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Vol. 106 No. 18 | April 30 - May 6, 2015
By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews
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About a minute and half into her online announce ment of her presidenti al bid last Sunday, Hillary Clinton said, “Everyday American s need a champion. I want to be that champion so you can do more than just get by, so you can get ahead and stay ahead. Because when families are strong, America is strong.” Interestingly, April 12, 154 years ago, the Civil War began, and Clinton has begun her campaign to turn things around, although with an arsenal of words, at least for the moment. The announcement, which
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By NAYABA ARINDE Amsterdam News Editor
And CYRIL JOSH BARKER Amsterdam News Staff And SALIM ADOFO Special to the AmNews
The killing of another Black male by police left Baltimore burning Monday, April 27, 2015. It is calmer now, with curfews, multiple arrests and a simmering anger replacing the unbridled outrage that followed the funeral of Freddie Gray. The irony is not lost on social observers that the volatile response to a death in police custody occurred just two days before the 13th anniversary of the 1992 civil unrest ignited by the vicious videotaped police beating of
See HILLARY on page
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(Karl Crutchfield photo)
folk Funerals, Funerals, Wedding, Wedding, Tours, Tours, Casinos Casinos set off on Welcome, Attorney e Special Events Occassions #March2Justic Special Events & & Occassions General Loretta Lynch Office: Office:212-531-3792 212-531-3792 Mobile:917-560-6838 917-560-6838 Mobile: WWW.AMSTERDAMNEWS.COM www.executivesecurityprotection.com www.executiveexoticlimo.com National Black United front (Salim Adofo photo)
By SAMANTHA M. COLTON Special to the Am News
Monday kicked off Justice By HERB BOYD investigation of Gray’s death League NYC’s firstto the AmNews March2Justice. Participan and send two top officials to ts started their Special walk on Staten Island and will Baltimore to help calm the continue for nine days until Attorney they arrive in Washingto Gener- city and stop the rioting. n, D.C. Along theU.S. way, Lynch had hardly they plan on engaging al Loretta “As our investigative proin rallies and mobilizati ons being sworn in cess continues, I strongbefore they meet with finished legislators to demand con- as the first African- ly urge every member of the gressional intervention Monday on of woman to hold the Baltimore community to police brutality. According the national crisis American to the organizati on, when the outrage adhere to the principles of they are “inspired and position moved by young people and others across the country and violence in Baltimore nonviolence,” Lynch said in a that continue to keep NEWSt DAM this movemen alive in the name of after Freddie Gray’s death in statement Monday evening. THE NEW YORK AMSTER want justice. We now custody became an “In the days ahead, I intend to see action from the police powers that be, and it's time we take the movemen immediate flashpoint. to work with leaders throught t them.” The march will cover In effect, she has to hit the out Baltimore to ensure that five states, with movements planned in cities ground running with a sit- we can protect the securisuch as Trenton, Philadelphia, Baltimore and D.C., uation that is becoming all ty and civil rights of all resiwhere the final rally will take place on Capitol Hill. The group thentoo customary in Ameri- dents. And I will bring the full plans Vol. 106 No. 9 | statement February 26 -resources March 4, 2015 Lynch’s first of the Department See MARCH on ca. page upon6 taking office was her of Justice to bear in protectpromise that the Justice De- ing those under threat, invespartment will continue the See LYNCH on page 6
the the one goo hel the Th we we ly, no th m
By ELINOR TATUM Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
past several months, a lot of attention has been focused on killer cops. Every other day, we seem to witness a case of police brutality that ends in murder. Although it is not a new phenomenon, it is one that is reaching epidemic proportions—a deeply troubling epidemic. But as we shout “Black Lives Matter!” in protest, we have lost of the other battle Rodney King insight Los Angeles. violence in our against people Several thousand communities. have come out into the streets there is no Althoughthe of Baltimore protesting comparison, killing of 25-year-old Freddieand some may you restart the battle say that Gray over the past fewifdays. crime, Black-on-Black stop Police arrested to Gray April 12, lose focus on the we incithen or without resistance their tactics that police dent, and he died fromand injuus. So where does areinkilling ries suffered while custody. us? His family said that leave his voice it leaves us box was crushed,Unfortunately, 80 percent two wars the middle—in of his spine wasin severed and be fought simultathat must his neck was snapped. Gray andaswiftly. In effect, neously eventually slipped into
OverYorkthe ©2015 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New City
Vol. 106 No. 16 | April 16 - April 22, 2015 in their fare, up these 10 cent hike ride, which isn’t way in. Luckily, the to $1.35 a you’re on a riders are not on in welcomed when —and the disrapid transit system by the MTA have fixed income rarely expect When a fare hike Japan, where they Sunday, the , abled, who can went into effect “oshiyas,” or pushers an ounce of common courteparngers, strapha ible moans from workers. whose are respons have been pas- sy from weary ticularly those who ed that for making sure It’s been estimat to pay $2.50 way struggling even billion is sengers are all the than the more than $30 per ride, were louder upgrade the into the car. coming to a are needed to ers brakes of an A train These problems system. Passeng were lucky during subway halt—that is, if you compounded ng any of that money at your expecti arriving one weathhave nt Albany to periods of incleme trickle down from e. the authorities to station on schedul a longer wait than er. Again, MTA all realize “I realize it and we to address have d train. have promised is not where arrival of any weeken up rtaspeed to that service … it comes to transpo such issues and and not necto restore When we need it to be Andrew the time needed our cusin the state, Gov. far a malfunc- tion essarily meeting appears to be schedules after tions,” said rem- Cuomo in the tomers’ expecta those nately, in ed tion. Unfortu president of as fast more interest to LaCarmen Bianco, edies are not coming sym- cars and on their way Transit. This his New York City and we , evidenced by t of the as the fare hikes, on ers who Guardia is an understatemen d AirTrain expansi pathize with custom while conthe increase propose to spruce up the highest order, and want to know if plan the soul, it for and good is e services fession in fares will improv to the workTappan Zee Bridge. system. ngers, brings little relief in the century-old be the most So my dear strapha little of the ing poor, who will To be at the mercy after grin and bear it, dig a increase as d even impacted by the into your deplete 4, 5 and 6 lines often inadethey are by the have the ex- deeper for that extra quarter rush hour is to pockets ing—and it’s quate service. a sardine. The the next fare daily the more distress n perience of or two and hope commo ging as most Ask any of the regular the ble delays. According to challen distant the second ters on are ordeal is doubly who, by the hike is as slow and from the MTA, 6 million commu int—the trains elderly— compla and latest reports the train. for was next system ers the passeng ncing a January there city’s subway so jammed with of com- through way, are only experie of more than to wedge your you will hear a litany common an average a month. Even that you have delays plaints—the most intermina- 43,000 one being the regardless tacked unfairness, code. racial or region, because of my ZIP By AUTODID honorus I lived of a school’s by dividing ACT 17 allowho serve I grew up in the Bronx. Special en-the AmNews income mix, and are tall on to those cates on both sides in uniform. I underst on a block away from school, cations by district student to are all falling ably the corner By ASSEMBLYMAN g student are all passionate ideology, but we t and assessinTwo where I passed and re- that we rollmen lives tion BLAKE the and EL coopera pay. of ceremonies at side to days MICHA short on about improve on one need and local ability Harlem’s this is about how give them bodega Aid was fullyAbyssinian Baptist membering that slice of pizza on an- Sadly, Foundation Church my of our children and bought conlast 08 week allowed as2007-20 down, I knew that to success. But this the children. funded only in the sociates, if it’s other. Deep fascinating, paths is e comrades uctive what have Recesdialogu , family and unprod is n The didn’t Great fiscal year. The friends funding to versatio ration our schools of acclaimed Kemetafull funding because of inaderanging from school “either or” conside sion knocked thatphysician where we needed, . ance, tenure, an Dr. Yosef A.A. ben-Jothe inequithan a “both and” teacher perform tracks, and quate funding channanpoint versus char- rather l dispar- off the ledge that each side to the the opportunity to pay evaluation, public ged their In 1993, that financia parochi- we acknow on how light ties re-emer respects before he billion $4.9final ter and private versus rations has legitimate points mately reality came to greater ity approxi of nal was interred conside gn for Fiscal m our educatio al. All of these owed to publicat Ferncliff Cemestill tery timely to to transfor the better and de- when the Campai Friday afternoon. ed and CFE money t areas. for are necessary and Equity was establish k victo- schools in our needies ic, social, system “It’s close . honor to to be here and improve the academ setting termine a path forward hits an led to the landmar inequalitycelebrate l es invok- later this great life that of New York, This as my Assemb ly district mental and physica the tone We are sometim ry in C.F.E. v. State has been But amongst us for 97 successful- home, staggeri and images of savfor young people. ng $76 million g where the coalition owed a ly divi- ing terms years,” than any city’s school is become incredib colleague rather than pursuin more remarked ly argued that the education has CFE money— sides of agery in Dr. all mise. Leonard on current es compro woefully York The Advocat was ctive in New Jeffries, beginning has been el- sive. we are constru Thursday that finance system denied its stu- Assembly district evening’s wake, the debate in Albany discourse say that not the first time that funding and the is what to nded This need underfu not, Imagine the are capacity crowd right City. the word savage evated because of war.” Actually, we our kids? Smallererupting in aptheir constitutional logy I have heard state budget “at could do for plause, education. dents , drumming. n. and leave that termino pass a New York teachers morechants used to describe sound basic educatio m sizes, on advo- so let’s “We have to ities: Chil- of a ed the classroo be aware that Dr. by March 31. Educati , books, builddecision address In “Savage Inequal supplies That ,” school Ben has made his transition ’s Schools ls for New York etc. he’s dren in America d my chronic shortfal car- ing repairs, and this expecting - us to conintolera e Jonathon Kozol describe79, in City schools, but its logic You compar tinue hisequal P.S. greatgut of poor legacy that he the elementary school, to upstate’s mix shared with , ble reality with challenges ried us.” the 178 “failing” districts and high-tax blow of 10 ofOne that way. Given the r 19 - March 25, 2015 l, James urban of and schools 12’s• March Elinor R. Tatum: Publishe g) Jochannan daughthat my great principa to em- low-wealth small town (I prefer strugglin ter’s exhorted, “IIt’s and Editor in Chief alone. challenge you Carter, had to endure hearts, rural districts. in mytodistrict are go home that Member and andne. curing continue the and inhuma power our minds The remedy for Managing Editor li- beyond unjustSee BEN instead of Kristin Fayne-Mulroy: putting on page 34 arecontinued of unconstitutiona it saddens me that The conditions we as scholarly, finding Nayaba Arinde: Editor s, adminfunding under a Advertising being described .” ty was robust our students, teacher page 32 Vice President, Sales, “savage as Howell: called d WWW.AMSTERDAMNEWS.COM for Penda on Alliance we were describe equitable formula : See EDUCAT ION atframing was more Audited Media Wilbert A. Tatum (1984-2009) tion Aid, which In large part, that CEO and Publisher Emeritus Chairman of the Board, future, but Founda not because of my
12 • April 23 - April 29, 2015
MTA, take a hike
by Frederick Newsome, MD, MSc
this is not an either/or dilemma, but a problem that requires a both/and solution. To be sure, fighting wars on two fronts is hard enough, but it gets even harder when we need one of the so-called enemies as an ally. Police-community relations have had their ups and downs. Whereas a segment of the pop-
An examination of race, medical knowledge and history based on the author’s life as a physician in West Smart crook versus crooked Africa and Harlem, New York.
coma and died April 19. At a press conference this week, Deputy Police Comfree him. True to his missioner Jerry Rodriguez time cuts and rever- vowed to rumored to have controlled receive Hamilton had Acevedo SOLOMON SAINT ByGray said, “When Mr. was He, too, was back in La- word, a large percent of the illic- sals. on the street before the put in that van, he could talk fayette Gardens in less than a back turbulent it activities in that particular decade. turn of the century. and he was upset.During … When the In 2000, while Hamilton was early 1990s, when neighborhood. 1980s he was taken out ofand that In 1987, 50 Cent was immor, simultaneously J.R. was Almost mayhem and drugs Julio “Wemo” still in jail, his brother murder, van, he could not talk and seaNorth Homicide talized when down murdered inside of his plagued the inner cities, Brooklyn he could not breathe.” a roving Acevedo gunned him According to gangsters Squad developed of self-made scores hallway located in food restaurant. See BALTIMORE on page 34 task force to quell in a dusky Damion Acevedo was a federal indictment, vied for control of certain 40-man murder epidem- Albany projects. another Laneighborhoods. In Brook- Brooklyn’s detectives, Louis subsequently arrested, con- “World” Hardy, was Of all the to an up- fayette Garden resident, lyn, Fort Greene and Lafay- ic. most famous victed and shipped that was ordering for Scarcella the atop responsible ette Gardens were state prison. solving murders. hit. Word on the list that harbored some of for In 1991, a Brooklyn man particular In 1983, Hamilton was jailed was street was Hamilton, while the most infamous characof violent named Nathaniel Cash had convinced While Killer Ben and for an assortment ters. Hamilton’s name incarcerated, such as manslaugh- murdered. lackey to kill Hardy. 50 Cent found infamy in Fort crimes, up in the investigation. a paroled came and possession head a weapon have the pa- Although he sustained Greene, Lafayette Gardens ter, During his time in Scarcella didn’t Hardy survived the was dubbed “Bush Gardens” robbery. and wherewithal for wound, Elmira prison, Hamilton, tience because of the way Der- an He believed that he shooting. Scarcella self-taught jailhouse lawyer, justice. Coincidentally, rick “Bush” Hamilton, along a the law. He arrestother convicted killers was above lost a brother, Michael, with his brother J.R., were helped ed Hamilton post haste. After also cop who committed suicide a lengthy trial, Hamilton was a WWW.AMST witnessed he depressingly ERDAMN once again convicted and as tainted career EWS.COM decades of con- his brother’s sentenced to unravel and capsize. finement. In 2011, Hamilton’s legal Hamilton wasn’t worried. Elinor R. Tatum: Publisher coupled with Scarand Editor in Chief This wasn’t his first rodeo. In prowess, faulty and shoddy Member fact, he and fellow Brooklynite cella’s his presecured work police the Editor Kristin Fayne-Mulroy: Managing Acevedo ended up in release from prison same prison. After exchang- mature Nayaba Arinde: Editor 2013, Acevedo plow ing penitentiary pleasant- In Alliance for Penda Howell: Vice President, Sales, Advertising a crowded Brook ©2015 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City Media Audited ries, Hamilton told Acevedo through Wilbert A. Tatum (1984-2009): Emeritus street while driving drunk Vol. 106 No. Chairman of the Board, CEO and Publisher that he knew of some legal lyn caus 4 | January taxi, crashes into a 22 - Janua discrepancies in his case and and ry
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Opinion TO DISPLAY nch YOUR BUSINESS INFORMATION, nfirm Loretta Ly more excuses, co
ulation has never trusted the police, a great many did and wanted to cooperate with them to strengthen their neighborhoods. But as time has gone by, a shift has occurred—a shift in trust that is now so apparent that the police cannot do their jobs effectively because there is no cooperation, not even from the victims.
Bl tu it th fu o in This situation is madness, e o and it shows how deep the rifts k have become. Any trust that a once existed is now completely eroded. Youngsters on the q street used to know the beat w knew cop beat cop, and the b them. The police were a posm itive fixture in the communia ty and they were a part of the community, not apart from
OBAMA’S TIM P: 212-932-7429 E
©2015 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New
Vol. 106 No. 11 | March 12 - March 18, 2015
By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews
©2015 The Amsterdam News | $1.00 New York City
The Obama family joins hands as it begins the march with the foot soldiers across the Edmund Pettus Bridge. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)
(Photo courtesy of
It may be a great disservice to mention the Rev. Al Sharpton and Rudy Giuliani in the same article, but they are two public figures with a long affair with the media—one longing for it to go away and the other courting it for coverage. This week they are both back in the news—again. Rumors are afloat that Sharpton’s “PoliticsNation” on MSNBC may be put on a weekend schedule. Other hosts on the network are also, as they say in the business world, scheduled for reassignment, including
Flickr) Douglas Palmer—
agree with many took happens to g In 1984, the Senate policies of the outgoin to do President of the That had as much general and the ona year to confirm ining the presinominee, attorney the rub. impresident. amazing with underm e authority as Ronald Reagan’s simply Several days after It’s attorney going be able panel, past a dent’s executivand we would Edwin Meese, for Yes, the Senate may was pressing a Senate that bills can get delay else, at the g that d but anythin general, hit that walk and chew gum Loretta Lynch appeare believe that the committee then messy busi- to but we all suffer succeed Re- be naive to based on Meese’s time, called at same not wall ble are to be a shoo-in to some gans implaca And if is stuck to their U.S. atnce. The same shenani confirmation. ness practices. way, when the gum are politically Eric Holder Jr. as publican repugna cans have their leave it Repub- play in Lynch’s and they r is right Republi the shoes (Bill Moore photo) torney general. But story here is that Sen. Chuck Schume will be tarred with meandon’t lized. to the mischievous, he noted that Lynch licans apparently the alleged immobi imcans to funds on point when same brush, given Two things are clearly and spirited Republi “can walk and mind gathering with drug At for the Senate —Lynch’s race dealings she had rain on her parade. from predators fined but chew gum at the same time,” launderers. mutable it! temSo get overand lords and money politics.ALLIMADI By MILTON accused of fathering several her difficult . a s least, we hope, only hogwash sex trafficking crimes, become is excuses. Confirm children with teenage secreAll of this be used but this BENJAMIN No more she COLIN considering porarily. this money can’t to problem is that process when seemed aborLynch! Lynch’s for she Special to the AmNews taries. The popular narrative pay PresLoretta to by Just when who partic- by the victims cans contend any action put forth is a strong Black woman was that Malcolm was killed be a lock for the post, Republi ident Barack Obama. prominent tions. Was the NYPD involved or by Muhammad loyalists after use of the money ularly with such Hatch that such Orrin Hyde as the did they merely know about he was expelled from the NOI. cans mise Republi compro of Arizo- would except the impending murder of But many people, especialof Utah, Jeff Flake Amendment, which, of tax South of Malcolm X and allow it to ly in the Black community, forbids use na, Lindsey Graham Collins of for rape, March 13, 2015 s. happen 50 years ago? Were never believed that version of abortion Carolina and Susan for to confirm dollars to do with some reporters, including events as being the complete Maine promising What has this got the famed scribe Jimmy Breslin, story. While there had been ell confirmation or her, there is a snag. Hon. Mitch McConn problem? Lynch’s tipped off that something was a clear rift between Malcolm China? This in So what’s the rice of Leader Majority Senate Ma- price about to go down? and Muhammad, it was also is very similar to The problem is United States Senate McCo- boondoggle nd The official story has been a period when the FBI was 20510 jority Leader Mitch ce to the impasse over Homela Washington, D.C. that Malcolm X was killed conducting its Counter Intelnnell and his reluctana hu- Security funding that includof Feb. 21, 1965, at the Audu- ligence Program, initially tarcall a vote because immigration attachHon. Harry Reid that in- ed an to see bon Ballroom in Harlem be- geting suspected communists man-trafficking bill We were pleased Minority Leader that would ment. cause of a Reid feud between him but later expanding it to disHarry cans capitulate on cludes a provision Senate Republi ll States the United Mitch McConne for victims the and his former allies in the rupt groups such as the Black 20510 establish a fund measure and allow service Washington, D.C. to publichad those con- that SeentMalcolm Nation of Islam. Panthers and other Black nacommitm ent of Homeland from fines paid by for the ent skills, ng crimes. Departm managem United States attorney York, a falling out with NOI leader tionalist organizations. and strong : victed of trafficki funding to go forward to serve Dear Mr. Leaders edguide District of New the Demo- curity her well-suit and his former spiritual Indeed, records revealed immigration make express Eastern These funds, as has developed a I write this letter to be used while tossing tion Ms. Lynch Elijah after Malcolm’s death show this position. who he’d cainMuhammad, ents, crats proposed, could limbo. a support for the nomina record of achievem therein lies into Our nation requires to become long for abortions, and reputation a advoenjoys of Loretta Lynch she effective and of the and evenhandedly pable Lynch the attorney general ent for fairly and cate such as Loretta United States Departm g the law. She dem- to head its chief law enforceattorney enforcin inary charreathese extraord of Justice. As the s For onstrate agency. of New t and ment general for the state the Senate to , sound judgmen
Joy Reid, Ronan Farrow, Ed Schultz, Chris Hayes and Lawrence O’Donnell. It sounds as if MSNBC is cleaning house and dissatisfied with its leftist orientation. And if we can believe Erica Snipes, Eric Garner’s daughter, Sharpton “is only in it for the money,” as she said to a right-wing mischief maker recording her comments on a concealed camera. She later recanted, indicating that Sharpton and the National Action Network had paid for her father’s funeral. Later, in a statement to NAN, she clarified her position on the matter. “It is unfortunate that the New York
Was Jimmy Breslin tipped off about Malcolm X’s assassination 50 years ago?
ip gressional leadersh Letter to the con
that the FBI had been actively monitoring him, as Malcolm’s files, available on the FBI’s website, confirm. Therefore, it isn’t beyond reason that the FBI, under the maniacal J. Edgar Hoover, could have played a role in the assassination by either fomenting, participating or at least turning a blind eye and allowing it to happen. Could it be that the NYPD also came to know from the FBI, or from its own investigations, that Malcolm would be killed by opponents on that fateful February date? Could it be that the NYPD and the FBI worked together to allow Malcolm to be killed by not warning him or by not
(Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)
Mayor Dink MAIL TO: keynote at ins delivers MLK lunc heon NEW YORK AMSTERDAM NEWS 2340 Frederick Douglass Boulevard New York, New York 10027 Many rivers and bridges to cross OR E-MAIL TO: INFO@AMSTERDAMNEWS.COM We Need Stronger Rent Laws, Not Developer Giveaways Front pages of the New York Amsterdam News following Bloody Sunday in 1965
By HERB BOYD Special to the AmNews
As President Barack Obama pre-
but also marches, too, like the one over the weekend in Madison, Wis. after the police shooting death of an unarmed Black teenager by a white officer.
Such actions of police misconduct may not be sanctioned or as blatant as in the past, but they are no less deadly and we need look no further than the
See MALCOLM on page 6
President greets 103-y rights legen d Amelia Boynear-old civil with Rep. ton Robin Terri Sewe ll (Photo court son of www.white esy house.gov)
Obama’s au dacity of ho pe
By DEMETRI A Special to the IRWIN By HERB BOYD AmNews when stand ing Special to the tunate to have up. I have been forAmNews and gun violen The Black ce, which Agen cy Exec and encouragereceived the support ly stressed was heaviganiz ation utive s orat his previ If the usual recen tly held people throu ment of many good ous State of rhetorical flair Union addre annu al Dr. the sional lyrica ss. and occaMart in Luth its 38th life in publ ghout and beyond l resonance Of course, my Luncheon er ic King servi were missing from ce. Jr. Black Amer . Aptly hoste President Not one of d by NBC4’s managed to get to Pat Battl e, us of the Union Barack Obama’s State little that directly relate icans heard the even t where we witho ut addre thoug d to them at the help of are New York the Hilto n ss Tuesday, h abound with , those who in Midt own it did itably many of his propo before us. a number came sals inevatten ded. was well will of propo affect auda The Hono sals for the them, if the cious als “We say rable Davi Republican Dinkins, New ever see the proposon and mull s to chew d somebodythat everybody stand light of day. York’s first over may s His on befor only Black ’s not have had shoulders, words e they sound reject them mayor, was and so far we gene and by that, that ly can inves . rally mean the keynote spea ker. t in a speech, poetic arch he In this addre peop King, Harr but the numb ss, there were leaped from iet Tubman, le like Dr. While reflec ers or references the page—a no quotes ting on the Sojourner Malcolm X, page was to King, Dink Truth he past time legac said to turn. , Rosa Parks no Lincoln, presidents— it y of perso ins shared and FDR nal t “