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Metering Quarter-hourly data: a way of checking invoicing and offtake profiles Elia provides its customers with a quarter-hourly meter reading service that gives its customers exclusive access to their metering data. This kind of metering allows them to quantify power offtakes from the highvoltage grid and injections of power onto this grid. With these data, Elia customers can check their invoicing and fine-tune their offtake profile.

I. Quarter-hourly data: principles I.1. Quarter-hourly data Elia offers its customers quarter-hourly data, i.e. the averages of values taken every quarter hour. This is used as the basis to create curves which consist of quarter-hourly data for one or more days. Each curve covers one or more groups of no more than 100 quarter-hourly values (24 hours + 1 hour), which makes it possible to cover an entire day, including time changes.

I.2. Two groups of data The data that make up these curves are varied in nature. They may be: • quarter-hourly data collected via meters operated by Elia, using acquisition, processing and publication systems. These data are transmitted to the Elia computer system. They can then be regrouped by grid access point before being made available to customers; or • nomination data for exchanges of energy between ARPs carried out via the Hub, as well as for imports and exports at borders, allocations, etc.

I.3. Six types of metering curves A given meter can simultaneously collect data on the injection and offtake of electricity, on active or reactive power, inductive or capacitive power. Consequently, six different curves can be established for a given meter.

I.4. Non-validated daily curves and validated monthly curves The grid user can opt to receive: • non-validated curves published on D+1 (i.e. one day after the measurements were taken) and comprising data for one day; • validated curves published monthly and comprising data for each day of a given month. The validation level depends on when they are published. Data published on M+4 working days (i.e. four working days after the last day of measurements) are 95% validated. The data published on M+10 calendar days (i.e. 10 calendar days after the last day of measurements) are 100% validated; • both non-validated curves on D+1 and validated curves published monthly.

II. Quarter-hourly data: basic metering and additional metering Elia provides grid users with two types of curves: • basic metering, used for metering data that Elia provides on its own initiative and free of charge to ARPs, access holders and energy suppliers, as well as grid users (on request). They each receive globalised data for a given access point in the form of daily and monthly curves. These data allow them to invoice their activities and check their invoices; • commercial or additional metering, i.e. all measurements other than basic metering. For reasons of confidentiality, this feepaying service is only available to grid users. However, grid users can authorise Elia to supply their metering data to a third party. The additional metering tariffs can be consulted on the Elia website (www.elia.be, Products & services – Metering services – Additional metering).

III. The benefits: transparent invoicing, cost control and user-friendliness The quarter-hourly data provided by Elia provide the customer with many benefits in terms of information, cost control and data management: • the grid user is guaranteed transparent invoicing of the services provided by Elia and by other players on the Belgian market: supplier, access holder, etc.; • the customer can fine-tune its offtake profile and thus control costs. The customer can streamline offtake without having to install and manage metering infrastructure. What’s more, the cost of additional metering services is low; • the curves are provided to users in csv format (convertible into Excel) or in XML, so that they can be easily read and imported into the customer’s system. This is highly reliable; • the customer can receive multiple data via a given channel and in the same format; • the metering data presented in the form of quarter-hourly curves are acknowledged and accepted by all players on the Belgian and European market.

IV. How to benefit from quarter-hourly data Elia provides basic metering services free of charge and on its own initiative to ARPs, access holders and energy suppliers. The grid user must submit an application to Elia in order to gain access to the service. The curves can be consulted in a secure part of the Elia website, requiring a password, username and EIC code. A customer obtains a password and username by submitting a request by e-mail to metering.services@elia.be. The EIC code is issued by Elia on receiving a form that can be downloaded from the Elia website (www.elia.be – Operational data & tools ). Upon entering these codes, the user gains access to a personal mailbox containing the curves. The user can select a "business to consumer" or "business to business" interface. The "business to business" interface has been calibrated to process a bigger volume of data.

The Grid Code stipulates that ARPs, access holders and suppliers that have a regulated contract with Elia shall automatically receive quarter-hourly curves for basic metering. The curves can also be provided free of charge to grid users on request. Quarterhourly data for additional metering can be provided after signing a Metering Services Contract.

Provision of quarter-hourly data in 5 key points • Elia provides its customers with quarter-hourly curves. This is a compilation of quarter-hourly data on injections and offtakes. • The curves include data from meters operated by Elia as well as other data, such as nominations. • Non-validated curves are provided on D+1 and validated curves are provided on a monthly basis. • Quarter-hourly curves guarantee transparent invoicing for Elia customers and mean that they have a more accurate offtake profile. • The curves are easy to access via the secure section of the Elia website.

V. Legal and contractual basis

M1-E-23.01.08 / Non-contractual document / Editor: J. Vandermeiren, Bd de l’Empereur 20, 1000 Brussels

To obtain additional metering data, the customer must contact its key account manager.

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