TARIFFS 2008-2011 FOR GRID USE AND ANCILLARY SERVICES The price conditions for grid use and ancillary services, as stipulated by the decision of the CREG dated December 13th 2007 are in application from January 1st 2008 until December 31st 2011 1 . Compared to 2007, there are no changes in tariff structure. Unless stated otherwise, tariff periods used for the application of tariffs are: « Peak hours », « Offpeak hours », « Weekend », as defined below. Winter corresponds to the months January to March, and October to December. Summer corresponds to April to September. Day
Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday
0 to 7 hour 7 to 22 hour 22 to 24 hour 0 to 7 hour 7 to 24 hour 0 to 22 hour 22 to 24 hour
Peak hours
Off peak hours 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
The tariffs mentioned hereafter are applicable for each “off-take point”, as defined in the Technical Code Transmission.
Elia can at each moment ask a modification of the tariffs corresponding article 12quater §3 of the Electricity Law, in case of the transition to new services and/or modification of existing services or if corresponding article 12septies §1 of the Electricity Law, exceptional circumstances occur independently of the will of Elia.
Administrative fees - Not applicable.
Tariff for power subscription and additional power, according to the “standard formula”
a) Tariff for power subscription Table 1 :
Tariff for power subscription according to the “standard formula” Clients directly connected to the Elia grid Tariff (€/kW.period)
Grid Operators Tariff (€/kW.period)
On the 380/220/150 kV network Yearly subscription Monthly subscription Winter – Peak hours Winter – Off peak hours Winter - Weekend Summer – Peak hours Summer – Off peak hours Summer - Weekend
10,2079000 0,6384000 0,3569000 0,2496000 0,4687000 0,3163000 0,2101000
12,8926000 0,8063000 0,4507000 0,3153000 0,5920000 0,3995000 0,2653000
At transformer output to the 70/36/30 kV network Yearly subscription Monthly subscription Winter – Peak hours Winter – Off peak hours Winter - Weekend Summer – Peak hours Summer – Off peak hours Summer - Weekend
15,5109000 0,9781000 0,5370000 0,3696000 0,7068000 0,4732000 0,3122000
19,6846000 1,2413000 0,6815000 0,4691000 0,8970000 0,6005000 0,3961000
On the 70/36/30 kV network Yearly subscription Monthly subscription Winter – Peak hours Winter – Off peak hours Winter - Weekend Summer – Peak hours Summer – Off peak hours Summer - Weekend
23,7854000 1,4649000 0,8062000 0,5516000 1,0650000 0,7094000 0,5454000
30,0485000 1,8507000 1,0185000 0,6968000 1,3454000 0,8962000 0,6890000
At transformer output to medium voltage Yearly subscription Monthly subscription Winter – Peak hours Winter – Off peak hours Winter - Weekend Summer – Peak hours Summer – Off peak hours Summer - Weekend
33,1904000 2,0570000 1,1269000 0,7675000 1,4830000 0,9859000 0,7135000
For off-take covered by local generation, the price for the subscribed power is reduced with 30%. This reduction is applied to a maximum power of 75 MW. This contractual formula is only applicable for yearly subscriptions and is limited to 1000 hours per year. For the mobile charges of the railway company, the price for subscribed power is reduced with 7%.
b) Tariff for additional power 1) On annual basis Table 2 : Tariff for additional power on annual basis according to the “standard formula”
On the 380/220/150 kV network In 380/220/150 kV-netten At transformer output to the 70/36/30 kV network On the 70/36/30 kV network At transformer output to medium voltage
Clients directly connected to the Elia grid Tariff (€/kW.year) 1,9883000 2,9765000 5,2861000
Grid Operators Tariff (€/kW.year)
The additional power on annual basis is monthly ex-post determined as the maximal peak for a running year (month of performance M up to month M-11). 2) On monthly basis The additional monthly power is ex-post registered by Elia as the difference between the maximal peak of the past month for the considered tariff period and the total subscribed power for that month of that period. The price equals 115% of the price for power subscription according to the monthly scheme, during the corresponding period. Remark:
For the mobile charges of the railway company, the price for additional power is reduced with 7%.
3° Tariff for power subscription and additional power, according to the “Day / Night and weekend formula” For the application of the tariffs for subscribed power and complementary power, according to the « Day / Night and weekend » formula, the tariff periods « Day » and « Night and weekend » have been defined as follows: • •
Day : from 8h to 20h, Monday to Friday (60 hours per week) Night and week-end : from 20h to 8h (Monday to Friday) + Saturday and Sunday, whole day (108 hours per week)
This formula will be applied under following conditions : • •
For each access point, the Access holder chooses between the « standard formula » or the « Day / Night and weekend » formula. These possibilities are mutually exclusive. The choice of the « Day : Night and weekend » is valid for one year. The offtake from the concerned access point has shown a profile (during the preceding year of the choice), such that : o The maximal power offtaken during “Day” hours was smaller than the maximal power offtaken during “Night and Week-end”; o The energy offtaken during “Day” hours is smaller than 25% of the energy offtaken during “Night and Week-end” hours.
a) Tariff for power subscription Table 3 :
Tariff for power subscription, according to the « Day / Night and weekend » formula Clients directly connected to the Elia grid Tariff ( €/kW.period)
On the 380/220/150 kV network Yearly subscription Monthly subscription
At transformer output to the 70/36/30 kV network Yearly subscription Monthly subscription
On the 70/36/30 kV network Yearly subscription Monthly subscription
At transformer output to medium voltage Yearly subscription Monthly subscription
Day Night and week-end Winter - Day Winter - Night and week-end Summer - Day Summer - Night and week-end
4,0793000 6,2348000 0,5185000 0,7431000 0,3770000 0,6255000
Day Night and week-end Winter - Day Winter - Night and week-end Summer - Day Summer - Night and week-end
6,2878000 9,4600000 0,7982000 1,1211000 0,5713000 0,9392000
Day Night and week-end Winter - Day Winter - Night and week-end Summer - Day Summer - Night and week-end
9,4631000 14,5757000 1,1900000 1,6714000 0,8569000 1,4812000
Day Night and week-end Winter - Day Winter - Night and week-end Summer - Day Summer - Night and week-end
13,1793000 20,0112000 1,6533000 2,3100000 1,1806000 1,9928000
For off-take covered by local generation, the price for the subscribed power is reduced with 30%. This reduction is applied to a maximum power of 75 MW. This contractual formula is only applicable for yearly subscriptions and is limited to 1000 hours per year. For the mobile charges of the railway company, the price for subscribed power is reduced with 7%.
b) Tariff for additional power 1) On annual basis Table 4 :
Tariff for additional power on annual basis according to the « Day / Night and weekend » formula
On the 380/220/150 kV network In 380/220/150 kV-netten At transformer output to the 70/36/30 kV network On the 70/36/30 kV network At transformer output to medium voltage
Clients directly connected to the Elia grid Tariff (€/kW.year) 1,9883000 2,9765000 5,2861000
The additional power on annual basis is monthly ex-post determined as the maximal peak for a running year (month of performance M up to month M-11). 2) On monthly basis The additional monthly power is ex-post registered by Elia as the difference between the maximal peak of the past month for the considered tariff period and the total subscribed power for that month of that period. The price equals 115% of the price for power subscription according to the monthly scheme, during the corresponding period. Remark:
For the mobile charges of the railway company, the price for additional power is reduced with 7%.
Tariff for System management Table 5 :
Tariff for System management
On the 380/220/150 kV network In 380/220/150 kV-netten At transformer output to the 70/36/30 kV network On the 70/36/30 kV network At transformer output to medium voltage
Tariff (€/kWh gross limited 2 ) 0,0005419 0,0007774 0,0011933 0,0012910
Remark: • Extra tariff related to the non-respect of an accepted nomination for injection or offtake is equal to 0 €/MW.
For the definition, see further in this document C. Definitions relative to energy.
B. TARIFFS FOR ANCILLARY SERVICES 1° Tariff for the reservation of primary frequency control, the reservation of the secondary control of the equilibrium in the Belgian control area, the reservation of the tertiary reserve and the black-start-service Table 6 : Tariff for the reservation of primary frequency control, the reservation of the secondary control of the equilibrium in the Belgian control area, the reservation of the tertiary reserve and the black-start-service
On the 380/220/150 kV network At transformer output to the 70/36/30 kV network On the 70/36/30 kV network At transformer output to medium voltage
Tariff (€/kWh gross limited 3 ) 0,0007900 0,0007900 0,0007900 0,0007900
2° Tariff for voltage control and for reactive power Table 7 :
Tariff for voltage control and for reactive power
On the 380/220/150 kV network In 380/220/150 kV-netten At transformer output to the 70/36/30 kV network On the 70/36/30 kV network At transformer output to medium voltage
Tariff (€/kWh gross limited3) 0,0001653 0,0001653 0,0001653 0,0001822
For the definition, see further in this document C. Definitions relative to energy.
Remarks: •
Elia System Operator makes quarter-hourly deliveries of reactive power that exceed tg ϕ=0,329 per off take point. This leads to a term for supplementary deliveries of reactive energy, according to the article 209 §4 and §5 of the Technical Code. Table 8 :
Tariff for supplementary deliveries of reactive energy
On the 380/220/150 kV network In 380/220/150 kV-netten At transformer output to the 70/36/30 kV network On the 70/36/30 kV network At transformer output to medium voltage
Tariff (€/kVArh) 0,0025000 0,0050000 0,0050000 0,0060000
In the case the offtaken active energy does not exceed, on a quarterly basis, 10% of the valid subscriptions at any given point, the additional delivery of reactive energy will be defined as the excess in respect of 32,9% of the 10% of the valid subscriptions at that point.
In the case in offtake regime, the capacitive reactive power doesn’t exceed the following limit values, tariff for supplementary deliveries of reactive energy equals 0€/kVArh.
On the 380/220/150 kV network In 380/220/150 kV-netten At transformer output to the 70/36/30 kV network On the 70/36/30 kV network At transformer output to medium voltage
Limit values capacitive reactive power 9 MVAr 2,5 MVAr 2,5 MVAr -
3° Tariff for congestion management Table 9 :
Tariff for congestion management
Tariff (€/kWh net offtaken 4 ) 0,0000535 0,0000664 0,0000664 0,0000664
On the 380/220/150 kV network In 380/220/150 kV-netten At transformer output to the 70/36/30 kV network On the 70/36/30 kV network At transformer output to medium voltage
4° Tariff for the compensation of losses of active energy in the grid Table 10 :
Tariff for the compensation of losses of active energy in the grid (in €/kWh net offtaken4) Winter
Off peak Off peak Week-end Peak hours Week-end hours hours 0,0000000 0,0000000 0,0000000 0,0000000 0,0000000 0,0000000
Peak hours On the 380/220/150 kV network At transformer output to the 70/36/30 kV network On the 70/36/30 kV network At transformer output to medium voltage
0,0006683 0,0006496
0,0003200 0,0003034
0,0002571 0,0002412
0,0006314 0,0006066
0,0002709 0,0002549
0,0002274 0,0002110
Note : There are no tariffs for compensation of losses on the 380/220/150 kV networks. Losses on these networks have to be compensated by Access Responsible Parties, in agreement with their balancing responsibility defined in the Access Responsible Party agreement.
For the definition, see further in this document C. Definitions relative to energy.
C. DEFINITIONS RELATIVE TO ENERGY The gross limited power, on an access point for a given quarter of an hour, is the difference, if positive, between the offtaken power by the load(s) connected in this access point and the injected power by the local generation(s) associated to this access point, and this for the part of the injected power by these local generations that is smaller or equal to 25 MW. In case the before mentioned difference gives a negative value, the gross limited power is equal to 0. The gross limited energy, on a given access point for a given period, is the integral of the gross limited power in this access point for the given period. In other words, if • Pload(qh) is the average offtaken power by the loads on an access point for a given quarter of an hour qh, and • Pgeneration(qh) is the injected (produced) power by the local generation(s) associated to this access point on the given quarter of an hour qh, the gross limited energy, for the period per, equals E gross _ lim ited ( per ) =
∑ max(0; P
ch arg e
qh∈ per
(qh) − min( Pproduction (qh);25MW )).
The net offtaken power, on an access point for a given quarter of an hour, is the difference, if positive, between the offtaken power by the load(s) connected in this access point and the injected power by the local generation(s) associated to this access point. In case the before mentioned difference gives a negative value, the net offtaken power is equal to 0. The net offtaken energy, on a given access point for a given period, is the integral of the offtaken power in this access point for the given period. In other words, if • Pload(qh) is the average offtaken power by the loads on an access point for a given quarter of an hour qh, and • Pgeneration(qh) is the injected (produced) power by the local generation(s) associated to this access point on the given quarter of an hour qh, the net offtaken energy, for the period per, equals E offtaken ( per ) =
∑ max(0; P
qh∈ per
ch arg e
(qh) − Pproduction (qh)).
Remark If the injected power by the local generation(s) equals 0, the net offtaken energy coincides the gross limited energy. Example For a load of 100 MW (for a given quarter of an hour), and an injection of 40 MW by a local generation associated to this load:
Off-take by the charge = 100 MW
Injection by the local production = 40 MW
For the given quarter of an hour: • Net offtaken energy = max( 0, 100 MW – 40 MW) * 15 minutes = 15 MWh • Gross limited energy = max( 0, 100 MW – min(40 MW, 25 MW)) * 15 minutes =18,75 MWh.