Outreach Jul-Sept 2011

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Help rescue women and children from the sex industry

Pray effectively for missions with this quarter’s diary

OUTREACH Issue 24 | Jul - Sept 11

The Official Elim International Missions Magazine

this issue

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CHRIS JONES Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15 I’m sure many of you will have heard a sermon or talk from these Bible verses about going into all the world. In fact I have spoken on these very verses myself on many occasions. So where is ‘all the world’? I believe this can be the outermost parts of the earth but it can also be much nearer to home. It can mean the school gate, sports club, shop floor, office, the street where we live - in other words our own world, our community, our tribe and culture. We were privileged to have Canon Andrew White, known as the Vicar of Baghdad, to speak at our missions meeting at Elim Bible Week in June and I was incredibly impacted and refreshed by his ministry. Working as an Anglican Chaplain to St George’s Church in Baghdad, Andrew pastors a congregation of 4000 Iraqi Christians. This has to be one of the most difficult places in the world to minister, yet he not only embraces this, he loves it! On a daily basis Andrew has to deal with violence, kidnap and death, many of his friends and colleagues have been killed, but he describes his parish as, ‘hot, dangerous and pretty wonderful’ - he takes it all in a godly stride. Andrew has pain in his own body (he suffers from MS), but he compares this as nothing to the joy of serving the Lord and his people. Andrew has an immense God-given love for the Iraqi people. Andrew is a unique man in a unique situation that probably none of us will ever experience. Yet the same can be said of each and every one of us. We are unique people in a unique situation, mandated to go into our world, wherever that may be, and share the gospel and make disciples.

One of the things Andrew said that has stuck in my mind is not to say to people, ‘take care’ but to say ‘take risks’. Are you prepared to take risks for the gospel? Are you prepared to make a difference in your own world, wherever that may be? Take risks!

Chris Jones International Missions Director Listen to our podcast with Andrew White: www.elimmissions.co.uk/podcast



Whilst Haiti may have faded from the forefront of our news programmes, it is still very much on our hearts to be able to make a difference in the lives of children and adults so terribly affected by the earthquake last year.



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GO INTO ALL THE WORLD Read of some of the amazing things that God is doing through our Elim

Family around the world.

“And what does the Lord require of you but to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

Were you at the Lifelink meeting at Elim Bible Week in June? If you were you will have heard Mandy Campbell, Director of Lifelink, sharing her heart and passion to make a difference in the lives of people across the world that are suffering and marginalized, for the poor and those treated unjustly. Mandy spoke about God’s deep concern for such people and how Scripture teaches us that to care about the poor is not an option; God commands that we do it. Mandy and the Lifelink Team have been moved to respond and here we share with you the five key areas they have identified where we can get involved. Also included are some of the projects that fit into these areas, but this list isn’t exhaustive and there are many other areas to get involved with. The Lifelink Team will be touring the country from November this year to share more about this and details will be available in due course on our website www.elimmissions.co.uk/lifelink

Poverty “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be open-handed towards your brothers and towards the poor and needy in your land.” Deuteronomy 15:11 · Almost half the world, over three billion people, live on less than £1.50 a day · There are 2.2 billion children in the world - 1 billion of these (every second child) lives in poverty · The poorest 40% of the world’s population accounts for 5% of global income. The richest 20% accounts for 75% of world income. 04

Some of the ways Lifelink can get involved and help:

OUTREACH | Jul - Sept 2011

· Orphan Feeding Programme, Malawi · Project Joseph, Honduras · Outreach to the gypsy community, Macedonia

For more information on how you can get involved contact Mandy on: mandy.campbell@elimhq.net or call 07724 107650. You can read more about Lifelink and what they are involved in on page 18.

Human Trafficking

Ethical Trading

“Your job is to stand up for the powerless, and prosecute all those who exploit them.” Psalm 82:4

“A poor man’s field may produce abundant food but injustice steals it away away.” Proverbs 13:23

· People trafficking is the world’s fastest growing illegal trade

· For every person trafficked into the sex industry, there are nine more trafficked into unfair work

· An estimated 27 million people are held in slavery worldwise · Each year more than 1 million children are exploited in the global commercial sex trade Some of the ways Lifelink can get involved and help: · The Biojemms Project, Uganda - helping children to be reunited with their families. Assist poor families to set up a business so that children can stay at home · The Training Centre, Cambodia - training women for domestic service and thus avoiding the sex trade · Elusitweni Centre, Swaziland - rehabilitating girls rescued from sex abuse

· Women and certain minorities are often confined to the lowest paid jobs · Some 12.3 million people globally are forced to work for their employers · Every day 6000 people around the world die from work-related accidents or diseases Some of the ways Lifelink can get involved and help: · The BIOJEMMSS sustainable living, Uganda · Luso Ladies’ Craft Workshop, Malawi · Emmanuel Crafts, Nepal · Basket making, Burkina Faso · Lifeskills School, Swaziland

Health Care & Special Needs “I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me” Matthew 29:36 · Around 28% of all children in developing countries are underweight or stunted · 1 billion children are deprived of one or more services essential to survival and development Some of the ways Lifelink can get involved and help: · Steung Meanchey slum village, Cambodia · Imphilo House Clinic, Swaziland · Living Water Project, NepalThe BIOJEMMSS sustainable living project, Uganda

· 101 million primary age children do not attend school, with more girls than boys missing out · Nearly one billion people entered the 21st century unable to read or sign their names Some of the ways Lifelink can get involved and help: · Living Word School, Brazil · City Gates Academy, Philippines

OUTREACH | Jul - Sept 2011

“Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing and benefits those who see the sun. Wisdom is a shelter, as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor” Ecclesiastes 7:11&12





Whilst Haiti may have faded from the forefront of our news programmes, it is still very much on our hearts to be able to make a difference in the lives of children and adults so terribly affected by the earthquake last year. You may be aware that Jackie Griffiths and Becky Haldane went to Haiti in February this year with the intention of working alongside the Mango Tree orphanage. Much research was done and visits made in order to put things in place before they left the UK. However, this hasn’t worked out as the expectations of the Director of Mango Tree were vastly different to what we are able to offer and we therefore decided to seek different ministry avenues where we can make a difference. Christina and I had the privilege of visiting Jackie and Becky in Haiti in May this year and our visit was definitely in God’s timing. We spent the first day talking through the various options and decided to attend the nearby Foursquare church on the Sunday. The service was lively and all in Creole, but I did understand a little of the sermon where the Haitian pastor was explaining ‘Saviour, Healer, Baptiser and Coming King’ which is quite familiar to us in Elim!

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At the end of the service we had the opportunity to chat with John, the Foursquare Relief Coordinator and Lead Missionary in Haiti, and his wife Debbie. This couple are from the States and were leaving Haiti five days later for six weeks leave in the States. They very kindly suggested we have lunch together when we found out more about the great job Foursquare is doing in Haiti and that John and Debbie had been praying for some time for quality people to get alongside them to help as they had so many projects underway. We were able to share that Jackie and Becky were there with servant hearts, wanting to make a difference in the lives of the people.

We believe that this change is where God wants us to be placed in Haiti, transforming the lives of children and adults.


After more discussion that week, by the time John and Debbie flew back to the States and Christina and I returned to the UK, everything was in place and Jackie and Becky are now actively involved with Foursquare setting up a Bible School to train Haitian pastors and emerging leaders, facilitating teams for the orphanages and tent cities as well as implementing much needed self-sufficiency projects designed to create jobs and help Haitians to provide for themselves.


As well as this, Jackie and Becky are involved in a Women’s Educational Project with Samaritan’s Purse, writing the Bible curriculum and training women who in turn teach women in six different churches.

A massive thank you to everyone who is praying for and supporting Jackie and Becky and Elim’s ministry in Haiti. We value our partnership with you.


One of the projects Becky and Jackie are involved with is an aquaponics system which will not only provide fresh fish, eggs and vegetables but also be a source of income for local people who become partners in the project.




1-3. Jackie and Becky are incolved in giving out dresses made from Pillow Cases to the children. 4. The tank housing the fish for the aquaponics system that provides locals with fresh fish.

3 To watch our recent interview with Jackie and Becky visit: www.youtube. com/elimmissions or use the QR Code.


In all aspects of life change happens. We believe that this change is where God wants us to be placed in Haiti, transforming the lives of children and adults. And as this transformation happens, we believe that the people of Haiti will be influenced to bring hope and change for the future.


OUTREACH | Jul - Sept 2011

Both Foursquare and Samaritan’s Purse have a long history of expressing the love and compassion of Christ for those who suffer and we are delighted to be playing a small part in making a difference in the lives of Haitians through the love of God.

1. The Presidencial Palace still in the same state even after 18 months. 2. Jackie training some women at the Samaritan’s Purse Educational Progect. 3. Becky teaching the women at Samaratan’s Purse Educational Project.


Go into all the world... Isn’t life busy enough? Don’t I have enough to do just concentrating on my world? Yes... you are probably right. Life is hectic, it can throw all sorts of things at us at any time. But is that a good enough reason not to go? If you had the cure for cancer would you say my life is too busy to share that cure? At Elim International Missions we believe that being Christian is to be missional. We believe that every one of us is called to go into all the world and share the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. This may be at the school gate, in your college, your office, and even the far flung reaches of the world. It doesn’t matter so much where you go but that you go. Here are some true stories of people from our Elim Family who have answered the call and gone. They have gone into all the world to share the love of Jesus.

Central & South America


The Elim church in Honduras started with small beginnings on a mountain called Bendicion just outside the capital Tegucigalpa. There are now two thriving, growing churches, one at Bendicion (the upstairs church) and one in the city (the downstairs church) where Elim Missionaries John and Rachel McDonough from Elim Carlisle are working. As well as Sunday and midweek services, the two churches run cell groups, kids clubs, youth ministries and training programmes. And Project Joseph is an important part of the ministry at both churches, feeding vulnerable children who otherwise would go hungry. Tegucigalpa has many social problems, not least of which is gang warfare which brings many challenges. But the two churches are making a difference, reaching people with the good news of Jesus.


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Elim Guyana was founded over sixty years ago and there are now 28 churches which are experiencing a real move of the Holy Spirit. The Bible School currently has an average of 26 students attending. More churches are being planted, one of which is in an area with a growing Islamic influence and where a local businessman has given land to build on.


Maues is located in the Amazon jungle and has no connecting roads to any other city. The only way to get there is to fly from Manaus or go by boat. 36,000 people live in Manaus with a further 15,000 living in small settlements along the river’s edge. Elim Missionary Martin Davison, from Elim Carryduff, Northern Ireland, felt God’s call to go to Brazil in 2001 and there he met and married Rebeca. Martin is working with Living Word Church and Living Word School. Maues has many social problems; gang warfare, prostitution, alcoholism, drug abuse, neglect and abuse of children. The Living Word church reaches out to bring the kingdom of heaven to Maues through cell groups, discipleship, friendship and fellowship, youth ministry, teaching, couples’ ministry and plenty of fun! There is also a Jungle Mission reaching surrounding villages with the gospel. The Living Word School, where Rebeca is Head Teacher, reaches out to children in desperate need and provides a place where they can eat, play, make friends, learn and most importantly find out that Jesus loves them.

...announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all. Mark 16:15


30 years ago Elim planted a church in Figueres in north east Spain. Since those early days Elim in Spain has grown to four churches with two new church plants now underway. Elim Missionaries John and Valerie Knox are based in Girona and oversee Elim’s ministry in Spain. John leads the Girona church which recently moved to a new building as the numbers attending had phenomenally outgrown the previous location. At a recent church retreat, 20 people were baptised and in April this year over 450 people gathered at the new premises for a united prayer event. There are also 13 house groups reaching out not only to the city but also in the wider Girona Province as well as a church plant at Palafrugell. John and Val have gone through a very difficult time recently with both of them being diagnosed with cancer and their daughter-in-law Jay dying from cancer. Yet their testimony is amazing, and despite all the problems their faith is strong and they are trusting God for good things to come.

Europe France Romania



Dave Hodgson went to Spain as an Elim Missionary in 2009 to assist Howard and Sue Coley at the Elim Family Fellowship in Benalmadena and he has since married their daughter Naomi! Dave and Howard have a weekly radio show on Talk Radio Europe called ‘2 Revs’ when they look at life from a biblical point of view and play Christian music. A new church plant began in May in San Pedro, about 45 minutes from Benalmadena.

Ps 96:3

There are 10 towns within a 100 kms radius of Stip that are unreached with the gospel. As the Stip church grows and develops, new churches will be planted in these towns. This is an exciting opportunity to make a difference and we are trusting God for a greater move of the Holy Spirit in Macedonia than ever before.


Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.”


OUTREACH | Jul - Sept 2011

“ Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.

Elim has planted a church in Stip, a strategic city in the north east of the country with a population of 45,000. Under the leadership of Angel Pavlov and Zoki Illievski, and assisted by Elim Missionaries Tony and Norma Coles, the fledgling church (Hristijanska Crkva ‘Oaza’) is growing. As well as Sunday and midweek services the church is involved with youth ministries, English and discipleship classes, women’s ministry plus a programme is in place to help local gypsy families with food and other necessities.

Kenya Elim’s first involvement in Kenya goes way back to 1948. Today there are three Elim groups that we are in relationship with. Training is one of the areas that we are helping with and a number of UK Elim ministers have gone to Kenya to provide leadership seminars and pastoral training for Elim Gospel.


Burkina Faso


Boureima Diallo, an Elim Minister, is a Fulani reaching out to Fulanis right across West Africa. The Fulanis are a nomadic people living in 18 countries and over 99% of them have not yet had the opportunity to hear the gospel. Evangelism is central to all Boureima is involved with and in 2009 he established the Foofoo Centre, 40 miles north of Ouagadougou, to run discipleship and church planting training courses plus teaching practical skills. From December 2009 to May 2010 26 new churches were planted and Boureima has a five year plan to plan new churches every month.


In 2009 Elim Malawi celebrated its 25th year in style with a special event attended by around 4000 people. There are over 300 churches situated in the southern and central regions and Elim Malawi runs a Bible School, orphan homes, schools, sewing classes, choirs and much more. Elim Missionaries in Malawi are Trevor and Maggie Mackriell, Sonya Lester and Paul and Tracy Gill. The Gills are working at Hope Village, caring for vulnerable children and families through orphan homes, day care, first aid, schooling, micro enterprise projects and feeding programmes.


OUTREACH | Jul - Sept 2011

We partner with Teen Challenge Swaziland, particularly assisting at Hawane Farm Children’s Homes and also at Potter’s Wheel Church. Hawane has 10 children’s homes, a medical centre, church, a pre-school, crafts shop and a small farm. Elim Missionaries Jane Bradshaw and Wendy Brown are assisting at Hawane, Jane with medical care and Wendy with teaching. And in October Pastor Lloyd Cheshire and his wife Jo and three children will be moving to Swaziland. Lloyd will be pastoring pastors plus training and equipping people in the Life Schools Centre and Jo will be counselling youngsters at Hawane Farm. Kevin Ward heads up TCS and along with his wife Helen, they are doing an incredible job making a difference in so many lives.

Israel & The Arabic World A number of our Elim ministers and churches are involved with ministries in nations such as Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and various other countries in the Middle East. But because this is a sensitive area as far as Christian ministry is concerned, we can’t speak widely about this. So without mentioning names or nations, we would like to share with you about some amazing Elim people making a difference in this area. And as turmoil takes place in this region, let’s pray that a miraculous change will happen to allow Christ to be preached so people can be set free through His grace. An Elim member is reaching out from Western Europe into nations in the Arab world. There is no freedom of religion in this area and Christians are persecuted often having Bibles confiscated, churches closed down and should someone convert to Christianity from Islam they could face a lengthy prison sentence or even death. This person is providing the gospel by various means. With the long-term vision to see reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians, particularly between Jews and Muslims, an Elim couple are establishing themselves in a Palestinian community to bring people from the two communities together. Along the way they hope to introduce people to the limitless compassion and love of Jesus, who is the gateway to the deepest of all reconciliations. Pray for protection for Christian workers and believers in this area.

“ But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” Romans 10:14

Teams and visits arranged by Elim Missions: we do all the paperwork and legal process, and can do this on behalf of a church team visit Church leadership visits overseas: Notify us in the planning stage, advise flight details and provide emergency contact details plus confirm travel insurance has been arranged

Teams arranged by an Elim Church: Ask us for a copy of our Team Manual to help you do the paperwork yourselves – remember to notify Elim Missions in the planning stage, complete the application process for each team member, advise us of flight details, names of team members and emergency contact details plus confirm travel insurance has been arranged

Visits should only be made to Elim approved ministries: http://www.elimmissions.co.uk/downloads

OUTREACH | Jul - Sept 2011



India & The Himalayas India

India is one of the first countries that Elim reached with the gospel, the first Missionary going there in 1919. Today our Elim Missionaries are involved in a number of varying ministries around the nation and our Elim churches partner with many different organisations. In north-east India our Missionary couple are on the leadership team of a local church where they are involved with preaching and leading worship. They also encourage and counsel students and other missionaries, work practically and spiritually with two mission hospitals, speak at conferences and seminars and facilitate social outreach and relief work. Another Elim couple has established four new children’s homes each with house parents to create a family group. They are helping desperately poor children to escape the grinding cycle of poverty that traps them and providing them with a home, an education, a hope and a future. They say that new children will at first be shy and overawed by their new surroundings, but they soon become accustomed to it and settle in well, responding to the care and love they receive.

Nepal There are now approximately 700,000 Christians in Nepal - in 1950 there were none! Nepal is the poorest country in Asia and one of the least developed in the world. Elim’s work there is mainly in rural areas where there is great need for both the gospel and for community development. Our Elim Missionaries identify a needy village, which are high in the mountains and usually take three or four days to walk to. They then initiate a Living Water Project, providing running water and then planting a church in the village and provide educational projects including building a school in some of the villages. Earlier this year a group of five men and two women from a village in the north of Nepal went to Kathmandu for a one week intensive course on school management run by our partner organisation. As well as equipping and inspiring them, the group, from a Tibetan Buddhist background, participated in a two day spiritual awareness programme. Praise God the whole group committed their lives to Christ!

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“ The Lord will lay bare His holy arm in the sight of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.” Isaiah 52:10

South East Asia Japan Jim and Kayo Davies are Elim Missionaries based in Kobe. They hold a family worship service each Sunday as well Sunday School plus a weekly English Bible Study. Although small, the meetings have an international flavour with five nations represented. In March this year an earthquake and tsunami devastated the north-east of Japan. Thanks to the generosity of our Elim family we have been able to provide funds through Christian partners in Japan to help survivors of the disaster.

Between 100 and 200 students arrive each day for the free English classes, which openly share about the Christian faith and many young people have come to faith in Christ as a result and now attend the Khmei church. The daycare centre currently has more than 40 babies and youngsters and has an excellent reputation - there is always a waiting list for children to attend. Our missionaries regularly visit slum villages at the municipal dump on the outskirts of Phnom Penh to provide basic necessities including medical help as well as sharing the gospel.

Elim partners with Elim Pentecostal Ministry Philippines, whose central church is Living Epistle Christian Family Church. The organisation runs City Gates Academy in Antipolo City providing free education to poor and destitute children, the inspiration for this coming from our Elim church in Ilford. Glenn Isaguirre is Project Director at City Gates Academy. Whilst the mandate for City Gates is an educational institution that provides free education, it never forgets its bigger responsibility to win the community for Christ and to give them the hope that can only be found in Jesus. So as well as school, City Gates also runs a weekly youth club, medical services, feeding programme, workshops as well as a youth choir. Mark and Cora King have established a new church in Cebu and are ministering to surrounding villages with feeding and medical programmes, income generating projects and training. Elim Missionary Lynette Orange went to work with City Gates Academy in April this year. After training as a primary school teacher and teaching for five years in the UK, Lynette felt called to serve in the Philippines and is now Academic Coordinator for City Gates Academy as well as helping with youth work at a new church plant.


Elim’s ministry in Phnom Penh began in 2003 and has grown to include a daycare centre, English classes, computer and football lessons (not at the same time!), an international church and a Khmei church, outreach to slum village communities and a trainee programme. Elim Missionaries John & Ann Turner and David & Esther Allen oversee these ministries.

The Philippines

OUTREACH | Jul - Sept 2011


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Regents Students on Mission In January of this year, five intrepid Regents Theological College studen ts decided to embark on an increased challenge for their 3rd year placement and took up a month’s work with Elim Missions in a variety of locations across the globe. Facing temperatures ranging from -14 to 40 degrees and cultures and practic es far removed from their own, Laura, Luke, Rachael, Sarah and Emily jetted off for Macedonia, Cambodia, Spain and the Philippines to work with Elim’s ministries. They taught English, worked with local churches and in schools, undertook human itarian work, evangelism and youth and children’s ministries, and found a little time to take in the sights and sounds of the places they visited. ah Sar is beingan

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Rachael travelled to Cambodia to work with John and Ann Turner and cites her highlight as the time spent at Steung Meanchey Village, a slum at the municipal dump where thousands forage for their living among the waste and where Elim provide medical help and basic necessities as well as sharing the gospel. Having been struck by how dirty the children were, Rachael says ‘A week later we went and took buckets and sponges and washed the kids. They were absolutely amazed at what shampoo could do, their hair was all shiny when normally it was full of dust. We gave them new clothes and brushed their hair. It was a highlight to show Jesus’ love without preaching.’

14 OUTREACH | Jul - Sept 2011

Luke spent a month in Macedonia with Elim missionaries Tony and Norma Coles and working with the Elim church in Stip. Much of the Coles’ ministry is evangelistic and Luke particularly noted how Macedonian culture seemed to allow for the gospel to be shared. He tells of one breakthrough where he had spent time with some of the young people throughout the placement, and on the last day, had been able to tell these young men of Orthodox background about a personal relationship with Jesus and to explore the Bible with them. He says ‘it was like us reaping what we had sown for the last month. That was the best part.’ If you are interested in going on a short term mission trip then please do contact Christina on: 01684 588 940 christina.barron@elimq.net

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Week 1 - 3rd-9th

Pray for all our missionaries who are serving so faithfully overseas. Pray for safety as they are travelling and also protection as they serve God in what can be very isolated situations. Pray especially for Boureima Diallo, our missionary in Burkina Faso, who will be in the UK for a few weeks. Pray that just like Joshua, wherever he goes he will know the assurance of God being with him and that he will be successful and protected wherever he goes.

Week 2 - 10th-16th

Please pray for our Area Missions Directors. Pray that as they seek to serve Elim Missions, our missionaries and the Elim Movement that God would be at the very centre of all they do, that He would give them wisdom in their decision-making and strength as they serve.

Pray for all those going on short term missions trips in the coming months. Pray for the Rugby team going to Romania in August. Pray that they would know the protection and guiding hand of God. Pray also that all the teams this summer would know the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit as they serve.

Week 4 - 24th-30th

Pray for the Regents Theological College students who have been and will be going on mission with us. Pray that God would stir in them a lifelong passion for missions.


Week 3 - 17th-23rd

OUTREACH | Jul - Sept 2011

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Week 1 - 31st-6th

Pray for Lifelink and the team that heads up this ministry: Mandy Campbell, Amanda Blount, Karen Green, Lisa Lenton, Lynn Tugwell and Nita Pugh. As they lay out their fresh vision (see page 4) pray that the favour of God would be upon them and that doors would open for them to help more people across the world who are in desperate need of the love of Jesus Christ.

Week 2 - 7th-13th

During this time of Ramadan (1st-29th Aug), pray Christians working with Muslims would be a strong witness and show the amazing transforming power of Jesus Christ. Praise God for those who now have a relationship with Jesus. Pray that they will have boldness and courage to share their experiences with friends and family. For a more in-depth guide to praying for Muslims during Ramadan visit: www.30-days.net

Week 3 - 14th-20th

Pray for Trevor and Maggie Mackriell this week as they return to Malawi after a few weeks break in the UK. Pray their time here will have been one of refreshing and renewing ready for them to take up ministry again in Malawi.

Week 4 - 21st-27th

Pray for Chris Jones and the staff of the International Missions Department. Pray that as they work, travel and serve they would know God’s blessing and favour and that in the day-to-day running of the office they would know God is using them to extend His Kingdom.

Week 5 - 28th-3rd

16 OUTREACH | Jul - Sept 2011

Praise God that people are giving financially to our Freedom Project. The vision for this project was seen during a visit Chris Jones made to India last year. Having seen a rescue centre for girls who had all been victims of the sex industry his heart was stirred to do something and the Freedom Project was birthed. We are raising money to help release women and children from the horrors of the sex industry. Find out more on the back page of this edition of Outreach.

Week 1 - 4th-10th Training is an important part of any job and is a vital part of both long and short term mission experiences. Pray for those attending and teaching at our Missions Training course at Malvern 6th-9th September and a one-day training course on 10th September for short-termers. Pray that those attending the training will be inspired and spurred on to carry out all that God is calling them to do.

Week 2 - 11th-17th Pray for the nation of Haiti. Although the news headlines have moved away from the devastating effects of the earthquake, Haiti is still a nation in need. Pray for Jackie Griffiths and Becky Haldane as they seek to serve this nation. You can read an update on Haiti on page 6.

Week 3 - 18th-24th Praise God for all that he is doing within the Elim family across our world. Pray that we would hear increasing stories of lives, communities and nations being transformed by the love of Jesus. As situations within our nation and across the world become increasingly unstable, pray that many would turn to Jesus. To read about the amazing things people from our Elim Family are doing in the world see pages 8-13.

Week 4 - 25th-1st As Elim Missions seeks to help minister to those with special needs overseas, pray we will know God’s wisdom and guidance in all the decisions that are made.



email: kathy.cooper@elimhq.net

TRAININGCOURSE2011 Are you considering going on an overseas mission?

Are you prepared?

Do you feel ready to take that step?

Come to one of our Elim Missions training courses to help you prepare and be ready. Learn about being a Christian in a different culture, keeping your sanity when you are on a mission, staying healthy, dealing with transition, change and culture shock, understanding the world in which we live, being free of prejudice – and much more! Training takes place at: Elim International Centre, De Walden Road, West Malvern, WR14 4DF.

To book your place email: missions@elimhq.net for an application form or download from: www.elimmissions.co.uk/training2011

OUTREACH | Jul - Sept 2011

For those going for less than one year: Saturday 10th September 2011 8.45am to 3.45pm Cost is £65 (includes refreshments and lunch)


For those going for more than one year: Tuesday 6th September (evening) through to lunch time Friday 9th September 2011 Cost is £240 (includes 3 nights accommodation, refreshments and meals)


Women making a difference “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” James 2:14-17

18 OUTREACH | Jul - Sept 201

Throughout history we know of many women who have made a difference to their society, their environment and even to history itself. Women like Harriet Tubman who helped many slaves escape in the 1800’s; Amelia Earhart was the greatest woman pilot in her time and opened the way for others to follow; Mother Theresa showing love and compassion to the unloved. And what about Emily and Christabel Pankhurst who fought for women’s right to voteand won - and now we have women in many important places of authority. I am not ‘campaigning’ in any way for women,

what I am saying is that women do make a difference. At our Elim Conference in June we met two special women who are making a difference in our world right now. Sian Davies spectacularly rescued a group of children who were living in an abusive children’s home in Uganda and she has now set up Biojemmss that supports and helps these children, and others, to live a better life being educated, fed and receiving medical help. You can read about her in the June edition of Direction magazine. And Kiptieu Agyei, known as Kippy, is building homes for children in Sierra Leone. This has come about because of the life experiences

It is wonderful to hear what other women are achieving, how they are making a difference. But we can so easily sit back and think that they are special and we aren’t. We can think that we have nothing to offer, nobody knows us, we don’t have a lot of money, we may not even be very well?


We want to say to you today - YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

You can make a difference by praying: The women you read about really need your prayers. Our missionaries really need your prayers. WHY? Because prayer works, God hears every prayer and He is just waiting for us to pray those prayers so that He can answer them.


You can make a difference by giving: Did you know that 20p buys a meal for a child in Brazil, £5.50 pays for a school uniform, £4 buys school books? Or that £12 buys a water filter in Cambodia and £18 buys a food parcel for a family in Romania? So every penny you give makes a huge difference to a life somewhere in this world of ours.


You can make a difference by going:

Mandy Campbell is the Director of Lifelink and the team consists of: Amanda Blount from Birmingham, Karen Green from Hailfax, Lisa Lenton from Leeds, Lynn Tugwell from Merthyr Tydfil and Nita Pugh from Malvern. Sophie Lavery is the administrator for Lifelink. Please pray for the Lifelink team as they seek to make a real difference in the world of missions.

LIFELINK NEEDS YOU! There are many different ways to get involved that will make such a difference in the lives of people in countries that we may never manage to visit ourselves, but where we can indeed leave a legacy. For more information contact us lifelink@elimhq.net | 0845 302 6750


Women, you really do make a difference believe it - do it!!!!

Meet the team:

OUTREACH | Jul - Sept 2010

The women that I have mentioned and those you read about often took action because they actually SAW the need for themselves. TV and films make everything seem so unreal. At time we watch horror, suffering and pain and it can just seem like a story to us. But to go and see for yourself what people are going through can change your heart and life forever. DO YOU DARE?

1. Suffragettes campaigning for the right for women to vote. 2. Kippy (left) alongside some of the families she and her organisation, Heaven Homes, are supporting in Sierra Leone 3. Sian Davis and some of the boys she rescued in Uganda. 4. The Lifelink Shop with Integrity at Elim Bible Week 2011 raising money to make a real difference.

she went through herself. There are many women on overseas missions who we know are making a difference, women who are healing the broken hearted, binding up wounds, setting people free and preaching the good news. They are changing lives each and every day.

Inspired by trip to India, Chris Jones found himself reading the Times of India. Amongst the many articles was one on the sex industry in their own nation of India and in particular the exploitation and role of women. The article said that the latest official national statistics believed there are just under seven million prostitutes in the country and it is widely believed that the true

number across the nation of India was probably nearer to ninety million, an absolutely staggering

figure. It also said that in a recent national survey the role of a housewife was categorised as the same as a prostitute or sex worker, thus raising the issue of the value put on such a crucial role in a nation that wishes to be seen as a rising world power. On the same visit Chris went to a girls’ home in New Delhi. This home is caring for 16 girls aged five to fourteen rescued from their very worst point of need. All

these girls had been sexually abused by family members and neighbours.

In the wake of being haunted by mental turmoil, this home gives these girls a hope and a future. We mustn’t keep our heads in the sand with the busyness of life around us and all the things crying out for our attention. We mustn’t forget the reality of the world. We need to help practically. We have set up a fund, ‘The Freedom Project’, to help girls like those Chris met in the home in India, to rescue them from abuse and from the sex industry, to take young boys and girls out of desperate situations and put them into places where they will be loved and cared for in a Christian environment.


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