AD-HOC Platform RES Feedback to Users’ Group Isabelle Gerkens 09/02/2012
13.02.2012 Auteur changer dans le masque de titre
1. Launch ad-hoc platform RES First Meeting 10/01/2012 - Success : around 20 participants, representing various actors - Scope of the platform: discussion platform to exchange ideas + points of views of all actors on RES support mechanisms and interactions of those mechanisms on other marktmechanisms & grid, with growing RES integration. - Goal first meeting : - General overview of RES support mechanisms and interactions of those mechanisms on grid issues - First issues raised by EDORA & ODE - Organisation of next steps
13.02.2012 Aueur changer dans le masque des diapositives
2. Organisation of the next steps •
Presentation (Elia) impacts of the scenario 20/20/20 on grid development & system operation, when known and when they will appear
Identification of other elements having grid impacts
Identification of lacks of current RES support mechanisms
Evaluation pro/contra’s solutions to be supported on Belgium level to avoid/solve these impacts
Next meeting: 06/03/2012
13.02.2012 Aueur changer dans le masque des diapositives