Connection tariffs 2005 The tariff conditions for a connection to the Elia-grid as stipulated by the decision of the CREG of December 6th 2004 and renewed by the decision of the CREG of March 10th 2005, of June 16th 2005 and of September 15th 2005, are applicable from January 1st 2005 until December 31th 2005. These conditions are: • • • • • • • •
The tariff for an orientation study; The tariff for a detail study ; The tariff for the use of a connection bay ; The tariff for the use of lines or cables and its requisites ; The tariff for the use of equipments for transformation, compensation of reactive power and filtering of the voltage wave ; The tariff for the use of supplementary protection-equipments, supplementary equipments for alarm signalisation, metering, supplementary equipments for centralised teleactions and/or telecontrol ; Reduction coefficients on the connection tariffs for production units based on renewable energy sources with limited predictability ; Reduction coefficients on the connection tariffs for auto-production units insofar as an offtake is located on the same access point.
The tariff for an orientation study The tariff for an orientation study for either a new connection or for the adaptation of an existing connection is a one-shot whose amount depends on the nominal power to connect. The amounts of the tariff are published in the table below: Nominal power to connect (P) P< 25 MW 25 MW <= P < 50 MW 50 MW <= P < 100 MW 100 MW <= P
One-shot tariff € 2250,00 € 4500,00 € 9000,00 According to specifications
The tariff for a detail study The tariff for a detail study for either a new connection or for the adaptation of an existing connection is a one-shot tariff depending on the level of the estimated cost of the connection considered in the study. The tariff for the detail study of an investment, of which the estimated cost is smaller than € 100.000,00, is individually determined according to specifications. The tariffs for the detail study of investments, of which the estimated cost is situated between € 100.000,00 and € 2.500.000,00, are fixed following the table mentioned underneath:
Estimated investment cost from € .....<
≤. To €......
Tariff detail study
€ 7.500
€ 8.750
€ 10.000
€ 11.250
€ 12.500
€ 13.750
€ 15.000
€ 16.250
€ 17.500
€ 18.750
For investments of which the estimated cost is higher than € 2.500.000,00 the tariff for the detail study is € 7.500,00 + (0,006 x the estimated cost of the investment). The charged tariffs for the detail study are reduced of the connection cost in case the realization of this connection is ordered in its totality. For grid users producing increased levels of disturbance and wishing for a connection in conformance with stadium 3 of the technical reports IEC 61000-3-6/7, additional studies, named “power quality studies”, need to be executed. In this case the following tariff, depending on the nominal power of the installations to be connected, is being charged: - Pnom < 20 MVA : € 4.000,00 - 20 MVA <=Pnom<=80 MVA : € 8.000,00 - Pnom > 80 MVA : € 12.000,00 The charged tariff for “power quality studies” cannot be reclaimed when the connection is ordered. The tariff for the use of the connection bay The tariff for the use of the connection bay consists of • •
a yearly charge to put the connection bay at disposal of the grid user a yearly charge to operate and maintain the connection bay.
These yearly charges, whose amounts are mentioned in the summary table further in the text, give the grid user a right to use the total functionality of the connection bay including preservation and replacement.
Charges to put an existing connection bay at disposal of the grid user is adapted, on a proportional way, in order to reflect the financial interventions taht the grid user has done in the past, relating to this connection bay. This adaptation is valid until the date of replacement of the connection bay and not longer than 33 years after the date the connection has been put into service.
The tariff for the use of other connection equipments: lines or cables and their requisites, equipments for transformation, compensation of reactive power and filtering of the voltage wave 1. Charges to put a new connection (or the adaptation of an existing connection) at disposal of the grid user The amount B, representing the total amount of investment, is determined according to specification. The first part of the amount B (this is the amount B1) is covered by a one-shot payment, depending on the agreements Elia has made with its suppliers. This compensation must be paid not later than the moment the connection will be put into service. The requester of the connection is free to chose the amount B1 insofar the proportion B1/B does not exceed 20%. The grid operator proposes the payment schedule for this tariff, following the chronological evolution of its expenses for this connection. The difference (this is B2 = B – B1), if there is one, is paid on the basis of yearly constant payments: •
A first part of this amount (this is the amount B2g) is object of constant periodical payments (annuities) and of a bank guarantee on first demand, which has to cover the outstanding balance of the total amount B. The annuities are calculated on the basis of the duration of the industrial project and with an interest rate equal to the WACC (the weighted average cost of capital) of ELIA; The difference (this is the amount B2r = B2 - B2g) is covered by constant periodical payments (annuities). This part doesn’t need to be covered by a bank guarantee. The annuities are calculated on the basis of the duration of the project and with an interest rate (i) equal to the WACC of ELIA, increased with a risk premium (S) for the concerned grid user or his ‘portefort’ following the formula: i =WACC + S*B2r/B2.
The grid user is free to chose the amounts B2g and B2r insofar the proportion B2r/B2 does not exceed 50 % and insofar B2g+B2r+B1 equals B.
2. Charges to put an existing connection at disposal of the grid user The annual charge is the one as mentioned in the summary table, which is further desindexed on basis of the consumption price index until the date the concerned equipment has been put into service. The charge is adapted, on a proportional basis, in order to reflect the financial interventions that possibly took place in the past. 3. Charges to operate and maintain the connection equipments The charge to operate and maintain the « other » connection equipments is mentioned in the summary table.
Summary table : connection tariffs
Bay 380 kV Bay 220 kV Bay 150 kV Bay 70 kV Bay 36 kV or 30 kV Line 380 kV single circuit Line 220 kV single circuit Line 150 kV single circuit Line 70 kV single circuit Line 36 kV or 30 kV single circuit Line 380 kV double circuit Line 220 kV double circuit Line 150 kV double circuit Line 70 kV double circuit Line 36 kV or 30 kV double circuit Cable 150 kV Cable 70 kV Cable 36 kV or 30 kV Tfo 380/70 kV (220 MVA) Tfo 220/MV (50 MVA) Tfo 150/MV (50 MVA) Tfo 150/36 kV (125 MVA) Tfo 70/MV (40 MVA) Tfo 36-30/MV (25 MVA)
Charge to put connections at disposal of grid users 150,93 k€/bay 60,91 k€/bay 55,50 k€/bay 35,53 k€/bay 12,52 k€/bay 37,22 k€/km 15,57 k€/km 15,91 k€/km 11,30 k€/km 7,38 k€/km 56,45 k€/km 25,72 k€/km 24,03 k€/km 17,12 k€/km 11,17 k€/km 50,76 k€/km 35,19 k€/km 16,92 k€/km 195,17 k€/transformer 69,89 k€/transformer 61,94 k€/transformer 104,54 k€/transformer 56,28 k€/transformer 35,68 k€/transformer
Charge to operate and maintain connections
53,06 19,00 16,84 28,42 15,30 9,70
41,03 k€/bay 16,56 k€/bay 15,09 k€/bay 9,66 k€/bay 3,40 k€/bay 10,12 k€/km 4,23 k€/km 4,32 k€/km 3,07 k€/km 2,01 k€/km 15,35 k€/km 6,99 k€/km 6,53 k€/km 4,66 k€/km 3,04 k€/km 13,80 k€/km 9,57 k€/km 4,60 k€/km k€/transformer k€/transformer k€/transformer k€/transformer k€/transformer k€/transformer
For the transformers that have a capacity that differs from those indicated in the table above, following formula is applied to determine the charges:
MVA K = K 0 0,25 + 0,75. MVA0
0 , 75
Where - K is the charge to put the concerned transformer at disposal and to operate and maintain it - MVA is the transformer capacity of the concerned transformer - K0 and MVA0 are respectively the charge to put the reference transformer at disposal and to operate and maintain it and the transformer capacity of the reference transformer, chosen in the list of the summary table so that the primary voltage equals 4
the one of the concerned transformer and the transformer capacity is nearest to the one of the concerned transformer. The tariff for the use of supplementary protection-equipments, supplementary equipments for alarm signalisation, metering, supplementary equipments for centralised teleactions and/or telecontrol The tariff for the use of supplementary protection-equipments, supplementary equipments for alarm signalisation, metering, supplementary equipments for centralised teleactions and/or telecontrol will be determined case-by-case, taking into account the specificity of the concerned equipments. A tariff of € 4.000,00 will be charged for the “power quality” reception tests at the moment the connection of disturbing installations is being put into service. For grid users exceeding the normal emission limits (as determined in accordance with art. 46 of the Royal Decision of December 19th 2002 establishing a technical regulation for the management of the electricity transmission grid and the access to it) and having obtained the exceptional permission of Elia to produce higher levels of disturbance (stadium 3 of the technical reports IEC 61000-3-6/7), an extra yearly tariff of € 4.000,00 is applicable. Reduction coefficients on the connection tariffs for the use of connections of production units based on renewable energy sources with limited predictability A reduction on the normal tariff for connection equipments of X% is foreseen if the option of a one-shot payment of the connection equipment is chosen. A reduction on the normal tariff for connection equipments of Y% (charge to put the equipment at disposal of grid users) is foreseen if the option of a periodical tariff, but being limited to the first N yearly payments. The values of X%, Y% en N are respectively 30%, 30% and 10% for 2005. Reduction coefficients on the connection tariffs for the use of connections of autoproduction units insofar an offtake is located on the same access point. A reduction on the normal tariff for connection equipments of X% is foreseen, if the option of a one-shot payment of the connection equipment is chosen. A reduction on the normal tariff for connection equipments of Y% (charge to put the equipment at disposal of grid users) is foreseen, if the option of a periodical tariff is chosen, but being limited to the first N yearly payments. The values of X%, Y% and N are respectively 30%, 30% en 10 for 2005. These reduction coefficients are applicable insofar as the auto-production unit is situated in an access point in which there is an offtake as well.