Elisa Perrone _ Architecture portfolio 2011 - 2015

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architecture portfolio


E D UCATIO N 2015 2012



Date of birth






Passatge Bernardi Martorell 8 08001 Barcelona _ ESPANA

2014 2013

2012 2009

eliperro n e @h otm a i l.it +39 3406502838 +34 657258654 e l i s a - p e r ro n e ( s k y p e )


Citizenship Interests

I TA L I A N Travelling, design, reading, cinema, art, photography, food&wine, ecology, sustainability

2009 2005

Master degree in Architecture Polyt echnic of Milan (2 years) A rchit ect u re_int er ior d e si g n 10 3/110 " Mad r EAT cu lt u re, archit ect u re and food " Tu tor s: Rober to R iz z i and E n r iqu e B ar rera Exchange program Universidad Camilo JosĂŠ Cela A rchit ect u re, d esign and technology

Bachelor degree in Architecture Polytechnic of Turin (3 years) A rchit ect u re and t echnol o g y 10 2 /110 " How t he braz i l i an t er r itor y and t he favelas w i l l be t ransfor med wit h t he advent of t he Wor ld Cu p and t he Olympics Game? " Tu tor s: S ilvia Gron and F rancesca De Filippi

Scientific high school diploma Liceo A.Monti , Chieri (TORINO) 91/10 0

W OR K EXPRIE N CE oct jun

jan jun

2014 2014

2012 2012

2011 oct 2009 jul


DNA Barcelona & Patners Gran Via de los Cortes Catalanes 794 0 8 0 13 Ba rce lo n a ( Spa in ) Creating presentation, preliminary designs, 2D technical drowings, develop 3D models and preparing images for different projects.

Studio tecnico Navone e associati Vi a Ba retti 25, To rin o ( Italy) Preliminary designs, 2D technical drowings, study for rehabilitation of apartments.



Study trip collaborator B arcelona Caminando Barcelona Landscape architecture



Architectural project exibition Polyt hecnic of Milan The district Bovisa in Milan. Recent changes and projects for the railway station and squares


F.lli Perrone s.n.c. Via Barge 101, Bagnolo Piemonte (Italy) Preliminary designs, 2D technical drowings, invoice and accounting.

LA N GUAGES italian




mother language

C1 Level

IELTS 5.5 (B2)

A2 Level

Autocad 2D Autocad 3D Archicad Photoshop InDesign Illustrator After Effect SketchUp Pro V-ray 3D Max Office Suite Mac OS X Windows

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A cademic W orks 6

M Ad r E AT g rad u at i on th e s is Interior design studio


Residences in Tetuan Ma drid ( Spain) Architectural studio


New port of Stavanger (Norway) Architectural studio


Senior Residence Cadorago (Italy) Architectural design and preservation studio



Bovisa train station Theatre of Marcello Milan (Italy) Rome (Italy) Architectural studio A rc h i t e c t u r e re p re s e n ta t i o n


Living the Tortuosities Novalesa (Italy) Architectural studio


Thatched house Treviso (Italy) Architectural studio

A cademic W orks

[ M. Sc thesis


Academic year 2013_2014 ]

EAT Architecture, culture and food Location Tutors I Studio I

The Madrid Fronton Beti-Jai re development project comes from the necessity to restore and return this precious achi tecture to the City. It is not merely a funcional project, but it is the real reconneccion of a space which once was consider an unavoidable place that meets the fervid urban pattern and the relationships that hold up the comunity. Food and architecture, a d uo does not look to have so mething in common, but in reality it conceals the importance of the roots of place; the ti ght bond between enviroment, landscape and urbanism. Digging into the collective memory to bring to light the real values, forgotten for too long, and taste their modernity again.

I Madrid (Spain) Roberto Rizzi_Enrique Barrera Architecture_interior design

El Fronton Beti Jai (Always Party in Basque) is an ancient sports installation in the Spanish city of Madrid, now in ruins. It was built in the last decade of the nineteenth century and in 1991 received the statement monument of historical heritage of Spain. In 1977 and 1991 he opted to be classified as a Cultural category was expected to acquire by the end of 2005 and eventually won the February 10, 2011, the day after the publication of the statement in the Official Bulletin the Community of Madrid (BOCM). The Fronton Beti Jai is located at number 7 of Calle Marques de Riscal, near the Paseo de la Castellana, in the Madrid district of Chamberí. It occupies a plot of 3609 sqm and built area reaches 10 800 m². It is made in different styles, including most notably the eclecticism of the main facade, the neomudéjar present in some parts of the interior and feature iron architecture of the nineteenth century. Its core conforms a outdoor court, 67 m long, 20 m wide and 11 m high. Around the same the stands around the track in its eastern and southern sides, drawing a semi-elliptical extend.

Gastronomy is one of the largest economic activities in the world. We can find gastronomy anywhere we go, regardless of the geography, culture or race. It is been present since immemorial times, and for obvious reasons it will remain even when other macro economical activities start to fade. The cooking world has become more and more sophisticated and a new concept of cooking has been born, where investigation and research have become key to understand the present and future. the new paradigm of tourism is strong. The mass tourism has forced the industry to generate new specialized activities to satisfy the needs of all travelers.

BASEMENT market hall, exhibition area, cafeteria and a greenhouse teaching

GROUND FLOOR Common kitchens, exhibition area, restaurant and greenhouse teacing.

FIRST FLOOR Classrooms, relax area, of exhibition area and greenh

This project doesn’t aim for destroying the existing architecture; old and new coexist on two corresponding levels, including each others, completing each other, and enriching the complex. This goes with the space versatility which represent the consequence of the respect on the building. A versatile environment is a dynamic environment, able to change its function and its fruition, keeping at the same time its own identity.

ffices, house

SECOND FLOOR Students residendence, library and greenhouse teacing.

THIRD FLOOR Students residendence, library and greenhouse teacing.

There’s a reason why we have chosen this specific proposal among the wide possibility we had to requalify this building. We believe in the authenticity of this message, which will be developed in the project: it gives Europe an example to follow. Rediscover dusty and forgotten values, hidden in the basements of gorgeous abandoned places.

[ Architectural Studio 7


Academic year 2013_2014 ]

TETUAN Mand de urban fabric Location Tutors I

In the Tetuan district there is a ground in the middle of a big block. It was necessary stitch the urban area using the idea of a fil rouge. The objective was create a flexible space using containers, eather for houses eather for public services. Every mod ulo could be compo sed among them and it’s positioned in a architecture of vertical crossbar. This architecture could be use as a support for the containters or used as a tree or lampposts for illumination. Key words: sustainable, ecolo gy, felixibility of the space and community.

I Madrid (Spain) Arturo Blanco Herrero

"Meeting the needs of today without sacrifi cing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Our Common Future The concept of flexibility arises as a fundamental condition, albeit not sufficient, for sustainability. Adaptability, the ability to grow, the use of local materials, reusable and easily available materials are the basis of sustainable and eco-friendly architecture. The use of conteiners it is a perfect way to create a flexible space, easy to change and modelling according to the requirements.

[ Architectural Studio 6


Academic year 2013_2014 ]

STAVANGER Residence and Harbor equipage Location Tutors I

Stavanger is a littel town in southern Norwey, and the goal of this project is the rehabilitation of a old port which has been abandoned for years. The project involves the construction of residences, with different types of apartments, common services like kindergarten for the children of the neighborhood and a covered market. Moreover the aim is to rivive the port building equipament of the port, a refuge for boats and a sail school, and will be added others attraccions such as an auditorium, a cooking school and restaurants.

I Stavanger (Norway) Joaquin Lopez Vaamonde

"Sustainable architecture is the only one possible, otherwise it is not only architecture but commercialization of new prod ucts". Glenn Murcutt The project for the new residence complex have been carefully placed and studied in order to the fully respect of the original site. We chose wood, X-Lam structure, as the primary material to make the new structures significatly integrated with the context. The complex is not only a contemporary architecture but a social and cultural space which can satisfy the society

[ Interior design and Preservation studio


Academic year 2012_2013 ]

CADORAGO Rehabilitation project Location Tutors I

The objective of this project was the conversion of some old houses in Cadora go, into a Seniors Residence. It is an housng estate, composed from three differents buildings. The spaces are small and nar rows; the goal was to create adapted spaces for the seniors either for the private rooms ei ther for the commons room. The finale result is a simple but creative design. Each elemen ts, the geometrics volumes, the distribution system, remains clearly recognizable.

I Cadorago (Italy) Michele Ugolini, Rossana Gabaglio

The volumes make it possible, to invert a new kind of spaces. The "wall" as the only element of separation was abolished. What is created is a new concept of space: space loops, permeable space, flexible space to every need.

The Box: meeting between old and new. Within the existing buil ding is lowered a added volume that will contain a small reading room available to the city. This volume is completely independent existing from the casing.

[ Architectural design studio 1


Academic year 2012_2013 ]

TRAIN STATION Reenlargement project Location Tutors I

The district of Bovisa, a former ind ustrial area in the Northern outskirts of Milan, has undergo ne a deep transformation sice the second half of the 19th cen tur y, when many facories were dismissed and moved. Yje nei ghborhood was slowly transformed into a residential suburb, where however the signs of its ind ustrial past remained evident within the urban fabric. The district has later experienced a process of deep renoval, thanks to some major activities: the Politecnico di Milano played an important role of this process. From this moment on, the sta tion became one of the most important hubs of Milan.

I Milan (Italy) Daniele Vitale, Paola Cofano, Antonella Cabassi

The train station is the building that characterizes the traveler, the one who arrives in a place, visit it and captures the suggestions. A train station is not only a transit point for passengers but also a place to stop. The "arrival" is therefore the starting point, it is the beginning of a journey, it is the generating element of sensations of a place.

[ Architectural Representation 1


Academic year 2012_2013 ]

MARCELLO Architectonic design Location Tutors I

The district of Bovisa, a former ind ustrial area in the Northern outskirts of Milan, has undergo ne a deep transformation sice the second half of the 19th cen tur y, when many facories were dismissed and moved. Yje nei ghborhood was slowly transformed into a residential suburb, where however the signs of its ind ustrial past remained evident within the urban fabric. The district has later experienced a process of deep renoval, thanks to some major activities: the Politecnico di Milano played an important role of this process. From this moment on, the sta tion became one of the most important hubs of Milan.

I Rome (Italy) Antonella Cabassi

The theatre of Marcellus is one of the most famous monuments in Rome for the unique conservation and the austere and solemn architecture, very similar to the Colosseum with which it shares the same quality of stones used for the construccion. The theater of Marcellus was located next to the temple of Apollo; It is begun by Julius Caesar and completed a few years later by Augustus who dedicates and consecrates him in 13 or 11 BC his nephew Marcello.

“C’est ce neveu d’Auguste immortel à cause de quelques vers de Virgile “Tu Marcellus eris!”. Ce grand poète les lut en prèsence d’Octavie qui venait de perdre ce fils si aimable”. [STENDHAL, Promenades dans Rome]

[ Architectural studio 3


Academic year 2011_2012 ]

TORTUOSITIES Re-live the mountain landscape Children Greenfarm and residence Location Tutors I

A greenfarm to ed ucate children and to relieve a small mountain hamlet, as the ancient village of Novalesa. The people looking to reinvent themselves to survive, creating opportunities for turism and founding an innovating architecture that breaks eith the contruccion practices common last fifty years, and instread recovery aspect of traditional build. The project looks to the future of the township starting from what already exists, with an intervention of regeneration and reuse of three abandoned buildings.

I Novalesa (Italy) Roberto Dini, Alessandro De Paoli, Michela Penna, Alice Zorzetting, Emanuele Protti.

In the design of buildings with X-LAM system, the choice of different materials and the definition of construction components takes place according to the criteria of green building and energy conservation. The use of wood in the main structure and non-structural components, from the point of view of sustainability, means using a renewable material.

[ Architecture and Contruction design studio 3


Academic year 2011_2012 ]

HOUSE Build Bioclimatic with thatch

Location Tutors I

The bioclimatic archi­t ec­t ure has a con­n ec­t ion to Nature. Build­ing designs that take into account cli­mate and envi­ron­men­tal con­ di­t ions to help achieve optimal ther­m al com­fort inside. It deals with design and archi­ t ec­ t ural ele­ments, avoid­ing com­pl ete depen­dence on mechan­i­cal sys­t ems, which are regarded as sup­port. The building sector is respo nsible for almost 40% of energy consumption worldwide. The red uction of energy consumption can be achieved with methods and techniques as simple as the proper orientation of the buildin g and efficient systems both passive and active. For the building envelope I used the straw, which is sustainable both economically and ecologically.

I Treviso (Italy) Mario Voerzio, Stefano Sarti

The building has a structure in straw combined with a suppor ting structure made of wood: a technique called "Post and Beam". The major advantages of this technique is the speed of construction, a transmittance between 0.1 and 0.12 W / mqK and an excellent air and fire tightness.

35 100


Sru ttu ra p ortan te i n l e gno

Woo d be a r i n g s t r u ct u re 15 x 5 c m

P l as ter l ayer 2 cm Wo o den s tri p s for the bondi n g of t h e pla s t e r B a les of s t raw 100 x 50 x 35 cm

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