROM presentation
about the different schools in POWER POINT and including photos/films from the visit in one of the countries. CD z wszystkimi prezentacjami szkół wraz ze zdjęciami/filmami z wizyty - Development and carrying out of informative lessons about different programs and projects European Union conducts in order to preserve nature, reduce pollution etc. Opracowanie i przeprowadzenie lekcji informacyjnych o projektach i programach UE związanych z
Coordinating country
All the schools taking part in the project work on it
ekologią - students start collecting waste paper and used batteries, do that through the whole school year, then hand in to appropriate places zbiórka makulatury i zużytych baterii, przekazanie ich firmom utylizacyjnym - students start segregating their waste in their homes and schools segregują śmiecie w domu i szkole
December 2010
- Preparing Christmas cards out of the recycled materials and making a school exhibition of such art works. Producing a PowerPoint presentation of how students worked/the process and showing the results. Kartki świąteczne z materiałów ekolog – wystawa w szkole, prezentacja PowerPoint przedstawiająca jak uczniowie nad tym pracowali i efekty tej pracy
All the schools taking part in the project work on it
- Sending Christmas Cards to each school participating in the project and local instutions.
Coordinating country
Sending these PowerPoint presentations to the coordinating country and producing one CD. January 2011
- Pupils pick up information about the actions the authorities of the towns/city where students live undertake in order to reduce pollution, save the local environment – visits for example to the town council, to the local sewage treatment facility. Uczniowie zbierają informacje jak lokalne władze miejskie działają proekologicznie, w tym celu wizyty np. : do urzędu miasta, oczyszczalni ścieków, wysypisko śmieci
All the schools taking part in the project work on it
February 2011
- Producing PowerPoint presentations about this and sending them to other schools. Prezentacje o tym i wysłanie innym szkołom
All the schools taking part in the project work on it
- Pupils present what they do in order to save the world, and the actions carried out at school to preserve nature (save energy, water etc) and describe them. Uczniowie przedstawiaja co oni robia by ratować świat - Producing PowerPoint presentations about this and sending them to other schools. March 2011
- Producing one CD presentation of how schools and their local area from various countries participating in the project contribute to saving our planet. Opracowanie jednego CD co uczniowie w poszczególnych szkołach i ich lokalne władze robią by ratować naszą planetę
The Coordinator
All the schools taking part in the project work on it
- Preparing Easter cards out of the recycled materials and making a school exhibition of such art works. Producing a PowerPoint presentation of how students worked/the process and showing the results. Kartki świąteczne z materiałów ekolog – wystawa w szkole, prezentacja PowerPoint przedstawiająca jak uczniowie nad tym pracowali i efekty tej pracy - Sending Easter Cards to each school participating in the project and local institutions.
The coordinator
Sending these PowerPoint presentations to the coordinating country and producing one CD. Stworzenie jednego CD z prezentacjami wszystkich szkół April 2011
Working visit to Turkey - Celebration of the Earth Day Obchody święta Ziemi G) The host country organizes the
Spain Romania Bulgaria Poland Greece
celebrations (students’ performance, different activities devoted to emphasising how beautiful our planet is and the importance of preserving it clean and green) and the active participation of all the pupils, but especially of the pupils with danger of social exclusion and the special educational needs. H)
- Presentation of the host country and how it is involved in ecological action. Przedstawienie jak szkoła gośzcząca jest zaangażowana w akcje proekologiczne - Photographic Exhibition about the visit realised in the country and producing a CD with films/photos from the visit.
May 2011 - Students take photos of the local countryside and make a photographic exhibition ‘Beautiful Nature’ at each school and in local community centres. Uczniowie robią zdjęcia i przygotowują wystawę “Piękna Przyroda” w każdej szkole
June 2011
June 2011
- Every school prepares presentations of the nature of their country including pictures students have taken and download to the webpage of the project. Każda szkoła przygotowuje prezentacje o przyrodzie w swoim kraju włączając zdjęcia dzieci A working visit to Spain Spain - Celebration of the World Environment Day The host country organizes the celebrations and the active participation of all the pupils, but especially of the pupils with danger of social exclusion and the special educational needs. - Presentation of the host country and how it is involved in ecological action - Preparation of the photographic exhibition of the visit - All materials with projects made in 2010\2011 will be exchanged,
All the schools taking part in the project work on it
Poland Romania Bulgaria Turkey Greece
All the schools taking part in the project
actualization of website Wszystkie materiały z roku szkolnego będą zaktualizowane na stronce intern
work on it The Coordinator
- Process of evaluation in each of the centres participants for the analysis of the documentation, methods and materials elaborated by every school. Proces własnej ewaluacji, analiza dokumentacji, metod i materiałów wypracowanych przez kążdą ze szkół - students and teachers participating in the project check their ecological footprint and compare it to the one at the beginning of the project uczniowie i nauczyciele sprawdzają swój ślad ekologiczny i porównują do poprzedniego
June 2011
- Dissemination and sending of the results of the project to all the schools of the region. Szerzenie efektów i informacji o projekcie do innych szkół - Assessment of work on the Project as a kind of a questionnaire that all countries fulfill. Ocena pracy nad projektem
All the schools taking part in the project work on it
- Production of a CD-ROM and DVD that pick up all the activities realized during the school year 2010/2011. Opracowanie jednego CD/DVD wszystkich działań w roku szkolnym The whole - Dissemination of the project to the school year local press. Rozpowszechnianie 2011/2012 działań projektu i informacji na ten temat w prasie - Presenting the project to the Educational Community involving the educational institutions of the area as local cultural associations, local authorities, pedagogical institutions, etc. Prezentacja projektu społeczności szkolnej miasta, instytucjom kulturalnym i pedagogicznym, władzom miejskim - Promoting the project giving an interview on the local radio/TV. Promocja projektu poprzez wywiady
All the schools taking part in the project work on it
w lokalnym radiu/tv - collecting waste paper and used batteries, handing in to appropriate places zbiórka makulatury i zużytych baterii, przekazanie ich firmom utylizacyjnym - segregating waste in homes and schools segregują śmiecie w domu i szkole
September 2011
Exchanging e-mails between partners, works on realization of the project in 2011/2012 school year. Wymiana emaili między partnerami, informacji dotyczących pracy nad projektem w nowym roku szkolnym
All the schools taking part in the project work on it
- Conducting the activities related to Clean Up the Word – the environmental campaign -działania w ramach Sprzątanie Świata - Producing an interactive presentation how each of the participating schools involves local communities into this environmental campaign, how inspires and empowers their communities to clean up, fix up and conserve their environment;
October 2011 October 2011
- Producing one CD presentation of the actions undertaken by schoolchildren of all the partnering schools. Stworzenie jednego CD zawierające działania podejmowane przez uczniów szkół partnerskich w ramach kampanii Sprzątanie Świata Working visit in Bulgaria - Celebration of the Car Free Day The host country organizes the celebrations (students’ performance, different activities devoted to emphasising mass transit, cycling and walking, and the development of communities where jobs are closer to home and where shopping is within walking distance) and the active participation of all the pupils, but especially of the pupils with danger of
The coordinator
Spain Romania Poland Turkey Greece All the schools taking part in the project work on it
social exclusion and the special educational needs. Dzień bez samochodu - Presentation of the host country and how it is involved in ecological action. Przedstawienie jak szkoła gośzcząca jest zaangażowana w akcje proekologiczne
- Photographic Exhibition about the visit realised in the country and producing a CD with films/photos from the visit. November 2011
- pupils gather information about endangered species of plants and animals in their area, region, country informacja
All the schools taking part in the project work on it
- making an interactive multimedia album of endangered species in the local area, region, country – robienie zdjęc zagrożonych gatunków i stworzenie multimedialnego albumu - collecting all the albums and making one general interactive album which includes the information and pictures of the endangered plants and animals in all participating countries – zebranie wszystkich albumów i stworzenie jednego ogólnego multimedialnego albumu zawierającego informacje i zdjęcia zagrożonych gatunków roślin i zwierząt
December 2011
- Preparing Christmas cards out of the recycled materials and making a school exhibition of such art works. Producing a PowerPoint presentation of how students worked/the process and showing the results. Kartki świąteczne z materiałów ekolog – wystawa w szkole, prezentacja PowerPoint przedstawiająca jak uczniowie nad tym pracowali i efekty tej pracy
The coordinator
All the schools taking part in the project work on it
- Sending Christmas Cards to each school participating in the project and local instutions. Sending these PowerPoint presentations to the coordinating country and producing one CD.
The coordinator
Stworzenie jednego CD prezentacjami wszystkich szkół
January 2012
students gather information concerning the global warming and the ways of preventing it; make interactive presentations under the supervision of teachers and present them to their school community Uczniowie wyszukują informacje na temat globalnego ocieplenia i sposobów zapobiegania, pod kierunkiem nauczycieli stworzą prezentacje multimedialne i przedstawiają społeczności szkolnej
All the schools taking part in the project
February 2012
make leaflets emphasizing the importance of all the local societies being engaged in activities preventing the global warming and deliver them to local institutions/schools stworzą ulotki nawołujące lokalne społeczeństwo do zaangażowania w działania zapobiegania globalnemu ociepleniu
All the schools taking part in the project
March 2012
- Preparing Easter cards out of the recycled materials and making a school exhibition of such art works. Producing a PowerPoint presentation of how students worked/the process and showing the results. Kartki świąteczne z materiałów ekolog – wystawa w szkole, prezentacja PowerPoint przedstawiająca jak uczniowie nad tym pracowali i efekty tej pracy
All the schools taking part in the project
- Sending Easter Cards to each school participating in the project and local institutions. Sending these PowerPoint presentations to the coordinating country and producing one CD. Stworzenie jednego CD z prezentacjami wszystkich szkół April 2012
- a working visit in Greece
The coordinator
Spain Romania Poland Turkey Bulgaria
April 2012
- Celebration of the Water Day The host country organizes the celebrations and the active participation of all the pupils, but especially of the pupils with danger of social exclusion and the special educational needs. Dzień Wody - Presentation of the host country and how it is involved in ecological action. Przedstawienie jak szkoła gośzcząca jest zaangażowana w akcje proekologiczne
All the schools taking part in the project
- Photographic Exhibition about the visit realised in the country and producing a CD with films/photos from the visit. May 2012
- conducting the contest among the students participating in the project from all the partnering schools which aims to choose the best pictures for the calendar – the final product of the project – przeprowadzenie konkursu wśród młodzieży w celu wybrania zdjęc do kalendarza - producing the project of the calendar for the year 2013 with photos which have been chosen after the contest and months/days written in five languages of the countries participating in the project.
June 2012
A working visit to Romania Romania - students design a postcard with a text that sums up the outcome of our project and that will be spread within the frames of MailArt – uczniowie tworzą kartkę, która podsumowuje nasze działania I ja rozpowszechniaja droga MailArt. K) Presentation of the host country and how it is involved in ecological action. Przedstawienie jak szkoła gośzcząca jest zaangażowana w akcje proekologiczne - The final Exhibition to show all our work in the project
All the schools taking part in the project
The coordinator
Spain Poland Turkey Bulgaria Greece
June 2012
- All materials with projects made in 2011\2012 will be exchanged, actualization of website Wszystkie materiały z roku szkolnego będą zaktualizowane na stronce intern
All the schools taking part in the project
- Process of evaluation in each of the centres participants for the analysis of the documentation, methods and materials elaborated by every school. Proces własnej ewaluacji, analiza dokumentacji, metod i materiałów wypracowanych przez kążdą ze szkół - students and teachers participating in the project check their ecological footprint and compare it to the previous ones uczniowie i nauczyciele sprawdzają swój ślad ekologiczny i porównują do poprzednich
June 2012
- Dissemination and sending of the results of the project to all the schools of the region. Szerzenie efektów i informacji o projekcie do innych szkół - Assessment of work on the Project as a kind of a questionnaire that all countries fulfill. Ocena pracy nad projektem
All the schools taking part in the project work on it
- Production of a CD-ROM and DVD that pick up all the activities realized during the whole project. Opracowanie jednego CD/DVD wszystkich działań w całym projekcie
The final product could be a CD/DVD of the actions that children can undertake in order to save the world and preserve it green and clean and a calendar for the year 2013 with photos showing how students worked on the project and months/days written in five languages of the countries participating in the project.