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Prices for imbalance The imbalance of a given Access Responsible Party is the quarter-hourly difference between : §

his total injections within his balance perimeter, namely injections at injection points within the Elia Grid, injections in the Elia Grid coming from any other system belonging to the balancing zone operated by Elia, imports, purchases from other Access Responsible Parties; and


his total offtakes within his balance perimeter, namely offtakes at offtakes points within the Elia Grid, offtakes from the Elia Grid made in any other system belonging to the balancing zone operated by Elia, exports, sales to other Access Responsible Parties, the losses attributed to this Access Responsible Party.


The Losses for the considered period of this document that are attributed to a Access Responsible Party are the losses in the 380-150 kV grid and are set at 1 % of the sum of: §

the measures offtakes at offtake points attributed to this Access Responsible Party and;


the Distribution Offtake Positions (in case of net offtake) attributed to this Access Responsible Party.

Prices for imbalance are based on the notion of a threshold. The threshold of every Access Responsible Party is defined on the basis of its size as illustrated below.


2500 The size of an Access Responsible Party is the sum of offtakes at offtake points in the Elia Grid and the offtakes from the Elia Grid made in any other system belonging to the balancing zone operated by Elia for a given quarter hour. 10% of this size is the threshold of the ARP for a given quarter hour with a minimum threshold of 1 MW and a maximum of 250 MW. If the Imbalance is negative (offtake exceeding injection), prices for “injection less than offtake” are applied and paid by the Access Responsible Party to Elia. If the Imbalance is positive (injection exceeding offtake), prices for “injection exceeding offtake” below are applied and paid by Elia to the Access Responsible Party.

When the absolute value of the Imbalance is below the threshold T, this value is multiplied by 15 minutes and is charged according to the prices mentioned in Table 1.. When the absolute value of the Imbalance is above the threshold T, this value is multiplied by 15 minutes and is charged according to the prices mentioned in Table 2. The prices are differentiated according to “Day period” and “Night period”. “Day period” : from 07h00 until 23h00 Brussels time “Night period” : from 23h00 until 24h00 , and, from 00h00 until 07h00 Brussels time Table 1 : Prices for imbalances below the threshold T Prices in € / MWh Day period

Night period

Injection less than offtake



Injection exceeding offtake



where : AN = min ( (175% APX) BN = min ( (175% APX) AP = min ( (25% APX) , BP = min ( (25% APX) ,

, LAN ); , LBN ); LAP ); LBP );

with for the months of January, February, November and December: LAN = 75 € / MWh ; LBN = 35 € / MWh ; LAP = 30 € / MWh ; LBP = 20 € / MWh. and with for the other months: LAN = 65 € / MWh ; LBN = 30 € / MWh ; LAP = 25 € / MWh ; LBP = 15 € / MWh. Table 2 : Prices for imbalances above the threshold T Prices in € / MWh Day period

Night period

Injection less than offtake



Injection exceeding offtake



where : CN = min ( CNX , LCN ) * Krec ; DN = min ( DNX , LDN ) * Krec ; CP = max ( CPX , LCP ) / Krec ; DP = max ( DPX , LDP ) / Krec ; with : LCN = 150 € / MWh ; LDN = 150 € / MWh ; LCP = 0 € / MWh ; LDP = 0 € / MWh ; and with : CNX = AN + SLCN * ( | imbalance | - T) where SLCN = ( LCN - AN) / T ; DNX = BN + SLDN * ( | imbalance | - T ) where SLDN = ( LDN - BN) / T ;

CPX = AP - SLCP * ( | imbalance | - T ) where SLCP = ( AP - LCP) / T ; DPX = BP - SLDP * ( | imbalance | - T ) where SLDP = ( BP - LDP) / T ;

Krec is the recurrence coefficient and fixed at the value “1” for the considered period of this document : When the highest value of (110 % *APX ; 110% * Powernext) is greater than LCN, the above mentioned price CN is multiplied by the highest value of (110 % *APX ; 110% * Powernext) and is divided by LCN. When the highest value of (110 % *APX ; 110% * Powernext) is greater than LDN, the above mentioned price DN is multiplied by the highest value of (110 % *APX ; 110% * Powernext) and is divided by LDN.

N.B. §

In the above mentioned prices: the notation “APX” refers to the price of energy on the Day Ahead Market for the Dutch Hub of the Amsterdam Power Exchange, related to the concerned quarter hour and expressed in €/MWh; and


the notation “Powernext” refers to the price of energy on the Powernext exchange, managed by Euronext, related to the concerned quarter hour and expressed in €/MWh.

Tarif applicable in extraordinary situations

In case an imbalance of an access responsible party is the consequence of a case of force majeur, emergency situation (*), a fault of Elia or a total or partial suspention (curtailment) by Elia of nominations of an acces responsible party for a reason which can not be allocated to this access responsible party, the following imbalance tariff will be applied to the part of the imbalance of this access responsible party that is caused by the above mentioned situations (following the terms and conditions of the access responsible contract): 1. In case this imbalance is negative for a given quarter hour (injection of the access responsible party is lower than its offtake), the imbalance tariff for that quarter hour is determined by the price of the last incremental bid activated by Elia System Operator N.V. (€/MWh) during this quarter hour to fullfill the systems need of that moment; 2. In case this imbalance is positive for a given quarter hour (injection of the access responsible party is higher than its offtake), the imbalance tariff for that quarter hour is determined by the price of the last decremental bid activated by Elia System Operator N.V. (€/MWh) during this quarter hour to fullfil the systems need of that moment. (*)

which is the sole reason for which the access responsible party is not able to respect its balancing obligations.

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