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OJ/S S67 05/04/2012 110277-2012-EN

Member states - Service contract - Qualification system with call for competition - Not applicable


This notice in TED website: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:110277-2012:TEXT:EN:HTML

B-Diegem: financial and insurance services 2012/S 67-110277 Qualification system – utilities Directive 2004/17/EC This notice is a call for competition yes Section I: Contracting entity I.1) Name, addresses and contact point(s) Elia Asset SA/NV Culliganlaan 1 For the attention of: Pascal Mukile 1831 Diegem BELGIUM Telephone: +32 25467193 E-mail: pascal.mukile@elia.be Internet address(es): General address of the contracting entity: http://elia.be Further information can be obtained from Elia Asset Boulevard de l'Empereur n. 20 Contact point(s): Technical Questions: Tom Luyts For the attention of: Tom Luyts 1000 Brussels BELGIUM Telephone: +32 25467162 E-mail: tom.luyts@elia.be Further documentation can be obtained from Elia Asset Boulevard de l'Empereur n. 20 Contact point(s): Technical Documentation: Tom Luyts For the attention of: Tom Luyts 1831 Brussels BELGIUM Telephone: +32 25467162 E-mail: tom.luyts@elia.be Requests to participate or candidatures must be sent to The above mentioned contact point(s) I.2)

Main activity Electricity


Contract award on behalf of other contracting entities The contracting entity is purchasing on behalf of other contracting entities: no

Section II: Object of the qualification system II.1) Title attributed to the contract by the contracting entity: 05/04/2012 S67 http://ted.europa.eu/TED

Member states - Service contract - Qualification system with call for competition - Not applicable Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union


OJ/S S67 05/04/2012 110277-2012-EN

Member states - Service contract - Qualification system with call for competition - Not applicable


Property insurances services. II.2)

Type of contract Services


Description of the works, services or goods to be procured through the qualification system: ELIA operates the Belgian high-voltage grid (380 kV to 36 kV), consisting of overhead lines, underground cables, high-voltage substation and other equipment necessary to enable the transmission of electricity (e.g. transformers). ELIA launches European qualification procedure for broker services, related to property insurance. Broker services including structuring, negotiation, and placement of the insurance contracts, taken into account the needs of the company (p.ex insurance strategy, risk strategy, potential use of captive etc...), additional services (support for incident settlement, ...) for the type of insurances mentioned here below: — Property insurance of high voltage overhead power lines and supporting structures (380 kV – 36kV), — Terrorism insurance of high voltage overhead power lines and supporting structures (380 kV – 36kV), — Property insurance of buildings and high voltage substations consisting of switching bays, power transformer, capacitor banks, lightning arrestors and the secondary systems for protection, control and metering, — Terrorism insurance on high voltage substations. Scope of coverage for property insurance: (subject to changes). All risk property insurance against physical loss, destruction of or damage to insured property, from any causes whatsoever, including but not limited to fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft, machinery breakdown and electrical risks, flood, earthquake, earthmovements, theft and burglary extensions, except as specifically excluded in the contract. The property to be insured must be covered for 100 % for the entire period of insurance, by means of co-, re-insurance or any other valid insurance scheme proposed and accepted by Elia (p.ex self-insurance in function of financial bearing capacity). The insurance period will commence at January the 1st 2013. Insurance proposals will have to be submitted before August 30th 2012.


Common procurement vocabulary (CPV) 66000000


Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information III.1) Conditions for participation III.1.1)

Qualification for the system: Conditions to be fulfilled by economic operators in view of their qualification: Selection criteria’s for the broker: The selection of the broker in this qualification. Procedure will be evaluated through the qualification file to provide to Elia to Pascal Mukile before 8th of May on 12:00 pm; The qualification file needs to contain minimum the following elements: 1) General information: 2) Financial information: a) The broker should proof a D&B rating below 4 and If available, a positive rating by a rating agency b) The broker should indicate, If available, indicate registration number at FSMA or any similar regulatory organism in the broker’s home country or country within the European Union where he mainly performs and in which he has valid registration to perform the insurance broker activities c) Associated companies (Parent co, etc ...) The broker should indicate if he participates as a member of a partnership and indicate the name of partner brokers

05/04/2012 S67 http://ted.europa.eu/TED

Member states - Service contract - Qualification system with call for competition - Not applicable Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union


OJ/S S67 05/04/2012 110277-2012-EN

Member states - Service contract - Qualification system with call for competition - Not applicable


3) Capacity information: a) The broker must prove the ability and availability of minimum 4 insurance or reinsurance companies (to mention by name) which he should select to participate to the calls for tender with him, in an specifically for the tender organized and/or exclusive consortium or not. The answer can be different by lot, the broker is allowed to clarify which scheme he would set-up for the different type of assets and risks (p.ex Terrorism).The financial information (see section 2 here above) of the insurance/reinsurance companies should be included, b) The broker should be able to indicate 5 significant references (description + insured party + appointed partner insurance companies + insured value above 500 000 000 EUR) in the property insurance market active the last 5 years c) The Broker should prove he has own experience of captive management, re-insurance negotiation and placement through a specialized department or a separate entity within a holding of affiliated companies or can rely on experience of a partner (re-insurance) broker. The financial information of the latter should be included. 4) Additional services: a) The broker should prove, that in case of incident during the application of the contract, the administrative SPOC will be on the location within 3 hours; b) The broker needs to prove he has minimum 2 Administrative SPOC’s which have a good command (spoken and written) of French and Dutch. Methods according to which each of those conditions will be verified: Comparison between the submitted document and the requirement of Elia. III.1.2)

Information about reserved contracts

Section V: Procedure IV.1) Award criteria IV.1.1)

Award criteria


Information about electronic auction An electronic auction will be used: no


Administrative information


File reference number attributed by the contracting entity:


Duration of the qualification system Indefinite duration


Information about renewals

Section VI: Complementary information VI.1) Information about European Union funds VI.2)

Additional information:


Procedures for appeal


Body responsible for appeal procedures Elia Asset SA Culliganlaan 1G 1831 Brussels BELGIUM E-mail: pascal.mukile@elia.be Telephone: +32 25467671


Lodging of appeals

05/04/2012 S67 http://ted.europa.eu/TED

Member states - Service contract - Qualification system with call for competition - Not applicable Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union


OJ/S S67 05/04/2012 110277-2012-EN

Member states - Service contract - Qualification system with call for competition - Not applicable


Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained Elia Asset SA Culliganlaan 1G 1831 Brussels BELGIUM E-mail: alexandre.duquesne@elia.be Telephone: +32 25467924


Date of dispatch of this notice: 3.4.2012

05/04/2012 S67 http://ted.europa.eu/TED

Member states - Service contract - Qualification system with call for competition - Not applicable Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union



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