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Information for the use of market operators

Online reporting of operational consumption and production data for better knowledge of the Belgian electricity market Elia publishes a wide range of operational data on its website (www.elia.be) that is free of charge to any inter¬ested parties. Some of the data relate to the consumption and production of electricity in the Elia control area. This information enables the market players to more accurately position themselves on the market and gives a valuable indication for producing price expectations and analysing market trends.

I. Online reporting: principles The data are freely accessible to anyone visiting the Elia website (www.elia.be). The data are based on information which the mar¬ket players make available to Elia and pertain to electricity consumption based on the production of facilities connected to the 30 kV (and higher) grids and the production data for those production facilities for which a CIPU contract has been signed with Elia.

II. Key data neatly organised II.1. Consumption Consumption data can be found at www.elia.be/Operational data & tools/Consumption. The consumption diagram shows the consumption trend throughout the day on an hourly basis in the Elia control area, along with (for the purposes of comparison) the consumption for the previous day and a forecast for the next six days. This indicator gives a rough picture of electricity consumption in Belgium. It comprises the net output of the power stations and the local production units that inject power into the grid at a voltage of at least 30 kV and the injection/offtake balances. Production units connected at a voltage lower than 30 kV are only counted if a net injection into the Elia grid is measured at the connection points with the distribution grids. As a result, most grid losses are included. The energy used to pump water in the pump stations’ reservoirs is not included. The Elia control area comprises Belgium (except that part of Walloon distribution system operator AIESH’s grid that belongs to the RTE control area) plus the Sotel grid in southern Luxembourg. It is possible to consult historical data (from 1 January 2005 on) in CSV or XLS format. The indicator gives a picture of the extent of the Belgian market. For industrial customers this is useful as a benchmark when situating their consumption profile. The history can be used to forecast future trends and demand. In combination with other databases, these data help market players to carry out individualised analyses of the impact of environmental factors on consumption and how it relates to the price.

II.2. Production The production data can be found at www.elia.be/Operational data & tools/Power generation. The data pertain to those produc¬tion units for which a CIPU contract has been signed with Elia (see the sheet ‘The CIPU contract: a set framework for taking part in managing the high-voltage grid’). Historical data are also available. The following indicators are available: • production units: an overview of technical parameters (type, fuel and nominal technical capacity) and Access Responsible Parties (ARPs) which submit nominations; • production forecasts: overview of the available production capacity connected to the Elia grid, total and by type of fuel, based on the information sent by ARPs for each production unit. These data are available at least until the end of the year; • unplanned outages: overview of unplanned outages of production units with a capacity of more than 100 MW in near-real time and of the available capacity remaining after the outage; • energy produced: a quarter-hourly overview of the energy produced by the power stations for which Elia has measurement data, per type of fuel; • historical data for installed and available production capacity from 1 January 2006 to D-1 can be downloaded in XLS or CSV format − for historical data, all fuel types are grouped together; • historical data for energy produced are also available in XLS or CSV format − these data are currently available back to 1 November 2006.

III. Legal basis

• All visitors to Elia’s website (www.elia.be) have free access to a large quantity of operational data regarding the Belgian electricity market. • The online reporting of consumption and production data is based on information that the market players supply to Elia. • For the various market players these data include useful information, e.g. it can be used for benchmarking on the Belgian market and for analysing prices and markets. • Elia is constantly endeavouring to improve, refine and expand the available information. • As a market facilitator, Elia is fully aware of just how important transparent information is to the correct operation of the market.

Online reporting of operational consumption and production data in 5 points

I2-E-12.03.2012 / Non-contractual document / Editor: J. Vandermeiren, Bd de l’Empereur 20, 1000 Brussels

The legal basis for providing operational data on the Elia website is Regulation (EC) No 1228/2003 and Commission Decision 2006/770/EC of 9 November 2006 amending the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1228/2003 on conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity (the ‘Congestion Management Guidelines’).

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