Elia and TenneT set major step in consolidation of energy exchanges: Belpex now integrated in APX-ENDEX Arnhem, Brussels, 14 October 2010
Transfer of the respective stakes in Belgian energy exchange Belpex of Belgian and Dutch transmission system operators, Elia and TenneT, (60% for Elia and 10% for TenneT) to APX-Endex successfully concluded. Belpex now full subsidiary of APX-ENDEX with offices in Brussels. Elia now holds a 20% stake in the capital of APX-ENDEX while TenneT now owns 56.1% of the shares. Important step towards establishing a single electricity market for NorthWest Europe. Creation of better opportunities for international trade.
Elia and TenneT had announced in April their mutual intention to bring their respective stakes in the Belgian power exchange Belpex (60% for Elia and 10% for TenneT) into APX-ENDEX that already operates the electricity spot market in the Netherlands and in Great-Britain. This operation is in line with the European strategy of both TSOs and ties in with APX-ENDEX’s ambition to further improve the European electricity market. Elia has acquired a 20% stake in APX-ENDEX and will have a say its management bodies. The operation has been successfully concluded after receiving approval from European authorities. APX-ENDEX ownership is now Elia (20%), Fluxys (3 %), Gasunie (21 %) Tennet (56 %). The transaction represents a vital step towards integrating the energy exchanges on the North-West European market and consolidates the work that APX-ENDEX and Belpex have been doing since their creation, in a wider European context. Belpex will be assigned its own specific areas of activity within the new organisation. These will relate to the Belgian-Dutch market and the green certificate market. APX-Endex and Belpex, as well as Elia and TenneT, have been cooperating closely for many years and pioneered the market coupling between France, Belgium and the Netherlands in 2006. They are currently working with their European partners to the extension of this market coupling mechanism to Central-West Europe and the Nordic countries. Thanks to this operation, the (spot) prices for electricity will be issued on all markets in an efficient and coordinated manner, and cross-border trade optimised, thus delivering benefits to European market players.
Media contacts: Elia: Lise Mulpas Eva Suls
+32 2 546 73 75 +32 2 546 73 78
+31 26 3732600
Bert Maes
+32 2 546 72 39
+32 472 40 69 97
Tennet: Otto Jager
+31 26 373 2752
TenneT Jelle Wils
Investor relations Elia:
About APX-Endex APX-Endex, which has its main office in Amsterdam, is a group of international electricity and gas exchanges handling short-term trading in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Belgium. Its key activity in the Netherlands is the electricity spot market, which allows anonymous day-ahead trading of spot contracts via an auction system on an electronic trading platform. The exchange ensures that contracts are fulfilled financially, provides financial services and publishes a daily price index, among other things. About Belpex Belpex is a leading contributor to the integration of the European electricity markets, accountable for delivering transparent price signals to its participants and the community. Belpex is focused on delivering electricity market services that bring value to its members and the entire Belgian electricity wholesale market. Belpex provides a trading platform for the negotiation of spot electricity trades and green certificates. Purchase/sale transactions are concluded directly, but anonymously, between the market participants. For more information please visit About TenneT Tennet is Europe's first cross-border grid operator for electricity. With approximately 20,000 kilometres of (Extra) High Voltage lines and 35 million end users in the Netherlands and Germany we rank among the top five grid operators in Europe. Our focus is to develop a north-west European energy market and to integrate renewable energy. Taking power further. About Elia Elia is the Belgian transmission system operator, transmitting electricity efficiently, reliably and safely from producers to distribution system operators and major industrial users. Elia is also responsible for importing and exporting electricity from and to neighbouring countries. Elia owns the entire Belgian very-high-voltage grid (150 to 380 kV) and around 94% (ownership and user rights) of the Belgian high-voltage grid (30 to 70 kV). Elia's grid comprises 5,614 kilometres of overhead lines and 2,765 kilometres of underground cables, and is a key link between electricity markets in northern and southern Europe, as well as between Belgian producers and consumers. As a result of recent investment in interconnection capacity with neighbouring countries, Belgium has become one of the most open and interconnected countries in Europe. Elia has recently extended its activities in a European perspective and become one of the top 5 European TSOs with the acquisition of the German
TSO 50Hertz in cooperation with IFM (Industry Funds Management). More information: