The New York Amsterdam News

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December 26, 2019 JanuaryDATES 1, 2020 • 29 PUB #: ZONE TP - RUN Acct 364 EDT January 7, 2021 - January 13, 2021 • 27 AN A 97 S 01/07,14,21, 2340 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ANGELA POLITE 2G 231 W. 149TH STREET Under this rates ar NEW YORK NY agreement 10003 event of a cancellation befor rate charged will be based up Salesperson: Not Applicable −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− Contact: Acct #: 370 _____________________________ Phone: (917)442−3053 Name (print or type) Fax#: MORRISON & TENEBAUM Email: 87 WALKER STREET Agency: NEW YORK NY 10013 .101 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 100 PUBLICNOTICES NOTICE 100 LEGAL NOTICES 101 LEGAL NOTICES 101 LEGAL NOTICES 101 LEGAL NOTICES 101 LEGAL 101 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 101 LEGALNOTICES NOTICE 100 PUBLIC NOTICES 101 LEGAL NOTICES 101 LEGAL NOTICES 101 LEGAL NOTICES 101 LEGAL 101RUN LEGAL NOTICES 100PUBLIC PUBLIC NOTICE 101 100 PUBLIC NOTICE 101 LEGAL NOTICE 101 LEGAL NOTICE PUB 101 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ZONENOTICES EDT TP DATES Barreitude, LLC filed Arts. of Notice Notice of Qualification Qualification of of Notice Notice of of Formation Qual of BLITSTEIN C a p i t aof l ofPQualification rFormation e p a r a t o r y of Hof a rSCIl e YORK m Notice NEW CITY NOTICE OF Sect'y FORMATION Notice Formation of Arts. HFP Notice of Formation formation of ATM of CLIF- AN Notice BCI of Notice ofofA Qualification of S Notice of of 97 12/10,17,24,3 LUXURY NEST LLC. with the of 3235 State Org. TE FUND I, LLC Authority 13 ENCE CALIBRANT ASSOCIATES C h a r te FOR r S LLC c hFITNESS, o oDEPARTMENT ls B Ofor A LLC RAuth. D OOF F TRANSPORTATION NOTICE TO FORD BIDDERS HOLDOFNY YUNAVERSE LLC Arts. of Org.the filed with GRAND HERE 4 CONCOURSE U10/9/19. LLC Arts. of Org. HOUSELLC, DEVELOPBRANDS, Appl. OF KENTUCKY, AMTECK 1605 BROADWAY LLC Appl. LLC of Org. filed with SSNY of on Office: NY Appl. filed Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. for Auth. filed with Sewith the SSNY on DIVISION OF BRIDGES TRUSTEES will hold a Public −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− INGS, Articles of OrgaNYSecy. filed with the Secy. of State of Org. filed Secy. filed with Secy. of State of NY LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with ER, LLC Arts. of NOTICE filed with ofLLC. Org. filed Secy. ofor n SALE 1Auth. 2of /0 5State /1 7 . of O ffic e(SSNY) : N e of w Arts. County. SSNY haswith been desINVITATION on FOR of State of NY (SSNY) on 11/12/2020. Office loc: NY OF of State of NY (SSNY) cy. BIDS

38 January 11,2,2018 17, 8, 2018 26 • September 2021--January September 2021



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Pursuant to resolution adopted by with the Town The Town of meeting on Tuesday, nization were filed the 07/28/21. location: on NY (SSNY) 2/22/21 NYLLC ofSecy.Board, of State of NY (SSNY) 08/04/21. January Office Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) State of NYOffice (SSNY) on of State of on NY (SSNY) on York County. SSNY desigignated as agent of with the Office location: NY Office location: LLC formed in DE on NY 11/09/20. 12/10/20. County. Division Babylon, Commissioner of General Services, of Purchasing, 16th at 6:30pm. The meeting willtheon Hand delivered sealed bidsLLC for Project described below will beNY (SSNY) State New Secretary 12/21/20. location: NY 1 County. SSNY fice location NY County. on 08/05/21. Office location: NY County. 07/02/21. Office location: 2 /0 5whom /1 7 . of O ffic e loagainst cofa tio n it: nated as Office agent of designatthe LLC process upon SSNY designated as LLC formed in SSNY is desigCounty. County. 11/02/2020. will receive sealed proposals for: SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF BRONX of the Section, Office Agency in bereceived held in atbyDelaware 1representatives East 104th Street County. LLC in NY (SSNY) on 10/27/2020. YorkCounty. aswhom agent of formed LLCagainst upon SSNY has been designated location: NY County. Princ. ed formed (DE) onContracts NY County. LLCof the formed Princ. officemail of upon process may be served and shall agent of LLC upon whom proDelaware (DE) on 12/01/20. nated as agent upon whom Chief Contracting Officer, Ground FloorBid Window 55 Water Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10029. Office as upon whom 08/04/21. SSNY designated Kentucky (KY) on 11/04/77. office of LLC: 30 Hudson whom L agent C : 3Location: 2to: 3 5The G rLLC, a New n dprocess C York o nE. iDelaware t m a yprocess b e(DE) s eagainst r von e d11/10/20. . SitSmay NY L 347 process BIDW. NO. Yards, 18G2 Fargo New York, NY 10041 until 11:00 on the date indicated below when cess against itupon may beAM SSNY office of LLC: 125 against theNA, LLC may Princ. process rd Princ. office of LLC: c/o ArCounty. SSNY has been desWells Bank, Plaintiff be served. SSNY shall mail against it may be served and 72nd Fl., NY, NY as agent of LLC whom designated as agent of o u rST, s e , PHB, 1 A ANY, , B rNY o n x10022. , NY shall mail copy of process to c53 bids willSSNY be publicly opened and read in55th Bid Room, address REQUEST FOR FOR ARCHITECTURAL, served. shall mail proSt.,same NY, NY PROPOSALS 10019. 10001. be served. SSNY shall mail gent Ventures LLC, 551 5th as agent upon whom ignated to c/o Cohen & Coprocess shall mail a copy of any proSSNY designated as process against it may be LLC upon whom process 10468. SSNY designated as t h e L L C , 5 W e e h a w k e n Purpose: any lawful act. I, ISAIAH MESSADOService TIMOENGINEERING BID PHASE SERVICES, cess toSSNY Corporation as agent of agent to: CONSTRUCTION The whom LLC, pro777 hen, SSNY process On: Januaryagainst 14, 2020designated Ave., LLP, NY, 10176. it may be process 767 Third Ave., agent cess against theupon LLC served of LLC upon served. shallwhose mail proitth mayDESIGN, be served. of against LLC w hom Street, UnitNY 3B, New SSNY York, AGAINST th THY JOHNSON adADMINISTRATION ANDtoINSPECTION SERVICES 80 State St., Albany, NYth, 175 whom process Ste 2503, NY, NY Co., LLC Third Ave REHABILITATION OF EAST 169 andupon 180 BRIDGES designated of PurLLC process The PostLLC: adserved. Fl., NY,as NYagent 10017. upon is C/O the Tyece cess against it FOR may be 31st cess tois c/o Michael GoldSSNY shallSTREET mail process against itOffice may be NY 10014. d re s s 4 1 9 W e s t 1 2 9 th th of BCP OVER METRO-NORTH RAILROAD SHORELINE STABILIZATION ROAD SSNY ELEVATION OF 12207.Sills against 10017. Purpose: Any lawful the it may be served. Address required to pose: Notice of Qualification upon whom process against it dress to which the SSNY Any lawful activity. Smith, 143 W 140 Street, served. shall mail prosmith, Cummis & Gross KY addr. of LLC: 1387 E. erved. S S N Y s h a ll m a il P uHo-Shing;Audrey r p o s e : A n y Ho-Shing l a w f u l sSPECIAL Lawson Ho-Shing a/k/a209 Lawson Contract Nos. HBX1670, HBX1215 and HBX180 Street, Manhattan NY 10027 activity. SSNYCircle shall mail to cess be maintained in DE: Or- H. ROAD may be served. SSNY shall process shall York, mailto aOPPORTUNITIES copy10030. of Michaeany PurproNew NY to Corporation Service P.C., 101 Park Ave.,N.Y.C 28thP.I.N. Fl., 84118BXBR272 New Rd., process Ste.CAPTREE 135, Philip J. purpose. a/k/a Audrey al., process Defendant(s) proclaim my Free National Service Co. St. Scarlett-Ho-Shing; Wilmington de et c/o Corporation ange80 FUND II lawful GP LP Appl. for mail to theof LLC at ls cess against the pose: Any activity. Co., State St., Albany, NY NY, NY 10178. DE addr. of KY 40505. Cert. of Lexington, Notice of formation Viento , c /o N o rto nSecy. RLLC o s eofserved F u llNa m ebid asubmitted s I S Amust I A of Hbe11E78 T R I - (CSC), until am on for THURSDAY, 1, 2018 at the Town 19801. Cert 80 State St., of Purpose: Formation filed Media Notice of Formation Auth. filed with State Each accompanied by a 10:00 certified check 2%Albany, of the of FEBRUARY the princ. office of the LLC. upon him/her is 36 West 47th 12207-2543. Any Form. LLC: Corporation Service filed with Secy. LLC Arts. of Org. filed bright US LLP, 1301 Ave. of FORCE accord200 East Highway, New York, 11757 at amount ofJOHNSON the proposal, orof alternatively, aHall, bid 12207-2543. bond not less Sunrise than 10%addr. of the of Lindenhurst, NY with DE DE Div. of Corps, LLC Cert. ConREALTY Pursuant to a Judgment of401 Foreclosure and Sale duly dated NY (SSNY) on York, 11/06/19. of DE addr. ofF o LLC: Cogency Street, W03, New lawful activity. State, Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., P.O. Box 1150, FrankN o t i c e o f r m a t i o n o f with the Secy. of NY (SSNY) tNotice he Am rformation i c a sNY , N of Y , One NNY Y offiled therules proposal, payable toof the Comptroller ofCSC, the City251 of New York. ingamount to the and usage whichKY time they will be publicly and read of ofeThe c/o Little Falls St., inSuite 4, Dover, LLC: Federal version Secy. May 11, 2017 I, the theDivision undersigned Referee will sell at public Office County. Global Inc., 850 New Burton 10036. location: principal busifort, Wilmington, DEwith 19808. Cert. 40602-1150. Pur- opened PikMyBrain, LLC Arts. of 10019. 03/26/2021 NY office locaon Purpose: Any Islands lawful of such ISAIAH TRIFORCE Purchasing office. and Only Management Group Dr., DE Wilmington, DE 19808. 19901. Purpose: Any of NY (SSNY) on State auction at the Bronx County Courthouse, 851 Grand ConLP formed in Cayman THE NYCDOT DIVISION OF BRIDGES IS SEEKING QUALIFIED BIDDERS/ Rd., Ste. 201, Dover, DE ness address of the LLC is 36 of Form. filed with DE Secy. pose: Electrical contracting Notice of Qualification of HVS tion Org. filed with Secy. of State NY County. SSNY has activity. JOHNSON. LLC of Org. W03, filed with Cert. of Form. filed with THIS Secy. XLII Lawful Purpose. 11 and 12/01/20, course, Room 600, Bronx,filed New York on January 27, 2020 at CONTRACTORS THEJohn ABOVE REFERENCED CONTRACT. on Princ.New of(C.I.) 19904. Cert. ofon Form. filed Appl. for Auth. 47th02/06/19. Street, WestArts. of State, Div. converting of FOR Corps., sub-contracting work, of NY (SSNY) 12/27/17. designated as an agent been (1) original and tenFOR (10) copies ofLLC both technical and cost the Secy. NY (SSNY) on PROCUREMENT IS SUBJECT PARTICIPATION State, Div. of GOALS Corps., John ofOne 78TH STREET CO. to TOand EAST 2:00PM, premises known Needham Avenue, Bronx, fice of LP: 650 Madison Ave., with DE Secy. ofNY State, Div. Secy. of be State of as NY1312 York, NY of 10036. Purpose: G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Fedall (MBEs) activities andWOMEN purposOffice location: County. upon whom process against it 06/08/2021 proposals. TheAND/OR Technical and Costwith Proposals shall in seperate MINORITY OWNED LLC. BUSINESS ENTERPRISES NY office location G. Townsend Bldg., 401 FedREALTY Office 11E78 NY 10469. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the NY 10022. Duration of NY, of Corps., Johnand G. Townsend 08/17/21. Office may any lawful act or essealed related thereto.and eral St., Dover, 19901. (WBEs) NOTICE OF DE SALE O TIC E O FSSNY FOactivity. Rhas M ATIO N be designated served shall mail N SSNY as agent OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES AS REQUIRED SECTION containers may be hand(SSNY) delivered on or mailed to the above Notice of formation of NY County. been St., Dover, BYDE 19901. location: NY lawful County. Princ. eral buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being LP3P is Perpetual. SSNY desigBldg., 401 Federal St., Dover, of location: NY10:00 County. LLC Purpose: Any activity. Associates, LLC. Arts copy of any process against a of LLC upon whom process 6-129 (Local Law 1 of 2013) OF THE NEW YORK CITY ADMINISTRATIVE address. Proposals will not be accepted after am on the LLC Arts. of Org. ScratchFoto designated as an of agent Purpose: Any lawful activity. of LLC:Goal c/o Friedman office in the Borough and County of Bronx, and NY,LLC: nated asfiled agent LP upon upon DE City 19901. Purpose: Any of in Delaware (DE) Do on CODE (Target/COURT for M/WBE can be seen in the B of the Bid SUPREME COUNO rgprocess wagainst ith Secy. of LLC C/O the against it ismState ay beof served. Kennedy Lewis Ac- formed date ofSchedule bid opening. NOBook EXCEPTIONS WILL BE GRANTED. filed with the Secy ofApproximate State of the whom it may Notice of1 of Qualification of 3 Azimut Management 770 LexBlock: 4711 Lot: 75. amount judgment whom lawful activity. 04/19/21. SSNY designated Subject to APPRENTICESHIP 2).Co., This Contract is alsoNotice TYNumber OF BRONX, CITIBANK, States United t aserved t e process of N Y against (shall S S Nmail Yit) may o na SSNY shall mail Corporation process to S of the formation of Cielo cess Fund III GP LLC Auth. not remove any pages; all proposals are to be submitted intact. For New York (SSNY) on be and TIMES SQUARE LEASEington Ave., NY, NY 10065. $705,125.24 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold served. SSNY shall mail be th PROGRAM and the NYC ComptrollersAzul LaborDisaster Law 220 prevailing wages 107 ADOPTION as agent of LLC upon whom N.A., Plaintiff, vs. ESTATE Agents, Inc. 7014 13 Av11/17/2017. Office location. the LLC , 1025 Fifth Ave., Operations/Lofiled w/ SSNY Off. inThe subject information call 7/29/21. (631) 957-3025. Town reserves the right to filed reject NY Office loca6/24/2020. copy of any process against HOLD LLC asAppl. Auth. SSNY asfor toagainst provisions Judgment Index# 380685-13. process to the Partnership at requirements described inA the Solicitation Materials. it of may be OF E Ldesignated LSecy. A BR OW Nagent /of A NY enue, Suite County. SSNY A p t .to3the E FReferee S o202, u t h will , Brooklyn, N be Y , acN Y NY gistics Cert of FormLLC. filedArts w/ process anyCo. andConsultants all proposals. tion: New York County. SSNY the LLC is C/O theofdesignatLLC: 595 filed with of State of/ KNY the princ. office the LP. whom LLC Only cash or certified funds payable Notice of formation of lawful Grits Single woman looking to build served. SSNY shall mail proAND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES E LMINORITY L Aupon Mon AOWNED E07/29/21. BRO Wprocess N , E T OWNED NY 11228. Purpose: Any law- ed agent upon whom pro10028. Purpose: Any of Org filed with Secy. of 7/1/21. SSNY desig. SSDE has designated as agent Baltic Street, Brooklyn, NY (SSNY) Office and addr. of each genName against itwillmay be full served. ceptedtoasCorporation a deposit in Service the amount ofactivity. ten percent LLC of theArts pur- of cher Entertainment adoption. (M/WBE) be afforded opportunityState submitof bids NY and the(SSNY) City ofbeNew AL., Defendant(s). e s sfamily m Purpose: a y by b e are s eAny rvavailable e dlawful aAny nd activity. on cess Proposal may examined and whom obtained at the Town Hall it ful asto agt. ofdocuments LLC whom process process against upon 11217. location: NYnotifies County. LLC eral partner SSNY shall mail process to chase price. 80 ethnicity York hereby all bidders that it7/29/20. will affirmatively ensure that anyNY Co. (CSC), Stateand St.,4:30 Al- Org filed with the Secy of shall mailwelcome, copy of expenses process Office location: Purchasing between hours of 9:00 a.m. be served & shall mail the may may be served. SSNY desigactivity. formed Delaware (DE) thecontract LLCinentered at theintoaddr. oftoon its from SSNY. C.I. addr. of LP: State of NY (SSNY) on NY paid. Please call (347) 470pursuant this advertisement willDepartment be awarded to the bany, 12207-2543. DE Notice of formation of 560 a g a in s t L L C to : U S C o rp Persuant to a Purpose: Judgment of County. SSNY designated as p.m. daily except Sundays andNY Holidays, on and whom after process c/o Universal Regas agent upon nated 07/27/21. Princ. office LLC: lowest office. responsible bidder of without discrimination onto the basis ofSaturdays, race, color, princ. Any c/o Corporate SerOffice NY orInc., my7014 attorney: (800) 5228Maples Frank D. Lombardi, Esq., addr. of LLC: c/omay CSC, 251 N o t i c location: eNECK o f F oRD r mCounty. aLLC t i o nArts. o f Agents F osex, rc loactivity. s u reManagement a n d S a lenational d u ly origin, Ave., whom process agent TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2018. documents also Referee bebe LITTLE istered Inc., 26 Proposal process against it may sexual orientation, age upon orAgents, place of residence. c/o Rudin Co., lawful SSNY vices Limited, PO13th Box 309, 582-3678 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, Notice of formation of Ripka T aOrg. k a mhas i c h i been B e athe udesignated t ySecy. R o o of m #202, filed on June 01, 2017 and BK, NY 11228. Prinmay be served and shall mail of filed with ddirected o w n l oto a the d eE. drequirements aGreenbush, t t h e T of o w n oserved f B a b yand l o nshall ’ s w email b s i proces te at Prospective bidder's is alsoCarville Ln, Inc., 345 Park Ave.,attention NY, NY as an agent upon whom proHouse, Grand CayUgland 19808. Cert. & ofBarak, Form. LLC filed NY Arts LLC Arts. address: of Org. filed Shapiro, Dicaro LLC.(SSNY) Arts. of on Org.07/14/2021 filed with cipal anschedule O rder ppointing S ucbusiness 300 ofparticipation process LLC DE copy "B"AinQualification the proposal concerning M/WBE the contract. 12061. Add.inagainst maintained against the LLC served 10154. SSNY designated as cess against be Notice of of NY man,the C.I., KY1-1104. Cert. of Secy. of the State of upon DE, NY with Secy. of NY NY, (SSNY) Attorney(s) for Plaintiff N Y D e plocation t . itomay f SNY t a tserved e o n E. The of schedule of proposed M/WBE participation to be St, submitted by theNY with cessor Referee dated No74th #10A, NY to 220 60th #3k, NY, in DE: EisUniversal Registered the LLC: 88Dover, Greenwich is C/O agent LLC upon whom proandoffice shall Office mail alocation: copyCounty. of any 1711 RETAIL, LLC Appl. for filed St., with Registrar of LP 06/14/2021 401 Federal St., DE apparent low bidder within seven (7) calendar days after the date of opening on NY office loca175 Mile Crossing Boulevard 10/3/17. NY vember 28, 2017, I,may theState un10021. 10022. Inc., R/A: 300 VB&T Certified has been the designated Creek View Street, Apt 714, New York, SSNY Agents, cess against it be process against LLC to Auth. filed with Secy. of Partnerships C.I., 133 Elgin of bids. The M/WBE goal for project Public isSPECIAL 24 %. Accountants, 19901. Purpose: Any lawful as These projects be funded in York part through tion NY County. SSNY has Rochester, New 14624 C ounty. Princ. bus. addr.: dersigned Referee willthis sell 110 SERVICES any lawful act.CayPLLC, anthe agent upon whom pro- Purpose: Rd, Ste. thNOTE: 209, Newark, DE shall NY 10006. Purpose: Any lawserved. SSNY shall proC/O LLC Angela Polite NY (SSNY) on mail 11/23/20. of Ave., Box 123, Grand been designated as an agent the W New State Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (877)430-4792 283 Decatur St., Brooklyn, a t Non-compliance p utoblocation: l iGoldfarb c a uwith c tNY i o& n7 day a tsubmittal t h e requirement, 57 St,&Ste NY, activity. 250 the theYork stipulations of1632, Schedule against may2G be served cess 19711. Name add. of auth. ful activity. cess Fleece 231 w. 149thit St. NY, NY upon Office County. C.I.& process KY1-9000. VIAGRA CIALIS!against 60 Purpills whom it Disaster Recovery and Federal Funds through Com m unity N Y shall 1 1 2Purpose: 3mail 3 . S eaccopy . Documeno f of S ta te man, "B" orAttn: submittal of bids in which any of theofficer prices forinlump sumwhere or unitany items are Bronx County Courthouse, NY 1017. Purpose: lawful and any DE Cert of LLP, Partner-in-charge 10003 LLC formed in Delaware (DE)detriment pose: Any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of ETER100 pills for of $150. for $99. significantly unbalanced to the potential of the Department may be cause may be served and shall mail Development Block Grants. A project funded by and conceived d e s ig n a te d a g e n t o f L L C of Form ation 44 act. filed: DE Sec. of State, Dated: November 18, 2019 #98015 Room 600, 851 Grand Con- Form against the LLC is Notice process of Rudin matters, 560 Lexingtary. 11/17/20. SSNY designaton for a determination ofNY non-responsiveness and the rejection of the bid. NIS FINE CHEMICALS USA FREE shipping. Money back a copy of any process against through the NY Rising Community Reconstruction program of upon whom process against EAST 75TH STREET, LLC course, Bronx, on JanuC/O the LLC: 620 W 42nd St Notice of Formation of SIGofof formation Corp, John G. ton Ave., 6th of Fl.,LLC NY, upon NY Div. ed as agent Notice of of Jess Arts. SP ofProposers Org. filed with Formation of BRG WESTguaranteed! 1-855-579-8907 the LLC is C/O thewith LLC: 175 the Governor’s Office StormLLC Recovery. m ust it may be served and shall of Org. filed Secy. arySolicitation 29,process 2018 atof2:00 documents (Specifications ONLY) will Bldg., be available for 21A, New York, NY Arts. 5, LLC Arts. of Apt NATURE Townsend POArts. Box 10022. DE addr. LLC: Coragainst itp.m., may whom Trayah Interiors LLC Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) SIDE LLC the West 12thoffiled Street, Apt.Secy. 4B, download free ofo charge starting December 9,Dover, 2019 forany the full duration of of agency comply with and all funding requirements, as of wellState as mail process to: Any 263 of Bowof State NYwith (SSNY) on p re m is e s k n w n a s 1 5 5 0 Purpose: lawful Org. filed Secy. DE 19903. Any 898, poration Service Co., 251 LitNotice of with Qualification of 79 10036. Notice of Qualification 980 betheserved. SSNY shall mail DISH TV $59.99 For Org filed with the Secy. of on 08/02/21. Office location: Solicitation Time from the City Record Website at City Record Onof State of NY (SSNY) on New York, NY 10011. PurNotice is hereby given that a any other State, County, Town or local government or agency ery, 2nd Fl., NY, NY 10002. 1 2 /0 4 /1 7 . O ffic e lo c a tio190 n: U nionport RWilmington, oad, U nitEnterN o. lawful purpose. of NY (SSNY) on 11/19/20. tle Falls Dr., DE PLACE OWNER activity. CLIFTON RAIL PROPERTY LLC Appl. process to c/o Anbau +SSNY $14.95 Channels State of regulations. NY (SSNY) on Line ( NY County. SSNY designat11/21/19. Office loc.: High NY license, number 1324834 for pose: Any lawful activity. rules and A goal of 15% for New York State Certified Purpose: any lawful activity. NY County. designat6A, Bronx, NY. All that cerlocation: NY County. Office 19808. Cert. of Form. LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with for Auth. filed with Secy. of prises, 11 E. 26th St., NY,filed NY 11/12/2020. Speed Internet. Free InstallaNY office locaed as designated agent of as LLC upon SSNY of designated as County. liquor license, has been apMinority Businesses and 15% for New York State Certified A Drawings are not available for download and MUST be purchased. ed as agent LLC upon tain plot, piece or parcel of SSNY agent of Notice of formation of 68with Secy. of State of 251 the Notice Secy. of State against of NY (SSNY) State ofMarilyn NY 18 (SSNY) on agent DE addr. of LLC: 10010. Includtion, of Formation of CLIFtion: NY County. has has whom process it this may 1509 ofpLLC plied for Rest printed copy the thebuildings solicitation and drawing setom can be O purchased New York W en w ned Bat:SSNY usinesses been established for h o mSmart rformation o c HD eupon s s DVR awhom gofa RIGHT in sprot it land, with LLC upon whom process ESTATE LLC Arts.Inc. of w State of ofDE, John and G. Notice of on 11/06/19. Officeshall location: Office location: NY 11/04/19. Little Falls Dr.,of Wilmington, ed, Fee Voice Remote. Some FORD HOUSE PRESERVAdesignated as agent been be served. SSNY mail City Department Transportation, Office of the Agency Chief Contracting against it may be cess d/b/a Don Giovanni RisN O TIC E O F FO R M ATIO N project. Proposers must demonstrate their good-faith efforts to be LAUNDRY served. SSNY shall i m p19808. r o v e Bldg., m e n tof s Form. t hFederal e r efiled on it may be served. against filed LLC with the Secy. of Townsend 401 WAY GROUP County. LLCCorporation formed in Org. NY County. formed in may DE Cert. 1-888-609restrictions TION, L.P. Cert. ofNew LPYork, filedit process upon whom process against Officer/Contract Management Unit, 55 Water Street, Ground Floor, to c/o served. Theapply. address SSNY torante liquor at retail OF A to P. sell LEE PRODUCT achieve these goals. m ail process to c/o P eter erected, situate, lying and SSNY shall mailon process to NY (SSNY) on St., Dover, DE 19901. PurLLC ofprocess Org. filed with Delaware (DE) 10/23/19. (DE) on12/03/2019 10/31/19. Delaware with Secy. of between State, Div. of - 3:00 New York 10041 9:00 a.m. p.m., Monday excludes 9405 Arts. Secy. ofto Friday, Stateshall of mail NY Service with may be served and Co., 80 State St., Alshall mail to Benin aoffice restaurant under thewith Al- Low, LLC Arts. of Org. filed 44 E. 75th St., NY, NY b e i n g i n t h e B o r o u g h o f Corporation Service Co., 80 NY location NY County. pose: Any lawful activity. the Secy. of NY (SSNY) on Princ. NY office ofwithLLC: 1120 SSNY designated as agent of Corps., 401 Federal St., Ste. holidays. The entrance is located on the(SSNY) South Side of any the Building facing thethe on 08/05/21. Office copy of process to a bany, 12207-2543. PurSinanaj, 425 Madison jamin The Town will not reimburse any individual or firm any costs coholic Beverage Control t h e S has e c y been . of S t a t e o f 10021. Bronx, County of Bronx,You City St.,the Albany, NY 12207State of Get DIRECTV! ONLY designated SSNY ndthe building without Vietnam Veterans Memorial. will not be allowed in 07/13/2021 NY office location Americas, Ste. Ave. LLC upon whom process 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purlocation: NY County. Princ. LLC: 520 2 Ave, Suite 20B, pose: Any lawful activity. Ave., Ste. 1001, New York, Law at 358 W 44th Street, associated with the preparation of their proposal. NY(SSNY) has been desigNotice of Qualification of Purpose: Any lawful activity. a ngovernment d SAny t a t lawful eissued o f identification N e w Y o(driver's r k , license, passport, etc.). 2543. NY, Purpose: Any SSNY lawful as 155 Channels & $35/month! an agent upon whom proBronx County. SSNY has 1803, NY 10036. it may be served. against pose: activity. of LP: Hudson office New York, NY 30 10016. Pur- activity. 10017. Purpose: Any lawnNew a t e against dYork, a s aNY afor g ebe npremises t served u p o n NY MONTICELLO Block 3943 and Lot STRUC2867 to1000s of Shows/Movies On itn may been designated as an agent as wom agent of HAN LLC cess designated SSNY shall mail process to A depositPRODUCTS of $50.00 is required for theYards, specification books and aNY, deposit 72nd Fl., NY Notice pose: Any lawful activity. of Formation consumption. ful activity. The Town of Babylon encourages m inority and en ofowned w h o m p r o c e s s a g a in s t it TURED MSPg e th e r w ith a n u n d iv id e d Demand (w/SELECT All Inshall mail a copy of any and of $50.00 isFormation required for each drawing 10001. set in the Latest form of a date certified upon whom process against upon whom KU process c/o Co. N Notice ofAppl. of filed THE oncheck which LLC against Arts. ofit process businesses to participate all bids.DYNASTY otice of Package.) Form ation of A-it m ay Corporation be against served.Service TheLLC Post 16, for interest Auth. 0.0133 percent PLUS cluded is may of may Formation ofin SIGorLLC money order payable tointhe Notice New LP York City Department of is beAserved and mail may filed be served. SSNY shall Office 80 Statetothe St., Albany, (CSC), address BIG RED UMBRELLA, LLC dissolve Org. Secy. ofof State th S QU E DUp D given, Oshall I FIVE N O which the with Secy. of No State ofPersonal NY the Notice of with Formation THE C/O theTransportation. Common Elements. ApNotice isRany here by purCash or Checks Accepted. Stream on toMagainst the LLC: 155 W 68 SP 4, LLC Arts. of NATURE a copy of process mail process to c/o CorporaNY 12207-2543. DE addr. of Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. 12/31/2119. SSNY designatThe Town reserves the right to reject any all bids. GOLF, of NYor(SSNY) on 08/18/21. II, LP (SSNY) on amount 08/02/21. Office Org. SSNY shall York, mail Little a copy of OPPORTUNITY BOROUGHS LLC proximate of judgesuant to law, that the Cert. NYC Screens Simultaneously at Street, New NY 10023. filedagent Secy. of2019 State Office the LLC is C/O the LLC: tion Service Co., 80 State St., LLC: CSC, 251 Falls of NY (SSNY) AState Pre-Bid of meeting (Optional) hason beened scheduled forwith December 16, as of LP upon location: NY County. f LAdditional P file d ofw Cost. ith S eCall c y . Rd, of location: NYin the County. LLC Contracting Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. any against the LLC o m ent is AM $119,173.75 plus Department Consumer AfDINo Purpose: Any lawful activity. ofTheresa NYprocess (SSNY) on 11/19/20. Agency Chief Officer Bid against Room, Ground at 10:00 Albany, Dr., process NY 12207-2543. DE Wilmington, DE 19808. 1604 Williamsbridge Office location: NY 11/06/20. Sabatino it may Princ. whom 110 SERVICES office of LLC: 307 W. S t a t e o f N Y ( S S N Y ) o n formed in Delaware (DE) on of State of NY (SSNY) on e r v eof d .Form. S S Nfiled Y sh a ll Secy. m a il Bronx, interest and costs. Premises fairs willNY hold a Public HearRECTV 1-888-534-6918 location: NY County. Office Floor, 55 Water Street, NYC. All bidders are requested to Little Falls sCert. addr. of with 10461. Purpose: County. SSNY designated as prospective Commissioner of General Services be served. SSNY shall mail 38th St.,LLC: NY,251location: NY 10018. 07/29/21. Princ. LLC: 1 2 /1lawful 5 /1Wednesday, 7 . activity. O ffic e lo cJanuary a tio n : Office NY Notice 11/23/20. process to 660 Nereid Ave willattend. beofsold subject toofInprovion ing Seats areoffice limited. this connection, limit the as number of of Dr., designated agent SSNY please of Formation of 5 Wilmington, DE 19808. of State, Div. of Corps., 401 Any LLC upon whom proagent process to Corporation SerSSNY designated as agent of # 1 , B r o n x , N e w Y o r k , NY 600 Third Ave., 21st Fl., NY, County. Princ.filed office ofSecy. LLC: Princ.p.m. office of attendees to maximum of two personnel perupon firm. Please submit the sions of filed Judgment In2020 at 2:00 at 42 LLC whom process LLC of 08, County. FRANKLIN of Form. with Cert. Federal St.NYC - Ste. 4, Arts. Dover, cess against it may be Date: January 9,State 2018 vice Co., St., LLC upon whom process NY SSNY 56 State, Leonard St., Apt. 39W, Org. P : c / o A5sthcFloor, e n d Aon m ear perica attendees to Manager no80 later than (2)Al10470. d ename(s) x10016. # SSNY 3 of 80 2 4shall 6 / designated 2 0mail 1 2the . proNProject o bany, FREE! may be two served. against filed with Secy. Any of State of John Townsend Purpose: law- LBroadway, DE 19901. served. NYit12207-2543. Name against it may served. business days prior to the pre-bid meeting date. Savings Include an American Walk-In Tubs as agent of LLC upon whom NY 10013. SSNY desigNY, L L C , 6 3 5 M a d i s o n A v e ., Notice of Formation Purpose: Any lawful activity Cash to willFredda be Accepted. tition for CASA AZUL. INC of to SSNY shallofmail process to SSNY (SSNY) onToilet08/12/21. Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. to 4, of ful NY activity. cess Herzmay Brown, Standard Right Height and addr. each general shall mailofprocess process against bewriting nated as agent LLC upon Office location: STERNBUCH FAMILY 1300,maintain, NY, SAVE NYand 10022. FREE! ($500 Value) WALK-INSte. BATHTUB SALE! $1,500 All questions shall beitsubmitted in to the designated person indicated operestablish, Corporation Service Co., 80 Corporation NY County. DE 19901. Purpose: Dover, 450 E. 83rd St., Apt. 16A, partner are available from DeFoe Corp. invites all inDeFoe Corp. invites all inService Co., 80 served. SSNY shall process against it may whom PROPERTIES LLC sidewalk Arts. of Latest on which the LP of is December 20, 2019. L abelow. u NY r a Deadline C . B r for o wsubmission n email , E sproq questions . , SSNY. unenclosed ate andate NY designated as agent✔of lawful activity. NY, 10028. Any Any tState e r e sSt., t Purpose: e dAlbany, and q u a 12207llawful i f i e d State tAny ere sSt., t e dAlbany, aSSNY n d qNY u a12207l i f mail i e d SSNY th140 by American years cess to the LLCPurpose: at the princ. be served. shall N o t i c eupon o f F o whom r m a t i o nprocess o f 2 4Backed 6 may Org. filed with is ofof dissolve 12/12/2117. cafe' at Standard’s 369 7Secy. Ave inState the Referee 2543. Purpose: Any lawful Mr. Hari Velkur, LLC lawful activity. experience activity. MWBE firms to submit pro- 2543. Purpose: Operations of MWBE firms to submit prooffice of the LLC. DE addr. of process to Sarika Singh at SPRING STREET CONDOMINIof NY (SSNY) on 07/12/21. SSNY designated as agent Borough Brooklyn Director of Engineering and Construction Programs, ACCO, activity.for against it may be served. ✔ Ultra low entry for easyof entering & exiting for a posals the following NYS restaurants. posals to the following LLC: the princ. office of the NYS LLC. SSNY Office location: NY process County. UM (NEW YORK) of LPDrain upon whom Management two years. term K n u cc/o k lof eCorporation sFormation , KFinance, o m o s Contracts iService n s kBIOi && Program ® shall mail BORROWER, process✔to Technology Patented Quickof Notice of Departm ent ofFORMATION: TransportaDepartm NOTICE OF Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., A of golfTransportasimulation Barbara Purpose: ent Princ. office of 276 LLC Arts. ofGutman, Org. filed 4withBryant Secy. against it m ay beLLC: served. New York City Department of Transportation 122-124 W 124TH ST LLC, M a n fr o , L L P , 5 6 5 T a x te r ✔ Lifetime Warranty on the bath AND installation, PROTECTORS, LLC Arts. of Notice of Qualification of ALNotice of Formation of CLIFtion project: tion Best Value Bid project: Mental Health Abbott 55DE Water Street, 8th Floor, New York,of New York 10041 Wilmington, 19808. Cert. and golf related retailer. Riverside Dr., Ste.process 2-G, NY, o f S t a9th t e Fl., o f NNY, Y ( SNY S N10018. Y ) oINCLUDING n SSNY to Org. filed withCounthe FORD labor shall backed bymail American Standard Road, Ste. 590, Elm sford, Org. filed with Secy. of212-839-9403, State Arts. TOUR HOLDINGS, LLC ApHOUSE PRESERVA- Park, Telephone No. Fax No. 212-839-4241 seling, PLLC. Articles of Org. of Form. filed with DE Secy. NY 10025. SSNY designated 1 2 /1 2 / 1 7 . O ffic e lo c a tio n : N Y the Partnership, 635 Madion 08/19/2021. Office TION GP, LLC Arts. of Org. Purpose: ✔ 44 Hydrotherapy jets for for ancopies invigorating Request ofmassage the reN YNY 1 0 (SSNY) 5 2 3 , A t on torn e y s f o r SSNY Anyfiled lawful activity. 12/03/19. of pl. for Auth. with Secy. of as Email: C o nNY tra c t # D 2SSNY 6 3State 6 3has 4 of- C o n t r a c t # D 2 6 3 6 3 0 th- County. filed w/ Secretary of of State, 401 Federal St. Ste. agent of LLC upon whom Princ. office of LLC: 246 son A ve., S te. 1300, N Y County. loc. vocable consent agreement Plaintifflocation: NY County. Bridge Replacement, I-84 filed Office State of NY (SSNY) on process against it may be, Notice ofRepairs Qualification 80 Secy. of at State ofLLC, NY Spring 3 of LocaYESwith MAMA CREATIVE 9/9/2020. Office Bridge NY (SSNY) 4, Dover, DE 19901. Pur- been St.,ofNY, NY location: 10013. SSNY 10022. Name to: andDepartaddr. as agent may be addressed Bill de Blasio, Mayordesignated office of LLC: 1305 FulPrinc. Office NY 11/07/19. STREET REALTY LLC Appl. Notice Qualification of NY (SSNY) on 08/05/21. Office Limited Time Offer! Call Today! Eastbound & W estbound t i o n s i n L o n g I s l a n d of Org. filed with the Arts. location: New York County. pose: Any lawful activity. served. shall mail prodesignated agent formed ofAppl. LLC upon each general partner are whom process against location: ment of SSNY Consumer Affairs, Commissioner ton St., Rahway, Polly NJ Trottenberg, 07065. upon LLC in of County. as for Auth. filed with Secy. of SoulCycle LLC for NY County. o v e rLLC M e tmay r o Nbe oas r t agent h R a of i l Towns of Babylon & Princ. HunSSNY on 06/10/2020. Office SSNY designated cess to Jacob M. Weinreb at whom process against it may be served. the available from SSNY. PurATTN: Foil Officer, 42 BroadSSNY of designated as agent of Road Notice Qual of KING PENDelaware (DE)Secy. on 08/21/17. of&County. NY City (SSNY) on Auth. State filed with of State Or the office of LLC: 30 Hudson -upon Tow n of Fishkill, tington the of Glen loc: NY SSNY has visit: whom process PLLC shall princ. office of the LLC. served. SSNY shall mail process SSNY mail process to: pose: Any lawful activity. way, New York, NY 10004. upon whom process LLC OPPORTUNITY GUIN FUND NY office of LLC: 1270 Princ. 11/08/19. Office location: NY NY (SSNY) on 08/16/21. of Yards, 72nd Fl., NY, NY been designated as agent to T h e B o a rd o f M a n a g e rs o f Purpose: Any lawful activity. NY against may beYork served. LLC,it271 New Av- Cove, against may befiled served. III LLC,axitAuthority with The Ave. of location: the Americas, NY, NY County. LLC formed in Office NY County. SSNY designated as process against upon whom shall mail copy of pro- 10001. SSNY Brooklyn, Carem professional Trump SoHo Hotel Condominium NY 11213. shall mail processserto enue, SSNY the SSNY onArts. 07/27/2021. OfSSNY designated as N Notice formation of 10020. (DE) on 05/05/99. Delaware formed in Delaware (DE) of LLC upon whom proAdditional inform ation PurmAve ay agent the LLC may be served. Additional inform ation m ay LLC cess to: 315 Madison O TIC E of O F FO R M ATIO N vices LLC. of org. filed Purpose: Any Lawful NY at the princ.SSNY office whom ofdesignatthe LLC. OF FORMATION Corporation Co.,LLC 80 NOTICE fice loc: NYService County. agent of LLC upon Celebrity LLCofAppl. SSNY designated as agent of Notice theAdvisors qualification Re03/25/11. on cess against it may be be obtainedNew from York, David Amshall from mail process to: Purpose: Any lawful activity. pro- OF SSNY obtained David Am#1501B, NY be BPBB Media, LLC. Arts with the 10/19/17. th OF AMERIGO HOLDINGS St., Albany, NY 12207. pose. State formed in SSNY DE onon 04/16/2015. cess for against it may be Auth. filed with the Secy of upon whom process LLC source Energy Systems, LLC ed as agent of LLC upon served. SSNY shall mail proa t o a t 9 1 4 6 9 9 7 4 4 0 299 t o aLLC, t 914 - 6 9West 9 - 7 4 12 40 10017. Purpose: any lawful aThe of O rg filed w ith Secy. of O f f i c eis: designated N e w lawful YFORMATION o r kactivity. . Sagent S N Y LLC Articles of Org. filed with NOTICE OF Purpose: Any SSNY as served.process State SSNY against shall mail pro- S off NNY (SSNY) against it may served. Application for of it may Corporation damato@ or cess StreettoApt 3J, NY,be NYService 10014. damato@ or whom activity. tate o Y (Certificate S S N Y ) oon n d e s ALLTID i gwhom n a t e dprocess a g e n tagainst uLLC. p o n Notice Secretary of Stateofof 277 NY Co., the SPIRITS OF of Formation upon toofc/oFormation Corporation Sercess 10/29/19 SSNY shall process to be Authority filed served. SSNY shall mail State St., Albany, NY bids@ Purpose: Anymail lawful purpose. bids@ 1 2 / 1 9 / 1 7N.Y. . O fOffice fwith i c e the l olocation: c :Secy NY Notice of 319 whom process against the (SSNY) 11/5/2019. Arts of Orgmay filed with Secy of FIFTH LLC Arts.ofofOffice Org. 12207-2543. the LLC beLLC, served. FEYNMAN POINT Arts. Notice 35A ofonformation Signs vice New York County. SSNY has Co. (CSC), 80 State St., Gideon Rothschild, Moses & process of State of New York (SSNY) to c/o Corporation Purpose: Any C ounty. SSN Y designated W e s t 1 0 6 t h S t r e e t , L L C L L C m a y b e s e r v e d a n d NY County. location: Albany, Co. NY (CSC), 12207-2543. DE on State offiled NY on filed with Secy. ofArts State of NY lawful activity. SSNY mail process to: with(SSNY) the SSNY LLC. ofSSNY Org of Org.shall Candles designated agent been LLP, 405 Lexington Service Singer 05/18/2021. NY as office lo80 State Bid Date: January 25, 2018 Bid Date: upon whom process Art. ofofOrg. filed with251 Sec. of agent shall mailOffice process against to (SSNY) th January 24, 2018 designated as agent LLC: CSC, Little addr.Albany, 11/7/19. location: NY 08/02/21. The LLC, 369 Office West 126th on filed withon 09/22/2020. loc: Secy. of StateofOffice ofLLC NY Ave., upon 12is Fl., NY,given NY 10174. cation NY 12207-2543. Notice hereby that a St., m a y whom bNY e sCounty. eprocess rv e d aSSNY nagainst d s hhas a llit State ofDr., NY (SSNY) on CSC, SepLegal Corp Solutions upon whom process against it Notice is hereby given that a Falls SSNY Wilmington, DE County. NY5/29/20. County.Office Princ. Street, Mgmt Suite, NY,LLC, NY location: (SSNY) SSNY hasdesignated been deson lomay be served. The Post OfDE addr. of LLC: c/o Corpobeen designated as an agent DE addr. of LLC: c/o license, number 1331331 for tember 15, 2017. Office in mail copy of process against 11Broadway Sterequired 615 New be served. shall license, may serial Co., #1338366 for 251 rate agent upon whom process 19808. Form. filed upon of LLC: 277SSNY Fifth SSNY Ave., 10027. Address to office as agent upon whom NY County. ignated cation: address to which the fice whom process against it LittleCert. FallsofDr., WilmingliquorService license, has 251 beenLittle apto:shall US mail Corp. Agents, N Y DE CDE o 19808. uSecy. nty. S Y d sDiv. i g . LLC York, York 10004. mail process to: Justin L. Galbeer wine has been apbeNew served and shall ofS N State, may with Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE ton, NY, NY 10016. SSNY Cert. of Form. be maintained in DE: 108 #35A, process against the LLC mail may designated as agent upon SSNY copy of may be served andashall mail The New York Amsterdam News plied & for Kem Rest Inc. d/b/a Inc. 7014 13th Ave., #202, agent of LLC upon w hom Purpose: Any lawful activity. Downs Avenue, letti, by the undersigned copy of13th process Of Corps., John G. 19808. Cert. ofRistorante Form. filed as agentmay of LLC with Jeffrey W.Townsend Bullock, aany West St., against Wilmington, be served. SSNY shall LLC mail designated whom 52process be plied process LLC copy of any against processthe against Don for Giovanni to filed K , LLC N Yupon 1 1 2is 2 8C/O . P rthe inisc ip al pBldg., r o c eof s sState m a yofbthe eSt., sState eSte. r v e dof Stamford, CT PurDE 19801. of Formation sell beerat&of wine in Secy. to principal business 401 Federal 4,. B with Secy. State of DE, process against it to willwhom be Monday, January 15, 2018 in to: Cert Daniel L.address: Kesten, upon andclosed shall06902. mail copy of process served served LLC the served upon C/O sell liquor retail inataretail restauaddress: 562 W. S S NDiv. Y sDE hofa ll19901. m a il cPurpose: o p y G. o f business th Any lawful LLC activity. The aCorp. pose: filed with Div. 27D, of Corps, bakery under the ABCBldg., Law DE, W. 57DE Street, New may 601 Dover, Dept., Townsend be served. SSNY Corps., John ESQ. process C/O Pryor Cashman against to shall 2010 Alton Rd, #3305, Miami 450LLC: the CT Corporation Sysrant under the Alcoholic BevTo advertise your 1 4 8 t h S t . , # 2 6 , N Y , N Y process to: 163 W. 74th St., observance of Martin King Jr.St., Day LLC is to be managed by one at 115 Control Delancey 401 St., Suite 4, mail York, NY 10019. Purpose: specificalAll legal purposes, Dover, process to the LLC at Luther DE 19901. Purpose: Bldg., 401 Federal tem, LLP, 7and Times Square, NY, Grand Ave, Apt 1C, Bronx, Beach, 33139. Purpose: 28 FL Liberty Street, New erage Law at NYC 214 Townsend publicFederal legal notices, Purpose: lawful N N Yrelated. 0 2 3 . DE P u rp o s e : 10031. or managers. for activity. on-premises Dover, DEact. 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity. any lyYtravel Any addr. ofPurpose: its princ.any office. -, Ste. 4,1 0Dover, 19901. 10036. Purpose: Any the 10453. law- 10002 NY lawful NYmore York, NY 10005.any Purpose: 10thlawful Ave, New York, NYconfor St. act. any lawful activity. call Lawful 212-932-7435 sumption; Salon Sucre LLC. Any Purpose. Any lawful activity. Purpose: Purpose: Any lawful activity. Lawful Purpose ful act. Any lawful activity. premises consumption.

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