Elite Lifestyle Magazine : Issue 66

Page 1

E L I TE 時 尚 精 英

Smart Ways to Stay Youthful

聰明抗老 護膚特輯

The Power of Awe 2025 SPRING EDITION


A Wonderful Day in Vienna 用五感領略維也納之美

藝文專題 護膚指南 歐洲旅遊 身心保養

Japanese Flower Arrangement: ISSUE 66


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Astrid Wang


Cora Wang


Crystal Shi


Pia Norris


Sunny Lo


Belinda Lin


Jennifer Tseng


Makai Allbert Annie Wu Deena Bouknight Yvonne Marcotte Tim Johnson


全美最大的家庭裝飾連鎖公司 Carpet One Floor & Home 唯一華人成員

Annie Holmquist COPY EDITORS

Louise Rothman Huixuan Yang


Karen Tang


Hsinyu Lo


Jo Yang

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Editor’s pick: Lotus Blessings


A Smart Antiaging Plan



Editor’s Note



Defying Time: Our Ultimate Beauty Picks



Fortify Your Immunity: An 'Awe' a Day Keeps the Doctor Away


A Lifestyle With Flowers: The Japanese Art and the Mindful Practice of Ikebana




A Dream Come True: Shen Yun's Principal Dancer on Reviving a Lost Culture





40 On the Cover The Ikenobo-style Japanese flower arrangement reflects the seasons and elements of nature. Picture courtesy of Los Angeles County Museum of Art


An Insider’s Guide to Massachusetts' Most Enchanting Mansion


Explore Vienna: A Fête of Music, Art, and Cultural Splendor


A Simple Guide for Every Social Occasion

所有場合都適用 不敗的社交守則


新年之際,我們都不免在內心許下一些願望,盼能在這新的一年裡有所 改變或達成某個目標。很多時候因為太關注於目標與結果本身,而忽略 了實踐的過程,而恰巧在這過程裡,賦予了人生最深刻的意義。 本期藝文專題,藉由了解日式花道這門藝術,欣賞其背後的創作哲學。 插花作品再美,完成後注定走向凋萎,然而,人們仍願意投入歲月、持 續鑽研花藝,無非是因其創作過程中,有著超越成果的內涵,數百年 來,吸引人們親自體會。 神韻藝術團最常見的海報模特王琛,2007年加入藝術團至今,已超過17 個年頭,從一名不諳中國古典舞藝術的西安女孩,成為頂尖的中國古典 舞藝術家,站上世界各地享譽盛名的劇院舞臺。從參與藝術團初建,到 如今藝術團在藝文界取得的成就,在旁人眼中這何嘗不是一種成功?但 她並未止步於此,因為她知道復興一項失傳文化的大業,遠不在於個人 的成就。此刻,她仍在某一座劇院中,傳遞那份堅守的價值。 「 哇!」當我們由衷地發出這種驚歎時,身體也因此發生好的改變。情緒 科學研究中,探究「 敬畏 」之情帶給人們的各種影響,甚至能增強免疫 力。認識產生「 敬畏 」的來源,能讓我們更加關注內在的變化,進而發 現,帶給我們生命最美好的時刻,往往簡單且不假於他人之手。 新的一年,讓我們試著專注於每天的實踐,無論多麼細小,都可能帶來 驚喜的結果。



LOTUS BLESSINGS 蓮之頌 In traditional Buddhist belief, the lotus is a sacred f lower symbolizing peace and purity. The renowned Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai, true to his pseudonym Green Lotus Recluse, left an enduring legacy of transcendent grace and freedom. Over time, these blooms have come to represent a safe and smooth journey through life. This year, embrace beauty and tranquility with stunning lotus-inspired jewelry and home décor. May its blessings stay with you always.



蓮花在傳統佛家思想的下,有著超 脫聖潔的意 象。詩仙李白自號「 青蓮居士 」,他在歷史上超 逸脫俗的形象深植人心,經過數千年來的積澱, 人們愈發將蓮花視為祈求平安的文化符碼,無論 是追求心靈的平和,抑或生活中的平安順遂。不 妨將這一年對於平安的祈願訴諸其中,從首飾到 居家飾品,讓平安伴隨我們一整年。








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A Smart Antiaging Plan: Prevention Over Cure 最明智的抗老對策 By Pia Norris



he old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is gaining traction in the skin care world. Traditionally, skin care has centered on treating existing concerns, but the focus is now shifting toward preventive care. Instead of waiting for problems to arise, the target now is on maintaining skin health and vitality to prevent signs of aging, like wrinkles and sun damage. This shift in mindset has led to more people incorporating targeted antiaging ingredients into their regular skin care routines. As we get older, the loss of collagen accelerates, leading to sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. As early as our 20s, we begin losing about 1 to 1.5% of collagen per year, but this process can be slowed with preventive skin care and supplements. Getting an early start can make a significant difference. Preventative care is more effective and less invasive than corrective treatments after the damage is already done. In your early 20s, focus on basic skin care—cleansing, moisturizing, and using sun protection. There’s no need to worry about targeted antiaging products just yet. In your late 20s, it’s a good time to start using hyaluronic acid for added hydration, along with antioxidants, peptides, and gentle exfoliants.

「 預防勝於治療 」的概念,近年在護膚界備受重視。過 去的護膚商品側重於對肌膚特定問題具有針對性的治 療,但近年來更為強調「 預防」保養。比起等到問題浮 上檯面,應設法維繫肌膚原本的健康與活力,進而抵禦 肌膚老化問題,如皺紋、紫外線損害等。 這種心態的轉變,也讓人們更關注於護膚品的抗老 成分,好讓我們在日常保養中善加利用。 隨著年齡日增,肌膚膠原蛋白的流失也與日俱增, 導致肌膚鬆弛、細紋,以至皺紋等出現。在二十歲出頭, 我們就會逐年流失約 1~1.5% 的膠原蛋白。但如果能以 預防性的護膚方式以及日常飲食,就能減緩膠原蛋白流 失的速度,越早開始,越能獲得顯著的成效。此外,預 防性保養更為溫和,不像針對肌膚問題治療那般激進, 防患於未然,我們更容易維繫自然透亮的健康肌膚。

Deep Wrinkle

Younger Skin

Older Skin

We should put our effort into maintaining our skin in good condition rather than trying to eliminate wrinkles once they appear.


在二十歲初期,應將焦點放在基礎保養,如清潔、 保溼,以及防曬,暫且不需要使用針對抗老的產品。但到 了二十代的後期,此時可以考慮添加透明質酸的產品來

增強肌膚保溼,同時配合添加抗氧化成分、胜 肽 的護膚


進入三十歲之後,在日常保養中使用添加 A 醇的保 養品,能有助於皮膚內部膠原蛋白生成,使肌膚保持彈 性。但切記要避免過度去角質,使用添加 A 醇的產品時, 也應從含量較少的溫和品項開始,因為肌膚需要時間調 適,而後視情況循序使用較為強效的醇類商品。 尋找最有效的成分 選擇正確的護膚品也是預防肌膚老化的關鍵。正確有效 的成分不僅能夠對症下藥,也有助肌膚修復且增強防護 效 果。從抗氧化 的維 生素 C 到對抗 皺 紋 的 A 醇,了解 每一種成分的效用,建立更有效的日常護膚程序。以下 列表整理出最有效的成分。

By your 30s, add retinoids to your routine to support collagen production and improve skin texture. Remember to avoid over-exfoliating and start with gentler options like retinyl palmitate to give your skin time to adjust. In a few weeks, you can gradually move on to more potent retinoids.

常見成分及其功效: .維生素 A 衍生物( 含 A 醇、A 醛、維生素 A 棕櫚酸酯) : 能促進膠原蛋白生成、加速肌膚代謝、減少皺紋及細 紋肌膚老化現象。

.胜肽:能促進膠原蛋白生成,讓肌膚更加緊緻且強化 肌膚屏障。

.維生素 C:能提亮肌膚、改善暗沉,抵禦肌膚氧化損害, 促進膠原蛋白生成。 .阿魏酸:一種強效的抗氧化劑,能增強維生素 C 的功 效,有助肌膚美白,抵禦肌膚受自由基侵害。 .透明質酸:保溼,使肌膚更加豐盈,並減輕細紋。 .角鯊烷:保溼、舒緩且能平衡肌膚油脂。 .菸鹼醯胺:能平衡膚色,增強肌膚自我抵禦能力, 減少肌膚泛紅問題。 .維生素 E:具有輔助修復且淡化斑痕的抗氧化劑。 .神經醯胺:修復肌膚自然屏障,促進肌膚保溼能力。 .α- 羥基酸(AHAs):又稱果酸,用於去角質,促進細 胞新陳代謝,淡化曬斑。

Conventional Ingredients and What They Do · Retinoids (including Retinol, Retinaldehyde, Retinyl Palmitate): Stimulate collagen production and accelerate skin renewal to reduce wrinkles and fine lines · Peptides: Boost collagen, improve elasticity, and strengthen the skin · Vitamin C: Brightens the skin, protects against oxidative damage, and boosts collagen production · Ferulic Acid: A potent antioxidant that enhances the efficacy of Vitamin C, helps brighten the skin, and protect it against free radicals


.β- 羥基酸(BHA) :常見說法為水楊酸,用於深層去 角質,能清除堵塞毛孔的髒汙。 .氧化鋅:能有效防護紫外線,具有抗發炎功效。


FINDING THE MOST-EFFECTIVE INGREDIENTS Choosing the right skin care is key to preventing signs of aging. The right ingredients don’t just target specific concerns; they help your skin repair and defend itself. From antioxidants like vitamin C to wrinkle-fighting retinoids, understanding the functions of each ingredient can help you build a more effective routine. We’ve compiled a list of the most powerful ingredients.


· Hyaluronic Acid: Hydrates, plumps, and reduces fine lines · Squalane: Moisturizes, soothes, and balances oil production · Niacinamide: Balances skin tone, reinforces the skin barrier, and minimizes redness · Vitamin E: An antioxidant that supports healing and reduces scarring · Ceramides: Repair our natural skin barrier and improve moisture retention · Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs): Exfoliate, promote cell turnover, and fade sunspots · Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA): Deeply exfoliates and unclogs pores for a clearer complexion · Zinc Oxide: Provides UV protection and offers anti-inflammatory benefits

.外泌體:透過促進膠原蛋白生成,減少發炎以及幫 助修復過程來恢復肌膚活力。 .補骨脂酚:俗稱植物界的 A 醇,可作為溫和版的 A 醇 替代成分,有效促進膠原蛋白生成,讓肌膚更有彈性。 .積雪草( 學名為 Centella Asiatica):能舒緩、癒合 肌膚,促進膠原蛋白生成。 .白樺茸:保護肌膚對抗氧化,幫助肌膚再生。 .抹茶:富含抗氧化物,能降低肌膚發炎反應, 讓肌膚更加緊緻。 .海藻:具鎖水及增強肌膚彈性功效,防止肌膚 氧化。 .薑黃:能舒緩肌膚泛紅及發炎,且提亮膚色。 .雪耳:替肌膚深層保溼,其強效的抗氧化成分能防止 細胞受損。 .益生菌:提供肌膚自然防禦力,能減輕發炎。 .藍艾菊精華:舒緩肌膚泛紅、發炎症狀,具抗氧化效用。


· Matcha: Rich in antioxidants, reduces inflammation and improves elasticity · Algae: Hydrates and enhances skin elasticity and provides antioxidant protection · Turmeric: Brightens and soothes, reduces redness and inflammation · Snow Mushroom: Delivers deep hydration and potent antioxidants to protect against cell damage · Probiotics: Support the skin’s natural defense system and reduce inflammation · Blue Tansy: Soothes redness, calms inflammation, and offers antioxidant support

Having a good daily cleansing routine also plays a big role in having healthy skin.

Emerging Ingredients · Exosomes: Revitalize skin by boosting collagen production, reducing inflammation, and promoting the healing process · Bakuchiol: A gentler alternative to retinol, boosts collagen and improves texture · Cica (Centella Asiatica): Soothes, heals, and boosts collagen production · Chaga Mushroom: Protects against oxidative stress and promotes skin regeneration


· Hydration: Staying well-hydrated will keep your skin hydrated from the inside out. Also, keep your skin moisturized. · Sleep: Get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night to support skin repair and regeneration. Sleep on your back to avoid wrinkles that can form from pressing your face against the pillow. · Collagen: Combat collagen loss by supplementing with collagen powder. · Meditation: Regular meditation can reduce stress, which in turn helps improve skin appearance and support a healthy, radiant complexion. · Makeup Removal: Always remove makeup before bed and cleanse your skin well to avoid clogged pores and irritation. · Sunscreen: Always use sunscreen (even in the winter and on rainy days) to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Starting today, even small changes can positively impact your skin in the long term. Whether it is using targeted ingredients, staying hydrated, sleeping well, or protecting your skin from sun damage, the choices we make—especially early on—affect how our skin ages. Good habits can help keep it youthful for years.


A smoothie with organic antioxidant foods or supplements for collagen production is a good way to nourish our skin.

DAILY HABITS AND LIFESTYLE In addition to using good skin care products, daily habits and lifestyle choices are just as important. How you take care of your body—through proper sleep, hydration, and stress management—can improve the effectiveness of your skin care. These habits work together to create a holistic routine that supports overall skin health and vitality.

日常習慣對抗老的影響 除了使用具有良好功效的護膚品,日常生活慣對肌膚的 影響也不容小覷。良好的睡眠、保溼,以及對生活壓力 的 調 節,都對肌 膚保養至關重要。唯有維繫 這些良 好 的習慣,才能使肌膚整體保有健康與活力。

.膠原蛋白:平日可透過食用膠原蛋白補品,來補充逐年 流失的膠原蛋白。 .冥想:有規律地進行靜坐冥想能有效舒緩日常壓力,也 有助肌膚保持健康、自然透亮。 .卸妝:一定要確實卸妝,將每日積累的髒汙澈底清潔。 .防曬:無論天候與四季,都應確實塗抹防曬用品,抵禦



本保溼。 .睡眠:每日 7 至 8 小時的睡眠最為理想,因為肌膚可










Editor’s Pick 駐顏護膚精選 By Pia Norris

GLO: Skin Beauty Hydra-Bright AHA Cleanser

La Prairie: Skin Caviar Liquid Lift

This hydrating and exfoliating cleanser uses lactic acid to gently improve skin texture, minimize pores, and promote a brighter, smoother complexion.

This potent lifting serum provides an immediate lifting sensation while enhancing skin firmness and elasticity. ($785, laprairie.com)

($42, gloskinbeauty.com)

Epicutis: Arctigenin Brightening Treatment

Augustinus Bader: Retinol Serum

This treatment targets dark spots, boosts skin brightness, and helps even out skin tone for a radiant complexion with an innovative, clean formula.

This retinol serum improves texture while targeting lines, blemishes, and pigmentation without irritation or redness.

($175, epicutis.com)


($195–$565, augustinusbader.com)

C60: Anti-Gravity Serum Packed with botanical ingredients and Carbon 60, this serum repairs, boosts collagen, and protects against environmental damage, helping fight gravity and maintain youthful skin. ($89, shopc60.com)

Flora Mirabilis: Holy Grail Face Oil This multi-tasking face oil acts as a serum, moisturizer, eye cream, and retinol alternative, hydrating, brightening, and keeping skin youthful with a blend of 10 natural ingredients. ($120, floramirabilis.com)

Tatcha: The Dewy Skin Cream This refillable moisturizer with hyaluronic acid boosts hydration, combats fine lines, and enhances radiance, leaving skin plump, smooth, and glowing. Ideal for dry to normal skin. ($23–$89, tatcha.com)

Epicutis: Hyvia Crème This treatment cream, 100% nontoxic, deeply boosts hydration while protecting the skin from blue light and environmental damage, leaving it plump, dewy, and nourished. ($195, epicutis.com)

C60: Youth Renewal Eye Cream This eye cream with 99.99% pure Carbon 60 and peptides boosts collagen and elasticity, reduces puffiness, dark circles, and fine lines, and protects against oxidative stress. ($94, shopc60.com)

KYPRIS: Pot of Shade–Heliotropic SPF 30 & Primer This multi-functional moisturizer, primer, and sunscreen with SPF 30 protects from UVA/UVB and leaves skin plump, smooth, and with a luminous glow.


($75, kyprisbeauty.com)

Native Path: Collagen Peptides This sugar-free (naturally sweetened with monk fruit and stevia) collagen powder boosts collagen production and fights age-related loss. With 10g of Type 1 and 3 collagen per scoop, it supports skin, hair, nails, joints, and digestion, and dissolves easily in drinks. (The chocolate and vanilla flavors are my favorite.) ($47.99, nativepath.com) │15


HOW AWE BOOSTS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM The most common source of awe may surprise you

敬畏的力量 情緒科學研究探討其來源與影響

By Makai Allbert

A “

we is the feeling of being in the presence of something vast that transcends your current understanding of the world,” writes Dacher Keltner in his book Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life. This feeling is usually associated with observing sublimeness in nature: grand mountains, stately trees, vast dunes, or the wide ocean horizon. However, nature is not the only source of awe, nor the most common. Moreover, awe extends far beyond a momentary feeling of wonder or inspiration, influencing our health in at least five ways.

「 敬畏是一種置身於壯闊之中的感受,它超越了你對現 世的理解。」美國心理學教授達契爾 · 克特納(Dacher Keltner)在其2024年出版的著作《敬畏:帶來生命驚 奇的情緒新科學》中如此寫道。( 編按:Awe中文翻譯 為「 敬畏、驚歎 」,通常是在內心受到震撼時,產生的 一種情緒反應。) 這種情緒通常與體察天地之壯闊有所聯繫——當 人們欣賞那雄偉的群山、樹林;廣闊的沙丘;無際的海 洋之際。然而,大自然並不是帶給心靈震撼的唯一途徑, 也並非最常見的一種。敬畏,遠不止是一時的驚奇或啟 發,它至少在五種方面影響著我們的健康。 撼動人心的驚喜來源 人們產生敬畏之情,源自一些哲學洞見、科學發明、音

A SURPRISING SOURCE OF AWE People can be awestruck by philosophical insights, scientific discoveries, music, visual design, spirituality and religion, personal realizations, impressive feats, and epiphanies. Even simply learning about other interesting people stimulates awe. ‌Research ‌suggests that when participants watch videos of inspiring people like Mother Teresa, this can, in turn, trigger awe. 16│

樂、視覺設計、精神及信仰,還有個人感悟、頓悟,以 及人生壯舉等。儘管只是學到一些趣聞,人們都能產生 此種情緒。研究表示,受試者在觀看一些激勵人心的影 片,如德雷莎修女的故事,都能產生相同的情感。 為了了解產生敬畏之情最常見的來源,克特納執行 一項實驗——他請來自世界各地的受試者寫下帶給他們 心靈震撼的故事。 實驗 共計蒐集了 2,600 則故事,而其中最常見的 主題是讚歎美德,如崇高的道德與品格,和善良的立意


To determine the most common source of awe, Keltner conducted an experiment asking participants worldwide to write about things that caused them to feel awe. Out of the 2,600 stories collected, the most common source of awe worldwide was moral beauty: exceptional virtue and character marked by purity and goodness of intention and action. This includes witnessing other people’s courage, kindness, strength, or overcoming hardship—for instance, stories of individuals risking their lives to save strangers or acts of kindness during disasters. Moral beauty also includes how people feel awestruck by the beginning—or end—of life. Many mothers note that giving birth is the most significant source of awe. Keltner documents in his book about


與行動。這包括了目睹他人的勇氣、善良、毅力,以及克 服難關,例如冒死解救陌生人,或是人們在災難之下的 種種善舉。 而這種美德也包括人們對生命起始與結束的敬畏 之情。許多母親寫下當孩子誕生於世的那一刻最令人驚 歎。克特納也在其書中記下一位來自日本母親的分享: 「 在我體 認 到身為父母肩負的責任以 及 這 生命 的珍 貴 時,我深受觸動。從這一刻開始,我感覺我會用盡全力 地活著,只為了保護這個生命。」 一位來自俄羅斯的母親表示,孩子出生那一刻,她 只想「 擁抱整個世界」。父親也擁有同樣震撼的感受。 一位來自印尼的受試者寫道: 「 我難以相信上天將如此 美好的禮物饋贈於我的妻子,而我止不住笑意,並且對 於上天賜給我們的孩子,感到無比驚歎與感恩。」 在克特納的論述中,金錢與物質並不能帶來相同的 情感。在其研究中( 該研究正在接受評審),所有受試

Awe as a Pathway to Mental and Physical Health

Headaches Sleep Cardiovascular

Key mechanisms 1. Lowered inflammation 2. Sense of meaning 3. Social integration 4. Diminished self 5. Prosociality


Boost physical health

Longevity Body aches


Improve mental health


Awe experiences a mother from Japan: “[I] was deeply moved by the realization and responsibility of becoming a parent, as well as the preciousness of life. From now on I felt that I would desperately live just to protect this life.” A mother from Russia expressed that she just “wanted to hug the entire world” after childbirth. Fathers also feel awe. A man from Indonesia wrote, “I just couldn’t believe what a beautiful and wonderful gift God has bestowed on my wife, and I just couldn’t stop smiling and feeling awe and grateful to God for giving us a son.” According to Keltner, money and possessions did not contribute to awe. In the study, which is currently under peer review, no one mentioned their laptop, Facebook, or smartphone. Nor did anyone mention

者都未提及筆電、臉書或智慧型手機,也沒有任何人提到 新耐克球鞋、特斯拉或古馳精品包。他寫到: 「 敬畏獨立 存在於超越世俗的領域,不在追求物質、金錢、獲取以 及地位象徵的俗世之中,許多人稱其為神聖領域。」 舉世皆通的「 語言 」 在科學期刊《自然》發表的論文中,發現在世界12個不同 區域中,敬畏的情緒伴隨著獨特的面部表情,就像人們 感到愉悅、滿足以及痛苦等情緒時的獨特表現。 無論其文化背景,當人們感覺體驗到敬畏的情緒時, 像是觀賞煙火、流星,他們的面部表現相同,例如:眉毛 上揚且彎曲、眼睛睜大,試圖要捕捉眼前壯麗之下的所 有細節。他們的下顎放鬆,嘴巴也微微打開,彷彿被那 驚奇的瞬間凝結似的,無法言語。同時,嘴角隨之輕輕上 揚,後腦勺稍向後仰,就像被一條看不見的線牽引一般。 │19

their new Nikes, Tesla, or Gucci bag. Keltner writes: “Awe occurs in a realm separate from the mundane world of materialism, money, acquisition, and status signaling—a realm beyond the profane that many call the sacred.”

另外,還有一則跨越十種文化的調查研究,其中還 包含了偏遠的不丹村落。研究測試了人們發出的感歎詞 彙,共 16 種情緒,包括:敬畏、生氣、恐懼、悲傷等。 其中表現驚歎的聲音,都聽起來都像——哇!即使是不 同的語言文化,在這種情緒表達的語音上,有高達 90% 的相似度,這也讓驚歎成了最廣為人知的情緒。

A LANGUAGE EVERYONE SPEAKS A paper published in Nature found that across 12 diverse world regions, awe stimulates a unique facial response similar to universal expressions such as amusement, contentment, and pain. Cross-culturally, when awe washes over someone, such as when viewing fireworks or shooting stars, their face transforms, reacting with the same facial expression—eyebrows arch high, eyes widen as if trying to absorb every detail of the magnificent sight. Their jaw slackens, mouth slightly agape, frozen in a moment of speechless wonder. A gentle smile plays at the corners of their lips, and their head tilts back slightly as if pulled by an invisible thread. A study tested the vocal bursts for 16 emotions, including awe, anger, fear, and sadness, across 10 cultures and even a remote village in Bhutan. Sounds of awe like “whoa” and “wow” were recognized with about 90 percent accuracy, making awe one of the most universally recognized emotions.

敬畏與健康之間的關係 敬畏對人來帶來的影響有五個方面,首先是透過免疫系 統帶來的轉變。 細胞因子負責傳遞化學信號,專門示意免疫系統更 加賣力運作,它在消滅病原體以及傷口癒合時的發炎反 應中,起到重要作用。然而,亢進的細胞因子卻會對健 康造成負面影響,諸如:關節炎、阿茲海默症,以及憂 鬱症等。近年來,因為新冠疫情而被人們廣為關注的「 細 胞激素風暴」一詞,幾乎讓人直接聯想到重症以及不良 後果。 近年來,越來越多的研究指出,正面的情緒對生理 身健康影響甚巨。 2015 年,刊載於《情緒》期刊的一項 報告中指出,喜悅、愛等多種正向情緒,能降低細胞激 素 IL-6( 又稱白血球介素,此即引發身體發炎反應的關 鍵激素)。而研究發現,人們產生敬畏感後,能使該細 胞激素下降,其下降程度為產生喜悅感的三倍之多。 《科學報告》中一項為期 22 天的縱向調查,針對在 新冠肺炎流行期間,對成年人和醫護人員進行觀察的結 果發現,人們每天驚歎的次數越多,壓力就越小,軀體 症狀也越少( 如頭痛和失眠 )。 這些研究表明,敬畏感

HOW AWE AFFECTS HEALTH Awe stimulates well-being in five ways. The first is through a shift in the immune system. Cytokines are chemical messengers that signal the immune system to work harder. They are important for a pro-inf lammatory response to kill pathogens and heal wounds. Yet a hyperactive cytokine response is associated with poor health and disorders such as arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and clinical depression. Most notably, in recent years, the word “cytokine storm” in COVID-19 has been synonymous with severe disease and poor outcomes. Emerging research is starting to acknowledge the role of positive emotions in our physical health. A 2015 study in the journal Emotion demonstrated that several positive emotions, such as joy and love, lowered levels of the cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6), an indicator of inflammation levels. However, the greatest predictor of reduced cytokine levels, up to three times more than joy, was the feeling of awe. 20│

的產生,可緩解發炎症狀,也能在疫情肆虐期間減低急 性和慢性壓力。 敬畏能降低以自我為中心的表現,能進 一步促進社會融合、使人們的行為表現順應社會,也使 人們的生活更有意義。 縮小「 自我 」 柏陽教授攜其團隊於加州柏克萊大學進行研究期間,曾 在優勝美地國家公園執行一項試驗。數日內,他們的實 驗 對象為來自42個不同國家、超 過1,100名的旅客。實 驗內容為:受試者在觀賞優勝美地峽谷景觀的同時,在 紙上畫下自己的圖像,並且用文字標示「 我 」的所在。而 在對照組的受試者,則在舊金山熱門觀光景點——漁人 碼頭——進行同樣的畫圖測試。 其中在優勝美地的受試者圖紙上,有高達 33% 的 繪圖,都將「 自己 」畫得比較小。還有標示「Me」的字體 也較小。根據研究員的論述,在圖紙上畫出自身以及寫 下「Me」的尺寸,基本上反映出受試者將注意力放在自我 之上的多與寡。 這種對於自我認知的改變,會對社會造成可觀的影 響。在一項試驗中,受試者花一分鐘觀賞高聳的樹木, 而其對照組則是花一分鐘觀賞高聳的現代科學建築。前

A study showed that people who spent a minute gazing at tall trees are more likely to help others than those who focused on a modern science building. _Jordan Siemens/Getty Images

Experiencing awe shifts our focus, connecting us to a greater world. Travelers to Yosemite perceive themselves 30 percent smaller than those at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. _Source from Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Images by Shutterstock

A 22-day longitudinal study published in Scientific Reports observed adults and health care professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic and found that the more daily awe people experienced, the less stress they experienced, and the fewer somatic health symptoms they had (e.g., headaches and trouble sleeping). These studies suggest that awe can benefit individuals with inf lammation and during periods of acute and chronic stress, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Awe can also affect health through increased social integration, prosociality, a heightened sense of meaning, and a diminished sense of self. 22│

者在後來的撿筆測試中,幫助他人的機率更高。 體驗到敬畏感的受試者,也傾向收取較少的研究報 酬,他們也表示不那麼想為所欲為,或自我陶醉。這也 顯示出「 敬畏 」可以促進有益於社會的行為,減少人們以 自我為中心,或是只在乎個人利益得失。 太 空 遊 客 阿 努 什 · 安 薩 里(Anousheh Ansari) 分享了她 在 外太 空 體 驗 到 的 震 撼: 「實際體驗超乎想 像,難 以言 喻⋯⋯它 把 事情( 事 物)縮 小 到 你 認 為一 切都可以掌控的大小⋯⋯所有這些事情可能看似巨大, 我們 不 可能 應付 的大小⋯⋯但我們 可以做 到這一點。 地 球 和 平 —— 沒 問 題。 它 給 人 們 帶 來了 那 種 能 量 …… 那種力量,我已經體驗到了。」 或許,敬畏給我們帶來更多靈性。在 2013 年的一 項研究中,研究員發現,擁有較多心靈震撼體驗的受試


A SMALLER ‘ME’ Professor Yang Bai and her team at the the University of California–Berkeley conducted a study in Yosemite National Park. Over a few days, they approached more than 1,100 travelers from 42 countries. While looking at the expansive view of the Yosemite Valley, participants were asked to draw themselves on paper and write “me” next to their drawing. In the control condition, participants were asked to do the same at Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco, a popular tourist destination. Those in Yosemite drew themselves up to 33 percent smaller, and the “me” was also smaller. According to the researchers, the size of the drawn self and how large one writes “me” are pretty good indicators of how self-focused the individual is. This change in self-perception leads to significant social outcomes. In one experiment, participants who spent a minute looking at tall trees were likelier to help someone who dropped pens than a control group who spent a minute looking at a modern science building. Those who experienced awe also took less money for participating in the study and reported feeling less entitled and narcissistic, suggesting that awe can increase prosocial behavior, reduce egocentrism, and reduce focus on personal gain. Anousheh Ansari, a space tourist, shared her feelings about experiencing immense awe in outer space: “The actual experience exceeds all expectations and is something that’s hard to put to words. … It sort of reduces things to a size that you think everything is manageable … all these things that may seem big and impossible. … We can do this. Peace on Earth— no problem. It gives people that type of energy … that type of power, and I have experienced that.” Perhaps, then, it’s not surprising that awe primes us to be more spiritual. In a 2013 study, researchers found that participants who had seen something awe-inspiring scored spiritually higher than those who had not. The researchers concluded that awe-inspiring experiences increase our motivation to make sense of the world, which may trigger belief in the supernatural. This spiritual stimulation further increases mental and physical health. “Our bodies respond to healthy doses of awe-

inspiring nature like we respond to a delicious and nutritious meal, a good sleep, a quenching drink of water, or an uplifting gathering with friends or family: We feel nourished, strengthened, empowered, and alive,” writes Keltner. It also reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, diabetes, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and anxiety, as well as everyday aches and pains. “Everyday awe is a basic human need,” Keltner notes. We can reclaim this sense of awe by approaching life inquisitively—seeking the often-missed marvels of nature and the touching displays of human kindness that surround us. 者,更注重精神層面。因此研究員總結那些經驗,能促 進人們去了解這世界,也讓他們更容易走入精神信仰。 而在精神上的鼓舞,也會增進人們的身、心靈健康。 克特納也談到: 「 我們的身體對於令人敬畏的大自 然所能獲取的健康能量,就如同我們對——一頓美味營 養的飯菜、一次良好的睡眠、一杯解渴的水,或與朋友、 家人一次令人振奮的聚會——反應一樣:我們被滋養、 獲得更多力量、充滿活力。」此外,它還能降低罹患以下 疾病的機率:心血管疾病、自體免疫疾病、糖尿病、憂 鬱症、創傷後壓力症候群(PTSD)和焦慮症,還能減輕 日常疼痛等不適。 因此,克特 納 認為「 每天的敬 畏 是人們 的基 本所 需」。我們可以重新找回這種敬畏之心,積極探尋生活 中的一切,像是我們時常忽略了存在於大自然中的神奇, 還有我們周遭人們的善舉。 │23



Whispers of Flowers Japanese Ikebana on Embracing Life and Mindfulness 花語無聲 道盡生命之美 日式花道之於藝術與社會


By Jennifer Tseng


he art of ikebana is to listen to the spirits of flowers and plants. It is how to make the voice or sentiment of the flower a visual combination with your feelings. Ikebana allows the heart of the arranger to touch the heart of the viewer.” —Kasen Yoshimura, the third grandmaster of the Ryuseiha School of Ikebana. An artist’s work is a glimpse into the soul—a window into the artist’s emotions, values, and experiences. Even the simplest drawings can unfold a wealth of untold stories. According to the American Art Therapy Association, art can reduce stress, improve cognition, boost self-esteem, and build emotional resilience. It’s capable of engaging your mind, body, and spirit in ways that words cannot. Ikebana, the traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement, is no exception. In a society that increasingly values instant gratification, our ability to juggle multiple tasks is seen as a sign of productivity. Yet, the American Psychological Association has found that multitasking is a myth: Our brains can’t actually handle multiple tasks simultaneously, but rather, switch rapidly between them, leading to reduced focus, increased stress, and additional errors that can cost as much as 40 percent of a person’s productive time. Ikebana offers a vastly different vision of a life welllived—one grounded in mindful presence and meditative peace. It is more than just an art form; it is a spiritual practice that encourages the arranger to surrender to their senses, follow their intuition, and let their thoughts converge into the present moment. In this mindful state, it’s as though you’ve entered a nonverbal dialogue with the plants and the space around you, drawing inspiration from the essence of nature. As one of Japan’s most influential ikebana artists, Toshiro Kawase once said, "The whole universe is contained within a single flower."

龍生派第三代大師佐藤昌三曾說: 「 花道的藝術在 於聆聽花草的細語。其藝在於如何將你對花兒聲音與情 感的理解,透過視覺組合表現。花道讓創作者的內心得 以觸碰觀者的內心。」藝術家的作品有如一道窗,邀請 觀者一窺其內在思緒及生命經驗。就連最簡單的線描圖 繪,也能展現創作者豐沛的內心世界。 美國藝術治療協會主張,藝術能減輕壓力、增進認 知能力,也能促進自信心,且進一步建立情緒復原力;藝 術能觸及身、心、靈,這是語言難以企及的效果。日式傳 統花道( 一稱華道),即插花藝術,也具備相同的益處。 在當今社會只在乎即時滿足的風氣之下,我們將一 心多用視為一種生產力。但是,美國心理學會的研究已 然發現,多工處理其實是一種迷思:其實我們的大腦根 本無法同時進行多項事物,在各種任務間快速切換時, 會導致注意力下降,助長壓力,並致使錯誤率上升,進 而損失高達 40% 的有效生產時間。 日式花道則反其道而行,它讓人們能夠全神貫注於 當下,感受沉思般的寧靜。它不只是一種藝術形式,而是 一種修行,鼓勵創作者真實面對五感,並且跟隨直覺, 讓所有的思緒一同流匯至當下。在這種心境之下,彷彿 進入一場與植物及空間的無聲對話,源自天地精華的靈 感隨之湧現。正如日本花道界巨擘川 敏郎曾說過—— 「 一花一世界」,當你專注在此藝術創作之中,你會發現 另一個無比寬廣的世界。 淺談花之道 花道結合了兩種日本傳統:佛教與神道。西元六世紀, 當佛教經絲綢之路傳入日本,佛教思想進而影響日本社 會,其主張人們應順應宇宙的自然法則,而非將自我的 意志強加於其上。 與此同時,傳統的日本文化與當地的神道教有著密 切聯繫。在此古老的信仰中認為,所有神靈( 或稱神/

かみ)寄居在所有自然元素中——風、與、山、花、樹木、 河流——每一種神靈都有其相應的智慧,體現珍貴的生 命哲思。在此世界觀之下,自然界的一切都是具有生命 的、平等的,且令人敬畏的存在。 儘管佛教在傳入日本之初也曾受到反彈,但其根本 的理念與神道信仰不謀而合,因而兩種信仰得以在日本 社會共存。時至至今,神道神祇已被視為佛祖的化身。 在禪宗僧侶的修行中,精進花藝是其中一項修練。

THE WAY OF THE FLOWERS The art of ikebana, or “the way of the f lowers,” emerged from the blending of two spiritual traditions. When Buddhism arrived in Japan via the Silk Road in the 6th century, it introduced the idea that we should seek to align ourselves with the natural flow of the universe rather than trying to impose our will upon it. At the same time, traditional Japanese culture was 26│

每天早晨,人們將鮮花奉上佛壇,以示虔誠與恭敬。長年 之下,從原先單一的鮮花供奉,演變成精心擺設的花藝, 其中有著嚴謹的規則,每一朵花都有其準確對應的位置。 在傳統花 道中,植物 擺 設 主要分作三種不同的高 度, 以 三 維 構 圖:最 高 的 以 示「 天 」, 最 低 處 則 象 徵 「 地 」,而中間則表現「 人 」的位置,在於聯繫天與地之 間,使三者達到完美平衡。也因為花道對於自然與生命 觀,十分接近於根植於民間的傳統信仰。這種藝術很快

Chiyoda Inner Palace: No.20 Flower Arranging in Turn by Hashimoto Chikanobu, 1895. _PD-US

deeply shaped by Shintoism, its indigenous religion. This ancient belief system teaches that sacred spirits, or kami, reside within the elements of nature— wind, rain, mountains, f lowers, trees, and rivers— each carrying its own wisdom and offering valuable life lessons. In this worldview, all of nature is seen as sentient, equal, and worthy of reverence. Although the arrival of Buddhism was initially met with resistance, its fundamental concepts shared many similarities with Shinto, and the two religions were able to coexist and complement each other. Today, Shinto kami are often seen as manifestations of Buddha. For Zen Buddhist monks, crafting these f loral arrangements became a form of meditation. Each morning, fresh flowers were laid at Buddha’s altar as a show of devotion and reverence. Over time, these simple offerings grew into more elaborate arrangements with strict rules governing the precise placement of each flower. In traditional ikebana, plants are arranged in three main lines of varying heights, forming a threedimensional composition. The tallest line represents heaven, the lowest earth, and the middle is humanity, connecting the two poles and coming together in perfect harmony.

Deeply intertwined with Japanese people’s beliefs regarding life and nature, ikebana quickly grew in popularity, spreading from monasteries to the nobility, the samurai, and eventually to everyday people. As it shifted beyond its religious origin, people began seeking simpler and smaller arrangements that could be placed easily in their homes. This change gave rise to numerous schools of ikebana, each with its own philosophy and style. Among them, three stood out as the most prominent. 地普及於日本社會,從寺院到貴 族、武士階層,最終擴及民間。 雖 然 最初 的花 道 源自宗 教,但在逐漸 發展後,人們開 始思考如何以相對簡單、輕巧 的陳設,將這種藝術形式帶入 家中,這也成了花道在日後發 展出各種流派的緣起。每一種 流派各擁其哲思與特色,以下 三種被視為主要流派。

In traditional Ikebana, plants are arranged in three main lines representing heaven, earth, and humanity. _PD-US

Ikenobo The Ikenobo style, which originated from the Muromachi period (1338–1573), is considered the oldest ikebana technique. This school uses plants to replicate natural landscapes and is divided into three categories: Rikka, Seika, and Freestyle. Rikka, meaning "standing flowers," was created to express nature's beauty from a Buddhist perspective. The f lowers are arranged to represent elements such as mountains, hills, cascades, and streams. The Japanese believe that, like human life, each plant has its own season and purpose, growing when the right conditions align. This belief extends to the natural world, which is seen as the result of everything coming into balance. In contrast, Seika, formalized in the late Edo period (1603–1868), focuses on “shussho”—the inner beauty of a plant that reveals itself as it grows and evolves. This style captures the passage of time— past, present, and future—to showcase the wisdom that comes with maturity. In this school, each flower’s individuality, grace, and vitality is expressed. Freestyle is a contemporary ikebana style that breaks free from traditional settings. In addition to temples and tokonomas—the alcoves in Japanese homes for displaying artwork—these floral arrangements can be found in formal ceremonies, at events, on stage, or in window displays. With no fixed rules, the artists are allowed to arrange the flowers freely based on the plants’ shape and texture.

A classic Rikka arrangement reflecting the elements of nature and the spirit of autumn. _Gryffindor/Wikimedia Commons


池坊 池坊派源自室町時代(1338~1573),被視作日式花道中 最古老的技藝。該門派主要是以插花的形式復刻自然景 觀,主要又分作三種類別:立花、生花,自由花。 立花,顧名思義即「 站立之花 」,其創作是為了彰顯 佛教思想中的自然之美。所以在插花的元素中,通常象 徵山丘、瀑布以及溪流等。而日本傳統文化相信,每一種 植物都有各自專屬的季節與目的,只在相應的時機下生 長,就如同人生。將此哲學放諸自然界,因此萬物生衰最 終都會走向平衡。 與 立 花 形 成 對 比 的 為「 生 花 」, 在 江 戶 時 代 (1603~1868))晚期確立的技法。這種風格旨在表現「 出 生之美 」,即植物的生命力和自然美態。此插花造型補 捉時間的流動:過去、現在與未來,展現成熟智慧。在此 門派中,彰顯出每一朵花的個性及生命力。 自由花則是近代出現的花道流派,較不受傳統花道 技法的約束。除了一般插花展示的空間,如寺廟以及日式 凹間( 床之間)——在和式空間內作為藝術品展示的空 間——自由花派的作品可被運用在正式典禮、舞臺以及 窗景的設計之上。因為沒有固定的規則,創作者可以依 據花材的形狀與姿態自由發揮。

Ohara Emerging in the late 19th century, the Ohara style revolutionized traditional flower arranging. Its founder, Unshin Ohara, introduced Moribana, or "piled-up flowers," a technique that presents and honors nature by keeping the plants in their most natural form. Students of this school are encouraged to observe nature closely and bring those details into their arrangements. What sets this style of ikebana apart from its predecessors is its emphasis on asymmetry and the use of negative space in the composition. Ohara ikebana typically uses a wide, shallow bowl as a vase, and the f lowers are secured by a kenzan (flower frog) beneath the water to ensure that even the most delicate arrangements stay in place.

小原流 在19世紀晚 期興起,小原流澈 底改變了傳統的 插花 擺

Top: Ohara school arrangements emphasize the natural beauty and development of plants.


_Nathan Mamico/Shutterstock

堆疊花朵,且保留其原始風 貌 的方式來呈現 對自然界

Bottom: The Sogetsu style embraces creativity and the freedom of individual expression.

的崇敬。該流派鼓勵學生仔細地觀察大自然,並將其中 細節帶入作品。它有別以往的流派,強調不對稱性以及

_Peter Chou Kee Liu/Flickr

運用留白的空間。小原流的花道,通常採用淺而寬的花 器,花朵會被插在被水覆蓋的劍山( 用於花藝的底座) 之上,所以無論花朵的擺設有多麼細緻,每一朵花都能 被固定。

Sogetsu Founded in 1927 by Sofu Teshigahara, the Sogetsu style sees ikebana as a creative art form that anyone can enjoy, anywhere, using any material. Emphasizing the freedom of individual expression, Sogetsu is often the preferred choice for adding artistic flair and warmth to spaces of all kinds—whether Asian or Western, traditional or contemporary.

草月流 西元1927年由 使河原蒼風創立的流派。草月流認為, 花 道是 所有人都 可以發揮創意 的藝 術形式,在任 何地 點,使用任何花材,側重於個人的自由表達。如果想替 空間增 加藝術 氣息或運用花卉增添溫馨感,草原流 通 常為此風格首選,因為人們可以任意選擇亞洲或西式花 卉,且在作品中同時結合古典與現代元素。 │29

A FLEETING ART In the 14th and 15th centuries, ikebana, along with other artistic practices like the tea ceremony and calligraphy, became essential elements of a samurai’s training. The warriors consistently practiced ikebana before going into battle as a way to calm their minds, sharpen their focus, and purify their souls. For the samurai, ikebana is a reflection on the fragility and fleeting nature of human mortality. Floral arrangements typically last only a week to a month, but this is part of their beauty. Like the blossoming and wilting of a flower, a samurai’s life may be brief, but his spirit will live on eternally. So instead of focusing on producing something permanent, ikebana artists cherish the creation process as much as they enjoy the final result. It’s a celebration of life's preciousness and impermanence— a reminder that things may not always unfold as we hope, but they happen exactly as the universe intends. For ikebana artist May uka Yamazaki, it is a humbling experience. “If your ego starts kicking in, thinking, ‘I want to create a great ikebana work,’ it becomes about you, not the flowers, and you end up failing to let the flowers live,” she said. “Ikebana is the art and practice of continuously letting go of your ego and being attuned to the voice of flowers.”

flowers—its core principles of balance, harmony, and mindfulness remain unchanged. The next time you pass by an ikebana arrangement amid the hustle and bustle of life, don’t forget to pause and appreciate its beauty, and let it remind you to live intentionally and treasure life’s simple joys regardless of what tomorrow may bring.

生命有限之美 在十四、十五世紀時,花道與其他藝文形式如茶道、書 法,皆成為武士訓練的修行之一。戰士在上戰場前都需 練習插花藝術,由此學會沉澱自我,提高專注力,進而淨 化內心。 對武士而言,花 道反映出人類 生命的脆 弱與其短 暫。插花作品至多能留存數週到一個月長的時間,但儘 管創作完成之際就會走向消逝,這也成了這種藝術表現 另類之美。就如同盛開與枯萎的花朵,武士的生命或許 短暫,但其精神永存於世。 與其聚焦在創造永恆的作品,花道家珍視創作的過 程,等同於其打造的結果。這種形式也在於歌頌生命的 珍貴與無常,提醒人們所有事情未必能如願,但一切的 發生都蘊含著上天的旨意。 花道大師山崎繭加表示,從事花道是一種學習謙卑 歷程。她說: 「 當你以『 自我 』為出發點想著: 『 我想創造 一個很好的花道作品』,這就成了攸關自我而非花朵的 創作,最終也無法讓這些花朵透過作品而生。」花道是一

THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Today, ikebana thrives as both an art form and a spiritual practice, with schools and practitioners worldwide. Similar to the language of f lowers in the Western world, traditional ikebana used native Japanese flora to convey specific messages: Cherry blossoms symbolize new beginnings and mortality, chrysanthemums represent longevity and renewal, pine signifies courage and perseverance, and bamboo stands for strength and prosperity. When Japan opened to Western influences in the mid-19th century, new flowers began arriving on its shores, and the art form spread westward. Western blooms such as roses, baby’s breath, and hydrangeas have found their place in contemporary ikebana. Across the ocean, adaptations were made to suit Western seasons, flower availability, and interior design preferences. Though ikebana has evolved to include diverse styles and materials—sometimes even without fresh 30│

項不斷學習放下自我,且在當下聆聽花語的藝術與修行。 綻放各地的花藝 時至今日,花道在其藝術形式及其修道內涵上都有所建 樹,在世界各地都有不同流派的追隨者。傳統花道運用 日本原生花卉來表達不同的寓意,就如同西方世界的「 花 語」:櫻花象徵起始與死亡,菊花則代表長壽與更新,松 木象徵勇氣與毅力,竹子則表現強盛與繁榮。 日本在明治維新後的 19 世紀受到西方文化洗禮, 自此新品種花卉引進日本,而花道這種藝術形式也因此 散播於西方國家。西方文化中常見的花朵,如:玫瑰、滿 天心、繡球花,開始出現在當代的插花作品中。逐漸地, 不同國家因應在地的花卉與季節性,進而影響花藝的設 計取向。 雖然就今日而言,花道已擁抱多元的風格與媒材, 有時 甚至不見 鮮花被使用其中,但其 核心價值 並未改 變,如創造平衡以及講究全身心的專注。在充滿喧囂與 忙碌生活的間隙,如果有機會看見花道作品,不妨駐足 觀賞片刻,試著體會它背後深意——也就是無論下一刻 會如何,珍惜生命當下單純、細小的歡愉。

Tsukasa of Ōgiya, a colored woodblock print from the Courtesans Arranging Flowers in the Five Festivals by Kitagawa Utamaro, 1805. _Courtesy of Los Angeles County Museum of Art │31

I’m very thankful to America for giving us the platform to revive our own culture. —Angelia Wang


AN AMERICAN DREAM, A HEART OF GRATITUDE Reviving a profound culture is a labor of love for Shen Yun and principal dancer Angelia Wang 見證從無到有 心懷感恩實踐美國夢 ——專訪神韻之星王琛 By Annie Wu



eep in the woodlands of upstate New York, in the early 2000s, a group of elite artists who had escaped persecution in China began building their dream. There, in a patch of mud and dirt, they laid the foundations of a cultural renaissance: a revival of traditional Chinese culture and true classical Chinese dance— an ancient art form displaced, like them, from its home and nearly lost at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party. They knew that this precious art, along with its values of goodness and hope, needed to be shared with the world. Today, Shen Yun Performing Arts is one of the world’s top dance companies. Its eight troupes tour to more than 200 cities across five continents, performing for more than one million audience members each year. Onstage, lush silk costumes billow against backdrops of ancient palaces and heavenly gardens, reminiscent of Chinese landscape paintings brought to life. Melodies from a live orchestra suffuse the scenes.

2000 年初,在紐約上州的深山裡,一群頂尖的藝術家 逃出中國後,相聚於此,他們從零開始打造一所藝文勝 地,以復興失落的中華文明為初衷,選擇以正統的中國 古典舞為其主要的表演形式。這群藝術家相信,這珍貴 的藝術及其內涵,能帶給人們美好與希望,必須分享給 全世界。 時至今日,神韻藝術團已是世界公認最頂尖的舞蹈 表演團體。目前共有八個同等大小的表演團,每年在全 世界五大洲,超過 200 座城市演出,每一年有超過百萬 名觀眾觀賞。神韻藝術團的副主席兼任樂團指揮陳纓女 士,曾在採訪中分享過創立早年的艱困情景——「 有時 在寒冬之中,我們在只有一點暖氣的臨時工作室內排練。 有許多繁重的工作是透過志工協助完成——許多人平日 裡有工作,但趁週末驅車往返約五小時的路程,來到園 區從事志工活動。」長年以來,在資金短缺下,純粹透過 藝術家、員工以及志工的奉獻與毅力,讓藝術團得以發 展至今。 神韻藝術團領舞演員王琛也是這其中一員,最初是 神韻的成立宗旨打動了她。 2007 年,王琛加入藝術團 之際,是神韻成立後的第二年。後來,她曾在多次的舞


It’s difficult to imagine that this was all built from nothing. In the tough early years, “we had almost no money,” recalled Ying Chen, vice president of Shen Yun and an orchestra conductor. “Sometimes in the depths of winter, we had to rehearse in makeshift studios with very little heat. Much of the heavy lifting was done by volunteers—people who would work all week at a job, and then drive five hours to our campus to work the whole weekend.” Through the sheer dedication and grit of its artists, staff, and volunteers, the company flourished. Principal dancer Angelia Wang embodies that selfless dedication. She was drawn to Shen Yun’s mission and joined in 2007, a year after its founding, during its humble beginnings. Little did she know how quickly she’d rise to the world stage. Now, she’s held her title for more than a decade, won multiple awards, and become a literal poster girl for the company. She’s often

蹈賽事中獲獎,也成為每年神韻藝術團海報上最常見的 舞蹈模特兒。如今,她身任舞團隊長一職,也是美國飛 天大學的舞蹈系助理教授。飛天大學座落於美國紐約上 州,是一座以中國古典舞與音樂藝術為主的專業學院, 培養出許多神韻藝術家。 藝術家的使命 神韻著名的舞蹈編導古緣表示: 「 在我四十年的舞蹈生 涯中,極少遇見一名藝術家能如此堅定不移地投入,且 充滿正向的影響力。」問及王琛成功的祕訣,她並不像 一般成功人士展現企圖與野心,驅使她前行的,是無盡 的感激之情,她珍惜每一個能將這份文化瑰寶展現於世 的機會。她說: 「 神韻替藝術家創建了一個逐夢的平臺, 讓他們能去展現這偉大的文化及其藝術形式。」 王琛出生於西安,在古代,那裡也曾作為首都。她 還記得,從小 祖母會讓 她背誦古文及詩詞。儘 管當年 並未能完全理 解那些文學背 後的意義,但她清楚那些 文字背後,蘊含著高尚的道德觀、禮教及訓誡。她說這 些兒時接觸的文化,在日後成為養分,幫助她在揣摩各 種歷史人物時,能更深入理解角色的內心世界,「 這就 像命中注定,我就是要做這件事。所有的準備都是為了 今天。」

Wang demonstrates a variety of postures in classical Chinese dance.



the model who appears on billboards across the country and globe. She’s also dance captain of her troupe, and an assistant professor of dance at Fei Tian College, an arts-focused institution in upstate New York where many Shen Yun artists train. Gu Yuan, an accomplished choreographer at Shen Yun, said, “In my 40 years in the dance world, I have rarely encountered an artist who demonstrates such unwavering dedication and infectious positive energy.” Ask Wang the secrets to her continued reign at the top of her field, and she’ll reveal no grand ambitions of fame or stardom. She’s driven instead by gratitude. She cherishes the opportunity to bring the beautiful culture of her heritage to life onstage. “Shen Yun created this platform for artists who pursue their dreams to be able to showcase this great culture and art form,” she said. Wang was born in Xi’an, a city that was an ancient capital of China for thousands of years. From a young age, her grandmother made her memorize famous Chinese poems and works of Chinese literature. She didn’t fully understand their meaning at the time, but those texts often contained moral lessons and expounded on ancient rules of propriety—values that later became important for her to comprehend as a dancer portraying exemplary characters from Chinese history. “This was like predestiny, like I was meant to do this. All that preparation was just for today,” she said. After moving to America at age 14, Wang heard about Shen Yun. She’d attended a dance school briefly in China, but Shen Yun was her first introduction to classical Chinese dance. She was intrigued by this art form that came from her native country, but that she knew little about. Going back millennia to imperial courts, ancient plays, and folk performances, classical Chinese dance is an expressive art form with a rich history. Much of its essence was lost in the Cultural Revolution, as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) set out to systematically destroy traditional Chinese culture. It’s impossible to find its true form in modern-day China. The CCP’s machinations hit especially close to home for some founding members of Shen Yun. They fled China to escape the regime’s persecution of Falun Gong, a spiritual practice based in Buddhist tradition. Its guiding principles are truthfulness, compassion, and

Everything happens for a reason, so anything you see, you can reflect on yourself and see if you can improve. —Angelia Wang

14 歲 移居至美國後,王琛 聽 聞神 韻之名。此前, 她曾短暫地在中國舞蹈學院待了一段時間,但一直到接 觸 神 韻 後,她 才正 式學 習中國古典舞。她 被 這 種藝 術 深深吸引,但卻對此不甚了解,因為在中共統治下,這 種藝文形式的正統內涵在中國已不復見。 在古代 宮廷、傳統 戲曲以 至 民間表演中,中國古 典舞極具表現力的藝術性,源自其豐厚的文明歷史。然 而,中共系統性 地摧 毀 這 數千 年來,根植 於中國社會 的傳統文化,並發起長達十年的文化大革命後,這一切 在當今的中國社會幾近消失。 神韻 藝 術團的創始成員冒著危險,從中國來到美 國,躲避中共對於法輪功信仰的迫害。法輪功( 又名法 輪大法 ),是一源自佛家傳統的精神修 煉大法,90 年 代初期在中國有過一段學煉的熱潮,以「 真、善、忍 」 三字為修煉原則。法輪功在當時象徵著「 傳統與精神價 值的回歸 」,這與篤信「 無神論 」的中國共產黨形成強 烈對比。中共當局因而在 1999 年下令鎮壓法輪功,這 政策的背 後不僅是要消 滅法輪功,而是要企圖摧 毀僅 存於中國、曾經屬於所有人的正統文化。 在 這 一 個 自由 的 國 度, 這 群 藝 術 家 能 隨 其 心 願 參與創建 神韻。王琛 對 藝 術團 的創建 宗旨感同身受, 2007 年,她獲得以學生實習的機會,參與神韻當年的 巡迴演出,自此,她每一年都在巡演團隊中。 短短數年間,她脫穎而出,並在新唐人電視台主辦 的全世界中國古典舞大賽中,摘下數面金牌,2012 年, 她已在大賽成年組獲得金獎殊榮。她 對自己能在 神韻 演出充滿感恩: 「 能夠用這種藝術形式、舞蹈,傳遞中 國傳統價值⋯⋯我非常感謝美國給了我們一個可以復興 自身文化的平臺。」與此同時,卻也為無法回到家鄉演 出而感傷。


forbearance, and it grew popular during the 1990s. Chen explained that Falun Gong’s spread represented “a return to traditional values and spirituality”—running directly counter to the atheist CCP. Launched in 1999, the persecution “not only sought to eliminate Falun Gong, [but] was also an attempt to destroy the last remnants of China’s authentic culture once and for all,” Chen said. “In many ways, we are modern-day pilgrims,” she added. “Many of us arrived on America’s shores with nothing but our faith and each other.” Here, in a country “rooted in freedom and liberty, we could freely create Shen Yun on our own terms”—bringing the true essence of the culture to the world, she said. That mission resonated deeply with Wang. She began training in classical Chinese dance, and in 2007, had the opportunity to tour with Shen Yun as part of a student practicum program. She’s been with the company ever since. Within a few years, she demonstrated her prowess by winning first place in the NTD International Classical Chinese Dance Competition’s junior division in 2009 and 2010, and first place in the adult division in 2012. She laments that Shen Yun’s performances can’t be seen in her homeland. But she’s grateful for her adoptive home. “Being able to use this art form, dance, to carry traditional Chinese values … I’m very thankful to America for giving us the platform to revive our own culture,” she said.

品格與藝術 回顧在神韻的歷程,王琛想起早年的光景。當初各項訓 練設施簡陋,但無論彼時與今日,身為藝術團一分子的 情感始終如一,「 我們緊密的聯繫就像一個大家庭。」 她說。這與當今世上其他充滿競爭性的職業舞蹈團非常 不同,在神韻,藝術家們相互扶持,以團隊整體的成功 為首要目標。 在中國古代,藝 術家們都將自我修養視作 提 升技 藝 的 根本之 道。王琛也分享,他們 在 此都 遵 循 一 句古 老的諺語: 「 在學習一項藝術之前,應該先學會如何做 人。」這讓演員於舞臺上演繹各種歷史人物時,有取之 不盡的靈感。她說,「 古人身懷大智慧 」,那些故事展 現一切關於良善、正直以及無私的美德。 在 2018 年的一場演出中,王琛飾演王寶釧,是中 國歷史上著名的女性人物。她苦守寒窯 18 年,等待丈夫 從戰爭中歸來。王琛也非常欣賞西施,她是史上著名的 四大美人之一。歷史上,她被送入敵國,以美人計來擾 亂對方陣營,製造機會讓自己的國家攻入敵營。「 儘管 這並不是她想去做的事,她是一個善良的人,所以無法 為此開心,在這過程中她也感覺自己傷害了別人。」王琛 回想她扮演此角時的心境,但無論如何,西施視國家興 衰為首要之務。在 2024 神韻的巡迴演出中,王琛透過 舞蹈詮釋這些充滿矛盾,且不同層次的情緒。「 能夠透 過肢體來展現角色,並且在舞蹈中演繹不同角色各自的 生命經歷,這是非常神奇的體驗。」她說。 全力以赴地回報 舞臺下,王琛也作為舞蹈導師教導新進的學員。 19歲那 一年,她便開始以助教的身分從事教學。面對挫折與挑 戰,她分享,「 不要害怕眼前的難關,也不要將問題看得

A CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE Reflecting on her journey with Shen Yun, Wang recalled her early career. Their training facilities were more rudimentary, but the spirit of camaraderie was just as strong as it is today. “We bonded together like a big family,” she said. Outliers in the competitive world of professional dance, the artists fostered a culture of mutual support and excellence. In ancient China, it was common for artists to pursue spiritual self-improvement to elevate themselves in both skill and character. Shen Yun artists follow an old Chinese adage about artistry, Wang said: “Before you learn an art form, you should learn how to be a good person.”


太大,只要先跨出第一步。」 作為舞團隊長,她必須考慮每一位成員的需求與感 受,確保排練與訓練日程都能順利進行。「 這項責任代 表著,很多時候,我必須將我個人的舞蹈訓練放在最後 一位。」她說這並不是一個輕鬆的決定,為此她必須無 時無刻保持在最佳狀態。 她說作為一名指導人員,除了獲得教學的成就感, 也能從中發現自己的短 處。「 中國有位皇帝( 唐太宗) 曾說過,『 以人為鏡 』,」她說,「 事出有因,所以你看 見的一切,都能反映出自身問題,並從中看如何改進。」

Right page: Wang’s dedication has earned her numerous accolades over the years, yet she remains humble and grateful. _Courtesy of Shen Yun Performing Arts

Wang tours with the Shen Yun New York Company, one of Shen Yun’s eight touring companies. Every year, Shen Yun premieres an all-new performance. _Courtesy of Shen Yun Performing Arts

The characters she’s portrayed onstage have served as constant inspiration for how to do that. “Ancient people had the greatest wisdom,” offering lessons about kindness, integrity, and selflessness, she said. In 2018, she played the role of Wang Baochuan, a historical figure from ninth-century China who faithfully waited 18 years for her husband to return home from war. Wang also admires Xi Shi, one of four women known as ancient China’s greatest beauties. As part of an elaborate plan, she was sent to an enemy state to make its king fall in love with her, all the while


除了對舞蹈的熱愛,王琛談到讓她持續精進自我的 動力,在於心繫著使命與觀眾。她看見神韻透過中國傳 統數千年的內涵,給世界各地觀眾帶來共鳴。她回想有 一次讓她深受感動的反饋,一名觀眾感謝神韻將藝術賦 予更深刻的意義,也讓人們看見如何衡量善良與美,並 且能進一步珍惜這珍貴的文化內涵。 王琛身為一名舞蹈 演員,她在其職 業上的成就是 許多同行人士難以企及的,但她並未思考太多關於自己 的舞蹈生涯,只想透過演出帶給觀眾溫暖與希望。「 在 當今社會,一切都是快節奏的,他們( 觀眾)選擇進到 劇院,坐在席間觀賞我們帶來的兩個半小時演出,我希 望能盡力給予所能付出的一切。」

reporting back intelligence so that her kingdom could seize the right moment to invade and attack. “It wasn’t something that she wanted to do. She was not completely happy because she was such a kind person, and she felt that in the process, she hurt other people,” Wang said. Nevertheless, she chose to put her kingdom’s needs above her own. Wang channeled those layers of conflicted emotions while portraying Xi Shi during Shen Yun’s 2024 tour. “Being able to speak with your body and feel the emotions of different characters going through their lives just by dancing is a very magical feeling,” she said. Offstage, Wang embodies her characters’ selflessness when mentoring junior dancers. She began as a teacher’s assistant at around age 19, and has been teaching on and off since then. Regarding challenges and obstacles, she tells them: “Don’t be scared of what you’re facing, and don’t look at a problem as too big. Just take the first step.” As dance captain, she must constantly consider her troupe members’ emotions and needs in order to ensure that rehearsals and training sessions go smoothly. “This load of responsibility means that oftentimes, I have to put my own dance training as the last priority,” she said. It’s not an easy choice, given the rigorous demands of keeping her body in peak condition. But she’s found it rewarding to guide a new generation of dancers. Being an instructor has also helped her realize some of her own weaknesses and improve upon them. “There’s a Chinese saying by an emperor that means you look at other people as a mirror to reflect yourself,” she said. “Everything happens for a reason, so anything you see, you can reflect on yourself and see if you can improve.” GIVING BACK Beyond her love for dance, Wang feels a responsibility toward audience members that drives her constant pursuit of excellence. She sees how the values conveyed through Shen Yun’s performances, though rooted in the Chinese tradition, resonate with people

Wang has been a principal dancer with Shen Yun Performing Arts for more than a decade. _Larry Dye

around the world. She recalls reading a heartfelt review from an audience member who thanked Shen Yun for making art with a deeper purpose. “’How do you evaluate kindness? How do you evaluate beauty? … We should cherish and appreciate the culture’s essence,’” Wang recalled him saying. “[That] ​​pushed me forward to craft my art better.” Wang is at the top of her game, but she isn’t thinking about her own prestige or how her dance career will unfold. All she wants is to “bring warmth” to audiences, she said. “In society nowadays, everything’s very fast-paced, and they choose to come to the theater and spend two and one-half hours just sitting there watching us,” she said. During those precious hours, “I wish to give as much as I can.”



The Mount

Edith Wharton’s Storybook Home Among the Trees 名著誕生之地 伊迪絲·華頓愛宅——山峰 By Deena Bouknight and Yvonne Marcotte

Converted from farmland in the early 1900s, The Mount’s estate features an Italian-style walled garden with manicured hedges, ornamental trees, and walking paths surrounded by dense hardwood forests. _Courtesy of The Mount


dith Wharton, one of the great writers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, chose to live in Lenox, Massachusetts. This area of the western part of Massachusetts is known as the Berkshires. She named her home The Mount. Wharton actively participated in designing and building her home. Built in 1902, The Mount presents a well-thought-out architecture within French, Italian, and English traditions, but she also wanted the design to complement the 113 wooded acres on which it sits. UNDERSTATED AMBIANCE When she embarked on the design of her home in Lenox, Wharton desired a more understated ambiance than the opulence of her contemporaries in New York City. Though Wharton would become known internationally as an author of fiction, she also wrote The Decoration of Houses (1897) with Boston architect Ogden Codman Jr. Codman then came on board to assist the author in designing her home with an eye for order, scale, and harmony. Wharton wanted practicality rather than extravagance, and wrote, “[Codman] shared my dislike of these sumptuary excesses, and thought as I did that interior decoration should be simple and architectural.” The home’s elegant yet eclectic elements come out in the grand exterior staircase undergirded with local stone. The main façade is white with black shutters instead of a lavish exhibition of myriad materials.

伊迪絲 · 華頓(Edith Wharton),十九世紀末到二十世 紀前期的偉大作家之一,定居在麻薩諸塞州西側、咸稱 「 伯克夏 」(The Berkshires)的萊 諾 克 斯。她 替其住 所命名為「 山峰 」(The Mount)。 華頓女士積極參與設計與打造自己的家。「 山峰 」 於 1902 年建成,把法式、意式與英式的傳統美學,巧 妙融入該建築預定地,即占地 113 英畝的廣闊森林中。 低調而大氣的「 山峰 」 她與 波士頓 建 築師歐 登 · 柯曼(Ogden Codman Jr.) 於1897年合著出版了 《The Decoration of Houses》一 書,柯曼旋後以注重秩序、比例及和諧為原則,協助華 頓女士設計其住宅。華頓主張實用而非奢華,她寫道: 「 柯曼與我都不喜歡過度華麗的裝飾,我們都認為室內 裝潢應該簡約且具建築感。」 │41

Top: The dining room opens onto the terrace and is illuminated solely by wall fixtures. This design choice naturally draws attention to the beautiful ornamental moldings and paintings. Bottom left: The drawing room, akin to today’s living room, is no longer furnished with Wharton’s original pieces. It was recreated based on photographs from her time. The design is influenced by classical French and Italian styles. Borrom right: The gallery boasts an arched entrance, painted moldings, decorative brass light fixtures, and a terrazzo floor. This is where guests are greeted before entering the rest of the house. _Eric Limon Photography

Besides Codman, Rhode Island architect Francis L.V. Hoppin also assisted Wharton on the exterior architecture. He drew inspiration from Belton House, a 17th-century English country house in Lincolnshire, U.K. The Mount’s gatehouse and stable are Georgian Revival and were designed by the firm Hoppin & Koen to hold the author’s horses and carriages, and later her vehicles. 42│

住宅使用當地石材建 造 宏偉的室外階梯,展現出 優雅且兼容並蓄的外觀。建築立面則以白色大理石為主 體,搭配黑色百葉窗,簡約大方,並未採用炫目華麗的 建材加以裝飾。 除了柯曼 之 外,羅 德 島 的 建 築 師 法 蘭 西 斯 · 霍平 (Francis L.V. Hoppin)也協助華頓完成建物外觀。他 的靈感源自位於英國鄉村的林肯郡內的「 貝爾頓宅邸 」 (Belton House),於 17 世紀建成,被保存至今。

Top: Wharton’s boudoir, a simple yet comfortable space, served as her private office where she entertained close friends, managed correspondence, and edited her work. The main feature is its French-imported red marble mantelpiece. _John Seakwood


Right: Wharton worked at a simple, leather-topped desk in her library. Her book collection features 2,700 volumes in various languages, covering topics such as science, religion, poetry, literature, and gardening. _Eric Limon Photography

Wharton envisioned the grounds as a series of outdoor rooms. Her niece, Beatrix Jones Farrand, who became a well-known garden designer and landscape architect in the early 1900s, assisted with the grounds’ plans. A WRITER’S HOME Wharton wrote extensively of the comings and goings at The Mount and about the books she penned while there. She shared her joy and contentment living in the home and grounds that she designed: “On a slope overlooking the dark waters and densely wooded shore of Laurel Lake we built a spacious and dignified

建 築 大 門 門 房 和 馬 廄 採 用 喬 治 亞 復 興 風 格, 由 Hoppin & Koen 建築事務所操刀設計,用來停放作家 擁有的馬匹和馬車,後來則用於停放汽車。 華 頓 的 構 想 是 將 整 個 庭 院 設 計 成一 系 列 的戶 外 空 間。 她 的 姪 女 碧 翠 絲 · 瓊 斯 · 法 蘭(Beatrix Jones Farrand)為一名庭園設計師和景觀建築師,在二十世 紀初已小有名氣,她協助規劃此空間。 │43

house, to which we gave the name of my great-grandfather’s place, the Mount. …There for ten years I lived and gardened and wrote contentedly.” In the 11 years that Wharton resided at The Mount, she wrote and had published eight novels, including The House of Mirth and Ethan Frome, as well as three collections of short stories. Her library, office, and bedroom at The Mount became her favorite places for reflection and creative thought. Over 900 volumes grace custom-crafted shelves in the library. In her autobiog raphy, A Ba ckward Glance, Wharton said she walked the vast gardens around The Mount to live with the characters and the stories in her head for a while before writing them down. She says in her autobiography: “The core my life was under my own roof, among my books. … Above all it was my work, which was growing and spreading, and absorbing more and more of my time and my imagination.” She left The Mount for Paris after the 1911 dissolution of her marriage. There she wrote the remainder of her works, including Age of Innocence, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1920. In all, Wharton wrote more than 40 books in 40 years.

滋養一名作家的居所 華頓詳盡記述了在「 山峰 」的生活點滴,以及她在此的 創作。她分享了在親自設計的家園中生活的喜悅與滿足: 「 在可以俯視勞瑞湖(Laurel Lake)深水和湖岸密林的 斜坡上,我們建造了一座寬敞高雅的宅邸,我用曾祖父 莊園的名字替它起名,稱之為『 山峰 』⋯⋯在那裡,我度 過了十年的歲月,照顧花園、安心寫作⋯⋯」 華頓住在「 山峰 」的 11 年間,出版了 8 本小說,包 括《歡樂之家》 、《伊坦 · 弗洛美》等,以及 3 本短篇小說 集。書房、辦公室和臥房是她沉思和創作的主要場所。 書房中手工製作的嵌入式書櫃,有超過 900 本藏書。 在自傳《回顧》一書中,華頓寫道,她會在廣闊的 花園中漫步,活在自己正構思的角色及其生活的世界中 好 一 陣子,然後再提 筆寫下。她在自傳中說: 「 我生活 的核心就是在自己的屋簷下、藏書中⋯⋯而在這之上, 則是我的作品,它們不斷地成長、擴散,並不斷的吸收 我的時間和我的想像力。」 1911 年,華頓在結束其婚姻之後,離開了「 山峰 」 前往巴黎。她 在巴黎完 成了其餘 的 作品,包含 讓 她 在 1920 年獲得普立茲獎的《純真年代》。最終在其寫作生 涯的 40 年期間,完成逾 40 部作品。 44│

The 16,850-square-foot mansion boasts 35 rooms and over 100 windows. The exterior design was kept simple, with a central open cupola overlooking the vast grounds. _Courtesy of The Mount



MUSIC & MAJESTY 24 Hours in Vienna

A city renowned for its musical heritage and a beacon for culture-lovers

極盡24小時 汲取維也納之最 By Tim Johnson

A sculpture of the goddess Muse riding the winged horse Pegasus tops the Vienna State Opera House. _Oleg Senkov/Shutterstock



nce the heart of a vast empire, Austria’s capital contains all the beautiful and fascinating remnants of that long and illustrious history: the arts, from music and dance to galleries and studios; castles and gardens; culinary wonders, too. Compact and walkable, it’s a place where you can see a lot in a short length of time. And there’s certainly plenty to keep you busy over a 24-hour span in this bustling city of 2 million. Whatever you choose to do, as the Billy Joel song says—“Vienna waits for you.”

維也納,歷史悠久的奧地利首都,曾作為巨大帝國的中 心,至今仍保有所有美麗的古蹟建築,從音樂、舞蹈到 美術館等文化遺產,更包含多座城堡與花園,還有非比 尋常的美食。這座古城小巧且適合步行觀光,就算時間 有限,旅客也能在短時間內獲得充實的體驗。 在這擁有 200 萬人口、熙來攘往的城市中,有著 數不盡的選擇,讓你在 24 小時內盡情享受。無論你決 定如何度過,都會像比利.喬名曲裡唱的那般: 「Vienna waits for you」 ( 維也納在等著你)。 早晨 在城市最具標誌性的地標——聖史蒂芬大教堂,作為一

MORNING Hit the ground running, and start your day at the city’s most iconic landmark, St. Stephen’s Cathedral. The history here is long: Builders broke ground back in 1137. Its current Romanesque and Gothic design took shape between the 13th and 15th centuries. The square out front—Stephansplatz—is the geographic center of the city and its cobblestone crossroads. It’s worth standing here for a few minutes, as the magic and the mayhem swirls around you—the rhythm of a bustling capital. Take a moment to marvel at the cathedral. This is, in a single place, the pride of Austria. Locals affectionately call it “Steff l.” Four towers rise, with the South Tower the tallest. At almost 450 feet, this makes St. Stephen’s the tallest church in the country. A kaleidoscope of colored tiles on the roof show off Vienna’s coat of arms, as well as the royal, double-headed eagle of the Habsburg Dynasty. The North Tower houses the Pummerin, one of 13 bells here, and one of the largest free-swinging church bells in Europe. Head inside to explore, and climb the 343 steps to the top of the South Tower to appreciate sweeping views of the labyrinthine streets of Old Town, also known as Innere Stadt. Take a little time to get lost. The Innere Stadt rewards those who wander. Encircled by the Ringstrasse, a ring road that traces the former city walls, all four quarters (which correspond to former gates) are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition to some of Vienna’s best-known historical buildings—city hall, the parliament building—the area is filled with 48│

天的開場。該建築年代久遠,可追溯至西元1137年初建 之時,今日可見的羅馬式和哥德式設計,是在13~15世紀 之間成形,而教堂前的史蒂芬廣場則是這座城市的地理 中心,也是匯聚人潮的十字路口。在這裡,值得駐足片 刻,感受環繞的喧囂——聆聽這座繁忙首都的韻律。

Top: Cafe Central opened in 1876 in the Palais Ferstel, a grand building in Vienna’s first district. _Heracles Kritikos/Shutterstock Left: Cafe Central is known for its wide selection of Viennese coffee specialities and traditional pastries. _Andrei Antipov/Shutterstock

St. Stephen’s Cathedral is an example of Gothic architecture, with features such as intricate stone carvings, pointed arches, and ribbed vaults. _narvikk/Getty Images

interesting little stores, especially along Karntner Strasse, the main shopping street. You’ve had a long f light, and a busy morning already. Fuel up on some of the city’s most famous beverage. The Viennese absolutely love their coffee—and UNESCO has recognized coffeehouse culture here as an intangible cultural heritage since 2011. You’ll have your pick of places in Old Town. But Cafe Central is always a good choice and has been since the place opened its doors back in 1876. Settle in and people-watch a bit. If you speak any German, you might hear a hot debate at the next table—a long coffeehouse tradition. Enjoy the tinkling of a piano, in the background. Strudel is always a lovely accompaniment to coffee, and Central has a very good patisserie. But if you’re a bit hungrier, this is a good spot for lunch. The menu includes local classics like Tafelspitz, a boiled-beef filet in broth, served with minced apples and horseradish (hearty sustenance for a busy upcoming afternoon). 50│

The Volksgarten (People’s Garden) was established in 1823 as a public park, making it one of Vienna's oldest gardens. _red-feniks/Shutterstock

如果有一處能作為奧地利的驕傲,那非大教 堂莫 屬。當地人暱稱它為「 小史蒂芬」 (Steffl),四座塔樓聳 立其中,最高一座為南塔,接近 450 英尺高,使其成為 全國最高的教堂。屋頂上如萬化筒般的彩色瓦片,展示 了維也納的市徽,以及哈布斯堡王朝的雙頭鷹王室標誌。 北塔裡有普默林鐘,是該地的 13 座鐘塔之一,也是 歐洲最大的教堂擺鐘之一。走進教堂,爬上南塔高 343 階的階梯,擁抱遼闊的高空視野,欣賞舊城區如迷宮般 的街景( 舊城區也是名聞遐邇的內城區)。 漫遊內城區,能感受這座城市散發的獨特韻味,在 每個轉角發現驚喜。環城大道(Ringstrasse)沿著昔日 城牆的遺跡而建,四個區域( 對應著昔日的城門)都是 聯合國教科文組織登錄的世界遺產一部分。除了著名的 歷史建築——市政廳、國會大廈等,這裡還有許多特色 小店,尤其是沿著主要購物街:克恩滕大街(Karntner Strasse)。

Top: The Imperial Apartments are one part of Vienna’s Imperial Palace that can be self-toured. Left: Empress Elisabeth’s dress is on display in her apartment in Vienna. The waist measures 19 inches, reflecting her strict practices of dieting and exercise. _Andrei Antipov/Shutterstock

熬過了長途飛行,也度過了充實的早晨,這時不妨 用維也納最著名的飲品稍作「 充電 」。在地人熱愛他們 的咖啡,這份熱烈的愛,使得當地的咖啡館文化在 2011 年被聯合國教科文組織列為非物質文化遺產。 在內城區有很多可走訪的景點,從 1876 年開業至 今的中央咖啡館(Café Central)永遠是個好選擇。坐

AFTERNOON You really can’t come to Vienna without visiting the Hofburg. The Habsburg Empire was once one of the most powerful in the world, stretching across Europe. From the year 1282 until its dissolution at the end of the First World War, this royal family ruled a diverse array of duchies, kingdoms, and counties.

下來看著熙攘的人群,親自感受這間咖啡館的人文傳統, 如果你聽懂一些德語,可能會聽到隔壁桌正在進行一場 激烈的辯論。此外,別忘了張開雙耳,享受咖啡館內輕 柔的鋼琴聲。 中央咖啡館的甜點很不錯!果餡卷(Strudel)是咖 啡的絕佳拍檔。如果你剛好餓了,這裡也很適合吃午餐, 當地經典美食水煮牛肉(Tafelspitz),為清燉牛肉片配 │51

The Hof burg was the heart of it all and remains one of the largest palace complexes on the continent. Warning: This is the kind of place where you could spend an entire, happy day (or a week). In addition to serving as the official offices of Austria’s president, the Hofburg includes many museums and galleries. Ramble, and you risk losing track of time. My recommendation: Choose a couple of highlights that appeal to you, and stick to them. The halls house all of the following: arms and armor, the imperial treasury, historic musical instruments, a silver collection, and so much more. I’d say the two biggest standouts are the Imperial Apartments and the Sisi Museum. For the former, the tour of 24 rooms is just beautiful. Dripping chandeliers and ceramic stoves, all rococo and stucco. But there’s more to see here than the sheer opulence. The walk through the bedrooms, private salons, living rooms, and even bathrooms provides insights into the highs—and lows—of the lives of Franz Joseph I and his empress Elisabeth, better known by her nickname, Sisi. The latter lived a dramatic and fascinating life through the second half of the 19th century. Still much beloved in Austria—she’s a legendary cultural figure here—Sisi grew up carefree in Bavaria. Her creativity and independent spirit followed her into the halls of power. Her namesake museum at the Hofburg documents how she pushed back against traditional court life. She traveled, painted, and wrote poetry. The collection of more than 300 items includes watercolors she painted, as well as reconstructions of her wedding dress and her saloon rail car. On a darker note, it also showcases objects from her assassination in 1898, including her death mask, and a coat with egret feathers draped upon her on that fateful day. Finish your afternoon nearby by walking through the life of another renowned Viennese, and a contemporary of Sisi. In the 19th century, Johann Strauss II enthralled this city with his compositions and conducting. Quadrilles, polkas, operettas—yes. But this man, who wrote ”The Blue Danube,” became known as a different type of royal—the King of Waltz. This year, Vienna will celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birthday with a series of events spread across the city. One of the major attractions is called Johann Strauss—New Dimensions. It is an immersive 52│

上蘋果泥和辣根(horseradish,又稱西洋山葵)。飽餐 一頓,為下午蓄積能量。 下午 來到維也納,別錯過霍夫堡王宮。哈布斯堡王朝曾是世 上最強大的帝國之一,橫跨全歐洲。從1282年直至第一 次世界大戰末,王朝瓦解為止,該王朝曾統治著多個公 國、王國和伯爵領地。 霍夫堡是整個帝國的核心,至今仍是歐洲最大的宮 殿建築群之一。注意:這是可以愉快地待上一整天( 甚至 一週)的地方。除了作為奧地利聯邦總統的辦公處外, 霍夫堡還有許多博物館和藝廊,漫步其中,能忘卻時間 流逝。因此我建議不要貪心,重點參觀幾處你最感興趣 的景點。 宮殿廳堂內收藏了武器和盔甲、王室寶藏、不同時 代的樂器、銀器等各色豐富的展品。我認為最值得一看 的是王室寢宮和茜茜公主博物館。前者的 24 個房間參 觀行程非常精采:水晶吊燈和陶瓷爐具,盡是洛可可和 粉飾灰泥裝飾風格。但這裡不僅展現富麗奢華,當你走 過臥室、私人沙龍、起居室,甚至浴室,也能帶你深入了 解法蘭茲 · 約瑟夫一世和他的皇后伊麗莎白( 茜茜一名 更為人所熟知)生命裡跌宕起伏的歲月痕跡。 博物館則展示 19 世紀後半葉,茜茜公主充滿戲劇 性且令人著迷的生活紀錄。茜茜公主之名至今仍備受愛 戴,是該地的傳奇文化表徵,她在巴伐利亞無憂無慮地 度過成長時光,後來步入了權力殿堂,但其創造力與自主 性未曾因此改變。 以她命名的霍夫堡博物館,記錄其如何抗拒傳統宮 廷生活:她旅行、繪畫、寫詩。館內有超過 300 件展品, 含括了她的水彩畫作,重製的婚紗,和她當年的專屬火 車包廂。展覽中較為沉重的內容,是她在 1898 年遇刺 的相關物品,包括其死亡面具,以及在那命定之日身披的 白鷺羽毛外套。 在下午的最後一段行程中,將走訪另一 位與茜 茜 身處同時代的名人歲月。 19 世紀時,小約翰 · 史特勞斯 以其作曲和指揮,令這座城市如癡如醉。方舞舞曲、波 爾卡舞曲、輕歌劇,都是史特勞斯的代表作,《藍色多瑙 河》一曲,更讓他獲得「 華爾茲之王 」的王室盛譽。 今年,維也納將以一系列遍布全城的活動,慶祝史 特勞斯的 200 歲誕辰。主要景點之一為約翰 · 史特勞斯 博物館主辦的沉浸式展覽,名為「 新維度 」。觀展全程 配戴耳機聆聽樂曲,四面投影呈現其生平傳記,是深入 了解這位音樂家和其作品絕佳體驗,你將在此愛上史特 勞斯,以及華爾茲( 即圓舞曲)。 晚間 提早一點享用晚餐,如果正好有攜帶正式服裝,不妨穿 上。在歷史悠久的薩赫酒店內,有一間米其林指南推薦

experience that absolutely brings the man and his music to life. Headphones you wear throughout the experience pipe in the songs, andprojections convey his biography in moving detail. You’ll learn to love Strauss—and the waltz.

的紅色酒吧(Rote Bar),該餐館以當地食材製作維也 納經典菜餚。試想在耀眼璀璨的水晶吊燈和巨型油畫之 下,享用精心製作的維也納炸牛排( 小牛肉佐歐芹馬鈴 薯),搭配現場鋼琴演奏,在畫龍點睛的美好氛圍下享 受此刻。更好的是,這間酒吧就在國家歌劇院對面。查 閱一下節目表,挑一場正在上演的演出來觀賞,還可以同 時欣賞這座擁有 1,700 席座位的文藝復興風格劇場。 你一定也會喜歡音樂的,維也納國家歌劇院是世上 擁有最多樣曲目演出的劇院之一,每年有超過 50 部歌

Top: The Rote Bar at the Hotel Sacher offers the perfect ambience to savor traditional Viennese cuisine at its finest. _© Sacher Hotels Left: In Austria, the term "wiener schnitzel" is protected by law and must only refer to schnitzel made with veal. _Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock


Inside the Vienna State Opera House, which was the first major building on the Vienna Ring Road and seats 1,709. _posztos/Shutterstock

EVENING Time for an early dinner. If you have them handy, you may want to don your formal clothes. Inside the historic Sacher Hotel, Michelin-listed Restaurant Rote Bar serves up Viennese classics using local ingredients. Think: an extraordinarily composed Wiener schnitzel (suckling veal with parsley potatoes) under glittering chandeliers and huge oil paintings, with live piano music, to add to the already lovely atmosphere. And the best part? Rote Bar is right across the street from the State Opera. Check the schedule,and just watch whatever’s playing. Part of the experience is simply enjoying a performance inside this graceful 1,700-seat Renaissance Revival venue. 54│

But you’re bound to like the music, too. The State Opera offers one of the largest repertoires in the world, with more than 50 operas and ballets staged every year. Sit back. Relax. Enjoy. Let the notes wash over you, and let them ring in your ears as you emerge afterward. If you still have the energy, take one more stroll through the web of Innere Stadt, as the music carries you along the cobblestones.

劇和芭蕾舞劇在此上演。坐下、放鬆,享受吧!讓音符洗 滌心靈,讓餘音繞梁,不絕於耳。演出結束後,倘若還有 體力,不妨在這沁入心靈的樂音之下,再次漫步於內城 區的石板路上。

ARRIVAL Vienna International Airport (VIE) serves as a major European hub, home of Austrian Airlines. Beyond other continental capitals, VIE also welcomes nonstop flights from around the world, including Tokyo, Bangkok, and Addis Ababa, and North American cities like Chicago, New York, and Montreal. The airport sits about 13 miles southeast of the city center. While taxi, ride share, and other road options will get you there in 30 to 45 minutes, depending on traffic, your best way in is probably by train. The less expensive S-Bahn costs as little as 4.10 euros and will spirit you to the middle of town in about 25 minutes, while the City Airport Train drops you at Wien Mitte station in about 16 minutes (for about 14 euros).

BEETHOVEN LIVED HERE Famously, the eccentric and genius composer Ludwig Van Beethoven moved often. In fact, experts estimate that he lived in as many as 60 to 80 different homes during his 35 years in Vienna. Sometimes, it seems like every street corner has a plaque noting that, for a time, he slept in the apartment upstairs. If you have a little extra time, it's fun to check out a few of them, especially the Beethoven Museum, where it’s believed that he once lived. Theater an der Wien, still a lovely venue where you can book backstage tours, was where Beethoven served as musical director and lived a fairly chaotic existence in the on-site residences.

A DAY TRIP TO ANOTHER CAPITAL Separated by about 35 miles, Vienna and Bratislava were once divided by the Iron Curtain. No two European capitals are closer together. Today, about an hour by train or road will take you between them. Happily, there's also a boat: the Twin City Liner makes the trip from Vienna to Slovakia's small, friendly, castle-topped capital in about 75 minutes, sailing on the great Danube River.

Explore the life, works, and legacy of Ludwig van Beethoven at Vienna's Beethoven Museum, where the composer likely resided in 1802. _Lisa Rastl, Wien Museum

抵達之際 維也納國際機場(VIE)是奧地利航空的據點,也是在歐洲大陸飛 行的交通樞紐。與其他歐洲的首都相比,維也納國際機場乘載來 自世界各地的直航航班,包括東京、曼谷、衣索比亞首都阿迪斯 阿貝巴,與北美城市如芝加哥、紐約和蒙特婁。 維也納國際機場位於市中心東南方13英里左右。前往市中心視交 通狀況約需30至45分鐘,進城的最佳方案應該是搭乘火車。較為 平價的城市快捷鐵路(S-Bahn)票價為4.10歐元起,可在25分鐘 左右抵達城內;而機場快線 (City Airport Train) 票價約14歐元, 行程約16分鐘,停靠在維也納中心站(Wien Mitte station)。 貝多芬遍布城內的住所 性格古怪的天才音樂家路德維希· 范· 貝多芬,出了名的愛搬家。 曾有專家推測,在他居住於維也納的35年當中,共住過60~80間 不同的房子,有時甚至感覺每個街角都會有個小牌子,上面標著: 貝多芬曾在此處短暫居住。 如果你有多餘時間,可以玩個尋寶遊戲:找出這些小牌子,特別是 在貝多芬博物館(Beethoven Museum),該博物館址也曾是他 的居所。維也納河畔劇院(Theater an der Wien),至今仍是 個迷人的場地,遊客可預約後臺導覽。貝多芬曾在此擔任音樂總 監一職,並在劇院提供的宿舍度過一陣充滿混亂的歲月。 一日往返兩國首都 維也納和斯洛伐克共和國首都布拉提斯拉瓦(Bratislava)彼此相 距約35英里,曾因其鐵幕政權而被隔離,在歐洲沒有其他兩國首 相距如此之近。如今,只需搭乘火車或開車自駕約1小時,就可往 來兩國首都,甚至可以選擇搭乘雙子城渡輪!在藍色多瑙河上航 行75分鐘,可往返兩地,造訪那小巧玲瓏、城堡遍布,且對旅客

Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. _Vish Pix/Pexels




How to Win Over People in Every Social Occasion 如何在社交場合游刃有餘? By Annie Holmquist



hether it’s a high school reunion, a networking event, or a family wedding, mingling with others we don’t know well is an art. To put both yourself and others at ease, Michigan-based etiquette instructor Bethany Friske advises us to practice kindness in the following ways.

CONSIDER THE HOST A good guest makes sure to connect with the host sometime during the event. “Verbally signing in, signing out” will make you stand out, Friske says, while also helping the host remember your appreciation after the whirl of the event. 無論是中學同窗聚會、社交場合,又或者出席親友婚禮,

PRE-EVENT PREP To avoid awkward silences, research some current national or local events beforehand to bring into your conversations. Friske also suggests having several get-to-know-you questions in your back pocket. Doing so helps you “focus on the other person and less on yourself.”

和在場不甚熟識的嘉賓相處堪稱一門「 藝術 」。為了讓 雙方都感到自在,芝加哥著名的禮儀指導專家貝瑟妮 · 弗里 斯克女士提出以下建 議,有助 於我們在日常中練 習,將善意留給他人。 事前準備 為避免尷尬的沉默,事前了解一些當地或國內的近期事 件,可以在談話間帶入。專家也建議,準備一些了解對


TENNIS TALK When mingling, view conversations as a tennis match. “You don’t want to hog the ball,” but you also don’t want to give a one-word response, Friske says. Carrying your conversation weight and asking follow-up questions will put your conversation partner at ease. TACTFUL TOPICS Gracious conversation keeps some topics off-limits, including health issues and diet. Unless others ask specifically, don’t talk about your diet or how much something costs, as this can make others feel guilty. Do, however, inform the hostess about dietary restrictions.

方的問題,這樣做才能將注意力放在對方身上,而不在 於自己。 「 網球 」聊天法 在與人相 處 時,可以 把它看作 一場 網 球 對 打。專 家表 示,你不會想搶球,也不會想著讓對方難以回應。你需 試圖持續對話,接續提問,這會讓對方感到輕鬆。 微妙的話題 一場有禮的對話,會將一些特定話題排除在外,其中就 包括健康議題或飲食。除非,對方特意詢問,否則盡可 能不要談 論自己的節食 活動或者消費 行為,因為這些 話題有可能會讓對方感到罪惡。但是關於自身的飲食禁 忌,請務必告知派對主人。 肚子或禮儀?

YOUR BELLY OR YOUR MANNERS Friske suggests eating a bit before attending a mingling event. Doing so enables you to take small bites, thus avoiding awkward and embarrassing moments for both you and your conversation partners.

專家建議,可以在社交場合開始前,稍微果腹。如此, 在社交當下更易於「 小嘗」餐點,不至於因為進食而發生 一些尷尬的場面,或讓對方尷尬應對。 眼耳並用 對話高手往往都善於傾聽,不過專家在此建議,不只是 善用「 耳朵 」,更要眼觀八方,尤其是當你想要加入一場

EYES AND EARS WIDE OPEN A hallmark of an expert conversationalist is good listening. But Friske advises keeping eyes open as well as ears, especially when considering joining a conversation in progress. Look for body language that signals a private conversation, and avoid barging in.

正在進行的對話中。透過觀察肢體語言來辨別那是否屬 於私人對談,如此便可避免貿然闖入。 體恤派對主人 一 位 好 的 賓客一定會在活動間,與主人有所交流與 聯 繫,「 入場與出場皆行告知 」這會讓主人留下印象。專家 表示,這同時也會讓主人在活動結束後,記住你的謝意。 │57

DISCOVER CHINA'S LOST TRADITIONS: Shen Yun Creations 妙舞仙韻 失傳絕技 盡在「神韻作品」 ——最熱門影音頻道簡介



ndowed with 5,000 years of history, ancient Chinese civilization is a profound culture deeply rooted in the divine. Tragically, within just a few decades of communist rule, this rich tradition was forced to the brink of extinction. Shen Yun Performing Arts was founded by artists dedicated to reviving this glorious culture. Its companies—eight now—tour the world annually, showcasing the beauty of pre-communist China through classical Chinese dance and music. Many fans now wonder: Beyond attending Shen Yun live in theaters, where else can we enjoy it?

中華五千年文明,源遠流長,博大精深,卻在中國大陸 被中共破壞殆盡。神韻藝術團致力於復興正統的中華文 化,以中國古典舞為主要形式,自 2006 年起至今,每 年在全世界巡迴演出。神韻帶來了最正統的中國古典舞 與傳統音樂藝術,並獲得「 世界第一秀」之美譽。除了親 臨神韻晚會的劇場,我們如何能夠隨時隨地觀看原汁原 味的神韻節目? 足不出戶領略神韻藝術 「 神韻作品 」網站應運而生了。這是一個網路影片點播平 臺,包含與神韻相關的近千部優質影片。這些影片包括 神韻演出的舞蹈節目、交響樂、室內音樂會、舞劇,以



ANYTIME, ANYWHERE In response to popular demand, the company launched Shen Yun Creations, a streaming platform that features nearly 1,000 films. The collection includes dance performances from past seasons, orchestral music, chamber concerts, story-based dances, original mini-operas, as well as tutorials, masterclasses, vocal performances, artist interviews, and comedy shorts. "Early Shen Yun Pieces” is its most popular subscription channel.


DANCE AT ITS PUREST Classical Chinese dance is an ancient and elegant art. It was originally passed down through imperial courts and ancient plays. Refined over the dynasties, it has evolved into one of the most athletic and expressive art forms in the world today. According to Shen Yun’s website, classical Chinese dance involves very rigorous and specialized training in foundational skills, unique movements, postures, as well as a wide array of leaps, turns, flips, and tumbling techniques. Steeped in China’s cultural traditions, it is celebrated for its expressiveness and unmatched ability to bring characters and their emotions to life. However, the classical Chinese dance we see in China today is heavily mixed with military and modern dance styles. Only at Shen Yun can you find


神韻藝術團的現場演出與幕後故事、藝術家的講堂 與趣聞,都在網站中為觀眾一一呈現。這是一個專屬於 神韻藝術,內容豐富的影音天地,有益身心且充滿歡笑 的藝術寶庫。 「 神韻早期節目」,是「 神韻作品 」的一個訂閱專享 頻道,也是關注者最多的頻道。專門分享神韻早期演出 的舞蹈節目,目前已上傳近千支影片。在這裡,您能夠 重溫心儀的神韻節目,再次品味純真、純善、純美的中 國古典舞藝術。

霓裳羽衣,仙姿妙舞;揮扇運劍,英姿矯健。中國古典 舞,是一種古老而優雅的肢體藝術。她曾是「 千童羅舞 成八溢 」的齊整莊嚴,曾是「 一舞劍器動四方」的雄妙 剛勁,曾是「 飄然轉旋回雪輕 」的飄逸靈動。她生發、 流傳於華夏大地上,在時光的長河裡綻放璀璨光華。 中國古典舞根植於中華五千年文明,由身韻、身法 和技巧三大部分組成,蘊含中華傳統的文化內蘊和審美 理念。然而,在當今社會,包括中國古典舞在內的中國 傳統文化,遭到中共全面破壞。 在今天,神韻藝術團的舞蹈演員,受到神韻藝術總 監的親自點撥,掌握了純正的中國古典舞技藝,並且通 過舞蹈形式講述中華正史,演繹修煉傳奇,揭示創世主 救度眾生的天機。失傳已久的「 身帶手、胯帶腿 」絕技, 更通過神韻藝術家重現人間,展現出最為舒展、大氣、 優美的舞姿舞韻,以及如神般的風采。


it performed in its purest form—the way it was originally passed down through the generations. Explore Shen Yun Creations and embark on an artistic journey through time, reliving the rich history of China. The artists will guide you through a rollercoaster ride of legendary tales, from ancient heroes to modern stories of courage and divine salvation. Whether it’s battling a tiger alongside the mighty Wu Song, rubbing shoulders with the terracotta warriors of the Qin Dynasty, or dancing with the graceful Han court ladies—there’s something new for you to discover at every turn.

打開「 神韻作品 」,彷彿踏上穿越時空的藝術之旅。 瀏覽劇目名稱,即可見內容之深廣:大漢風、淮北情、夢 回大秦、大唐仕女、蒙族碟舞、傣族姑娘、穆桂英掛帥、 武松打虎、十三棍僧保唐王、金猴智收豬八戒⋯⋯ 我們跟隨美妙的舞樂,徜徉在五彩繽紛的畫卷中: 從天國仙境到漢唐宮廷,從黃土高原到蒙古草原,從名 人典故到演義傳說,從古風古韻到當代故事。 忠孝兩全: 《花木蘭》(2009 年製作 ) 從繡花少女到沙場戰將,神韻舞劇《花木蘭》為我們詮 釋了一位溫柔賢淑而又堅忍勇敢的巾幗英雄。木蘭原本 和閨中女孩一樣,過著紡織、刺繡的寧靜生活。一天,她 年邁的父親忽然收到了朝廷招募將士、平定邊患的旨意。

A SNEAK PEEK Mulan Joins the Battle (2009 Production) Chinese history is full of remarkable women, yet none embodied the Confucian ideals of filial piety and loyalty to one’s country as perfectly as Mulan. Mulan was a carefree maiden peacefully embroidering at home when her elderly father received an imperial decree summoning him to defend China against invading forces. With no sons to take his place, Mulan courageously joined the army in her father’s stead. Donning armor and riding into battle, she spent 12 years serving her country. At long last, Mulan returned home victorious, her duties fulfilled. In this program, we see the shared roots of martial arts and classical Chinese dance. Thousands of years ago, the flips and combat techniques of martial arts were modified and adapted for dance and entertainment. As time passed, these two art forms evolved into the distinct yet interconnected traditions we know today.

為了實現父親報效國家的夙願,無長兄的木蘭毅然 踏上替父從軍的征程。她身披戰袍,策馬揚鞭,在沙場 上大 顯身手。一晃十二年過去,木蘭功成身退,榮 歸故 里,恢復了女兒裝束。 木蘭身為女子,文武雙全,她的舞蹈體現了中國古 典舞文用為「 舞 」、武用為「 武 」的剛柔並濟,充分展現 中國古典舞的技巧、神韻、身法的美妙精采。她的傳奇 故事,體現傳統的「 至孝」內涵,不僅孝敬父母,還能放 下身為女子的種種顧慮,為國盡忠、為正義而戰,可謂古 今忠孝兩全的完美典範。 天人合一: 《為神歡歌》(2010 年製作 ) 皚皚白雪,綿綿青山,一群藏族少年躍然而至。他們身 著明亮的藍色外袍,熱情地揮舞長袖,跳起陽剛而歡快 的舞蹈。藏族少女亦翩然而來,粉色的長袖歡騰似焰, 舞動的袍裙絢爛如虹。 悠 揚 的二胡,引出濃郁 的 藏 族 風 格音 樂;大 提 琴 和 小 提 琴互 應 相 諧,音 色渾 厚、寬 廣。高 遠 純 淨 的 音 樂,象徵著藏族人熱情開朗、豪爽奔放的性格,神韻舞 蹈家以一段 純 熟 的藏 族 舞蹈,刻畫 藏 人敬神活動的盛 大場景。 雪域高原上,樂舞歡騰,跳躍奔放,充滿歡樂與祥

Tibetan Dance of Praise (2010 Production) Dressed in the traditional attire of Tibetan nobility, young men and women express their joy for life in the snowy mountains. In Tibetan culture, dance is as integral to daily life as herding, hunting, and devotional prayers. Accompanied by Shen Yun’s live orchestra, the dancers celebrate the Tibetan people’s deep reverence for the divine and the ancient belief that humans should live in harmony with the heavens.

和的氛圍。少男少女們為神起舞、為神歡歌,自然真誠 地表現在神明眷顧下的幸福生活,淋漓盡致地抒發對神 的誠敬感恩。他們的舞蹈,為這片神奇純潔的大地增添 明豔活潑的色彩,更達到「 天人合一」的境界。 大唐盛事: 《佛法洪傳》(2010 年製作 ) 麗日晴空,唐僧、孫悟空、豬八戒、沙和尚四人取經歸來, 風塵僕僕來到長安城外。城內,大批官員和百姓在街頭 擊鼓起舞,滿懷敬意恭迎佛法。唐太宗李世民步出宮門, 親迎玄奘,滿目讚許與慰問。唐僧師徒將一卷卷佛經分 與眾人,天子與黎民手持經卷,莊嚴與喜悅溢滿京城。


This original composition highlights the erhu—a 4,000-year-old Chinese instrument that mimics the human voice.. Though it has only two strings, it is capable of conveying a wide range of emotions. The lively melodies reflect the warm, openhearted, and passionate nature of the Tibetan people. The Buddha’s Teachings Spread Far and Wide (2010 Production)

Mulan Joins the Battle (2009 Production)

In the seventh century, at the height of the Tang Dynasty, the emperor entrusted a Buddhist monk with the monumental mission of embarking on a perilous journey in search of sacred scriptures. For 16 years, the monk traveled on foot to what is now India, overcoming countless challenges before returning to China with 657 volumes of the treasured texts. The classic novel Journey to the West retells this story with a mythical twist. Monk Xuan Zang was not alone on his journey; he was accompanied by his loyal disciples—Monkey King, Pigsy, and Sand Monk. Together, they face 81 trials and tribulations, battling creatures eager to devour the monk, whose flesh is said to grant immortality. In this beautifully crafted dance, Shen Yun brings to life the entourage’s triumphant return to the imperial palace, where Emperor Tang Taizong welcomes them with a grand celebration.

Tibetan Dance of Praise (2010 Production)

唐貞觀三年( 西元 629 年),玄奘從長安出發,遠 赴印度,潛心學佛尋道。貞觀十九年( 西元 645 年), 玄奘法師帶著 657 部佛學典籍返回長安,舉國為之震 動。他的經歷,通過名著《西遊記》廣為流傳。 神韻舞劇《佛法洪傳》以歷史為依托,突顯唐代社 會禮佛的氣象。短小精緻的節目,背後蘊含著豐富的文 化內容,立意高遠,啟迪觀眾以史為鑒、增廣見聞。 如果您是神韻 藝術團的粉絲,那麼您一定不能 錯 過「 神韻作品 」網站;如果您尚未欣賞過神韻演出,那 麼「 神韻作品 」將是一把美麗的鑰匙,帶您打開神韻藝 術輝煌壯觀世界的大門。

The Buddha’s Teachings Spread Far and Wide (2010 Production)

ShenYunCreations.com │61

A 30-Year Commitment to New York’s

First Chinese American Owned Hearing Center 再現有聲世界 30年初衷不改 紐約第一家華人聽力中心——耳通

三十年前的紐約華埠,是第一代華人創業的鼎盛時期。 九十年代,這裡開設有五、六百家衣廠和大約一百五十 家餐館。製衣業、餐飲業及其他行業發展迅速,帶動了 無數華人的就業機會。當時在華埠 14 街耳鼻喉專科醫 院擔任醫師的曾文瑛發現,這個華人最多的社區,卻沒 有一家正式為華人服務的專科診所,很多華人病患受語 言限制,就診時面臨溝通困擾,無法得到良好的服務。 曾文瑛心想:這是機會,也是挑戰。為此,她考取 了聽力師執照。 1992 年,曾文瑛博士在曼哈頓中國城 創立了耳通聽力中心(Landa Hearing Center),也成


hirty years ago, New York’s Chinatown ushered in a golden era of first-generation Chinese American entrepreneurship. In the 1990s, more than 500 textile factories and around 150 restaurants opened, creating a surge in employment opportunities for Chinese immigrants. Dr. Alice Chan, an audiologist at an Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) hospital on 14th Street at the time, recognized a significant gap in health care services within Chinatown: There were no formal Chinese audiology clinics or specialist facilities for hearing aid fittings. This left many hearing-impaired Chinese Americans struggling with communication. Dr. Chan saw this as both an opportunity and a challenge. After earning her license in 1992, she founded the Landa Hearing Center in Manhattan’s Chinatown, becoming the first Chinese American to establish a hearing testing and hearing aid center in New York. Since its establishment, the Landa Hearing Center has prioritized providing services in Chinese and remained dedicated to assisting patients with limited English proficiency. Its professionalism and attentive service quickly earned the trust of the 62│

為紐約第一家由華人創立的聽力檢查、助聽器中心。 耳通自開業以來,便以中文為主要服務語種,耐心 協助不諳英文的患者,提供完善的聽力檢查,並裝配合 適的助聽器。耳通專業的技術和耐心周到的服務,在華 人社區很快地打響知名度,慢慢地也吸引了其他族裔的 患者前來問診。 悉心問診 遠離誤差 耳朵是 一種 細 緻的感 應器官,準確地測 試 聽力並不容 易。許多患者帶來的診斷結果,未必反應其真實聽力水 平,助聽器專家李孔耀表示: 「 每天都有不同的挑戰,而 聽力師曾文瑛博士工作非常認真盡責,很多病人接受檢 查後,會說耳通的聽力檢查細緻準確,跟別家不一樣。」 在耳通,他們會想盡辦法來避免 助聽器的誤差表 現。由於每個人的聽覺感受都不同,再加上耳朵形狀、 大小的天生差異,因而對聲音的反應也不同,這些都可 能為配戴助聽器帶來困難與挑戰。對此,耳通已然摸索 出獨到的經驗。 李孔耀舉例說明,最近為一名轉診過來的患者重新 檢查時,發現其左耳正常,根本不需要雙耳都配助聽器, 只需替右耳配戴: 「 這說明準確的聽力檢查非常重要。」 為了減少誤差,耳通替轉診而來的顧客重新檢查,也在 配製助聽器時特意保留調整空間。「 我們在多次和病患 溝通和觀察後,對設計出來的助聽器強度有所保留,不

Chinese community and attracted patients of other ethnic backgrounds. PRECISION HEARING TEST The human ear is a very delicate and sensitive organ, so it’s not easy to get an accurate reading on a patient’s auditory function. Thus, many of the diagnostic reports brought in by patients are inaccurate. “Each day is a new challenge,” Lee explained. “Nevertheless, Dr. Chan is deeply committed to her work. After undergoing hearing tests at Landa, many patients have reported that the service was thorough and accurate, quite different from their experiences at other clinics.” At Landa, the specialists make every effort to minimize the margin of error. Since each person’s perception of sound varies due to differences in the shape and size of their ear canal, their reaction to the hearing aids also differs. All factors contribute to the challenge of achieving a perfect fit. Through years of experience, Landa specialists have developed a unique set of techniques to overcome these discrepancies. Recently, a patient came through a referral to get fitted for two hearing aids. Yet, after running diagnostic tests, Landa specialists discovered that his left ear had perfect hearing. There was no need for two aids; just one would suffice. “After carefully observing and communicating with the patient, we will create the hearing aids but dial back on the amplitude to ensure they’re not too loud,” Lee said. For patients who are severely hearing impaired, they require behind-the-ear aids (BTE) and the volume of those can be fine-tuned as needed.

a mold. Although it’s time-consuming, these can be worn immediately and are very comfortable,” he said. “I really want to make things more convenient for my patients and make sure they don’t have to wait too long to get their hearing aids.” As technology advances and becomes increasingly digitized, hearing aid fine tuning has significantly improved. “Modern digital hearing aids are adjusted using a computer,” Lee explained. “This, combined with my professional experience, allows us to quickly take care of any issues that may arise.” Landa Hearing Center now offers state-of-the-art Bluetooth and rechargeable hearing aids, providing patients with greater convenience and more options. 會發出過大的聲音。」他解釋,嚴重失聰的病患,要用 掛在耳後更為強力的助聽器,而其助聽強度會根據患者 實際情況再做調整。 親力親為 客製化耳膜 配戴助聽器後的患者,經常有修正助聽器的需求,打磨 機是關鍵工具。為了讓病人得以配戴舒適,李孔耀不但 購買了打磨機,也下功夫學習和提升手藝,現在的他,短 時間內就能為客戶矯正助聽器,提供舒適的配戴體驗。 有時他甚至會親手製作某些類型的耳膜模型,「 我 是按照病人的耳模直接打磨出來的,不用翻模,客製化



CUSTOM-MADE WITH CARE Patients who use hearing aids need frequent device adjustments. Lee explained that when making an inthe-ear hearing aid (ITE), a mold of the patient’s ear is taken and sent to the manufacturer. However, it’s common for there to be slight discrepancies in the earmold, and that can cause discomfort. When necessary, Lee handcrafts certain types of earmolds himself. “I will directly shape the material to match the patient’s ears, skipping the need to create

很花時間。即使這樣,我也想為患者提供便利,不用等 太久就能戴上。」

DIGITAL HEARING AIDS 數位助聽器 隨著電腦數位化,助聽器的很 多調試已有所改良,李孔耀 說:「我的專業經驗能輔助病 人,利用電腦迅速解決。」耳 通中心也提供最先進的新型藍 牙、充電型助聽器供病患選 擇,使用更方便。 │63

“The Infinite Grace of Buddha (Center)”, Yuan Li


FIGURE PAINTING COMPETITION Embrace Classical Art • Revive Traditional Culture R EGISTRATION Feb. 1 to Jul. 31, 2025

1- 855 - 561- 0888


30年來幫助近五萬人裝配助聽器 專精聽力檢查助患者享受聆聽快樂




Lambert Lee博士



聯合、第一保健、安泰等保險公司特約助聽器裝配中心 中國城診所: 金輪大廈803室

法拉盛診所: 飛越皇后大廈7樓 7H

139 Centre St., Rm803, New York, NY 10013 電話: 212-406-1968 問診時間: 週二、四:10AM—5PM

136-20 38th Ave., Suite 7H, Flushing, NY 11354 電話:718-353-5626 問診時間:週一、三、五 :10AM—5PM

「我給她最高的五顆星!我評論了大約4000場秀,沒有一場能與神韻媲美。」 —Richard Connema,百老匯著名戲劇評論家



讓世界為之驚歎的頂級演出 「 神韻演出中具有包容世界的巨大力量,帶給 人們無限的希望。真的是天堂在人間的顯現。」 —Danlel Herman,前捷克文化部長

「 演出令人着迷!我鼓勵每個人來看, 我們都能從中學習。」 —Danna Karan,DKNY品牌創始人

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上神韻官網查詢您附近的演出城市及時間 : ShenYun.com

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