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All rights reserved. No part of this book should be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo copy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without the written permission from the author and publisher, with the exception of brief excepts in magazines, articles, reviews, etc. ISBN: 978-0-9869834-0-5 Publisher: Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprise Mobile: +27785666535 or +27761285439 Email:


CONTENTS Introduction


Chapter One


What are E-books


Chapter two


Creating an E-book


Chapter Three


How to turn you e-book in a money Maker





nternet experts unanimously agree that

the best way to online internet success in marketing and selling your product is by having your own eBook. With one eBook you can keep the profits from sales, set up an affiliate system for a wider range of sales reach, gain leverage foe potential Joint Ventures and instantly brand yourself as an expert in your field. As an author creating an eBook is not an option but a necessity. Not everyone can write an eBook as some people do not like writing. Many people are intimidated about writing their own eBook. They think it is too difficult and fear that it may not sell. But is it worth the risk to attempt it? Why do you think that practically every major guru sells their own eBooks? The reason is simple; it is one of the most profitable activities that you can do for your online business. Some people don’t have the time to invest in their God given talent and so people do not know how to start. So how do you get started? To develop your own eBook, you have to follow certain steps. A best selling eBook is certainly possible, but you've got to do some research. One of the first steps necessary in preparing to write your eBook is research.


In the following paragraphs, I will focus on the preliminary research necessary before you write a single word. The first step you must consider is the topic. This one factor is probably the single most important factor in determining whether your eBook is a best seller or just another file that sits on your hard drive collecting digital dust. Spend time finding a topic that sells. Do keyword research. Do research on the page rank and Alexa ratings of websites and sales pages that sell eBooks. Determine which types of eBooks are outselling others. It is only after completing this type of research, should you make a final decision on the topic of your eBook. Next, you have to consider your target audience. What type of individuals will be interested in your topic? Will this targeted group buy your product? For instance, it may seem like a great idea to develop an eBook targeted toward games popular with teenagers. But few in this category have access to credit cards. Therefore, an eBook on this topic would not make you very much money. Make sure your target audience is interested and has the ability to pay you! For a targeted eBook creation you will need to find out the target for your eBook. For success of any eBook it is necessary. Find out the target for the eBook topic you want to write. Your target may vary and depending on your target your eBook will vary. The style, design, content all depend on the target of the eBook. With your own eBook you get...


• • •

Extremely High Profit Margins! "ZERO" delivery cost - no printing or postage A low-risk business you can operate virtually anywhere in the world (just need a phone line) Make money on "autopilot" 24 hours a day!




- Books are electronic books and they are

great as you can create and distribute next to nothing. An eBook is a digital version of a conventional printed book that has been optimized for onscreen reading All you need is have a website where people will be buy your eBook on a topic people are interested in. There is no face to face selling. An EBook is a document in a portable document format (PDF) that you can view from your computer and it is available to people that purchase from your website. People can download it. There are free software’s that can turn your word document into PDF like cute writer software that can be downloaded for free. Open eBook standard developed and maintained by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF), a nonprofit standards organization. EPUB is rapidly becoming the industry-standard file format for reflowable digital publications. Instead of creating eBooks in a variety of proprietary formats, publishers are creating EPUB files, because they can be read on a diverse range of eBook readers—from handheld devices


(like the Sony Reader and Barnes & Noble nook) to desktop reading applications (like Adobe Digital Editions) and smartphone reading applications (like Stanza on the iPhone). Your eBook business can make money for you when you are on holiday, travelling or sleeping and: - Initiate payment to go directly to you and the product is sent directly to you customer instantly. - It does take any time to set it up; you can be a student or a pensioner and write about absolutely anything. - You can write a 20 to 30 pages eBook. - You can make an eBook in 24 hours and set up a website where you sell the eBook. - It can be made to supplement your current income and with time totally replace you current income. - There are no postage charges as you sent the book digitally.

Six steps to writing an eBook 1. Belief Believe in yourself and keep going until you succeed. We are not defined by where we are today but where you want to be in the near future. Kennel Sander with USD100 thought of an idea of KFC at age 65 went to a 1008 restaurants


pitching his 13 special herb recipe and they all rejected or turned him down. But one day he succeeded and today you have KFC throughout the world.

2. Passion Find something that you are passionate about. People need more story teller and a guide through the existing information. Watch Garry venachack on YouTube and you shall see how passionate he is.

3. Focus The riches and in the niches. Find a niche by looking for a competitive niche like horse riding. - What are your three talents? Is it soccer, turning lemons into lemonade or eBooks? - Look at problems and try and make solutions. - Go to libraries and do a research on your niche then make an eBook.

4. A Killer Title People judge your book by its cover, so your title should be eye catching. People will use your title first to either eliminate or consider your eBook by the title. Place a major benefit to the people by your title like “Discover, How To, 7 Steps or Single Guys Guide to a launch dates�.


5. No Pepto-Bismol Please People scan when they read on the internet so you have to be short and to the point. Write in Short digestible bursts- WRITE A KILLER OUTLINE, don’t write more than seven chapters and outline things like interviews from people who AFFECTED OR are passing through the problem you are writing on, testimonials from people who support your work.

6. Your back end is your money maker Profit don’t really come from the sale of your eBook, the real money comes from your back end information product. Information products and educational products attract people to your website as people trust you as a resource of information. This can include consulting, membership website, seminars, videos and more detailed eBooks.

7. Blockbuster Promotion You can sell your eBook as a premier item to associations, spice up your eBook with videos, and make some chapters free.




reate information product through

eBooks and build passive income for your business. People will trust you more when you create an information product and build your brand. Some things to consider before getting started on your eBook are the following: 1. What should you write about? 2. Who will be your target audience? Is there a market for your eBook? Is that market overly saturated? 3. What will your eBooks’ title be? How about the subtitle?


4. How long will it be?

5. Will it contain graphics, pictures, and charts? 6. What about eBook design? Will you do it yourself or hire someone? 7. What will the cover look like? 8. How will you turn it into a .PDF, .EXE, or other type of file which you can easily distribute to others; that is, how will you compile your eBook? 9. Will you offer it for free? 10. If you're going to sell it, how much will it cost? 11. Will you offer a money-back guarantee? 12. How will you deliver your eBook to buyers and get paid? 13. How will you launch it?


14. How will you promote/market it? 15. Will you also publish a hard copy version?

Why create an eBook? There are many reasons to write an eBook, including selling it for a profit, as a creativity project, to share your knowledge with others, to increase traffic to your blog or web site, or to establish your expertise in a given area. Today, one of the best businesses in the world is information publishing, and you can take advantage of this trend by publishing an eBook. EBooks are the perfect information product because there's no inventory, near-zero overhead, high profit margins, no printing costs, no shipping costs-- eBooks are delivered as an electronic .PDF or .EXE file over the internet--, and they're quick and inexpensive to produce. In addition, if you have your own information product you're immediately recognized as more of an expert in your field. Writing an eBook can also help you to build your brand and make your ideas spread. You can even create an eBook simply to express yourself; for example, you can publish your poetry or a short story you've been working on as an eBook -

Add security to you content.



Prevent people from viewing your eBook without paying. Keep location of your files secret. Prevent copying and copying your work.

On your desk top create a file called “eBook� and buy an eBook software that will secure your eBook and enable you to sale your eBook.

Here is more information that will help you create an eBook: 1. Creating e-book information product marketing will help you have passive income. 2. Do a market research on the subject that you are going to write about and find out if it git demand? Do a Google key word tour and search on the key note topic or niche you want to write about and see the statistics of how many people are searching for that particular subject. 3. There new software to turn you recorded material into an eBook. Dragon natural speaking software turns your audio tin a transcript. No cost conference .com. speaking your message is faster that writing. 4. Once you have edited your manuscript you need a virtual assistant to format your product.


How to find Top Selling E-Book Topics To become an entrepreneur, you need product ideas. Even more important, YOU NEED PRODUCT IDEAS THAT SELL. To locate products that sell online, you need to understand what people already want to buy. The single biggest cause of failure when writing non-fiction books, booklets, eBooks or any other information-based product is a poor choice of idea or product. It's no doubt this is the main issue for anyone wanting to become an entrepreneur, there are all kinds of twists along the road that may lead you to THINK you have a high-demand idea. For example, you are NOT part of a given niche market, yet you see evidence that there are a great many people searching for information on a particular topic. BUT - it turns out they would not be willing to PAY for this information, it's either not important enough to them OR it's too easy to find the information elsewhere. So, what do you do? How do you really get to the bottom of demand? It's easier than you think - find out what people DO want to purchase information. Now, instead of searching for a particular topic, plug in these search terms and have fun looking at the results: "How To" "Learn To" "Tutorial" "Advice" "More Information About" "Tips" "How Do I" See what I'm getting at? These are the terms people use online when they are specifically searching for information on a


topic - as opposed to some other aspect about it. For example, when you perform a search on "How To", you will find among the top results: "How To Knit" "How To Tie and Tie" "How To Draw" "How To Cook A Turkey" "How To Play Poker" Bet you wouldn't have thought THESE are the topics people are already hungry for information now would you? Want to test your idea? Record the numbers you get from either Overture or Wordtracker on top 10 results from searches recommended above. Then, search for "How To [Insert Your Topic" and note the comparable number of searches. Are you anywhere close to the top 10, top 50, etc...? You can get a pretty good idea of not just how MANY people want your information product, but also how your idea relates to many others that may sell better. Believe me, it's easier to work on topics that people already want - don't waste your time and effort on low demand topics. To take your project to the next level, find 39 more techniques for finding high-demand topics, use the Profit Funnel to test the profitability of your products and discover the offline techniques - right under your nose for finding RED HOT product opportunities for nothing. Head over to: to fast-track your info product business. We are dedicated to helping you turn your knowledge into highly desirable, hot selling information-based products (eBooks, booklets, seminars, courses, etc...) Through his highly acclaimed EMCE Publishing House you will find exactly what it takes to create and market high-profit info products.


• • • • •

Is this a topic that I REALLY have a great deal of interest in? Are there at least 5 people that I can interview as part of the product? Have I identified at least 5 pressing problems that my readers are facing? Can I find at least 5 distinguishing factors to write about, that competitors have missed? Are there at least 5 people from whom I can obtain testimonials or endorsements?

How to create an eBook Cover You can create an eBook cover by using Open Office software and then uploading the cover after saving it as a JPEG file into an eCover Studio Software. Watch: e=related

How to create a PDF Document Format) from document on Google

(Portable a word

If you do not have Adobe software and you would like to sell your eBook on eBay you can convert your word document to PDF by first opening a Google mail address. Then opening your Gmail account and in your upper portion of the account there a section that


says “ Document” then click on upload and select the file from your desk top into the browser and click upload file. Go to Google documents and open the file and save it as PDF on your computer.

Tips Writing the eBook is the easy part. There are many other things that need to be done to sell your eBook. Listed below are some of the basic activities that need to be done so that people will come to your Website and buy your eBook and you will make money. If you don’t know what some of the terms I mention below mean, then start searching the Internet for these words and buy an eBook that covers this information.

1. Do your research Before you begin writing, do your research. Research your area of expertise and determine if your eBook is likely to be profitable. Do an Internet search for your topic and see what eBooks are out there on your subject. Check out the prices. Soon you will know how to write an eBook with your niche that will sell. 2. Build a website that attracts traffic First you have to have a place to sell your eBook. It must be traffic rich with keywords that attract a


targeted traffic — people who already are looking for the type of eBook you have to offer. Build your keyword rich Website and the Internet surfers will come and visit you.

3. Build your list Collect business cards at networking and speaking events. Add the names and email addresses to your auto responder. Drive traffic to your Website by writing eZine articles on your subject and sending them to eZine article services. Offer a free report if they sign up for your newsletter which you will send to them once or twice a month. Oh yes, you have to get an auto responder service to collect your names. Do an Internet search for “auto responder” and you will find several services that offer this.

4. Write a sales page Start looking at Websites that offer an eBook similar to yours. Check out their promotional sales letter. Would you buy the product based on their sales letter? If yes, then write a sales letter similar to theirs, but don’t copy word for word. Create your own exciting copy that will make people want to buy your eBook.

5. A PayPal account with a PayPal button on your sales page


Start with a PayPal account to use to sell your book and make money. Later, when your sales are bigger and you have more than one product to sell on your site you can sign up for a commercial credit card account.

6. Promote your book in forums, blogs, and social networking sites. On blogs and forums every time you make a comment include your name, eBook title and Web address if possible. Sign up for Face book, LinkedIn and other social networking sites to promote your book and direct people to your site. Include a chapter, or parts of one, on your networking sites to give people a taste of the eBook. There are eBook directories that can help promote your eBook.

7. Write articles for article directories Writing articles of 600-1000 words and sending them to eZine article services is a good way to get people to come to your site. Check out the site Ezine Articles as they have good articles on how to use them and the guidelines are similar for other services. This gets your name and Website address out there in Internet world and some people will come to your site and sign up for your eZine. Then you will have more names added to your list. 8. Joint Ventures


Team up with other eBook authors to cross promote each other’s eBooks. Promise to send referrals to each other and recommend each other’s products. It may be difficult at first if you don’t have a large list of names, but give it a try. If it is a good eBook partners may be interested in promoting your book for a 40-50% commission. Selling your eBook takes weeks or months of work. Begin doing these activities while you are writing your eBook. Don’t wait until it is finished. Wouldn’t it be nice if you already had a built in list of names to announce your new eBook to? This can happen if you have been steadily acquiring business cards and adding them to your list. Plus get signups for the eZine (online newsletter) that you promised your subscribers you would send out once or twice a month. Get started writing and submitting articles, building your website, building your list, creating your sales copy, posting to your blog, and getting joint venture experts to promote and sell your eBook.


CHAPTER THREE HOW TO TURN YOUR E-BOOK INTO A MONEY MAKER Let me're fed up with the current economy. You're unhappy with your current income. You've tried a few different business're extremely frustrated. And you have decided - once and for all - it's time to take charge and quickly create an ongoing, secondary profit stream that you can control and RELY ON. Ever thought: "I should write an eBook", but not known where or how to start? EBooks are an incredibly leveraged way to get your ideas out into the world. You can create and distribute an eBook for next-to-nothing. Gone are the barriers of publishing and distribution. Gone are the barriers of cost-prohibitive book tours. EBooks can be immensely profitable as a result. And because of the low cost-structure, you don't need to


sell a million to make a living. You don't need to water down the content, to appeal to the masses. You can write a book for your very specific niche. And profit from your passion.

How could I possibly know this? Simple. That's exactly how I felt a few years ago (when we had the last economic meltdown) - until I discovered a simple, 5-step, life-altering solution to all of the frustration, worry, and financial concerns that allowed me to create a fast and ongoing, full-time income online. But wait...before I go on, let me warn you...Once you have this 5-step system, you're going to get angry, especially if you've wasted the last year or more of your've suffered through frustrating attempts at launching your own business or went through the gutwrenching experience of being deeper in debt. A few questions may come to your mind right now: •

You get complete control much money you make...your daily schedule and how you spend your time...who you spend your time your friends, family and peers see you ?


You can put a stop to making other people wealthy and instead, invest in your business that will pay you daily, weekly and yearly from now on!


You enjoy better health; live a stress-free life, experience more happiness and greater selfesteem that lets you be at your BEST in front of your kids, friends, family and partners.

And suddenly, without will find that people are drawn to you, friends are comfortable and want to be with you, and customers are drawn to you and your products willing to pay almost ANY price. Imagine finally operating at your best...waking up every day and you can't WAIT to get going...and you are surrounded by the most creative, positive and fun people you've ever come across. •

The way to go is create an eBook, the "how-to" info product business has been a Billion dollar industry for decades, that's the plain truth...what is ESPECIALLY important for us as online entrepreneurs though are these facts...Never before in history have the tools, technology, marketing and distribution opportunities been SO VERY tilted in the favour of the independent info product publisher as right now...we're talking about the PERFECT STORM!

Every single tool for Discovering, Researching, And Generating Content to develop your own best-selling eBook, book, course or membership site info product are available at no (or insanely LOW) cost...making information publishing the LOWEST RISK business model available online


today! Most markets are still WIDE OPEN just waiting for you to quickly apply the Ultimate eBook Info Product Profits Formula and...BECOME the dominant, go-to, authority for your marketplace virtually overnight. Look at the following: How To Choose The Best Topic For Your Info Product So much of how well any eBook info product sells depends upon the topic - get this right and you'll be neck-deep in profits without having to lift so much as a finger! This will make you money in your sleep. Your eye catching killer topic will attract many people to buy your eBook, so make sure you make a correct choice. Uncover Desperate Desire Within Your Market That unlocks the key to unlimited consumer value allowing you to easily pick off the top 20% of spenders in your marketplace (HINT: This is the single best technique for dominating the most competitive markets and earns a fortune with publishing information) The Secrets Behind Rapid Product Development Eliminating the pain and delay that many professional writers, speakers or product developers experience - shortcuts that are only privy to an ELITE


group of TOP-GUN information marketers...and now YOU! The Exact, Step-By-Step Process For Launching Your eBook Signature Info Product That harnesses the power of psychological triggers of Persuasion and Influence that underly 99% of Consumer Behaviour in today's society.

BENEFITS -There is no personal contact with the buyer -Product is delivered to customer immediately after payment -All payments go directly to your specified eBook account. -Set up once and promote a little and then it sells on autopilot. -Can be done alongside your job. -Ideal for students, pensioners and parents. -Can be making money a few days after finishing the project.


To assist you start selling your eBooks we can help you create a website for only USD200 ,upload your products and link your PayPal , Monster or Alert payment ions so that when someone wants to by your eBook from your website they first make payment and then download your eBook. The payment system allows debit cards, Credit Cards and EFT (Electronic Transfers). Our turnaround time to DESIGN your website and start selling your eBook instantly is 6 hours. To order your website visit: or email the following details to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Desired Name of Website. Home page information Contact Details Products and Services Name of your ebook or product.



BOOKS PUBLISHED BY ELIJAH MITI 1. Qualities of a Leader by Elijah Miti.

2 .The Secret dream To Your Neighbours Success by Elijah Miti.


3. You Have 24 hours Or Else by Elijah Miti.

4. Enlarge Your Vision by Elijah Mite


5. The Absurdist Tales by Dan Akinlolu.

6. Colour Your Life by Isaac Malenga.


7. Basic Guidelines to Environmental Reporting By Mwenya Mukuka.

8. Fighting HIV/AIDS with Abstinence Armour in Poetic Pictures by Wilmot Benkele. 9. Birdland Where No Birds Sing by S X Q Simabale.


10. The Resilience of the Political Systems of the Less Complex Societies of Zambia by S X Q Simabale

11. Escaping Environment from Human Habitat by Wilmot Benkele. 12. from a Frying Pan to the Fire by Toyi Mthembu


13. Nectar for Your Soul by Toyi Mthembu

14. Ignite Your Inner Soul by Toyi Mtembu


15. Relationship You Have With Your Own Self by Toyi Mthembu

16. Career Guidance In Automotive Electrical by Isaac Malenga


17.Authors Self Publishing Manual by Elijah Miti

18. Unleashing the Greater You by Aaron Kamanga


19. EMCE Live Your Dream Magazine


20. Five Principle of Effective Living by Rennox Cheela

21. He Touched Me by Martha Lubasi 22. Reflection from the Horizon by Mwenya MukuKa 23. How To Write and Sell An E-Book by Elijah Miti 24. Geography Questions and Answers by Dominic Mundenda Muntanga 25. King Mel Chizidec by Wenzi Ngambi Viyuyi 26. Breaking Chains by Bishop Emmanuel Chika PHD 27. Conterfeit Christianity by Bishop Emmanuel Chika PHD 28. Paralysing Satanic Dogs by Bishop Emmanuel Chika PHD


28.How To Be A Deamer and A Visionary Bishop Emmanuel Chika PHD 30. Holy Trouble Maker By Bishop Emmanuel Chika PHD 31. My Life Is Not For Sale by Bishop Emmanuel Chika PHD 32.Porvety Must Die by Bishop Emmanuel Chika PHD 33. Prophetic Pictures Bishop Emmanuel Chika PHD 34.The Spirit Of A Chilcken by Bishop Emmanuel Chika PHD 35.The School Of Power by Bishop Emmanuel Chika PHD 36. Arrow Of The Almighty by Bishop Emmanuel Chika PHD 37. Paralysing Satanic Dogs by Bishop Emmanuel Chika PHD 38. Prospered For Purpose by Robby Mwanga Chembe 39. Mentorship : The Missing Link To Effective Leadership Succession by Robby Mwanga Chembe 40. Anatomy Of A Dirty Politician by Robby Mwanga Chembe 41.`TALKING IS A SELF DEFENCE`````` (GENDER EQUALITY ) BY HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS SENIOR CHIEF MWANTA KANONG’ESHA








46. How To Alleviate Child Labour by Elijah Miti 47. Tasty Of Tongue by Dominic Mundenda Muntanga 48. Is This Life by Dominic Mundenda Muntanga 49. HE’S ALREADY WRITTEN MY DESTINY BY JENNIPHER MUNAMONGA ZULU


All books are published by our Publishing House:

Email: Mobile: +27785666535 or +260976672648


For More Information contact the author: Elijah C Miti Mobile: +27785666535 or +27761285439 Zambia :+260974359322 Email:




New Books:



Notes: ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………


Notes ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………


Notes: ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… “No Matter How Far We Shall Reach”


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