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Q&A With Marie Kondo: With Joy and Consideration


Marie Kondo's lifestyle philosophy begins with a deep look at our possessions

為夢想生活騰出更多空間 ——近藤麻理惠的整理哲學

In the past several years, your philosophy of tidying has really captured attention and has been adopted by people all around the world. What do you think really resonates with people about this philosophy?

Marie Kondo: The KonMari Method is more than just organizing; it starts with physical objects, which are often just symbols of the larger self-reflection we need. Evaluating the things that spark joy in our lives to help us achieve the vision we have for the lives we want to live is a part of the KonMari Method that I feel people really appreciate and resonate with the most.

多數人想到要打掃、整理,就感到疲憊,然而,卻有一 本書讓成千上萬人,心甘情願地起身勞動,積極打理生 活。這是2010年出版的書籍《怦然心動的人生整理魔 法》,在全球暢銷逾1,300萬本,翻譯超過44種語言。 該書作者近藤麻理惠,為一名專業整理師,她的整理心 法「KonMari Method」究竟施了什麼樣的「魔法」?

在過去幾年,您的整理哲學引起廣大迴響,並被世界各 地的人們採納。您自己認為是什麼引起人們的共鳴? 近藤女士:KonMari 整理法不僅僅是關於整理收納:它 始於整理物品,但物品往往象徵著我們內在需求的深層


What are some of the early influences that attracted you to tidying and organizing?

Ms. Kondo: Tidying is something that I learned from my grandmother at a very early age, and she was always such a big inspiration to me. She was so careful and considerate of the things she owned, and that level of intent and care is now deeply rooted in the KonMari Method. If I can personally help people tidy and see positive changes in other areas of their lives, then I feel like I have done what is needed, while also honoring my grandmother’s memory.

When people go through the process and apply the KonMari method, they seem to have a lot of epiphanies. Many people start to realize that it's not just about things; it's about living and lifestyle. Was this always the starting point for you? How do you encourage people to think about lifestyle?

Ms. Kondo: As a young girl, I was truly captivated by the craft of organization after reading The Art of Discarding, a bestselling book in Japan at the time. Being inspired from this book, I really started to explore tidying more seriously, and at that point in my life, I thought that tidying was mainly about discarding. I remember once during a difficult tidying session, my body became heavy, and I ended up passing out on the floor. After several hours, I thought I heard a voice telling me to “look at the items carefully and closely,” and in this exact moment, I realized I had an epiphany. Instead of looking for reasons to discard an item, I should be looking for reasons to keep them. Right then, I knew that tidying was so much more than just cleaning and discarding items. It transformed into focusing on the things and moments in life that spark joy.

When applying the KonMari Method, it’s important to remember that you are not choosing what to discard, but rather, choosing to keep items that speak to your heart. Through tidying, people can reset their lives and make sure they’re spending the rest of their lives surrounded by the people and things that they love and cherish the most.

In your method, you mention some procedures and rituals. Tell us about the importance of rituals and how they can change the way we look at things?

Ms. Kondo: Before you can truly care for another person, space, or object, you have to know how to

自我反思。我想,在KonMari 整理法中,評估一件東西 是否能為生活帶來快樂,有助實現我們對生活的願景, 這是我認為人們最為感激,也最能感同身受的部分。

您早年的哪些經驗,引領且影響您走入整理和收納的 領域? 近藤女士:我自小就從祖母那裡學到整理、收納的技巧, 她總是鼓勵和帶給我許多啟發。她對待自己的所有物, 總是那麼地細心、周到,其中體現的關懷和心意,已深 深地紮根於KonMari 整理法之中。我覺得能幫助人們 學習收納、整理,甚至替他們生活的其他方面帶來正面 影響,我就已經做了應該做的事,這也是對我祖母的一 種紀念。

人們將KonMari整理法應用於生活中後,頓然領悟許 多。許多人開始意識到,這不僅僅是關於物品,而是關 於生活和生活方式。這是您想做到的嗎?您是如何鼓勵 人們思考生活方式的? 近藤女士:過去年輕時,讀了《丟棄的藝術》這本書後, 我被整理收納藝術深深吸引——這本書當時在日本很暢 銷。受到這本書的啟發,我開始更認真地探索整理收納 技巧。那時,我認為整理的主要內涵是丟棄物品。記得 有一次在困難度很高的整理工作中,我累得全身發沉, 最後在地板上睡著了。幾個小時後,我好像聽到一個聲 音告訴我:「仔仔細細地看看這些東西。」在那一瞬間, 我頓悟了:與其尋找丟棄物品的理由,我應該尋找保留 物品的原因。與此同時,我明白了整理的意義,遠遠超 出了清潔和丟棄物件本身,而是轉變為專注於生活中能 帶來快樂的時刻和事物。

take care of yourself, which is where the importance of rituals come into play. I prioritize daily rituals that enable me to honor my whole self because when the body, mind and spirit are in alignment, I can easily sense what sparks joy in my life each and every day. I have many different rituals that I perform throughout the day to help me maintain a rhythm, and I always encourage others to do the same. My morning ritual is one of my most important routines as it sets the tempo for the day ahead. I often begin by opening a window to let in the fresh air and then lighting incense. My favorite incense scent is yuzu because the smell of citrus brings energy and ease, which always helps me meet the day joyfully.

How does tidying and organizing affect one's mental state and life, and why?

Ms. Kondo: The KonMari Method helps explore the depth of personal matters and emotions through tidying. Tidying is as much about evaluating the things that bring you joy as it is about the past that you are ready to let go—it’s about making room for the future you envision for yourself. Through the tidying process, you confront yourself and determine what is most important to you, all on your own. It’s important to be open-minded when tidying. Think about what the KonMari Method can bring to not only your physical space, but also to your life as a whole.

In 2015, you were named one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people. Decluttering was having a moment! What sort of cultural shift were you seeing from your perspective?

Ms. Kondo: What a great honor that was! Since that time people have become more easily accessible through the digital lives we lead. We are also more influenced by things that may bring joy, including other things that do not; it can sometimes be overwhelming. I think the KonMari Method still applies to people today. The Method allows people to revisit the things that truly bring them joy and discard the things that no longer serve the life they envision, which is as important today as it was back then.

You've also written a children's book. What are some memories from your childhood that have influenced memories you've tried to create for your own children?

當應用 KonMari 整理法時,要記住,你不是在選擇 丟棄什麼,而是選擇保留那些與自己內心相連的物品。通 過整理收納,人們可以重新整頓自己的生活,確保接下來 的日子裡,能與他們所愛與最珍視的人和物為伍。

在您的整理法中,您提到了一些程序和儀式。能否介紹一 下儀式的重要性,以及它如何改變我們看待事物的角度? 近藤女士:我們必須知道如何照顧自己,才能夠學會真正關 心一個人、空間以至物品,這就是儀式的重要性。我優先考 慮使我能夠尊重自我的日常儀式,因為唯有當身體、思想和

PICTURES COURTESY OF MARIE MARIE KONDO Ms. Kondo: When I was little, I imagined being a good mother to my children one day, just as my own mother was to me. I also had a very strong bond with my paternal grandmother, Oba-chan (grandma in Japanese), and feel lucky to have had so many good role models throughout my life to demonstrate to me how to best take care of children. One of my nightly rituals with my kids has always been to read books together, and believe it or not, their favorite book to read is the children's book I wrote, Kiki ^ Jax. I wrote this book with my children in mind, so it brings me much joy when they ask repeatedly to read it with them before bedtime.

How can people learn more about your method?

Ms. Kondo: If you are tidying for the first time, I’d encourage people to read my first book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, or watch the digital tidying course KonMari Method: Fundamentals of Tidying. In the book and in the course, I break it down into simple steps so you focus on the fact that the outcome of tidying isn’t simply a tidier space; tidying can change your life.

Many people may not realize, but we also offer a KonMari Consultant Program. I'm extremely proud of the Consultant Certification Courses we developed to teach people how to become professional tidying experts. We have over 700 certified KonMari Consultants in over 54 countries. I love that I can share my expertise with the world to help bring joy into more peoples’ homes through the KonMari Method. This is also a great option for people who might be looking for a secondary career that brings joy to others.

This article was edited for clarity and brevity.

精神保持一致時,我每天都可以很容易地覺察生活中真 正讓我開心的一切。一天之中,我有許多不同的儀式,執 行過程有助我維持自己的節奏,我也經常鼓勵其他人這 樣做。例如,早晨的儀式是我最重要的例行公事之一,因 為它為一整天的節奏定調。(早晨儀式中)我經常先打開 窗戶,讓新鮮空氣進入,然後點香。我最喜歡的味道是柚 子香調,因為這種味道能帶來活力和舒緩心緒,總是能 讓我心情愉悅地迎接新的一天。

整理收納如何影響一個人的精神狀態和生活,為什麼能 有這樣的影響? 近藤女士:通過整理,KonMari整理法幫助人們深度探索 個人情感和事務。整理既是審視帶給你快樂的事情,也 是評估你準備放下的過去——這是為你預想的未來騰出 更多的空間。通過整理,你要面對自己,並確定什麼對 你是最重要的,這個過程完全靠自己。在整理的時候, 保持開放的心態很重要——不僅要想KonMari 整理法 能替你的空間帶來什麼變化,也得想一下,它能為你的 生活帶來什麼影響。

2015年,您被評為《時代周刊》最具影響力的百大人物 之一。當整理收納風靡一時,在您看來,這是什麼樣的 文化轉變? 近藤女士:這是多大的榮譽啊!從那時起通過科技生活, 人們變得更容易接近彼此,對物品能帶來的快樂和不快 樂,有時我們會因此而感到超載,讓人不知所措。我認 為KonMari 整理法仍然適用於今,藉此人們能重新審 視那些真正帶給他們快樂的東西,也告別那些不再為其 生活服務的物品,無論今昔,這都一樣重要。

您也寫過一本兒童書,這將成為您孩子的兒時記憶, 您童年裡有哪些回憶,會讓您想替自己孩子創造那般 回憶? 近藤女士:在我小的時候,我會想有一天也能成為孩子 們的好母親,就像我的母親對我一樣。我和我的祖母, Oba-chan(祖母的日語發音),也有很深的感情,我 覺得很幸運,在我的一生中有這麼多好的榜樣,為我示 範如何給孩子最好的照顧。每晚例行儀式之一,就是和 孩子們一起看書,你也許不相信,他們最喜歡看的書是 我寫的兒童書《琪琪和賈克斯》。我寫這本書的時候就 想著自己的孩子,所以當他們睡前反覆要我和他們讀這 本書時,也帶給我很多快樂。

如何能更了解您的整理法? 近藤女士:如果是初次學習如何整理,我會建議閱讀我 的第一本著作《怦然心動的人生整理魔法》,或者觀看 數位課程「KonMari Method:整理的基本原則」。 在書中和課程中,我把它分解成簡單的步驟,讓你可以 專注於——整理的結果不只是求得一個更加整潔的空 間,整理可以改變你的生活。 許多人可能沒有意識到,我們還提供一個 KonMari 顧問計畫。我們開發了一個顧問認證課程——對此我感 到非常自豪——該課程旨在教人們如何成為專業的整理 師。我們在超過 54 個國家,如今已有超過 700 名經認 證的 KonMari 顧問。能和所有人分享我的專業知識,並 通過 KonMari 整理法將快樂帶入更多家庭,我特別喜歡 這種感覺。如果有人正在尋找為他人帶來快樂的第二職 業,這也是一個不錯的選擇。


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