Front cover: Fragments
Candidate Number
Written Min
nd Map
Visual Mind
d Map
contact sheet
respon texture
nce for es
responce fo
or portraits
Final Piece Title pag
Final photo shoot (c
contact sheet)
Final photo shoot si
simple edits of your black and white, hig gnette, iris blur.
imple edits x 6
r best photographs, gh contrast, vi-
Final photo shoot sp analysis
Multiple edits comb styles and technique
pecific edits and
bining different es
Final piece sketch p
Idea plan - produce a sketch o how many images will you in present the pieces? Explain y the piece is about, how does i does it relate to your research ence, why did you choose thi and add to book.
of final idea(s) – Consider nclude, layout and how you your final piece, explain what it relate to ‘Fragments’, how h etc. Explain your experiis final piece? Photograph
Final photo shoot re bination editing and
produce a range of d combining a range o editing techniques
efinement and comd analysis
developments of your strongest
Final piece maquett
Maquette(s) (small Produce a maquette idea. Photograph, a add to book
tes and analysis
scale model) – e showing your 3-D add analysis and
Final piece digital p ferent layouts)
Final Piece plan – Choose im then construct final piece. Co you will use, three or four are plates in our R4S folder.
plans (at least 3 dif-
mages/edits, resize and scale, onsider how many images e good options. Use tem-