Elite Lifestyle Magazine: Issue 59

Page 32


WITH JOY AND CONSIDERATION Marie Kondo's lifestyle philosophy begins with a deep look at our possessions 為夢想生活騰出更多空間 ——近藤麻理惠的整理哲學

In the past several years, your philosophy of tidying has really captured attention and has been adopted by people all around the world. What do you think really resonates with people about this philosophy? Marie Kondo: The KonMari Method is more than just organizing; it starts with physical objects, which are often just symbols of the larger self-reflection we need. Evaluating the things that spark joy in our lives to help us achieve the vision we have for the lives we want to live is a part of the KonMari Method that I feel people really appreciate and resonate with the most. 30│

多數人想到要打掃、整理,就感到疲憊,然而,卻有一 本書讓成千上萬人,心甘情願地起身勞動,積極打理生 活。這 是2010年出版 的 書 籍《怦 然心 動 的人 生 整 理 魔 法》,在全球暢銷逾1,300萬本,翻譯超 過44種語言。 該書作者近藤麻理惠,為一名專業整理師,她的整理心 法「KonMari Method」究竟施了什麼樣的「 魔法 」? 在過去幾年,您的整理哲學引起廣大迴響,並被世界各 地的人們採納。您自己認為是什麼引起人們的共鳴? 近藤女士:KonMari 整理法不僅僅是關於整理收納:它 始於整理物品,但物品往往象徵著我們內在需求的深層

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