Central West European Market Coupling Project
Dear coordinators of Pentalateral SG 1, CWE parties acknowledge the receipt of the mail by the CWE governments via the PLEF sent on June 25th. In accordance with the decision taken during the meeting in Bonn between the CWE-Nordic regulators, TSOs, Power Exchanges and EMCC on 7 May 2010, CWE Market Coupling project partners are preparing for a simultaneous go-live with the Interim Tight Volume Coupling (ITVC) between the two regions. This ITVC solution builds on the existing EMCC tight volume coupling model on the DanishSwedish-German border. ITVC is an interim solution that will be replaced by an enduring price coupling solution covering at least the entire CWE and Nordic regions. ITVC is scheduled to be implemented in two steps, with the NorNed cable being integrated in the second step. As indicated in the attached report from CWE/Nordic partners to the regulators, the ITVC project partners have established a detailed planning which leads to a target launch of the first ITVC related step on 9 November 2010, subject to regulatory approval (including resolution of the outstanding regulatory issues in CWE) and successful completion of the final tests and simulation phases. With regard to the system implementation, the CWE partners have continued to make progress in performing system integration tests as well as concluding a successful member testing phase in July 2010, in accordance with the initial time schedule. A second CWE member testing phase will be organized which will take into account the interactions between ITVC and CWE MC. The session which was initially scheduled in August 2010, will therefore be moved to mid October, to be confirmed in a later stage to the market parties. If by mid September it appears that the simultaneous launch of ITVC and CWE on 9 November is not confirmed, CWE partners would be technically ready to launch CWE price coupling without ITVC subject to direction from regulators with six weeks’ notice. We are looking forward to your response in order to organize an information seminar and to launch a press release on short notice to inform the market participants.
CWE Market Coupling Project Partners.