Elisabetta Ralli's Portfolio

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Interior Design Portfolio 2021 - Selected Works




Elisabetta Ralli About Me

Profile Date of Birth 03/09/1996

Phone Number +39 335 600 78 98

e-Mail elisabetta.ralli0996@gmail.com

Education Degree in Scientific High School Liceo Scientifico Francesco Redi (AR)

Bacheleor Degree Polytechnic University of Milan Interior Design

Languages Italian English

Language Certificate TENG TOEIC

Born on September 3, 1996 in Arezzo. In 2015 I graduated from high school and in the same year I enrolled in the Faculty of Architecture in Florence, attending lessons for about a year. In September 2016, I enrolled in the Faculty of Design at the Polytechnic School of Milan, where I graduated in Interior Design in 2019. She is currently a student of Interior and Spatial Design (master’s degree), attending courses at the Polythechnic University of Milan.

University Experiences Exhibition LANDIA’- October 15th 2017 Exhibition at Studio Azzurro (Fabbrica del Vapor, Milan) of projects realized during the course of Visual Elements of the project, which study the relationship between man and earth understood as a love story for intensity, necessity, destructive and generative dynamics. Contest JAM 115 - May 2019 Redevelopment of a former state building in via Giambellino 115, Milan, with proposal for the garden and bistrot area. Exhibition POP/UP INDOOR : mountain sport equipment - June 2019 Exhibition of concept projects of pop-up stores, with virtual models and study models, of the most famous mountain sports brands at the Spazio Lualdi + Casalgrande Padana in Foro Buonaparte, 74 in Milan.

Design Skills Adobe Applications Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Premiere Adobe Lightroom

Autodesk Applications AutoCAD 3Ds Max

Others Sketch Up

Soft Skilss Communication Leadersheap Problem Solving Teamwork

Exhibition AVANZI - June 7th 2019 Exhibition in via Aldo Moro (Varese) dedicated to the redevelopment projects of buildings defined as “leftovers” located within the city of Varese. Specific case: redevelopment of a former wash house.




Exterior - Interior

Ars Cervitiae Pareidolia Piazza Tripoli



Interior C.I.A.O. Owerness House Esplosione-Ricostruzione ViTe Re-Try

This portfolio is divided into three differents parts.

Exterior - Interior, Interior, Interior - Interior. For each section there are some projects from my personal studies.


Interior - Interior

Camera da letto Free/Deep Fungo elettrico



Ars Cervitiae Fundamental of the projects | 2016/2017

01. Exterior - Interior

Pareidolia Visual elements for design | 2016/2017

About this chapter

Piazza Tripoli New Interiors 2 | 2019/2020



Ars Cervitiae

Beer pavilion in the “Giardino delle Arti” in Milan. field: course type: project type: date:

exterior design/exhibition fundamental of the projects group project 1st year, 2nd semester (L)

Exhibition pavilion to rediscover and enhance the craft production of beer in the Milan area. Its presence inside the “Giardino delle Arti” in Milan (via Palestro) provides a reassessment of a place that normally remains closed to the public. From the cultivation of the ingredients to the tasting of the beer, from the production to the sale, the whole path of birth and end of the hop is narrated within the space. The sinuous shape takes up that of the silos that are used during the manufacturing process. The structure is made up of laminated pine strips, resistant to humidity and atmospheric agents. These create plays of light, depending on the inclination of the sun during the day.

1. Photo model 2. Photo model 3. 3D model 4. General model photo with pavilion

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The space is divided in 4 levels:


“Robinson Crusoe”, an island in the Pacific Ocean. field: course type: project type: date:

interior design/exhibition visual elements for design group project 1st year, 2nd semester (L)

1. First: the beach, where the protagonist begins to build his family environment 2. Second: other housing details 3. Third: home of the imaginary friend, made with giant marshmallows 4. Fourth: the highest point, from which the protagonist decides to end his life

Lost and wild, mysterious and insidious, Robinson Crusoe (whose name is inspired by that of the traveler of the same name) is a 92mq island located west of Chile. The castaway, protagonist of the story, is affected by a disease that allows him to see familiar aspects in random objects: Pareidolia. Loneliness leads the character to see a marshmallow in a rock, a cat in a chair and eyes on the covers of books, books on which he writes his life experience, which ends with suicide.

1. Rear elevation 2. Front elevation 3. Plant 4. Photo model

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Piazza Tripoli


1. Vegetable Garden; 2. Sport Area; 3. Green Hill;

Re-Design of a square in the city of Milan field: course type: project type: date:

interior design/exhibition new interiors 2 group project 1st year, 2nd semester (L)

“Piazza Tripoli” is a project born from the creative mind of university students in partnership with the locals. Its goal is to give a new identity to a space much appreciated by residents and little known by Milanese and non-Milanese citizens. The project involves the redefinition of the functions associated with the square, with the involvement of the local community. The first project aims to involve the local community to create a new identity for the square, which represents the population itself and is able to illuminate a currently shady space, with the use of simple tools, also provided by the Municipality of Milan, following the rules established by the Covid-19 pandemic.


The second project refers to a future context, where there is the possibility of using innovative, technological materials with an attractive design, which can look to future generations, following the idea of a file rouge that connects all the different parts of the square.

1. Postcard, 2020 project 2. Postcard, 2030 project 3. Axnometric view, 2020 project 4. Axonometric view. 2030 project

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4. Playground Area; 5. Dog Area

C.I.A.O Workshop | 2018/2019

Owerness House Digital modelling of space | 2017/2018

02. Interior

Esplosione/Ricostruzione Interior design laboratory | 2017/2018 with collaboration of Barnaba Fornasetti

About this chapter

ViTe Sinthesis laboratory | 2018/2019

Re-Try New Interiors laboratory | 2019/2020

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Casa Innovativa per l’Assistenza Ospedaliera field: course type: project type: date:

interior design workshop group project 3rd year, 2nd semester (L)

Design of residential housing units for hospitals, for the treatment of patients with autism. There are two types, 1a and 1b. They welcome a different number of people depending on the size (1/2 for 30sqm; 3/4 for 60sqm) and are united by the presence of a cavedium, inside which there is a small tree, the focal point of the house. Being built with monoblocs or concrete walls, the houses have repeatability as their main feature. The entire village consists of ten units 1a and five 1b and form, inside the garden of the Mondovì hospital, a circle, to symbolize the gesture of a hug. The presence of a protruding roof on both short sides allows for the same amount of light to enter throughout the day. The village also has independent services, such as a grocery store and a small infirmary.

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1. Village model photo 2. Material cross section 3. Material longitudinal section 4. Plant material 5. Photo model unit 1a 6. Model photo

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Owerness House 3D rendering of a housing development

field: course type: project type: date:

interior design digital modelling, mono-disciplinary group project 2nd year, 1st semester (L)

Use of 3D Studiomax software. Three-dimensional modeling of an existing architectural space, with an axonometric cross-section of the building subsequently colored with Adobe Illustrator. The renderings present the same point of view as the photos taken and published on the online sites. Some of them have been left with the wireframe, which identifies the construction lines used to create the furnishings and structure of the building.

1. Original kitchen photo 2. Render kitchen wireframe 3. Original photo of the private garden 4. Render private garden 5. Axonometric exploded view

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Esplosione/Ricostruzione Museum exhibition at the PAC in Milan

field: course type: project type: date:

interior design/exhibition interior design laboratory, workshop group project, collaboration with Barnaba Fornasetti 2nd year, 2nd semester (L)

Reproduction of the artist Piero Fornasetti’s house. The set up method was inspired by a quote by Ettore Sottsass, who describes Fornasetti’s mind as a whirlwind of thoughts that, united together, form his works. Each room presents a different reality: the viewer is catapulted into parallel worlds, whose sets are created with the works of art of the artist himself. The thematic rooms are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Explosion Reconstruction Architecture cards Lina Suns Adam and Eve

1. Functional plan 2. Photo model 3. Front view outstretched of the Architecture room


Redevelopment of a public-historical space field: course type: project type: date:

interior design synthesis laboratory group project 3rd year, 1st +2nd semester (L)

ViTe is a wine shop inside the ex washhouse which you can sit and chat with people in the of Casbeno (VA). garden. Its purpose is to provide a useful service to the neighborhood and an opportunity to discover and learn about its past.

The tub is literally filled with wine: a burgundy curved rubber carpet simulates the must that seethes, hiding inside the dispensers, which supply the wine to the structure.

Visitors have the opportunity to buy 0 km wine and have a sensory experience through Around the tank, there are helmets (inspired which to get to know the product in a way by Ugo La Pietra) inside which it is possible to that is not expected. create the sensorial path. Everyone can access the space, the wall boundary is canceled through a table that crosses the windows of the wash house, on

1. ViTe logo 2. Axonometric exploded view 3. External night view 4. Internal night view

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What happens inside also spreads outside, with singular installations, which accompany visitors to the wash house.


Sport shop inside Monza ENI circuit pavilion field: course type: project type: date:

interior design new interiors group project 1st year, 1st semester (LM)

Re-Try is a shop of recycled plastic sporstwear. Inside the space, the user is invited to make a journey of knowledge, experience and personalization. The first step of the path is represented by an artistic installation: a rain of econil wires get transformed into shirts, metaphorically representing our design action. Subsequently, the customer enters the area dedicated to the experience, where he can directly try on the clothing displayed in the windows. Six boxes create outdoor sports activities thanks to the use of technological devices, through which the user can try on the clothes on sale. It is therefore possible to customize the product with the use of specific totems. The changes made are done directly in the place in a totally transparent way inside the lab. Finally, the last area is a box bar, where you can also request advice to training experts and sports articles. The merchandising area is located next to the exit.

1. Re-Try logo 2. Render box 3. Render installation 4. Material section A

5. Material section B 6. Plant material 7. Material section C 8. Material section D

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Camera da letto Interior simulation | 2017/2018

03. Interior - Interior

Free/Deep Temporary Retail | 2018/2019

About this chapter

Fungo Elettrico Sinthesis laboratory | 2018/2019

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Camera da letto 3D rendering of a bedroom

field: course type: project type: date:

interior design interior simulation solo project 2rd year, 2nd semester (L)

3D modeling with 3DStudiomax software and subsequent renderings of a bedroom. Scenes under consideration: 1. Night scene: simulation of real artificial lighting using ceiling and table lighting fixtures. The walls are homogeneous (Lambertian) materials. The other surfaces are nonhomogeneous materials obtained by acquiring textures from life. 2. Daytime scene: simulation of natural lighting through the use of a Mental Ray Sun & Sky system, consisting of three objects: Daylight System, mr Sky Portal and mr Physical Sky. 3. Qualitative representation. 4. Night scene: verification of natural lighting through false color representation. The Pseudo Color Exposure Control provides information on the luminance levels present in the scene, in this case maximum on the window (sky).

1. Reder night view beds 2. Render night studio view 3. Render daytime window view 4. Daytime Pseudo Colo Exposure Control

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Experiential Pop-Up in CityLife Shopping District field: course type: project type: date:

interior design temporary retail group project 3rd year, 2nd semester (L)

The pop-up lends itself as a launching platform for Burton’s product, offering the possibility to try snowboarding boards in two different ways. united by the game mode: • Pro Board machine: machine that simulates the gestures of the snowboarder and allows you to practice difficult curves in a closed place; • Oculus VR: viewer that allows the most insecure to try Burton boards in a completely safe way. With the curvilinear shape of the pop-up the visitor lives a totally immersive experience, while the curious feel spectators of a performance, as if they were in an arena. The pop-up is located within Citylife in a strategic position and, thanks to its lightness and ease of transport, it can be placed in other environments similar to the one in question.

1. Render pro-board machines 2. Render oculus VR 3. Burton brand 4. Pop-Up view

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Fungo Elettrico Design of a dual function “mushroom”

field: course type: project type: date:

exterior design thesis solo project 3rd year, 2nd semester (L)

The electric mushroom has a double function. It heats up during the winter and is a source of electricity to recharge smartphones and tablets. In addition, thanks to its size, it allows people to shelter from sunlight during the day. Thanks to the presence of the panels, the mushroom is totally autonomous. It does not need to connect to the municipal network to supply energy to the customers of the Washhouse. Its initial cost is quite high, but it guarantees space the possibility to save, over time, on the electricity bill and to be able to use the external environment of the building even during the winter months.

Inside the base, which supports the structure, there are two wheels that allow you to move the object according to your needs. The hexagonal shape gives the possibility of being able to install 3 photovoltaic panels and 3 solar panels: the former are used to convert solar energy into electricity, the latter to obtain heat. Inside there is an accumulator, which allows you to use energy even during the evening, when natural light is not present.

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