Balance Consult your contractual data online with Contract Viewer With Contract Viewer, access holders and ARPs can consult their contractual data (general information, contacts, access points, nomination rights, etc.) in a secure part of Elia’s website and submit a request to change this information or add new data.
I. Contract Viewer: principles Contract Viewer is a secure web application enabling access holders and ARPs to view and update their administrative or technical contractual data. With Contract Viewer, access holders and ARPs can get actively involved in managing their contract by submitting requests online to change their contractual information or add new data.
I.1. What information can be viewed? Contract Viewer users can view a wealth of contractual information online, including administrative and technical data. Administrative data: • access and/or ARP contracts concluded between Elia and the user; • name and details of the contacts designated by the access holder or ARP for a specific contract; • name and details of the contacts designated by Elia for a specific contract; • list of user IDs enabling the access holder or ARP to access his contractual data; • list of user IDs enabling the access holder or ARP to access the extranet tools provided by Elia for operational management of his data (i.e. subscriptions, nominations, metering data, etc.). Sample screen shot: Contract Reference:
B-Test 001
Signature Date: 13/04/2007
13/04/2007 - ...
Bank deposit:
Version data 13/04/2007 - ... ?
Customer info
Elia info
User IDs
Contracting party Head office Company Test Company
Street Teststraat 479
Building RQD
Zip code 1050
City Brussel (Elsene)
Country Belgium
Change request change
Contractual contacts Type Signatory 1 Signatory 2 Contractual Relations contact Nomination email contact Nomination phone contact 24h/24h contact New contact
Title Mevrouw Mevrouw De Heer Monsieur Mevrouw De Heer
Last name x x x x x x
First name x x x x x x
Function Director Commercial Dept. Manager Corporate Affairs Account Manager Nominations manager Nominations operator Standby operator
Contact info view view view view view view
Change request change change change change change change
Technical data: • the access points managed by an access holder, and for each of these points: • information such as the EAN Code mentioned in appendix 2 of the access contract, the direction (injection and/or offtake) and the contractual voltage level; • period of validity of the access contract, ARP’s name and details, electricity supplier’s name and details, etc.; • a list of access points for which the ARP has balance responsibility, and for each of these points: • information such as the EAN Code, duration of contract validity, access holder’s name and details, access contract references, etc.; • data relating to border nomination rights, nomination rights on the Elia Hub and access to distribution systems. Access holders can also apply to add an access point to their contract using Contract Viewer.
I.2. A user-friendly interface to make life easier To make life easier for users, Elia has chosen an interface for Contract Viewer that is both user-friendly and self-explanatory. To consult and manage their contract data, users: • open a screen where they can select the contract they want to work on; • select the category containing the data they wish to consult: Customer Info, Elia Info, User IDs; • consult the relevant data within the selected category. For example, the "Customer Info" category will tell them who signed the contract for their company and the names of the contacts for the administrative aspects of the contract or the nomination process; • can make an online request for data to be added or changed, as shown in the screen below. Sample screen shot Version data 13/04/2007 - ... ?
Customer info
Elia info
User IDs
Users User-ID
Expiration Date
Change request
Contract Viewer Contract Viewer
11/08/2007 11/08/2007
change change
New contact
This request will be validated by Elia Customer Support & Services and included in an amendment to the existing contract.
II. The benefits of Contract Viewer Contract Viewer provides access holders and ARPs with easy access to their contractual data. This allows them to: • instantly view a range of administrative data; • check that their contract updates have been successfully processed. What’s more, Contract Viewer features a fully secure interface, making it easier for users to manage their contracts (e.g. by requesting changes or additions). This easy-access and user-friendly interface also offers access holders a full overview of all their access points.
III. How to benefit from this service When a grid access contract or an ARP contract is concluded, Elia Customer Support & Services creates two user IDs with a password for each one. The access holder or ARP can start using Contract Viewer as soon as he receives these details.
IV. Contractual basis Contract Viewer is reserved exclusively for access holders and ARPs that are parties to a contract with Elia.
Contract Viewer in 5 key points • Contract Viewer enables access holders and ARPs to consult their contractual data online. • Access holders and ARPs using Contract Viewer can also request changes or additions to their contractual data. • Access to Contract Viewer is wholly confidential and takes place in a completely secure part of the Elia website. Security is guaranteed by a user ID and password, amongst other features. • Contract Viewer allows users to access administrative and technical data.
E8-E-23.01.08 / Non-contractual document / Editor: J. Vandermeiren, Bd de l’Empereur 20, 1000 Brussels
• Contract Viewer becomes available automatically as soon as an access or ARP contract is concluded with Elia.