The most innovative solution for efficient oil extraction
For over 150 years, the oil producing technologies never changed its operating principles. The artificial lift is a system used on oil wells to increase pressure within the reservoir and encourage oil to the surface. There are several methods to achieve artificial lift, the main categories include pumping systems (beam pumping, hydraulic pumping, electric submersible pump) and gas lifts. What’s the problem with conventional pumping? The experts noticed that the liquid loading below the conventional down-hole pumps (sucker rod & ESP) is a major problem in wells with horizontal or deviated sections, high gas to liquid ratios (GLRs), deep reservoirs or long perforated intervals. This causes significant back pressure, reducing or even ceasing the production, resulting in a lower eventual ultimate recovery (EUR) and premature abandonment of the well which directly influence maintenance costs. Besides, the old technology requires tubing / tubing strings, rod strings, down-hole pump, and deadweight fluid column above the pump piston. All the conventional artificial oil lifting technologies were designed for the production of light oil. Given this purpose their lifting efficiency decreases dramatically when the oil viscosity increases. On the opposite site, the new COVA technology has the unique ability of high lifting efficiency when the oil viscosity increases. The solution is to change the perspective and to go from the old technology and vertical pumping to the new technology and vertical transport. Why is COVA technology better? COVA is the 3rd generation of artificial oil lifting which uses a vertical transport technology. This one does not include tubing/tubing string, rod strings or down-hole pump. Compared to other existing technologies, the results can be impressive. In all field trials COVA technology produced at least 50% more oil than the conventional technologies previously used on the same well and 65% overall cost reduction. This unique feature allows the oilfield operator to quantify the efficiency and cash back the costly investment in such processes. Also, the new technology eliminates / alleviates problems with water and sand flow in oil wells, and keep in mind that these are the 2 utmost problems for today’s oil production technologies. Also,
COVA decreases the water cut, while the gas presence has no negative influence over the oil lifting efficiency. At the same time, the innovative method gives considerable and immediate positive feedback (production increase) when the enhance oil recovery process is applied because the extraction technology comes with a monitoring technology, fully automating the well: power consumption, production per minute, remote control of the well. That being said, this new oil lift method gets us into another phase of innovation providing the oil industry with its first radically different approach to antiquated and underperforming oil production principles. COVA technology was comprehensively tested in different technical environments under a temporary license by ASMOCO International, which also manufactured the AP artificial oil lifting units. IT Green Light can provide the new COVA technology system, helping you increase your ultimate E&P goals: more production with less consumption. For more information, don’t hesitate to contact us.
ABOUT IT GREEN LIGHT IT Green Light is an IT consultancy company, focusing mainly on special IT projects and technologies. Headquartered in Romania, the company develops IT projects worldwide through its offices in Munchen and Dubai. For over 10 years, IT Green Light designs and implements collaboration solutions, business intelligence, corporate intelligence and knowledge management solutions. Contact details: Address: 28, Cameliei Street, Bucharest, district 1 E-Mail: Web: