12 Pieces 1 Analytical
Character Traits 1. Themes Analysis
Format 1. Essay - Literature.
2 Analytical
2.Techniques Analysis
2. Choice
3 Review
3. Rant, Rave, Balanced, OpEd
3. Choice
4 Review
4. Research Based
4. Choice
5 Reflection
5. Progress Report / Self Reflection on Writing
5. Choice
6 Reflection
6. Moment of Change with Anagnorisis
6. Choice
7 Reaction
7. Same Form Lit Reaction
7. Same Form Lit Reaction
8 Reaction
8. Genre Transformation
8. Genre Transformation
9 Comparative
9. Choice
10 Synthesis
9. Comparative: One Aspect / Two or More pieces of literature 10. Message from Multiple Sources
11 Creative
11. Poetic
11. Selected Poetry
12 Creative
12. Narrative
12. Selected Narrative
10. Choice
Table of Contents Student Creates Table of Contents with Order Abstract Student Writes 25-50 word "Artist Statement" re:all 12 pieces.