Stockholm conference
Lövholmen urban waterfront, a former industrial area in Stockholm, is challenged by three urban planning pillar sectors; economy, social and ecology. Rediscovery of urban tradition and cultural fundamentals and also bringing in tertiary industry can make it an attractive place, revitalizing the area and waterfronts.
In the area, people are active in various creative activities. Economic values are at stake: builders want to demolish and build new, while others want to keep unique buildings and industrial history for its special character. Then there is the need for decontaminating the soil. How can we combine key issues like, re-use of historical buildings, respect social identity, economics and sustainability?
We envision an artistic neighborhood, facilitating unexpected collaborations where artists, innovators and investors share in business revenues. Being an experimental area for art, business and technology, stakeholders work together because they share the same interests.
Drawing from the pre existing infrastructures, the masterplan mends local identity and memory, focusing on citycentre connections, a cultural square, housing, offices and commercial buildings that are intertwined to nature through green-artistic corridors and microclimatic areas. Street network consists of resilient and permeable areas, facing the risks of climatic change without compromising the safety of all residents.
Lövholmen is a neighborhood in southern Stockholm where since 1860 several industries were established. The area, bounded by residential neighborhoods, is now experiencing an intensive urban development program which has led to a Structural Plan developed by Gehl Architects in 2020 that was turned down by the city’s council. Lövholmen is characterized by a strong industrial identity, with a nitro paint factory, the former carbon dioxide factory and a cement factory still operating, and by the environmental (Lake Trekanten), historical (heritage buildings), socio-cultural (hospital and cultural institutions), and spatial values that deserve to be promoted.
The inspiration for the initial idea was raised when knowing that some years ago, opposite of Lövholmen, on the island of Södermalm, the inhabitants tried to pass a resolution concerning killing the seagulls and destroying their nests. The seagulls were considered annoying to people swimming and having picnics. This inhuman and hateful act towards the wild fauna of the place was then translate to create an inclusive nest, as a shelter for diverse and unbiased people.
The name of the project combines the words Lövholmen and Näste (nest in Swedish) Lövholmesnästet. It is a way to talk about connections, build relationships with other living creatures and create spaces where to feel safe through a physical element, the red ribbon. The red ribbon is realized with a mix of recycled materials in a way to interact with the preserved buildings and allows to reach the main aims of the project that are:
preserving cultural heritage and enhancing culture and art; safeguarding natural resources through green and blue infrastructures (such as rain water gardens, green roofs, underground rainwater storage and community gardens) in a direct dialogue with the waterfront; - creating interconnection between people through multifunctional spaces public ar t, playgrounds and flexible uses.
The Frihamnen harbor is a post-industrial area in the east of the city of Stockholm. It is used by cruise ships and freight ships, transporting passengers and cargo. The municipality planned here 35.000 new apartments, balancing private and commercial activities, well connected with the city center. The development should support the ambitions of a climate smart and resilient city, living up to the UN agreements on climate, CO2 and biodiversity.
By using the Doughnut Economics concept of Kate Raworth (2012), with the underlying planetary boundaries of Johan Rockstrom (SRI), and the principles of life of the Biomimicry approach, we came to solutions that fit in the space where humanity can thrive while respecting the planetary boundaries.
Four solutions to the given challenges are elaborated:
1. Sustainable, recycled, affordable housing in cruise ships. Cruise ships with around 1000 cabins can be bought for 35mlln USD. Another 70 mln can be spent on renovations and still the houses will be 50% cheaper than average apartments.
2. Boost biodiversity by connecting the surrounding wood and park with a softened waterfront to create the ideal habitat for feeding, nesting and sheltering seaducks, waders, gulls and seabirds.
3. Keeping the historic landmarks in place to become a multifunctional cross border area: checkpoint, social and commercial functions combined.
4. Connecting the city by cable car to quickly transport up to 2000 visitors per hour from the cruise ships to the city center.
The ‘INnovative GArdens’ form a welcoming landscape both for tourists and residents, providing a connection between land and water. The green areas will benefit from artificial ponds that facilitate rainwater retention, by collecting the neighborhood runoff, and as a result reduce flood risk. The suggested plan prioritizes pedestrians and access to public transportation and aim to relocate Blivande and revitalize existing buildings, in order to preserve them.
INGA’s concept goes beyond innovative gardens; in Swedish, this word (‘inga’) means ‘no’. We suggest a sustainable landmark with statement ‘No pollution, no vibration, no noise, no demolition’ - a landmark where we use natural fibers and renewable energy sources aiming at self-sufficiency of the area and energy supply for cruiser ships, that can also result with noise and vibration reduction caused by moored ships.
Frihamnen has a great potential for energy generation throughout the year: solar and wind energy supply can alternate with the change of seasons. Our project plan is solidly based on the potential use of solar and wind energy and carefully studied data on weather conditions (insolation, wind direction and wind speed, in particular). The use of natural fibers is planned for acoustic isolation purposes. Wind power generation is provided by a wind turbine module located on top of the existing Silos structure.
Värtahamnen is in the east of the city as a part of a big transformation project, called Stockholm Royal Seaport, at the border of the Baltic Sea just in front of Lidingo isle.
Currently the site is completely mineral and artificial but lies between two large natural parks north and south. However, the area suffers from the lack of urban and green connections caused by some infrastructural barriers, such as railways and roads, and some differences in altitude. The waterfront is scarcely usable, nor does it generate relationships with other public spaces.
Our approach moves within the structure of existing urban plans and incorporates their fundamental principles, such as the holistic approach and the long-term vision to support sustainability on the planet.
In our concept, the municipality’s proposal remains a draft that can be modified by the operators without affecting the project. However, we want to make the future neighborhood more attractive with new blue and green infrastructures that can encourage people to walk and cycle, as a contribution to reducing the climate impact.
In a city of islands, our study area is an island in perception: lower than its surroundings, with a hard border marked by a dismissed railway, Värtahamnen is disconnected from the city and the nearby green areas, while keeping waterfront and buildings of historical interest out of the social and urban fabric. In addition, its sealed soil, the flooding issues, and the industrial uses nearby strengthen its character as a place of transition.
Acknowledging the centrality of port activities, and the increasing number of passengers reaching Stockholm by sea, the renewal of the area starts with the idea of transforming Värtahamnen into a place to stay. A creative harbor for different cultures to meet, to connect, to learn and create with respect to humans and nature. HAZARTS incorporates our vision for a neighborhood where our vulnerability to risks and hazards is displayed through art focusing on educating and raising awareness.
The intermediate – undefined - place opens to the water and the Baltic Sea and is transformed into a flexible, adaptable and multifunctional public and social space that: - restores the cohesion with the city, the green areas and the sea, preserves and integrates the Heritage buildings into the new development as part of a cultural corridor, integrates green-blue adaptable infrastructures that welcome/absorb the different forms of change coming from water (tourists/floods/sea level rise) in order to achieve social and ecological strengthening and resilience, - creates the field for the development of cultural and artistic activities to stimulate a new attitude towards change, vulnerability, coexistence and mutual interdependence.
KTH Royal Institute
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE)
Intercult (SE)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR)
Sapienza University of Rome (IT)
Alpha Consult (IT)
River//Cities Platform foundation (PL)
City of Gdańsk (PL)
Gdańsk University of Technology (PL)
Universidade Lusofóna de Humanidades e Tecnologias (PT)
Stichting CPO Noord-Holland - CPONH (NL)
Pedro Ressano Garcia
Katarina Larsen
Lina Suleiman
Iwona Preis
Pedro Ressano Garcia Piotr Lorens
Lars Magnus Joelsson Jenny Brolin Lea Levi Hugi Asgeirsson Cornelia Redecker
Gudrun Walla Saga Jernberg Östen Ekengren
Special thanks to: The city of Stockholm and especially, Camilla Edvinsson
Jenny Kjellgren Schonning Niklas Ymerson Martin Ottosson
Nils Brattgård (SE)
Metha Bregman (NL)
Shea Nee Chew (SE)
Ana Neiva (PT)
Elena Paudice (IT)
Magdalena Rembeza (PL)
Sri Pascarini Agustina (SE)
Tullia Valeria Di Giacomo (IT)
Tomasz Hoppe (PL)
Angelos Kottas (GR)
Letty Mora (SE)
Marina Causí Jiménez (PT) Karen Jonkers (NL)
Jacek Józekowski (PL)
Emma van der Saag (SE)
Malika Ashmarina (SE) Jakub Gorzka (PL)
Renata Carlos de Oliveira Goncalves (PT)
Androniki Fliatari (GR)
Paulina Bone (PL)
Claudia Mattogno (IT)
André Augusto Prevedello (PT)
Yuxin Pu (SE)
Martyna Varslavenaite (SE)
Natalia Chrysikou (GR)
Giulia Luciani (IT)
Henriette Nishimwe (SE)
Elisavet Papageorgiou (SE)
Isaac Simão Santo (PT)