type textbook

Page 1

t y pe

A B chaud

t y pe


t y pe


t y pe t y pe t y pe t y pe t y pe t y pe


t y pe t y pe t y pe t y pe t y pe t y pe

p e r s on a l it ie s

t ype ABD personalities:

a book on the psychology of t ypography

There are now about as many different varieties of letters as there are different kinds of fools. Eric Gill

table of contents TEXTURE OF TEXT

choosing type type size kerning tracking line spacing caps and small caps punctuation

3 6 8 9 10 12 13


line width alignment centered text vertical text interlineation significant lineation

17 18 20 21 22 24


beginning paragraphs indentation alternatives ornamental division color


29 30 31 32




choosing type

A basic system for classifying typefaces was devised in the nineteenth century, when printers sought to identify a heritage for their own craft analagous to that of art history. Humanist letterforms are closely connected to calligraphy and the movement of the hand. Transitional and modern typefaces are more abstract and less organic. These three main groups correspond roughly to the Renaissance, Baroque, and Enlightenment periods in art and literature. Historians and critics of typography have since proposed more better capture the diversity of letterforms. centuries have continued to create new typefaces based on historic characteristics.


choosing type Old Style






Humanist Sans Serif

Aa Aa

Transitional Sans Serif

Geometric Sans Serif


9 pt Garamond

The Type A and Type B personality theory was published in the 1950s as a way controversial since the publication, but has persisted within both pop psychology 9 pt Baskerville

The Type A and Type B personality theory was published in the 1950s as a way to controversial since the publication, but has persisted within both pop psychology and within our general culture. 9 pt Bodoni

The Type A and Type B personality theory was published in the 1950s as a been controversial since the publication, but has persisted within both pop 9 pt Gill Sans

The Type A and Type B personality theory was published in the 1950s theory has been controversial since the publication, but has persisted 9 pt Helvetica

The Type A and Type B personality theory was published in the 1950s theory has been controversial since the publication, but has persisted 9 pt Futura


type size

Are type A personalities hig 34 pt Futura

34 pt Bodoni

WIDTH A letter also has a horizontal measure, called its set width. The set width is the body of the letter plus a sliver of space that protects it from other letters. The width of a letter is intrinsic to the proportions and visual impression of the typeface. Some typefaces have a narrow set width and vertical scale. This distorts the line weight of the letters, however, forcing heavy elements to become thin, and thin elements to become thick. Instead of torturing a letterform, choose a typeface that has the proportions you are looking for, such as condensed, compressed, wide, or extended.

The x-height of a typeface affects its overall visual impact. Like hemlines and hairstyles, x-heights go in and out of fashion. Bigger type bodies became popular in the mid-twentieth century, making letterforms look larger by maximizing the area within the overall point size.

Because of its huge x-height, Helvetica can remain legible at small sizes. Set in 8 pts for a magazine caption, Helvetca can look quite elegant. The same typeface could look bulky and bland, however, standing 12 pts tall on a business card. Typefaces with small x-heights, such as Bauer Bodoni, use bodies. However, have lyrical charm.




They tend to push themselves with de 6

When two typefaces are set in the same point size, one often looks bigger than the other. Differences in x-height, line weight, and set width affect the letters’ apparent scale.

HEIGHT attempts to standardize the measurement of type began in the eighteenth century. The point system is the standard used today. One point equals 1/72 inch or .35 millimeters. Twelve points equal one pica, the unit commonly used to measure column widths. Typography can also be measured in inches, millimeters, or pixels. Most software applications let the designer choose a preferred unit of measure; picas and point are standard defaults.

gh achieving “workaholics”? 34 pt Helvetica 34 pt Baskerville

9 pt Helvetica

Type A personalities tend to be highly independent and enjoy

18 pt Helvetica

Type A personalities tend to be highly independent

18 pt Bodoni

Type A personalities tend to be highly independent and enjoy change.

9 pt Bodoni

Type A personalities tend to be highly independent and enjoy change.

26 pt Gill Sans

26 pt Garamond



kerning Kerning is an adjustment of the space between two letters. The characters of the Latin alphabet emerged over time; they were never designed with mechanical or automated spacing in mind. Thus some letter combinations look awkward without special spacing considerations. Gaps occur, for example, around letters who’s form angle outward or frame an open space (W, Y, V, T). In metal type, a kerned letter extends past the led slug that supprts it allowing two

Impatient metric kerning

Ti me Oriented kerning between the Ti and me

fonts, the space between letter pairs is controlled by a kerning table created by the type design, letter combinations. Working in a page layout program a deisgner can choose to use metric kerning or optical kerning as well as adjusting the space between letters manually or desired. A well-designed typeface requires little or no additional kerning, especially at text sizes.

TRUTH FUL kerning between TRUTH and FUL


optical kerning

Competitiv e kerning between the v and e


kerning between S and TRE and SS

Metric kerning uses the kerning tables that are built into the typeface. When you select metric kerning in your page layout program, you are using the spacing the spacing that was intended by the type designer. Metric kerning usually looks good, especially at small types. Cheap novality fonts often have little or no built in kerning and will need to be optically kerned. Optical kerning is executed automanically by the page layout program rather than using the pairs addressed in the fonts kerning table, optically kerning assesses the shapes of all characters and adjusts the spacing where ever needed. Some graphic designers apply optical kerning to headlines and metric kerning to text. You can make this kerning as a part of your character styles.


[ tracking

heart disease lower case, normal tracking

high blood pressure

side effects of having a type A personality

lower case, loose tracking (+75)

Social Isolation italics, normal tracking

Diabetes italics, loose tracking (+75)

ALIENATION upper case, normal tracking

JOB STRESS uppter case, loose tracking (+75)

Adjusting the overall spacing of a group of letters is called tracking or letter spacing. By expanding the tracking across a word, line, or entire block of text, the designer can created a more airy, open creating a subtle effect not noticable to the casual reader. Occasionally a single word or phrase is tracked for emphasis, especially when CAPS or SMALL CAPS are used within a line.


line spacing The distance from the baseline of one line of type to another is called line spacing. It is also called leading, in reference to the strips of lead used to separate lines of metal type. The default setting in most layour and imagine software is 120 percent of the type size. Thus 10-pt type is set with 12 pts of line spacing. Designers play with line spacing in order to create distinctive typographic arrangements. Reducing the standard distance creates a denser typographic color, while risking collisions between ascenders and descenders. Expanding the line spacing creates lighter, more open text block. As leading increases, lines of type become independent graphic elements rather than parts of an overall visual shape and texture. Physical characteristics of someone with a type A personality include facial tension, tongue clicking or teeth grinding, dark circles under the eyes, and facial sweating. 8 pt type, 6 pt line spacing

Physical characteristics of someone with a type A personality include facial tension, tongue clicking or teeth grinding, dark circles under the eyes, and facial sweating. 8 pt type, 7.2 pt line spacing

Physical characteristics of someone with a type A personality include facial tension, tongue clicking or teeth grinding, dark circles under the eyes, and facial sweating. 8 pt type, 8 pt line spacing

Physical characteristics of someone with a type A personality include facial tension, tongue clicking or teeth grinding, dark circles under the eyes, and facial sweating. 8 pt type, 12 pt line spacing


10 11

capitals and small capitals

20 pt lower case


20 pt s capitals

Type A personalities typically multi-task and take on more than they can handle.

20 pt small caps


A word set in ALL CAPS within running text can look big and bulky, and A LONG PASSAGE SET ENTIRELY IN CAPITALS CAN LOOK UTTERLY INSANE. small capitals are designed to match the x-height of lowercase letters. Designers, enamored with the squarish proportions of true small caps, employ them not only within bodies of text but for subheads, bylines, invitations, and more. Rather than Mixing Small Caps with Capitals, many designers prefer to use all small caps, creating a clean line with no ascending elements. InDesign and other programs allow users to create false SMALL CAPS at the press of a button; these SCRAWNY LETTERS look out of place.




Type A personalities typically multi-task and take on more than they can handle.


500 pt Helvtica

A well designed comma carries the essence of the typeface down to its delicious details. Helvetica’s comma is a chunky square mounted to a jaunty curve, while Bodoni’s is a voluptuous thin stemmed orb. Designers and editors need to learn various typographic conventions in addition to mastering the grammatical rules of punctuation. A pandemic error is the use of straight prime or hatch marks (often called dumb quotes) in place of apostraphies in quotation marks (also known as curly quotes, typographers quotes, or smart quotes). Double and single quotation marks are represented with four destinct characters, each accessed with a different key stroke combination. Know thy keystrokes! It usually falls to the designer to purge the clients manuscript of spurious punctuation.



0 pt H



B ty

f sh a p e o

t e




line width line width means how wide a text block formated. narrow text blocks tend cut words off unless the type is formated to be smaller. while, wider text blocks will give one longer lines and be more relaxed to read.

type B personalities are generally calm and do not anger easily. they also take their time when accomplishing tasks.

13pt, 3’’ wide

type B personalities are generally calm and do not anger easily. they also take their time when accomplishing tasks. 9pt, 3’’ wide

13pt, 1’’ wide

type B personalities are generally calm and do not anger easily. they also take their time when accomplishing tasks.


9 pt, 1’’ wide

type B personalities are generally calm and do not anger easily. they also take their time when accomplishing tasks.


it the norm for newspapers and books. ugly gaps can occur, however, as text is forced into lines of even measure. avoid this by using a line length that is long enough in relation to the size of the type. as type gets smaller, more words will

can weaken the hard right edge.

illusion of a random, natural edge without resorting to excessive hyphenation.











type B personalities are meant to contrast with type A within this p s y c h o l o g i c a l theory. people with type B personalities generally have lower stress levels than those of type A personalities.

type B personalities are meant to contrast with type A within this psychological theory. people with type B personalities generally have lower stress levels than those of type A personalities.

choosing to align text in

type B personalities are meant to contrast with type A within this psychological theory. people with type B personalities generally have lower stress levels than those of type A personalities.


columns is a fundamental typographic act. each mode of alignment carries unique formal qualities, cultural associations, and aesthetic risks.

centered text

centered lines of uneven length on a central axis

central text is formal and classical. it invites the designer to break a text for a sense and create elegant, organic shapes. centering is often the simplest and most intuitive way to place a typographic element. used without care, centered text can look staid and mournful, like a tombstone.

poorly shaped text block in most uses, centered text should be broken into phrases with a variety of long and short lines.

authors may sometimes cast their characters so that together they may actively interpret their passage of text. The invention of the printed word imposed a new spatial order on the written word, in contrast with the more hard and soft, industrial and natural, planning and chance, that underlie all typographic composition.


vertical text roman letters are designed to sit side by side, not on top of one another. this orientation. the simplest way to make a line of latin text vertical is to rotate the text from horizontal to vertical. this creating a vertical axis. stacked letters are like spines, and lowercase stacked causes scolisosis. stacks of lowercase letters are especially awkward because the ascenders and descenders make the vertical spacing appear uneven, and the varied width of the characters makes the stacks look precarious (the letter I is a perennial problem). capital letters form more stable stacks than lowercase letters. centering the column helps to even out the differences in width. many asian writing systems, including Chinese, are traditionally written vertically; the square shape of the characters supports this orientation. the simplest way to make a line of latin text vertical is to rotate the text from


sitting on a line while creating a vertical axis.


A T I V E e

p r o c r a s t i n a t e s s



r e l a x e d


racteristics of type B personal




designers experiment with extreme line spacing to create distinctive typographic textures. open spacing allows designers to play with the space between the lines, while tight spacing creates intriguiding, sometimes uncomfortable, collisions.

ei n db an

t he


jo en




v tra







14 pt, 9 pt line spacing

t hey tend to t a ke t hings ver y persona lly wh en dis lik ed .


they often ref lect type B personalities are not competative.

and ponder. when faced with competition they either do

frequently not mind losing or are passive. they also

thinking about enjoy achievement, yet do not become

inner and outer distressed when it is not aquired.

worlds. 23

and where a sentence breaks. when reading a line that has been broken down into two or more lines we naturally pause and reset at the beginning of the next line. this pause, that is in fact a creation of the pot and in some cases the designer is not just an arbitrarily executed decision, can effect the way a something a designer should be well aware of their control over.


When I heard the learn’d astronomer,

When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them,

When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,

How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick,

Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself,

In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,

Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars. Walt Whitman




the text

d i v i d i n g


beginning paragraphs

In the beginning of a text, the reader needs an invitation to come inside. Enlarged capitals, also called versals, commonly mark the entrance to a chapter in a book or an article in a magazine. Many medieval manuscripts are illuminated with elaborately painted rubrics. This tradition continued printed pages, making mass produced books retsemble manuscripts, which were more valuable than printed books. Initials soon became part of typography. A printer could set them together with the main text in wood blocks or cast lead characters, or add them with a separate process such as engraving. Today, enlarged caps are easily styled as part of a publication’s typographic system.

dropped subtitles

The letter D in Designers sometimes adapt type D personality the drop cap convention for actually stands for “distressed�. other purposes. Purely typo-

graphic alternatives are also possible, such as inserting a title or subtitle into space carved from the primary text block. Such devices mobilize a familiar page structure for deverse and sometimes unexpected uses.

dropped capitals


esigners sometimes adapt the drop cap convention for other purposes. Purely typographic alternatives are also possible, such as inserting a title or subtitle into space carved from the primary text block. Such devices mobilize a familiar page structure for deverse and sometimes unexpected uses.

In this paragraph, the enlarged capitals sit on the same baseline as the text that block in small capitals helps smooth the transition between the initial and the text.


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indentation alternatives

Paragraphs do not occur in nature. Whereas !!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$% sentences are grammatical without units *&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!! intrinsic to the spoken language, indent or $!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!! indentation alternatives paragraphs are a literary convention designed to divide masses of content @!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!! into appetizing portions. Indents have been !!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!! common since the seventeenth century. Adding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!! space between paragraphs (paragraph spacing) is another standard device. !#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*% ###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^ A typical indent is an em space, or a quad unit of space roughly the width of the letter’s cap ^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$% height. An em is thus proportional to the size of $#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*& the type; if you change the point size or column &*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! width, the indents will remain appropriately scaled. Alternatively, you can use the tab key !!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&* to create an indent of any depth. A designer %^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$ might use this technique in order to align the %^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!& indents with a vertical grid line or other page $%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of a body text. An indent signals a break or *&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!! separtion; there is no need to make break !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!! when the text has just begun. ^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!# #!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$# !!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!! !!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^% !@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&& !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$# !^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!! !!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&* &@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^ $!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!### !!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^% !!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$% !!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!! !^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$ !!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*& *$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@* ^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!! ^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@! !!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^ %$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!! &^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$ !#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!! $!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!! !#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$% !@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!! ^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^& !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!! *%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!! $%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^ #!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!& !!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$ !!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^& %^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!! %!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^ !!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&** #!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^ &^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@ *%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!30 $!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$# %^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$ !!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Although having a type D personality increases stress and health risks to one’s life there are ways to cope with the negativity that one might experience. For example, going to regular therapy sessions to talk about life issues and working hard to create a structured life that promotes social interaction and healthy friendships.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^ ^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$ ^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$ ^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$# !!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!### !#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!% %^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&* @$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!! Although having a type D !!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@ personality increases stress and health &^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! risks to one’s life there are ways to cope !!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!! with the negativity that one might !!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!! experience. For example, going to regular therapy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^ sessions to talk about life issues and working hard to create ^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^% a structured life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$ that promotes social interaction and^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$ healthy friendships. ^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$# !!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!### !#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!% %^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&* @$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!! !!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@ &^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!! Although having a type D personality increases stress and health risks to one’s life there are ways to cope with the negativity that one might experience. For example, going to regular therapy sessions to talk about life issues and working hard to create a structured life that promotes social interaction and healthy friendships.


ornamental division

Division of paragraphs can be done by placing ornaments or rules in between each paragraph. Ornamental Division can be utilized to give simple text layouts more stylistic and in some case more traditional and old style qualities. Units forming borders and ornaments were considered essential in even the earliest forms of printing, but whenever used successfully were used fearlessly.

Type D personality is yet another concept within

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^ this “type� have a tendency to be neurotic and often &**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#! experience negative emotions such as depression, $$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!& @!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$ People with type D personality tend to be very %^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!! reserved about their emotions for fear of rejection or !#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!! disapproval. !!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!! #$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!## Similarly to type A personalities, type D #!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!! personalities have an increased risk in health !!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!! issues. About 21% of the population are type D !!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!! personalities and about 18%-53% are cardiac !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!! patients. !!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!# ##!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!! !!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!!!!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$!###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!&@!%$%^&*$#!!!!! 32 !!!!#$%^&**&^%^!&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*&^%^&*%@$ !###!!!#!$$!#$%^&&!^%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!



color Color is probably the one ingredient designers often get wrong, overdo, or give the least amount of thought. Yet a well-chosen color palette can connect with viewers more quickly and with more intensity than almost any other element of your layout. Color can resonate with or put off viewers regardless of the rest of the layout and design. When colors are unsuitable, garish, or confusing, your layout may establish an initial dissonance with your audience that will set the overall tone of their encounter with your content. With this in mind use color as wisely as possible.

Type A type b TYPE D

Type A type b TYPE D 33

The Type A and B personality theory way to show how behavior and mental state could affect one’s physical health. Cardiologists Mayer Friedman and Ray type A personalities were more at risk to heart disease than type B personalities. Since then, the type D (“distressed”) concept has been created within the deal with more emotional or psychological issues.

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