OJ/S S124 02/07/2009 180772-2009-EN
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
B-Diegem: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support 2009/S 124-180772 CONTRACT NOTICE – UTILITIES Services SECTION I: CONTRACTING ENTITY I.1) NAME, ADDRESSES AND CONTACT POINT(S): Elia System Operator SA/NV, Culliganlaan 1, Attn: Bart Bické, B-1831 Diegem. Tel. +32 25467825. E-mail: bart.bicke@elia.be. Fax +32 25467840. Internet address(es): General address of the contracting entity: www.elia.be. Further information can be obtained at: As in above-mentioned contact point(s). Specifications and additional documents (including documents for a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained at: As in above-mentioned contact point(s). Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: As in above-mentioned contact point(s). I.2)
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting entity: Elia IT Contractors: Open Qualification System for Preferred Supplier List (PSL).
Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance: Services. Service category: No 07. Main place of performance: Elia Sites in Belgium.
The notice involves: The setting up of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS).
Information on framework agreement:
Short description of the contract or purchase(s): Elia is establishing an Open Qualification System with a preferred supplier list (PSL). The selected vendors should be able to provide the required ICT contractor profiles in Time&Material or at fixed fee. An Open Qualification System at Elia means that once a year a Supplier can request to be part of the “Pool” of preferred Suppliers. — The Supplier must be compliant to the criteria, — And must remain qualified during the term. The Selection Criteria can change over time making a dynamic evolution in the PSL possible. — For each contractor request, Suppliers from the Pool are systematically put in competition, — This Preferred Supplier List (PSL) can grow, but also decrease. Practically: — Once a year, before APRIL, a Supplier can request to be part of the “PSL”,
02/07/2009 S124 ted.europa.eu
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
OJ/S S124 02/07/2009 180772-2009-EN
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
— Qualification after positive application request, — Elia has the right to adapt the entrance criteria, + But only if applicable to all preferred Suppliers, — An existing preferred Supplier can be excluded from the pool when the Supplier no longer fulfills the conditions. What is the process, once you have been selected. — Elia sends a contractor request to the relevant Pool of Suppliers, — The IT-Supplier is responsible for submitting maximum 2 pre-qualified IT-Contractors, answering the requirements in the contractor request, — The IT-Supplier will submit competitive tariffs for these profiles. The IT-Supplier must Submit the potential IT-Contractor profiles and commercial offer to the functional email it-contractors@elia.be, using the correct “Subject message”, as will be specified in every contractor request. If the IT-Supplier does not comply with this process, the proposed profiles might be rejected. II.1.6)
Common procurement vocabulary (CPV): 72000000.
Contract covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): No.
Division into lots: Yes. Tenders should be submitted for: one or more lots.
Variants will be accepted: No.
Total quantity or scope:
INFORMATION ABOUT LOTS LOT NO 1 TITLE IT and Datacom Exploitation 1)
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Lot 1: IT & Datacom Exploitation is responsible for the availability, evolution and support of all ICT products and the entire IT park (pc’s, laptops, printers, servers and netwerks). They also take care of the data network and data transmission. This department is also responsible for all communication media (like telephone, Mobile, xDSL lines). The IT & Datacom Exploitation department has an own Helpdesk to support its activities. Lot 1.a: Helpdesk, Server Team, Workstation Team. Lot 1.b: Datacom Team. Descriptions can be found on https://esfs.elia-engineering.com/PSLITContractors.
02/07/2009 S124 ted.europa.eu
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
OJ/S S124 02/07/2009 180772-2009-EN
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT LOTS: Here is a list of possible profiles for Lot 1: (This list is not exhaustive). All profiles have oral and written knowledge of Dutch and/or French and working knowledge of English. 1) Job description Active directory – Mail specialist, Profile needed: Senior. 2) Technical skills: — He/she will be responsible for the exploitation of our Active directory. — He/she will be responsible for the exploitation of our mail – fax – sms environment. — He/she will be responsible for the file and print services. — He/she will be responsible for the exploitation of our VMware environment. — He/she will be responsible for the antivirus – antispam environment. — Understanding + proven experience of following domains - products is a must: —— W2K3 – W2K8, —— Exchange 2K3, —— Symantec Vault, —— Networking TCP-IP, —— Faxination (fax – SMS), —— Mailmarshal (mail relaying), —— Trend micro (antivirus), —— VM Ware (ESX), —— Aladdin (e-token), —— File and print services, —— Security principles, —— Microsoft Operation Manager 2007, —— Scripting AD/exchange objects (VBS). 3) Non – Technical Skills: — Must be a team player, — Must have planning and organizational skills (working with strict deadlines – must be able to cope with stress), — Must be able to troubleshoot complex problems, — Must be able to communicate (oral + written) in French, Dutch and English. Mother tongue must be or Dutch or French, — Must be able to work independently, — Customer minded, — Able to learn new products-environments quickly, — Able to write and validate processes – documentation, — Must participate to a duty role (24 x 7), — Must have a Driver license + car, — Must be very accountable and is not a 9 to 5 worker. 1) Job description Oracle – EAI – AD specialist o Profile needed: Expert. 2) Technical skills: — He/she will be responsible for the exploitation of our Active directory environment. — He/she will be responsible for the exploitation of the oracle environment. — He/she will be responsible for the exploitation of the Enterprise Application Integration (EAI - Tibco) environment. — He/she will be responsible for the file and print services.
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European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
OJ/S S124 02/07/2009 180772-2009-EN
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
— He/she will be responsible for the exploitation of our VMware environment. — He/she will be responsible for the antivirus environment. — Understanding + proven experience of following domains - products is a must: —— W2K3 – W2K8, —— Oracle (10) on windows – Unix T64 (oracle 9.2), —— Unix T64, —— Linux (red hat – Suse), —— Tibco o Networking TCP-IP o Trend micro (antivirus), —— VM Ware (ESX), —— File and print services o Security principles. 3) Non – Technical Skills: — Must be a team player. — Must have planning and organizational skills (working with strict deadlines – must be able to cope with stress). — Must be able to troubleshoot complex problems. — Must be able to communicate (oral + written) in French, Dutch and English. Mother tongue must be or Dutch or French. — Must be able to work independently. — Customer minded. — Able to learn new products-environments quickly. — Able to write and validate processes – documentation. — Must participate to a duty role (24 x 7). — Must be very accountable and is not a 9 to 5 worker. — Must have a Driver license + car. 1) Job description System Watcher, Profile needed: medium. 2) Technical skills: — He/she will be responsible for the daily monitoring of our server infrastructure (hardware, OS, applications). — He/she will be responsible the follow up of the opened cases (incidents). — He/she will be responsible for installation of servers (physical – virtual). — He/she will be responsible for the file and print services. — Understanding + proven experience of following domains - products is a must: —— W2K3 – W2K8, —— VMWARE operator level ESX (create, clone, maintain VMWare servers o Exchange 2003 (operator level), —— IIS 5-6 (operator level), —— Mailmarshal (operator level), —— Hardware (Proliant DL385 HP), —— Networking TCP-IP, —— HP SIM, —— Microsoft Operations MGR 2007, —— File and print services, —— Security principles. 3) Non – Technical Skills: — Must be a team player. — Must have planning and organizational skills (working with strict deadlines – must be able to cope with stress). 02/07/2009 S124 ted.europa.eu
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
OJ/S S124 02/07/2009 180772-2009-EN
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
— Must be able to troubleshoot problems. — Must be able to communicate (oral + written) in French, Dutch and English. Mother tongue must be or Dutch or French. — Must be able to work independently. — Customer minded. — Able to learn new products-environments quickly. — Able to write and validate processes – documentation. — Must be very accountable. — Must have a driver license and a car. — Working hours will be daily from 6:30 - 17h (10 h a day). 1) Job description System watcher II, Profile needed: medium. 2) Technical skills: — He/she will be responsible for installation (HW + OS) (physical + Virtual servers) and moves of our servers. — Understanding + proven experience of following domains - products is a must: —— W2K3 – W2K8, —— Hardware: HP proliant family, —— VMWare: operator level (create – modify – clone – backup – restore VM servers), —— Networking TCP-IP, —— Security principles, —— HPSIM, —— Cabling Management. 3) Non – Technical Skills: — Must be a team player. — Must have planning and organizational skills (working with strict deadlines – must be able to cope with stress). — Must be able to troubleshoot problems. — Must be able to communicate (oral + written) in French, Dutch and English. Mother tongue must be or Dutch or French. — Must be able to work independently. — Customer minded. — Able to learn new products-environments quickly. — Able to write and validate processes – documentation. — Must be very accountable, accurate and not a 9 to 5 worker. — Must have a Driver license + car. 1) Job description Web – DB specialist, Profile needed: Senior. 2) Technical skills: — He/she will be responsible for the daily exploitation of all intra – internet websites, proxies and reverse proxies. — He/she will be responsible for the daily exploitation of all SQL databases (creation, backups, tuning , mirroring , replication, maintenance etc). — He/she will be responsible for the daily exploitation of all in house developed applications. — Must be able to read – modify existing scripts (VBS, ASP, TSQL, Batch). — A full understanding (and experience) of following domains- products is a must: —— W2K3 – W2K8, —— Clustered environments (windows), 02/07/2009 S124 ted.europa.eu
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
OJ/S S124 02/07/2009 180772-2009-EN
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
—— Patchlink o SQL 2005 – 2008, —— IIS 5 – IIS 6, —— Isa 2006, —— ASP .net (3.5 or higher), —— Websense, —— Networking TCP-IP, —— VM Ware (ESX), —— Active directory, —— Security principles, —— HP SIM, —— MS Operation Manager 2007, —— Enterprise Schedule, —— Basics of Linux. 3) Non – Technical Skills: — Must be a team player. — Must have planning and organizational skills (working with strict deadlines – must be able to cope with stress). — Must be able to troubleshoot complex problems. — Must be able to communicate (oral + written) in French, Dutch and English. Mother tongue must be or Dutch or French. — Must be able to work independently. — Proven experience in operations (exploitation) of domains – products listed above. — Customer minded. — Able to learn new products-environments quickly. — Able to write and validate processes – documentation. — Must participate to a duty role (24 x 7). — Must be very accountable and is not a 9 to 5 worker. — Must have a Driver license + car. 1. Job description Helpdesk Officer, Profile needed: Medium. 2. Technical skills: — Basic knowledge of VOIP. — User management (use of Active Directory). — Experience in TCP/IP (VLANs, POE, Wifi,...). — Basics of videoconferencing. — Basics of domotica (meeting rooms). — Basics of smartphones and GPRS (level troubleshooting). — Basics of Wifi. — Staging hardware. — MS Office good knowledge. — Basic knowledge of Hardware (PC, printers and peripherals). — Very good knowledge of XP (Use, configuration, and troubleshooting). — Basic knowledge of (commands) DOS. — Basic knowledge of VPN. 3. Non – Technical Skills: — Autonomous. 02/07/2009 S124 ted.europa.eu
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
OJ/S S124 02/07/2009 180772-2009-EN
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
— Dutch and French speaking. — Good verbal communication. — Updates of tickets in Helpdesk Tool. — Respect for procedures. — Follow up of Checklists. — Make procedures and checklists. — Take responsibility of own actions. — Analytic thinking. — Flexible. — Proactive. — Client oriented. — Professional. — Team spirit. — Problem solving. 1. Job description Helpdesk Team Leader, Profile needed: Senior. 2. Technical skills: — Basic knowledge of VOIP. — User management (use of Active Directory). — Experience in TCP/IP (VLANs, POE, Wifi,...). — Basics of videoconferencing. — Basics of domotica (meeting rooms). — Basics of smartphones and GPRS (level troubleshooting). — Basics of Wifi. — Staging hardware. — MS Office good knowledge. — Basic knowledge of Hardware (PC, printers and peripherals). — Very good knowledge of XP (Use, configuration, and troubleshooting). — Basic knowledge of (commands) DOS. — Basic knowledge of VPN. 3. Non – Technical Skills: — Autonomous. — Dutch and French speaking. — Good verbal communication. — Updates of tickets in Helpdesk Tool. — Respect for procedures. — Follow up of Checklists. — Make procedures and checklists. — Take responsibility of own actions. — Evaluate and delegate. — Excellent Communication. — Motivator. — Technical background of applications (bv. flow user mgt). — Analytic thinking. — Flexible. — Proactive. 02/07/2009 S124 ted.europa.eu
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
OJ/S S124 02/07/2009 180772-2009-EN
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
— Client oriented. — Professional. — Team spirit. — Problem solving. LOT NO 2 TITLE Development 1)
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Lot 2: In Development & Maintenance (D&M) all IT requests to support the business processes are centralized. This can happen with custom made applications or by setting up different parameters of standard software packages, like SAP. IT project leaders translate the business requirements into functional and technical analysis’ in order to manage the internal and external development and follow up. Lot 2.a: Microsoft. Lot 2.b: SAP. Lot 2.c: Testing. Lot 2.d: Tibco. Lot 2.e: Analysts and Project Management. Descriptions can be found on https://esfs.elia-engineering.com/PSLITContractors.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT LOTS: Here is a list of possible profiles for Lot 2: (This list is not exhaustive). All profiles have oral and written knowledge of Dutch and/or French and working knowledge of English. Designer. — Proven track record in the domains of usability and man-machine interface design. — Tasks include: GUI design, Creation of training materials and user manuals, Training delivery, Documentation and Technical Writing. Tester. — Proven track record in the domain of application testing: integration and product testing, performance testing, user acceptance testing. — Methodological approach to defining test plans, test cases and test data, managing test campaigns and reporting test results. — Works directly with functional analysts and development team, able to plan and report own work. — Experience with automated testing tools is not required but considered a plus. Architect. Experience: — At least 4 years in development of Microsoft solutions. — At least 4 years in .Net. Functional skills: — Support to developers. — Estimation of development duration. — Code review.
02/07/2009 S124 ted.europa.eu
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
OJ/S S124 02/07/2009 180772-2009-EN
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
— Define architecture of the software. — Design (Domain Model, Database Model, SOA). — Deployments, installation manuals. — Team spirit. — Autonomy. Technical skills: — .Net 3.5. — C#. — WCF. — WF. — GUI technologies among such as WPF, Sylverlight, Windows Form, Asp.net. — Design patterns, enterprise application blocks. — SQL Server 2005 (2008). — Team System Foundation. — Windows Server 2003 (2008). — UML. Developer. Experience: — At least 2 years in development of Microsoft Solutions. — At least 2 years in .Net. Functional skills: — Development and maintenance of software’s. — Design (Domain Model, Database Model, SOA). — Team spirit. — Autonomy. Technical skills: — .Net 3.5. — C#. — WF. — 2 GUI technologies among such as WPF, Sylverlight, Windows Form, Asp.net. — SQL Server 2005 (2008). — Windows Server 2003 (2008). — UML. — DBA. Experience: — At least 4 years. Functional skills: — Support to developers. — Administration of databases. — Design of databases. — SQL Code Review. Technical skills: — Sql Server 2005 - 2008. SAP:
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European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
OJ/S S124 02/07/2009 180772-2009-EN
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
— Proven track record for one or more of the following SAP modules: FI, CO, MM, SRM, SD, PS, PM, HR, BW, Portal, SAP Netweaver. — Multiple implementation projects (full project life cycles) at multiple clients / industries. — Minimum 5-7 years experience, willing to do a mixture of project and maintenance work. — Responsibilities include: assisting the SAP IT project manager with blueprint activities, SAP configuration, ABAP specification development, testing activities, deployment activities, data management, and support activities (helpdesk support for end users, implementation of patches,...). Additional for technical consultants: — Deep ABAP skills andunderstanding of SAP objects / tables. — Deep Netweaver skills(Webdynpro) / Adobe Interactive Forms / Workflow / CE / Portal / PI. — Able to develop technical specifications based on functional specifications prepared by other team members and develop quality programs respecting defined standards. Additional for BW consultants: — Practical experience in SAP Netweaver BW 7.0, Integrated Planning, Enterprise Portal and Visual Composer. Relevant knowledge of SAP BCS, SAP BPS and ABAP. — Knowledge of SAP Netweaver technologies. — Proven track record in SAP Netweaver BWproject and support organisation. — Minimum 5 to 7 years experience in Reporting and Data Warehouse Management techniques. LOT NO 3 TITLE IT expertise in Energy Industry (T&M / Fixed fee) 1)
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Lot 3: Consulting, auditing, analysis, modelling, testing, project management related to Transmission system software applications in de domain of high voltage network operation and security and software applications specialised on the management of deregulated electricity markets. Among others these application are focused on following domains: Energy management systems (real-time IT systems); High voltage network state estimation & security analysis, contingency analysis, Outage management, Production unit planning, Congestion management of the HV network; Load forecasting, Optimal power flow calculation; Static and dynamic network calculation tools, Redispatch, Automatic generation control, Day-ahead and intraday Scheduling and management of ancillary services; Capacity allocation & auctioning; Metering; Business modelling; business referential modelling (contracting, companies, processes, products, tariffs, network access points etc.), CIM, Reporting, Business intelligence, Quality monitoring.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT LOTS: Please provide max. 3 references of representative fixed price projects. Feel free to use your own template, but provide at least the following information: — Objective of the project, — Team composition (Number and profiles, years of experience), — Approach / Methodology, — Total number of hours estimated and realized,
02/07/2009 S124 ted.europa.eu
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
OJ/S S124 02/07/2009 180772-2009-EN
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
— Total revenue, — Result vs. Objective, — Lessons Learned. LOT NO 4 TITLE IT Governance 1)
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Lot 4: By means of standards, policies and rules, IT Governance is safeguarding the technical coherence within Elia. This service department has two main activities: — IT Architecture, — IT Security & Support. IT Architecture guards the coherence between the processes, applications and infrastructure of the information system. IT Security guards the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. This service makes binding documents, maps the information system and guards its safety.
Deposits and guarantees required:
Main financing conditions and payment arrangements and/or reference to the relevant provisions regulating them:
Legal form to be taken by the grouping of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded:
Other particular conditions to which the performance of the contract is subject: No.
Personal situation of economic operators, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers: Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if requirements are met: — Please read first “instructions for suppliers”, — Send your completed application before 20th of august, 12:00 at the latest toit-contractors@elia.be. Use as subject: “IT-Contractors PSL Candidature : Your Company Name”. — All templates will be downloadable as of 6.7.2009 till 20.8.2009. Please use the Excel compliancy template – sheet 1. Templates can be found on https://esfs.elia-engineering.com/PSLITContractors. Login: EliaIT. Password: Ch5A5roa (The applicants not using the templates may be excluded from participating). I.1. May be excluded from participating: a) The applicant who is bankrupt or is being wound up, whose affairs are being administered by the court, who has entered into an arrangement with creditors, has suspended business activities or is in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations, such as proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or for an arrangement with creditors;
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European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
OJ/S S124 02/07/2009 180772-2009-EN
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
b) The applicant who has been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata; c) The applicant who has been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the Contracting Entity can demonstrate; d) The applicant who is guilty of serious misrepresentations in supplying the information herein required; e) The applicant who has not fulfilled his obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he is established or with those of the country of the Contracting Entity; f) The applicant who has not fulfilled his obligations relating to the payment of direct and indirect taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he is established or those of the country of the Contracting Entity; g) The applicant who can not provide a copy of the current insurance for civil liability. I.2. With regard to point a) the applicant is required to submit a certificate of non bankruptcy, of absence of any proceedings in order to obtain a declaration of bankruptcy and of absence of any similar situation or proceedings, issued by the registry of the Court of Commerce or by the competent authority in the Member State concerned; With regard to point b) the applicant is required to submit a recent certificate of good behavior and an extract from his “judicial record”; With regard to points e) and f) the applicant is required to submit a certificate issued by the competent authority in the Member State concerned; With regard to c) and d) the applicant may provide evidence that he does not meet the condition as mentioned by means of a statement under oath (see documents on https://esfs.elia-engineering.com/PSLITContractors) – or, in Member States where there is no provision for declarations on oath, by a solemn declaration made by the person concerned before a competent judicial or administrative authority, a public notary or a competent professional or trade organization in the Member State concerned; In the event that one or more of the abovementioned documents or certificates required under points a, b, e, f would not be issued by the competent authorities in the Member State concerned, or in the event that some of the cases set out above would not be covered by these documents or certificates, they may be replaced by a statement under oath (see documents on https://esfs.elia-engineering.com/PSLITContractors) or, in Member States where there is no provision for declarations on oath, by a solemn declaration made by the person concerned before a competent judicial or administrative authority, a public notary or a competent professional or trade organization in the Member State concerned. In case of application by a joint venture, each separate partner is required to submit the abovementioned documents. In addition, a joint venture is required to submit a copy of the act of its establishment as well as of the proxies concerning representation. The Contracting Entity reserves the right to demand – at any time – from the applicant the written evidence as well as any justificatory official document relating to the legal position as specified above. The standard form for the oath is available at the following address https://esfs.elia-engineering.com/ PSLITContractors (The applicants not using the templates may be excluded from participating). III.2.2)
Economic and financial capacity: Please use the Excel compliancy template – sheet 2. Templates can be found on https://esfs.elia-engineering.com/PSLITContractors. Login: EliaIT. Password: Ch5A5roa (The applicants not using the templates may be excluded from participating).
02/07/2009 S124 ted.europa.eu
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
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European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
1. The applicant is required to submit the following documents: balance sheets, statements of the overall turnover as well as a calculation sheet with the financial ratio’s proving his financial solvability (based on e.g. liquidity ratio, solvency, efficiency ratio, etc.) for the past three years (this calculation sheet is available at the following address: https://esfs.elia-engineering.com/PSLITContractors (The applicants not using the templates may be excluded from participating). 2. The applicant is required to list any company able to offer similar supplies/services and which has direct or indirect control over his company, as well as any company who is controlled – directly or indirectly – by his company (control being defined as having the possibility to influence materially the appointment of the majority of directors and/or the orientation of the strategy and governance); In case of multiple parties within a holding, only one party will be withheld in the preferred supplier list. III.2.3)
Technical capacity: Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if requirements are met: The applicant needs to provide the following documents and/or information: The absence of the requested documents and/or sufficient proof can result in the exclusion of the applicant and will influence the evaluation of the file of the applicant with regard to the selection process. Elia reserves the right to request additional documents after the submission of the response. Please use the Excel compliancy template – sheet 3. Templates can be found on https://esfs.elia-engineering.com/PSLITContractors. Login: EliaIT. Password: Ch5A5roa (The applicants not using the templates may be excluded from participating). A. About the Organization: A.1. Please provide full details of the legal entity, who would be the contracting party and the full details of your representative SPOC (Sales contact). A.2. Please indicate clearly for which lots you would be able to provide IT-Contractors: — 1 = Yes / 0 = No, — Mention the page numbers where we can find the references and motivations (see section III.2.3 B. References). Lot 1: IT and datacom Exploitation (T&M). Lot 1.a: Helpdesk, Server team, workstation team Y/N (Max. 3 refs., indicate pages). Lot 1.b: Datacom team Y/N (Max. 3 refs., indicate pages). Lot 2: Development (T&M). Lot 2.a: Microsoft (.NET) Y/N (Max. 3 refs., indicate pages). Lot 2.b: SAP Y/N (Max. 3 refs., indicate pages). Lot 2.c: Testing Y/N (Max. 3 refs., indicate pages). Lot 2.d: Tibco Y/N (Max. 3 refs., indicate pages). Lot 2.e: Analysts & Project Managers Y/N (Max. 3 refs., indicate pages). Lot 3: IT Expertise in Energy Industry (T&M / Fixed fee) Y/N (Max. 3 refs. with special details, indicate pages). Lot 4: IT Governance (T&M / Fixed fee) Y/N (Max. 3 refs., indicate pages). Not mentioning the pages of the references in the compliancy sheet can result in an exclusion. A.3. Please present your company’s activities in maximum 3 slides. A.4. Provide an organization chart showing the main functional responsibilities (Min. 3 levels). A.5. The applicant is required to describe the shareholder structure. A.6. Please indicate: — Are you a startup company, less than 3 years old. — Absolute revenue (> 1Mio) of your contracting entity,
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European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
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European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
— The value of the “IT contractors’ business” for the lot you apply, versus the rest of your business over the last 3 years 2006, 2007 and 2008. A.7. Please prove or confirm the ability of the contact person and the profiles you would propose, to communicate orally and in writing, in Dutch and/or French and working knowledge of English; A.8. Company's 2009 headcount breakdown in absolute numbers subdivided in: A.8.1 Active in management (#). A.8.2 Supporting personnel (#). A.8.3 Consultants: Total number (#) and breakdown (#) in specific competence domains. A.9. Do you subcontract. If “Yes”, what will be the uplift you propose. A.10. Do you confirm not being removed from the Elia Preferred Supplier list during the last 1 year. The minimum period before reapplying after a removal will be 1 year. A.11. Do you agree and confirm to have understood the process Elia will use to solicitate the PSL as described in the Instructions for the Supplier on (https://esfs.elia-engineering.com/PSLITContractors). B. References: Please provide - for each lot, your company wants to apply for - 3 representative references of customers where your company has been selected and has been active as preferred vendor during the last three years for similar profiles and indicate the volume realized with these references for 2006, 2007, 2008. Please also mention the name of the contact person and its coordinates. Please confirm that Elia can get in touch with these references. Only for Lot 3: Please provide max. 3 references of representative fixed price projects. Provide at least the following information: — Objective of the project, — Team composition (Number and profiles, years of experience), — Approach / Methodology, — Total number of hours estimated and realized, — Total revenue, — Result vs. Objective, — Lessons Learned. C. Service Level Agreement (SLA): Please confirm your ability to respond to the SLA hereafter: — The use of the correct Templates (https://esfs.elia-engineering.com/PSLITContractors), — Confirmation message within maximum 48 hrs with a message you will send candidate profiles or not, — Response time to profile request: within maximum 3-10 days with a profile matching the requirements, — Number of “qualified” CV's per request: maximum 2 CV’s per request; completely non-fitting profiles according to the specifications will be penalized, — Availability of the proposed profile for the requested assignment. D. Contractual: — Confirm you are fully compliant with the attached Elia Contract template “AS IS”. The contract can be found on https://esfs.elia-engineering.com/PSLITContractors. III.2.4)
Reserved contracts: No.
Execution of the service is reservedto a particular profession: No.
Legal persons should indicate the names and professional qualifications of the staff responsible for the execution of the service:
02/07/2009 S124 ted.europa.eu
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
OJ/S S124 02/07/2009 180772-2009-EN
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
Type of procedure: Negotiated Candidates have already been selected: no.
Award criteria: The most economically advantageous tender in terms of the criteria stated in the specifications or in the invitation to tender or to negotiate.
An electronic auction will be used: No.
File reference number attributed by the contracting entity: Templates can be found on:https://esfs.elia-engineering.com/PSLITContractors. Login: EliaIT Password: Ch5A5roa (The applicants not using the templates may be excluded from participating).
Previous publication concerning the same contract: Periodic indicative notice Notice number in OJ:2008/S 238-316702 of 8.12.2008.
Conditions for obtaining specifications and additional documents: Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 20.8.2009 - 12:00. Payable documents: no.
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 20.8.2009 - 12:00.
Language(s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be drawn up: English.
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender:
Conditions for opening tenders:
SECTION VI: COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION VI.1) THIS IS A RECURRENT PROCUREMENT: Yes. Estimated timing for further notices to be published: 1 year. VI.2)
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Send your completed application before the requested deadline to it-contractors@elia.be. Use as subject: "IT-Contractors PSL Candidature : Your Company Name" Not respecting these rules can result in an exclusion of the PSL.
Body responsible for appeal procedures:
02/07/2009 S124 ted.europa.eu
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union
OJ/S S124 02/07/2009 180772-2009-EN
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure
Monique Cleen, Culliganlaan 1G, B-1831 Diegem. E-mail: monique.cleen@elia.be. Tel. +32 25467653. URL: www.elia.be. Fax +32 25467840. VI.4.2)
Lodging of appeals:
Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained:
02/07/2009 S124 ted.europa.eu
European Communities – Water, energy, transport and telecommunications sectors – Negotiated procedure Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union