Revitalizing a highly disturbed habitant into a highly utilized environment

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Revitalizing a highly disturbed habitant into a highly utilized environment

Supervised by Prof. Hope Ives Strode Elaheh Fereidooni AmirHassan Masoumi

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Cover photo by Reginald de Guia | National Geography

Revitalizing a highly disturbed habitat into a highly utilized environment Introduction


To the people of karachi To Sana-ullah, the most precious member of the city And To the abandoned landscapes of the city To the cruelly cut mangroves and to each step towards their revilization

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ACKNOLEDGMENTS We would love to express our special thanks of gratitude to our supervisor Strode Hope Ives, for her instructive advice and useful suggestions on the project during this special period. We are deeply grateful of her help in the completion of this project. We are grateful to all of those people who offer great help during the project researching period. Specially we would like to thank our friends Amna Riaz, Sammiullah Khodkar and Ambreen Zahid which without all of you, we couldn’t overcome the most difficult time. We would finally like to thank our beloved families, whose love and guidance are always with us in whatever we pursue.




Problem statement

Abstract key words Project statement Project Narrative

Water scarcity Waste water Mangrove being depreciated




Micro analysis




General Information Karachi city Historical characteristics Density (karachi)+coastline Urban expansion and city structure


Site study • Site 3D • Site sections • Site Micro lenses Water bodies Tidal studies Open spaces • Mangrove Analysis Flora and Fauna Artificial land analysis Mobility networks


Housing status People life style City settlements Existing activiteis


Macro Analysis


Land-cover Blue infrastructure Green infrastructure Grey infrastructure

Circular economy • Social target • Ecological target


Precedented studies Project 01 • Shanghai Houtan Park


Wetlands Wetlands Wetland types Vegetation types Cost and land requirement Constructed wetlands using mangroves


Strategy Urban strategy Site strategy Planting strategy


Landscape Strategy Master plan Landscape evolution[Evolution phases]


References List of figures List of tables List of charts

I see landscape as a question and an invitation. In this border zone between heaven and earth we try to find our way and tell stories to colour our lives and to give them meaning. Andrei Tarkovsky

Chapter 01



A journey through Karachi

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Key words Mangrove, Grey water, Waste-water treatment, Reclaimed land, Livability, Functional landscape, Scio-economic approach, Ecological approach, Landscape conservation, Landscape developementMultifunctional landscape, treatment wetlands, constructed wetlands, green infrastructure, landscape infrastructure, wastewater

The thesis tries to examine thoroughly the need to conserve places and utilize them as spaces. On account of the waste water, soil erosion, security risks and degradation of ecosystem (mangroves), reuse of the abandoned mangrove area and the reclaimed land, located in the heart of the city of Karachi, makes it topic of high importance under sustainable development. From above the city, Karachi’s pattern of growth appears to be on the brink of an unsustainable path. Accommodating homes and jobs in a dense settlement of 22 to 24 million which is estimated to be 32 million by 2025 residents, means how efficiently the city is physically organized and connected matters a lot. At the city level, Karachi is unable to manage and leverage its resources effectively. There is evident lack of facilities, infrastructure, water supply and waste water management as this is putting a big risk for human health, marine life and ecosystems.

The abandoned place remained as untreated wound and abandoned cut in the landscape, with no serious land reclamation efforts.

If this urban wound get improved effectively, it can not only repair the ecological network and spatial texture, but also improve the efficiency of land use and value, and it can activate the suppressed area, at that juncture promoting the healthy and orderly development of society. By finding fine balance between them and utilizing the space to its full potential is very crucial to adequate balance of living environment. While there is an agreement being made to regenerate nature to its former natural state, it cannot utterly be the same. By establishing active community to reclaim, restore and reusing the space for the greater use. Through means of responding to the context it can created an alluring recreational green space for the surrounding community, a place to visit, a place to learn from, and a place to appreciate art and ecosystem’s cycles.

Chapter 01

Project Statement

How this design is able to satisfy all stakeholders, from normal residence to tourist, from land owners to environment/ecology specialists? How do we bring back the nature to the place, not only a beautiful sanctuary but a functional and life saving place for the people?


For protecting the natural landscape, the reclaimed land have been gradually closed down since 2010 because of the protest made by few formal communities and also ecologists and environmentalists. The environmental values of this place are considerable, with critical wetland habitats (sea-grass, mangroves, salt-marsh) supporting essential feeding, spawning and nursery sites for aquatic fauna. The vision is to design the place to recall its former natural state by spreading another layer of ecological system on the top of the site. With the quest to redevelop these areas, lies the opportunity to re-imagine the definition of public space and green infrastructure.

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This proposal sees what has been abandoned not as another urbanized area which destroys the face of the city even more, but as an opportunity to redefine the site location in order to create dynamic and engaging spaces and it will have an association and experience based

function for the visitor. The project is aspired to accommodate different performance scenarios and to create permeable volumes of spaces that allow fluid movements between architecture and landscape. Creating a strong space throughout to celebrate by the people and environment.

Objectives 1.Create and generate thriving aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems that are self-supporting, result in high water quality, establish strong wildlife habitat/life-cycles and provide reasonable public access. 2. Express the unique identity associated with adjacent neighbourhoods, city, region, and state through varied mediums, scale, and time. 3. Create a safe environment where residents and visitors are motivated and encouraged to discover the world around them. 4. Promote meaningful physical and emotional connectivity to the place within and beyond the Karachi city.

Chapter 01

Project narrative From Ecological Collapse to Cultural Sanctuary Project narrative This project recognizes opportunity in crisis. As a centrepiece of Karachi city, ecological restoration methods will heal a dying mangrove ecosystem while also reconnecting a city to its ecological and cultural heritage.


Where it is not the epicentre of “cancer tumour� anymore, the project has the potential to elevate the city’s identity to one, based on best management practices where man,green and water exist in equilibrium.

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Revitalizing a highly disturbed habitat into a highly utilized environment Introduction 16 /162

"Mangrove ecosystem which is transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems where the water noble is usually near the surface, or the land is periodically covered with shallow water, and which in normal circumstances supports or would support vegetation typically adapted to life in saturated soils." (National Water Act no 36 of 1998, SA)

Cayapas Mataje reserve, Ecuador, 2014.

Chapter 1A

Introduction on mangroves

“If survival is an art, then mangroves are artists of the beautiful: not only that they exist at all — smooth-barked, glossy-leaved, thickets of lapped mystery — but that they can and do exist as floating islands, as trees upright and loose, alive and homeless on the water.’’ Annie Dillard

Introduction 1A

“When there were storms, we would have tied as many as four boats together with the mangroves, and then we would sit, gossip and sing songs.” Talib Kacchi, 50, recalled taking

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shelter from monsoon storms in the mangroves as a young man.

Introduction Mangroves are the subject of a struggle between those who want to maximize economic benefit through intensive uses of the system (sometimes at the cost of eliminating the habitat and ecosystems in favour of urbanisation or other developments) and those who advocate complete preservation of the ecosystem even at the exclusion of people. As tropical countries continue to develop economically, their governments must balance the various uses of mangroves and other coastal areas to assure sustainability of development. Not all the desired uses of mangroves are compatible with the sustainability of the mangrove ecosystem. However, mangrove ecosystems are resilient within a range of environmental conditions (Lugo, 1980). Thus, the values that humans can derive from mangroves can be optimized if proper management techniques are used. Such management techniques must be based on information gathered continuously by active research programs. Because mangroves are open systems and closely coupled to marine, terrestrial, and freshwater ecosystems. Mangroves, the only woody salt-tolerant living at the edge of land and sea that have been heavily used traditionally for food, timber, fuel and medicine, and today, they occupy about 181,000 km2 of tropical and subtropical coastline. Distribution of mangroves world-wide

Figure 1 : Map showing mangrove forests distributions of the world. [Source:Giri et al, Aug 18, 2010]

The mangrove forest ecosystem consists of the inter tidal flora and fauna found in the tropics and subtropics and dominated by evergreen sclerophyllous broad leaved trees with still roots or pneumatophores and viviparous seedlings (UNESCO, 1973). Mangroves occur approximately between 32oN and 38oS and mostly on the eastern border of the continents. (Figure 1)

Being distributed along this coordinates is due to the sensitivity of mangroves to cold temperatures (Walter, 1977). The forest cover the flats between mean sea level and extreme high water (Macnae, 1966). Mangrove gain and loss Over the last 50 years, approximately one-third of the world’s mangrove forests have been lost, due to the lack of knowledge and underestimating the value of the mangroves. (Figure 2)

Introduction 1A

Figure 2 :Distribution and biogeographical provinces of the world’s mangrove forests. A) Advance and regrowth of mangrove extent (1996-2010) B) Degradation from anthropogenic drivers of change including evidence of prior disturbance . [Source: Thomas N, Lucas R, Bunting P, Hardy A, Rosenqvist A, et al. (2017) Distribution and drivers of global mangrove forest change, 1996–2010.]

20 /162 Figure 3 : Views of seaward mangrove fringes showing foreshore in June 2016 between Limmen and MacArthur rivers, Photo by NC Duke

Mangrove species world-wide

Figure 4 :Distribution and biogeographical provinces of the world’s mangrove forests. [Source: ModiďŹ ed from spalding et al. (1997) and Dukee t al. (1998).]

Importance of mangroves Mangroves are a valuable ecological and economic resource, being important nursery sites for birds, fish, crabs , shellfish, reptiles and mammals; a renewable source of wood; accumulation sites for sediment, contaminants, carbon and nutrients; and offer protection against coastal erosion. The destruction of mangroves is usually related to human population density. Major reasons for destruction are urban development, aquaculture, mining and over-exploitation for timber and aquatic life. Loss of biodiversity is, and will continue to be, a severe problem. Role that mangroves play as an ecosystem Biophysical and ecological importance of mangrove ecosystems

Timber Fuel

Figure 5



Carbon Storage


Water Coastal Purification Protection Role that mangroves play as an ecosystem [Own illustration]

Coral reef Protection

Mangrove Food cycle

Figure 6: Digram above, shows the food cycle of the mangroves and the relatable aquatic life and birds.1. Mangroves trees use sunlight and co2 to grow by photosynthesis. 2. Fallen leaves become food for bacteria and microbes,which convert it into dead organic matter known as detritus. 3. Invertebrate species including worms,crabs,shrimps and barnacles feed on the detritus. 4. Small fish as well as wading birds feed on the many detritus eating animals .

Introduction 1A

Mangroves carbon storage rate

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Figure 7 : Digram above, shows the carbon storage rate of mangroves.1. Mangroves take atmospheric co2 to form their leaves,stems,branches,trunks and roots. 2. As carbon containing leaves, stems and branches fall ,accumulating sediment bury them.Buried carbon remains their for centuries if undisturbed. 3. The carbon remains store there unless it gets disturbed by any natural activities (hurricane,tsunami) or human activities (excavation,logging) quickly releasing stored carbon. back to atomoshphere.

Mangroves as phytoremediation tool

Figure 8: Mangroves decrease the water polutants from the ground water.On the other hand, they decrease the salinity of water also. So,they act as natural water filtration tools for coastal areas.They also have great capacity for metals removal from water also.So, have a potential to be used as tool for wastewater managament.

Mangroves Storm reduction capacity

Figure 9: During rising tides, as the sea comes in, waves enter the mangrove forests. They lose energy as they pass through the tangled above-ground roots and branches and their height is rapidly diminished, by between 13 and 66% over 100 m of mangroves. As this happens, waves lose their ability to scour the sea bed and carry away sediments. Mangroves also reduce winds across the surface of the water and this prevents the propagation or re-formation of waves.

Threats to mangroves

Land Reclaimation

Sewege and pollution

River Changes

Over harvesting

Global warming

Figure 10 : Treats to mangrove as mangrove forests are one of the world’s most threatened tropical ecosystems .More than 35% of the world’s mangroves are already gone. The figure is as high as 50% in countries such as India, Pakistan. Most destructive uses of mangrove forests require their removal. The motivations behind deforestation include direct use of the mangrove wood and leaf products, use of the wetland habitat, or complete fill and conversion for coastal developments. [Own illustration]

Status of Mangroves in Pakistan




Kalmat khor


Miani Hor Indus delta

Arabian sea Figure 11: Distribution of mangrove forests in Pakistan. [Own illustration]

Introduction 1A

Mangroves are an important feature of the coastal areas of Pakistan. They are most abundant in the Indus Delta which constitutes 97% of the total mangrove cover found in Pakistan; whereas the rest 3% mangroves are found at three locations along the Balochistan coast, at Miani Hor, Kalmat khor and Jiwani. (Figure 11)

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In Land

Strong Wind

Above Sea Figure 12 : Map showing the wind direction from the Arabian sea, overlapped with the strong wind directions. [Own illustration] [ Source: wundermap]

Mangroves are not an eco system with only bio diverse qualities and economic values, there are other reasons why coastal wetlands and marshes need to be protected. “Such ecosystems are also an important form of natural infrastructure along the shore and are estimated to prevent approximately $23 billion dollars in coastal storm damage each year on the southeast and Gulf of Mexico coasts.�(Holly Bamford ). There is some evidence to suggest that as mangroves are able to absorb 70-90% of the energy from a normal wave, they acted as viable buffers during tsunamis.

In Land

Strong Wind

Above Sea Figure 13 : Map showing the city of Karachi and wind direction from the Arabian sea, overlapped with the strong wind directions. [Own illustration] [ Source: https://www.]

Globally, extreme hydro-meteorological even (such as hurricanes, cyclones, and tropical storms) are considered to be amongst the most socio-economically damaging disasters which, from 1900 to 2017, have cost over 1 million lives, 1200 billion USD in property damage, and affected more than 1 billion people.[Source] In addition to that, during the last decades, the risk of the flooding situation and tsunamis are greater as a result of human activities and their impact on coastal ecosystems as the coastal ecosystems are lost. The functionality (ecological dynamics) of the coasts is gradually being decreasing. The result is a high-risk situation for both human lives and assets, as well as for ecosystems. Means of coastal protection in Flood and Tsunami Natural











Figure 14: Examples of natural (top row) and built (bottom row) infrastructure. a. Salt marsh b. Coral reef c. Mangroves d. Oyster e. Dunes a1: Sea wall b1: Sea wall and riprap c1:Levee d1: Dikes [Source of photo: NOAA for all images except Dunes(credit: American Green), Sea Wall (credit: University of Hawaii Sea Grant), and Levee (credit: J. Lehto, NOAA)]

Originally, eight species of mangroves were found in the Indus Delta; however, four of these have become extinct due to increasing levels of salinity (Table 1). Of these Avicennia marina is the dominant species which accounts for about 90% of all the mangrove species found in Pakistan. Mangrove Species Avicennia Marina Rhizophora mucronata Ceriops tagal Aegiceras corniculatum


Mangrove Species Ceriops roxburgiana Bruguiera congugata Rhizophora apiculata Sonneratia caseolaris


Table 1 : Types of mangrove trees [present and extinct] in Pakistan.

Division of mangrove in karachi Indus delta region Kalmat hor Jiwani Miani hor

Introduction 1A

Karachi harbour area

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Avicennia Marina Grey Mangroves 95% 10-14 m tall

Rhizophora Ceriops Tagal Mucronata Red Mangroves Red Mangroves 1-2% 3% 25m tall 20-27m tall Figure 15 : Existing mangroves in Karachi [ Own illustration]

Aegiceras Corniculatum River Mangroves 1-2% 7m tall

Karachi | Historical background The reclamation of mangrove areas in Karachi have brought about permanent geomorphological changes as observed today. Historically, mangroves have occupied most parts of the Indus Delta. During 1958, an area of 344,846 ha comprising of varying densities of mangroves, however, the stocked area has reduced significantly. An assessment by the Sindh Forest Department in 1985 using Landsat Data and ecological surveys revealed an area of 280,470 ha under mangroves. Presently Karachi, which in the seventeen century was made up of several islands with fringing mangroves, is now limited to a very sparse growth of mangrove, the result of continued uncontrolled deforestation and reclamation. This process has not stopped. Wetland loss (mangrove forests) in coastal areas along the Indus delta and Karachi coast is a cause of serious concern. Wetlands are undergoing either rapid conversion to mudflats, or have been filled to create land for development. In addition to the loss of natural services caused by filling wetlands, the low-elevation communities or properties that come up at their cost can be at high risk from storm surge and sea level rise. Recent studies suggest that storm surges superimposed on higher sea levels will increase the frequency and extent of flooding in coastal regions and estuaries, thus increasing the risk of damage to vulnerable wetlands.

Photo by Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE

Chapter 02


General Information

The sight of water flowing from taps may soon be a luxury, with people having to queue up at tankers for just a bucket load of water for their daily needs.

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Figure 16 : Map on left shows Pakistan and heighlited Sindh Province, Map on right shows Karachi and south Karachi is highlighted. [ Own illustration]

Location Karachi, the provincial capital of Sindh, is also the largest city of Pakistan covering an area of 3,527 km2 and is located on the Arabian Sea coast in the extreme south of Pakistan. It is located at 24º45” to 25º15” north and 66º37” to 67º37” east. Topography Karachi may be broadly divided into two parts; the hilly areas in the north and west and an undulating plain and coastal area in the south-

east. The hills in Karachi are the offshoots of the Kirthar Range. The highest point of these hills in Karachi is about 528m in the extreme north. All these hills are devoid of vegetation and have wide intervening plains, dry river beds and water channels. Karachi has a long coastline in the south. The famous sea beaches include Hawks Bay, Paradise Point, Sands Pit, and Clifton. China Creek and Korangi Creek provide excellent calm water channels for rowing and other water activities. Climate Karachi has a moderately temperate climate with a generally high relative humidity that varies from 58 per cent in December (the driest month) to 85 per cent in August (the wettest month). The winds in Karachi for more than half the year, including the monsoons blow south-west to west. The wind in winter changes to east and north-east maintaining an average temperature of about 21ºC. The hottest months are May and June when the mean maximum temperature reaches 35ºC. January is the coldest month of the year. During the rainy season in July and August, it remains cloudy almost every day with generally scanty rainfall. Urban expansion Karachi has expanded exponentially both in terms of urban sprawl and in terms of growth in population. About 63% of the population of the metropolitan area lived within 10 kilometres of the city centre in 1972. By 1981, it had declined to 52%, as urban development and concomitant population growth transformed the ring to between 11 and 20 kilometres from the centre. By 1987, the core area of Karachi (the area within five kilometres of the CBD) accounted for less than 20% of the total regional population. At present over half of Karachi’s population resides at a distance of more than 10 kilometres from the city centre. Karachi had very little industry up to the mid-twentieth century, but after the creation of Pakistan in 1947, it became the national capital, and Naval base, and the only seaport in Pakistan physically well protected against storms. Its other location based advantage has been land route connection with Iran, Afghanistan, China and Central Asian countries, and sea route connection with India, Sri Lanka and nearby Arab countries. Karachi has thus attracted significant employment opportunities and its population swelled dramatically, ushering in the modern age of Karachi as a port and dominant commercial and industrial centre. Karachi, the

capital of Sindh province, is now the commercial hub and gateway of Pakistan . It accounts for 95 percent of Pakistan’s foreign trade and contributes 30 percent of Pakistan’s industrial production (ADB, 2006a). Context The 206 acre reclaimed land and 104 acres of mangrove ecosystem, partially polluted with wastewater is a dry/wet land in central, old Karachi. Adjacent to industrial area(logistic centre and port of Karachi, one major park(which is dried out regarding lack of water supply and bad response from the residence around, and a demographically diverse mix of neighbourhoods), this place historically functioned as a mangrove ecosystem and not this polluted , smelly water body seen today. In 1990, roads appeared along the site and in 1997 the residential buildings started to build in an informal layout, destroying the mangroves on site.

General Information

A resolution was passed in a Seminar organized by Shehri-CBE that clearly indicates some fundamental crisis in urban development in Karachi. Relevant excerpts are quoted below: “Having gathered here today, 16th June 2011, at the Auditorium of the IEP, Karachi, to examine: The Sindh High Density Development Board (Rules & Procedures) 2011 We citizens (engineers, architects, town-planners, environmentalists, economists, other professionals, activists and concerned members of the public) express our disappointment and dismay at the legislation and rules that have been passed by our parliamentary and government representatives allegedly for the benefit of the city and its residents towards the reclaimed land that has been built on Sultan Abad.

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Site developement through time












Proposed site

Figure 17 : Site reclamation and mangrove swamp which was taken and converted to artificial islands for residential and commercial developemnts. [Source: google maps]

General Information

Density City of Karachi

32 /162 Figure 18 : Diagrams showing the density of the city in time. [ Source: Worldbank]

Density Sarddar town [site]

The population of this area in total is 191,141 and the density is 289 person per square kilometre in 2005.

Figure 19: Black area shows the site and the neighbourhood areas in Saddar town [Own illustration]

In 2010 the population increased to 194,327 people and the density was 294 person/km2 where the population in 2015 raised to 197,513 people and in 2020, it is assumed to be 200,699 people.

Figure 20: Map showing the Saddar town boundary and the highlighted is the study The population of area and the neighbouring area . [Own city is estimated to illustration] reach 32 million by 2025. The unplanned growth of city marks lack of basic amenities, such as water supply and sanitation.

City area

City Railway Colony Civil Line Clifton















32 58,672

















2,020 Density







Table 2 :Population growth and densities as per densification scenario kmp, 20052020 [ Source: World bank, Pakistan 2020]

The density in the study area is a big number but as compare to the whole city of karachi it seems less dense because of the type of housing and social condition of this part of the city.

Urban Expansion and City Structure Karachi has been planned and it is expanding in a way that it has been unable to manage and balance the needs of a rapidly growing city as well as balancing the quality of living and environmental impacts. The city covers almost 3,600 Km2 with a built up area of approximately 1,600 Km2. It has grown its population and expand its borders, from a city of 450,000 in the year 1941 to 24,000,000 people today according to the world bank . The average population density in the existing urbanized area is 23,800 persons per km2, which is relatively high compared to other big cities in the world.[Fig24] It is estimated that the urban area will expand from 796 km2 in 2013 to 1,580 km2 in 2030.

New york 18.5 M

Istanbul 14.3 M

Beijing 21.1 M

Tokyo 36.9 M

Karachi 24.1 M

London 11.9 M

General Information

Figure 21: Population and Area Comparison of Cities [Source: Klaus Philipsen, FAIA, edited: Ben Groff,]

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The city of Karachi is going towards a spatially unsustainable and in-liveable city where the basic form of needs for people is hardly accessible. The future appears to hold a promise for transformation of the existing linear/radial pattern to a form of either a poly-centric or a network city. New economic centres with specialized functions may emerge around the present metropolitan area with or without the help of planning. [ Fig 27] In order that the new business centres emerge and grow in a planned manner with good connectivity to different city sections, it is appropriate to plan a few new centres at the periphery of the city so that these are allowed to play their potential role in the city’s economic development and well-being and stopping the over populated city centre.

New business centres Figure 22:New economic centres with specialized functions may emerge around the present metropolitan area with or without the help of planning.[Source: Karachi strategic developemnet plan 2020, Dec, 2007]

Karachi lags comparatively in Livability

Figure 23: Three diagrams showing the comparison between Karachi and 3 metropolitian cities regarding their livability. [Source: Livability index calculated by World Bank staff, based on Amirtahmasebi and Kim, 2014]

Very High



Very low


No data

Figure 24: Karachi Spatial Distribution of Quality of Life. [Source: Assessment the Quality of Life in Karachi City through the Integration of Space and Spatial Technologies, May, 2013]

City structure

General Information

Figure 25: City footprint (gray), land under construction (dark grey), and urban green areas (green) derived from satellite imagery, 2013. [Source: World Bank analysis based on satellite imagery and land use classification from European Space Agency, 2013]

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City footprint

Urban green areas

Land under construction

Agricultural lands

Un-built Land

Pakistan is a developing country and does not have the resources to be able to cope with and recover from numerous large-scale disasters. It needs to take steps to reduce exposure and vulnerability, to mitigate the impact of disasters, and prepare for these so it can respond effectively when they occur. In other words, it needs to strengthen its disaster risk management.

Future urban expansion proposals

Figure 26: City footprint (gray), land expansion (black) [Source: World Bank analysis based on satellite imagery and land use classification from European Space Agency, 2013] City footprint

Future land expansion

The two black patches on the map are the newly planned, land expansion points which are supposed to be filled by 2025. Area a is currently a place for the living mangroves and area b is water bed .

General Information

Journey through Karachi now and then Timeline showing the site history and project intention

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Figure 27: Diagram showing urban expansion and city developemnt [Own illustration] [Source:Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020, August 2007, CDGK], Urban expansion [Source:Impact of Emerging Geo-Informatics Technologies in City and Regional Planning of Pakistan,2010]

Chapter 03

Macro Analysis

Macro Analysis

The Chapter presents the initial considerations used in framing the program of the project. The physical and the phenomenological context have been assessed.

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Figure 28: Assessment of mangrove, land and water status [land cover] along the coast of Pakistan using satellite remote sensing technique. [Source: Mangroves of pakistan status and management, IUCN pakistan,2005] Turbid water

Mud flats

High turbid water


Dense mangrove

Shallow water-sea

Normal mangrove

Deep water-sea

Sparse mangrove


The Sindh Coast | Sandspit There are several man-made activities going-on, on the coast of Pakistan, which causes the reduction of local mangroves vegetation. The mangroves disappeared from the eastern bank of Chinna Creek because of reclamation work taken place for urban development in the Housing Society. This site has almost all forms of pollution that might be expected with an urban metropolitan area close to a major seaport. The remained mangroves in this area are harvested for cattle and camel fodder and also used for firewood and timber by the local people living in nearby villages. In mangroves harvesting areas at Sands pit and Manora Island, marine `algae’ has grown in mangrove habitat. The mangrove forests of the Indus Delta region [site] are under great stress due to human interventions and environmental degradation. One of the intentions of this thesis is to fulfil the need to map this ecosystem on a continuing basis.

Algea Built-up area Dense mangrove Medium mangrove Sparse mangrove Mudflats Salt bush-grass Salt pans Water Chart 1:

showing the land cover percentage in the area.

Land cover analysis of Sandspit In the thematic map of Sandspit , nine land cover classes identified from the analysis of satellite images are; Dense Mangroves (canopy cover >70%), Medium Mangroves (canopy cover >40%), Sparse Mangroves (canopy cover <= 40), Salt Bushes / Grasses, Algae, Mudflats (all nonvegetated area other than water, Saltpans and Built-up Area), Saltpans, Built-up Area and Water. From the analysis of the land cover map it was observed that the total mangrove cover in the area is 1056 ha, out of which dense mangrove cover is about 540 ha (51%), medium mangrove cover is about 328 ha (31%), while sparse mangrove cover is about 188 ha (18%).

Macro Analysis

Table 3: Statistical distribution of land cover classes of sandspit [Source: Mangroves of pakistan status and management, IUCN pakistan,2005]

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Trash thrown in an empty plot in Karachi Photo by Zainub Razvi, 2016

Water supply Water is a huge concern in Karachi and the city is in crisis that is mostly because of the poor management, leakage of the piping system causes the water loss. Karachi is experiencing a water and sanitation crisis that stems largely from poor governance. Only 55 percent of water requirements are met daily. Rationing is widespread, and leakages and large scale theft is common. Non-revenue water can be as high as 60%, compared to 30% in Ho Chi Minh City and 17% in Manila. Many households rely on private vendors who sell water from tankers at high prices.[Photo] Less than 60 percent of the population has access to public sewerage, and almost all raw sewage is discharged untreated into the sea, including hazardous and industrial effluent. Less than half of estimated solid waste is collected and transported to open dump sites, resulting in a major public health hazard. Karachi faces a huge problem of water shortage in supplies to meet the growing demand. There are some major challenges in the area of management of services and the supply deficiencies in both quantity and quality of water. The current water demand amounts to approximately 752 MGD (2005); against this demand the capacity of the supply system is 646 MGD, giving rise to a shortfall of 106 MGD in bulk supply. But the amount of water supplied to the consumers by the service remains short by about 35 percent due to losses in transmission from leakages, friction and large scale unauthorized diversion or thefts.

Macro Analysis

To meet the current shortages adequately and the demand up to 2020 (when the metropolitan population will increase to 27.5 million), the bulk water supply from the Indus and other sources will need to be raised double amount of the present supply.

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About 60 percent of the households are connected to the supply network. Under the present conditions, water supply is irregular. Water is supplied only for a few hours, generally four hours daily and that too at a very low pressure. The distribution of the water in the city is not equal to all therefore some areas receive more water, and some too little to meet their needs. There are some areas which are not connected to the system and get water on payment through tankers. There is also a serious concern about water quality. The existing

Photo by Wasif Malik

filtration facilities are not enough to subject all supplies to water purification process; about 60 percent of water is filtered and the rest is only disinfected through chlorination. Some contamination may also occur in transmission to the end consumers. Water supply The city is unable to meet the basic water requirements of public. Currently the city has Water Supply of 2.5 million m3 /day, (676 MGD) research suggest that the water needs will doubled by 2025. Water supply from Kinjhar lake, river Indus

Macro Analysis

Figure 29: water supply map of Keenjhar Lake, Thatta, Sindh, Pakistan [Own illustration] [Source:A Comparative Study of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Keenjhar Lake, Thatta, Sindh, Pakistan]

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Indus River 2 Million m3/day Hub dam 378000 m3/day Ground water 113400 m3/day

Domestic consumption Non-domestic consumption Water loses

Chart 2: showing the water resource and Chart 02 is showing the consumption percentage [Own illustration][Source:Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020, August 2007, CDGK]

Karachi’s devision according to water distribution

Figure 30 : Karachi map showing the devision according to the water distribution. [Own i l l u st r a t i o n ]

The mega city is facing a water scarcity problem very seriously because of the phenomenal growth of the population and the shortage of a water supply. Subsurface geology and surface topography are favorable to store water in dams and recharge the aquifers. However, overextraction of water, scarcity of rainfall, sand and gravel excavation, and lack of groundwater recharge infrastructure have depleted the precious resource. There is an urgent need for a comprehensive city development master plan for future growth of the city with clear-cut priorities, policies, and implementation framework.

Figure 31 :Existing Water Supply Network. [Source: Karachi strategic developemnet plan 2020, Dec, 2007]

Waste water From a fisherman village to an urban metropolitan, Karachi is currently discharging 1,776,600 m3 (470 million gallons) of waste-water into the Arabian Sea everyday (of which remains 85% untreated). The polluted water causing severe threat for marine life and coastal landscapes.

Macro Analysis

Figure 32 : Map showing Karachi devded to 2 zones. The 60 % of waste-water in Karachi comes from industrial zones.

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Figure 33 : Map shows the city devided to 3 zones, showing the drains that discharge to the rivers and the sea.

Karachi has 2 Industrial zones ‘SITE’ drains to Lyari river and ‘Korangi’ drains to Malir river. These 2 rivers together discharge 84 percent of total Karachi’s waster-water into the Arabian sea.

Karachi can be divided into 3 zones when it comes to sewerage disposal into the sea. And all 3 zones have a unique landscape feature “The Mangrove Forest� at the main drains.

1 2



Lyari river 1,047,060 m3 (277 MGD)


Malir river 444,150 m3 (117.5 MGD)


Other drains directly to the sea 285,390 m3 (75.5 MGD)

Other drains which directly are discharged to the sea are Nehre-e-Khayyam, discharging 79,380 m3 (21 MGD), Soldier bazar nalla drain, discharging, 105,840 m3 (28 MGD), Railway nalla, discharging 28,350 m3 (7.5 MGD), Pitcher nalla which discharge 37,800 m3 (10 MGD) and Karli nalla that discharge 34,020 m3 (9 MGD), untreated.

By 2025, when the population is estimated to reach 32.5 million people. The generated sewage will be 2.62 million m3 /day (693 MGD). The population in inner 15 towns will be 25.6 million for the area of 586 km2 while that in outer three towns will be 6.9 million for the area of 2,366 km2 . The sewage generation will be 552 mgd (2 million m3 /d) in inner 15 towns and that in outer three towns will be 141 mgd (0.53 million m3 /d). Built up 1800 sq. km Planned 3600 sq. km

West Zone - Drains from Lyari river to the sea

Central Zone - other direct drains to the sea

Macro Analysis

East Zone - Drains from Malir river to the sea

50 /162 Figure 34: Existing major drains of the city [Source: Karachi strategic developemnet plan 2020, Dec, 2007]



3 Figure 35: Three big drains open to the China Creek discharging 213,570 m3 (56.5 MGD) sewerage to the Arabian Sea. The waste-water is the main source of pollution in the harbour. The Karachi port trust- KPT is already planning to construct a treatment plant and a biological reservoir of capacity 113,400 m3 (30 MGD) for sewage of Soldier Bazar Nallah. This is a welcome step by the KPT which needs to be replicated after its success. Drains are as below: 1. Railway nalla 28,350 m3 2. Soldier bazzar nalla 105,840 m3 3. Nahr-e- Khayam 79,380 m3

Karachi Sewerage and wastewater treatment system Currently there are 2 treatment plants in the central zone. TP.2 in Mehmoodabad 173,880 m3 (46 MGD), (55% efficient) and New Karachi 18,900 m3 (5 MGD) (out of order), with a third plant approved for Sultanabad. The total sewerage of this zone is 285,390 m3 (75.5 MGD) major part of which goes untreated into the Arabian Sea by 5 drain.

Figure 36 :Existing and proposed treatment plants of the city [Source: Karachi strategic developemnet plan 2020, Dec, 2007] r ive ir r a Ly

in ra

Macro Analysis


52 /162

Figure 37 : Assessment of water status along the coast of Pakistan using satellite remote sensing technique. [Source: Mangroves of pakistan status and management, IUCN pakistan,2005] Very Turbid water

Shallow sea-water

Turbid water

Deep sea-water



Transportation According to the city growth and the pattern of city expansion the transport system has developed to what it is now which is divided to road infrastructure(primary,secondary and tertiary roads), public transport, road traffic conditions and management as the main system components. The inner city of Karachi has a radial road network, which was not designed based on city planning but it just goes with how the city used to grow, unplanned. In terms of connectivity, the network is deficient in secondary roads. The weakness has basically arisen from the classification development focussed on residential schemes in the past. Although the maintenance of Karachi’s roads has been poor and problematic, in recent years significant improvements have been done. For example constructing flyovers, underpasses and reorganizing some of the secondary roads. To breakdown the traffic from/to Karachi an express-way is constructed by the Lyari river(which has its own significant ecological impacts to the river itself and the habitat) ;However, these would well serve for the transportation system. Of 24.2 million trips taken every day in Karachi, the public transport (buses) is deemed to provide 50-60 percent of all trips, para-transit (taxis and rickshaws) and private cars account for about 20 percent of the trips. Pedestrian trips represent about 20 percent of all the trips. [source] national highways primary roads lyari expressway northen bypass rail way proposed site mangrooves karachi boundary

Figure 38 : Transportation map

Green Infrastructure

The mangrove forests

Historical and recreational

Macro Analysis

Parks and plazas

54 /162 Agricultural lands

Historically, Karachi was a fisherman village surrounded by high fertile agricultural lands. The ever growing unplanned urban sprawl has reduced the city greens to 3%. The city has more than 1,230 formal and informal nature spaces. However the city is disconnected with cultural and traditional landscapes, which is divided to the mentioned categories; Mangrove forest [mangrove swamp], historical and recreational [historical landmark, sports venues and city parks], Parks and Plazas [neighbourhood and community parks] and Agricultural lands. 1. The mangrove forests are detached and marginalized landscapes character considered as wastelands and there is no public accessibility. 2. Historical and recreational areas are emphasized and exotic landscape character within city center but rarely used. They have high maintenance budget but less environmental and public friendly. Therefore they are usually empty and being un-used. Basically these landscapes are more of fancy landscapes rather than being functional. 3. Parks and plazas, the so called community areas, congested landscape character. They are spread citywide but usually empty and abandoned. There is a lack of maintenance, basic amenities and safety. People passby but dont use them more often. 4. Agricultural lands are located around the city of karachi, mostly on the edge, besides this there used to be 4 urban agricultural lands within the city which has been closed down regarding the lack of water and facilities. Agricultral lands are more of a private landscape character which are not open for public. Possible intervention points Possible intervention points Site

The dots showing on the map are the possible intervention sites. For this purpose the intresting points, determining abondoned green and empty open areas alongside major drains of city.

General Information

Figure 39: Perception about the preferences in the content of green spaces in Karachi. [Source: Green Space Functionality Along an Urban Gradient in Karachi, Pakistan: A Socio-Ecological Study, April 2010]

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According to a report ‘‘Green Space Functionality Along an Urban Gradient in Karachi, Pakistan: A Socio-Ecological Study” , an important component of urban green space functionality is the way in which such spaces are perceived and used by urban residents. Use is affected by many factors including the nature and dynamics of urban morphology at the city and neighbourhood scale. The results of this study provide evidence for the need to protect green spaces from the competing demands associated with increasing urbanisation, especially if the wider goal of urban sustainability is to be achieved. Urbanization causes profound changes in the ecological functioning of landscapes, gradually resulting in new landscape types and patterns and a changing spatial structure (Andersson 2006; Antrop 2000; Breuste et al. 1998).

From aesthetics of appearance to the aesthetics of performance

Nisar Shaheed park in Karachi

Wetland park in China

VS Figure 40 : Nisar Shaheed park in Karachi. Photo by Irfan Ali Shah R

Figure 41 :Minghu Wetland Park by Turenscape, 2014. Photo by Chunjie Xing and Kongjian Yu

Exotic planting High maintenance Low ecological value Low social impact

Indigenous planting Improving water quality Productive Landscape High ecological impact High social impact

Figure 42 : Photos showing the proposed parks in Karachi on the left and current situation of the same park. [Source: Google maps, images]

Karachi harbour area

Macro Analysis

Mangroves status in 1887

58 /162 Mangroves status in 2018

Figure 43: Assessment of mangrove along the coast of Pakistan using satellite remote sensing technique. [Source: Mangroves of pakistan status and management, IUCN pakistan,2005] Dense Mangrove Mud flats Normal Mangrove


Sparse Mangrove

According to the map, above, there is a major area which is filled by Algea which some are the result of an excess of nutrients (particularly phosphorus and nitrogen) into waters and higher concentrations of these nutrients in water cause increased growth of algae and green plants. As more algae and plants grow, others die, which this could be one of the other reasons why mangroves in this area die down. There was a time when Karachi’s coastline and much of the nearby Indus River Delta was covered with dense Mangrove forests, known in Sindhi as N’mar. However, rapid urban development, land reclamation projects and deforestation has resulted in the destruction of the majority of the city’s mangrove forests. One of biggest treat to mangrove forest and its habitats is the rapid and unstoppable population of Karachi. Another reason could be the lack knowledge about this ecosystem. Community members say, despite their best efforts to preserve the mangrove forests, they cannot sustain it unless the government makes efforts to both legally protect the remaining mangrove forests and create acomprehensive plan to clean the water of the Lyari River. [1] 1. Jamil, Rehan. R. Field Interviews, Kaka Pir and Shams PirViliages,Jan 2009

Chapter 3A

Problem Statement

Problem Statement

There are 3 major problems that are threatening the city of karachi. These issues are Water scarcity, untreated waste water, cutting mangroves off in countless numbers and above all high population of the city is a major issue,which is the cause of the 3 major issues.

60 /162

Water-scarcity The water shortage is a huge problem for Karachi’s massive population. The city is trying to increase the amount of water that it gets from the Indus River by building another double-canal, but even if they were to get political approval from the capital to take more water from the river, it would take a minimum of four years to build and on the other hand analysis shows that supply is not the only problem about the water shortage. Other areas of Pakistan pump massive amounts of groundwater. But in Karachi, the underground water is too salty to drink. Many people have pumps but they use the water for things such as showering or washing clothes.

A man holds empty buckets during a protest against water shortages. — Photo by AP

According to Gillani Muhammad ‘‘a major Youths cool off in a waterfall during a sudden heavy rain after days of scorching player in the illegal temperatures. — Photo by AP [ASSOCIATED PRESS] hydrant business’’, one

major reason why stealing water is so common is that the law to prevent it, is very weak. The tankers are using an illegal hydrant set up without KWSB’s permission, which utilises official pipelines to steal water.

People collect water from a tank in Orangi Town, Sector 11, through a leak in its wall. Photo by Naushad Alam

Un-treated Waste water It has always been an argument about untreated waste water and how should we deal with it. Some people do not take this matter seriously. Pakistan is not alone in this, sea pollution is a growing worldwide problem, but Karachi is one of the metropolitan cities that directs most of its untreated water to the sea and considering it as it is not related directly to the humans life, which is totally wrong. It is hardly inconceivable in the country where the rule of building a house with basic amenities and primary services has to be planned, that is largely absent and yet, such a thing seems to be the reality. On Karachi’s coast, there are thousands of small industrial units that are allowed to let untreated waste flow straight into the sea for the want of a civic structure and the utter lack of regulation. A couple of years ago, the Sindh administration acceded that some 8,000 tons of solid waste are either dumped or end up in the Karachi harbour every single day. In addition, some 350 gallons of raw sewage or untreated industrial waste flow into the sea every day (and this is without the estimated involvement of high-profile residential areas).[1]

Problem Statement

According to a world bank report and many more research papers the ocean will contain more plastic than marine life in few years. A distinction is made between polluted water and solid waste, but the end-result contributes to the identical problem of the waters of this bluegreen earth increasingly being poisoned. The city of Karachi, appears to wilfully be poisoning itself and cutting off its own support lines for the future. Where the metropolis is killing off one of its major characteristics.

62 /162 Effluent discharge is a form of point pollution, Photo by Ronald Toms. 1. Keeping trash alive by Amna Chaudhry, Sep 04, 2017

Sewage gushes out of pipes into a drain in Karachi, Photo by White Star

A boy sitting on the shore of Karachi Fisheries Harbour, Photo by White Star

Mangroves | Karachi’s natural defence under threat The river delta is home to the shimmering green mangrove, a delicate ecosystem that thrives in the mingled salt and fresh water. Thick mangroves have long protected Karachi, southern Pakistan’s sprawling metropolis, from battering by the Arabian Sea, but pollution, badly managed irrigation and years of illegal logging have left this natural barrier in a dangerous state. Experts fear that loss of the natural barrier formed by the mangroves could put the city of nearly 20 million people at greater risk from violent

storms and even tsunamis. The rest has fallen victim to illegal loggers, pollution from nearby industry and changes to the river flow caused by irrigation upstream on the agricultural plains of Sindh and Punjab provinces.

Problem Statement

Conservators are struggling to get people to realise how important this ecosystem is. photo by AFP

64 /162 A fisherman in the backwaters of Sandspit Beach in Karachi

Chapter 4

Micro Analysis

Micro Analysis

The chapter presents the initial considerations used in framing the program of the project, indicating the micro analysis, a zoom in analysis to show the relationship between site and the neighbourhood.

66 /162

Site studies mangrove layer

Water layer

Site context

Micro Analysis

Site sections

68 /162

Section A-A

Section B-B

Section C-C

Site segment studies

Micro Analysis

Figure 44 : The zoom in of where the Soldier bazzar drain discharges waste water to the mangrove area, which directly goes to the Arabian sea, untreated. [ Source: Own illustration]

70 /162

Figure 45 : Zoom in of the area where the relation of the dense residential and the mangrove swamps are shown, where it shows the obvious lack of connection between the two main parts and also the situation which shows the mangroves are treated as a wasteland.

Figure 46 : Zoom in of the point where road is cutting through the site, which the reclaimed land is shown and few mangroves which still survived.

Blue infrastructure

Micro Analysis

The initial considerations of blue infrastructre, indicating the micro analysis, a zoom in analysis to show the relationship between site and the water thorugh lenses of water and tide analysis.

72 /162

Water body Water is the key role player in the site, as it is the main food of the most important element in the site. There are two different type of water coming into the site, first one is the sewerage water coming from the Soldier bazzar drain, the sweet dirty water and the second is coming through the channel to the site which is salty semi clean sea water coming from Arabian sea and then into chinna creek . The importance here is how the project is using this both water at the same time, in which one has to be cleaned up and the other one has to flow through to serve the mangroves.

Site Water body Figure 47

Polluted water from drains

: Water body, showing the drains, swamp and the sea

Water flow- low tide

Micro Analysis

Figure 48 : Countour map, where it shows the low tides coming into the mangrove area within the site.[ source: google maps + Karachi strategic development plan 2020, Dec 2017] [own illustration]

The tides in Karachi are semi-diurnal, which means that there is a lesser, and a greater tide each day. Mean high water is 3.1m above datum and mean low water is 1.4m above datum giving a range of 1.7m. (Table 4)

74 /162 Table 4 :Tidal levels at Karachi port [Source: Karachi strategic development plan 2020, Dec 2017 ]

Water flow- High tide

Figure 49 : Countour map, where it shows the high tides coming into the mangrove area within the site.

The tidal volume (about 75 million m3) comes to chinna creek with each tide. This gives velocities in the entrance channel in excess of 1 m/s. that is sufficient to maintain depths naturally. Further, inside the harbour the tidal currents are much weaker. In the Upper Harbour, velocities are very low all the time, rarely exceeding 0.5 m/s. This, unfortunately, provides almost ideal settling conditions for the sewage, which flows into the harbour from Chinna Creek. Mangrove forests are distributed in intertidal zones along nearshore coastlines, and thus low-stand mangrove forests are periodically

submerged by variable tide levels at different times (Figure 50). With the fluctuating tide levels, mangrove forests show different spectral signatures, depending upon whether water is present or absent underneath the canopy of the mangrove forests.

High tide level

High stand mangroves

Low stand mangroves and submerged

Low tide level

Submerged mangrove High stand mangroves

Low stand mangroves

Micro Analysis

Figure 50 : The basic idea based on the relationship between mangrove forests and tide levels

76 /162

Green infrastructure

The initial considerations of green infrastructre, indicating the micro analysis, a zoom in analysis to show the relationship between site and the neighbourhood green spaces thorugh lenses of mangrove forest, existing green infrastructure and flora and fauna which are existing in site.

Micro Analysis

Open spaces

78 /162


Open spaces


Vacant spaces

Figure 51 : Map showing the different types of open spaces, including, parks, mangrove area, vacant spaces.

Mangrove areas are being under-rated and used as wastelands, acooring to the analysis these areas can regenerate and spread over the site and bring it back to its former natural state. Where this idea can occure through replanting mangrove and reclaiming what was once theirs.

Photo by Reginald de Guia | National Geography Title : Soon

Mangrove zoning and root details

Figure 52 : Mangrove zoning and root detail of the mangrove types that are local to the site. [ Own illustration] Rhizophora Avicennia Marina Ceriops Tagal Aegiceras Middle Zone

Micro Analysis

Inland Zone

80 /162 Figure 53 :Mangroves exist along the coast in a special hierarchy depending upon their roots structure and tidal waves affinity.[ Own illustration]


Bog Coastal Zone

General development attitude in Karachi is taking over ecological edge and destruction of habitats The mangrove trunks, forest floor, seaweeds and water pools within the mangroves provide a favourable habitat to support a wide variety of animal life at various life cycle stages, therefore by destroying this convinient ecosystem we are taking this house from their habitat. Hunting is one of the reasons why the number of migrating birds are coming to Karachi has declined drastically over the past three decades. Over 70% of Siberian migratory birds have stopped visiting Pakistan.

Micro Analysis

Around 150,000 birds, including local and migratory waterfowl, were estimated to have landed at 12 aquatic ‘stopovers’, which is 70% less than in 2017-2018, according to a survey conducted during the winter season.[1]

82 /162

1. siberian-migratory-birds-stopped-visiting-pakistan, by seyed ashraf ali, Feb 11, 2019. 2. Karachi Neighborhood Improvement Project Environmental and Social Management Framework February 2017

The Sandspit beach could be a rich habitat for green turtles if the site remained undisturbed and safe as more than 3,000 turtles nest here. “The beach has become very vulnerable due to unregulated developmental activities, encroachments as well as plastic litter, discarded glass and leather that interfere with their nesting cycle,� The carcass ofthe endangered Green Turtle at Jiwini Beach on the Makran Coast. The coastal areas ofBalochlstan are the nesting sites of the Green Turtle. [2]

Existing Flora and Fauna in Karachi

Micro Analysis

Figure 5

84 /162


: Existing flora and fauna in Karachi and specifically near the mangrove ecosystem [Source: Own illustration]

Detail Life cycle studies of the marin wild life Studies of biological corridors and wildlife connectivity; Detailed surveys of flora and fauna. This diagrams shows that the marin wild life detailed life span and the related food chain, life cycle and the place that they will grow best in each step of their lives. Each circle deteremins life cycle of each species, showing their birth, larval stage, juvenile , smolt and adult age.

Micro Analysis


86 /162


Mud skipper

Silver Carp fish

Micro Analysis

Green turtles

88 /162

Mud crab

Grey infrastructure

Micro Analysis

The initial considerations of grey infrastructre, indicating the micro analysis, a zoom in analysis to show the relationship between site and the neighbourhood thorugh lenses of transporation and social and cultural analysis.

90 /162

Mobility networks

Figure 55


Primary roads

Secondary roads


: Map shows the transportation routs nearby the site.

The bypass that passes through the site which divides it to two different part with different characteristics, has a 40km/h speed limit and the traffic flow is really smooth , during the week days. According to the analysis, the bypass could be converted to a slow road where the public flow can be integrated and this will make the site connection much more clear as it is missing right now. This could be succeed by having textured road and the public plaza[pedestrian friendly] road.

Social and cultral Analysis A socio-economic survey was conducted in late 2005 that covered a sample of 5000 households living in the 18 towns of the Karachi City District. The overall objective of the survey was to investigate the living conditions of the population, existing provision of basic services and facilities, living style, economic conditions, social problems and felt needs of the population. Some of the major findings of the survey are: 1. Literacy rates are comparatively low and could be improved through nonformal education that includes both home and street schools; Health is the most neglected area. The present level of facilities is not sufficient to serve the population; small clinics, mother and child health centres and primary health care centres in particular are needed;

Primary B.A- Illiterate Middle Inter M.a- Matric Literate Chart 3: Education level

Employement Un-employement Chart 4 : Level of employement

Micro Analysis

2. Access to clean drinking water is the greatest perceived need of the population;

92 /162

3.Participation of women in economic activities should be systematically encouraged and ensured in order to enhance household income and upgrade standards of living; and 4. Non-completion of development projects and programs has had a negative impact on development.

Pacca R.C.C Neem katacha Chart 5 :Showing housing condition in Saddar district

Figure 56 : Income Disparity across Karachi, Where Those with High Incomes Live around Downtown and the Unemployed Live on the Periphery and in Informal Settlements.

Figure 57 : Site area and neighbourhood housing typology

A. Informal settlement lack of facilities lack of infrastructure bad view-lighting lack of water supply lack of green spaces Average size of a lot 78 Sq.m B. Semi planned settlement lack of facilities bad view-lighting lack of water supply Average size of a lot 38 Sq.m C. Formal settlement

Micro Analysis

Average size of a lot 313 Sq.m

94 /162

D. Industrial settlement Noise pollution Air pollution

Average size of a lot 570 Sq.m

Vacant Housing in the city

Figure 58: Karachi Vacant Housing Schemes. [Source: Karachi strategic developemnet plan 2020, Dec, 2007]


? ?

? ?

Figure 59 :Diagram shows the existing activities on site and what could be probably propose on site.

Chapter 5

Stake-holder Circular economy Water filtration using plant and mangroves

Clean usable water fishing nets Less water pollution

Fuel wood production


More agriculture

Development of aquatic life and fish industry

96 /162

Green and recreational options


Trade Opportunities


Stakeholder groups and community leaders from the following sectors were identified:

Industrialists transports operators

Agriculture Community Organisations Business Organisations Elected Representatives

Land owning agencies town administration Environmentalists Ecologists Statutory/Strategic Stakeholders Local people Tourists

Chapter 6

Precedented studies

Case Study 01 Houtan Park, Shanghai by Turenscape Location: China Shanghai Association: Sponge city

Precedented studies

Project overview Houtan Park is built on a brownfield of a riverbank in Shanghai and can be identified as a regenerative living landscape. The site is a narrow, 14-hectare (34.6-acre) band situated along the Huangpu River. The site was used as a steel factory and repair shop; After they have closed the industries this place was used as a garbage dump and industrial material storage space. Before its redesign, few industrial structures remained at the site. (Figure 60)

98 /162 Figure 60

: Previous condition of Houtan Park in 2007

The first design challenge was restoring the degenerated environment. Both the park’s land surface and underground were filled with industrial and construction waste. The water near the riverbank was highly contaminated, with a national water quality ranking of Lower Grade V (the lowest on an I–V scale). (Table 5)

Table 5 : General rating scale for Water Quality Index (WQI) and uses [Source: Potential Of Best Management Practices (Bmps) Projects For Effective Integrated Water Resource Management, Decembere 2016]

The second challenge was improving flood control capabilities. On the southeast shore of the site, there was originally a 6.7-m-high flood wall used to control flooding. However, 2.1 m daily tidal waves made the coast too muddy for the public to approach. The final challenge was the shape of the site itself. The park is situated between the Huangpu River and the city highway and is 1.7 km long, but ranges from 30 to 80 m in width in various locations (Figure 61)

Figure 61 : Aerial and site photos of the previous condition of Houtan Park in 2007,[Source:]

The regeneration design strategy was to convert the area into a living system that would provide comprehensive ecosystem benefits, including food production, flood regulation, and water purification and that would provide a variety of natural habitats. Another propose was to creat an artificial wetland 5 to 30 m wide which purifies the polluted water that goes untreated to the Huangpu river. (Figure 62)

Figure 62 : Water-cleaning mechanism of artificial wetland, [Source: https://www.asla. org/2010awards/006.html]

Terraces are used to oxygenate the nutrient-rich water, retain nutrients, and reduce suspended sediments while creating healthy water features. Various types of wetland plants were chosen with the intention of absorbing various contaminants from the water. Field testing indicated that 2,400 m3 of water per day could be purified, bringing the quality from Lower Grade V to Grade III (Figure 62).

Precedented studies

The design of the wetland terraces also took into consideration the difference in elevation between the city and the river; for safety reasons, the distance between pedestrians and the water’s edge was decreased (Figure 63).

100/162 Figure 63 : Linear wetland with terraces covered by a variety of native grasses and wetland plants

The existing concrete flood control walls were replaced by ecological friendly riprap (loose stone used to form the foundation for a breakwater), which enables native species to grow along the riverbank and protects the coast from erosion (Saunders, 2012). Terraces enrich the landscape by creating spaces that encourage visitors to enter the living system through the field’s corridors and experience the agricultural landscape and wetlands. The pathways, like the capillaries of a sponge, absorb and lead visitors through the park (Saunders, 2012). Criteria to be considered in this case study 1. Environmental impacts, Constructed Wetland and Regenerative Design

The site cleans up to 634,000,0 gallons (3000 M3/day) of polluted river water daily, improving the water’s quality from Grade V (unsuitable for human contact) to Grade II (suitable for landscape irrigation) using only biological processes.(Table 5)

Increased the biodiversity of the site dramatically, with 93 species of plants and over 200 species of animals observed.

Stores an estimated 242 tons of carbon annually in park’s extensive wetlands, perennial plantings, and trees.

The wetland also acts as a flood protection buffer between the 20and 1000-year flood control levees. The meandering valley along the wetland creates a series of thresholds creating visual interest and refuge within the bustling world exposition with opportunities for recreation, education, and research.

2. Economy

Saves $116,800/year in water costs at the adjacent Expo Park where 264,000 gallons of water treated by Houtan Park’s wetland purification system is used in the water features.

Reduced waste and saved an estimated $17,300 by reusing 37 tons of steel and roughly 34,000 post-industrial bricks found on the site.

Precedented studies

3. Social impacts



Provided recreation and educational opportunities to around 590,500 visitors. The park continues to provide these benefits to city residents and visitors from around China and the world.


An ecologically recovered landscape, urban agriculture and industrial spirit are the three major layers of the park, woven together through a network of paths where visitors are educated about green infrastructure within a lushly restored recreational area.


This network ensures seamless connections between the park and its surroundings, encourages access within the site that is a pleasant and accessible public park at the human scale.

Figure 64 : The terraced wetland is heavily planted to clean the contaminated water, and the eco friendly boardwalk composed of decomposable bamboo.

Chapter 7

Wetlands Wastewater treatment using wetlands Economical aspects [low maintenance and less mechanics required], social aspects [community involvement and interactive landscape] and environmental aspects [very low co2 emission and biodiversity improvement] are the charactristics of constructed wetlands. Water Treatment | Man-made Grey water in rural areas of Mafraq governorate is characterized by very high COD, BOD and TSS concentrations with average values of 2568 mg/l, 1056 mg/l and 845 mg/l, respectively.


Suggested treatment options were discussed in view of the low monthly income in the studied area, which does not exceed 300 US$ per family. In this case, only low cost treatment options were chosen in order to allow dissemination of the sanitation practice in nearby villages.


Electrical parts were avoided because of the additional operational costs but also because electricity is not always available. Under these conditions, systems like sequencing batch reactors (SBR) and rotating biological contactors (RBC), which are commonly used as an alternative in decentralized sanitation and grey water treatment.[1] 1. Grey water characteristics and treatment options for rural areas in Jordan, M.Halalsheh, S.Dalahmeh, M.Sayed, W.Suleiman, M.Shareef, M.Mansour, M.Safi , Sep 2014

Based on the aforementioned criterions, the following low cost on-site treatment options were selected: 1.Septic tank followed by intermittent sand filter. 2.Septic tank followed by wetlands. 3.UASB-hybrid reactor. Water Treatment- Natural Findings suggest that simple technologies and sand filters have been shown to achieve only a limited treatment of the greywater whereas membranes were reported to provide good removal of the solids but could not efficiently tackle the organic fraction. Alternatively, biological and extensive schemes achieved good general treatment of greywater with a particularly good removal of the organics. The best overall performances were observed within the schemes combining different types of treatment to ensure effective treatment of all the fractions. Wastewater recycling has been and continues to be practiced all over the world for a variety of reasons including; to increase water availability, combat water shortages and drought, and support environmental and public health protection. The most common application for wastewater recycling is agricultural irrigation. However, other options such as industrial, recreational, environmental and urban reuse have been practised. In some cases, mixed rain and grey waters have been used as well as a ‘light greywater’ including only the sources from the bathroom. 5 categories of the treatment: 1. Simple (coarse filtration and disinfection), 2. Physical (sand filter, adsorption and membrane), 3. Biological (biological aerated filter, rotating biological contactor and membrane bioreactor), 4. Extensive (constructed wetlands) 5. Chemical (photocatalysis, electro-coagulation and coagulation). Extensive treatment technologies Extensive technologies for greywater treatment usually comprise

constructed wetlands such as reed beds and ponds. Reed beds are aquatic plant based systems which allow bacteria, fungi and algae to digest the sewage and clean the water. There are two basic types of reed bed - vertical flow and horizontal flow constructed wetland: Because of high removal efficiency, low cost, simple operation, and great potential for water and nutrient reuse, Constructed wetland have become an increasingly popular option for wastewater treatment. Types of Constructed Wetland: 1. Free water surface flow CW 2. Subsurface flow CW [vertical and horizontal flow] 3. Hybrid systems 4. Floating treatment wetland. Selection of the flow depends primarily on the targeted constituents for treatment, geographic location, cost, available area, and treatment goals. Subsurface flow CW Based on the present review, Vertical Flow CWs exhibits better removal performance for TSS (85.25%), BOD5 (89.29%), and COD (66.14%), respectively, compared to HSSF CWs (79.93% for TSS, 75.1% for BOD5, and 66.02% for COD, respectively). Konnerup et al. (2011).


The best system often results from combining the two (Vertical and horizontal Flow).

106/162 Figure 65 :Subsurface constructed wetlands [Source: Poh-Eng, L. y Polprasert, C. (1998). Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery. Environmental Sanitation Information Center, AIT, Bangkok, Tailandia.]

Floating treatment wetland (FTW) Floating treatment wetlands (FTWs) are a novel treatment concept that employ rooted, emergent macrophytes growing on a floating mat rather than rooted in the sediments. The main advantages of FTWs over conventional sediment-rooted wetlands is their ability to cope with variable water depth that is typical of event-driven stormwater systems. [1]

Figure 66 : Floating constructed wetlands[Source: Own illustration]

Free water surface flow CW also known as free water surface constructed wetlands, can be used for tertiary treatment or polishing of effluent from wastewater treatment plants. .They require a relatively large area to purify water compared to subsurface flow constructed wetlands and may have increased smell and mosquito inviting. Inlet pipe and gravel for wastewater districution

Effluent outlet

Figure 67 : Water surface constructed wetlands [Source: Poh-Eng, L. y Polprasert, C. (1998). Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery. Environmental Sanitation Information Center, AIT, Bangkok, Tailandia.] 1. Ecological Modelling and Engineering of Lakes and Wetlands, Ni-Bin Chang, Zachary A. Marimon, in Developments in Environmental Modelling, 2014

Sedimentation Tank It should be easily accessible for cleaning and maintenance. PRE-treatment | stage 01+02 Screening and septik tank


Figure 68 : Diagram showing the screening and septik tank. [own illustration]



Water inlet


Screening mesh


First compartment


Concrete chamber


Secondary filter


2/3 volume


Service entrance


Grit chamber


Inspection ports


Service corridor


Water outlet




Last compartment


Waste bin


Second compartment


Vent pipe


1/3 volume

Types of vegetation Different vegetation species have different capacities for nutrient uptake and accumulation of heavy metals. [1] In addition, plant communities consisting of multiple plant species with different seasonal growth patterns and root characteristics may be able to enhance the performance of a wetland. Alternatively, two studies have investigated the use of a range of plants. Frazer-Williams et al. reported the use of Iris pseudocorus, Veronica beccabunga, Glyceria variegates, Juncus effuses, Iris versicolor, Caltha palustris, Lobelia cardinalis and Mentha aquatica in their GROW system. Similarly, Borin et al.reported a system planted with ten different species (alisma, iris, typha, metha, canna, thalia, lysimachia, lytrum, ponyederia and preselia). [2] Pennisetum purpureum (Elephant grass) has the highest nutrient removal rates during the period from May to June. Canna indica showed the highest removal rate during the month of August. The removal rate of Phragmites communis was the highest during the month of December. Borin et al. compared the performance of two constructed wetlands, one planted with the common reed Phragmites australis and the second with a range of ten species. However, no significant differences in treatment effectiveness were observed between the two systems. Besides being seen as environmentally friendly technologies, constructed wetlands have been considered as cheap options. Simple technologies and sand filters have been shown to achieve only a limited treatment of the greywater whereas, membranes were reported to provide a good removal of the solids but could not efficiently tackle the organic fraction.Alternatively, biological and extensive schemes achieved good general treatment of greywater with a particularly good removal of the organics. In conclusion, the best performances were observed within those schemes combining different types of treatment to ensure effective treatment of all the fractions. Finally, the extensive technologies were the systems working at the highest HRT with an average value of 4.5 days. 1. Nutrient Limitation and Uptake,Jennifer L. Tank, Emma J. Rosi, in Methods in Stream Ecology (Third Edition), 2017 2. Application of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in developing countries – A review of recent developments (2000–2013)

Wetlands 110/162

Figure 69 : Plants native to karachi as well as being a great filtration tool for untreated water [Source: Own illustration]

Effect of season on Constructed Wetland In general, the efficiency of treatment in a CW decreases at low temperature primarily because of reduced biotic activity. [1] Cost requirement the cost of treatment and operation and maintenance for CW systems are much lower than other WWTP ( wastewater treatment plant). In China, the cost of CW construction (US$ 164–460 m−3) accounts for only one-third to one-half of building a WWTP (US$ 246–657 m−3). At a treatment capacity of 200 m−3 d−1, the construction cost of the Longdao River CW (Beijing, China) was estimated at US$ 0.02 m−3, and the average total treatment cost was calculated at US$ 0.03 m−3, which was equal to one-fifth of that for a conventional WWTP. [2] Land requirement CW systems for wastewater treatment are usually land intensive and require more space than that for conventional wastewater treatment systems. The area of an HSSF CW is usually about 5 m2 PE−1 (PE = population equivalent = 60 BOD5 d−1), while a VSSF CW requires less land, usually 1–3 m2 PE−1 for municipal sewage. Based approaches in small and medium sized towns, UN-HABITAT (2008) revealed that an area of 1–2 m2 PE−1 would be required for an HSSF CW while a specific area of 0.8–1.5 m2 PE−1 would be needed for a VSSF CW. Footprint of about 1000 m2 for a scheme including a sedimentation tank, a reed bed, a sand filter and a pond treating the greywater of a 100-inhabitant village, corresponding to 10 m2 per inhabitant connected. Similarly, Dallas et al. reported the treatment of the greywater of 7 persons from 3 houses by a sedimentation tank, two reed beds and a pond with a total footprint of about 40 m2 , corresponding to 5.7 m2 per person. In contrast, Nolde, reported a system composed of a sedimentation tank, a rotating biological contactor installed in the 15 m2 basement of 70-person multi-storey building, corresponding to 0.2 m2 per person connected. 1. Application of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in developing countries – A review of recent developments (2000–2013) 2. A study of the microbial quality of grey water and an evaluation of treatment technologies for reuse,P.Winwarda, 1 February 2008.

Water Treatment | Mangrove The mechanisms of the removal of nutrients and pollutants from wastewater of the mangrove system involve various processes such as: Plant uptake Litter decomposition Retention in sediment Microbial activities Mangrove sediments act as an efficient trap for the immobilization of nutrients and heavy metals. Mangroves can be utilized as an alternative low cost, easy-maintained, simple and effective method for sewage treatment . Advantageous 1- being the perennial tree species with high growth, they have a high potential biomass sink for nutrients; 2- They are inherently tolerant of periodically inundated water conditions. 3- They are tolerant of extreme environmental conditions such as high temperature, fluctuating salinity and shifting anaerobic/ aerobic soil substrate. 4- They have extensive above ground roots which help settle small particulate. Effect of soil on Mangrove Several properties of soil such as texture, organic matter, pH, salinity and redox potential affect the ability of the mangrove system to immobilize pollutants.


Difference between natural and manmade Mangrove


Significant differences between the two systems were obvious in all parameters. The natural forest system showed lower pH values in comparison to the newly-planted system. Soil EC (electrical conductivity) in the natural forest system was higher. Soil OM (organic matter) in the natural forest system was high. Example of treatment Efficiency of the Constructed Wetland Water Quality of the wetland in 7 days

For pH, both 7- and 3-day treatments showed similar results, In the natural mangrove system, the pH of the last day was significantly lower than the newly-planted system.

In the natural forest system, little light could penetrate the water thus the water treatment system became more heterotrophic. The 1st day pH was lower than the 7th or 3rd days. Water quality between 1 and 7 days

Water quality at the 1st and 7th day of each plant zone inside the newly planted and natural forest systems; and removal percentage after a 7 day detention time, values are mean and (SD). Water Quality of the wetland in 1 and 3 days

Water quality at the 1st and 3rd day of each plant zone inside the newly planted and natural forest systems; and removal percentage after a 3 day detention time, values are mean and (SD).

Conclusion Mangrove plantation had showed a good potential to be used as constructed wetlands to treat municipal wastewater. A method to increase available oxygen in the system should be provided.

Chapter 8



For understanding the macro vision of Karachi and the issues, we tried to study the relationship between the city and the site through means of transportation, green spaces, water and waste water.


Startegy Structure

Figure 70 : Site strategy and frame work [Own illustration]


Educational Linkage


Figure 71:Educational institutions of the city would be connected to the research activities happening on the intervention site,so that similar projects could be initiated all over the city.

The design would act as a pilot project that would further spread around the city ,transforming the existing landscapes into landscapes of performance. This would not only provide citizens with lively, low maintenance green spaces around the city but would also look into the water scarcity of the city by filtration.

As, the functional landscapes would minimize the water crisis. They would simultaneously involve community to foster social connection, educational institutions to carry more research in the landscape solutions for the other environmental issues. Green Linkage Social Linkage

Figure 72:Functional green corridors with goals to improve the landscape as well addressing the contemporary urban issues i.e. water filtration would spread throughout the city that are presently abandoned or vanishing landscapes.

Because of strategical location of site, it would be an interactive space between people different communities. Once these kind of functional green spaces would be active in the whole city, would induce social connection too.

Site strategy


Calculation of cut and fill and the transportation of the soil


CUT A A1, total 36730 m2 that devides to = 15563 m2 * 2 m = 31126 m3 and 21167 m2 * 3 m = 63,501 m3 therefore, the total is 94,627 m3 A2, total is [3266 m2 * 3m = 9800 m3] + [6,050 m2 * 2m= 12100 m3]+ [9530 m2* 1m= 9530 m3] which makes it 31,430 m3 A3, total 39,645 m2 that devides to = 15202 m2 * 2 m = 30404 m3 and 24443 m2 * 3 m = 73,329 m3 therefore, the total is 103,733 m3 A4, total is [2,617 m2 * 3m = 7,851 m3] + [7,837 m2 * 2m= 15,674 m3]+ [5,360 m2* 1m= 5,360 m3] which makes it 28,885 m3

FILL A A5, [13,425 m2 * 1m = 13,425 m3]+ [38,732 m2 * 2 m= 77,464 m3]+[14,127 m2*1 m= 14,127 m3] therefore in total 90,903 m3 CUT B B1, [44,782 m2* 2m= 89,564 m3]+[ 44,782 m2* 3m= 134,346m3] B2, [26,367m2*1m=26,367m3] in total B1 and B2 is 160,713m3 FILL B B3, [74,773m2* 1m = 74,773m3]+[9,135m2* 2m=18,270m3] which in total it makes it 93,043 m3

Cut and fill strategy






Figure 73 : Ů?Diagram a is showing the existing topography b=low tide and c= high tide situation [own illustration]




Figure 74 : Diagram a is showing the proposed topography b=low tide and c= high tide situation [own illustration]

Planting strategy


Sensory strategy



Figure 75 : Planting strategy and vegetation choice according to different steps of water filtration [own illustration]

Figure 76 :Sensory strategy [own illustration]

Figure 77 :Seasonality [own illustration]

Treatment strategy Grey water


Waste water with high nutrient Grey water and light grey water discharging from Soldier bazzar


Calculation of the Water capacity and water retention Total water treatment capacity= 2,152 m3 per day Retention time of water in ponds= 3 days Total area of treatment = 34,901 m3 + 33591 m3 area of treatment breakdown: Screening area is 1056 m3 Septik tank is 5293 m3 Pond 1 capacity is 5,538 m3 Pond 2 capacity is 2,016 m3 Pond 3 capacity is 2,715 m3 Pond 4 capacity is 10,820 m3 Pond 5 capacity is 8,505 m3 Pond 6 capacity is 5,538 m3 Retention pond 1 = 22,786 m3 Retention pond 2 = 10,805 m3 Total area of treatment is 68,492 m3 and the efficient area of treatment in real cases of water treatment is usually 78% of the whole area, that brings down the area of treatment to 53,423 m3.

Clean water

Discharge the fresh water for the green spaces, parks nearby and this process makes the park a self sufficient park

Figure 78 :Water treatment ponds showing the water color change through the ponds in different stages of water treatment [own illustration]

Landscape Design

Landscape Design

Master Plan The design would act as a pilot project that would further spread around the city ,transforming the existing landscapes into landscapes of performance. This would not only provide citizens with lively, low maintenance green spaces around the city but would also look into the water scarcity of the city by filtration.



Landscape Design

Figure 79 : Different layers of masterplan, showing zonning, accessibility, Mangrove covers and Pathways and trails. [own illustration]


Landscape Design


Landscape Design


Landscape Design


Landscape Design

Trails of experiment and adventure There is a restricted access to the constructed wetlands as there is a need for stabilization and growth of the plants in the area, and it is a priority to invest for this stage before implementing the connection stage.

Landscape Design

In the last stage there are educational trails for the interested group of people which fully operates.



Landscape Design


Landscape Design


Landscape Design

Landscape Design

Ecological sanctuary The vision is to design the place to recall its former natural state by spreading another layer of ecological system on the top of the site. Cut and fill strategy has been used to achieve the suitable swamp for mangroves to grow and built their ecological sanctuary.



Landscape Design

Landscape Design

Pavilion planning concept Providing education , interactive spaces and community involving programs, it will serve as a place where awareness about planets’s eco systems could be shared and research would be conducted to save and explore this super ecosystem of coastal areas as well as other ecosystems.


Landscape Design

Planting Strategy Successional planting strategy is been used to grow indigenous planting, fast growing. the strategy help establish green cover in a short period of time.



Landscape Design

List of Figures

List of Figures

Figure 1


List of figures : Map showing mangrove forests distributions of the world.

[Source:Giri et al, Aug 18, 2010] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

Figure 2

:Distribution and biogeographical provinces of the world’s mangrove forests. A) Advance and regrowth of mangrove extent (1996-2010) B) Degradation from anthropogenic drivers of change including evidence of prior disturbance .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Figure 3

: Views of seaward mangrove fringes showing foreshore in June 2016 between Limmen and MacArthur rivers, Photo by NC Duke. . .20

Figure 4

:Distribution and biogeographical provinces of the world’s mangrove forests. [Source: ModiďŹ ed from spalding et al. (1997) and Dukee t al. (1998).]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Figure 5

: Role that mangroves play as an ecosystem [Own illustration]. . . .21

Figure 6

: Digram above, shows the food cycle of the mangroves and the relatable aquatic life and birds.1. Mangroves trees use sunlight and co2 to grow by photosynthesis. 2. Fallen leaves become food for bacteria and microbes,which convert it into dead organic matter known as detritus. 3. Invertebrate species including worms,crabs,shrimps and barnacles feed on the detritus. 4. Small fish as well as wading birds feed on the many detritus eating animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

Figure 7

: Digram above, shows the carbon storage rate of mangroves.1. Mangroves take atmospheric co2 to form their leaves,stems,branches,trunks and roots. 2. As carbon containing leaves, stems and branches fall ,accumulating sediment bury them.Buried carbon remains their for centuries if undisturbed. 3. The carbon remains store there unless it gets disturbed by any natural activities (hurricane,tsunami) or human activities (excavation,logging) quickly releasing stored carbon. back to atomoshphere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

Figure 8

: Mangroves decrease the water polutants from the ground water. On the other hand, they decrease the salinity of water also. So,they act as natural water filtration tools for coastal areas.They also have great capacity for metals removal from water also.So, have a potential to be used as tool for wastewater managament.. . .23

Figure 9

: During rising tides, as the sea comes in, waves enter the mangrove forests. They lose energy as they pass through the tangled above-ground roots and branches and their height is rapidly diminished, by between 13 and 66% over 100 m of mangroves. As this happens, waves lose their ability to scour the sea bed and carry away sediments. Mangroves also reduce winds across the surface of the water and this prevents the propagation or re-formation of waves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Figure 10

: Treats to mangrove as mangrove forests are one of the world’s most threatened tropical ecosystems .More than 35% of the world’s mangroves are already gone. The figure is as high as 50% in countries such as India, Pakistan. Most destructive uses of mangrove forests require their removal. The motivations behind deforestation include direct use of the mangrove wood and leaf products, use of the wetland habitat, or complete fill and conversion for coastal developments. [Own illustration]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Figure 11

: Distribution of mangrove forests in Pakistan. [Own illustration]. . . .24

Figure 12

: Map showing the wind direction from the Arabian sea, overlapped with the strong wind directions. [Own illustration] [ Source: https://]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

Figure 13

: Map showing the city of Karachi and wind direction from the Arabian sea, overlapped with the strong wind directions. [Own illustration] [ Source:]. . 25

Figure 14

: Examples of natural (top row) and built (bottom row) infrastructure. .26

Figure 15

: Existing mangroves in Karachi [ Own illustration] . . . . . . . . . . 26

Figure 16

: Map on left shows Pakistan and heighlited Sindh Province, Map on right shows Karachi and south Karachi is highlighted. [ Own illustration] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Figure 17

: Site reclamation and mangrove swamp which was taken and converted to artificial islands for residential and commercial developemnts. [Source: google maps]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

Figure 18

: Diagrams showing the density of the city in time. [ Source: Worldbank]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Figure 19

: Black area shows the site and the neighbourhood areas in Saddar town [Own illustration] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Figure 20

: Map showing the Saddar town boundary and the highlighted is the

study area and the neighbouring area . [Own illustration]. . . . . . . 33

Figure 21

: Population and Area Comparison of Cities [Source: Klaus Philipsen, FAIA, edited: Ben Groff,]. . . . . . . .34

Figure 22

: Three diagrams showing the comparison between Karachi and 3 metropolitian cities regarding their livability. [Source: Livability index calculated by World Bank staff, based on Amirtahmasebi and Kim, 2014] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35

Figure 23 : Karachi Spatial Distribution of Quality of Life.

List of Figures

[Source: Assessment the Quality of Life in Karachi City through the Integration of Space and Spatial Technologies, May, 2013] . . . . . .35


Figure 24

:New economic centres with specialized functions may emerge around the present metropolitan area with or without the help of planning.[Source: Karachi strategic developemnet plan 2020, Dec, 2007] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35

Figure 25

: City footprint (gray), land under construction (dark grey), and urban green areas (green) derived from satellite imagery, 2013. [Source: World Bank analysis based on satellite imagery and land use classification from European Space Agency, 2013] . . . . . . . .36

Figure 26

: City footprint (gray), land expansion (black) [Source: World Bank analysis based on satellite imagery and land use classification from European Space Agency, 2013]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Figure 27

: Diagram showing urban expansion and city developemnt [Own illustration][Source:Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020, August 2007, CDGK], Urban expansion [Source:Impact of Emerging Geo-Informatics Technologies in City and Regional Planning of Pakistan,2010] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

Figure 28

: Assessment of mangrove, land and water status [land cover] along the coast of Pakistan using satellite remote sensing technique. [Source: Mangroves of pakistan status and management, IUCN pakistan,2005]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Figure 29

: water supply map of Keenjhar Lake, Thatta, Sindh, Pakistan [Own illustration][Source:A Comparative Study of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Keenjhar Lake, Thatta, Sindh, Pakistan] . . . . . . . .46

Figure 30

:Existing Water Supply Network. [Source: Karachi strategic developemnet plan 2020, Dec, 2007] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Figure 31

: Karachi map showing the devision according to the water distribution. [Own illustration]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

Figure 32

: Map showing Karachi devded to 2 zones. The 60 % of wastewater in Karachi comes from industrial zones.. . . . . . . . . . . . .48

Figure 33

: Map shows the city devided to 3 zones, showing the drains that

discharge to the rivers and the sea.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Figure 34

: Existing major drains of the city [Source: Karachi strategic developemnet plan 2020, Dec, 2007] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Figure 35

: Three big drains open to the China Creek discharging 213,570 m3 (56.5 MGD) sewerage to the Arabian Sea. The waste-water is the main source of pollution in the harbour. The Karachi port trust- KPT is already planning to construct a treatment plant and a biological reservoir of capacity 113,400 m3 (30 MGD) for sewage of Soldier Bazar Nallah. This is a welcome step by the KPT which needs to be replicated after its success.Drains are as below:. . . . . . . . . . . .51

Figure 36

:Existing and proposed treatment plants of the city [Source: Karachi strategic developemnet plan 2020, Dec, 2007]. . . . . . . . 52

Figure 37

: Assessment of water status along the coast of Pakistan using satellite remote sensing technique. [Source: Mangroves of pakistan status and management, IUCN pakistan,2005] . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Figure 38

: Transportation map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53

Figure 39

: Perception about the preferences in the content of green spaces in Karachi. [Source: Green Space Functionality Along an Urban Gradient in Karachi, Pakistan: A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Figure 40

: Nisar Shaheed park in Karachi. Photo by Irfan Ali Shah R. . . . . .57

Figure 41

: Photos showing the proposed parks in Karachi on the left and current situation of the same park. [Source: Google maps, images]. . 57

Figure 42

:Minghu Wetland Park by Turenscape, 2014. Photo by Chunjie Xing and Kongjian Yu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57

Figure 43

: Assessment of mangrove along the coast of Pakistan using satellite remote sensing technique. [Source: Mangroves of pakistan status and management, IUCN pakistan,2005] . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Figure 44

: The zoom in of where the Soldier bazzar drain discharges waste water to the mangrove area, which directly goes to the Arabian sea, untreated. [ Source: Own illustration] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Figure 45

: Zoom in of the area where the relation of the dense residential and the mangrove swamps are shown, where it shows the obvious lack of connection between the two main parts and also the situation which shows the mangroves are treated as a wasteland. . . 70

Figure 46

: Zoom in of the point where road is cutting through the site, which the reclaimed land is shown and few mangroves which still survived..71

Figure 47

: Water body, showing the drains, swamp and the sea . . . . . . . .73

List of Figures

Figure 48

: Countour map, where it shows the low tides coming into the mangrove area within the site.[ source: google maps + Karachi strategic development plan 2020, Dec 2017] [own illustration]. . . . .74

Figure 49

: Countour map, where it shows the high tides coming into the mangrove area within the site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

Figure 50

: The basic idea based on the relationship between mangrove forests and tide levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Figure 51

: Map showing the different types of open spaces, including, parks, mangrove area, vacant spaces.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Figure 52

: Mangrove zoning and root detail of the mangrove types that are local to the site. [ Own illustration]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80

Figure 53

:Mangroves exist along the coast in a special hierarchy depending upon their roots structure and tidal waves affinity.[ Own illustration]. .80

Figure 54

: Existing flora and fauna in Karachi and specifically near the mangrove ecosystem [Source: Own illustration] . . . . . . . . . . . .85

Figure 55

: Map shows the transportation routs nearby the site.

. . . . . . . .91

Figure 56

: Income Disparity across Karachi, Where Those with High Incomes Live around Downtown and the Unemployed Live on the Periphery and in Informal Settlements.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93

Figure 57

: Site area and neighbourhood housing typology . . . . . . . . . . .93

Figure 58

: Karachi Vacant Housing Schemes. [Source: Karachi strategic developemnet plan 2020, Dec, 2007] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

Figure 59

:Diagram shows the existing activities on site and what could be probably propose on site.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95

Figure 60

: Previous condition of Houtan Park in 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

Figure 61

: Aerial and site photos of the previous condition of Houtan Park in 2007,[Source:] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Figure 62

: Water-cleaning mechanism of artificial wetland, [Source: https://]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100

Figure 63

: Linear wetland with terraces covered by a variety of native grasses and wetland plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Figure 64

: The terraced wetland is heavily planted to clean the contaminated water, and the eco friendly boardwalk composed of decomposable bamboo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102


Figure 65

:Subsurface constructed wetlands [Source: Poh-Eng, L. y Polprasert, C. (1998). Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery. Environmental Sanitation Information Center, AIT, Bangkok, Tailandia.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Figure 66

: Floating constructed wetlands[Source: Own illustration]. . . . . . .107

Figure 67

: Water surface constructed wetlands [Source: Poh-Eng, L. y Polprasert, C. (1998). Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery. Environmental Sanitation Information Center, AIT, Bangkok, Tailandia.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Figure 68

: Diagram showing the screening and septik tank. [own illustration]. . 108

Figure 69

: Plants native to karachi as well as being a great filtration tool for untreated water [Source: Own illustration] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110

Figure 70

: Site strategy and frame work [Own illustration]. . . . . . . . . . . .116

Figure 71 :Educational institutions of the city would be connected to the

research activities happening on the intervention site,so that similar projects could be initiated all over the city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

Figure 72 :Functional green corridors with goals to improve the landscape as

well addressing the contemporary urban issues i.e. water filtration would spread throughout the city that are presently abandoned or vanishing landscapes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117

Figure 73

: Ů?Diagram a is showing the existing topography b=low tide and c= high tide situation [own illustration]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120

Figure 74

: Diagram a is showing the proposed topography b=low tide and c= high tide situation [own illustration]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121

Figure 75

: Planting strategy and vegetation choice according to different steps of water filtration [own illustration] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123

Figure 76

:Sensory strategy [own illustration] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Figure 77

:Seasonality [own illustration] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123

Figure 78

:Water treatment ponds showing the water color change through the ponds in different stages of water treatment [own illustration] . . .125

Figure 79

: Different layers of masterplan, showing zonning, accessibility, Mangrove covers and Pathways and trails. [own illustration]. . . . . 129

List of Tables and charts

List of Tables and charts



: Types of mangrove trees [present and extinct] in Pakistan.



:Population growth and densities as per densification scenario kmp, 2005-2020 [ Source: World bank, Pakistan 2020] 33


: Statistical distribution of land cover classes of sandspit [Source: Mangroves of pakistan status and management, IUCN pakistan,2005] 42


:Tidal levels at Karachi port [Source: Karachi strategic development plan 2020, Dec 2017 ] 73


: General rating scale for Water Quality Index (WQI) and uses [Source: Potential Of Best Management Practices (Bmps) Projects For Effective Integrated Water Resource Management, Decembere 2016] 99

Chart 1

: showing the land cover percentage in the area.

Chart 2

: showing the water resource and Chart 02 is showing the consumption percentage [Own illustration][Source:Karachi Strategic development Plan 2020, August 2007, CDGK] 46

Chart 3

: Education level


Chart 4

: Level of employement


Chart 5

:Showing housing condition in Saddar district



Back cover photo by Paul Marcellini

“If survival is an art, then mangroves are artists of the beautiful: not only that they exist at all — smooth-barked, glossy-leaved, thickets of lapped mystery — but that they can and do exist as floating islands, as trees upright and loose, alive and homeless on the water.’’ Annie Dillard

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