Bunnytownspring spies

Page 1

Bunny Spies

Materials Color printer Heavyweight paper • Cutting tools • Tape • •

Note: Cutting intended for grown-ups only.

Instructions 1

Print out the 3 Bunny Spy pages on heavyweight paper. Set aside to dry.


Cut out each bunny, cutting just inside the dotted line. Don’t forget to cut out their little feet!

Bunny Tip: If you’re going to position a Spying Bunny in a place where its back will be seen, print out the Bunnytown background page, paste it to the back, and cut it out in the same shape as the bunny.


Fold back the bottom area at the straight line, leaving the feet out to hang.


Tape the Spying Bunnies on any surface (wall, table, TV, etc.)





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Bunnytownspring spies by Elisa Rundeddu - Issuu