The Written Corrective Feedback Debate: Next Steps for Classroom Teachers and Practitioners DAN BROWN Toyo University Tokyo, Japan doi: 10.1002/tesq.63 &
Language teachers spend much of their time providing corrective feedback on students’ writing in hope of helping them improve grammatical accuracy. Turning to research for guidance, however, can leave practitioners with few concrete answers as to the effectiveness of written corrective feedback (CF). Debate in the literature continues, reflecting dichotomies in language learning theory, inconsistent research methodology, and inherent challenges in designing controlled classroom research (Ferris, 2004; Gue´nette, 2007; Truscott, 2007). As the debate evolves, few teachers are waiting for concrete empirical support and instead provide written CF based on intuition, experience, and student expectations (Ferris, 2011; Hyland & Hyland, 2006). Second language and foreign language writing teachers, therefore, face the immediate challenges of assessing their students’ abilities, needs, goals, and preferences with respect to written accuracy and then designing feedback to fit teaching contexts in ways that are manageable and useful. This article will identify factors that warrant consideration when teachers make decisions about the provision of written CF and highlight trends in research that provide practical insights for its design.
INSTRUCTIONAL CONTEXT: FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE EFFECTIVENESS OF WRITTEN CF Bruton (2009) and Evans, Hartshorn, McCollum, and Wolfersberger (2010) highlighted the inherent limitations of current research on written CF due to the vast complexity of contextual factors that account for (or limit) effectiveness for particular learners or groups of learners in particular classroom settings. As Hyland (1998) noted, it may be that “‘good’ feedback can only really be defined with reference to the individual writers, their problems, and their reasons for writing” (p. 275). With this in mind, teachers hold considerable responsibility in identifying the factors that influence effectiveness in their unique teaching contexts to inform their methodological decisions. TEACHING ISSUES