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Elijah Nouvelage
If you're friending me to see my photography or because of it in any way, I would prefer if if you go 'like' my facebook photography page instead at http://www.facebook.com/elijahnouvelagephoto. Thank you! If I don't know you and you're friending me, please write a note of introduction telling me who you are and why you want to be friends, or I will ignore it. Having a lot of mutual friends is NOT a good enough reason, sorry. I like funny, intelligent, down-to-earth non-mask -wearing people. People who think they know what they're talking about because they read an article on the subject or saw a TV program bug the shit out of me. I don't like attitudes of any kind. Get over yourself. Stop acting like the person you want the world to think you are and be the person you actually are. I will too, and we'll get along fine. I like melancholy music on rainy days. I like meaningless but catchy 80's pop music while I am driving my scooter on the freeway or looking out the window of a cro