Dog Food Work Book

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Brown Bag Dog Food

Package Design The hype stops here E Elise Burgess 3D Design

Brown Bag Introduction:

This project is meant to introduce students to package design through developing three design options for the same brief.


Students will choose one direction to develop from the pet food project brief. They will then research each of this options and develop the visual language of each brand by creating a mood board and demographic summaries for three directions. They will then go through two rounds of sketches, followed by two rounds of digital compositions. Students will receive credit for completing the required work for each class period on time.

Table of Contents 1-2 3-4 5-8 9-10 11-16 17-18 19-20 21-22 23-24

Project Brief Comprehensive Analysis Packaging Examples Word Map Mood Boards 1, 2, 3 1st Sketches Tight Sketches Digital Compositions Final Rendition

Brown Bag

Simple Outrage, Brand name, Marketplace, Research Findings

Simple Outrage:

You’re confused. Heck, we’re confused. If you believed everything you read on pet food packages your head would never stop spinning. Let’s stop the madness. Brown Bag is dedicated to stripping away the propaganda from pet nutrition. Brown Bag won’t tell you in 300 words what could be said in 30. We won’t use every crack-pot theory as an excuse to sell you something new. And, sorry, they’ll be no crepe suzettes for Fido. What will we do? Provide everything your pet needs, and nothing they don’t. Respond to breakthroughs in basic truths. Simplify your journey down the pet food aisle. It shouldn’t be this complicated. Pets still need what their ancestors did: meat and protein. If they have health issues, there are simple nutritional solutions. Everybody will give you a story. Brown Bag will give you the truth.

BRAND NAME: Brown Bag THEME LINE: The hype stops here. PRODUCT NAMES: Beef, Straight & Simple Pork, Straight & Simple Fish, Straight & Simple Puppy Food Mature Dog Weight Loss


elise burgess 3d g r a p h i c d e s i g n


In looking at the current pet food marketplace, it is apparent that a superior (or even equity) product coupled with a strong brand will be successful. How the product is positioned, and formulated, must be closely connected. How the product is branded and promoted also must closely connect to the core brand strategy. Most of the current brands populate the same space in the market: nutrition and health. As good as some of the products may be, this does not allow them to differentiate from the competition. The result is a crowded market without fierce loyalty and distinct market leaders. There are strong selling products, but not one powerful brand. Most of the current brands are rational, and not emotional. They focus on specifications of their product, and not on the emotional reasons people buy products. The book “Emotional Branding” by Marc Gobe points out that ‘...some brands create emotional connections with consumers, while others leave people cold. There are functional brands like Radio Shack or Kmart, and there are emotional brands, such as Apple and Target that galvanize loyalty. The difference is the personal connection these brands have with consumers through the strength of their culture and the uniqueness of their brand imagery’.

Research Findings:

Independent pet store owners are true animal enthusiasts, and logically have become gatekeepers of information for their customers. When you go to a bike shop to look at bikes, you are going to rely on the manager or sales people for information and recommendations on which bike style, brand, and configuration would be best for your needs and budget. The same process occurs at ski shops, hardware stores, and Nordstrom. The independent pet store owner and staff are major influencers of purchase decisions, and can positively (or negatively) affect the success of a product. People view their pets as part of their family. There’s a joke about the fact that it costs $300,000 to raise a kid these days, but the only one happy to see you when you get home is your $25 dog. Pets help to make a house a home, and research has indicated that owning a pet reduces stress and can lengthen lifespan. The bond that exists between the species is powerful, and largely ignored by the other natural pet food brands. Product purity is a key attribute and decision maker/ breaker. If independent pet store owners and their customers are convinced that a brand is committed to providing them with products that feature a high protein to fat ratio, include no chicken fat, and have avoided filler and ‘nothing that is not needed’, then it will be a great success. They want to trust the brand to do the right thing.


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Brown Bag Competitive Analysis: Wellness is “Simple Food Solutions”. Great brands are focused brands. Nike is about performance. Starbucks is about coffee. Volvo is about safety. The reason that Wellness has been successful is that it clearly identifies what it thinks is important, and avoids confusion with extraneous positioning or communication. Royal Canin is “Pure, natural, nutrition”. But, they are also “Knowledge and respect.” The umbrella for this brand is their 30+ year commitment to the careful development of specially formulated products for dogs and cats. They enjoy fierce loyalt for their products, but suffer from a soft and changing position. Natural Balance is “The food for a lifetime.” The personal touch from a credible endorser has worked wonders for some great brands, but in this case the connection is suspect and the credibility is questionable. In addition, the product line is very broad and diverse (dry, canned, rolls, RAW, vegetarian, treats), which may lead to confusion and a fuzzy brand position. This makes it hard to believe they are really an “ultra premium” product when they do so many things, and brand themselves in such an amateur manner.


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Natural Choice from Nutro has products for dogs (“Healthyskin. Shiny coat. Vitality”) and cats (“Everything your cat needs in one bag”). This brand, and Nutro as the company, are focused on the science and experience they used to develop their products, and how this makes them better for your pets. The name fits the brand, promising to give consumers more options so they can fine tune the products they use to their pet’s needs. Hills’ Science Diet is the “Global leader in pet nutrition”, which sounds both impressive and intimidating. The logo looks like a seal of approval, and the name reinforces their attempt to build a leadership brand. They try hard to be the experts in the category through the content on their website and packaging. Iams is “Good for today - Good for life”, then uses photos of people on exercise equipment in their homes. Why aren’t they outside running / walking their dog (who is shown pleading with their fitness-obsessed owner to go outside). The brand is cute and consumer-like. Packaging is bold and distinctive, supporting the name. Eukanuba is “What healthy pets are made of”.

Branding: Borrowing the same logo as Iams, this brand is positioned as the ultimate in pet nutrition, along with everyone else. Designed as a consumerfriendly brand, the packaging is distinguished by the color pink and far too much information and bad design. You’ve got to love this product to put up with it. Natura makes several products, and is proud to make the rather obvious claim that “Nature is better.” Their Innova product is packaged in silver metallic paper and reminiscent of oven-safe food bags. They use only ingredients that humans would eat, which is a bit scary if you spend any time in McDonalds. Merrick is an interesting brand to say the least. This family-run business is all about personality, and sharing their beliefs. The packaging is sophisticated but misdirected. Product names are catchy but corny. Type selection is tasteful, but there’s far too much information, which results in a confusing stew. Consumers may not buy the product simply because they find the packaging too marketing-driven which may make the product quality more suspect. Besides, isn’t a brand that puts five stars in its logo trying just a little too hard?

Once we agreed on where we wanted to locate the brand, the next step was to develop brand positions that would support these strategies. Following that we built a list of brand naming concepts for each of these positions. The following pages reflect our initial round of concepts. We’ve provided rationale for each position and naming protocol, as well as preliminary ideas for brand tag lines and product sku names. These are intended as thought starters, and we hope to use them to move quickly forward, test our basic assumptions about the market, and build a collaborative and successful brand solution.


elise burgess 3d g r a p h i c d e s i g n

Brown Bag


Packaging Examples Learning Summary

Each of these designs are successful because they show the principles and elements of design. Each of the product lines are cohiesive and show a good use of balance. I learned while you are designing packaging when you repeate ideas throughout the product line it creates more unity throughout. Also color choice made a large impact on the items I chose. Each of these products show a good example of matching the idea of their line with a color that can go with it. Each of these designs are so different but they are so creative. I loved looking thought the endless possibilities of examples and it inspired me to continue working on my own package desgn.



The product line looks very cohesive and the colors go well together to keep the theme. The layout is successful and the design shows alignment.


This package design looked creative and cohesive. I thought that the image helped to promote the line and I thought that the typography had good hiearchy even thought the picture took up a lot of the space. The typeface was affective.


I thought this was a successful design because of the clean and easy to ready layout. It states all of the health benifits in the bottom column. The hiearchy of the typography is successful and the color choice matched what i want to do for my final.


This design went well with my concept but i also liked the layout of the deisgn. I thought that the hiearchy of the design was clear and appealing. I liked how it didn’t add any of the extra propoganda and I also thought that the picture of the tree portrayed organic without the design streaming it was.




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05. I thought that this product design was successful because


of the emphasis on typography. It has a successful hiearchy in the design which helped it stand out more than others I looked at. 06. This packaging line is successful because it portrays the

idea of natural wich I’m working on in my piece. The packaging clearly states what the backage is and the name and ideas behind it without shouting at you to buy the item. I like the color choice of the forest green overall I feel like the line is very cohesive. 07. I think the simplicity of this design is very affective. The


light etching on the bottle shows that its a natural product and the color choices are promoting the product as well as the natural fiber for the tie to hold the card. 08. I thought that each of these lables portrayed Wholesome

Harvest in a successful way. Each of the tags are so different, it shows that there’s always another way to show your information. Each of them have good typography that match the title and the purpose. 09. This design makes me want to have a blister. It is so simple

and it tells you exactly what it is. The typography is successful with the non serif font nad the serif font together.


10. This package line shows cohesion and unity which is very

successful. The same shapes are repeated which helps the unity in the designs. The black background also brings unity to the design and the typeface works perfect for the design. 11. This packaging makes me want to buy the product because

it looks so beautiful. The color choice looks appealing. The idea of the humming bird tea bag is very creative and unique. The package also has minimal words which makes it successful and clean. 10.


11. 09.


elise burgess 3d g r a p h i c d e s i g n

Brown Bag Packaging Examples Learning Summary

Each of these examples show a creative way of displaying images and pictures for product design. I have never designed products but I’m always looking at the designs in the store. I’m learning that in most cases you have a certian amount of information that you have to put on your product and you have to organize it in a creative way and still show what the product is meant for. All of these designs do a good job at showing the information and also sticking to the theme. At the beginning I picked a lot of dog food packaging because honestly I didn’t know a lot about it. I don’t really like dogs, Im actually allergic. I thought the designs that were a little more playful and still organized were affective because when I think of dogs i think of playful animals. These designs showed to me that you can be as creative with typography as you want.


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Brown Bag Word Map

Gender Neutral, Activities


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Feminine, Natural Chic

Masculine, Natural, Urban


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Brown Bag Masculine, Natural, Urban

Branding Position

Brown Bag dog food company is focused on large dogs, they promise that their product will give customers the right nutrition to suport their pet. They don’t add any extra words or fancy designs to promote their product. What they sell is what you will recieve. The product is reliable so that is what people want.

Identity Positioning

This position advertises to males, they go into a store and grab the first bag that looks appealing and good for their dog. A


15% Female 85% Males Home with a backyard Primarily married Primarily have a home with a backyard Hobbies include outdoor activities, hunting, sports


This audience is focused on males who want nutrition for their dog and a good quality product. They have an expandable income and enjoy their days off where they can go out and spend time with their dogs. They are willing to spend a little extra money on a good product.


Design Elements

Outdoor, masculine, urban, hunting theme Darker toned colors


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elise burgess 3d g r a p h i c d e s i g n

Brown Bag Feminine, Natural, Chic

Branding Position

Brown Bag dog food company doesn’t use wordy language to try to sell a product. They know that their quality is good so they don’t have to state it all over the packaging. They have a fun design that makes being a pet owner enjoyable all the time.

Identity Positioning

This packaging is fun and straight forward. It will show information in an organized way to state to the buyer exactly what they are getting.


90% Female 10% Males Teenage and young adults who are primarily single. Apartment


This audience wants to spoil their pet without paying a high price and taking too much time to find a product. The package design is fun, appealing, and shows you what your recieving for your money.

Design Elements

Colors appeal to women and make it appealing and fun to own a dog.


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elise burgess 3d g r a p h i c d e s i g n

Brown Bag Gender Neutral, Natural, Activities

Branding Position

Brown Bag dog food is a company that wants to make buying dog food easier. They skip all of the confusion and propaganda. They sell you what you want and they give it to you in a clean functional package design.

Identity Positioning

This packaging will be too the point telling you exactly what you are going to recieve, promote family pets, show you the product has quality without screaming at you. A


80% Female 20% Males Average income willing to spend on a few things Family oriented House in the suberbs with a backyard Hobbies include family vacations, outdoor activities and spending time with the family.


This audience wants what is best for their pet, they don’t want to spend the time looking through the store to find the right dog food because they have a family to take care of. They are willing to spend a little more for a good dog food but they need something that will appeal to them quickly and will have a good quality. D

Design Elements

Colors that appeal to males and females, summertime feel, playful and happy feel.


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elise burgess 3d g r a p h i c d e s i g n

Brown Bag Sketches #1 Masculine, Natural Urban

These designs are meant to appeal to the outdoors, urban, natural guy. Although many of these designs would also appeal to women also. In each of these designs I wanted to use a natural color pallett and maybe use some wood textures.

Feminine, Natural Chic

These designs are obviously meant to appeal to women. Each of them has a very girly aspect about them. The company is brown bag so i will not let the decorative design take away from the overall look of the product.

Masculine, Natural, Urban


elise burgess 3d g r a p h i c d e s i g n

Gender Neutral, Natural, Activities

With the third option I wanted to focus my designs on a light background pattern. Then the design will not be shouting out and the consumer can focus on what product they are buying. I thought about making a cut out window on several of these designs. These designs are meant to be gender neutral.

Feminine, Natural, Chic

Gender Neutral, Natural, Activities


elise burgess 3d g r a p h i c d e s i g n

Feminine, Natural, Chic

Brown Bag Tight Sketches


Feminine, Natural, Chic

I think it is easily recognizable that I design better with the girly ideas. The idea for number one will incorporate some kind of curly design with the title easily recognizable. I want the color choices to portray the idea of brown bag with neutrals. The second idea incorporates the idea with a thick boarder of some kind to inclose the title. The designs for the feminine approach don’t necessarily have to target just women, some of my designs may be a little to decorative. The last idea shows that it is for a dog food company, but for the majority of these designs I want them to be focused on typography.


Masculine, Natural, Urban

I want to incorporate the use of typography. The images with the human and the dog are meant to show the relationship that these owners have with their dog. I think the first option is successful because it targets the audience I was aiming at. It has a clear title and it also shows the product inside. For the third idea I liked this emotional appeal it would have with the audience. I found it to be sucessful although I would want to do something additional with the title and add all of the information required.

Gender Neutral, Natural, Activities

The designs that work the best in this category are the little dog house pattern although it looks a little unclear right now. Also number two makeing a background out of words. For option number three use the footprints of the dog.


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Masculine, Natural, Urban .01






Gender Neutral, Natural, Activities


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Feminine, Natural, Chic With these designs I wanted them to portray girly but also maintain the idea of the brown bag design by not using anything that would destract from what the product is. I agree with the comments made in class, the package designs don’t have to be pink and curly to portray girly. In my next round of designs I want to use a more natural color pallet that matches the brown bag design.


Digital Comps

§§ §

§§ §§ Brown Bag §§


Brown Bag



The Hype Stops Here

Bag #1

On all of my designs I need to include more of the information because right now the images look like .02 posters rather than packaging design. On the first package I like the pattern in the background, I don’t think it needs the curly design in the center but overall I think it has a clean feel and it portrays the idea of brown bag design.

Bag #2

On this bag it too can be simplified. I like the vector of the bone but I think it can be incorporated in a different way. Overall it looks unfinished it needs more information on it.

Brown Bag

Bag #3

This packaging design is my favorite because I think that it portrays the idea of natural the best. Almost everyone I showed my design to told me that it looked like grains of rice. I also think that the typography looks the best in this design I would like to add more information to this bag and keep the same theme image of type .

Bag #4

I thought that the forth bag went well with the concept of the girly, natural, chic but no man would buy this product. In my next design I want to make it more gender neutral and still hint at women for the target audience.


elise burgess 3d g r a p h i c d e s i g n

The Hype Stops Here


brown bag dog food

ยง .04

the hype stops here

Brown Bag The Hype Stops Here


elise burgess 3d g r a p h i c d e s i g n


Brown Bag








WOOF the hype stops here Digital Comps WOOF WOOF WO Gender neutral, family, activities WOOF W WOOF In these designs I worked to create an interesting background. I wanted the design to be quiet in order to OOF OOF O portray the idea of the brown bag idea. I like each of W O WO these color pallets but I need to keep playing around with this concept because I’m worried that after I put all of the WOOF text onto the packaging there will be too much text. WOOF WOOF WOOF W Bag #1




In this design I thought that the color pallet was working .02 and I liked soft background texture. I thought that this portrayed brown bag design because it dosen’t have the dog food promises like most dog food. It just tells you what it is. I want to continue looking at different types of typography and making the background words more organized.

Bag #2

This bag is the best design but it is lacking elements. I think it too looks like a poster and not dog food packaging. I will continue to work on this design and push the idea.


Bag #3

I thought that this design appealed to the target audience I’m looking for because it is bright, fun and gender neutral.

Bag #4

I thought this design had a lot of potential and I like the color choices. I’m not sure how it is going to look with a lot of text added to the design. Overall each design will look more complete if I put the rest of the information on.


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BROWN BAG The Hype Stops Here





BROWN BAG The Hype Stops Here


elise burgess 3d g r a p h i c d e s i g n

Brown Bag Digital Comps

Masculine, Natural, Urban

I think each of these designs appeal to the target audience I ‘m aiming at. I like the simplicity of each of the concepts although I do know that they need to be pushed more.

Bag #1

Out of all of the packaging designs I made for this project I think this one portrays the idea of brown bag the best. It is simple and you know exactly what you are buying. I’m not sure if the typeface is working yet but I think overall it will be a cool idea if I add the rest of the information.

Bag #2

Bag #3

This design is my favorite in this category. I think that it looks sophisticated and I also think that it appeals to my target audience. I like the color choices, except when I printed it out they came out really dark. I will have to lighten the color is I use it for the final.


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This bag is a good start but it’s not as creative as I want it to be. I can continue with the idea of the paw using the O but It needs something else.







The Hype Stops Here

BB BROWN BAG The Hype Stops Here


elise burgess 3d g r a p h i c d e s i g n

Brown Bag Final

These final designs follow the brown bag slogan. They do not add any propoganda, customers trust their product and their dog food gives them exactly what it tells them. Each of the overall designs follow this principle. The color choices for each of the bags are natural and organic but each appeal to the target audience assigned. Each concept is simple yet fun and it reduces the time buyers spend looking for a good product for their pet. The overall bag design was a learning project for me. I’ve never rendered a product package on photoshop before so it was fun and frustrating at the same time to learn how to make the product look like real life.


elise burgess 3d g r a p h i c d e s i g n


elise burgess 3d g r a p h i c d e s i g n

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