Elite Lifestyle Magazine : Issue 65

Page 1

E L I TE 時 尚 精 英

旅遊特輯 夏日食譜 風格家居 社會文化


Overcoming Limitations: A World-Class Dancer’s Journey 神韻舞蹈藝術家黃瑞輪的故事



GETAWAY: Cascais, a Royal Coastal Retreat

Luxury Resorts to Heal Mind and Body 美國頂級度假會館






Beauty. Divinely Inspired. Fine Jewelry

Italian Silks

Exclusive offer for Elite readers: Save 10% with code ELITE10

Premium Leather


Bring home the beauty of Shen Yun



Editor’s Pick: Golden Gathering


Everything You Need to Know About Exfoliation


Beauty Picks for Radiant Summer Looks







重視去角質 擁抱光澤肌


Ultimate Pampering: 6 Gorgeous Resorts to Soothe Your Soul


Cascais Calling: A Coastal Town for a Royal Summer Getaway 重返王室度假勝地——葡萄牙卡斯凱什小鎮之旅

Tips for Travel: A Guide to Elevate Your Experiences


Breaking Through Boundaries: An Australian’s journey to becoming a world-class dancer in Shen Yun



Make A Positive Wave: Actress Jessica Rey’s Swimwear Brand and Her Inspiration



A Warm Southern Welcome: James Farmer's Secrets to A Beautiful Home




On the Cover A scenic coastal view of old town Cascais, Portugal. See feature story on page 18.


Recipe: A Refreshing Salad


Recipe: Irresistible Garlic Soup


Photo by Olena_Z/Getty Images


The Influence of Emily Post on Modern Manners


2024 NTD 9 TH INT’L Chinese Vocal Competition


初賽 PRELIMINARIES 9月18–19日 SEP 18–19 複賽 SEMIFINALS 9月20日 SEP 20 決賽 FINALS 9月21日 SEP 21



$ 10 , 000 金獎 | GOLD AWARD


轉眼,豔陽高照的夏日也接近尾聲,但在進入深秋以前,仍是適合出遊的 季節。告別盛夏後,微涼的氣候更加舒爽宜人,適合帶著全家老小在戶外 活動——可以到海邊踩在白花花的浪花上,或進到山林裡感受野外的生 機,也可出國造訪不同的城市,感受異國的文化氣息。 本刊以旅遊為主軸,從精選度假村到海濱小鎮遊記,帶給大家不同以往的 視角,探索旅遊各種可能的形式與風貌,此外,還有旅遊專家分享旅遊心 法。旅行的重點不僅在於目的地,更在於其中的感受與體驗,如何敞開心 胸迎接每一段旅程,將決定旅遊的深度。期盼未來的每一趟旅程都不落俗 套,帶回屬於您自己的故事。 本期人物專訪特別收錄舞蹈藝術家黃瑞輪、演員潔西卡 · 瑞(Jessica Rey) 以及知名室內設計師詹姆士 · 法默(James Farmer)的故事。每一位受訪 者,都不約而同地談到信仰對他們的啟發,包括人格的塑造以及對其職涯 創作的影響。從他們的分享,我們感受到他們的謙卑與努力;儘管有所成 就,也仍在每一個細節上,不斷地增進自我實力,進而對周遭以及社會產 生更好的影響。 最後,除了心靈上的補給,也別忘了犒賞自己一頓美食。附上兩道簡易上 手的食譜,讓一家人吃得健康、美味,其實無須大費周章。 在2024夏末之際,願各位都有個美好的假期,讓身心靈充分休息,迎接下 個挑戰。



Dana Chang

Ellen Wang


Channaly Philipp


Astrid Wang


Cora Wang


Crystal Shi


Pia Norris


Sunny Lo


Belinda Lin


Jennifer Tseng


Sandy Lindsey Tim Johnson Hazel Atkins Brett Chuda Jennifer McGruther Audrey Le Goff Jeff Minick


Louise Rothman Huixuan Yang


Karen Tang


Hsinyu Lo


Jo Yang

ADDRESS 229 W 28th Street, 7FL, New York, NY 10001 PHONE 240-888-6623 EMAIL editor@elite-magazine.com advertising@elite-magazine.com subscription@elite-magazine.com www.elite-magazine.com

San Francisco

Los Angeles



Ke Bian 510-299-4392

Yan Lieser 818-836-2937

Timothy Pi 617-388-1688

Echo Liu 425-877-5121



Golden Gathering 擁抱陽光 Get your home ready for a joyous get-together with bright, summery yellows that capture the essence of the season. Use classic checkered fabrics and nature-inspired wicker pieces for a nostalgic, old-timey vibe. Complete the look with a bouquet of f lowers in refreshing hues. Now, kick back and savor that sandwich!


趁著夏季 享受戶外 的 陽 光,不需要出 遠門,在自家庭院佈置餐桌椅,也能有 出遊度假的樂趣。藤編的質地有如夏日 的圖騰,以陽 光 般 的黃色系為主色調 佈置 餐桌,輕快的氛圍搭 配清涼的 調 酒冷飲,簡單的沙拉、三明治上桌,又 是一個美好的午後。











The Path to Radiant Skin 重視去角質 擁抱光澤肌 By Pia Norris


n the quest for radiant skin, few steps are as vital as exfoliation. Let’s explore the transformative power of skin exfoliation and the secrets it holds for achieving a fresh complexion.

想 追尋 容光 煥發的護膚效 果,去角質這項步驟至關重 要。一同來探索「 去角質 」的力量,及其如何維護肌膚 光澤的祕密。 了解肌膚去角質

UNDERSTANDING SKIN EXFOLIATION Skin exfoliation is more than a beauty ritual; it is a fundamental process that involves shedding dead skin cells from the epidermis, which is the skin's outermost layer. However, external factors like pollution, stress, and lifestyle choices can disrupt this natural process, leading to a buildup of dead cells and dull, lackluster skin.

去角質並非簡單的例行公事,而是最基礎的護膚步驟, 目的是 去 除表 皮 層的老廢角質細 胞。不過,由於空氣 汙染、壓力、生活環境等外在因素,經常影響皮膚細胞 自然更新的過程,使得老廢角質堆積在皮膚表面,進而 導致肌膚暗沉、失去原有的光澤。 為什麼去角質很重要? 去角質不僅能 讓 皮 膚更緊 緻、光滑,還 能促 進 肌 膚整


體 健 康。在移 除老廢 細 胞後,去角質可以促 進 細 胞更

WHY IS SKIN EXFOLIATION IMPORTANT? Exfoliation isn't just about revealing smoother, more radiant skin; it's a rejuvenating process that promotes overall skin health. By removing dead cells, exfoliation encourages cell turnover, stimulates collagen production, and enhances the skin's ability to absorb skin care products.

新,刺 激 膠原 蛋白生 成,也可提 升肌 膚 對保 養品的 吸 收能力。 居家去角質護理 去角質的美妙之處在 於它的多樣性——針對不同的膚 質、膚況和個人喜好,都有不同的去角質方法。


EXPLORING AT-HOME EXFOLIATION METHODS The beauty of exfoliation lies in its versatility, offering a myriad of options for every skin type and concern. Whether you gravitate toward the invigorating sensation of physical scrubs or favor the gentle yet potent effects of chemical formulations, the world of at-home exfoliation offers a solution for everyone. From indulgent sugar scrubs to powerful alpha hydroxy acids, there's a method to elevate your skin care routine and unveil your skin's natural radiance. Here are some of the most popular ways to exfoliate at home:

1. 物理性去角質 .磨砂膏:通常含有一些細小顆粒,像是糖、鹽或微 晶纖維素,在按摩臉部時物理性的磨去老廢角質。 .刷子或海綿:使用軟毛刷或海綿輕刷或輕輕擦拭, 可以去除臉部老廢角質和髒汙。

2. 化學性去角質 .A 酸:該酸類是多種果酸類的總稱,包含甘醇酸、乳 酸和檸檬酸等,可以有效溶解死皮細胞和皮膚的鏈 結,幫助去角質。 .B 酸:也稱水楊酸,是很受歡 迎的酸類 產品,能深 入毛孔,有效治療痤瘡和黑頭粉刺。 .酵素:天然酵素,像是木瓜酵素( 萃取自木瓜 )和 鳳梨酵素( 萃取自鳳梨),可以溫和溶解死皮細胞, 提供適合敏感型肌膚使用的溫和去角質。


1. Physical Exfoliation · Scrubs: These typically contain granular particles, such as sugar, salt, or microcrystalline cellulose, which physically slough off dead skin cells when massaged onto the skin. Be sure to massage gently. · Brushes or Sponges: Manual brushes or sponges with soft bristles can be used to gently buff away dead skin cells and impurities. 2. Chemical Exfoliation · Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs): These include glycolic, lactic, and citric acids, which dissolve the bonds between dead skin cells, facilitating their removal. · Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA): Salicylic acid, a popular BHA known for its deep penetrating properties, effectively treats acne and blackheads. · Enzymes: Natural enzymes like papain (from papaya) and bromelain (from pineapple) gently dissolve dead skin cells, offering a milder exfoliation suitable for sensitive skin types. 3. DIY Exfoliation · Sugar Scrub: Mix 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar with 2 tablespoons of honey, coconut oil, or olive oil. Gently massage onto clean skin in circular motions to exfoliate, then rinse with warm water. · Oatmeal Exfoliation: Mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of oatmeal with water, yogurt, or honey. Massage onto damp skin using circular motions. Rinse with warm water.

moisturization is crucial for effective skin exfoliation. In high humidity, enzymes support natural skin cell turnover, preventing rough texture. Experts recommend limiting exfoliation to two to three times per week for most skin types and performing a patch test before trying new products. Additionally, always follow up with sunscreen to protect your newly revealed skin from UV rays that cause skin damage. By following these guidelines, you can unlock the secrets to a luminous complexion and enjoy the benefits of exfoliation without risking harm to your skin.

3. 自製去角質用品 .糖粒磨砂膏:混合 2 大匙砂糖和 2 大匙蜂蜜和椰子 油或橄欖油,輕輕在洗淨的臉上用繞圈方式按摩,

TIPS FOR SAFE AND EFFECTIVE EXFOLIATION While exfoliation works wonders for the skin, it is essential to approach it with care and caution. Proper

最後用溫水洗淨。 .燕麥粉磨砂膏:取 2~3 大匙燕麥粉,加入水和優格 或蜂蜜,在打溼的臉部上用繞圈方式按摩,最後用 溫水洗淨。 安全有效的去角質技巧 儘管去角質對臉部肌膚具有極佳效果,但操作時也需要 小心謹慎。此外,平時做好肌膚保溼,也能避免角質堆 積問題。 專家建議,一般膚質每週去角質 2~3 次即可。使用 物理性去角質產品或工具時,須格外注意用於肌膚的力 道。而且在使用新的去角質產品時,要在手部或其他部 位的皮膚先行測試。同時,去角質過後也要特別注意防 曬,保護新生肌膚免受紫外線傷害。遵循以上事項,享 受去角質帶來的好處,同時免除其潛在風險。 │11


Editor’s Summer Picks 夏日精選 By Pia Norris

Delicately weaving together Chinese osmanthus, Javanese patchouli, and Madagascan vanilla, the Queen of Silk fragrance by Creed evokes the opulent luster and ethereal softness of silk. ($445, creedboutique.com)

Using cohesion technology and potent peptides, Trinny London’s The Elevator neck cream combats signs of aging on the neck and décolletage. It lifts sagging skin, smooths wrinkles, and fades age spots, restoring elasticity for a visibly rejuvenated look. ($88, trinnylondon.com)

Designed to resculpt eye contours, La Prairie’s Skin Caviar Eye Lift serum effectively lifts, firms, and smooths this delicate area. Infused with Caviar Infinite, it reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles and targets under-eye bags for a more youthful appearance. ($570, laprairie.com)

Tatcha's two-step, pore-refining regimen includes The Matcha Cleanse ($40), a gel cleanser that balances oil and decongests pores, and The Water Cream ($72), an oil-free moisturizer that hydrates and refines skin texture. Both products are powered by BHA alternatives for a radiant complexion. (tatcha.com)


Effortlessly removing undesired hair from head to toe, Meltoway by Wakse is a botanical-rich hair-dissolving cream that delivers spa-worthy results at home. Suitable for sensitive skin, it comes in four scents: Guava Butter, Fairy Floss, Mango Magic, and Milk & Honey. ($20, Ulta.com) Blissoma's Photonic SPF 30 Light Shifting Solution Mineral Sunscreen + Moisturizer blends transparent zinc for hydration and a matte finish. Infused with barrier-building Ectoin and regenerative plant extracts, this tinted formula is perfect for daily use. ($68, blissoma.com)

Offering holistic hair care, this HairSmart duo includes the Root Scalp Hair Therapy Shampoo and Restorative Moisturizing Volumizing Conditioner. The shampoo promotes scalp health and strengthens hair follicles to prevent hair loss, while the conditioner hydrates, nourishes, and protects hair from damage, enhancing strength and vitality. ($29 each, myhairsmart.com)

This hydrating Yummy Serum Skin Tint by Danessa Myricks Beauty offers lightweight coverage and skin care perks, perfect for achieving a flawless summer complexion. Available in 16 shades that correct unevenness, redness, and blotchiness.


($36, danessamyricksbeauty.com) Versatile for cheeks and eyes, the Luminous Beauty Blush by Gucci offers buildable coverage for a light flush or daring look. Enriched with antioxidants, it nourishes and soothes skin, providing a radiant, luminous glow. ($49, sephora.com)



6 Best Luxury Wellness Resorts in America

美國 6間頂級度假村 喚回身心平衡 By Sandy Lindsey


n our fast-paced lives, stress has become the norm, taking its toll on even the strongest of us. Here are six rejuvenating retreats for a much-needed reset.

壓力,早已成為現代人快節奏生活中,無法分離的一部分,即使 再強健的人,都不免感到疲累。本文將介紹 6 個療癒身心的養生 精品度假村,讓人釋放壓力、喚回活力。







Arizona’s first wellness retreat, Castle Hot Springs, was built in 1896. It’s set in the Hieroglyphic Mountains around mineral-rich thermal waters long-used medicinally by indigenous people, and it has hosted luminaries such as Theodore Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy. The property went into decline after a 1976 fire, but a recent renovation restored its former glory, which is highlighted by fine dining and diversions ranging from golf to mountain climbing.

Not for the fainthearted, a typical day at The Ranch at Malibu starts with a mountain hike, followed by a low-impact workout, strength training, yoga, and a massage for your aching muscles, all complemented by a structured organic, plant-based diet. The celebrity hot spot touts an average weight loss of 3 to 6 percent of body weight, while gaining muscle. Private programs are available.

不同凡響的豪華訓練營 歷史悠久的沙漠綠洲

弱雞勿入!馬里布牧場(Ranch Malibu)典型的一天,

創 立 於1896年, 位 於 亞 利 桑 納 象 形 山 脈 的 城 堡 溫 泉


(Castle Hot Springs),是該州第一個度假村。周圍蘊






狄奧多 · 羅斯福和約翰 · F · 甘迺迪等。 1976年一場大火





CastleHotSprings.com │15



Surrounded by vineyards and lavender fields, the Provence-inspired Cal-a-Vie Health Spa in Vista, California, is filled with historical pieces, including a genuine chapel and orangery transported from France. Lavish European spa treatments that beautify and de-stress are balanced by an active regimen of fitness, health, and nutrition. A staff-to-guest ratio of 5-to-1 serves the 32 private villas and suites, and an antiques-filled gift shop allows you to bring the ambiance home.

給普羅旺斯的情書 地 處 加 州 維 斯 塔 的 卡 拉 維 健 康 水 療 中 心(Cal-a-Vie Health Spa),帶著濃濃的普羅旺斯風情,周遭環繞著 葡萄園和薰衣草花田,還有許多歷史古蹟,包括一座從 法國運來的禮拜堂和溫室。除了奢華的舒壓護膚歐洲水 療療程外,還可搭配健身、健康和營養計畫。五比一的 員工顧客比例,僅為32個私人villa和套房提供服務。此 處還有一個擺滿古董的禮品店,讓您把卡拉維的氛圍帶 回家。


4 TIMELESS METHODS Meaning “peaceful mountain,” Amangiri is known for its Navajo-inspired Hózhó healing massages, beauty treatments, and restorative therapies. Sandstone suites and canvas-tented pools offer views of southern Utah’s breathtaking desert landscape of canyons, mesas, and ridges. The meals are a tour through Navajo culinary heritage and the American Southwest.

永不過時的傳統療法 安縵奇嶺(Amangiri),意為「 平靜之丘 」,以納瓦荷民 族的侯周按摩(Hózhó)、美容護理和修復療法聞名。 著名的沙岩套房和點綴著帆布帳篷的泳池,讓人沉浸在 南猶他無盡的沙漠景色、峽谷、臺地和壯麗的山脊線之 中。餐飲方面,則可帶領您展開一場傳統納瓦荷和美國 西南部的飲食文化之旅。


4 16│


5 5

The Lodge at Woodloch, set in Pennsylvania’s lush Pocono woodlands, blends tranquility and activity, with nature trails and a private lake for kayaking and fishing. The resort offers more than 35 classes daily, including guided forest bathing sessions, foraging with a certified herbalist, and gardening lessons at an on-site working organic farm—which also supplies fresh food and healing herbs and flowers for spa treatments.

來自大自然的滋養 伍德洛克山莊(The Lodge at Woodloch),坐落在賓 州鬱鬱蔥蔥的波柯諾森林地帶,完美地結合了寧靜與活 力。附近有多條自然步道和可供遊客釣魚、泛舟的私人湖 泊。度假村每日提供35種課程,包括專人引導的森林浴 療程、與認證草藥專家一起採摘野菜、有機農場的園藝 課程等。而這間有機農場的農產品,也為度假村提供新 鮮食物、草藥跟水療用的鮮花。



6 RED ROCKS SPLENDOR Mii Amo Spa is nestled among the soaring red rocks of Sedona, Arizona. With just 16 secluded casitas, it offers treatments ranging from traditional skin care, massage, body work, and meditation, to sessions designed to deal with deeper problems, some utilizing hypnosis. The new Hummingbird restaurant and its innovative, wellness-oriented culinary program completes the experience.

壯麗雄偉的紅岩勝地 散落於亞利桑納塞多納的紅岩間,密阿莫水療中心(Mii amo)設有16間僻靜的西班牙式小屋,提供從傳統肌膚 養護、按摩、整復和打坐冥想,到紓解更深層心靈問題的 療程,有些還使用了催眠技術。新開張的蜂鳥餐廳,則以 療養為導向的創新烹調方式,為從內到外的放鬆之旅, 增添完美的一筆。





CASCAIS An easy day trip from Lisbon

重返王室度假勝地 :葡萄牙卡斯凱什濱海小鎮 By Tim Johnson


Cascais' coastline is home to 17 beaches, a top attraction for summer visitors. _Starcevic/Getty Images

The undulating pattern of the streets in the old city center evokes ocean waves and reflects the town’s seaside heritage. _Nessaflame/Getty Images


n my visits to Portugal, I have been twice foiled in attempts to spend time in Cascais. To be fair, the first time it was an issue of ignorance on my part. I had a scant idea of the beauty and wonder of this place. Invited for lunch with a friend at a beachside hotel there and with a full afternoon planned elsewhere, I ate my meal a little too quickly. We then rolled back through the lovely town center of Cascais and marveled at what we were seeing. Looking at each other, we said, “Why didn’t we spend more time here?” I endeavored to return as soon as possible. But on my second attempt, the timing was just pure bad luck. While visiting Lisbon, Portugal, with my sister’s family, we blocked out an entire day for Cascais. During months of planning, I sang the praises of this seaside town—what little I’d seen of it, anyway. It was a cornerstone of the Lisbon part of our trip. 20│

在我多次前往葡萄牙的旅程中,其中有兩次都沒能在卡 斯凱什(Cascais)小鎮度過。老實說,第一次是因為我 自己對這美好的小鎮一無所知。那一次,我受好友邀約 來到一間濱海旅館享用午餐,而當天我們也早已計劃前 往別處。我有點倉促地吃完午飯,在回程路上,經過了 卡斯凱什的鎮中心,小鎮風光令我們感到驚喜,我們望 向彼此問: 「 我們何不多花點時間在這呢?」 那 次之後,我便 積 極 計劃 前往卡斯 凱什。但在我 二度嘗試之際,卻碰上了最糟的時機。那一次我們再次 和家人來到里斯本,特別留了一天想前往該地。在數個 月的規劃下,我發現自己對這個濱海小鎮知道得實在太 少,但無論如何,探索這小鎮成了我們里斯本之旅的重 頭戲。 當時恰逢葡萄牙當地主舉一場大型的青年會議,來 自世界各地數百萬計的旅客湧入,而偏偏就在那一天, 他們一行人也前往了卡斯凱什。搭乘前往小鎮的列車車 廂內擠滿了年輕人,喧鬧地唱著歌、揮舞著國旗,而車 站內冗長的隊伍絲毫沒有前進的跡象,有人甚至嘗試翻

But a major youth conference also happened to be in Portugal at the same time, drawing millions from around the world. On the day, we wanted to visit Cascais, they did, too. Trains were full of teens and 20-somethings singing raucous songs and waving flags. Long lines at the station didn’t move. People even tried to climb over the gates to access the tracks. We finally gave up and made other plans. We took a ferry and had a lovely lunch in a small restaurant across the river. Maybe my third time would be the charm? At this point, Cascais had become an almost mystical place. It was an Eden I could never access, like the Emerald City, with too many obstacles along the yellow brick road. On the third attempt, I cautiously approached Cais do Sodre station, the site of so much mayhem on that earlier visit. By now, I was conditioned to expect the worst. The sun was shining brightly, which meant things would be busy. But it was a weekday afternoon, which improved my chances of getting on board. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that the station was almost entirely empty. I paid the minimal fare and found a seat on the train. Soon, I was rolling down the tracks to one of the best little beach towns in the world. Strung along rugged cliffs and sand dunes, Cascais (which is pronounced kash-kise) is home to a marina, picturesque coves, and 17 beaches. Its reputation received a major boost in the 1870s when King Luis I and Queen Maria Pia made it the summer home of the Portuguese royal family. Aristocrats followed from Lisbon, and other monarchs from across Europe came for extended visits, including kings from Spain, Italy, and the U.K. It was a smooth and scenic ride, the steel cars curving along the Tagus River and under the soaring 25 de Abril Bridge (which looks a lot like the Golden Gate). It was unseasonably warm, and every seat in the carriage was filled. Lisbon’s urban density fell away quickly. On the left side of the tracks, the waterway widened with views of the North Atlantic. On the right, small villages climbed up toward the Sintra Mountains. Despite frequent stops, we reached the end of the line in less than an hour. At last, I had arrived in Cascais!

越圍欄前往月臺,目睹此景,我們最終放棄這計劃數月 的旅遊行程。後來我們搭上渡輪,在河對岸的小餐館享 用美味的午餐為此行作結。 也許,這會讓我們第三次前往變得更加迷人?對我 們來說,卡斯凱什已在我們心中成了最神祕的景點。就 像我無法前往的伊甸園那般,又或者像是「 翡翠城 」, 需要在黃磚路上跨越各種障礙才能抵達。 第 三 次 前 往 卡 斯 凱 什, 我 慎 重 地 走 向 Cais do Sodre 車站,望見車站讓我想起上次的混亂場面。我記 得當下,我甚至覺得一切可能更糟,看著外頭的豔陽高 照,預示著車廂內可能充滿人潮。但那是一個平日的午 後,這增加了我們順利乘車的機會。 當看見近乎空蕩的車站時,我鬆了一口氣。我付了 基本車資,並在車廂內找到座席,不久,將抵達全世界 最棒的濱海小鎮。 沿著崎嶇的懸崖與沙丘,卡斯凱什是一座港埠,擁 有如畫布般的天然岩洞,還有 17 個大大小小的海灘。 葡 萄牙王室 路易斯一世以 及薩伏依 的瑪麗 亞 · 皮 亞公 主,曾在此鎮建造夏日豪邸,因此在 1870 年代聲名大 噪。里斯本的貴族們追隨其後,就連歐洲各國的君主都 曾慕名而來,包括西班牙、意大利,以及英國君王等, 都曾至此長住。

Elaborately adorned window frames are a hallmark of traditional Cascais architecture. _Pedro Ribeiro Simões/Flickr


The Santa Maria Lighthouse, operational since 1868, was transformed into a museum in 2007. _Gabriel Mello/ Getty Images

Top: Boca do Inferno (Hell’s Mouth) is a natural sea arch and cliff formation along Costa da Guia. _Joyt/Getty Images Bottom: Visitors seeking an aerial view of the city can enjoy a ride on the Cascais Eye at the beach. _Joyfull/Shutterstock

EXPLORING CASCAIS What to do first? I had no firm plans. In many ways, visiting a small town for the first time can be more intimidating than visiting a big city. In the latter, you’ll probably have a list of main attractions to visit first. Instead of charting any particular course, I wandered downhill, following the crowd. My feet took me past al fresco cafes filled with smiling people, friendly chatter rising from the tables. Nobody was in a rush, and everyone had frosty mugs or glasses of sparkling rosé before them. 22│

火車前往小 鎮 的 沿途 通 順,窗外景 緻 宜 人,成 排 的汽 車停靠於塔霍河河岸以及 4 月 25 日大橋(25 de Abril Bridge)下( 儼然舊金山大橋),天氣意外的暖 和,車廂內坐滿了旅客。 隨著列車前進,里斯本大都會的擁擠感消失地無 影無蹤,在軌道的左側,水道逐漸變寬,北大西洋映入 眼簾。而在右側,則可見隨辛特拉山脈蔓延而上的小村 莊。期間除了幾個停靠站,不到一小時,我們便抵達終 點站,終於,我來到了卡斯凱什。 小鎮巡禮 首先要做什麼呢?當時我並沒有明確的計畫。從各方面 來看,比 起 造 訪一座 大 都市,初次 探 訪一座小 鎮更令 人緊張,因為在大都市旅遊時,我們通常會先列出主要 景點一 一前往。不過 比 起制定一 條 路 線,我選 擇跟 隨 人群向下坡前行。我經過露天咖啡館,人們臉上掛著笑 容,親切的笑語在餐桌間此起彼落,這裡似乎沒有匆忙 的人們,他們無 不托 著冰涼的酒 杯,或 啜著 粉紅 氣 泡 酒。 我走到了沙灘,這裡名為「Praia da Rainha」,也 就是王后沙灘。這是個小而美的海灘,裸露的岩塊就在 海灘的中央,雖然充滿人潮,但卻不致擁擠。 這 裡 曾是 葡 萄牙末代 王 后 阿美莉(Queen Maria Amelia) 最喜愛的洗浴場。這是歷史上一位傑出的女性, 擁有法國貴族血統,但卻親近平民。嫁給卡洛斯一世後, 她學習葡語,甚至創作葡萄牙歌曲。後來,她取得醫學 學位,並積極投入對抗肺結核的醫療活動中。但在 1910 年,一場軍事政變後(1910 年 10 月 5 日革命),葡萄牙 第一共和國成立,她與其他葡萄牙王室成員被迫驅逐出 境。 我繼續沿街 漫步而下,街上的商販 販售草帽與泳 Access to beaches is free. Some of


them offer sunbeds and umbrellas, but


make sure to bring enough cash—renting


one for the day can set you back as much as € 30. 在小鎮進入海灘都是免費的,但有些海灘

對街有一間小鎮的博物館,我簡單的參觀了一下, 發現只有我一個人在那。博物館的內容十分有趣。 現在,




性的地點。你可能會以為蒙特卡洛賭場是詹姆士 · 龐德


系列小說之一的《皇家賭場》 ( 又譯《007 首部曲:皇家 夜總會》 )的原型,但其實不是。小說取材自小鎮附近的 │23

Cascais's historical center, characterized by its cobblestone streets, is nestled at the heart of the city. _Trabantos/Getty Images

I ended up in the sand, at Praia da Rainha, the Queen’s Beach. It’s a small, lovely beach, w ith outcrops right in the middle. It was busy, but not crowded. This was a favorite bathing spot of Queen Maria Amelia, the last queen of Portugal. She was a remarkable woman of noble French lineage, and she connected with common people. Married to King Carlos I, she learned Portuguese and even wrote Portuguese songs. Later, she earned a medical degree and was active in the fight against tuberculosis. But in 1910, she was exiled along with the rest of the royal family, when a military coup led to the declaration of the First Portuguese Republic. I continued to wander down streets lined with shops selling straw hats and bathing suits. After arriving at Praia da Ribeira, I walked past the big Ferris wheel and a line of little food stands. They sold everything—from craft beer to hummus to cocktails in coconuts. Across the road was the town museum. Popping in for a brief visit, I found I was the only person there. But it was filled with so much interesting information. While today, Cascais remains a major beach magnet, it was once even more of an iconic European destination. You may have assumed that Monte-Carlo was the inspiration for Ian Fleming when he wrote the James Bond novel Casino Royale, but it wasn’t. Rather, it was nearby Casino Estoril, a hangout for spies and exiled kings in World War II. It opened in 1931 and today remains one of Europe’s largest casinos. The museum displays walk you through all the developments that took a lovely but anonymous stretch of coastline and transformed it into the glittering Costa do Sol, which encompasses Cascais and nearby Estoril, Portugal. Electric railways were built, and gas lights were installed. Grand hotels were constructed, outfitted with big mineral pools and 24│

spas. Major sporting competitions took place, including early automobile races, regattas, and tennis tournaments. The late years of the 19th century and opening decade of the 20th were the heydays. As I emerged back into the sun, things remained pretty lovely here in Cascais. Perhaps not the same glamour, and certainly no road races or exiled kings wandering around. But I strolled more streets, visiting shops and cafes. I found the site of the big covered market, although it was closed for the day. I took one last look at Praia da Rainha and thought of Queen Amelia. As I boarded the train back to busy Lisbon, the fading afternoon light ref lected off the water and turned the dun-colored cliffs a warmer shade. Soon, I’d be back in the hustle and bustle of the capital. But I was glad that the third time was indeed the charm. I had finally experienced the wonders of Cascais. 埃斯托里爾賭場(Casino Estoril),這裡曾是間諜以及 二戰期間被驅 逐出境的國王們的聚會場所,1931 年開 業,至今仍是歐洲最大的賭場之一。 館內的展示迴廊帶訪客回顧小鎮這一帶的發展歷 程,從卡斯凱什鎮到附近的埃斯托里爾,從一片沒沒無 聞的海邊小鎮,變成如今耀眼的陽光海岸。從電氣化的 鐵路興建,到裝設煤氣燈,以及富麗堂皇的酒店挺立, 配有大型的礦泉泳池以及水療設施。還有一些大型的體 育賽事都在此舉行,包括早期的賽車、賽艇大會,以及 網球錦標賽。 19 世紀末期到 20 世紀初期,可謂該地區 的鼎盛時期。 當我再次步入陽光下,卡斯凱什至今仍留存的一切 還是很美好。或許榮光不似當年,也不會看見汽車賽道 以及在此漫步的前王宮貴族們,但我在此走過更多的街 道,拜訪商家以及各色咖啡館,經過當地大型市集所在 地,雖然當時都已收攤。當我再次望向王后海灘,想起 了末代王后阿美莉。當我搭乘前往里斯本的回程列車上, 午後的光線灑在水面上,不久後,原本晦暗的懸崖岩壁 披上暖陽色調。我即將回到繁忙的首都,但此刻我心滿 意足,這第三次前往小鎮的旅程著實迷人,我終於親自體 會到卡斯凱什的美好。

WHEN YOU GO 旅遊小貼士 Getting There 交通 Lisbon’s Humberto Delgado International Airport (LIS) sits just a few miles north of the city center, making it easy to get to your hotel quickly after landing. LIS is the major hub for national flag-bearer TAP Air Portugal, with nonstop flights across Europe and around the world. Several North American carriers offer direct flights from cities including Philadelphia, New York City, and Montreal. 里斯本的溫貝托· 德爾加多機場(Humberto Delgado,代號LIS)位於市中心北邊數英里,因 此前往下榻酒店十分便捷。該國際機場是葡萄牙航 空股份有限公司的樞紐,提供往返歐洲及世界各地 的直飛航班。北美多家航空公司於費城、紐約市, 以及蒙特利爾等地,皆有直飛班機可前往。 Getting Around 周遊景點 The train to Cascais leaves from the small Cais do Sodre station near the waterfront. There’s usually a departure every 20 minutes, and tickets cost just a few euros. The scenic ride takes about 40–45 minutes. When you reach Cascais, almost everything is accessible on foot. 前往卡斯凱什的火車是從濱海的Cais do Sodre小 車站出發。約每20分鐘一班,車資僅花費數歐元, 車行期間有秀麗的風景相伴,全程約莫40~45 分 鐘。抵達卡斯凱什小鎮後,大多數的景點都可步行 抵達。 Stay 住宿 As hotels in Cascais can be far more expensive than in Lisbon, I recommend staying in the capital and traveling there as a day trip. Less than five minutes’ walk from Cais do Sodre, Corpo Santo Historical Hotel is one of the friendliest five-star hotels you’ll find anywhere. It offers all sorts of complimentary amenities: happy hour food and drinks, midnight snacks, massages, and 24-hour ice cream service. It’s a truly remarkable hotel. 卡斯凱什當地的住宿費用比起里斯本市區內要昂貴 許多,若想節省開銷,我建議還是選擇市區,並以 一日遊的方式前往小鎮。位於市區的柯爾坡聖托歷 史酒店(Corpo Santo Historical Hotel)步行 五分鐘內可抵達Cais do Sodre車站,也是五星級 酒店,酒店內各項設施齊全,也有按摩服務。每日 提供優惠飲食時段,午夜點心,以及24小時全天候 的冰品,是非常優質的酒店。





here was a time in travel when touring was simple. Arrive in a new city and consult with a thick travel guide. These days, travelers want more. Everyone wants to return home with a really good story—preferably, one nobody else is telling. How do you find the hidden corners of a place you’ve never been to? Here are four keys I’ve used to unlock lesser-known but lovely places.


WALK. A LOT. AND BE CURIOUS. Finding cool places is often very simple: Just get out there and walk around as much as possible. View everything with inquisitiveness and curiosity. Laos is not on the main Southeast Asia tourist track, but Luang Prabang is its biggest draw. Once home to royalty, this city of palaces and many Buddhist temples sits on the broad bends of the Mekong River. Weary from the journey, I was very tempted to take a bath and head to bed. But the night market beckoned. Every evening, hundreds of vendors set up shop right in the middle of town. Walking through the last reaches of humidity, I encountered everything from hand-painted postcards to jewelry created from munitions left over from the darkest days of the 1960s. The sellers were friendly and eager to chat. I purchased a few small items and lingered a little longer than I’d planned. At the end of the market, I saw a light glowing a couple blocks away. I was determined to check it out. Inside, I found a small rollicking space, where the tables and bar were almost full. I grabbed the last barstool and chatted with the young female bartender who introduced me to her boyfriend. I hit it off with the couple, and for the rest of my stay—which I ended up extending by several days—we hung out: roaring down the river in his boat, meeting her friends, getting behind the scenes in an already fascinating place. I was glad I hadn’t just gone to bed.

曾幾何時,旅遊是件很簡單的事。去到一座新的城市, 查閱詳盡而厚實的旅遊指南。而今,旅遊者要的不只是 這些。每個人都想帶著精采的故事回家,最好是還沒有 任何人 經 歷過的事。那麼要如何找到不知名的旅 遊 祕 境?以下介紹四種方法,解鎖不為人知且充滿魅力的城 市角落。

千里之行始於足下 找尋有趣的地方通常很簡單:出門走走,盡可能地到處 走。並且抱著好奇和探究的心看待一切。 寮國不是東南亞主要觀光地,不過龍坡邦卻吸引很 多旅客到此一遊。這座有「 王宮之城 」美稱的城市,曾是 王室所在地,許多宮殿和佛寺坐落於此處的湄公河沿岸。 經過一整天的行程,相當疲憊的我,很想洗澡上床 休息了,但誘人的夜市在呼喚我。每晚,有上百個小販會 聚集在市中心擺攤。穿行在溫暖溼熱的街道上,從手繪 明信片到文創首飾,應有盡有。其中一些首飾,是利用 寮國最黑暗的 1960 年代內戰期間(1953 � 1975 年) 遺留下的彈殼製作而成,充滿故事性。小販都很友善、 愛聊天,我待得比原先預計的久,還買了幾樣小東西。 我發現夜市尾端的幾條街外有亮光,我一定要去看看。 那是個很熱鬧的小角落,酒吧幾乎坐滿了人。我抓 了吧檯邊最後一張空椅子,和年輕女酒保聊了起來,她 還向我介紹她的男友。 我和他們一見如故,並在接下來的旅 途中一起暢 遊,甚至因此延長了幾天行程——搭著他們的船遊河、 認識他們的朋友,真正深入體驗當地的生活。我很慶幸 當時沒選擇直接回旅館休息。

意外之旅始於交談 有專家表示:絕對不要尋求旅館禮賓員的協助,他們只 會介紹觀光景點,你絕對找不到城市祕境。 但我和所有人聊天,無論是店員還是服務生,甚至 街上的人,當然也包括禮賓員——只要你問對問題( 切 記要說清楚,你想去的是私房景點),問他們最喜歡去 哪裡吃東西或者去哪玩等,多半可以聽到他們誇耀自己 的家鄉或國家。 幾年前,我去位於巴爾幹半島的國家阿爾巴尼亞。 這是個多山的國家,位於伊奧尼亞海邊,自然奇觀隨處 可見。抵達當晚,阿爾巴尼亞國家足球隊贏了一場重要 │27


Keep Safe 出行平安 While exploring can be exhilarating, safety is always paramount. 偏離景點的探索固然令人興奮,但保持安全永 遠是第一優先事項。 ●

Ask the hotel concierge or front desk (or even better, local friends) about areas to avoid, and when to avoid them—sometimes a place that’s perfectly fine during the day can turn risky at night. 詢問旅館禮賓員或前臺(如果有當地朋友當然 更好),該避開的區域及該避開的時段——有些 區域白天很安全,入夜後則有安全疑慮。 ●

Have a couple different plans to get home. Carry a little cash. It will come in handy if you need a taxi because your phone dies, and you can’t do Uber. 多規劃幾種不同的回家方式,並在身上攜帶一 些現金,避免遇到手機沒電無法使用Uber服務 時,需要現金支付計程車費用。 ●

If in doubt, don’t go out—your gut feeling is probably right. 如果感覺不對勁,就不要去。你的第六感很可能 是對的。 ●

If it’s your first time traveling solo as a female or if you have any reservations or doubts, traveling in a group can raise your comfort level, especially in a marginal neighborhood. 如果你是第一次單獨旅行的女性,或者尚存有 疑慮,結伴旅行可以提升安全感,特別是到不甚 安全的區域。 ●

A number of hostels now offer femaleonly rooms, and online groups help women traveling in the same city connect. 有許多青年旅館提供女性專用房間,也有一些 線上團體協助串連正在同一地獨旅的女性,可 多加利用這些資訊。


Some experts say: Never talk to the concierge. He’ll send you to the places the tourists like. You’ll never find the real destination that way. But I talk, literally, to everybody, the concierge, too. You just have to ask the right questions (and make it clear you’re looking for a place off the beaten path). I chat up store clerks, waiters, and even workers on the street. I ask them their favorite spots for food or fun or whatever, and let them brag about their hometown or nation. A few years ago I visited the Balkan country of Albania. Mountainous and set on the Ionian Sea, it is a nation filled with natural wonders. The night I arrived, their national soccer team won a major international match. While I had no allegiances in the game, I was happy to join the party, which was taking place on every corner in the heart of Tirana, Albania’s capital. After hours of frosty beers in raucous bars and dancing in the streets, I ended up at a fast food joint. And, as I always do, I chatted with the guy at the table across from me. In the course of conversation, he told me—rather vociferously—that I was visiting all the wrong places. So, just like that, I changed my plans. Instead of hanging around Tirana and visiting a nearby beach city, I instead took the man’s advice. Picking a taxi driver with an honest face, I asked him to drive me into the mountains. Using a list hastily written at the fast food joint, we visited archaeological sites and sea cliffs. I discovered the true beauty and history of Albania. It was all because I chatted with a stranger over a burger in the wee hours of the morning.

PLAY DUMB. REALLY. It’s one of the luxuries we have as travelers—we don’t need to know everything. Even if I’ve researched a place and know many of the main items, I still let local people explain, as if it’s all new to me. It’s a kind thing to do, and they’ll almost always throw in something you didn’t know. For example: On a trip to Copenhagen, I was having a bowl of soup in a museum restaurant and chatting with the server there. I told her I was writing a story about the nightlife and didn’t know where to start.


Turns out, she knew a lot about the nightlife in Denmark’s capital. She called her friends and got more tips. As she explained with enthusiasm, I nodded and absorbed the information. I ended up at small, tucked-away clubs that don’t appear in any travel guide. Much cooler than I could even imagine.

BE WILLING TO VISIT UN-PRETTY PLACES A final, quick tip—the best stories often come from gritty places. The pot of gold isn’t always at the end of the rainbow. Sometimes it’s found on the wrong side of the tracks. So go beyond the tourist traps to where people really work, live, play, and you’ll find the heart and soul of any destination.

著計程車往山裡去。順著快餐店裡 陌生人臨時列的清 單,我們去了幾個考古遺跡和雄偉的海崖,親身體驗了 阿爾巴尼亞最真實的美景和歷史。而這一切,都始於那 個一邊吃漢堡、一邊和陌生人聊天的清晨。

傻裡傻氣,帶來驚喜 當旅客最大的好處就是——不需要什麼都知道。儘管早 已對一處做了各種研究,還是讓當地人向我解說,就如 同我對此地一無所知。 幾乎每次都能學到一些新鮮事。例如:去哥本哈根 的旅途中,一間博物館餐廳裡,我一邊喝湯,一邊和服 務員聊天。我跟她說,我正在寫一篇哥本哈根夜間娛樂 的文章,但不知道從何下手。沒想到,她竟對丹麥首都 夜晚的娛樂去處瞭若指掌。她還聯繫了她的朋友,得到 更多的提點。她熱情地解說,我則不斷點頭,喜滋滋地





經過數小時沉浸在啤酒、吵鬧酒吧和街上跳舞的人 群後,我走進一家速食店。接著,如同我每次會做的事——






於是,按照他說的,我改變原先的行程,找了面相 老實的計程車司機,離開地拉那和周邊的濱海城市,搭

錯的路上。跳過旅遊景點,去人們真正生活、工作、放 鬆的地方,才是旅遊的精髓所在。 │29


BREAKING THROUGH BOUNDARIES: An Australian’s journey to becoming a world-class dancer in Shen Yun 在逆境中飛躍 專訪神韻藝術團領舞演員黃瑞輪

By Jennifer Tseng Photography by Larry Dye


hen you envision an advocate for ancient Chinese traditions, what image comes to mind? Perhaps a martial artist rippling with muscles. Or maybe a slender and dignified scholar reciting poetry from a bamboo scroll. In either scenario, they would understand Chinese very well. That’s a given. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth for Aaron Huynh when he started his career as a classical Chinese dancer. He’s the son of a Chinese mother and a Vietnamese father who both immigrated to Australia in their youth, and English is the go-to language in the family home. “My parents are very smart. They learned English when they came to Australia. They're very fluent in English.” Growing up in the West, Huynh gave little thought to his Asian background. He didn’t have a lot of connection to his heritage and had very little understanding of what it meant to be Chinese, he said. This all changed when Huynh embarked on a mission to retrace his roots and salvage an ancient culture teetering on the brink of extinction after communist’s rule. 30│

談及中國傳統文化中的人物形象,什麼會最先出現在你 的腦 海?或 許 是 一名武 術高手,於江湖行俠仗義 的 模 樣?也許是一名溫文爾雅的書生,將一手背在身後,一 手握著竹簡吟詩作對。然而,無論是文是武,他們無不 對中文信手拈來。但這對於精通中國古典舞的舞蹈藝術 家黃瑞輪,卻不是理所應當之事。 黃瑞輪從小在澳洲出生、長大,母親是中國人,父 親為越南籍華裔,雙親在早年移民至澳洲。「 我父母都 非常聰明,他們來到澳洲後才開始學習英文。但他們都 能說一口流利的英文。」因此自他出生起,便在全英語 的環境下成長。 在父母的支持與因緣際會下,他決心學習中國古典 舞,隻身來到美國飛天藝術學院,展開專業的舞蹈訓練。 這讓一位自認西化得很澈底的男孩,重新擁抱屬於自己 的文化。

Right page: An Australian-born Chinese, Aaron Huynh began reconnecting with his cultural roots when he embarked on a career in classical Chinese dance.

ANSWERING A CALL TO DUTY In 2024, Huynh began his fifth year as a principal dancer for Shen Yun Performing Arts—the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company. It was created in 2006 by elite Chinese artists who escaped persecution in their homeland to start a new life in America where they would have artistic freedom. China was once revered as the Land of the Divine. For millennia, its people believed that by keeping their hearts pure and adhering to strict moral standards, they would be blessed by the divine. Holding tight to this belief, they prospered for 5,000 years. However, after the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) takeover in 1949 and its spread of atheism, these values were systematically erased. Headquartered in New York, Shen Yun is dedicated to reviving China’s traditional culture and shedding light on the ongoing human rights violations in contemporary China. Seeing Huynh standing tall and composed onstage, no one would have guessed the perseverance he mustered to get there. A decade ago, the thought of performing under the spotlight for thousands of people was not just unimaginable for him, but was absurd. “When I first started dancing, I was very shy and introverted. I had a natural dislike for things that required me to be in front of people. … I would never want to go near bright lights or huge groups of people. … Going onstage was one of my deepest fears,” Huynh said. Though performing took a lot of courage, Huynh was determined to see Shen Yun’s mission through. A practitioner of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong), a peaceful spiritual discipline, he knew firsthand the crimes of China’s ruling regime. Driven by fear and jealousy of Falun Dafa’s immense popularity worldwide, in 1999, the CCP launched a violent persecution of its followers. Since then, millions of peaceful citizens have faced arrest, torture, and even death for upholding the traditional Chinese tenets of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance—the core principles of Falun Dafa. “When you see what Shen Yun is doing—providing a platform to expose people to traditional Chinese culture and show them what’s really happening in China—what reason do I have to not give it a try?” Huynh said of his decision to dance. “While I have the comfort of an air-conditioned 32│

Huynh performing a switch leap in Classical Chinese dance, one of the world's most challenging art forms.

義無反顧的決心 2024 年,是黃瑞 輪成 為 神 韻 藝 術 團領 舞 演員的 第五 年。神韻藝術團總部位於美國紐約,是世界頂尖的中國 古典舞藝術團。該藝術團成立於 2006 年,是由一群中 國精英藝術家們聯合創立而成,他們為了逃離迫害來到 美國。 中國歷來被譽為神州大地,人們有著高尚的道德標 準,敬天信神,五千年來都是如此。然而,在 1949 年中 國共產黨奪權建政後,極力宣揚無神論,那些維繫數千 年的傳統道德價值,在多次革命運動下,遭到計畫性的 打擊與摧毀。 神韻藝術團以復興中華五千年神傳文化為宗旨,自 成立以來,每年在全世界進行巡迴演出,將當今中共政 權針對人權、信仰迫害真相,透過舞劇表演讓更多人來 了解。 當黃瑞 輪挺 立於舞臺之上,旁人或 許難以想像他 是如何從最初堅持至今。就連他自己在十多年前,也未 曾想像會站在聚光燈下,於數千名觀眾前演出,「 最初 學習舞蹈時,我非常害羞、內向,我生來就不喜歡在人 前表現自我,不喜歡受到注目,這曾是我最大的心魔之 一。」 對他而言,僅僅 是 站 在 臺 上演出,就 需拿出莫 大 的勇氣。但他並未因此卻步,因為神韻藝術團的演出宗 旨——復興中華五千年文化——帶給他動力與希望。他 身為一名法輪大法的習煉者,對此深有共鳴。

classroom and freedom of speech, people in China are facing an enormous amount of pressure and ceaseless persecution. Many of them are living in poverty, and they’ve lost their families. I have everything, so why shouldn’t I do my part in helping to spread the word?”

法 輪 大 法, 是 一 種 佛 家 上 乘 的 精 神 修 煉 大 法。 1999 年,中共政權的領導者出於忌憚,對於學 煉人數 在全球各地快速增長的法輪功進行暴力鎮壓,二十多年 來,中共未曾停止對此信仰的迫害。從此,數百萬的善 良公民因此被非法抓捕、關押,更有甚者受到酷刑折磨 致死,只因他們不願放棄以「 真、善、忍 」為原則的修 煉大法。

RECONNECTING TO HIS HERITAGE For an Australian boy whose only connection to China is the color of his skin, he had to learn everything from scratch. Huynh soon realized the enormity of the task. Mastering the Chinese language was just the tip of the iceberg. Bridging the vast cultural differences between the East and West proved to be a formidable challenge. Doing classical Chinese dance but not speaking Chinese is challenging, and he often gets trolled about it, he said. “To dance well, I have to know everything from Chinese history to culture. So, if my language skills are not up to par, it can be very difficult.”

Huynh won second place for his portrayal of a battle-hardened general at the Ninth NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition in 2021.

「 看見神韻致力於宣揚中國傳統文化,以及揭露當 今正在中國發生的事件,想到這,我就覺得我有什麼理 由不去試一試?」黃瑞輪無法置身事外,當年的他,因 此下定決心。「 當我在一間配有空調的教室裡學習且擁 有言論自由,在中國的人民卻要面臨巨大的壓力,以及 未曾停止的迫害。這之中有許多人生活困苦,且被迫失 去親人。反觀我擁有一切,我又有什麼理由不盡力將真 相傳播到世界各地?」 跨越文化藩籬 萬事起頭難,儘管意志堅定,卻有著必須跨越的門檻。 黃瑞 輪在學 習中國古典舞之前,認為自己與中國的聯 繫,只有自己的黃皮膚。他不會說中文,卻選擇了中國

To perform at his best, Hyunh believes it's crucial to delve into traditional Chinese culture and thoroughly understand the backstory of the characters he portrays. _Courtesy of Shen Yun Performing Arts

Huynh explains the cultural differences by comparing painting styles: “Traditional Western artists focus on specific details,” he said. “They pay immense attention to the spatial perspective of the art, the shadows, the coloring, the light—they do everything to make it as realistic as possible.” Whereas in Chinese art, everything is about conveying an inner message and meaning. The focus is on the overall atmosphere of the painting and the emotions that it imbues. The picture is contemplated as a whole. That also reflects in how Chinese classical dance is presented. Huynh said that when he first started dancing, if his teacher pointed out that the position of his palm wasn’t right, he would focus on that palm. That sidetracked him because he was used to thinking that he had to fix each part of his body, one by one. He wasn’t looking at the pose as a whole. One day, everything clicked. “I realized, actually, that it’s not about the palm—that palm is connected to my arm and head,” he said. “It’s really about not overthinking every single movement, or else it doesn’t look natural; you disturb its natural flow.”

古典舞,就連稍微掌握語言後,才知道這只是了解文化 的冰山一角,其他各方面都得從頭學起。在中西方巨大 的文化差異下,學習過程更是充滿挑戰,這就是他選擇 的路。 論及東、西方的差異,黃瑞輪以繪畫為例。 「 ( 西方) 油畫非常注重細節,西方人偏好拆解事物,將事情劃分、 拆項。所以在繪畫中,他們專注於空間感的表現,光影 以及光線的色彩,一切都是為了讓畫面更加逼真。」他接 著指出,在中國繪畫中,所有的一切更趨於表達內在的 信息,中國藝術家「 寫意 」,必須通過觀賞整體來了解背 後的意境。這也恰如其分地表現了中國古典舞的特色。 初學舞蹈時,黃瑞輪回想,如果老師指出他的手掌 位置不正確,他就會將注意力都放在手掌上。「 這種思 考方式讓我無法掌握要領,我一直覺得必須要一個個地 去修正它,而不是將問題視作整體的一部分。」 直到有一天,頓悟的時刻來臨——「 我才明白其實 問題不在手掌,手掌與我的手臂以及頭部相連結。」他 說: 「 就是不能過度刁鑽於個別的動作,否則一切看起 來都不自然,因為這會打亂他原先的律動感。」 表演與人生 2021 年,在高手雲集的第九屆全世界中國古典舞大賽 中,比賽中,黃瑞輪脫穎而出,獲得銀牌。演出賽目中, 他透過舞蹈詮釋一名悼念戰友的將軍。舞臺上,一名將

BLESSING IN DISGUISE During the 9th NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition in 2021, Huynh won a silver medal for his depiction of a warring general mourning the death of his friend. Falling into an exhausted sleep, the general was encouraged by his friend’s spirit to let go of his grief and protect his country. Huynh wanted to showcase someone at his lowest point in life who is still able to pull himself up and fulfill his mission. Little did he know that he, too, would soon need that resilience. Just as Shen Yun was getting ready to kick off its 2022 tour, Huynh injured and tore his anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)—connective tissues in the knee— and needed surgery. It took him seven months of recovery before he was able to return to the troupe. The support that he wore kept his leg straight at all times. Lying in bed unable to even turn, Huynh felt like a baby again. “I had to relearn how to put my ankle down and how to control my knee so I wouldn’t

During his injury, Huynh took a break from his role as principal dancer to volunteer backstage where he learned humility and gained an appreciation for the crew's hard work. │35

Mongolian ethnic dances, with their vibrant energy and powerful movements, are always a delight for audiences. _Courtesy of Shen Yun Performing Arts

fall. It was quite hard, and I felt useless because everyone else was dancing, and all I could do was lie around and do nothing,” he said.

軍疲憊不堪,而後沉沉睡去,卻見到了身先士卒的戰友, 夢醒後,他深受鼓舞,決心走出悲慟,履行職責,繼續 保家衛國。 黃瑞輪表示,透過這齣舞劇,他想表現的是: 「當

A SLICE OF HUMBLE PIE As soon as Huynh regained a measure of mobility, he volunteered to help out backstage. That was a special period of time. That precious opportunity allowed him to step out of his role as a dancer and see Shen Yun from the perspective of an audience member. “Sitting in the audience is exciting. It’s really rewarding when you see people genuinely laugh and enjoy the show, or quietly wipe away tears during a touching scene,” he said. “Then, watching my fellow dancers looking so energetic onstage—even though I knew they were 36│

一個人在人生最低潮之際,還是能夠重新振作,兌現自 己的使命。」然而,當時的他並不知道,自己也需要像那 位將士般,展現生命的韌性。 正當神韻即將展開 2022 年的巡演前,黃瑞輪在排 練中受了傷。他的前十字韌帶斷裂,必須進行手術。術 後又花了 7 個月休養復健,最終才得以返回舞團。 手術後的支架,讓腿維持筆直的狀態,他根本無法 進行翻身等昔日習以為常的動作。他說: 「 我得重新學習 如何將踝關節放下、如何控制我的膝關節才不會跌倒。 讓我感到最困難的是覺得自己毫無用處,因為其他人都 在練舞,我卻只是躺著,不能做任何事。」當時的情景 仍歷歷在目。

probably really tired and going through a lot of personal hardships—really widened my perspective. My focus is no longer just on dance, dance, dance, but rather, on how people feel about the world.” During his time backstage, Huynh learned the value of humility as he experienced firsthand the endless tasks the behind-the-scenes crew handled to guarantee the success of each performance. “It was very humbling because I immediately saw that I wasn’t the only one having a hard time.” Everyone around me was also working hard, so I should take care of them and put their needs before my own.” We are all here striving toward the same goal, he added. “To be honest, I really treasured whatever happened to me. I think it was a great thing because it allowed me to really look within and see what I did wrong. I realized that even though I try not to be selfish or pursue fame and recognition, when I don't pay attention, I'll still be affected by those things.”

柳暗花明又一村 復健約三個月後,黃瑞輪稍微能開始走動,他自願加入 後勤團隊,協助當地的巡迴演出。他感到那是一段珍貴 的時光,因為他終於有機會作為一名觀眾來觀賞演出。 「 坐在觀眾席時,我很激動,當我看見觀眾真心笑著並 享受演出,或者在感人的場景下靜靜地擦乾淚水,這對 我來說是最大的收穫。」 「 還有,看見我的舞蹈夥伴們在舞臺上⋯⋯在大幕 拉開的瞬間,儘管他們可能非常疲累,並且各自經歷許 多考驗,但他們看起來充滿活力——這讓我不再將眼界 侷限於舞蹈之中,轉而關注人們的感受。」 在後臺協助期間,黃瑞輪親身體會到每一場成功演 出背後,有無數的細節與任務必須完成,參與人員各自 堅守在自己的崗位。「 當我意識到,自己不是那個唯一受 到考驗的人,我感到非常慚愧⋯⋯」他說,「 我們都有著 共同的目標⋯⋯ 我身邊的每一位都在工作上盡心盡責, 所以我更應該關照他們,以對方的需求為優先。」 如今回首這段時光,他內心充滿感激: 「 老實說,我 並不後悔發生在我身上的事,甚至覺得這是好事,因為 這讓我真正地去反省,並發現過去的不足。我因此發現,

GUIDED BY FAITH As Huynh’s dance skills matured, his faith strengthened. He credits all his achievements to the teachings of his faith—Falun Dafa. Today, the spiritual practice continues to be the guiding force in his life and career. “Truth, compassion, and forbearance—when I was really young, they were just a part of my life. They never were something I had to think about. Only after I came to Shen Yun, did I begin to seriously consider [these principles],” he said. “They gave me a lot of hope and inspiration because everything that Falun Dafa teaches is guiding us to be a better person and to let go of our selfishness for the benefit of others. This is the huge thing that allows me to be committed, … no matter the hardships.” Huynh's journey is a testament that heritage is not merely a birthright, but is also a profound calling to understand, preserve, and share. As he continues to captivate audiences worldwide, his story serves as a reminder to take bold leaps of faith and embrace the challenges ahead. Ultimately, the most beautiful performances in life are those that come from the heart.

即使我試著不以自我為優先,或追求名聲與認可,當我 不多加留心,這些念頭會在不知不覺中影響我。」 信仰如明燈 休養期間,黃瑞輪蓄勢待發,當他能再度回到舞臺上, 他有如破繭而出。 2023 年,他再次參加中國古典舞大 賽,這次他自編舞劇《弄巧成拙》,表演一名逗趣十足的 角色,自認聰明卻搞砸了一切,歡快而詼諧的節奏,細 膩而敏捷的舞步,讓人難以置信,這是傷後復出的水準。 最終,他再次奪下銀牌。 他將一切成就 歸功於他的信仰——「 我的信仰帶 給我很多啟發與希望,因為法輪大法就是在教我們如何 成為一個更好的人,如何放下一己之私讓他人受益。這 讓我在任何困難之下都能全心全意( 實踐使命),這是 最重要的。」他時刻以「 真、善、忍 」三字為原則,反覆 咀嚼其內涵: 「 年輕時,『 真、善、忍 』就像是我生活中 的一部分,我從來不會對此多加思考,但來到神韻後, 我開始更加認真地思索這背後的意義。」 黃瑞輪跨越語言隔閡,在舞臺上展現純正的中華文 化。這也證明,所謂文化底蘊,並不是與生俱來的權利, 透過成倍的努力與用心,也能體會文化的深度。他大膽 前進,儘管最初沒有十足的信心;他擁抱挑戰,儘管眼 前的障礙清晰可見,終究能開闢出另一番天地。他一如 既往,隨藝 術團在全球帶 給觀 眾深度而精采的文化體 驗,持續為復興傳統文化的志業,盡一份心力。 │37

Jessica Rey is a busy mom of three, but she constantly reminds herself to enjoy the adventure. _Tony Tran


Power Ranger to Mom Entrepreneur From

Jessica Rey's swimwear line is making waves 從演員到創業 ——女星潔西卡・瑞的正向影響力 By Hazel Atkins



here did you get that?” The first time Jessica Rey wore her self-desig ned swimsuit to the pool, other young girls wanted to know. The actress—best known for her role as Alyssa the White Power Ranger in the 2002 TV series Power Rangers Wild Force—spent a lot of time at the pool between jobs in Hollywood and owned around 100 bikinis. But this swimsuit was different: It was a simple, ruched one-piece reminiscent of the 1950s, based on the vintage styles she loved but modernized with swim-friendly fabric. She had designed it and asked a roommate to sew it for her because she could not find a one-piece in stores that made her feel good. She realized she wasn’t alone. That was the impetus for her business—Rey Swimwear, designing flattering, feminine, and functional swimwear for women who’d rather not wear a bikini. “I’m trying to give women an option to feel beautiful in their own skin, in their own swimsuit, and feel confident,” Ms. Rey said. Her foray into entrepreneurship followed a personal journey with modesty—a concept she initially disliked.

潔西卡.瑞第一次穿著自己設計的泳衣時,池畔的女孩 們 都 想 知 道——「 妳 在 哪 裡 買的?」身 為 演 員的 她 最 為人 所 熟 知 的 角色, 是2002年電 視 影 集《金 剛 戰 士: 狂野之力》( 另譯作「 恐龍戰隊 」)裡的白衣戰士亞莉莎 (Alyssa)。當她在好萊塢時,常常泡在泳池裡,她回想 當時大約有約100件比基尼。 不過這一次她穿上的泳衣不一樣:簡潔、大方、帶 荷葉邊連身泳衣,讓人回想起 1950 年代。這是她喜歡 的復古風格,只不過換成了新式泳衣布料。她親自設計, 並請懂裁縫的室友幫忙縫製,只因為她在商店裡找不到 一件稱心如意的連身泳衣。泳池旁女孩們的反應,讓她 意識到:原來她並不孤單! 這促使她成立自己的品牌——「Rey Swimwear」, 專門為不喜歡比基尼的女性,設計既能襯托身材、女性 化又實用的泳衣。 「 我試著為女性提供可以欣賞自己,並 感到自信的泳裝。」潔西卡說。 她的創業之路,始於一段探索何為「 端莊 」的心路 歷程——她原先並不喜歡這個概念。但當她深入探索自 己的信仰後,對此有了全新的認識,認為這是「 維護神 給我們的尊嚴。」她說: 「 我開始注意,當我穿上較為裸 露衣服時所遭受的待遇,而我不喜歡被那樣對待,於是 我決定不再那樣打扮。」


Jessica Rey, best known for her role as the White Power Ranger, now champions modest swimwear that celebrates women's beauty and confidence. _Courtesy of Jessica Rey

潔西卡在 2015 年時合著了一本咖啡桌書《Decent Exposure》, 並 在 2017 年 推 出 自 己 的 時 裝 品 牌 「Estella」。現在,在經營企業和構思新項目之外,她持 續參加《金剛戰士》見面會與粉絲交流,同時帶著三個分 別為 10、11、13 歲的孩子在家自學。 她如何在生活中取得平衡?我們和潔西卡聊聊她的 日常生活。 每 天 起 床 時做 的 第 一 件 事。我會做一次晨禱。這是首 要任務。晨禱通常是關於我今日所願承受的苦難和當 天的計畫。然後,當我還在床上時,會打開紅燈,用 Hallow App 進行福音反思。 我會關注我的健康狀態,為例行公事建立常規,如果沒 有為建立好常規,例行公事便很難依序完成。畢竟, 誰喜歡天天吃營養補充品或做運動? 我有一套強健身心的晨間運動,會在每天起床後進行。 首先,去彈跳床上跳一跳,這可以啟動淋巴系統,也 能讓人更清醒。由於視力逐年下滑,因此我會做一套 眼保健操,自然地增強視力。當我跳床時,先看著遠 處 10 秒鐘,接著再找個近物盯著看 10 秒鐘,反覆交

But as she dove deeper into her faith, she came to a new understanding of modesty as “wanting to uphold the God-given dignity that we are made with, for ourselves,” she said. “I started paying attention to the way I was being treated when I was wearing revealing clothing, and I didn’t like it. So I decided to stop.” Ms. Rey co-authored the coffee table book Decent Exposure in 2015, and launched a clothing line, Estella, in 2017. Now, in between running her businesses and brainstorming new ventures, she continues to attend Power Ranger conventions, where she loves meeting fans, and also homeschools her three children, ages 10, 11, and 13. How does she balance it all? We spoke with Ms. Rey about her daily routines, what keeps her inspired, and how she makes the world her family’s classroom. The first thing I do when I wake up is I offer up a morning prayer. That is the priority. The morning prayer is what I’m going to offer my sufferings and intentions for that day. Then, while I’m still in bed and with my red light on, I do a daily gospel reflection using the Hallow App. 40│

替。結束後,喝一杯自製克非爾,最後進入工作模式, 一面回 email,一面在步行墊上走路。 我有一份手寫清單,每完成一件事就畫掉一格,這讓 我很有動力。喔!你看看,我才剛畫掉 5 個事項—— 我覺得我像個搖滾巨星一樣厲害! 我最近一直在思考的事:想進入 10~12 歲少女的服裝市 場。我女兒今年 11 歲,我發現很難給她找到適合的服 飾。到哪裡才能買到適合這個年紀,而不過短的短褲、 裙子或連衣裙?根本不存在!目前我正在尋找合適的 合作夥伴,因為我的專長是泳裝。 人們錯把端莊誤解為這只跟衣物有關。端莊不只在於衣 著,也在於我們的行動、行為、別人如何對待自己、 我們的思考模式和行為舉止。它也與美有關。我們生 來都是既美麗又獨特的,我們要怎麼運用這份美呢? 我的榜樣有:葛麗絲 · 凱莉和奧黛麗 · 赫本——她們都 美麗優雅不可方物。我認為,她們穿衣風格能襯托許 多不同的身材體態,同時也很實穿。 而我個人的榜樣是我的母親。她 15 年前過世了,她對 我如何生活起到關鍵影響。她永遠支持我的決定。當 我成為《金剛戰士》劇組的一員時,只差修完兩門學科

Taking care of my health, I create daily habits. I find that if you don’t have a routine when it comes to this kind of stuff, it’s not going to get done because who really wants to take supplements or exercise? I follow my wellness routine as soon as I wake up. I get up and go bounce on my trampoline, which really gets my lymphatic system going and also wakes me up. My vision has been going bad, so I’m following a program to improve my vision naturally: While I’m bouncing, I look at something far away for 10 seconds, and then I focus on something close up for 10 seconds, and I go back and forth. Then I go and drink a glass of homemade kefir and go into the office and answer emails while I walk on my under-desk treadmill. I keep a written checklist, and so in the morning when I do all the health and wellness things on my list, I check them off, and that actually motivates me for the rest of the day. Oh look, I just checked five things off my list—I feel like a rock star!

就能得到 MBA 學位。我必須下定決心告訴母親,我 要休學一年去當一位「 金剛戰士 」。她當時非常期待我 拿到 MBA 學位,並且對金剛戰士一無所知——「 妳 要放棄 MBA 學位去當一個卡通人物?」她無法理解, 也非常傷心。不過,當第一集播出時,我去了父母家中 和他們一起觀賞。她替我感到驕傲,甚至激動落淚。 我沒想到⋯⋯成為金剛戰士,會對人們有如此大的影響 力,而且到現在還常常和粉絲見面。 拍片時,常有「 喜願基金會」的孩子來片場。他們最後 的願望就是和我們見面——這讓我想不通。第一個來 參觀的孩子名叫喬瑟夫,他是一個很瘦小的男孩,患 有白血病。工作人員請我們把自己準備好。當時我不 清楚「 把自己準備好」是什麼意思。當攝影機對著我 們時,一個蒼白瘦弱的 5 歲小男孩,穿著藍衣戰士的 服裝走進片場,我忍不住大哭。 當天接下來的時間,我一直跟在小男孩身邊,也認識 了他的父母。我和他母親說: 「 我相信他會好好的。 一年後拍攝結束時,我會飛去紐約找你們玩。」拍攝 結束後,我第一個去的地方就是紐約。我們去了遊樂 場、一起吃午餐,還去了他們家。我很高興地告訴大

Something that’s been on my mind lately is getting into the tween girls’ clothing sector. My daughter is now 11, and I’m discovering that appropriate clothing is hard to find for her. Where do we buy shorts or skirts or dresses for this age group that aren’t mini? It just doesn’t exist for them. I’m seeking out a business partner because my specialty is swimwear.

家,現在喬瑟夫還好好的活著,而我們仍是朋友。 身為母親,我的教育哲學是:隨遇而安。每天都是新的 一天,這也就是為什麼人生如此豐富有趣。某天,我們 可能花一整天烹飪,而隔天則挑戰數學和寫作。我們 Ms. Rey’s swimwear line focuses on elegant feminine designs that don’t show a lot of skin. _Cynthia Garcia


What people get wrong about modesty is thinking it’s just about clothing. Modesty encompasses not just the way you dress, but also the way you act, behave, the way others treat you, and your way of thinking and carrying yourself. It has to do with beauty. We are all made beautiful and unique. What are we going to do with that beauty?

Ms. Keyes believes in homeschooling through travel, giving children the world as their classroom. _Courtesy of Jessica Rey

My role models are Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn —they are so beautiful and elegant. I think their style of clothing is so flattering for most body types, and also really functional. My personal role model is my mom. She passed away 15 years ago, and she’ll forever influence how I live my life. She was so supportive, always. When I got the job as a Power Ranger, I was two classes away from finishing my MBA. I had to tell my mom, who was so excited about my MBA, that I was going to stop school for a year to go and be a Power Ranger. She had no idea what a Power Ranger was. She said, “You’re going to forego your MBA to be a cartoon character?!” She did not understand it. She was so upset. But then when the very first episode aired on TV, I went to my parents’ house and watched it with them, and she was so proud she cried. One thing I didn’t expect about being a Power Ranger was that being on that show would have such an impact on people, and that I would still, to this day, be meeting fans. On set, we would often have Make a Wish Foundation kids come. Their last and final wish was to meet us—and I couldn’t wrap my head around it. The very first visitor we had was named Joseph. He was a tiny little boy and he had leukemia. We had been told he was coming and to prepare ourselves, and I didn’t even know what that meant—prepare myself? On set, with cameras on my face, I saw the door open and in walked this pale 5-year-old wearing a blue Power Ranger costume, and I lost it. I just started bawling. I stayed with him for the rest of the day and got to know his parents. I told his mom, “I just know he’s going to be fine. When we wrap this show in a year, I’m going to fly to New York City and I’m going to come hang out with you guys.” So that was the first place I went when we wrapped the show: I flew to 42│

安排很多小旅行,我們有一個自然探索小組,每個月一 起出去幾次,他們從旅行中學到很多事。 我最喜歡的放鬆方式是:和家人一起旅行。透過孩子的眼 睛去看世界,真是無比美好。我父母非常勤奮,讓我們 了解工作的意義。我母親總是說退休後要好好享受生 活,然而,令人遺憾的是,她在退休之前一年便離開了 人世。於是,我們教導孩子們勤奮的重要性,同時也希 望他們珍惜當下,希望他們能夠在工作與生活中取得 平衡。

NYC for the first time. We went to the arcade, we had lunch, and I went to their house. I’m happy to say that Joseph is still alive and we are still friends. As a mom, my homeschooling philosophy is make it up as we go along. Every day is different, and I think that’s what makes it fun and engaging. One day, we might cook all day, and the next day we might do math and writing. We do lots of outings. We have a nature group that we go out with a couple of times a month. They learn a lot while we travel.

My favorite way to unwind is traveling with my family. Seeing the world through my kids’ eyes is so wonderful. My parents worked so hard and taught us the value of work. My mom always said that she would enjoy life when she retired, but sadly, she died a year before retirement. So we teach our kids the value of hard work, but we also want to teach them how to live and enjoy life now. We want to show them that there needs to be a proper balance. This article was edited for clarity and brevity. 本文依循編輯原則,部分內容經刪節調整 │43

Yellow Japanese maple, antique jade vases, peachy glazed lamps, and pomegranates—part of Farmer’s mother’s family crest— decorate the sideboard in the dining room at Farmdale. _Emily Followill



Beautifully YEAR-ROUND

James T. Farmer’s Guide to Classic Southern Homes With a Flair

深諳南方之道 ——知名室內設計師詹姆士·法默問答集 By Brett Chuda



imeless, colorful, and alive—such is a room designed by James T. Farmer III, interior designer, gardener, and all-around Southern gentleman. Farmer embraces the warmth of spirit and classically beautiful, seasonal lifestyle of the South, from generations of his close-knit family and his hometown of Perry, Georgia, and he brings these qualities into his clients’ homes across the country. Farmer is the author of 10 books on interior design, gardening, entertaining, cooking, and, in general, how to beautify everyday life every day of the year. His titles include A Time to Plant, Sip and Savor, Porch Living, Wreaths for All Seasons, A Time to Cook, Dinner on the Grounds, A Time to Celebrate, A Place to Call Home, and Arriving Home. His latest book, Celebrating Home, delves deep into his warm and sincere philosophy on staging seasonally inspired celebrations at home to recognize life’s precious moments—both small and grand.

多彩、鮮活、永不過時,用來形容由詹姆士 · T · 法默三世 (James T. Farmer III)的設計作品再適合不過。 這位 室內設計師兼園藝家,是位多才多藝的南方紳士。法默 家族世代生活在喬治亞州的佩里市,這讓法默的作品散 發著溫暖的南方氣息,古典美感鎔鑄其中。他也樂於將 南方四季的生活風格,帶入來自全美各處的客戶家中。 法默著有 10本室內設計、花藝、待客之道和美食等 美化日常生活的相關書籍。他最新的著作《讚頌家園》 (Celebrating Home),深入探討了他心中溫暖而誠懇 的美學理念,即如何根據季節妝點家中並策劃慶祝活 動 ,以銘記生命中大大小小的珍貴時刻。 您寫了很多關於古典、傳統風格的書。有哪些南方設計 元素您會重複使用? 詹姆士 · 法默:結合使用家傳老件和現代風格,是我保持 設計作品既古典又新穎的小秘方。在南方,我們對祖先 留下來的東西非常自豪,因此,結合「 我的、媽媽的、奶 奶的」之擺設,可以輕易實現目標。我非常熱愛將古董銀 器跟當代藝術擺放在一起,或者為古董家具繃上新的家 飾布,也常在設計中混和使用經典圖案,如花紋、格紋

You’ve written a lot about classic, traditional style. What are some Southern design elements you find yourself coming back to again and again? James Farmer: Mixing heirloom pieces and contemporary style is how I strive to keep designs both

和動物圖樣。運用自然元素永遠不會出錯。 您如何汲取靈感? 法 默:大自然是我最好的導師——花卉、色彩、植物。 這是人類最棒的禮物!我也很喜歡去別人家裡參加晚宴 │45

The living room at Joe Pye Cottage, Farmer’s second home in Cashiers, N.C. _Jeff Herr


classic and fresh. In the South, we are proud of what came before us, so mixing what’s “mine, Mama’s, and Mimi’s” is a great way to accomplish that. I love mixing silver with contemporary art and brown furniture with freshly upholstered items. In my designs, I tend to use a classic mix of patterns with a floral, trellis, and animal print. You can’t go wrong with elements of nature. Where do you find the most creative inspiration? Mr. Farmer: Nature is always my biggest inspiration—flowers, colors, plants. It is our greatest gift! I also love going to other people’s homes for dinner parties—how they do flowers, what they serve, how they host. We can always draw inspiration from others. What do you feel a space needs before you feel it’s complete? Mr. Farmer: Flowers! I decorate in layers—layers of fabrics, layers of patterns—but a space feels complete when we place flowers to add that welcoming touch. ——欣賞別人怎麼設計花藝、有什麼菜餚、如何宴客。我 們總是可以從別人身上獲得靈感。 您認為一個空間需具備什麼條件才算完整? 法默:花!我通常會採取多層次裝飾——多層次的布料、 多層次的圖案——不過,只有當我們放上花藝裝飾,增 添一種溫馨感時,整個空間才算完整。 您有多名家人是傳教士。這樣的成長經歷給您帶來了什 麼影響?您希望如何將此帶入設計和人們家中? 法默:我的爺爺作為一名傳教士,他帶給我們的是充滿希 望和正能量,而不是負面的信息。多年來,我奶奶在教會 結束後或者節慶期間招待客人,他們的家永遠為他人敞 開,而他們的言談、身教,造就了現在的我。他們親切和 藹的人格特質,能輕易地吸引周遭的人群,而我當然也希 望能將這些正向的信息帶入我的作品中。 您曾經在書中寫下關於信仰的內容,如「 在花園遇見造 物者」等語。可以請您談談信仰在您的生命和工作中, 扮演何種角色嗎? 法默:花園就是「 祂 」的作品,而最終,我希望能透過我 的作品榮耀神。 對未來您有何期許? 法默:我熱愛寫作,寫了10本書,主題從食譜到室內設 計,我計畫盡可能的持續多寫。 │47

Summer Entertaining Tips Summer in the South gets hot—very hot, with a heaping scoop of humidity. But it doesn’t stop ladies and gents there from celebrating the season. So learn from the best and do as James Farmer says: “Embrace hot, humid weather and let summer be fun and casual, as it was meant to be—shorts, casual dining by the pool, and lowering expectations.” SET THE PERFECT TABLE To help beat the heat, Farmer likes to use colors that are visually cool, from the color wheel. “Green and white are cooler colors that make a table light and fresh.” Use what you have. Farmer likes to take flowers from the summer garden, such as hydrangeas, which “are always a showstopper and make a great centerpiece.” What’s in bloom in your garden that you can easily employ? KEEP IT SIMPLE Farmer keeps his cookbooks tucked away most summer evenings. “I can’t help but go back to ease, a mix of fresh veggies—corn, okra, and tomatoes—and burgers by the pool,” he says. You might even take cooking out of the equation, to focus on cutting fresh flowers or mingling with your guests. “Don’t forget to enjoy,” Farmer says. "If that means picking up pizza or getting take-out, do that!” COOL YOUR JETS Add some color and verve to your hydration regimen, while creating a visually inviting reminder to drink more: “All summer, I keep a big pitcher of lemon water with fresh mint in it,” Farmer says. “It makes staying hydrated a little more fun.” FIRST, HAVE FUN If you’re not having a good time, it’s harder for your guests to feel at ease. Farmer encourages us to entertain often, so find ways to let go of the stress of hosting and tune into the spirit of the gathering. Save formalities for another time. As Farmer advises, “The best thing a host can serve is confidence.”


夏季聚會小貼士 南方的夏天相當炎熱,且溼度高。不過,即使如此也 阻擋不了人們享受夏季的熱情。向專家學習,聽聽法 默的建議:「夏季注定要與高溫、悶溼天氣作伴,想 讓夏季有趣 又舒適,你可以穿上 短褲、在 泳池邊 用 餐,並降低期望值。」 完美的餐桌布置 對抗炎熱天氣,法默喜歡選用能為視覺上帶來涼感 的顏色。「綠色和白色就是很清爽的配色,能為餐桌 帶來一股清新、鮮活的氣息。」 聰明運用自己手邊的裝飾品。法默喜歡直接到花園 摘下鮮花,例如繡球花,因為它們「總是能夠驚豔全 場,非常適合做為裝飾焦點。」看看你花園中正盛開 的花朵,有哪些可以拿來運用? 保持簡單 大多數的夏季夜晚,法默都會把他的食譜書收起來。 「我總是忍不住簡單吃,」他說,「在泳池邊享用漢 堡,再搭配一些新鮮蔬菜——玉米、秋葵和番茄。」 你甚至可以預計完全不做菜,只專注在摘下鮮花,或 跟客人聊天。「別忘了自己也可以享受一下,」法默接 著說,「如果這意味著吃外帶 pizza 或叫外賣,那就 去做吧!」 降溫小妙招 為你的日常水分補給加點鮮活氣息,製造引人注意 的補水提示。「整個夏天,我都會準備一大壺新鮮的 薄荷檸檬水,」法默說,「為日常補水帶來一點點趣 味。」 總之,開心的玩 如果你自己沒有玩得盡興,也很難讓客人們感到自 在。法默鼓勵大家常常招待客人,因此要找到好辦法 拋開主持聚會的壓力,真正地融入聚會,把正式的禮 節留到下次再說 吧!如同法 默 建議 的——「自信是 主人能奉上的最好服務!」

Crisp greens and whites, including zinnias and dahlias from the garden, bring refreshing elegance to a summertime table. _Emily Followill

Many of your family members were preachers. In what ways has that upbringing shaped you, and what do you hope to bring to your projects and people’s homes? Mr. Farmer: As a preacher, my grandfather delivered messages that were delightful and hopeful rather than scornful. My grandmother would host people after church, for holidays and throughout the year. Their home was a welcoming place for any and everyone in their lives. So much of who I am is because of them. People were drawn to them and their graciousness, and I hope that translates in my life and work. You’ve written about faith, such as how you “see our Creator” in the garden. Can you tell us a little more about the role of your faith in your life and work? Mr. Farmer: The garden was His creation, and at the end of the day, hopefully I’m glorifying the Lord’s work in mine.

Mr. Farmer: I actually started helping my mother and grandmother’s friends with f lowers, pots, and party prep before I could drive, so this style of work has truly become part of my being. Leaning into the ways I could continue as a professional led me to the design world. What advice would you give to amateur or budding designers with an itch to do more? Mr. Farmer: I advise young designers to learn from the ground up. So many teams go into making design projects happen—builders, architects, landscape. Learn from them all, rather than just from what you think you want to do. You may fall in love with another aspect of the design world. Always ask what you can do, get real experience, and strive to get a real understanding of the work.

可以和讀者分享幾件讓您自己印象深刻,或特別自豪的 作品嗎?

What aspirations do you have? Mr. Farmer: Writing is something I truly love. I have 10 books ranging from cookbooks to interior design books, but the one thing they have in common is that I write all of them. I plan to continue writing as much and as often as I can. Can you tell us about a project that has been close to your heart, or that you are especially proud of? Mr. Farmer: There’s a project we completed in Alabama that I first worked on 20 years ago. Very early in my career, this family trusted me. It was small-scale—just some work in the garden and a few things inside. Having them trust my team to come back for more work at this point in my career feels very full circle.

法默:大約20年前,我們團隊在阿拉巴馬完成了一個項 目,當時我還只是個初出茅廬的新手設計師,這家人便 願意把家交到我的手中。這個項目規模不大,只是部分 花園跟局部室內設計。他們願意信任我,並邀請我的團 隊替他們做更多的設計,這讓我在此職涯階段,感到這 是一個圓滿的循環。 如何簡單有效的讓空間煥然一新,而不用搬家換地址? 法默:換個油漆顏色即可!再加點鮮花、新的枕頭套,並 且以季節作為靈感來源。 許多人都有裝飾的天賦。您如何在這麼早的人生階段決 定此以為專業? 法默:我在取得駕照(16歲)前,就開始幫忙我母親和祖 母的朋友布置花卉、盆栽,及協助宴客的前置作業,所以 這種形態的工作內容,早已成為我生命的一部分。而希 望能持續做這份工作的心願,最終引領我走進專業設計

What are some simple but effective ways to give a space new life, without packing up and changing address? Mr. Farmer: A little paint goes a long way! Add fresh flowers, get new pillows, and be inspired by the seasons.

領域。 對於躍躍欲試的業餘或新手設計師們,您有何建議? 法默:我建議年輕設計師們一定要從基層學起。一個項 目的完成,需仰賴許多團隊的協助,如建築團隊、建築 師、景觀設計師等。向他們學習,不要只專注在自己想做 的。你也可能因此愛上設計的另一個面向。記得要不斷

A lot of people have a knack for decor. How did you decide to become professional so early on? 50│

問自己:你可以做什麼?獲取實際的工作經驗,並盡力理 解設計工作的本質。

Designer and gardener James Farmer draws inspiration from nature to create elegant homes that celebrate life's precious moments. _Emily Followill

You radiate positivity and this verve for life, and you have written about finding beauty, hope, and renewal even in coexistence with darkness, loss, and grief. Where do you find joy? Mr. Farmer: Thank you. I find joy in my family, my friends, my work, and my surroundings. My sisters and I are very close, and I am fortunate to have a hand in raising their children, and my aunt and uncle’s home is on the same property as my home, Farmdale. Staying close and connected is a vital part of my happiness—especially when life is busy. I also have an amazing work team, so often work feels like time with dear friends. I do my best to invest time in what matters, whether that's getting my hands dirty in the garden or babysitting my nieces and nephews.

您總是活力四射,對生命充滿熱情,著作中也一再提到 儘管生命中有黑暗、失落和悲傷,也不要忘記尋找美、 希望和重生的機會。您怎麼尋找快樂呢? 法默:謝謝你的稱讚。我從家人、朋友、工作和生活周遭 找到快樂。我和我的姐妹們非常親近,也很幸運有機會 照顧她們的孩子。我叔叔、嬸嬸的家跟我家就在同一塊 土地上。和親友維持緊密聯繫,特別在生活忙碌時,這 就是我的幸福泉源。同時,我的工作團隊也非常出色,所 以工作中也像和朋友相處一樣自在。我盡力將時間投入 在對我有意義的事情上,無論是在花園中弄得髒兮兮, 還是照顧我的外甥和外甥女們。

This article was edited for clarity and brevity. 本文依循編輯原則,部分內容經刪節調整 │51


CHERRY TOMATO, CELERY, AND BACON SALAD 夏日風味:櫻桃番茄、西洋芹和培根沙拉 Recipe and photography by Jennifer McGruther


obust with bright cherry tomatoes, celer y, bacon, and herbs, this salad is a vibrant addition to the summer table. Its big flavor means it’s satisfying enough to serve on its own or as a side. It also packs easily and makes a great dish for summer potlucks.

Makes 4 servings

INGREDIENTS 1 pound cherry tomatoes, halved 4 ribs celery, thinly sliced 6 slices cooked bacon, chopped 6 green onions, sliced thin ½ cup chopped flat-leaf parsley 2 tablespoons chopped dill 2 teaspoons celery seed ½ teaspoon nigella seed 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar Fine sea salt, as needed


運用櫻桃番茄、西洋芹、培根和各色香草 植物,明麗的紅加上清涼的綠,這道沙拉 可謂 夏日餐桌 上一道亮 麗 風景線。馥郁 的 香氣 和多層次的口感,無 論 當主 菜或 配菜都合適。它也易於打包,是參加夏季 「 百樂餐 」(Potluck,一種自備餐點的聚 餐活動)的絕佳菜餚。

DIRECTIONS Toss the tomatoes, celery, and bacon together in a medium mixing bowl until the ingredients are evenly distributed. Add the green onions, parsley, and dill, and then toss lightly. Sprinkle the salad with celery and nigella, a black seed that’s widely used in Indian, Middle Eastern, and North African cuisines. Then drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Season with salt as needed. Let the salad rest for about 3 to 5 minutes before serving, or transfer it to a container and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.



作法 將櫻桃番茄、西洋芹和培根放入中型 攪拌碗中拌勻,再輕輕拌入青蔥、歐芹


和蒔蘿。撒上芹菜籽和黑種草籽( 一


種 在印度、中東和 北非菜餚中常見的






2 大匙切碎的蒔蘿 2茶匙芹菜籽


沙拉做好後先靜置3~5分鐘再上桌,或 者在做 好之後,馬上 放到保鮮盒裡冰 進冰箱也可以,這樣最多可以保存3天。

2 大匙特級初榨橄欖油 1大匙巴薩米克醋





AÏGO BOULIDO, GARLIC SOUP FOR THE SOUL 心靈「蒜」湯 Recipe and photography by Audrey Le Goff

Aïgo boulido, a Provençal garlic soup.



ranslated from the Provençal dialect as “boiled water,” aïgo boulido is an unassuming broth of garlic and sage, enriched with eggs. But don’t be fooled by its simplicity: “Aïgo boulido sauvo la vido”—“boiled water saves your life”—as the popular Provençal folk saying goes. The simple, delicately aromatic soup has long been believed to have powerful curative properties. It was once a grandmother’s remedy for people recovering from sickness or injury, as well as for birthing mothers. It is said that the soup was first invented by hikers venturing the trails of Provence. They would pick sage, bay leaves, and other drying herbs—known as the famed “herbes de Provence”—along their way and boil them in spring water to eliminate any germs. Later, garlic, which also grows abundantly in the mountains of Provence, was added to the recipe, and the dish became adopted by locals. Today, aïgo boulido is still widely consumed in the south of France to aid digestion, ward off winter ills, and detox after days of feasting—or recover from a nasty hangover.

Aïgo Boulido( 音譯為艾戈・布理多)一單詞源自法國

普羅旺斯的方言,意思是「 煮沸的水 」。這道看似簡單 的湯品,由大蒜和鼠尾草為基底,再加入雞蛋而成。儘 管食材簡單,卻有不容小覷的功效:當地有句俗諺是—— 「Aïgo Boulido可以救命!」這道充滿香氣的湯品,據傳 是老一輩的當地人用來給生病、受傷的康復者,以及產 後婦女的祕方。 據說,Aïgo Boulido 起初是由在普羅旺斯地區的 徒步旅行者所發明,他們會在健行途中隨手摘取鼠尾草、 月桂葉和一些曬乾的香料( 也是大家所熟知的普羅旺斯 綜合香料),加在泉水裡煮沸,以消滅細菌。後來,有人 又加入了大量的在地蒜頭,漸漸的,這道湯品的食譜就 流傳開來。時至今日,Aïgo Boulido 在南法地區依然廣 受喜愛。據說它有助於消化不良、預防冬季疾病,在大吃 大喝後排毒,或作解宿醉的湯品,也有出奇效果。 食材妙效 蒜頭是蔥屬植物家族的一員,和洋蔥、青蔥、紅蔥、韭 蔥、蝦夷蔥等是近親。在埃及、希臘、羅馬和中國等古老 文明歷史文獻中,早有入菜或作為醫藥的紀錄。蒜頭的 卡路里很低( 每瓣僅4卡),風味濃郁,富含營養素跟活 性化合物。有多項研究顯示,在飲食中攝取蒜頭,對身



THE POWER OF GARLIC AND SAGE Garlic is a plant belonging to the allium family, related to onions, scallions, shallots, leeks, and chives. Throughout history, its use has been documented for both culinary and medicinal purposes by major civilizations like the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Chinese. Though low in calories (about four calories per clove), garlic is full of flavor and packed with nutrients and active compounds. Many studies show the benefits of adding garlic to your diet: It boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol, and boosts bone health. When shopping for garlic, choose bulbs that are firm to the touch, with dry and unblemished skins. The heads should stay together and not break apart easily. Whole garlic heads should be kept at room temperature in a dry place and can last for months. Individual cloves, unpeeled, should be used within 10 days. Sage is an herb belonging to the mint family, alongside oregano, rosemary, basil, and thyme. Native to Mediterranean countries, it has been consumed in

醇、強健骨骼。 選購蒜頭時,選擇觸感硬實、外皮乾燥無損傷的為 佳。蒜頭應該保持完整,且不容易分開。將整顆蒜頭存 放在室溫、乾燥的地方,可以保存數個月。未剝皮的單瓣 蒜頭,應在 10 天內使用完畢。 鼠尾草屬於薄荷家族,和俄勒岡草、迷迭香、羅勒 和百里香是同屬。原生於地中海地區,希臘人和羅馬人 食用這些香草植物,已有數千年歷史。鼠尾草有一股濃 烈的土地香味,只需要少許葉片,就可以為料理帶來馥 郁的香氣。鼠尾草益處有:降低血壓、強化腦部健康、增 進口腔衛生( 抗菌)。 選購鼠尾草時,新鮮的比乾燥的好,因為新鮮的鼠 尾草,風味和療效都更勝一籌。購買時要注意鮮度,挑 選呈現鮮明綠灰色調的絨毛葉子,避免葉面有斑點或焦 黃葉緣。存放時先用紙巾包起來放進袋子,再放入冰箱。 盡量在五天內食用完畢。 三種作法 Aïgo Boulido有三種不同的口味可供選擇。第一種是 「清 淡 」版本,煮點熱水,加入幾瓣蒜頭、月桂葉和新鮮鼠尾 草,滾了之後把食材濾掉,滴幾滴橄欖油即可飲用。這種 高湯做法,留下了豐富的香草風味,只用幾滴充滿果香 的橄欖油提味。 │55

these regions for thousands of years, most notably by the Greeks and Romans. It has a strong earthy aroma, and only a few leaves are required to lend big flavors to any recipe. Sage has several promising health benefits: It lowers blood pressure, boosts brain health, and Improves oral health. When shopping for sage, choose fresh over dried, as it has superior flavor and curative powers. Look for fresh, fuzzy leaves with a vibrant green-grayish hue, free from brown spots or yellowish ends. To store fresh sage leaves, wrap them in a paper towel and place them in a bag in the refrigerator. Use them within five days. THREE VARIATIONS There are three common ways to enjoy aïgo boulido. The first one, the “light” version, simply calls for boiled water with a few garlic cloves, bay leaves, and fresh sage. This consommé is then filtered and sipped pure, with just a drizzle of olive oil. A second method incorporates beaten eggs. Stirring whole eggs into the broth forms tiny, tender fragments, giving the soup a more substantial texture. It also adds a healthy dose of protein—and with a slice of toasted bread with cheese on top, you have yourself a delicious, nutritious dinner. Finally, a third way calls for placing whole poached eggs on top of the soup right before serving, rather than stirring them in. This is a delicious choice, too, but requires the extra step of properly poaching the eggs in simmering water and white vinegar.

第二種作法是我最喜歡的,也是本文分享的食譜。 在高湯中加入打散的雞蛋,做成蛋花湯,我通常會在湯 裡放片烤過的麵包。輕輕的將蛋打進湯裡,蓬鬆輕盈的 蛋花,能讓湯有更豐富的口感,同時也增添了適量的蛋 白質。再額外加上一片起司烤麵包,就是一份美味又營養 的晚餐了。 最後,第三種作法是,上桌前,在湯裡放上水波蛋, 而不是打成蛋花。這樣做也很可口,不過會多一個製作水 波蛋( 在微滾的熱水加入白醋煮蛋)的步驟。


Aïgo Boulido For this recipe, you’ll need four small heads of garlic, a bay leaf, a few sprigs of parsley, and a small bunch of fresh sage leaves. For the eggs, buy them as fresh as possible and take them out of your fridge at least 30 minutes ahead of time to allow them to reach room temperature.

Makes 4 servings INGREDIENTS 4 garlic heads (about 10 cloves per head) 8 ½ cups water 8 fresh sage leaves 1 bay leaf 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 2 large eggs 2 tablespoons stemmed and chopped flat parsley (about 10 to 12 sprigs) Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 4 slices of rustic bread (i.e., pain de campagne, aka French sourdough) ½ cup grated hard Alpine cheese (i.e., Emmental or Gruyere)

準備四小瓣蒜頭、一片月桂葉、少許歐芹和一小把 新鮮鼠尾草——若能從當地農夫市集購買是最好 的。雞蛋盡量選最新鮮的,料理前30分鐘從冰箱 取出,讓蛋的溫度升高至室溫。


材料 Mash softened garlic cloves with olive oil.

4 顆蒜頭( 一顆約含 10 個蒜瓣) 8½ 杯水




1大匙特級初榨橄欖油 2 顆蛋

Peel the garlic cloves and place them (whole) in a large pot over medium heat, along with the water, sage, and bay leaf. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 15 minutes, uncovered, until the garlic has softened.

2 大匙(10 ~12 枝 )扁葉歐芹, 去梗、切碎 根據個人口味添加鹽和現磨黑 胡椒 4片粗糧麵包( 如鄉村麵包或 法式酸麵包 ) ½ 杯磨碎的阿爾卑斯硬奶酪

With a slotted spoon, remove the garlic cloves and place them in a large bowl. Mash them roughly using the back of a fork and mix in 1 tablespoon olive oil.


Return the garlic to the broth, and simmer to reduce for 15 minutes. Pass the broth through a fine-meshed strainer and return it to the pot. Bring to a low simmer again. Break the two eggs into a small bowl and whisk well with a fork. Slowly pour the beaten eggs into the simmering broth, whisking them in the broth as you pour. Do not stop whisking until the eggs are cooked and look like stringy threads. Add the chopped parsley and season to taste with salt and pepper. Turn off the heat. Divide the cheese evenly onto the 4 slices of bread and place them under the broiler on high for 1–2 minutes, until the cheese is melted. To serve, divide the aïgo boulido into four bowls and top each with a slice of cheesy bread.

( 如艾門塔爾或格呂耶爾 )

大蒜去皮,和水、鼠尾草和月桂葉一起放到大型湯 鍋中,用中火煮沸後,掀蓋轉小火煮約15分鐘,直 到蒜頭軟化。 用漏勺把蒜頭撈起來放在大碗中,以叉子壓碎,加 入1大匙橄欖油拌勻後,再放回高湯中,再用小火續 煮15分鐘。將整鍋湯用濾網濾過一遍後,繼續用小 火慢熬。 取小碗打入兩顆蛋,以叉子攪拌均勻。將蛋液慢慢 加入鍋中,一面加一面打成蛋花。不斷攪拌鍋裡的 湯,直到蛋花全熟,且看起來像輕盈蓬鬆的絲絮。 加入切碎的歐芹,視個人口味添加鹽和黑胡椒後關 火。 將起司均勻鋪在四片麵包上,送入烤箱,高溫烤1~2 分鐘,直到起司融化。上桌前將湯分別裝在四個碗 裡,每一碗都放上一片起司烤麵包,即可享用。 │57


ETIQUETTE MATTERS Over a Century of Good Manners From Emily Post 一堂跨世代的禮儀課 ——淺談艾蜜莉‧普斯特其人其書 By Jeff Minick


ome American books are not only bestsellers, but they may also profoundly influence American culture and society. Whether they’ve read Mark Twain or not, most Americans are familiar with his novel Huckleberry Fin. When President Abraham Lincoln met Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, he supposedly said, “So you are the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war,” referring to the explosive effect of Stowe’s novel on Northern abolitionism. Though little-read today, books written by muckrakers like Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair changed national policies regarding such entities as the oil industry and meat-packing companies. 一些在美國歷史上的暢銷著作,不僅是風靡一時,許多作品 對社會和文化產生的影響深遠。 無論人們是否閱讀馬克 · 吐溫的作品,大部分的美國人

小屋》作者斯托夫人時,他說: 「 妳就是那位撰寫這本著作, 開啟戰爭序章的婦人。」指出該小說對於北方廢奴主義的深刻 影響。儘管在當今世代,人們閱讀量不似從前,但那些由專門 揭發黑幕的記者所撰寫關於——石油產業、肉品包裝公司等 著作,都因此改變了國家政策。

Right: Gallant Scene in the Rococo Interior by Franz von Persoglia, circa 1900. Etiquette was a crucial part of family education from a young age, fostering respect, empathy, and essential social skills for life. _Public Domain





在 這之中,我們往往 忽略了那些以更加 隱 微方式 影響我們生活的著作。 1869 年,比徹姐妹(Catherine Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe)聯合出版了 《美國女性之家》,其彰顯家務管理的重要性,從維繫 居家環境、撫養孩童,以及疾病照料等主題,該書進而 成為許多家庭的參考指南。 伊 爾 瑪 · 羅 姆 鮑 爾(Irma Rombauer) 女 士 在 1931 年出版的《廚藝之樂》,有百萬銷量,現仍在市面 銷售。戴爾 · 卡內基的《人性的弱點》一書,於 1936 首 度問世,讀者高達數百萬,此後各種自我關懷( 自我成 長 )類型的活動更加盛行。 1964 年問世的《嬰幼兒護 理常識》,為班傑明 · 斯波克醫生所著,數以百萬計的 銷量,跨世代地影響著美國以及國外的父母們。 以 上 這些形塑文化的佼佼者中,我們也注意到艾 蜜莉 · 普斯特(Emily Post)及其著作《禮儀之於社會、 事業、政治以及家庭》。該書問世至今已有百餘年,其 中經歷了 19 次的修訂版本。 Emily Post in 1912, author of Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home. _Public Domain

關於作家 艾蜜莉 · 普埃斯(Emily Price,其婚前姓名,1872~1960) 生於鍍金時代,成長在富裕家庭。經過私塾教育,而後曾

Then there are those books that exert a more subtle influence, tomes with an impact on culture that we often overlook. In 1869, sisters Catherine Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe published The American Woman’s Home, which stressed the importance of household management and included tips on everything from the importance of taking fresh air to raising children and caring for the sick. It became a standard reference in many homes. Irma Rombauer’s 1931 Joy of Cooking has sold millions of copies and remains in print today. Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People, first released in 1936, was read by millions and helped launch the self-help movement. Since its publication in 1946, Doctor Benjamin Spock’s The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care has also sold millions of copies and influenced generations of parents both in America and abroad. Among these shapers of culture, we also find Emily Post and her Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home. Published over a century ago, this seminal book of manners has never gone out of print and has run through 19 editions.

就讀於當時的專科學校,該校專門教授年輕女性文化與 禮節相關的課程。 1892年,她嫁給一名銀行家,共育有 二子。 1905年,由於丈夫與多名女性的風流韻事,她與 丈夫離婚。此後,她為了增加收入投入寫作,開始撰寫小 說、報紙專欄。在美國鐵路尚未發達的年代,她還曾出過 一篇橫跨美國大陸至舊金山的公路見聞報導。 在 1922 年《禮 儀》一書出版之 際,其銷量一鳴驚 人。第一次世界大戰後,隨著歐洲宮廷以及王室禮節淡 出人民的生活,許多傳統和禮儀也隨之消散,或許美國 人亟需從這本書中,找尋一種穩定社會的力量與方向。 無論如何,這一名躋身上流,風趣、有智慧,且極富號召 力的女士,深信無論身處社會哪一階層,都可以透過實 踐禮儀而從中受益。 從法國宮廷到美國社會 我們可以透過古騰堡計畫,線上閱讀禮儀一書的初版內 容。字裡行間無不流露著普斯特女士時而幽默且親切的 文字,走近讀者的內心,文中可以感受到她對其倡導的 價值充滿熱忱,也充分展現其個人風格。 在序言中,普斯 特女士 解釋英文「etiquette」一 詞,源自法 語 的 同 一 詞 彙。一 位 凡 爾 賽宮內 的 園 丁, 在剛完工的花園內放置數個 警 示牌,以 防止行人 踐 踏 新 鋪 的草 地。然而,這 些 警 示標 語成 效不 彰,因此 法 國國王路易十四特別頒布一項命令,要求人們「 遵守禮

THE WOMAN AND THE WRITER Emily Price (1872–1960) was born into wealth and privilege during the Gilded Age. She was educated at 60│

儀 」,不久後,這句話就被廣泛地用在宮廷中的各種行 為上。 普斯特女士在書中以同樣的方式,向美國人提議要

home and afterward attended what was then called a finishing school, which focused on teaching young women about culture and the niceties of polite society. She married a well-to-do banker, Edwin Post, in 1892, with whom she had two sons. In 1905, she divorced Edwin because of his flings with chorus girls and actresses. Emily then turned to writing to try to generate some income. She wrote novels, newspaper columns, and even an account of a cross-country drive to San Francisco in the days when American roads were still somewhat primitive. But it was in 1922 with the publication of Etiquette that she struck that lode of gold that most writers only dream of. With World War I having wiped away so many traditions and manners along with European courts and kings, perhaps Americans were looking for the direction and stability they found in Etiquette. Whatever the case, here was a woman who was upper-class, but also witty, wise, and with broad appeal, who believed that all people could benefit by practicing some rules of etiquette, whatever their station in life.

「 遵守禮儀 」。儘管她個人並非教條式遵照這些禮節,

THE BOOK Post’s friendly and sometimes humorous approach to her readers, her fervor for the importance of manners, and her impeccable style can be found on every

「 已所不欲,勿施於人 」的原則,旨在讓我們身邊的人受

她仍在其著作中囊括了所有的禮儀規範。比起賓客的餐 桌禮儀,她更著重於招待者是否盡到東道主的義務—— 讓每一位客人感到自在,賓至如歸。就如她在書中寫道: 「 理想社會並不是富人的集合,它當然也不會拋棄 那些出身卑微的人;但它應該是上流人士聚集的場所, 他們言談高雅、禮貌迷人、學識豐富,而且自發地考慮 到他人的感受,這就是社會選擇其成員的標準。」 格調與時尚 普斯特女士的《禮儀》一書,寫作風格平易近人,用詞清 晰,精通英語語法。在初版的某些章節段落,或許有些 過時的文句,甚至讓人感到乏味的陳述,但這反應出她 對禮儀的嚴謹態度,而在僅僅一個世紀前,這一本格調 「 正經 」的著作卻銷售長紅,許多讀者甚至將書中的指 導奉為圭臬。 普斯特女士的文筆讓筆者想起當代的禮儀專家,朱 迪絲 · 馬汀,她被稱作「Miss Manners」,著有數本巨 作,如: 《禮儀小姐拯救文明》。 禮儀為何重要? 在這個「 我行我素 」的時代,我們為何還要遵守禮儀?這 有何意義呢? 無論是馬汀或是普斯 特女士都認同,我們須遵循 益,讓他人感到自在。不過,還有另一項我們必須注重 禮儀的原因,在《禮儀》一書中,普斯特女士以第一次世 界大戰的故事為例: 在同盟軍隊裡,法國士兵與其他非法裔的軍人一同 在 軍中領 取口糧,一些不是法國的士兵 抓 起食 物便狼 吞虎嚥,卻有一群法國士兵在領到糧食後,找了一塊平 整的岩石當作桌子,將口糧一一擺上,搭配一些晚餐配 給的少量葡萄酒,然後舒服地坐下,並在悠閒地對談中 享用這一餐。其中一位非法裔的士兵走到一旁,諷刺地 對他們說: 「 你們何必大費周章地去吃這微不足道的口 糧?」一名法國人對答道: 「 我是覺得⋯⋯難道我們不是 為了文明而在此奮戰?我們就是啊!所以我們在這裡用 文明的方式用餐。」 就像有句老話( 俗諺)——「 禮儀,成就不凡的人 」 (Manners maketh man),它也能成就文明。 燦爛的遺產 1964年,普斯特女士成立了「 艾蜜莉 · 普斯特」學院,繼 承者至今還在營運此機構。該學院推出禮儀相關的播客 以及線上閱讀文章,出版書籍、舉辦工作坊,並且邀請

Illustration by Adam Pérelle of the Versailles garden, completed around 1674. People were encouraged to obey the "etiquettes," or little warning signs to keep off the grass. _Courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art

講師授課,內容包含商業營運和公眾領域的禮儀。 當然,自 1922 年以來,許多禮儀規範都有所改變, 但禮儀背後的哲學並未改變。《禮儀》的最後章節名為 │61

page of the first edition of Etiquette, which we can read online at Project Gutenberg. In her Introduction, for example, Post explains that “etiquette” derives from the same word in French. A gardener at the recently constructed palace of Versailles placed etiquettes, or small warning signs, to keep pedestrians from walking on the newly planted grass. When these notices of “etiquette” failed to deter visitors, King Louis XIV issued a command for everyone “to keep within the etiquettes,” a phrase that soon came to apply to behavior at court in general. In her book, Post offered Americans a way to do the same, “to keep within the etiquette,” though she was never dogmatic about manners. She covered all the rules, but she was less concerned about the table manners of a guest than about the host’s duty to make that person feel as welcome and comfortable as possible. She writes in Etiquette: Best Society is not a fellowship of the wealthy, nor does it seek to exclude those who are not of exalted birth; but it is an association of gentlefolk, of which good form in speech, charm of manner, knowledge of the social amenities, and instinctive consideration for the feelings of others, are the credentials by which society the world over recognizes its chosen members. In other words, rich or poor, all who wish to do so can join the “association of gentlefolk.”

Manners Rescues Civilization and Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior. THE REASON WHY So why practice etiquette at all in this day of “doing your own thing”? What’s the point? Both Martin and Post are of the school that we should obey that old commandment—“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”—and that the point of all etiquette is to seek the welfare of those in our company and put them at their ease. But there’s another reason to mind our manners. In Etiquette, Post relates an incident from World War I. She tells us of some French soldiers and some non-French soldiers of the Allied forces being given their rations. The non-French combatants grabbed their food and gobbled it down while on their feet. The French took their food, “improvised a kind of table on the top of a flat rock, and having laid out their rations, including the small quantity of wine that formed part of their repast, sat down in comfort and began their meal amid a chatter of talk.” One of the non-French soldiers wandered over and asked sarcastically, “Why do you fellows make such a lot of fuss over the little bit of grub they give you to eat?” A Frenchman answers him: “Well, we are making war for civilization, are we not? Very well, we are. Therefore, we eat in a civilized way.” Manners, as the old saying goes, maketh the man. They also make a civilization. 〈品味在美國的發展〉,普斯特在文中寫道: 「 我們的一

TONE AND FASHION What will strike those of us who love the English language is the approachable formality of Post’s prose in Etiquette, her lucid diction and her command of English grammar and composition. Some passages from this first edition might strike us as dated, even archaic, yet those starchy sentences reinforce her no-nonsense approach to etiquette. What may amaze some readers is that only a century ago, readers not only made this high-toned book a bestseller, but also took its advice to heart. Post’s style brings to mind a more modern expert on etiquette, Judith Martin, more popularly known as “Miss Manners.” Author of such tomes as Miss 62│

切,展現於品味的好與壞,我們的言論、禮儀、衣著以 及居家用品,甚至是我們的朋友,都是我們品味是否合 宜的依 據,而上 述 這些都是書中論述 的主 題。禮 儀的 規範不過是我們培養好品味的路標。」 英 雄所見略同,普斯 特女士和 許多其他作者都認 為——良好的禮儀源自對於他人的禮貌。在她所處的年 代,一些常見的做法已然消逝,甚至在 20 年代也已逐 漸消亡。但她所倡導的理念在今日仍有其效用。 「 其他所有的一切都比要用哪一把叉子更重要,」她 寫道: 「 禮儀是生活的科學,它含括一切,它是道德,是 一種榮譽。」道德與榮譽,這基本上點明了一切關於良 好禮儀的重要性。 本文編譯自英文,內容、文句經編輯調整。

A bow, a courtesy, and a tip of the hat all conveyed respect for the recipient. An illustration from Manners, Culture and Dress. _Courtesy of King-Richardson & Co.


Showing respect toward one's elders was an essential element of good manners. An illustration by Richard A. Wells from Manners, Culture and Dress, 1892. _Courtesy of King-Richardson & Co.

LEGACY In 1946, Emily Post founded the Emily Post Institute, which her descendants still operate today. They offer podcasts and online articles about etiquette, publish books, and arrange workshops and speakers to teach proper manners to business executives and the general public. Of course, these manners have changed since 1922, but the philosophy behind etiquette remains the same. In the last chapter of Etiquette, titled “Growth of Good Taste in America,” Emily Post adds this reminder: “Good taste or bad is revealed in everything we are, do, or have. Our speech, manners, dress, and household goods—and even our friends—are evidences of the propriety of our taste, and all these 64│

have been the subject of this book. Rules of etiquette are nothing more than sign-posts by which we are guided to the goal of good taste.” Like so many other writers on proper behavior, Post realized that good manners are simply those courtesies we offer to others. Some of the practices common in her day have vanished as predigital antiques that even in the 1920s were fading away, but the philosophy she embraced and advocated remains just as valid today as it did more than a century ago. “Nothing is less important than which fork you use,” she once wrote. “Etiquette is the science of living. It embraces everything. It is ethics. It is honor.” Ethics and honor. That pretty much says everything we need to know about the importance of good manners.

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