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ISBN : eBOOK Š 2011 By Elijah Miti Publisher: Elijah Miti Consultancy Enterprises Mobile: +27785666535 or +27761285439 Email: emcemagazine@gmail.com Web site: www.ptt.webstarts.com www.elijahmiti.webstarts.com www.elijahmitimotivation.webstrats.com
1. BILL OF RIGHTSYou have a Right to a healed body- Isaiah 53:5 You have the Right to peace John 14:27 You have the Right to a Sound Mind You have a right to have your needs met Phil 4:19 You have a Right to a happy home -Psalm 112:2-3 You have the Right save children -Isaiah 54:13 You have the Right to have your prayers answered 1 john 5:14 You have a Right To live without Fear You have the Right to dignity -Psalm 139:15 You have Right to Protection -Isaiah 54:17,
2. Favour will show up at a time you are about to give up hope, when you step in things that look foolish in the eyes of man, when you are passing through the fire. 3. God will allow you to pass through fire but he will keep you from even smelling smoky, fire will not to burn you up but it will clean you up to be stronger and wiser. 4. A new vision of your future is being unfolded; God will overcome your past with revelation of expectation of hope everyday of your life. Whatever he has promised he will bring it to pass. Believe beyond your circumstances. 5. Relationship brings somebody called a friend in isolation, no man puts old wine in new wine skins. The reason you are feeling empty is because God is about to pour in you new Holy Ghost wine that will change your life for ever. 6. Declare this morning “And my God shall supply all my needs according to his riches
in glory" Phil: 4:19. Believe it, he promised it and declare it done. 7. You have got to ride on the horse to lead you to your destiny, your healing, your breakthrough, your job, your marriage. Pursue, Overtake, You will recover all you have lost. Go After your Dream!
8. Go after your destiny, go after your dreams, and chase down your healing. I declare to you, a season of un usual favour. You shall cross over in Jesus name! 9. You can’t stand on your own, lean on Jesus. You are gifted not to be broke!!! 10. He calmed the storms, walked on water, he was courageous, he was eyes to the blind, he was feet to the lame his name is the name that is above every other name JESUS!
11. You might be in pain right now just know there is a blessing on the other side waiting on you. 12. Paul says "The Spirit shapes all infirmity" make up your mind to stand with him. 13. When I think of the goodness of Jesus and All he has done for me , I can walk in my destiny, I can rejoice in his presence, I can shout for Joy for he has given me the victory!!!!!!!
14. Five Metastasizing cancers to avoid: 1. Criticizing. 2. Complaining. 3. Competing. 4. Contending. 5. Comparing. 15. You are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. Who are you spending most of your time with?
16. Overcome fear of asking if you want to learn from top performers. 17. Set Specific goals and objectives – SMART Specific-Measurable-Attainable-RealisticTimes Set a goal so high that in the process of achieving it you become someone worth being. 18. More Motivation: 1 .Decide What You Want- visualize it. 2. Know Its Possible To Achieve your Goals. 3. Have a Vision Board where you stick pictures if things you want. 4. Tell positive People with similar successes about your Dream.
19. Today's Motivation: 1. You must focus more time in the achievement of your Dream. 2. Be a Book reader in the area of your passion -One Book A week. 3. Always read positive stuff 45 minutes before you go to bed. 4. Avoid toxic people and surround yourself with positive people. 5. Read principles.
6. Take 100% Responsibility for your life. 7. E+R=O =Outcome)
20. When God hears You speak on His promises, He sets the miracle into motion. He changes and move things on Your
behalf. If You will trust God and get up everyday expecting God's favour, You will see God do amazing things. You will overcome every obstacle and defeat every enemy. You will see every dream, every promise God has put in your heart, come to pass. Just stay on the high road and let God fight your battles for you. No matter what your past has been, you have an unlimited future with God! Compassion touches the untouchable. Through Your courage God will make impossible possible Today! 21. You are the same today and five years from now, except for the people you meet and the books you read. There a Book inside you. http://elijahmitimotivation.webstarts.com/ev ents.html 22. Affirmation: " Now I’m the voice, I will lead not follow, I will win not lose, I will create and not destroy" 23. You need to reactivate your Energy Physically, develop your Skill or ability to
specifically define exactly what you want, whatever you consistently focus on you get. Find out the skill to help other know what they want. 24. The Question that can turn your life around today is “How can I make my life better?" if you want to change your life change the questions you ask yourself. Stop complaining and blaming everyone and everything and say,”ITS POSSIBLE I can DO IT!” 25. Some Keys to success: 1. Goal Setting. 2. Time management 3. Discipline 4. Knowledge 5. Personal Power (Ability to take action) 6. Decision to Start now and follow through 7. Have a Mentor
26. Our biography and past does not equal our future unless you decide to live there. Decide to cut off your past and focus on your great possible future. 27. 80% of success is psychology of your mind and 20% is mechanics. 28. Emotion is determined by motion. Just by the way you walk and look one can tell if you are depressed, worried or happy. Affirm: and say it loud “I choose to be Happy". 29. Focus and clarity of purpose is a driver for success. A better selling starts with a better YOU. 30. You need a strategy that: 1. Helps you help someone else duplicate abilities. 2. Helps manage someone else.
31. Success and leadership is the ability to solve problems. A goal un achieved is a problem not solved: 1. Define the problem. 2. Determine and find all possible solutions. 3. Decide which one you will pursue. 4. Take Action. 32. Every Father's Desire is to provide for his family, his wife and love them unconditionally. May God grant fathers true love that surpasses any human understanding. 33. Forgiveness is a decision one makes but TRUST in a relationship is a process and it takes time. 2 Samuel 12:19 34. it’s a natural thing for two people to fall in love and share joy and romance but the most difficult part is maintaining the fire in the relationship. May God help every relationship to grow based on true LOVE.
35. Three types of people: 1. Confidants - Are people in your life that love you and are into you, they will be there in good and bad times. 2. Constituents - They are not into you, they are for what you are for. Usually leave quickly. 3. Comrades- These people are not into you or for what you are for but against what you are against and will be with you only until the victory is accomplished. 36. To become a great leader you need to have the proper city to take care of little things. There a Book inside you that can change your life forever. 37. You are chosen God says "Before you were born I knew you, Ordained You, Sanctified you, HE knows the number of
hair on your head" You are set apart God has a definite destiny for your life, you are an Original Copy of God's creation so don't copy other people. You are marked for greatness!!! That what I call A FAVOUR FLAVOURED FAVOUR! 38. If you are the smartest in your group you need to change the group for you to grow. You need to surround yourself with people with a difference who can challenge you and teach you new things. 39. The partners that you get in life are the people that are going to help you up the ladder of SUCCESS. 40. Find your WORK (gifts and Talents) and that’s when you discover the vision for your life. To WORK means -To become - To Manifest - To Fulfill - To Review. Your job is what you are paid to do and your WORK is your gift. You can be fired from your job but you cannot retire from your WORK. Work is what you are carrying within you.
41. Your career is what you are paid for and your CALLING that's what you are made for. 42. The most important thing in any job is your people skill, that is why people feel like leaving most jobs when their relationship with their boss in not good. Work on your people skills and you will love your job. 43. Vision is a preview of your purpose as you find the gift and talents to dominant the earth. 44. Bear in mind that your OWN resolution to SUCCEED is more important that any one thing. Go beyond limits of impossibilities. 45. The CHALLENGES in our lives are there to STRENGTHEN our CONVICTIONS. They are not there to RUN us OVER. 46. There are times in life when you fall down and you think you have no hope of getting up> try 100 times to get up , if you fail you try again and again what matters is, are you going to finish strong? You will find
that strength to Get back UP!!!!!!!! By BELIEVING IN YOURSELF that IT’S POSSIBLE (Mark 9:23) 47. "Be the Pencil in God's hands to write a new Chapter in your life" Mother Teresa 48. Have someone you can trust and share your inner pain. Who will not judge you but comfort you and see you come out of that pain, have a Holy Ghost filled Spiritual mentor who can guide you and train you to go to the next level. Be a giver and Help other People become who they were supposed to be. 49. Creating A Success Mindset: 1. Think Big outside your limitations. 2. Create your own circumstances and do let life happen to you. 3. Be Committed to Win. 4. Focus on Opportunity and not Obstacles. 5. Learn from Successful People and don't resent them.
6. Associate with Positive People. 7. Think Bigger than Your Problem. 8. Be Expectant and a Receiver. 9. Get Paid on Results rather than Time. 10. Focus on your Net Worth not Your current Income. 11. Learn to mange your money well. 12. Let Money Work For you not you work for the money. 13. Act in spite of FEAR. 14. Learn and Grow 15. Believe You will make it. 50. Affirmation: I'm bigger than any problem. I can handle any problem. I can grow and learn my way to SUCCESS. 51. Have a mind set to be able to be bigger than your financial problems. When you out grow problems you have a peace of mind. 52. Set A get Rich Goal to be able to have: 1. Good lifestyle for your children good house -good schools.
2. Longevity- to stop depending on government and pension. 3. Contribution to Society and family 4. Who you want to become . You have a higher purpose to create wealth, happiness and success. 53. Set a Goal for 10 Times the income and net worth you have right now. $100,000 becomes $1,000,000 and declare that, “I recommit to help 10 times people than am doing now". 54. Affirmation: “I create my success and Am not a Victim of circumstance but a VICTOR. I shall not defy blame, justify or Complain about my life.” 55. Three methods of conditioning yourself: 1. Verbal programming. 2. Modeling. 3. Specific Incidents.
56. All changes begin with awareness; you can't change something unless you know it exists. 57. You have a Money, Relationship; health Blueprint in your sub conscience mind, all that is needed is to reactivate them for you to enjoy life. 58. The Spiritual, Mental and Emotions make up what comes out in your Physical realm. Your inner world creates your outer world, your Thoughts lead to Feelings and feelings lead to Actions which bring Out Results. 59. 12 things that constitute true Riches: 1. A Positive Mental Attitude. 2. Sound Physical Health. 3. Harmony and human Relations. 4. Freedom From Fear. 5. The Hope of Future Achievements. 6. The Capacity For Applied Faith. 7. Willingness to Share one’s Blessings With Others.
8. To Be Engaged In A Labour Of Love. 9. An Open Mind on All Subjects Towards All People. 10. Complete Self Discipline. 11. Wisdom With Which To understand All People. 12. Financial Security.
60. THINK BIG 1. Build a foundation. 2. Maintain your momentum. 3. Be focused. 4. Look at Solutions not the problem. 5. See Opportunities for what they are. 6. Know everything you can about what you want. 7. Be Blessed and Passionate. 8. See Yourself As victorious. 9. Be Smart. 10. Never Never Give up or Quit.
61. The only question you can ask your self concerning your dream is: 1. Why? 2. Why not? (How much you can make of yourself) 3. Why not You? (With good self esteem, setting goals) 4. Why Not Now? (This is the set time for you) 62. Look at the relationships around you and ask yourself this “What is this relationship doing to me spiritually, financially, mentally, and emotionally and career wise?" If it’s bringing you down the hill instead of climbing up, its time to create new relationships that will bring the best out of YOU. 63. As you look into the future while people are giving up, feeling like victims, turning on each other, feeling powerless, feeling like they can’t make it, becoming negative. Be he conformed by the renewing your MIND
that it’s possible to MATCH FORTH and become a Positive force to recon WITH. 64. How to Evaluate yourself: 1. What invests have you made? 2. How many Books have toy read this week? 3. How May Personal Development Workshops or teaching have you attended? 4. What’s Your Phylosophy, Attitude, and Discipline? 5. Did you write down your Personal, Financial, Career, Business, Spiritual and Educational Goals? 65. Do what you are supposed to do, write that Book even if it takes time to get a sale cause that book was meant to be written. So now that I have got your attention grab a free e-book On http://elijahmitimotivation.webstarts.co m/events.html
66. As you go through the challenges of life, just know this ...God is preparing you for bigger thing. Have Faith, believe in yourself, your abilities > Faith and Patience drives you into action like a Chinese Bamboo tree that takes five years to grow the roots and then it breaks through and grows 90 feet tall in three weeks. 67. Your Opportunities shy away from need, but your Opportunities are attracted by YOUR talents, abilities, performance, skill and the problems you are able to SOLVE. 68. No one can steal your joy! 69. The major KEY to make things happen in your LIFE is YOU. 70. Refusing to accept the way things are for your life is the mother of invention. 71. None affirming relationships can hurt you, may God grant you a life partner that
will stand by your side and support your dream in good and bad times. 72. Say this with Power and conviction "No matter how bad it is or how bad its gets I'm going to make it." It’s possible you can have your dream and get what you want. You must be creative and never give up. 73. IF YOU WANT YOUR DREAM to become a reality be FOCUSED! 74. Whatever you talk about most in life that’s what you expand and multiply. So what is it your talk about most? For me it’s my Books and I’m sticking to my story because I know one day they will hit New York best Sellers list it’s Possible 75. Things happen in life that you don't really anticipate, many times when those things happen you want to give up, you might be fired at your job. That's not the end, just know you have out grown that
job. Look within you and its time to do something else. 76. Have a new belief about your dream that it is possible. If others have made their dreams a reality then yours is also possible. You can have your Own Book, Own your own business. 77. You might not have the money right now to activate your Dream, but find some reasons to hold on to, it might be your children's future, and maybe you want to buy a house for your mother or father in law, to finish your education. Now say" ITS POSSIBLE" with power and conviction. 78. If you don't program yourself for success life will program you with conversations of failure and that you cant make it to the top. History is being made, history is being written by people with an IMAGINATION. Discover how to win through Mentorship.
79. The Key to Business Success is Customer Service. Watch this Workshop we did for Pretoria Hotel http://youtu.be/JQKHuWuUYrw 80. Find that one thing you love doing without supervision, not just showing up, so that they pay you just to keep you from quitting and you work so hard just to keep from getting fired. You are more than what people put on your table. You are marked for greatness! 81. Live to the fullest, develop yourself and Die empty. There a book inside you crying out to be written to preserve the future and history of the up coming Generation. 82. People that make it in life look for the circumstances they want and if they can’t find them, they create new ones. 83. Courage is not the absence of Fear; Courage is the judgment that what you want is more important than FEAR.
84. What is it that gives you a reason to hold on to your dream, pass through rejection, go to your job and be laughed at. Find that one reason and your dream will become a reality. 85. The Bigger your problem the bigger your prayers should be. According to your faith so be it unto you. Believe in yourself that you can do it and feed your mind with positive patterns. 86. I can do all things through Christ who strengths me! 87. You need to have passion, drive, people, persistence, perseverance and projects. Your Dream to go to the next level it needs to be powered by you. 88. You have something special, you have greatness within you. You were born to win, to live a life of incredible abundance. The Mark of Greatness is upon you" That's My Story and I am sticking to it" Go logon
now! http://elijahmitimotivation.webstarts.c om/events.html 89. One of the best assets in life is investing in yourself, in Education. Here is an Award ceremony for A Customer Service Training We did for Pretoria Hotel Staff. http://youtu.be/GgwA7zfZzQc 90. You have got to live what’s in you; you deserve much more than left overs. Decide what you want to do and that you are going to do the best you can. Look at successful people in your field of interest and volunteer to work with them and learn. Mentorship is the greatest source of your own success one day. 91. When we expect good things to happen to us, even when bad things come you have the faith and confidence that God will turn it around in your favour. That your problem will change for your good. 92. Goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life.
93. Don't be someone who always expects Bad news, start expecting God's blessings to over take you. 94. Ladies Pay attention to what you are expecting if you are single, Ask God to be at the right place and at the right time to meet that prince charming. You have prayed Yes but its time to take action and be a bit out going, make yourself up, put on that lovely dress and shake what your mama gave you in Jesus name. Life is too short to live indoors as no one will see you. 95. BUT is a dream killer. But will cause you to procrastinate, hide out behind fear and come up with excuses. Today say YES to your Dream with power. 96. Time your goals or put dates on them as to when you want to achieve them. Without a time limit there is no urgency to start taking action.
97. Most of the times the things we complain about like a job, car, house, marriage, when we are about to lose them they suddenly attain a value and appreciation. Its all about Attitude, what you devalue someone else will value. 98. Lets turn the Invisible into visible, write down your Goals for 2012 as follows: 1. Personal development goals. 2. Adventure Goals. 3. Social Contribution Goals. 4. Career and Business Goals. That's your first step to great success. 99. We all have goals and they plant a seed and create a garden in our minds so that weeds of doubt and not focusing are rubbed. All goal settings must be followed by a plan and consistent action. 100. Setting Definite Goals will help you design your life rather than living it just to survive daily.
101. At night you dream in your sleep and during the day you can also dream with your GOALS.
Thank you for reading this book for book orders please visit my website http://elijahmitimotivation.webstarts.com/ev ents.html
GOD BLESS YOU! Elijah Miti 31