Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? Film: After analysing the film poster for ‘The Hobbit’ I decided to use a still from my film featuring grass, because like the film ‘The Hobbit’ had used greenery to portray that my film is based on adventure and traveling, this helps the audience to recognise the genre of the film and what they can expect to be in it. I have used stills on my film poster to make it effective to my main product and show a link. I also used the clone tool in Photoshop to make the person look like they’re traveling this is effective because that is the genre of my film. The lunch box behind the girl in the middle and the leg in front of the girl shows that my film is about past, present and future. I also included a Credit/billing block at the bottom of my to make it look like a film poster. Review: I have used common conventions that would be seen in film review, after analyzing previous existing film review magazines like Empire: ∗ Star rating ∗ Verdict ∗ Title ∗ Columns ∗ Actors names ∗ Release date ∗ Certificate ∗ Quote ∗ Name of editor ∗ Plot This makes my effective because it shows the audience that it is a film review. My review shows the reader what they can expect from the film, this links with the fact that Instead of using one main inset image I have used five different ones to show different stills from the film. I also used the same still for my poster in my review to add a link to my products and make them recognisable to my audience.
I have included a plot in my review, and a facts page so that the reader can get a feel of my film and what its about just by reading them. The main colours I have used are white for the background of the review to stand out against the black writing, this is effective because it looks like a real review. I used thick black lines to section parts off on my review and for the border so that it stands out more, this is effective because it looks realistic. I used red for my banners and text boxes on my film review because red catches attention, the red is effective as it highlights parts of the page the audience would usually skim read to get an idea of the film. I used white writing on my film and my poster as it looked better against the green background as black didn’t look right. I have used a colour scheme, which is effective because it maintains consistency throughout my products. I have also used the same types of fonts for my film poster and film, which is effective because the fact that they’re similar makes them easy to recognise. Together the combination of my Main product (Short Film) and the other media mediums/ancillary texts (Film poster and film review) have made the promotion for my film seem professional. My combination is also effective as I previously analyzed a series of similar already existing products and used these conventions in in my own products. The are effective because they fill their purpose: Short film (to entertain), film poster (to advertise) ,Review ( to educate).