Elisa Urbinati
Illustrator & Logo Artist
Elisa Urbinati is an Italian freelance illustrator based in Rome. She has studied illustration and graduated in painting at the Art Accademy of Rome. Using a wide range of techniques (traditional drawing, various painting techniques and digital art), she brings to life images whose roots dig into mythology, fables, folklore and gloomy atmospheres. With her images, she gives a modern interpretation of mythology, fables and folklore. She worked for the publishing and she also made artworks and logos for musical bands.
-2013 Logo for the folk metal band Oak Roots www.elisaurbinati.it -2013 Artwork for CD Mister Folk compilation vol. I elisa-urbinati@virgilio.it -2014 Logo for the folk metal band Folk Metal Jacket -2014 Logo for the irish band Antica Damhsa -2014 Logo for the atmospheric black metal band Eyelids -2014 Artwork for CD Mister Folk compilation vol. II -2015 Illustration for “Le leggende di Farhaven” edit by Specchio Nero Elisa Urbinati Illustration -2015 Artwork for CD Mister Folk compilation vol. III -2016 Logo for AfterLife elisa_urbinati_illustration -2016 CD artwork for Carabus, Lost in the Dreamworld -2016 Logo for Mondo e Cucina Blog -2016 Logo for Aita Atmospheric/Black metal band -2016 Artwork for Mister Folk compilation vol. IV -2016 Logo for Dean Deifir -2016 Logo for Taur-Im-Duinath -2016\17 Artwork for Folk Metal Jacket, Eulogy For The Gentle Fools -2017 Logo for Avoid the Light. -2017 Logo, CD Artwork & layout for Il Sogno di Ilse -2017 Collaboration with 7Nodi for the colletion “Edizioni d’Autore” -2016/17 CD Artwork & Layout for Blaze of Sorrow, Astri -2017 Artwork for the orchestral track “Castle of Dancing Bones” by Carabus -2017 Logo for ”Mister Folk Distro” Portfolio Index -2017 CD artwork for Insubria -2017 Artwork for CD Mister Folk compilation vol V -Relase -2017 CD Artwork\Ideogram and T-shirt design for Insubria -Cd Artwork -2018 January Cover art for “Amemi piace leggere” edit by Mondadori -Logos -2018 Logo for “Hurry Up!” -2018 CD Artwork & Layout for Il Giardino degli Specchi, Oltremare Personal Artworks -2018 Logo for Mister Folk (Figures, Landscapes, Abstract) -2018 T-shirt design for Ater Life -Ink -2017/18 CD Artwork & Layout for Blaze of Sorrow “Demos 2007” -Colors
-2018 Logo and CD Artwork for Sonum X -2018 CD Artwork and Layout for Mister Folk Compilation vol. VI -2018 Logo for Oltremondo.net -2019 Logo for Taiga Craft -2019 Logo for Mister Folk Radio -2019 Illustration & Layout for “Eloisa dalle ali d’oro” -2019 Logo for Margaryta Viktorivna -2019 T-shirt design for Sonum X “Days of Wolves”
Contacts & More
Artwork and Layout for: “Astri” by Blaze of sorrow
Artwork and Layout for: “Demos by Blaze of sorrow
Artwork and Layout for: “Nemeton Dissolve” by Insubria
Artwork and Layout for: “Oltremare” by Il Giardino degli Specchi
Artwork an T-Shirt Designe for: “Purifire” by Sonum X
Artwork for: “Eulogy for the Gente Fools” by Folk Metal Jacket
Artwork and Layout for: Mister Folk Comilation Vol.IV
Artwork and Layout for: “Lost in Dreamworld” by Carabus
Artwork and Layout for: “Nekyia” by Il Sogno di Ilse
T-Shirt designe for Insubria
T-Shirt designe forSonum X
CD Artwork: Astri
CD Artwork: Astri
CD Artwork: Astri
CD Artwork: Astri
CD Artwork: Demos
CD Artwork: Oltremare
CD Artwork: Purifire
CD Artwork: Eulogy For The Gentle Fools
CD Artwork: Mister Folk compilation Vol. VII
T-Shirt Designe for Insubia
T-Shirt Designe for Sonum X
Logo for Taiga Craft
Logo for Insubria
Logo for Avoid the Light
Logo for Aita
Logo for Il Sogno di Ilse
Logo for Taur im Duinath
Logo for Folk Metal Jacket
Logo for Antica Damhsa
Logo for Oltremondo.net
Logo for After Life
Personal Artwork Ink
Personal Artwork Ink Ink & Digital Painting
Personal Artwork Ink & Digital Painting
Personal Artwork Ink
Personal Artwork Digital
Personal Artwork Ink Ink & Digital Painting
Personal Artwork Ink
Personal Artwork Watercolor
Personal Artwork Watercolor
Personal Artwork Watercolor
Personal Artwork Watercolor
Personal Artwork Watercolor
Personal Artwork Oil
Personal Artwork Acrylic
Personal Artwork Oil
Personal Artwork Oil
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