Outreach Oct-Dec 2011

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Read about a home in India that is transforming lives

Pray effectively for missions with this quarter’s diary

OUTREACH Issue 25 | Oct - Dec 11

The Official Elim International Missions Magazine

N O T A B E H T G N I S S A P l suc

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this issue

... HE BATON ion PASSING T ful Success - The Keys

to Success

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CHRIS JONES In the space of five or six metres, a clumsy handover by the GB 4 x 400m relay team at the European Championship in June this year brought disaster. It was a complete shambles as the baton fell to the ground and the pair then threw it forward to try to retrieve it resulting in the team being disqualified. This isn’t an isolated incident. You may remember back in 2008 when both US relay teams dropped the baton. One of the competitors at the time said, “By the time I went to grab it, there was nothing.” Grabbing the baton should be simple, yet as these events prove, it is difficult. It has to be planned, purposed and practised. It clearly doesn’t just happen, as these relay athletes can testify. At Elim Missions, wherever we work in the world, we plan and purpose for ‘the baton’ to be handed over well. There has been much debate by people over the years about the role and future of what some may refer to as the ‘traditional missionary’. Should we appoint missionaries or should we only minister through national/indigenous workers? The answer isn’t ‘either or’, but ‘both and’. Missionaries have to ensure that when they feel it is time to leave, they have spent time planning, purposing and practising in order to be successful in passing on the baton of ministry.

Take care

Chris Jones International Missions Director

FREEDOM PROJECT : INDIA - Megan Jones talks about the horrors that face young girls in India and the amazing work that is giving these girls the chance to dream.


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PASSING THE BATON We asked six of our missionaries to write about successful succession and how to lead ministry beyond yourself.




In July we launched an Elim Relief Association appeal for funds to help people in East Africa suffering as a result of the worst drought conditions for sixty years. Over 12 million people are affected and facing dire shortages of food and water. The United Nations reports that tens of thousands of people have already died from malnutrition, many of them babies and children.

04 OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

We are always incredibly moved by the generosity of our Elim family, especially when we know times are hard financially here in the UK. Thank you to everyone who has given – your giving is making a massive difference in the lives of people who so desperately need our help. In September we sent Paul Hudson to Kenya to see what is happening on the ground and to take some of the money to buy food and see how we can provide help over the coming months. Paul shares with us on his visit.

A week before I had arrived, after three years of drought, the monsoon rains arrived. The heavy downpours created new rivers and washed away much of the roads, which meant the villages were now cut off. We got the truck as far as we could and then hired two 4x4 vehicles to ferry the 10 tons of food into a temporary store we hired in one of the villages. The poverty there was like nothing I have ever seen before. These people weren’t just poor, they had nothing. How can I describe what having nothing means? Well, there was no livestock as they had all died because there is no water. No livestock means no food and no milk. No water means no palm trees, so no wood to make crafts which would be sold to passers-by, no sales means no money. So no water, no food and no money – and even if they had money there was nothing to buy. One lady was wearing rags and I asked if she had any other clothes. All she had was the rags she was wearing. Imagine having just one item of clothing which is beyond repair. The realisation of literally having nothing had a huge impact on me. It was the cool season with temperatures of around 35 degrees. As I was drinking from a bottle of water I became aware of a young girl watching me and looking longingly at the water. I offered her the water and she took it as if it was Christmas! She was so excited she didn’t know what to do - whether to drink the water or save it for later. I will never forget the sight of that little girl. These people have had nothing to eat for a whole year. They have survived on a local wild fruit that has no nutritional value whatsoever, it swells the belly but immediately afterwards hunger sets in again. The village elder told me that the whole village of 2000 people had been praying for months for food. Then he went on to say that God had arrived in the village, He had answered their prayers. Yes, God

The joy of the people when they were given food was incredible and even though thin and weak, they forced out praise songs and were shouting at the top of their voices with joy. Even though all I was giving at that time was a few days food. We have now built a temporary structure using corrugated iron sheets to operate as a relief centre where maize and other foods can be stored and given out to surrounding villages. We have also arranged a water storage project - when the rains come it just runs away and is lost. We purchased a 5000 litre silo container so while it is raining now it can catch and store the water. Next we are arranging to build a more permanent structure to act as a relief centre so churches in the south can send up clothes and maize. This will also be used as a health awareness centre and to hold literacy classes. The people are given leaflets on how to keep healthy, but most can’t read and some of the basic diseases like diarrhoea could be eradicated just by simple basic health awareness classes. We are also arranging for more trucks of food to be delivered. But this food will only last for so long and then run out again. The problem is the people have no water. Every two or three years there is another crisis and it’s all about the lack of rain and then when it does rain there is no way to harvest the water. Yet the area is fertile land, there is water there but no one has been able to access it. So we are now arranging for a borehole to be drilled - if the people have water they can survive.” Thank you again to everyone who has given - God has answered the prayers of these desperate people through your generosity. Our appeal will remain open until the end of the year. LISTEN TO OUR PODCAST WITH PAUL: SEARCH ‘ELIM MISSIONS’ IN iTUNES OR WWW.ELIMMISSIONS. CO.UK/PODCAST


So I made enquiries and was able to purchase 10 tons of maize, beans, flour, salt and fat plus porridge oats for the children. A truck was hired to transport the food and I flew from Nairobi up to Lodwar to meet it. In Lodwar there were NGOs there distributing aid to people in the camps, with many TV crews following them. But I heard that the outlying villages were in desperate need and receiving no help at all. So we set off with the truck to see what we could do, not knowing what to expect or what the response would be.

had heard the prayers of these people with nothing and thousands of miles away He stirred the hearts of Elim members to give £10, £50 or £100. These ERA appeals are not just appeals because they move our hearts, they are the answer to someone’s prayer.

OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

“I found the refugee camps overflowing with Somalian, Sudanese and Ethiopian refugees. Many NGOs were present distributing greatly needed food, clothing and medical treatment. But I was told that villages in the north-west of Kenya were receiving no help whatsoever, with many people dying from hunger.

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Six of our missionaries talk about modelling succession successfully

.................................... Mike in Nepal writes: “There is no success without a successor.” These words come from the great management guru, Peter Drucker, during a conference in the US in 1989. Listening to Drucker on that day was John Maxwell, the prominent and prolific writer on Christian leadership. Maxwell left the gathering with one resolve, “I was going to produce leaders who produce leaders.” He set himself a new goal that consumed him from that point on... multiplying leaders.

06 OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

Of course, this is nothing new. Leadership succession is illustrated through the Bible. The transition from Moses’ to Joshua’s leadership constitutes one of the greatest examples of succession in the Bible. Also when we read Paul’s wise words to Timothy in 2 Tim 2:2 we can surely conclude that the great

Apostle was focusing on leaders who were being prepared for the great task ahead of them. With these words Paul presses home the responsibility to those in leadership to train, mold and shape others to lead. The servant leader will devote time to training others to succeed and maybe even supersede themselves. Perhaps one of the most significant and strategic works of modern missionaries is to help leaders of tomorrow develop their spiritual potential. This requires careful thought, wise planning, patience and genuine Christian love. A process such as this cannot be hurried or entered into half-heartedly. Jesus devoted the greater part of His three years of ministry to molding the characters and spirits of His disciples. Paul showed the same concern for training Timothy. This potential leader tended toward melancholia. He was prone to rely on old spiritual experiences rather than stirring up the gifts that were lying dormant. Paul had high hopes for him and set about correcting Timothy’s timid nature and replacing softness with steel. The old teacher led Timothy into experiences and hardship that toughened his character. Paul did not hesitate to assign him tasks beyond his present abilities and powers. How else can a

potential leader develop competence and confidence if not by stretching to try the impossible? Travelling with Paul brought Timothy into an understanding of how a man of God responded in the most challenging and desperate circumstances. From his mentor, Timothy learned to meet victoriously the crises that Paul


Perhaps one of the most significant and strategic works of modern missionaries is to help leaders of tomorrow develop their spiritual potential. ................................... considered normal and routine. Paul showed and shared with Timothy the work of preaching. The Apostle gave him the responsibility of establishing a group of Christians at Thessalonica. Paul’s exacting standards, high expectations and heavy demands brought out the best in Timothy, saving him from a life of mediocrity.

Here in Nepal we have sought to pave the way of succession by identifying those who are not meant to simply replace us, but who are able and can be trusted to take the work of God forward. Each of the senior leaders of our work recognizes two important principles: a) it is our responsibility to recognize and raise up spiritual leaders and b) it is God’s responsibility to call and establish them. When Moses realized he would need a successor, he asked God to provide one. God directed him to Joshua, whom God had already prepared for the task. It is important to note that Moses did not choose his own successor. Moses had long before recognized Joshua’s abilities and potential. Moses became his mentor and had given him various leadership tasks to further his development. Prior to his death, Moses formally ordained Joshua to leadership in front of the priest and the people. Following Moses’ death, the Lord reconfirmed the succession of Joshua to leadership.

seen in Gamaliel’s advice to his fellow Pharisees, “Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” A work inspired by God and built on spiritual principles will survive the shock of leadership change or succession.


...as much as we plan and prepare for succession we recognize that ultimately God is in charge of this process. He always has been. ............................................................................... We can sometimes demean God by assuming that when a leader moves on it somehow takes God by surprise, or sends God into emergency action. God is always at work, though we cannot see it, preparing people He has chosen for leadership, even in Nepal. If we believe that the work in Nepal has been established on biblical foundations with spiritual principles then the greatest test will be what happens when senior leaders move on. The departure of strong leaders makes room for others to emerge and develop. Often when the weight of responsibility falls suddenly on his shoulders, the new leader develops abilities and qualities he and others had not suspected he had. Joshua would never had developed into an outstanding leader had he remained one of Moses’ captains. The future of the work in Nepal is in the hands of God. Succession is part of God’s plan, so we absolutely play our part, as did Moses and Paul, by raising up and training potential leaders. However, it is vitally important to recognize that it is God Himself who calls, molds and establishes those He wants in positions of leadership and influence. >>

In many ways the ultimate test of an individual’s leadership is the health of the Church or work when he is moved on. This is clearly


However, as much as we plan and prepare for succession we recognize that ultimately God is in charge of this process. He always has been. Oswald Sanders presents us with an interesting perspective concerning this, “Is it not better for the position to seek out the person rather than the person to seek out the position?” At the right time, God always finds the man or woman He wants.

Mike and the team of local church planters that have been trained in Nepal

OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

Is successful succession the raising up of leaders to take our place? Is this what we see in the account of Paul and Timothy? Timothy was not mentored to replace Paul; rather he was raised up and entrusted to continue the work of the Gospel. Paul was preparing him, stirring him, agitating him so that his potential could be fully realized.

John and Rachel McDonough in Honduras write: During our time in Honduras, our main focus is facilitating a transition period of ‘mission to ministry’.The mission here in Tegucigalpa arose after the devastation caused in 1998 by Hurricane Mitch. Through the work of Elim missionaries over the last 13 years, this has developed into the two Elim churches as we know them today, running social outreach activities such as Project Joseph and practically supporting families in the poorer parts of the churches communities. One of the issues they face as a church today, is not the lack of strong men and women of faith, but that the combination of tithes of the most affluent earners in the community are not enough, at the moment, to release a member to work in full time ministry or be trained at Bible School, etc. Western cultures of the world today have a glut of accessible good teaching materials, training weekends, conferences, affordable Christian literature, even the opportunity to study theology at accredited Bible Schools and universities. This is the complete opposite to what is available to those we work with in Honduras. So what is the solution? Do we send in missionaries to be responsible for pastoring the churches, even though we can see the obvious anointing and calling of God on the lives of some of the nationals?


We can look at Paul and others in the book of Acts to give us an example. There were pioneers in many situations in the early church, but they did not stay with the first church until it was perfect. Imagine if once Paul had got to Antioch the first time, then ever left the people - the gospel wouldn’t have been preached by him in Iconium, Lystra, Thessalonica, etc. But when Paul moved on, he left the churches with good foundations, often sending others to help support them in their growth and in some cases returning himself to strengthen them. We learn from this that yes there is a time to pioneer and establish missions, but we also need to be helping the nationals to take hold of their own ministry and impacting their own communities.

the capacity of the nationals, not only so they themselves will be more capable, but that they too can train up others within their churches. But one of the most important areas in helping with the hand over is allowing a period of time for the national pastors, who are being put in place, to begin to serve and learn putting into practise what they have learned, with the support of missionaries on the ground.


There were pioneers in many situations in the early church, but they did not stay with the first church until it was perfect. ........................................................ At this time we have two Honduran nationals now leading the Elim churches here. They are very much learning as they go with regard to the general running of a church, administration and legal obligations. But thanks to support from Elim UK, we have external trainers coming over, the fees at a good local Bible School are being paid for and we are able to provide each pastor with a wage to release them from their obligations so that they can work full time in ministry. This allows them to reach their communities in a way that no foreigner could do and as they grow as individuals and leaders, we believe for a growth in their churches, which will one day see the congregations being big enough to pay their own pastors a full time wage.

OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

So how do we go about this? Well the most obvious answer is training and equipping the nationals. We have the ability to purchase good training materials, literature, Bible study courses in their own language, which would financially be out of their reach. We have the opportunity to bring in pastors and educators from abroad to teach on their areas of expertise and help raise Rachel, Carlos, Luis and John

PASSINGTHEBATON Not seeing anyone in the church that stood out with leadership gifts, I started to pray some years ago for God to provide a pastor. The Lord answered in a marvellous way. And God was working even before I prayed.

A missionary doesn’t usually conduct a church plant without an experience national alongside. Then the exit strategy is not a worry: when the missionary moves on – the national is still there. But often the national who works with you from the inception usually has gifts for planting and not necessarily so take the church on to other levels. He or she has received gifts to lay a foundation, but those who build on that need to have pastoral gifts. So a successor is not the initial concern of a church planter. If his exit is not clear from the outset, he can still move into it knowing the way will open eventually to have the right person to take the job on. The more that the ‘flock’ resembles a church, the more it needs a successor who will care for the flock and not dominate the people of God or take the task on for prestige or even for money. Prayer is essential at every stage of a church pant. It is essential not only to pray that the Lord will provide a national partner to church plant with, but to pray that the Lord will provide a national to be the pastor for the next stage of the church. For me I was working myself out of a job from the beginning of the church plant, especially with the time frame in mind of my retirement. But I did not need a successor just a week before I left. The local church wanted pastors to be those who had been saved in their local church. They wanted someone God called, who would respond, and to be trained to become pastor.


The more that the ‘flock’ resembles a church, the more it needs a successor who will care ... and not dominate ... or take the task on for prestige... ........................................................ God was generous and saved a broken down, poverty-stricken man. Sexually abused as a child he was a wreck when he first came to church. He saw miracles take place in his life and his poverty. He wanted to give himself to the Lord and when he did he clearly heard the voice of the Lord call him. He was given the opportunity to get a degree in Theology and came on staff to be trained. These two have been pastors for several years and now have taken on the weight and responsibility of leadership. From the conversations I have had with them since I returned to the UK, they are growing more burdened to feed the flock, and want the Lord Jesus to be glorified through it. Praise God the church has grown and more people have been filled with the Holy Spirit.


From the beginning a burden to church plant originates from the Lord. Whilst the beginning of the project is not without challenges, especially in a Third World country where its national religion is not Christianity, the prospect of bringing people to the Lord through a genuine move of the Holy Spirit is thrilling.

OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

Tony Wilson, formerly in Thailand, writes:

A young woman tending cows in the ‘sticks/ bush’ heard a radio broadcast about Jesus and started to pray. She didn’t accept the Lord as Saviour at first, but she saw wonderful answers to prayer. God even provided for her, through prayer, to take a degree in Accounting in our city and as our church was close by, she came and then accepted Jesus as her Saviour. She was wonderfully baptised in the Holy Spirit which revolutionised her life. Her deepest desire was to serve the Lord. We gave her the opportunity to study for a Masters in Theology. Thereafter she responded to the local church to be trained for leadership. Over the years she became a wonderful preacher, always bringing the Word of God in power.


Mark Billage, formerly iin India, writes: During a combined Tamil and English service at the church I led, a couple of months before we were to leave India and return to the UK, I realised I was at peace about leaving. Not everything was in place but I could sense that what had been started through us, would continue after we had left. From the beginning of our time in India we decided that the best way we could have a lasting impact was to train and equip the nationals that we worked with; to create, with the Lord’s help, something that did not die when we left. Succession is a mindset. As a missionary I knew that we would not be in this place for ever so always in the back of mind was the thought that the fruit will be demonstrated by what remains and continues to grow. This does not happen by accident, so my first thought about succession is that it has to be intentional. What is it that we want to leave behind? The way you want to finish should shape your day-to-day activity from the beginning. One person I worked with illustrates this well - I will call him James. When James arrived, apart from his ability for the job, my main criteria was whether he was teachable. Remaining teachable means to not be closed to new ways of doing things, it means being a lifelong learner. James started off as my translator and has grown to the point of leading the Tamil congregation and being one of the Elders. 10 OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

Recently in a conversation with him he cited that my example was one of the key factors in his growth. This woke me up to the fact that one of the most powerful tools in succession is example. If I wanted to see something at the heart of the church leadership, then I needed to demonstrate

that in my speech and, more importantly, in my actions. So, secondly, for successful succession, ‘more is caught than taught.’ Or as Jim Wallis put it, ‘the only way to propagate a message is to live it.’ Thirdly, It’s important to identify potential leaders early, to train them and give them freedom to act. I believe too many ministries fail because they are built around a leader who is unable to delegate, they want to be involved in everything. This does not work and we must demonstrate our trust in those coming up behind us by giving them freedom to fail. Mistakes will be made, but if you are approachable then these can be worked through to the benefit and growth of all.


Succession is a mindset. ................................................. Finally – vision. Everyone who is involved with you in leadership must know where you are headed, what is the direction, can your leadership team answer questions from anyone about the vision at the centre of the work? Your leaders must, over time, take ownership of the vision. If the vision is God-breathed then it will continue as we acknowledge that our foundation is Jesus Christ. As I left India, I wanted to see ownership taken by nationals in the congregation for our village projects and conferences for Pastor’s training. All now have teams of nationals leading them. We were unable to get an overall senior leader in place before leaving but this will come. There is no guarantee of success, but I believe these principles will help anyone to be more successful in succession.

Mark is second from left, Cora third from left

Mark King in the Philippines writes: In September 2004 my family and I started our journey as missionaries to Cebu Philippines working alongside the indigenous missionaries. Our work took us into the Danao Mountains where we ran an outreach to children and a medical mission. God miraculously used the outreach to start a Bible study with four adults in 2005 which, after six years, has developed into a church of over 120 adults, a multitude of children and with four other plants in development.


Leaders should make it a priority to raise leaders ............................................. ...

Scripture shows us the value of planning for a legacy in the way Moses raised Joshua as his protégé. He equipped Joshua to a level that brought him success and the privilege of experiencing the fulfilment of God’s mission. In contrast, Scripture does not mention Joshua training a successor - and


Successfull succession will only occur if we plan for it... ........................................................... At Portland Christian Centre, the church plant in Cebu, I recently handed over my role as senior minister to my protégé after working with her for seven years. I made it my personal mission to pour into Jen, MY SUCCESSOR, all that I had learnt from my own leaders. I achieved this primarily through a mentoring relationship and creating an environment for her to develop. Oncnce I could see that she was capable I communicated to her that she would succeed me and showed her what to do. She then worked with me while I supervised - and now she is ‘soaring’ like an eagle! The leaders at PCC are trained to recognise potential leaders. One of the most effective ways we achieve this is via our leadership programme which we call ‘Equippers’. Every potential leader on the course is encouraged to actively seek out a mentor who effectively becomes their spiritual parent/guardian. This means that 25 potential successors are currently being trained to either take over the ministry or a department. Successful succession will only occur if we plan for it and actively encourage our protégés to discover their personal mission and call in life. And as senior leaders we need to do everything in our power to help them get there.


Having been involved in missions in nine different countries, I have seen churches fail because of lack of organisation, leadership training and not planning for a successor. In my opinion, planning for a successor starts with the senior leader. He / she must have the heart and humility to recognise that God will use them for a season and within that time He expects them to raise leaders who will continue the work and achieve even greater things.

in the period that followed we see chaos, even amongst God’s own people - a warning for all of us perhaps to understand that leaders should make it a priority to raise leaders.

OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

One of the most important factors I realised whilst the church plant was still in its infancy was that we needed: 1) a Biblical structure and organisation, 2) to start training and raising up leaders and 3) to start planning to leave a strong legacy.


HOPE for the



Megan Jones talks about the horrors that face young girls in India and the amazing work that is giving these girls the chance to dream.

India; one of the most ancient and living civilisations, the largest democracy in the world and home to over 1 billion people. Experiencing this remarkable country is nothing like I have experienced before. Nowhere on Earth does humanity present itself in such a creative burst of culture and religion. Every aspect of the country is on an exaggerated scale, worthy in comparison only to the wealth of people that inhabit it.

OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

Words fail to capture the intricacy and the multifaceted nature of our experience. If I had to describe my experience I would say it was one of seeing awe-inspiring beauty yet intriguing contradictions. There are more than one million millionaires living in India, yet it is home to 42% of the worlds

poor. Five of the major world religions stem from this country but beneath the religion there remains a distinct lack of faith in anything Godly. During our visit we had the immense honour of visiting a home for young girls who had been rescued from abusive pasts. Meeting 17 beautiful young girls who once were destined to a life of begging, poverty, sexual abuse and even prostitution, now given a loving home, an identity, an excellent education and access to the gospel of Jesus Christ was incredible. It was humbling and inspiring to witness and hear the amazing achievements of each girl, but what was also clear was the joy and enthusiasm

Standing in their rooms I couldn’t help but remember that when I was their age I was dressing up as a princess; teaching maths to my teddy bears; trying make-up for the first time. My only worry was whether or not I would ever learn to ride a bike. For a moment I felt guilty. Why wasn’t I born into their situation? Why is it that I am able to live such a blessed life, go to school and essentially have anything I want? However, looking at where we were through these eyes did not do it justice. It wasn’t about comparing my life to how they lived. One couldn’t help but celebrate in the reality that this home represented a second opportunity for them to live how young girls should.

Standing in their rooms I couldn’t help but remember that when I was their age I was dressing up as a princess; teaching maths to my teddy bears; trying makeup for the first time.

A profound moment was when we asked the girls what they wanted to be when they were older. Honestly I wasn’t sure what to expect but was pleasantly surprised by their

By worldly standards the girls and the home are not wealthy, most likely they will have to work hard for the rest of their lives. Yet when the standards set by man are stripped away, each girl carries something of the presence of God, which is reflected in their past, present and future that God is preparing for them. I found that I was immensely blessed by meeting them and it allowed me to put many aspects of my life into perspective. Never before could I say that my heart been broken by their situation and in the same breath vow to be a part of their future in any way I could. The truth that a life spent following Jesus is one full of emotional paradox is best captured when Paul said, ‘For when I am weak then I am strong.’ This for me was at the heart of my experience. On the outside we may see suffering and pain, yet ultimately we

I am a girl And I have rights And if ever you touch me In a way that I do not like I will speak out Speak out and tell the world I am a girl A child A woman And a mother of tomorrow For that, do not destroy my future Poem by Lindo Ngcamphalala (age 15) Swaziland

know that our weakness is the best canvas for the Lord to paint the true nature of his majesty. Despite the poverty, the crush of the culture, and the sense of hopelessness that surrounds the girls, the paramount impression that will stay with me is the unwavering Hope that rests in the place; tangible yet inexplicable. Seeing in their eyes the knowledge there is a Father God that loves them unconditionally and provides them each day with a restored joy and confidence.


Walking into the home we were met by the smell of home cooking; the walls covered in an array of colourful pictures painted by the girls and the words ‘Jesus Loves You’ written on the wall. Walking into their bedroom the shelves were filled with story books and the tables lined with school bags packed for the next day. Above one bed was a certificate proudly displaying that one girl was ‘Student of the Year’ out of 1500 students!

answers. One wanted to be a teacher, another a vet and the youngest announced she wanted to be an investigator. As simple as it was being able to dream about what they wanted to be when they grew up, the point was, they could dream. Today they have the freedom to dream of a better future, to learn and laugh because they live in the safety and thriving environment that every child deserves.

OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

displayed by the house-parents and house-keepers; despite ongoing hardships their desire to serve was infectious and uplifting.


Daniel Ward, Daniel Fowler, Daniel Ferguson (Fergie) and Daniel Hudson visited Elim Missionary Martin Davison in the Amazon in July 2011 to help at the Living Word Church and Living Word School.

They soon became known by their surnames instead of Daniel one, two, three and four. In fact at Elim Missions we joked that no one was allowed to join this team unless their name was Daniel! To complicate matters further, Martin’s son is called Daniel! Fergie tells us about their life-changing visit: “It is always exciting to get the opportunity to travel to do God’s work, but finding out that we were going to Brazil was something that all four of us found particularly amazing. This was like nothing any of us had done before, we had been told ‘Maues will be nothing like what you imagine’, and this couldn’t have been a better way of putting it. 14 OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

“We knew there were people who needed God’s love and help - that’s the whole reason we went. But we didn’t realise that they are needy in the way they actually are! From the young child needing affection in the Living Word School to an elderly lady (94years old) needing a wheelchair after having her leg amputated; the needs of the people were on so many levels; physical, emotional, spiritual. “Something that really surprised us was how we wanted to help without it feeling like a ‘task’ to

complete. Hudson and Fowler really felt part of the church and even though there was the language barrier, this was overcome by the people’s welcoming and warmth. Ward surprised himself with the satisfaction he got out of digging in the blistering heat, knowing that he was helping build a house for a young couple who were about to get married. And for me personally I was impacted with how much I sincerely cared for the children and how happy they were in class and at their homes when we visited them. The house visits really moved us as we got to see the reality of where the children lived outside of the school environment. “Obviously there are many other things that went on but a list of activities isn’t what we wanted to share with you. We saw Maues in pictures and videos before we went, but it isn’t until you get into the city that you really begin to see how much God is moving here! God is going to continue doing amazing things with HIS people in Maues so keep praying for them as they go about their lives bringing the love of Jesus to the people of Maues.”

Week 1 - 2nd-8th

Praise God for the meetings we have been hosting across the country to look into the area of special needs. Pray for those attending that it would be productive and help with the development of Elim Missions in this area. If you are interested in getting involved with special needs in any way, then please do contact the office.”

Week 2 - 9th-15th

Pray for God’s guiding and wisdom for all our missionaries and workers across the world to be able to identify the right people to carry the baton on into the future. Pray that God will raise up wise leaders, filled with His Spirit, to continue spreading the good news of Jesus on the foundations already laid.

Please pray for our Missions Leadership Team. Pray for Dave Ayling, Chris Jones, Paul Hudson, Phil Whitehead and Andy Taylor as they seek God for the direction of Elim Missions. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they meet together on November 15th and 16th.


Week 3 - 16th-22nd

Week 4 - 23rd-29th

Pray for Martin and Rebeca Davison as they serve God in Brazil. Pray for wonderful opportunities to share about Jesus with the children at Living Word School and their parents. Pray for the new boat ministry reaching villagers along the Amazon – pray many will be won to Christ. Pray that the ministry of the Living Word church will lead to transformation of lives in the people of the community who so desperately need Jesus.

OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

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OCT - DEC 11




Week 1 - 30th-5th

Please pray for all the Focus Groups that we are hosting in the coming weeks. East/West Africa 1st Nov, South East Asia 28th Nov, Israel/Arabic World 8th Dec, Central/South America 12th Dec, India 14th December, Central/Southern Africa 15th Dec and East/ West Europe 10th January 2012. Pray that these meetings would be of value and that as people from across our Elim family join together we would hear God’s voice and leading for these regions.

Week 1 - 3rd-10th

Week 2 - 6th-12th

Week 2 - 11th-17th

As we continue with the Freedom Project as our Christmas Appeal, please pray for donations to be made and wisdom when investing that finance to bring the transforming power of Jesus Christ into the lives of women and children affected by the sex industry. For more info please see the back cover.

Pray for all our missionaries that are travelling during the Christmas period. Pray that as they travel they will be kept safe and whether travelling back to the UK or elsewhere they would know that God is using them in a mighty and powerful way as they serve Him overseas.

Week 3 - 13th-19th

Week 3 - 18th-24th

Pray for our Just Looking@Missions day on 14th Nov at Elim International Centre, Malvern. Pray that all those speaking and attending would be stirred once again for the importance of missions. Pray that from this people will be impacted and even motivated to go and take the Gospel to the nations.

Week 4 - 20th-26th

Pray for Lifelink and the team that heads up this ministry: Mandy Campbell, Amanda Blount, Karen Green, Lisa Lenton, Lynn Tugwell and Nita Pugh. As they hold the first of the Roadshows in Halifax on 26th November, pray that the favour of God would be upon them and that doors would open for them to help more people across the world who are in desperate need of the love of Jesus Christ.

Week 5 - 27th-3rd

16 OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

Please pray for the country of Kenya. As Kenya experiences continual famine and flooding please pray that the people of Kenya, and those seeking refuge from neighbouring countries, would find peace, food and salvation. Pray also for the Elim Gospel Kenya Conference that will be held 9th-10th December. Pray that this would be an amazing time together where they would truly encounter refreshment and renewing from God. For an update on Kenya read p4

Wednesday 1st December is ‘World AIDS Day’. There are more than 90,000 people living with HIV in the UK and 33.4 million people living with HIV worldwide. As HIV/ AIDS is increasing in every region of the world, pray that God would bring healing to our world. For more information visit: www. worldaidsday.org

Please pray for our missionaries at this time. For many it can be a hard time, away from friends and family. Pray that they would be near to God as He promises to be near to them. Pray that we would all be reminded of the price that was paid in Jesus when He came into this world and that He is still Immanuel, ‘God with us’.

Week 4 - 25th-31st Praise God for all our missionaries and partner organisations across the world. As we enter this new year pray that they would know the favour of God in all they do and that this would be a year like never before with God using Elim Missions and all our missionaries and partner organisation like never before. Please pray also for the Missions staff as they seek to serve the missionaries, Elim and the Lord.



email: kathy.cooper@elimhq.net


Kathy Cooper shares about new Elim Missionaries in 2011

At Elim Missions we are always thrilled when someone gets in touch to say they feel that God is calling them to overseas ministry. This marks the beginning of what we call the ‘application process’ which includes talking with the person’s pastor, taking references, meeting to discuss the call further and how that could work out, medicals, training and preparation and much more. All of these preparations will eventually lead to someone boarding a plane on their way to a new sphere of ministry. We are delighted to let you know that during 2011 new Elim Missionaries were appointed overseas and we would encourage you to pray and support them as they adapt to all the new experiences they will encounter including living in a different culture and climate and building new relationships as well as sadness at leaving friends and family behind. Jackie Griffiths and Becky Haldane left for ministry in Haiti in February. They are working with Foursquare which is involved with orphan care, schools, churches, teaching English and various projects designed to create jobs for Haitians. Becky is assisting with visiting teams plus farming projects. Foursquare are starting a new Bible Institute to train pastors and leaders and Jackie is very much involved in setting this up. When Jackie and Becky visit the many tent cities they can find themselves erecting or mending tents and shelters, handing out food and clothing and making friends with the many children! In March David and Esther Allen (Bangor) went to Cambodia. They are investigating

Lynette Orange went to work with City Gates Academy in the Philippines in April. Lynette is a teacher from Elim Rugby. She has been busy visiting all the pre-school facilities in the local community and as a result has been asked by the local Education Councillor to hold a series of seminars to train the teachers. The first stage is for the teachers to visit City Gates Academy to observe the excellent teaching methods. What a God-given opportunity to potentially impact hundreds of children in the community. And I need to mention a new Elim Missionary who didn’t fill in a single form! Little Benjamin Graham was born on 10th April to Shaun and Karen and joined his parents, two sisters and brother serving God in Tanzania. Ian and Hilda McMillen from Elim Paisley went to Kenya in June to work with Hope and Kindness. They are building up the faith of the church members, children and staff and supporting the school and children’s home management team. And our newest Elim Missionaries are Lloyd and Joanne Cheshire who leave for Swaziland in November along with their three children. Lloyd pastors the Ward End Elim church and he and Joanne first felt the call to serve God in Swaziland back in 2002. In Swaziland Lloyd will be pastoring the pastors in the church plants, assisting in pastoring Potter’s Wheel church as well as training and equipping young men in the Life School centre. Jo will be counselling the children at Hawane Farm and overseeing the Teen Challenge website. As well as those going overseas longer-term, in 2011 there have been many who have gone short-term for periods of one week through to six months and been involved in preaching and teaching, encouraging, building and decorating, helping with children’s and youth ministries including holiday camps, conferences, training, sponsored treks, schools work, prayer walks, feeding programmes, gypsy ministries, medical, holidays for families of children with special needs and much more! If you would like to get involved, contact us at missions@elimhq.net or call on 01684-588940. We’d love to hear from you!


Not all of us are called to go overseas, but all of us, whoever and wherever we are, can play our part through praying, encouraging and supporting those who respond faithfully to the call of God to serve Him overseas.

new opportunities as we look to expand Elim’s well established ministry in Phnom Penh. This includes prison ministry and sports programmes plus training people in new skills.

OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

Being involved in Christian ministry is an immense privilege and all of us working with Elim Missions would say that we want, through the work that we do, however humble that is, to help others to share the good news of Jesus across the world. After all, that’s why Elim Missions exists, to spread the Gospel so people can know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

This little light of


“No one lights a lamp and then covers it with a washtub or shoves it under the bed. No, you set it up on a lamp stand so those who enter the room can see their way. We’re not keeping secrets; we’re telling them. We’re not hiding things; we’re bringing everything out into the open. So be careful that you don’t become misers of what you hear. Generosity begets generosity. Stinginess impoverishes.” (The Message Luke 8:16-18)


We are always encouraged to hear about the many different ways our Lifelinkers and Lifelink groups raise the awareness of missions and raise monies to help projects overseas.

OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

The Scripture above talks about not hiding your light. Peter Green from Halifax Elim has taken that word and created a business around it. He, his wife and his brother-in-law have set up a coffee and food delivery business, ‘816 espresso’, and 22p of every cup of coffee they sell is sent to Elim Missions to buy a meal for school children in Brazil.

Of course you don’t have to set up a business to raise funds to feed a school, but what about these amazing ideas: A lady at the Derby Elim church has raised £335 by selling plants she has grown from seed. She has virtually lived in her garden for four months! Julia Ayling, the pastor’s wife at Derby, asked for people to donate unused costume jewellery which she repairs and cleans and then sells. So far she has raised £80 by doing this.

1. Many children benefit from the money raised by Lifelink. Brazil is one place where we see a tangible difference in the lives of these children. 2. Paul and Jemma Mudge had the creative idea of including Gifts4Life items on their wedding list as well as raising money with their wedding favours. 3. Peter Green with his coffee business raise money for Missions in Halifax.

The Lifelink group at Elim Halifax holds a cake stall every couple of months after the morning service, and raises around £120 each event.


LIFELINK ROADSHOW The first in a series of Lifelink Roadshows takes place at Elim Church, Hall Street (junction of Gibbett Street), Halifax, HX1 5AY on Saturday 26th November from 10am to 3pm. Bring a packed lunch, tea/coffee will be provided. For more information contact lifelink@elimhq.net or call 01727 764 558. LIFELINK MISSIONS TRIP Have you set up a savings account for the next Lifelink missions trip yet? You never know it could be you joining a team visiting overseas next year!! For information contact Mandy on mandy.campbell@elimhq.net or call 07724 107650


LIFELINK NEEDS YOU! There are many different ways to get involved that will make such a difference in the lives of people in countries that we may never manage to visit ourselves, but where we can indeed leave a legacy. For more information contact us lifelink@elimhq.net | 0845 302 6750


We need to be wise when encouraging people to get involved with missions and raising money for the different needs and think about holding seasonal or occasional events. Seasonal fund-raisers could include an Easter egg hunt, summer barbecues, autumn jewellery parties, winter car treasure hunts, Christmas events. And occasional events could be cake or clothes sales. Surprise people by being creative and interesting! For example a young woman who was made redundant has set up a jewellery and handbag parties business and gives away a percentage of sales. Ladies, we encourage you to have fun - and do let us know what events you hold so we can share your ideas with others.


OUTREACH | Oct - Dec 2011

One of the most unusual fund raising ideas we have heard is from a young couple in Guernsey who were married in July this year. This is what they told us: “We included 10 Gifts4Life gifts to feed a child in Honduras on our online wedding gift list. And rather than buying small gifts as wedding favours, we made a £1.50 donation per guest to Project Joseph, 100 guest meant £150 given. We put a child’s story on the back of the place settings – five stories about different children which were provided to us by John and Rachel McDonough.” Isn’t that incredible?

This Christmas you can help to rescue women and children from abuse and put them into safe places where they will be loved and cared for in a Christian environment. Many children and women across the world are exploited, used and abused and we want to be able to provide a hope and a future for some of them. If you would like to

contribute please send cheques made payable to ‘Elim International Missions’ marked with ‘Christmas Appeal 2011’ on the reverse to the address below.

You can also find out more and donate online at: www.elimmissions.co.uk/christmas Elim International Missions | Elim International Centre | De Walden Road | West Malvern | WR14 4DF

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