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Connection Connection to the Elia grid: a contract in different stages Generators, wholesale industrial consumers ... All actors on the Belgian high-voltage electricity market can request a connection to the Elia grid or ask for an existing connection to be modified. The term "connection" covers all equipment that physically connects the customer’s facilities to the Elia grid. This connection equipment allows customers to take electricity from or inject electricity into the high-voltage grid. The connection process is governed by a connection contract between Elia and the customer. The process starts with a connection request. Once applicants have signed a contract, they become Elia grid users.

I. Connecting to the Elia grid: principles The connection equipment, also simply called the connection, forms the physical link between the Elia grid and the electrical facilities of a high-voltage grid user. Without this connection, the user cannot take electricity from the Elia grid or inject electricity into it.

I.1. Connection equipment: several key concepts • Connection bay Connection equipment is fitted with elements that can switch on or off the grid connection equipment as well as the Elia grid user’s facilities. These elements are grouped into one or more bays. The bay closest to the Elia grid is called the "connection bay". • Connection point The location where the connection equipment is interconnected with the Elia grid is referred to as the "connection point". • Interface point The interface point is the border line between the connection equipment and the grid user’s electrical facilities.

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Elia grid


Connection point Connection bay Interface point



Grid user site


• Connection capacity A maximum capacity (in MVA) is given for each connection through which electricity is taken from or injected into the Elia grid. This maximum value is given in the connection contract.

I.2. Location of connection and interface points The location of the connection and interface points is determined in the connection contract in accordance with legislation in force. The location is determined in consultation with the applicant in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner in accordance with the following principles: • the connection point is selected so that the installations which will only be used by the grid user do not form part of the Elia grid; • the interface point is located on the grid user’s site; • in practice, Elia manages the connection up to the interface point unless the grid user is responsible for the connection.

I.3. Voltage of the connection point determines the competent body for technical matters The voltage of the connection point determines which authority is responsible for setting the technical regulations that apply to the connection: • for a connection voltage of 380 kV, 220 kV or 150 kV, federal legislation applies; • for a voltage ranging from 30 to 70 kV inclusive, regional authorities are responsible (Brussels Capital, Wallonia or Flanders).

I.4. Tariffs Connection tariffs are approved by CREG. The tariff for the use of the connection includes the use of the connection equipment that Elia puts at the disposal of the grid user and the connection management that Elia offers. For disposing of the connection equipment in the connection bay the grid user pays annual fees. For the other connection equipment it pays the amount fixed in the detailed study. The connection management tariffs include operation and maintenance costs to be paid. These are also covered by annual fees. Details on the connection tariffs are published on Elia’s website (www.elia.be). Tariffs for connection studies and "power quality" studies are presented in detail in the product sheets on these studies. Access tariffs depend on the voltage of the access point. Further information on grid access tariffs is contained in the sheet "Objective, transparent and regulated grid access tariffs".

II. Other properties of the connection II.1. Possibility of one or more links Depending on the grid user’s needs, the connection can be made up of one or more physical links. In the latter case, the connection will comprise several connection points, interface points and connection bays.

II.2. Essential metering equipment for invoicing The connection is fitted with metering equipment that accurately measures the capacity and energy exchanges between the Elia grid and the user’s facilities. These meters are essential for invoicing purposes and are placed at connection points. For tariff reasons, the different connection and metering points are combined in one or several access points. These access points are listed in the access contract with Elia. These groups are created in a non-discriminatory manner on the basis of objective criteria such as voltage, the Elia substation to which the connection points belong and the site upon which the grid user is located.

II.3. Shared connection The same connection can be used to serve several grid users. This is known as a "shared connection". As with a standard connection, the separation between the Elia grid and the connection shared with Elia is outlined clearly. In this instance, the connection is only used by a limited number of clearly-defined users (whereas the Elia grid is shared by all users).

III. How to apply for a connection? A connection to the Elia grid can be obtained by following a process that involves several stages.

III.1. Connection request The first step is to submit a connection request. This must be done for a new connection, for modifications to an existing connection or if the applicant makes changes to his facilities and operating methods. The connection application must be sent to Elia. The information provided by the applicant will allow Elia to decide which connection study (studies) is (are) required (see points III.2 and III.3 below). Eligibility conditions For the request to be eligible, the capacity of the connection requested must be at least 25 MVA. Requests for connections with

lower capacities must be submitted to system operators that offer a voltage under 30 kV. In a bid to develop the systems harmoniously, these operators can, however, consult Elia about connections to their systems with capacities below 25 MVA. Modification requests Applications must be submitted for certain modifications, namely those that affect: • the capacity of an existing connection; • connection equipment; • the grid user’s facilities that have an impact on the safety, reliability and efficiency of the Elia grid; • the operating modes of the connection equipment and the applicant’s facilities. These applications do not necessarily lead to a connection study; if Elia considers that the changes are not major, it can approve them without any other formalities required. An essential prerequisite for energy generators Connections for electricity generation units to the Elia grid require generation licences. Licence applications must be submitted to CREG and are then issued by the Energy Minister. An energy generator wishing to inject electricity into the grid also needs to conclude a CIPU contract (see sheet "The CIPU contract: a set framework for taking part in the high-voltage grid management").

III.2. Orientation study In the initial stages, the customer requesting a connection can ask Elia for an orientation study. This study assesses the feasibility of the connection to the grid and compares various options for the connection. The orientation study also provides, for information purposes, a cost estimate and an indicative assessment of the period within which the connection could be made. The orientation study is presented in detail in the sheet "Studies to analyse the properties of a connection".

III.3. Detailed study The detailed study offers comprehensive technical solutions for the chosen connection option and provides more accurate cost estimates for these solutions (calculated on the basis of connection tariffs). The applicant also receives a firm offer for the completion of the connection. This offer stipulates the connection capacity, taking account of both the capacity of the Elia grid and the transmission capacity of the connection. The detailed study also establishes, in consultation with the applicant, the way in which tasks will be distributed between Elia and the grid user both as regards the completion of the connection and its operation. Once Elia agrees to carry out a detailed study, reserved capacity is allocated to the applicant for a specific period. This reservation takes into account the capacity requested for the connection and its location. Reservation of capacity for connection of a production unit over 25 MW is subject to the award of the production licence mentioned above. If the applicant concludes a connection contract with Elia, the cost of the detailed study will be deducted from the cost of connection works. The detailed study is described in greater depth in sheet "Studies to analyse the properties of a connection".

III.4. Specific conditions for connecting a production unit When a request is submitted for a connection for a production unit, the applicant must meet the specific operating conditions and certain complementary provisions in connection with reactive power. Elia would ask for specific simulations to be carried out in this case.

III.5. Power quality studies Depending on the type of connection equipment and the nominal capacity, Elia may carry out a power quality assessment through complementary measures or studies. This study is covered in the sheet on "Power quality studies".

III.6. Connection request and contract The applicant can request a connection during the period given in the detailed study. In this instance, Elia draws up a connection contract between itself and the applicant. This contract contains, amongst other things, the offer made in the detailed study and stipulates the conditions under which the connection will be made. The connection contract also contains technical descriptions

of the connection equipment as well as the rights and obligations of the two parties. The contract also naturally sets out the connection capacity. Moreover, certain information concerning the applicant’s facilities is also contained in the contract. These facilities must meet technical and operational requirements as defined by law.

III.7. Completion and commissioning of connection Elia and the applicant carry out the necessary formalities for their respective installations in order to obtain the licences and permits required. Each party provides the other with the support required to achieve this objective. The connection will be subject to compliance tests before it is commissioned.

IV. Legal and contractual basis The connection contract drawn up between Elia and the grid user serves as the contractual basis. The various Grid Codes define the legal framework within which the connection process operates.

Connection to the Elia grid in 5 key points • Actors on the Belgian electricity market that wish to be connected to the Elia grid or modify their connection must submit an application to Elia • The term "connection" covers all equipment linking the Elia grid to the applicant’s facilities. • The voltage of the connection point determines which authority is responsible for setting the legal technical framework for the connection. • The detailed study, carried out in consultation with the applicant, determines the properties of the connection and the distribution of tasks between Elia and the applicant as regards the completion of the connection and its operation. This study forms the basis of the connection offer made by Elia.

R1-E-23.01.08 / Non-contractual document / Editor: J. Vandermeiren, Bd de l’Empereur 20, 1000 Brussels

• CREG is the competent authority that approves connection tariffs.

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