1 minute read
A growing market
Market Size
Total public funded UK clients per year 2
UK Home Care annual market size 1
Market and Client Needs 3.5m
Hours of Homecare per week for UK 3
Number of registered Home Care office locations across the UK 4
Of over 65’s would prefer care to be provided at home if possible when they need care 5
The number of ‘informal’ carers in the UK (friends and family who are unpaid) 6
Of over 50’s say they need help with basic everyday activities such as using the stairs, housework, and shopping 7
National Market Growth* Caremark Growth
National market value pa 8
Amount National UK ‘front line’ CSW jobs increased by from January 2020 to January 2021 11
The amount demand for services from the over 65 group could increase by 2030, (at current prices) 9
Amount the National UK hours grew by from January 2020 to January 2021 10
Average number of Caremark clients per office 12
1. £1.8 bn is private funding. £3.3 bn is public funding. This is Domiciliary care only; figures exclude Supporting Living and Complex (nursing) Care (LaingBuisson). 2. Roughly 342,000 at any one time. 150,000 total private funded UK clients per year (UKHCA). 3. Based on public funding only. England 2.4m / N.I. 276,000 / Wales 167,000 / Scotland 696,000 (UKHCA and N.I. gov website). 4. For national Providers this means each individual office or branch is counted as an office location). Average size 65 clients. Nearly half of office locations look after less than 30 clients. Many small, local micro providers are niche/specialists offering services for specific client groups or geographical areas. (LaingBuisson / Internal Research). 5. (UKHCA) 6. This figure is surplus to public and private funded care provision (LaingBuisson). 7. (LaingBuisson) 8. (LaingBussion) 9. (LaingBussion) *Note these are estimates and estimates of future growth vary depending on the source and methodology used. 10; 11; 12. (Internal data) Note: Numbers rounded; some data estimated based on incomplete official data, all sources provided.