14 • April 21, 2022 - April 27, 2022
Health Preparing for the new wave of COVID tests by calling 311 or visiting: www.nychealthandhospitals. org/covid-19-testingsites/ and can schedule an at-home test by calling (929) 2989400 between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. seven days a week. Kass addressed a specific area of concern for people, and an area that has been a topic of discussion is how people can have symptoms of COVID but not actually test positive for COVID. “That’s your immune system at work...before you have enough measurable virus in your system to have that positive test turn positive...fortunately, when that rapid test is still negative...it is unlikely that you’re contagious... if your rapid test is positive, you are likely infectious and you want to remove yourself from interacting with other people.” Levine and Data from the NYC Dept. of Health shows a previous decline and the current surge of new COVID-19 cases. Kass referenced several resources for people By HEATHER M. BUTTS, JD, director of the including COVID.gov MPH, MA Office of Intergovwhich is available for Special to the AmNews ernmental and Expeople to get informaternal Affairs (IEA) tion and also order atThe past two months have at the U.S. Departhome COVID tests. seen a new wave of COVID-19 ment of Health One of the keys for infections in New York City and and Human Sercommunities in terms across the country. While infec- vices (HHS), who of avoiding hospitals tions and deaths had been in de- also participated, and death is the vaccline infections in New York City began the convercine. The FDA has are trending upwards again and sation by acknowlapproved individuhealth officials have cautioned edging the hard als over the age of 12 the public to begin preparing work that the virwho did not receive for future surges and variants. tual audience has done and get BA.2 after being vaccinat- the mRNA vaccine to now be elRecently Manhattan Borough continue to do in order to keep ed and boosted generally have a igible for the booster 5 months President Mark Levine held a themselves, their families, and relatively short course of the ill- after their mRNA vaccine and 2 livestreamed public event with their neighbors safe. ness. They find themselves posi- months after the Johnson and Dr. Dara Kass, MD of the U.S. DeDr. Kass acknowledged her own tive on a rapid test. They have a Johnson vaccine. partment of Health and Human frustration that “we still need to sore throat, a stuffy nose, some Levine and Kass also provided Services to discuss what New do this” as she began a conversa- fatigue.” Kass also told the audi- information about therapeutics, Yorkers can do to prepare them- tion about the COVID-19 variant ence that they should get tested specifically two outpatient treatselves and what new and existing BA.2. She also discussed the dif- if they start to develop symptoms ments: monoclonal antibodies resources are available. ference between BA.2 and BA.1, and that everyone should have and oral antiviral pill packs. With The past two years have seen noting that BA.2 is more trans- rapid tests in their homes. respect to the pill packs, Kass shifting guidelines and proce- missible than BA.1. Kass spoke New Yorkers can find locations spoke about the fact that these dures and Dr. Marvin Figueroa, about the fact that “people who of where to pick up free rapid medications are taken like a
New Yorkers can call 212-COVID19 to receive free, same-day delivery of the antiviral medication Paxlovid.
Z-pack course of antibiotics, and individuals take a 5 day course of pills. There’s a decreased risk of hospitalization and death for those that test positive for COVID, and pill packs are effective within 5 days of the onset of COVID. They are best used early in the course of the disease. New Yorkers can call 212COVID19 to receive free, sameday delivery of the antiviral medication Paxlovid. New Yorkers can also go to https://www1.nyc. gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-symptoms-chronic-health-risks.page to request same-day delivery. The conversation also took a look at issues around Long COVID and COVID in children. Kass suggested that children above five should be vaccinated because this is the best protection for them. Regarding Long COVID, Kass stated that, “Long COVID is one of those diseases we will have to understand more and more. It’s going to be a new illness that we’re going to have to understand more and more… It’s going to take time.” “Regarding where we go as a nation and what the future is for the COVID pandemic, the United Kingdom was referenced in the talk as a ‘bellwether’ for the United States. The UK has been experiencing a surge for several weeks, with the wave having a detrimental impact on the people and health system of the UK. As to whether the United States will follow the path of the UK, Levine asked Kass: “Will this be our last COVID wave?” To which Kass stated “No.” Kass ended the session on a positive note, stating “we are not in the same moment now that we were two years ago . . . we are prepared as a city to address this pandemic with knowledge and the confidence that we are going to take care of each other and we’re going to continue to do what we’ve done in the past and we are going to stick together and I think we’re going to be okay. I really do.” For additional resources around COVID-19 please visit www1.nyc.gov/site/coronavirus/ index.page or call 311 to learn where you can get tested and how you can receive medication.