Israel Turns 70 (April 2018)

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1 Corinthians. 16:22

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halom esteemed beloved in Christ! I thank God for the blessing and privilege of traveling to Israel with a group of 58 brothers who have received the instruction in the Word of God concerning “the mystery of Israel,” and who love and appreciate the nation of Israel, the Jewish people, Jerusalem and the Lord’s Holy Mount. We were greatly blessed being in the Holy Land and walking among the chosen people of God. We had the privilege of being able to impact and comfort Zion by demonstrating and sharing our mindset with Jews and rabbis during our trip to the Holy Land. Those were glorious days in Israel. To be able to walk where our Master, our brothers, the apostles, and the members of the early Church walked is an experience that each pastor should experience for himself so that he can study and speak the Word with a greater passion and conviction. In the midst of the internal and external whirlwind currently lashing against the nation of Israel and against the Old City of Jerusalem, we felt an inexplicable peace as we walked the streets of the City of the Great King. We left our hearts and our tears in the Holy Land, especially in Jerusalem. This was a spiritual journey that fed our souls. We returned with a greater hunger and thirst to love and serve our God and to love, bless and support the people of God. During these days we celebrate the power and the promises of the God of Israel in this historic and prophetic time that we are living in, being part of the generation that has witnessed the establishment of the Modern State of Israel. On the 19th of April of this year, it will be 70 years since the fulfillment of the

miraculous rebirth and sprouting of “the fig tree,” the nation and the Land of Israel, precisely as the “King of the Jews” declared would occur in Matthew 24:32-35. “Od Avinu Chai, Am Yisrael Chai!” “Our Father lives, the nation of Israel lives!” Without a doubt, Israel lives because the God of Israel lives! It has been approximately 4,400 years since God called Abraham as part of His divine plan to form a special people for Himself. The same God who called him declared His plan during His manifestation in flesh on earth when He stated: “I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living…” (Mark 12:26-27). Abraham is not dead. He departed to be present with the Lord (Eccl. 12:7, 2 Cor. 5:8). Abraham lives before God! And it is from the descendants of Abraham more than 3,300 years ago that God miraculously called and formed Israel as a nation. The Lord says of Israel: “When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called My son out of Egypt” (Hosea 11:1). Israel lives because the God and Father of Israel lives! “For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. The LORD did not set His love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: But because the LORD loved you, and because He would keep the oath which He had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt” (Dt. 7:6-8). When the people of Israel were in Egypt, God commanded Moses to go before Pharaoh and declare the super special place that Israel has (and never has ceased to have) before God. “And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the Lord, Israel is

My son, even My firstborn” (Ex. 4:22). God declares an eternal, personal truth that is near to His heart: His love and alliance with Israel.

within their limits have not changed. Therefore, the descendants of Israel and now the Jewish nation of Israel continue in existence.

The great kingdoms and empires such as Egypt, Babylon, Greece and Rome which, in their respective times, exercised control over the people of Israel, oppressing and seeking to exterminate the people of God, have ceased to exist or to reign.

The challenge God gives to mankind is an impossible one to perform. Who can measure the heavens in their entirety? The astronomers, even with all their satellites and powerful telescopes, have only been able to view “the beach of the immense ocean which is the universe,” an expansion which measures 20-30 billion light years across its diameter. That means that in order to cross only the part of the universe that they have discovered, a person would have to travel at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second, or 300,000 km per second) for 20-30 billion light years without stopping. And this is only the part of the universe, “the beach,” that scientists have been able to measure. How or who would be able to explore the foundations of the Earth? No human has ever done it nor will anyone ever be able to accomplish this. These are impossible challenges! Likewise, it is impossible for God to cast away His people! “I say then, Hath God cast away His people? God forbid!” (Rom. 11:1).

Where are these empires? They are relegated to history books which tell about who they once were. All that is left of them are museums and archaeological ruins. They are history. On the other hand, the Jewish people and the nation of Israel live! They continue making history and they are God’s Clock concerning the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ! The God of Israel lives! In the words that I cite next, the God and Father of Israel makes a declaration concerning His eternal power and love towards His son, His firstborn. He finishes His words by issuing a challenge which is impossible for any human being to fulfill. “Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is His name: If those ordinances depart from before Me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before Me forever. Thus saith the LORD; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD” ( Jer. 31:35-37). The laws and the creation that God created, established and ordained have not ceased to exist or to function, even to this day. The light from the sun continues to shine over our planet. The moon and the laws that sustain it in its place, reflecting the light from the sun at night, continue in effect. The laws that keep the oceans

On the 20th of April of this year, 2018, we invite all the congregations around the world who desire to do so, to join us in making a march in our respective communities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the modern State of Israel and to demonstrate our love and support for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. “For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth” (Isa. 62:1). Glory to God! The Modern State of Israel lives! 70 years of prophecy in fulfillment! God bless you. Pastor Efraim Valverde, III


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“Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the Word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying,…” (Ezra 11:1).


e are completing the first quarter of this year, 2018, and we are witnesses of how God’s Clock continues to rapidly advance. We also see how there are parallels in how the God of Israel, our Lord Jesus, stirred up the heart of a Gentile king, Cyrus, so that he would allow the people of Israel to return to Jerusalem after having been in exile in Babylon for 70 years. Presently, the Lord has stirred up the heart of another Gentile leader, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, to make a historic change, when he declared that the United States Embassy would be officially moved to Jerusalem on the 14th of May to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Modern State of Israel. But in addition to this historic event, it is important to mention other important events that have occurred during the first three months of this year. The year began with provocations by the Arabs who launched 6 missiles from the Gaza Strip to Israeli territory. Israel responded swiftly and strongly by bombing the sites from which the missiles were launched. During the first three months of the year the Arabs have launched more than 10 missiles from Gaza, which is controlled by the terrorist group, Hamas. Fortunately the damage caused by these attacks has been limited to material damage, without the loss of human lives. Unfortunately, using other methods of terrorist attacks, the Arabs have shed Jewish blood. On the 9th of January, Rabbi Raziel Shevach, the father of 6 children, was assassinated near Havat Gilad in Samaria, as he was driving his car through that area.

God's Prophetic Clock Brother Gilbert Tienda Then, on the 5th of February, Rabbi Itamar Ben Gal, was fatally stabbed while he was at a bus stop near the community of Ariel, leaving behind his wife and 4 children. On the 4th of March an Arab attempted to kill several Israeli soldiers with his vehicle in the Jewish city of Acre in northern Israel. Four soldiers were wounded in this attack. Also on the 16th of March near the Jewish community of Mevo Dotan, an Arab rammed his vehicle into a group of Jews, killing two Israeli soldiers, Ziv Daos, 21, and Netanel Kahalani, 20, and critically injuring two other soldiers. On March 18th, Adiel Kolman, a 32 year old father of four, was fatally stabbed while he walked through the Arab Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem during the afternoon. And there have been other terrorist attacks as well. On various occasions Arabs have detonated bombs near the border in Gaza. On the 4th of February four Israeli soldiers were injured by one of these explosions. Israel has responded by using tanks to destroy key installations used by the Arabs to perpetrate these attacks, as well as destroying tunnels that the Arabs have constructed in an attempt to reach Israeli territory. On the 10th of February Israel shot down a drone that Iran had launched from Syrian territory. After capturing the drone Israel sent several jets to bomb various strategic military installations that Iran has set up in Syria. In the process Syria was able to shoot down one of Israel’s F-16 jets. The two pilots who manned the jet were able to eject from it before it crashed and they suffered various injuries, but survived the incident. The spokesman for the Israeli army, General Ronen Manelis stated: “This is a serious Iranian attack against

Israeli territory. Iran is carrying the region to an adventure which they do not know how it might end.” He added; “Whoever is responsible for this incident will pay a price.” The prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, has emphasized the fact that Israel will not permit Iran to establish a permanent military presence in Syria and that Israel will do anything necessary to prevent this from happening. On the diplomatic front, the United States has continued strengthening its support of Israel. Vice President Mike Pence visited Israel in January. During this official visit he reiterated that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. As part of his speech before the Knesset, he cited several portions of the Bible which speak in favor of Israel, and he also recited a portion of a Hebrew prayer. Since Mr. Pence is a devout evangelical Christian his speech affirmed the strong relationship between evangelical Christians and Israel. He also visited Egypt where he emphasized that the United States supports a twostate solution if both parties agree to it. He also visited Jordan where he stated that the US government is committed to maintaining the status quo concerning the holy sites in Jerusalem. Originally, as part of his trip he was scheduled to meet with Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, but Abbas cancelled the visit after President Trump declared in December that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. He stated that the Arab world no longer trusted in the United States to be an unbiased mediator in the peace process between the Arabs and the Jews. But the most outstanding and historic event happened on the 24th of February. President Trump and

his government had previously stated that they were committed to move the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but that this move could take several years. Then, during his visit to Israel in January, Vice President Mike Pence made a comment that this move could possibly take place by the end of the year 2019. But then, in a prophetic and historic manner, similar to the way that the God of Israel stirred up the heart of Cyrus, the king of Persia, God, who uses whomever He chooses to use, whenever He chooses to use them, in the way that He determines to use them, stirred up the heart of President Trump to drastically advance the date on which the United States Embassy would be moved to Jerusalem. Trump declared that the move would be made on the 14th of May of this year, so that the move would coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Modern State of Israel. (It is important to explain here that Israel will officially celebrate its 70th anniversary on the 19th of April. This is because Israel uses the Hebrew calendar and not the Gregorian calendar to mark its holidays and important dates. May 14, 1948, was the date on our Gregorian calendar on which David Ben Gurion issued the declaration establishing the Modern State of Israel. But the date of that historic declaration on the Hebrew calendar was the 5th of Iyar. This year, 2018, the 5th of Iyar falls on the 19th of April on our Gregorian calendar.) Is it mere coincidence that President Trump chose this date? In light of the events which continue to occur in Israel and around the world, we can confidently state that this is not a coincidence, “for yet a little while, and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry” (Heb. 10:37). God bless you, Your brother in the Lord, Gilbert Tienda


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“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise ye when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the door. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled” (Mt. 24:32-34).


o whom did the Lord speak these words? Surely it could not have been to those who were alive almost nineteen and a half centuries ago, because “that” generation has been “asleep in the dust of the earth” (Dan. 12:2) for more than nineteen centuries. The general consensus among Christian interpreters of prophecy is that the Lord is directing those words to the generation that has seen the “fig tree blossom” once again, or more specifically, the generation that has had the privilege of seeing Israel reunite as a legal constitutional state. We are “that generation.” We are celebrating Israel’s 70th anniversary of having been reinstituted and “officially” counted among the nations of the earth. This event should stimulate Christians who are awake to pay attention to “God’s clock” (Dan. 9:24) and to ask ourselves a series of questions such as: “What is going to happen during these days in which we are living?” “What is going to occur with the present situation of the State of Israel in which there seems to be no possible human solutions?” “What is God going to do with the approximately eight million (8,000,000) Jews of the Diaspora who are still scattered throughout the face of the earth?” In our limited capacity there is no human who can specifically and definitely answer these and other similar questions that may arise. However, we have a tremendous advantage, because we can focus our attention on “God’s clock”

ISRAEL TURNS 70! Pastor Efraim Valverde, Sr.

(Dan. 9:24), the nation of Israel, in order to gain a better perspective about the prophetic hour in which we are living because “the time is fulfilled.” I stress the fact that we who are awake to the reality of the fulfillment of that marvelous prophecy are enjoying an uncommon privilege that the Lord has not given to all Christians. In fact, there are many Christians whom God has not enlightened concerning this subject, and who continue to “ignore this mystery,” thereby remaining vulnerable to the dangerous consequences of doing so (Rom. 11:25). Therefore, we should appreciate the full value of this privilege and continually give the Eternal God thanks for it. It is also appropriate for me to present here the following reasoning that I have often mentioned to God’s people: How can we truly appreciate something if we know little or nothing about it? This is why it is imperative for my companions in the ministry and my brothers and sisters in the Lord to have, at the very least, a basic understanding of the foundational Scriptures concerning this vital subject, as well as the historic and contemporary facts regarding Israel and the Jewish people. I personally thank God who, in the last 22 years of my ministry, has opened my spiritual eyes and daily increased my understanding concerning the tremendously

important relationship which exists, according to the Holy Scriptures, between the Jewish People (both in Israel and in the Diaspora) and the Church among the Gentiles. I have considered it a privilege to speak and write about this subject and to instruct God’s children, so that they may benefit from it. We now continue our study by considering Scriptural portions relating to the Jewish People in God’s plan of salvation, as well as historical facts which, during the past 20 centuries, especially during the 20th century, have stood out as landmarks on God’s horizon. Israel lives by Divine providence. For this reason there are people living in the Holy Land and in the Holy City of Jerusalem today who yearn for the imminent coming of the Messiah. FUNDAMENTAL PROPHETIC SCRIPTURES Ever since our first father sinned, God promised the advent of the seed that would bruise the serpent (the devil) on its head (Gen. 3:15). The lineage of that true seed began with the righteous Abel who, after his death, was replaced by his brother Seth. The lineage of the chosen seed survived the Great Flood in the person of Noah and continued through Shem and his descendants until it reached Abraham, the friend of God (Isa. 41:8). It is to the patriarch Abraham, his son Isaac, and his grandson Jacob

that God declared and confirmed the blessed promise of a chosen nation which would come forth from their loins: “And I (the Lord) will make of thee (Abraham) a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Gen. 12:2-3). “And the Lord appeared unto him (Isaac), and said, go not down to Egypt; dwell in the land, and I will go with thee, and I will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all of these countries, and I will perform the oath which I swore unto Abraham thy father; and I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed” (Gen. 26:2-4). “And he (Jacob) dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold the Lord stood above it , and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, ant to thy seed; and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: And in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed” (Gen. 28:12-14). Twelve sons were born to Jacob (Israel) who later formed the twelve tribes of the Israelite nation, which after 430 years of slavery in Egypt, grew into a great multitude who received God’s law on Mount Sinai by the hand of Moses. Then, after traveling forty years in the desert, they entered into the Promised Land of Canaan by the hand of Joshua, thereby fulfilling what the Lord had promised the patriarchs. Biblical history continues relating to us all the positive and negative

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events that happened to the chosen people. We read about their conquest of and settlement in the Promised Land, the period of the judges, the establishment of the monarchy, and the consolidation of the kingdom during David’s reign. Then, under Solomon, Israel enjoyed its “Golden Age,” the climax of which, being the construction of the magnificent temple of God in Jerusalem atop Mount Moriah. Solomon’s death marked the beginning of the decline of the Jewish nation. The decline continued with the division of the kingdom into two parts and ended in its Babylonian transmigration and exile. This process first began with the Northern Kingdom, Israel, (at the hands of the Assyrian Empire in 556 BCE, according to Jewish chronology) and continued with the Southern kingdom, Judah, approximately 134 years later (at the hands of the Babylonian Empire in the year 422 BCE, according to Jewish chronology). The fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple marked a radical change in Jewish history. However, after seventy years in exile, the kingdom of Judah returned to the Holy Land and rebuilt Jerusalem, its walls and the temple. However, the reconstructed temple in no way equaled the splendor and the glory of the original. Jeremiah’s lamentations and the exhortations of Isaiah, Ezekiel and the other prophets in Israel (with their dreadful warnings and prophecies) fill the pages of the Old Testament and close the first part of the Holy Book: the BIBLE. The period of God’s silence then began, lasting approximately 400 years, during which there was no vision, nor prophet nor seer of God. It is during this period in which Mattathias Maccabee and his sons recaptured and purified

the temple that had been profaned by the representatives of the Hellenic culture. However, the Roman Empire then arose and the Jewish people once more lost their independence. Under the authority of the Roman Caesar, Herod amplified and embellished the second temple, which is the one the Lord Jesus Christ drove the money changers out of (Mt. 21:12-13 and John 2:13-17).

(Rom.9:4-5). He also specifies that “God hath not cast away His people which He foreknew” (Rom.11:2). He also exhorted the Gentile Christians, saying: “For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in” (Rom.11:25).

The Messiah that Israel awaits came, but it was not given to them It was among the chosen people to recognize Him. Instead, a “veil” that God, the Holy Seed, manifested was placed over their eyes that Himself in flesh in the likeness and remains even until the present (2 appearance of a Jew. “For unto us a Cor. 3:13-16). This was necessary Child is born, unto us a son is given: because “God hath concluded them and the government shall be upon His all in unbelief, that He might have shoulder: and His Name shall be called mercy upon all” (Rom. 11:32). Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty Therefore, by their non recognition God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of the Lord, salvation came to the of Peace” (Isa. 9:6). John the Baptist, Gentiles (Rom. 11: 11-15). If they in the spirit of the ministry of Elijah, (the princes of Israel) would have introduced the “Lamb of God, which recognized who He was, “they would taketh away the sin of the world” not have crucified the Lord of glory” ( John 1:29). The prophetic words (1 Cor. 2:8). Then, we, “the dogs” of Simeon are fulfilled in the Lord’s (Mt. 15:26) who were outside, earthly ministry. “Then took he would have remained forever (Simeon) Him (the Baby Jesus) up “having no hope and without God in in his arms, and blessed God, and said, the world” (Eph. 2:12). Lord now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy Word: Through the mouth of the prophet For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, Jeremiah, God promised that the which Thou hast prepared before the seed of Israel would never cease to face of all people; a light to lighten the be: “Thus saith the Lord, which giveth Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people the sun for the light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars Israel” (Luke 2:28-32). for a light by night, which divideth The Lord Himself declares the the sea when the waves thereof roar; special place the Jewish people have the Lord of hosts is His Name: If in the plan of salvation when He those ordinances depart from before says to the Samaritan woman: “ Ye Me, (saith the Lord,) then the seed worship ye know not what: we (the of Israel also shall cease from being Jews) know what we worship: for a nation before Me forever. Thus salvation is of the Jews” ( John 4:22). saith the Lord; if heaven above can The apostle Paul confirms this truth be measured, and the foundations of by stating: “Who are Israelites; to the earth searched out beneath, I will whom pertaineth the adoption, and also cast off all the seed of Israel for all the glory, and the covenants, and the that they have done, saith the Lord” giving of the law, and the service of ( Jer. 31:35-37). God, and the promises; whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning God formed the Jewish nation the flesh Christ came, Who is over so that through them He would all, God blessed forever. Amen” bring the supreme blessing for all

5 humanity: the Book of Life, (the Holy Bible), and the Redeemer of the world, Jesus Christ our blessed Savior. The Church was founded in Israel, and in due time salvation was extended to the Gentiles. This happened according to what the Lord had foretold when He said: “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice; and there shall be one fold and one Shepherd” ( John 10:16). Since the work of redemption has now been completed and established, we can summarize it in the apostle Paul’s words. He said: “And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory” (1 Tim. 3:16). However, the chosen nation has not ceased to be, much less has it disappeared. It continues on the course it has followed during the last nineteen centuries, paying a great price along the way so that we might have a blessing. ANCIENT AND CONTEMPORARY HISTORY The Lord Jesus prophesied the tremendous second Scattering of His people when He declared: “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled” (Luke 21:24). He also specifically described the manner in which the Second Temple would fall (Mt. 24:1-2). The Roman legions under the command of General Titus laid siege to the city of Jerusalem in AD 67. After withstanding the siege for three terrible years, the city succumbed in AD 70, forty years after the Lord had foretold it. The


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temple was desecrated and razed in accordance to the prophecy first given by Daniel and subsequently confirmed by the Lord (Dan. 9:2627, Mt. 24:15-20, Mark 13:14-18, Luke 21:20-24). Israel ceased to be counted among the nations and the exile of the centuries began. “The Wandering Jew” began journeying throughout all the nations as a pilgrim, without a house or home of his own, despised and hated by the world. On various occasions the Jews tried to recapture their land which had been promised to Abraham and his seed. However, it was not yet God’s time for them to return. Meanwhile, Imperial Rome attempted to completely erase the memories of Israel, razing Jerusalem to its foundations and changing her name to Aelia Capitolina. The history of 18 centuries is replete with facts and events relating to the chosen people. Recorded in the annals of history are its triumphs, as well as its sufferings, persecutions, and massacres at the hands of the different nations in which it sojourned. The histories of many nations are tainted with the blood of the “Wandering Jew,” thereby fulfilling David’s statement: “Yea, for Thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter” (Psa. 44:22). God’s chosen people has paid, and continues paying, a unique price for the supreme privilege of having been chosen by God as His special vessel to bless the world. Herein resides the most tremendous irony of the ages: the worst, most ruthless persecutor of the Jewish people during the last sixteen centuries has not been the atheists or the pagans. It has been the socalled Christians. It has been the so-called “Christian Church” that has screamed that the “Jews crucified Christ.” In fact, Christians

in general have been taught that they are doing God a service by despising, hating, persecuting, and even killing the natural seed of Abraham ( John 16:2).

them nor ceased loving them. It is certainly true that He has chastened them (just as He has chastened His Church). Yet, this is for their own good, “for whom the Lord (the Father), loveth He chasteneth, Only the true Christians have and scourgeth every son whom He understood that we are to love the receiveth” (Heb. 12:5-7). On the chosen people of God, the people other hand, He has said that He will from whence “comes our salvation” judge the Gentiles and the nations ( John 4:22). Only we, the true who have afflicted and spoiled His Christians, can claim the same people (Zech. 2:8-9). special distinction as the chosen people of God: “We are accounted as THE FIRST ZIONIST sheep for the slaughter” (Rom. 8:36). CONGRESS Only we, the true Christians, can understand and feel the pain of In December of 1894 in the the “people who are now our people, predominantly Christian, European and whose God is also now our God” country of France, a Jewish soldier, (Ruth 1:16). Only we, the true Alfred Dreyfus, was unfairly Christians, can understand that the convicted of being a German spy. day is rapidly approaching in which The case was tainted with strong there shall no longer be two folds, anti-Semitic overtones. Although but there shall be “one fold and one Dreyfus was later pardoned, released Shepherd” ( John 10:16). and ultimately declared innocent, the unjust treatment he received Christianity among the Gentiles has prompted a Jewish journalist, not been called to “convert” Israel Theodore Herzl, to initiate a to the “Christian religion.” Sixteen campaign for the defense and centuries of “missionary” endeavors emancipation of the longsuffering, among Judaism should be more persecuted Jewish people. Herzl’s than sufficient proof to convince so- idea was based on the hope of called Christianity that the only One the centuries of the “Wandering that can convert the hearts of the Jew” to return to the Promised Jewish people is the One who placed Land to reestablish the nation of the veil on their understanding, Israel. As part of his efforts, Herzl the Lord, the God of Israel: Y’shua wrote a treatise entitled “The Hamashiach Adonai. It is He who, Jewish State.” As a fruit of Herzl’s in His Second Coming, will redeem efforts to communicate his ideas His chosen people. to the minds of the Jews residing in European countries, in 1897 in What so-called Christianity has Basil, Switzerland, the first “Zionist” done in its blind zeal, oblivious to congress, as this movement came to what has occurred in past centuries, be called, convened. is to encourage resentment, bad will, and even fear in the hearts of the The hand of the Eternal One was on Jewish people toward a “christ” who these matters, since they were the curses, condemns and even kills beginnings of the fulfillment of that them. This “christ” is a false. This great and marvelous prophecy of the “christ” is the antichrist himself. centuries: the return of the scattered people to the Promised Land which The Lord Jesus, the King of Israel, had been foretold time and again the Messiah who will soon manifest by the ancient prophets of Israel. Himself to His people, is the Many other meetings followed this same God who chose them from first Zionist congress. As a direct antiquity. He has never rejected

result of these congresses, masses of European Jews migrated to what was then known as Palestine, which was then under the control of the Turkish government. The Zionist operation consisted in convincing rich, influential Jews in Europe to finance the emigration of the Jews among the masses who were willing to buy land and settle in Palestine. At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of Zionist kibbutzim (communal villages) established in Palestine, thus stimulating the continued growth of the Jewish population in the Promised Land. It was in these first few years of the 20th century that modern Jerusalem, which lies west of the walled Old City, began to be populated. The modern metropolis of Tel-Aviv was also established during these days on the beaches of the Mediterranean. The desert lands purchased by immigrant Jews from Arab landowners, often at exorbitant prices, to the surprise of their previous owners, began to produce in a way no one had imagined. To the north of the Jezreel Valley there had existed uncultivated swamps, infested with malaria carrying mosquitoes. This swampland for centuries had produced nothing more than fever and death to those who dared to inhabit it. The Zionist colonists planted eucalyptus trees along the borders of the marshlands and the camphor produced by these trees exterminated the mosquitoes. A few years later, the desert lands begin to be supernaturally transformed into fruit and flower gardens and the swamps into rich and fertile lands. The rain, which had been absent for centuries, thereby converting the Promised Land into a semi-desert, began to fall abundantly. This phenomenon has been scientifically confirmed by expert meteorologists. The land of Israel, as a bride who waits for her beloved, began to once

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again pulsate with a life that for centuries it had not had. The year 1914 arrived and with it the outbreak of the First World War The Zionist movement was slowed but not stopped. By the end of the war in 1917, the Turks had lost control of the Middle East, including Palestine, and the English began enforcing their “mandate,” which was soon made official by the League of Nations. The Zionist leaders, who had previously sought authorization from the Turks and the Ottoman government to establish the Jewish State somewhere in Palestine, once again began to hope that their dream would finally be realized now that England had taken control. In fact, the Foreign Minister of England, Arthur Balfour, promised the Zionist leaders that he would submit a proposal to the English government regarding the establishment of a “home for the Jews” in Palestine. The Jews were greatly disillusioned to see the years pass without that promise ever being fulfilled. This breach in promise was a result of pressure on the British government from the Arabs, both in Palestine and in the adjacent countries. The Arabs, driven by their jealousy and resentment of the Jews, who by this time had been prospering twenty years in the Holy Land, pressured the British into reneging on the promise given by Lord Balfour. Things changed. The Jews, seeing themselves not only as having being deceived or defrauded, but also feeling threatened that their enemy would resort to force to expulse them from the Promised Land, began to use their weapons not only to defend themselves from the belligerent Arabs, but also to attack British military installations. This struggle continued, grew, and intensified during the 1920’s and 1930’s, until 1939 when Nazi

Germany under the command of Adolf Hitler began to invade the European nations, subsequently provoking the outbreak of the Second World War. THE " TRAVELING IN CHILDBIRTH" By this time in Europe, especially in Germany, the horrible monster of anti-Semitism had revealed its ugly face and the Jews had already been confined to living in the despicable, infamous ghettos. They had already been deprived of all their civil rights and even of their properties. The war intensified and with each German victory came an increase in the persecutions and mass killings of Jews in Europe. Thousands, and even millions of them were transported from the ghettos to concentration camps. From there they were sent to the gas chambers and ultimately to the ovens to be systematically annihilated by Nazi Germany’s diabolical assassination equipment. Although a good number of Jews were able to flee from Eastern Europe before this gruesome period began, the majority were exterminated in the years between 1942 and 1944. Six million (6,000,000) human beings, whose only “crime” was being a natural heir of the chosen people of God, were systematically taken to their death in the most horrible and gruesome ways that the human mind can conceive. As can easily be understood, the historical facts, which exist regarding what we now refer to as “the Holocaust” are innumerable. All I can add here about this macabre event which occurred in the century of “intellectual civilization, industry and science” is that it is unique in the annals of human history. Never had something as horrible as “the Holocaust” happened previously at any other time or in any other

nation. The only appropriate thing to mention here is that the mysterious sign of the “woman clothed with the sun…travailing in birth” (Rev. 12:1-2) had to be fulfilled. Therefore, the Jewish race (the woman) suffered severe labor pains (the Holocaust) and gave birth to a son (the new Jewish State) in 1948. After almost 19 centuries of exile no one really believed that the “Wandering Jew” would reestablish himself as an autonomous nation and as a state in the Promised Land. Even during the Zionist movement, before the reestablishment of Israel, on various occasions offers were made to the Jews to establish their state on other continents such as Africa and South America. They rejected all these offers because the Word of God had to be fulfilled to the tiniest detail. The Lord Himself declared: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Mark 13:31 and Luke. 21:33). With the defeat of the Axis nations, Germany, Italy and Japan, and the end of the Second World War, the Zionist Jews continued pressuring both the British Mandate by the use of weapons, and the United Nations by political means, to grant them the right to reestablish themselves in Palestine as an independent Jewish State. Naturally, the opposing pressure from some of the new Arab states grew even stronger since they were determined at all costs to hinder the Jews’ petition. England, being fully convinced that she was not going to resolve the problem of dividing Palestine between the Jews and the Arabs, turned the matter over to the United Nations. By 1947, six hundred thousand (600,000) Jews were already living in Palestine. They were settled in the kibbutz (small villages), colonies, and villages from the Negev desert in the southern part of Judea to the Galilean mountains in

7 northern Israel. Modern Jerusalem was well established as was Tel-Aviv and other cities that were populated entirely by Jews. Skirmishes, terrorism and even death among Arabs and Jews was by that time such a destructive current that no one had the sufficient capacity or power to stop it. Meanwhile, the United Nations scheduled November 29, 1947, as the day to convene in New York City and vote upon the partition of Palestine, and to thereby create two independent states: one Arab and the other Jewish. The Jews were in favor of the partition, despite the fact that the indefensible strip of land along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea being offered to them was less than a tenth of what Lord Balfour had offered to them in 1917. Their sole desire was to have a place in the Promised Land, no matter how small an area it might be. They simply wanted a place they could call their own and feel that they were at home once more after 1,877 years of exile and dispersement throughout all the nations of the earth. On the other hand, the Arabs were against the partition plan. They were not satisfied with the idea of two states existing in Palestine. They wanted Palestine entirely for themselves, and they wanted the Zionist Jews evacuated and returned to Europe. The designated date arrived. That night, in the land chosen by the Creator, the tension and anxiety was at its peak. Although it was still dawn in the Middle East, no one was asleep. The voting in New York began in the afternoon and one by one the delegates from each of the 57 states, which at the time made up the United Nations, began standing and casting their votes either for or against the resolution regarding the partition of Palestine (with the exception of one nation that was absent from this session). I remind


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you that it had been previously determined that the resolution could not be passed by a simple majority, but it required a twothirds majority vote from that world assembly represented there. The hand of God was upon that election. To the astonishment of the entire world, and to an even greater anger among the Arab nations, Russia and her satellite nations voted in favor of the resolution. (To this day Russia has regretted voting in favor. In her atheism she does not understand that the God of Israel manipulates the principalities and powers of the earth in order to fulfill His holy and sovereign will.) When they heard that the resolution had been approved, the Jews throughout all the homes, villages and colonies in Palestine joyfully danced, jumped, sang and screamed for joy. They hugged each other over and over again. The elderly, emotionally overcome, cried uncontrollably upon seeing that the world had given them, the Jewish people, their approval to once again settle in their land after nearly 19 centuries of exile. Meanwhile, the Arabs were uniting to reinforce their opposition against the implementation of the partition plan. So great was their determination to hinder this plan that at daybreak the conflict, dissension, and terrorism escalated. The English government set May 14, 1948 as the deadline to terminate its mandate, to remove itself from the middle of the conflict, and to leave the two belligerent parties, the Jews and the Arabs, alone to attempt to resolve their unresolvable situation. Most of the Jews understood perfectly that the few months ahead were crucial for them and meant life or death for their state. They were aware that if they relaxed and began “to rest on their laurels,” then they would be completely defeated.

They knew that although the partition resolution had been confirmed and approved by the United Nations, no nation would defend them if they were attacked by the Arab nations. They were well aware that England itself, which had recently evacuated its soldiers, was in agreement with anything the Arabs might do to hinder the partition. However, although the Jews recognized that there were many disadvantages against them, many felt that the hand of the God of Israel was upon this situation. David Ben Gurion (one of the founders on the new Israeli State and its first Prime Minister) stated: “I certainly believe in miracles, but I also believe that it is necessary to work hard to fulfill them.” In this case, that is precisely what occurred between November 29, 1947 and May 14, 1948. Because Israel was not yet officially recognized as a state, it was not yet legally allowed to have an organized army. However, there were several clandestine guerrilla groups, the main one, and in a sense the “official” one, being the Haganah. The weapons the Jews owned were rudimentary and extremely limited. Furthermore, since they had not yet officially been recognized as a state, Israel could not legally purchase military weapons in any part of the world. In addition to this disadvantage in weaponry, the Arabs vastly outnumbered the Jews. There were only a little more than half a million (500,000) Jews against more than one hundred million (100,000,000) Arabs. Even the dividing lines of defense were completely disadvantageous for the Jews. The modern section of Jerusalem was completely surrounded by Arabs. To reach it from Tel-Aviv it was necessary to travel over a narrow strip of land nearly 50 kilometers long. The Arabs threatened this passageway

from all sides. As 1948 began, the Arabs strangled this passage to Jerusalem, thereby laying siege to the city. (I recommend all faithful Christians to read about this siege.) The events of those few months bear a striking resemblance to the historical wars of ancient Israel, which are recorded in the Holy Book. As Ben-Gurion had commented, “God certainly did perform the miracle, yet He did it at the cost of much sacrifice and bloodshed of His chosen people.” The Jews prevailed and were thus prepared to proclaim Israel as a state a few hours before midnight on the 14th of May of 1948. Immediately after the Union Jack, the British flag, was lowered from the staff by British soldiers, Jewish warriors, (who at that moment officially became soldiers of the Israeli army), hoisted the white and blue flag with the Star of David in the center. Thus, the prophecy of the ages was fulfilled and the dream of the “Wandering Jew” became a reality. THE STATE OF ISRAEL HAS RESURRECTED “Who hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen such things, shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once?” (Isa. 66:8). In the midst of those shouts of joy in the evening hours of May 14, 1948, while the Israelis sang, danced and shouted, the first official call recognizing the newly born State came. The President of the United States of America, Harry Truman, welcomed Israel into the family of nations. He then congratulated David Ben Gurion, the new Prime Minister of Israel, and prayed that God would bless the newly born nation. Later that morning other nations followed suit.

However, not all things were joyful that day. As the Jews reveled, celebrating their new state, the neighboring Arab armies plotted to combine their forces to destroy (so they thought) the newly established Jewish state. Egypt and Saudi Arabia attacked from the south. Jordan and Iraq attacked from the east. Syria and Lebanon attacked from the north. The Arab radio stations urged all the Arabs living in Palestine to temporarily evacuate their homes and cities in order to allow their armies freedom to crush the Jews once and for all with their heavy artillery, tanks and airplanes, driving them into the ocean and recapturing all the land. More than half a million civilian Arabs left their homes as instructed by their leaders. Ironically, after all these years, the majority of them are still waiting for Israel to disappear from the face of the map so that they can return to their homes. After the signing of the armistice one year after this attack, Israel possessed more land than it was given in the partition resolution. It had not been possible for the newly born state to be destroyed simply because the time designated by the God of Israel had arrived. It was necessary for Israel to return to their land and to the world scene. The borders outlined in the armistice had left much to be desired concerning the defense of Israel. Judea and Samaria, (presently referred to as Jordan’s “West Bank” by the international media,) including the old walled city of Jerusalem, were left under Jordanian control. Therefore, not one Israeli Jew was able to visit or approach the Western Wall, (also referred to as the “Wailing Wall”) which unto this day is the holiest site for all of Judaism.


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The Gaza strip in southern Israel remained under Egyptian control. The Golan Heights in northern Israel remained under Syrian control. However, neither the inhabitants of Judea and Samaria, nor those of Old Jerusalem, nor those of the Gaza strip, nor those of the Golan Heights, ever attempted to establish their own autonomous state. They continued insisting in claiming all the land, ever insistent on erasing the State of Israel from the map. From their strategic position on the Golan Heights, the Syrians continued bombarding the Israeli settlements on the eastern side of Lake Gennesaret. In addition, on one end of the dividing line between the “West Bank” and Israel proper, Arab terrorists continually infiltrated Israel to attack, destroy and kill as many Jews as possible, including children, women and the elderly. Egypt was doing the same in the south, using inhabitants from


od bless all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. My name is Angela Cervantes Perez. My husband is Pastor Nestor Quintanar Guzman and we live in San Martin del Estado, Silacayoapan, Oaxaca. We have five children: Rebeca, Samuel, Pricila, Efrain and Nestor. I was a young lady of 18 years of age when some of my brothers and I left our home in San Juan Piñas, Juxtlahuaca, Oaxaca. We left to seek employment in Sinaloa. From there we moved to Baja California, in the San Quintín Valley. We had left our home in Oaxaca embittered by family problems and thought that we would never return to our town. But thank God that during our stay in San Quintín Valley we came to know the Lord Jesus. He changed our lives and delivered us from those roots of

Gaza who, by the way, were never allowed to immigrate to Egypt. However, despite all these oppositions, threats and attacks from her enemies, Israel remained standing and even prospered. After their reestablishment as a state, the next miracle in Israel was the immigration of Jews from more than forty nations who were moved (some in recognizably supernatural ways) to return to the Promised Land. In fact, in less than ten years after the establishment of the Modern State of Israel the population in Israel increased from half a million to more than three million Jews. It is impossible to narrate here in detail everything that occurred during those first years of Israel’s existence. CONCLUSION AND WARNING I conclude with a warning to each of the true Christians who read this article. Do not treat it simply as a brief, informative summary on Israel’s history. The main purpose of

this article, which God placed in my heart to write, is for my brother and sister in the faith, and my beloved companions in the holy ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, to be able to clearly see what hour we are living in so that we will not be carried away by the terrible current of deception and indifference which is confusing Christianity at present. We must understand that it is easy to be engulfed by that wave of confusion that is much stronger and mightier than we, and that only the power of God can deliver us from it. What I say here has been a vital part of my message all my life and will continue being so as long as my Lord Jesus Christ keeps me standing and ministering to His saints here on earth. It is not simply a matter of living a life separated from the immorality, which prevails in the world today, but also separated from a Christian life of appearance only, having the outward man sanctified before the eyes of men, but having the inner man full of vanity, religious pride, intrigues,

WOMEN OF GOD Sister Angela L. Cervantes Perez

bitterness. That is why we joyfully returned to our hometown to testify about the Lord Jesus to my other brothers and my father. In November of 1985 my husband and I were married and we have been serving the Lord together since then. It has not been easy, because we have experienced many trials and problems, but I thank the Lord Jesus that He has never left us. This is one of the lessons we learned from our beloved elder pastor, Efraim Valverde, Sr., who repeated the following verse many times: “And we know that all things

work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28). When my husband was kidnapped this was something very difficult for me. Only the Lord gave us the strength to survive those bitter days. I sincerely ask God with all of my heart to bless and recompense all of our brethren who prayed, fasted and supported us financially during this trial. This is what the Eternal God used to deliver us. My brother, my sister, if any of you are going through a difficult trial,

“spiritual” political games, and many other things, which can be classified as the “filth of the spirit” (2 Cor. 7:1) People of God, members and ministers, men and women, old and young, throughout the world, let us pay close attention to GOD’S CLOCK so that we may understand “what time it is,” because THE TIME IS FULFILLED! Who among us are going to do this? We, the true Christians, who have now understood that THE JEWISH PEOPLE ARE OUR PEOPLE AND THAT THEIR GOD IS OUR GOD (Ruth 1:16). It will be those of us who understand that the marvelous day will soon arrive in which the Jewish people and the true Christians among the Gentiles shall no longer be two separate flocks, but that there shall be only “one fold” under the tender care of “one Shepherd,” Jesus Christ our Lord! ( John 10:16). God bless you

do not despair. Trust in He who has everything under His control. There are no accidents or coincidences for God. Everything happens by His determination. I repeat what the elder pastor used to say: “The devil cannot even kill a cockroach if God does not allow him to do so.” Therefore, let us be faithful to our Lord Jesus even to death! And He will give us the crown of life (Rev. 2:10). God bless all of you. Please continue to pray for my husband, for our children and for our grandchildren. Let us also continue to pray for Sis. Claudia Valverde, for her husband and for her children so that they might not grow weary in doing the tremendous work that the Lord Jesus has commissioned them to do. Your sister in Christ


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“And they were in the way going up to Jerusalem; and the Lord Jesus went before them: and they were amazed…” (Mark 10:32).


Report on Trip to Israel

give glory to God for the opportunity to be part of the group of brothers and sisters who were able to make aliyah (return) to the Holy Land this year. Since the time that these trips began being organized, each one of them has been marked with memorable experiences which remind us of how privileged we have been in receiving instruction through the teachings of our brother Efraim Valverde, Sr., (of blessed memory) regarding the special relationship that exists between the people of Israel and the Gentile Church, and this year was no different.

The State of Israel is under an intense pressure from the Arab nations that surround it, as well as from all the nations of the world, in these last days before the Coming of our Lord and Savior. We have the responsibility of comforting our older brother during these difficult times. Each opportunity to visit the Holy Land and to bless the chosen people of God is a privilege and of great importance.

“But ye, O mountains of Israel, ye shall shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; for they are at hand to come…” (Ezek. 36:8-12). The itinerary brought to life both the ancient and recent history of Israel. We visited the desert, including Ein Gedi, Masada, the Dead Sea, and the Mordechai kibbutz near the southern coast of Israel. We also traveled to the valley to the north of Galilee (which included a trip by boat on the Sea of Galilee), Capernaum, Tiberius, Mount Carmel and the northern coastal cities of Caesarea and Jaffa. We also visited the ancient cities of Hebron (there we visited the tombs of the patriarchs), Bethlehem and Nazareth. The highlight of our trip was the beloved City of God, Jerusalem. The beauty and life of this land were evident as we witnessed prophecy that has been fulfilled before our eyes. “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord” (Ps. 122:1). Our journey to the Holy City was spectacular. The hotel in which we stayed is located a short distance for the Old City and many brothers took advantage of this order to visit the Western Wall often during the early morning and evening prayers. We also visited the Mount of Olives,

love and appreciation to the “local citizens.” Our pastor told us that as a group we could touch the lives of those who experienced our love and appreciation for the Jewish people and their history at each place that we visited. The time that we spent at the AMI Center with professor Medzini and with our beloved brother Shlomo Hizak was a great blessing for the entire group. We were moved to tears to see how, despite his weak physical condition, the fire of the Word of God and for the work that he has been called to do continue burning fervently in our brother Shlomo. May special prayers be lifted up to the Lord in favor of brother Shlomo in all the places that this publication might reach.

May the Lord move your heart that you might be part of the next extraordinary trip to “the Land of the Bible.”Shalom, your brother, Daniel Perez. REPORT OF TRIP TO ISRAL (Second Part)

the Garden of Gethsemane, the site known as Calvary and the Garden Tomb (there we partook of the Lord’s Supper), Mount Zion, the tomb of King David and the extremely heart wrenching Yad Vashem (Memorial Center of the Holocaust). There were also many other important places that filled our itinerary each day and at

each one of them the Spirit of God moved over the group of brothers and sisters that were present. “Comfort ye, comfort ye My people, saith your God” (Isa. 40:1-2). The experiences that were most memorable to me were the opportunities we had to show our

Although these words cannot fully express my gratitude, I would like to thank God for allowing me to be in the Land of Israel. I am not worthy of this and I am truly grateful. This was my second trip to Israel, but the interesting thing is that the blessing I received on this trip was greater than what I received on the first trip and I returned with my cup overflowing. From the first day that we arrived in Israel Pastor Efraim Valverde III immediately began taking us to different sites. I could sense the desire in the heart of Pastor Efraim Valverde III to convert this trip into a spiritual experience and not simply a tourist


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visit. We visited more than a dozen Biblical places. One of the beautiful things which occurred is that at every place we visited we practically had a Church service. I say this because every stop consisted of four things: an explanation given by the tour guide, words from the Bible by Pastor Efraim Valverde III, songs and prayer. Our feet stood upon the Mount of the Beatitudes where the Lord Jesus Christ shared what is recorded in Matthew, chapters 5, 6 and 7. I wept as I imagined the Lord speaking to the multitude at that same place almost 2,000 years ago. That mountain had the privilege of hearing the audible words of its Creator! The Garden of Gethsemane moved my heart greatly because it was there that the Lord prayed intensely before being betrayed by Judas. While in the Garden we saw many olive trees, which some believe may have been the same trees that were present when the Lord prayed His intense prayer. There was a day that we visited Mount Calvary and were informed that it was at this place that people were stoned in ancient times due to the great visibility it offered. The guide informed us that this could have very easily been the place where the


he Eternal God, whose Name is the Lord Jesus Christ, bless you and keep you. This brief article is to first all thank the Lord for permitting us to once again host this fellowship service which He has given us the strength to do so for many years now. On Friday, January 26, during the morning we had an evangelistic service in the civic plaza of Juxtlahuaca. We sang, prayed and heard the Word of God spoken through various pastors. Being there and seeing how the Lord brought persons who were in need of prayer impacted me as I became aware of my need as was in those persons. I remembered how many of us once lived in spiritual darkness until the

first martyr of the Church, Stephen, was stoned. But it was also the place where our Savior gave His life on the cross. We took time to pray and wept as we remembered the Lord’s sacrifice. Immediately after visiting Mount Calvary we went to the empty tomb of the Lord Jesus Christ and in an instant our weeping was turned into joy. Hallelujah! I rejoiced greatly when I read the words inscribed above the doorway of the tomb: “He is not here. He is risen!” I must also mention our many visits to the Wailing Wall which was a very intimate place for us. Personally, I felt an inexplicable connection which attracted me to the presence of God at this place. On our last

day in Israel I was at the Wall for two hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon shedding tears and pronouncing the names of all the persons that came to my mind. I realized that there are people who may never be able to visit Jerusalem, and I thanked the Lord that this stranger from a distant place (1 Kings 8:41) could pray for them and for their petitions. There were a total of 58 persons in our group and we drew closer one to another on this trip. We ate together, wept together and laughed together in Jerusalem, the City of the Great King. We also had the opportunity to touch the hearts of various Jews. One of our guides was Jewish. He told us he had

Report on the followship service in Juxtlahuaca, Oaxaca “light of the glorious Gospel of Christ” enlightened our lives (2 Cor. 4:4). That same day in the evening the instruction from God’s Word began in the church auditorium. We heard the Word of the Lord through the lips of Pastor Alfredo Tienda who spoke to us about the importance of being connected to God. After that bro. Daniel Ybarra provoked us to ask the Lord for His help, praying at all times so that we can remain faithfully standing. Saturday in the morning

we began the service by praying and singing to the Lord. God permitted Pastor Efraim Valverde III to be with us and he spoke about the need for us to be prepared (1 John 3:1-3). Later that afternoon and evening Pastor Efraim III spoke to the pastors who were in attendance. On Sunday, our pastor provoked us to fast. Bro. Adam Perez ministered to the brethren since Pastor Efraim III once again spent time speaking

guided many groups throughout the years and desired that other groups might have the same passion that he saw in us. As he said this he looked upward as if he was holding back his tears. Another of our Jewish guides very enthusiastically took us to his home and treated us like family. And this after only knowing us for a few days! I could not detain myself from asking him what he felt when he was around us. He responded: “I cannot explain it with words, but your group makes me feel EXTREMELY good.” As I remember the looks on the faces of these Jews I feel privileged of having been able to do what is written in Isaiah 40:1, “Comfort ye, comfort ye My people, saith your God.” What a blessing I experienced having been in Israel! If you have never gone and have the opportunity to do so, GO! It will be one of the best spiritual investments you have ever made! When you return you will realize that the economic investment you made for this trip is very small compared to the greatness of the blessing that you received. Let us continue praying for Pastor Efraim Valverde III and his family so that these types of spiritual journeys will continue. May the Lord bless you!.Brother Antonio Zeferino, Jr.

with the pastors. He then turned the place over to bro. Daniel Ybarra who provoked us to seek the Lord in prayer. We then celebrated the baptisms which took place and finished the service praying together. I implore you to continue remembering us in prayer. We also ask the Lord that those who were baptized will never become discouraged so that they will finish the race with the same joy that they have as they begin the race. I once again bless the Lord Jesus for this fellowship service which was a great blessing. May God richly bless you, Pastor Timoteo A. Cervantes Pérez


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"For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be Pastor Efraim Valverde, Sr. saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto the Modern State of Israel was used a certain pastor to share with them, when I shall take away their established, I met for the first time me about a trip he had recently the woman who for the last 50 years taken to Israel. His description sins." (Rom. 11:25-27) has been my beloved wife. It was in of that trip awakened an interest y grandfather, Refugio those same days that God worked in me in regarding Israel, the Valverde, a Mexican the miracle of changing my life by City of Jerusalem and the Jewish Indian, entered the giving me His salvation. Soon after people. I realized then that I had United States in 1905. At that this I married and together with walked fifteen long years with the time my father, the fourth of his my wife we began our walk with Lord, being completely ignorant nine children, was only five years the Lord. However, no one then concerning this “mystery” (Rom. of age. In 1914 while living in the ever told us of the great prophetic 11:25-27). In 1966 I organized Rio Grande Valley in South Texas fulfillment that had just taken a trip to Israel but was unable to my grandfather, who until then place: the establishment of the make that trip because that same was of the Catholic faith, attended Modern State of Israel. year I was elected to the position a Bible study for the first time in his of Presiding Bishop of the religious life. In that same year he accepted In 1950, while I was still living in organization which I belonged the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior Mexico, I began to serve God’s to at that time. While serving and brought up his children in his people through the work of the in that ministerial position my ministry and I began to travel. newfound Christian faith. understanding about the “mystery” During the first years my travels In 1920 he moved his family to were strictly regional, but later I of Israel continued to increase and Fresno, California, where his began traveling throughout the I began sharing this understanding children grew and eventually Republic of Mexico occupying with God’s people. The miraculous married. It was there that I was prominent positions in the religious Six Day War in 1967 had a profound born in 1928. In 1932, in the midst organization in which I served. impact on me and it confirmed of the Great Depression which was Then, toward the end of 1957, those things I already understood ravaging the United States, my amid many painful experiences, it concerning Israel. grandfather, his children and his was God’s will that I leave Mexico. As I traveled throughout the grandchildren moved to the border Inclusively because I was born an Unites States and Latin America, town of Tijuana, Mexico, where I American citizen I experienced I continued speaking about this lived out my childhood. When I many problems with the Mexican subject to God’s people. However, was only 13 years of age my parents government throughout my time of I was surprised to see the small separated. Being the eldest of my service in the ministry. In January amount of acceptance this message mother’s children I dropped out of 1958, since I was now residing in had among Christians, particularly of school and began working to California, I took on the pastoral among the ministry. Since that provide a living for her and for my responsibilities of a congregation time forward I have become totally younger siblings. It was during the in Salinas. Now living in the convinced of something that to this time of my adolescence that I was United States, I once again began day brings me great sorrow. This is introduced to sin and so I lived out occupying regional and national the sad fact that the demonic spirit my entire youth in the sinful ways positions in the ministry. In 1963, of anti-Semitism operates strongly of the world. although I was the supervisor of among Christianity. Nevertheless, In 1948, when I was 20, the Lord more than 60 churches in northern instead of feeling discouragement, completely changed the direction California, I did not know about this has served as a greater of my life. On the 14th day of May nor had I heard anything regarding encouragement for me to continue of that same year, on the same day the “mystery” of Israel (Rom. teaching about this “mystery” (Rom. 11:25-27). In that year the Lord 11:25-27).



In 1971, after a long and extremely painful conflict with the denomination, one which ended with my wife suffering dementia for more than a year, God disconnected me from the religious organization in which I had served for more than 21 years. Since that time I have continued ministering, now free of denominational barriers, serving God’s people solely motivated by “brotherly love” (Heb. 13:1). In February of 1972, as part of a worldwide fellowship, I traveled to Israel for the first time and finally set foot in the beloved City of Jerusalem. It was there that God opened my understanding even more concerning this “mystery” (Rom. 11:25-27) and other Biblical truths. Through these years I have not ceased (Isa. 62:1) teaching God’s people concerning the close relationship that exists between the Gentile Church and the People of the Book. I have done so throughout the Americas, as well as in other parts of the world, through my writings, by radio and by all the means of communication available to me. During these past few years many other pastors within our fellowship have made it their priority to declare the “mystery” (Rom. 11:25-27) of Israel. I am trusting in the Lord that my testimony serves to join my heart with that of many other brothers in Christ, with Christians who have brought joy to my life when I have discovered that they love the Jewish people with the same love that I, and those that are with me, love the Jewish people. At this time we also want to participate in any way we can in this tremendous prophetic project: to help the Jews in the Diaspora return to “their home,” to the Promised Land, the Land of Israel. God bless you


long time ago in a certain congregation I asked the question: “Do you believe that God is a respecter of persons?” Everyone shouted out unanimously: NO! I then told them: “Yes, God is a respecter of persons.” I then read to them the following Scripture: “As it is written, Jacob (Israel) have I loved, but Esau have I hated” (Rom. 9:11-21). Some of the brothers said “amen” immediately, but others kept quiet as they meditated on what I had just said. These brothers had all the reason to do so because this is a tremendous and frightening Divine declaration. This declaration made by the Almighty is so frightening that I am aware of some Christians, both members and ministers, who prefer not to speak about this or those who try to ignore it. But this type of attitude is incorrect, with respect to the Scripture that I cited, as well as regarding other Scriptures “in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other Scriptures, unto to their own destruction” (2 Pet. 3:16). The correct attitude we should have regarding Scriptures that to us seem to be controversial is not to deny or ignore them. Much less should we distort them in order to avoid someone thinking that we do not know their true meaning. What we should do is to humbly, sincerely and reverently ask God to enlighten us so that we might understand them and interpret them correctly. Concerning the question which I posed, I must clarify that it is certainly true that God DOES NOT make exceptions or is not a respecter of persons when it comes to judgment. Speaking precisely of the righteous judgment of God, the apostle Paul tells us: “For there is no respecter of persons with God”

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ISRAEL IS MY SON, MY FIRSTBORN Pastor Efraim Valverde, Sr.

(Rom. 2:11). But in our initial Scripture, God clearly declared, without leaving room for doubt or for different interpretations, that He loved Jacob, but He hated Esau. Because “therefore hath He mercy on whom He will have mercy, and whom He will He hardeneth” (Rom. 9:18). This is precisely what God has chosen to do with Israel (Jacob). Not because Israel was better, or because they wanted to be chosen, and much less because they deserved to be chosen. It was simply because the Creator, in His sovereign will, chose Israel and said about that nation: “Israel is My son, My firstborn” (Ex. 4:22). Therefore, the Jewish people are the chosen people of God. They are the people of the Book. I am fully aware that this declaration is highly controversial. I am perfectly aware of the tremendous impact that this declaration provokes, both negatively and positively. For those who view this declaration negatively, it causes them disgust, resentment and even a deep hatred. For those who view it positively it produces joy, happiness, satisfaction and an intense love for the people (the Jews) who have been blessed by God. The two effects I just described, products of the same cause, are not minor reactions which are limited to a certain place or a certain time. They are effects of universal proportions which have influenced humanity in its entirety for approximately four millennia. And by determination of the Sovereign God who established this in the beginning, the effects I am

alluding to continue to powerfully influence the world, even to the present day, in fulfillment of the tremendous prophetic signs which announce the time of the end. I know that none of those people who are victims of the negative effect I previously described, as occurs with all anti-Semites, will not listen to nor much less receive this message. On the other hand, those who by revelation have been able to acknowledge that the promise our God made to our father Abraham

13 of the lineage of Jacob has operated in a more horrible, diabolic and subtle manner among those who should know better. That is, among those who claim to know what the Holy Book teaches. Among those, because of their knowledge, should have learned to love the people from whom comes our salvation ( John 4:22). These are the multitudes that today are part of the deviated Christianity among the Gentiles whose minds have been perturbed by the antichrist, who is Satan himself, so that they might bring upon themselves the curse that God declared would be upon those who hate or curse the Jewish people.

There was a time during which multitudes of Christians were not even aware that the people of the Book truly existed. Many of them throughout the course of their remains in effect: “I WILL BLESS Christian walk voluntarily ignored THEM THAT BLESS THEE, “this mystery” which the apostle Paul AND CURSE HIM THAT refers to (Rom. 11:25). However, CURSETH THEE” (Gen. 12:3). a great number of them acted in Those of us who have been able this way for the simple reason that to understand and appreciate the their teachers (many of whom tremendous value that resides, were themselves involuntarily even today, in this Divine warning ignorant of “this mystery”), did not are the Christians who will receive instruct them about this mystery. this message with joy, because we Multitudes of Christians, who love the nation of Israel and the lived during the past centuries Jewish people in the Diaspora (the who were sincere, but who were Scattering) with an intense love. ignorant of this mystery, did not live in a time during which major THE MALIGNANT SPIRIT nor supernatural events occurred OF ANTISEMITISM which would cause them to focus The negative operation of hatred their attention on the prominent toward the Jewish people, known in place the Jewish people occupy in the world today as anti-Semitism, the plan of salvation that God has is not limited only to the Pharaoh for us Gentiles. They were never of antiquity (Ex. 1: 7-16), or to the aware of what God says in respect rest of the pagan world, or to the to the special place that Israel has atheists who have lived throughout in His plan. all times. Neither is it limited to the Islam of the last 14 centuries which But in these last days, no sincere is comprised of the Arab world Christian can give themselves which also claims to worship the the luxury of truthfully claiming God of Abraham. For the past 19 ignorance concerning Israel’s centuries this malignant influence existence or of the existence of of hatred against the people who are the Jewish people in the Diaspora.


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The events which have occurred during the 20th century, and particularly those which are currently happening, do not allow anyone to ignore the people of the Bible. There have been many great, persistent signs. At the beginning of the 20th century the Zionist movement began to catch the world’s attention concerning the truth of what had been foretold by the prophets of Israel in reference to the return of the “scattered people” to the Promised Land. The portentous sign of the miraculous reestablishment of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948, shook the entire world. These and the other powerful signs that God has operated worked using Israel in the last 40 years should have particularly shaken the understandings of the Christian world. But the sad truth is that the great majority of those who call themselves Christians around the world remain in a spiritual slumber. Despite all the signs and events that have taken place these Christians remain being entertained and distracted by this present world. They occupy themselves in their religious environments of appearances, traditions and empty rituals, oblivious to the events currently happening in Israel and around the world. They voluntarily ignore both the undeniable truth of the calling that God has placed on His chosen people and the seriousness of the time that we are living in. However, the portentous reality of the prophetic fulfillments occurring worldwide, and particularly among “God’s Clock” (Dan. 9:24), which is Israel, can in no way diminish in importance nor cease to be reality simply because a slumbering Christianity thinks differently. This diabolic mental deviation, which I will continue to emphatically reprove, is today one of the most

subtle methods that the antichrist (who is Lucifer himself) has used to cause many sincere, but senseless, Christians to bring upon themselves the curse mentioned by the apostle Paul in Romans 11:25. For this very reason, with the hope of delivering some of these careless Christians from ignoring “this mystery,” is why I am writing have written this article. The purpose of this article, as is the case with all the many other articles we have previously published concerning this subject (Those who desire to do so can contact us and we will send you the book, “Who are Israelites,” which contains an ample explanation concerning this subject), is to help as many people as we can who desire to learn more. The prophecies we have mentioned, as well as all the others which also speak of the glorious hope of the people of God, will each have, in their respective times, their marvelous fulfillment. The Lord Jesus made this very clear when He declared: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away” (Mt. 24:35). A BRIEF SUMMARY The Gentile Christians who today understand the special place that Israel, by God’s determination, occupies in the world and the final glory that the Lord has promised to give to the people that He identified as: “Israel is My son” (Ex. 4:22), without wavering, will join our future and our destiny with the future and the destiny of the people of the Book. As obedient children of God, we acknowledge that the Lord, who has chosen Israel, in these days of anguish for the lineage of Jacob, wants us to join them and support them in their affliction and pain. If others who call themselves Christian choose to bring judgment upon themselves by aligning themselves with those in the world who have their minds set upon

taking Israel to the gallows, that is their choice and their problem. For us, that people is our people, and their God is our God (Ruth 1:16). We understand that as part of the Church among the Gentiles we are typified by Ruth the Moabite who, of her own freewill, adopted Naomi the Israelite (symbol of the Jewish race) because of her love for Naomi. We therefore testify that, in reference to judgment, God IS NOT a respecter of persons, but when it comes to choosing those who He calls to be His people, He is a respecter of persons. He has done this with Jacob (Israel) as a nation, but He has also done this individually with each faithful Christian. None of us is better or superior to the other Gentiles, but God through His Grace and His mercy, has seen fit to choose each one of us to make us part of His People. The People of God presently appear before the world as two peoples: Israel and the Church. But the day is at hand in which the Sovereign God, who chose to make us part of His people, Himself declared that there will be only “ONE fold” under the care of “ONE Shepherd” ( John 10:16). The mark which invariably has always distinguished the true Christians is that they love and bless with all their hearts the original people, the Jewish people with all their heart. It is impossible for the unworthy “younger brother,” to despise, hate and curse his permanently faithful “older brother” (Luke 15:11-32). How can it be possible for a true and faithful daughter who is true and faithful to hate and despise her mother (Ruth 1:16-22)? This is why the present anguishing situation that the people of the Book is currently experiencing is serving as a test to many professing

Christians in order to reveal what is truly in their hearts. Without fear of being wrong I once again declare, using the authority that I have received from God, that the Gentile Christian who does not love Israel has something wrong in his spiritual life. In conclusion, I repeat that God has chosen the Jewish people and has kept them standing for centuries, not because they are better than anyone else. He will sustain and defend them until the end, not because Israel deserves it. The Lord has done all this and He will do much more with His chosen people for the simple, God’s sovereign, reason that He Himself declared: “I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy” (Ex. 33:19). “So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy… (Because) He hath mercy on whom He will have mercy, and whom He will He hardeneth…for who hath resisted His will? Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God?” (Rom. 9:11-24). The Lord through the mouth of the prophet foretold that “In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, we will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you” (Zech. 8:23). On that day, which is very near, God will force the world to recognize the special place that He has desired to give to His people, the Jewish people. The true Christians will not wait until that day arrives to be forced to recognize them on the Day of the Second Coming of the Lord. Instead we will now, out of our freewill, and with all of our heart love and bless the people of the Bible. There is wisdom in doing this. Doing the contrary is foolish. I am inviting Continue on botton of next page

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"Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled” (Mt. 24:34).


ore than 1950 years have passed since the Master declared these words and anyone can understand that the generation which was living at that time and who heard Him make this declaration has been asleep in the dust of the earth for many centuries. Who, then, was the Lord referring to when He said “this generation”? It is of supreme importance to understand which generation He was referring to, for the singular cardinal reason that that generation is our present generation. Yes, it is you and I, my brother and my friend who might be reading this publication! It is certainly true that the ignoring of this tremendous reality has brought and continues to bring spiritual ruin to multitudes of professing Christians. These Christians, because they are not aware who we are and in which time we are living, live so carelessly that if the Lord were to come for His Church today they would experience the shock of their lives as they witnessed the faithful Christians being transformed and being “caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thess. 4:17) and realizing that they were to experience “shame and everlasting contempt” (Dan. 12:2). It is with the purpose of helping our brethren and our friends, readers of the “Maranatha,” who are interested

Israel is my Son...Continuation all of the wise Christians who with understanding might read my words to offer our prayers continuously before the God of Israel in favor of His chosen people, especially during these times of anguish and tribulation that they are currently experiencing. Let us stand with them in any way possible. We know that the Messiah whom for

THE FIG TREE Pastor Efraim Valverde, Sr.

in hearing more about this subject that we once again make mention of this prophetic message. The answer of which generation the Lord is referring to is relatively simple. All that the student of the Bible has to do is to read the previous two verses and there we find the Master making reference to the prophetic sign of the “fig tree.” This “fig tree” symbolizes the people of Israel whose branches have already become “tender” and whose leaves have already “put forth” (Mt. 24:32-33). It is by the absolute will of God, that He has planned that we live during this time that the “fig tree has blossomed.” We have the great privilege of being part of that generation that the Lord spoke of almost 2,000 years ago, which happens to be the last generation. But at the same time, we must accept the undeniable truth that this privilege carries with it a tremendous responsibility for the simple reason that we can never use the excuse that we did not know, because we have seen, heard and experienced things that our forefathers only believed, read about and heard about. We have witnessed the marvelous increase in knowledge and science. We have been witnessed two world wars, something which had never previously occurred in the

more than four millennia Israel has waited for anxiously, will soon come to deliver and redeem His People. We, the faithful Christians among the Gentiles, know that the glorious Messiah of the Jewish people is our same Lord Jesus Christ, who we, as part of His faithful Church, also anxiously await. The Jewish people await their redemption believing and trusting in that right that God has granted them, according to

annals of history. We have seen the exponential multiplication of people in a way that had never previously happened. We have also been witnesses to the outbreak of famine, pestilences, immorality and other calamities among humanity that are affecting the whole world in a catastrophic manner. We have witnessed the apostasy among Christianity operating at a maximum level throughout the world (Mt. 24:3-14; Dan. 12:4; 2 Thess. 2:1-4). But above all this we have witnessed the miracle of the ages, the “blossoming of the fig tree” (Mt. 24:32-33). This is the “fig tree” which withered when the Lord cursed it, and which many thought and said that it would never live again (Mt. 21:19). The Jewish people, who by the will of God had been scattered for almost 20 centuries, in fulfillment of what had been foretold by the holy prophets of the Almighty, has returned to their land right before the astonished eyes of those who are living in this last generation. After all, it was the Lord who declared: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away” (Mt. 24:35). Although it is certainly true that the devil has strived to attempt to discredit the magnitude of this

what the Holy Spirit declares by instrumentality of the apostle Paul in Romans 11:25-29. The Church also awaits that same redemption, trusting that solely by the Grace and the mercy of the Lord we have obtained this redemption (Eph. 2:5). God hath chosen to be a respecter of persons with both peoples, who at the end will be one. He has singled us out of the nations of the Earth, making us partakers

15 great prophecy, using not only the “great” world leaders, but also many ministers and professing Christians, however none of his efforts can affect God’s truth. The undeniable truth is that “the fig tree (Israel)” not only has blossomed, but it has already begun to bring forth fruit (Mt. 24:32). “Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed” ( Jn. 20:29) were the Lord’s words to Thomas, because there is not much grace in believing something we have already seen. And our generation, the last generation, has no excuse for not believing that time is coming to an end, because “the fig tree” has blossomed and many great signs have already been fulfilled and many others are currently in the process of being fulfilled. The last and most terrible things are about to occur. That is why God counsels His children to “watch and be sober so that the day of His Coming will not overtake us as a thief ” (1 Thess. 5:1-6), because He is coming soon “in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power; when He shall come to be glorified in His saints, and to be admired in all them that believe in that day” (2 Thess. 1:8-10). God bless you

of the supreme privilege of having chosen us to be part of His People. The Almighty has ordained that “the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him” (Dan. 7:27). God bless you


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