MEDICAL WARNING & DISCLAIMER Information provided in this e-book is meant to assist you in understanding the principles behind whole body vibration and the functioning of Whole Body Vibration platforms, as well as in creating a personalized training program, based on your health and fitness goals. Pieces of advice and information given in this book are based on trustful sources and thorough analyses, so you can trust all the recommendations given by the author. However, keep in mind that it’s your responsibility to know your body and your health state and to get your physician’s approval before applying any of these tips. Author of this e-book is not responsible for injuries or health issues resulting from applying the recommendations in this publication or from using a Whole Body Vibration machine as suggested in this publication.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE Facts provided in this e-book are accurate and considerable efforts have been made for including up-to-date information and synthesizing gathered data in an accessible manner, thus no part of this publication may be transcribed, transmitted, reproduced or translated into any language without the permission of the author or publisher. You do not have the permission to copy, resell, redistribute, auction or give away copies of this e-book in electronic or physical format. This e-book is the property of Hypervibe and it’s protected by international copyright laws. You are allowed to print a copy of this publication for your personal use and to copy the PDF file of the book to a CD or back-up drive for your own use. Do not get yourself in trouble by distributing this e-book illegally, after receiving it.
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INTRODUCTION You may have found yourself with a copy of this eBook because you have only recently heard about Whole Body Vibration technology, or perhaps you’re quite familiar with it, but are struggling to work out the facts from the fiction. In this eBook, we’ll take you down a no-nonsense path to the REAL benefits of Whole Body Vibration backed with scientific references and real user testimonials. Before we begin though, for those of you who are new to Whole Body Vibration, you may wish to learn what exactly it is.
HISTORY OF VIBRATION HEALTH DEVICES Throughout history there have been numerous documented uses of vibration for therapy, for example, the ancient Greeks utilized the vibrations produced by a flexible saw attached to a sheet of fabric binding an injury in order to enhance healing. In 1857, a Swedish doctor named Gustav Zander, famous for pioneering what would today be known as a “health club”, invented dozens of different exercise devices, some of which utilized vibration. One of Zander’s vibrating devices gave birth to a popular device in the 60’s, the old belt massager, with advertisements promising to loosen fat and increase muscle tone without effort. To no surprise, it didn’t work so well. Unfortunately, this device is frequently attributed to a modern Whole Body Vibration machine, but as you’ll soon learn, without the use of gravity, the only thing it has in common is that it vibrates. Other notable examples in the years since Zander, has been Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, the developer of Corn Flakes, who invented a whole-body vibration chair that shook violently and with which he claimed to cure constipation, headaches and back pain. In the 60’s Russian Scientist Vladimir Nazarov utilized a vibrating device to apply vibration locally to muscles and tendons to create involuntary muscle reflexes. Nazarov translated these findings to practical uses for athletes. He observed a substantial increase in flexibility and strength in the athletes he studied after the application of vibration.
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MODERN USE OF WHOLE BODY VIBRATION TECHNOLOGY In the mid-90’s, a German scientist produced the very first commercially available Whole Body Vibration machine. Unlike previous devices, the Whole Body Vibration machine increased the weight bearing on the user, by having them put their body weight onto a vibrating platform whilst simply standing or performing exercises. Some may have difficulty understanding this loading effect, but if you have ever felt temporarily heavier or lighter in an elevator when the elevator stops and starts, you too have undergone the same weight bearing principle as a Whole Body Vibration machine. Instead of making exercise harder with traditional methods (i.e — lifting weights), with Whole Body Vibration, the upward lift of the platform increases the load and thus has a similar effect, but without the injury risk. This loading effect is measured in acceleration, or G-Force, and to avoid placing too much loading onto an unsuspecting commuter, elevators are limited to an acceleration of around 1.2G (1.2 times Earth’s gravity). The most effective Whole Body Vibration machines produce accelerations that are many times greater, up to 20G, which can translate to significant exercise benefits. In addition to this new and unique loading effect provided by Whole Body Vibration machines, the technology also carried over all of the benefits that had been discovered by previous scientists and inventors, i.e. muscle reflexes, increased circulation, increased flexibility etc.
MAKING WHOLE BODY VIBRATION AFFORDABLE By the end of the 20th century, a small number of new companies had joined the Whole Body Vibration market in Europe. Manufacturing was kept in Europe where quality was kept high, G-Force levels were kept high, but so too was the price tag. These pioneering machines from Europe cost upwards of $10,000 USD! It wasn’t until a few years later that the rest of the world started to catch on, and before long manufacturers in countries like China and Korea started producing machines too. Fortunately, for the Asian manufacturers, but unfortunately for the consumer, powerful marketing is easier to produce than powerful vibration machines. For that reason, until the release of HyperVibe in 2008, Asian manufacturers
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had until that point only manufactured relatively low G-Force machines. Just like the old massage belts, advertising of these low G-Force machines is often accompanied by promises to “shake off the fat” whilst you just stand there, and “10 minutes = 1hr in the gym”. Unbeknownst to the consumer, who comes across these promises in a shopping mall, exhibition, or perhaps even a late night infomercial, these low G-Force machines do not perform like the original European technology and even the original European technology refrains from making such promises. With outlandish claims, low powered, low priced machines now making up the largest portion of the market, it’s no wonder so many are skeptical about Whole Body Vibration.
WHOLE BODY VIBRATION BUYERS GUIDE 41 Vibration Machines Tested Only 9 of 41 passed all the tests and could produce the level of vibration responsible for the most impressive research results. HyperVibe was the only machine for under $3000 to make it into the top 9. The average output of all machines under $3000 is 4G. HyperVibe can produce up to 17G. See for more information.
SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT As skeptical as one may be, it’s hard to deny the extensive evidence that now exists to support the use of Whole Body Vibration for a wide range of benefits, and in a wide range of populations. At the time of writing this book, more than 400 papers have been published in peer-reviewed science, medical, and sports journals, though it should be noted that only a small number of high G-Force machines make up the volume of these studies. The evidence is overwhelming, and it may be hard to find a treatment device that has been more extensively studied than Whole Body Vibration. In the REAL benefits of Whole Body Vibration as we’ll outline ahead; we reference just a fraction of the available science to date. Please contact us if you would like to review further evidence on a particular topic, or alternatively, we recommend you visit where you can search through the largest database of studies on the Internet.
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INTRODUCTION Making it through 60 years of life to reach retirement leaves some feeling used up and worn out. What do you do when your mind wants an active lifestyle, but your body is already saying “I quit!”
What do you do when your mind wants an active lifestyle, but your body is already saying “I quit!”
Are you finding that ordinary daily tasks are becoming more challenging than they used to be? Do aches and pains cause you to put off things you would like to do or should be doing? Would you like to know how to prevent muscle and bone weakness, falls, and pelvic floor dysfunction? Here’s how the REAL benefits of Whole Body Vibration can help you….
BETTER BALANCE THE BAD NEWS Progressive muscle weakness and imbalance cause 1 in 3 people over 65 and nearly half of those over 75 to fall every year. People often develop a “fear of falling” after a fall. This can lead to loss of confidence and fear avoidance, resulting in a vicious cycle of further decline in balance, mobility and independence. •• Falls account for more than 80% of all fractures among people aged 65 years or older •• Falls are the leading cause of hospitalization and injury-related death in people aged 65 years and over •• At least 40% of people who have been hospitalized because of a fall require ongoing care in a nursing home
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THE GOOD NEWS When you are standing on a vibration platform, the movement of the platform creates an unstable surface, but within a safe environment. This therefore allows you to train your neuromuscular system to provide better stability and balance. Practice makes perfect, but even just using a HyperVibe machine for a single session, as scientists from James Cook University in Australia demonstrated, improved balance in 36 adults over the age of 50.1 When looking at the long term effects, researchers have found that as little a 3–4 minute sessions per week, 3 times per week had dramatic improvements in balance in elderly.2, 3
Reduces elderly patient falling risk! Hypervibe really works for activating and strengthening the posture muscles while improving balance and hamstring flexibility. It’s been effective for reducing risk of falls in my older patients as well as relieving knee and low back issues.
Ben Ward
Performance Physiotherapy, Australia
“This study provides evidence to support our user-friendly WBV treatment protocol of 3 minutes a day for the elderly to maintain their balancing ability and reduce risks of fall.” Cheung WH. High-frequency whole-body vibration improves balancing ability in elderly women. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Jul;88(7):852-7.
“Nursing home patients up to 98 years of age improve balance, walking speed and agility by 30–40% with just 4-mins per day, 3 times per week, and 18 sessions of high acceleration Whole Body Vibration.” Bruyere O. Controlled whole body vibration to decrease fall risk and improve health-related quality of life of nursing home residents. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. Vol 86 February 2005>
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When looking at the long term effects, researchers have found that as little a 3–4 minute sessions per week, 3 times per week had dramatic improvements in balance in elderly
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STRONGER BONES THE BAD NEWS Your bones are made of living tissue that constantly rebuilds and renews. In our youth, new bone replaces old bone quickly and this makes your bones solid and strong. As you get older, your body loses bone tissue faster than it can be replaced. This makes your bones less solid, weaker and puts you at higher risk of fractures. As you get older, your body loses bone tissue faster than it can be replaced.
•• In the five to seven years following menopause, a woman can lose up to 20% of her bone density •• Fracturing a bone significantly increases the likelihood of an older person being forced to live in nursing home and increases their daily cost of living and dependence on others •• Most hip fractures require hospitalization and surgery to fix it. Surgery increases the risk of other health problem, and less than half those who survive the hip fracture regain their previous level of function •• 20% of seniors who break a hip, die within one year from problems related to the fractured bone itself or surgery to repair it
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THE GOOD NEWS Bones become stronger when exposed to sufficient mechanical stress. Therefore, due to the muscle contractions and exposure to increased G-forces caused by a vibration machine, Whole Body Vibration has been shown to provide this kind of strength-inducing stress on bone.4 Additionally, Vibration Training has been shown to simultaneously increase circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid. Loading bones while forcing more fluid5 through them will increase their strength.
The research shows that those with the lowest bone density stand to gain the most.
A third way that Vibration Training may increase bone strength is by increasing Growth Hormone levels. Growth Hormone is known to increase bone density; though while it has been shown that brief bouts of high G-force Vibration Training can significantly increase Growth Hormone levels,6 vibration-induced Growth Hormone effects on bone have not yet been investigated. The research shows that those with the lowest bone density stand to gain the most. Consider some Chinese research on post-menopausal women with osteoporosis.7 After 6 months, compared to the control group (no exercise) who lost 1.8% of their bone mass, those in the Vibration Training group actually ended up with 5.6% more bone. Less than 10- minutes a day of ‘standing still’ had restored almost 2 years worth of bone density. In other words, every day of Vibration Training preserved 5 days worth of bone density with: 1. No risk of injury 2. No side effects 3. Very little time 4. Very little effort
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In USA,8 a similar group of post-menopausal women had their bone density tested before and after a period of Vibration Training and compared with a control group who did no training. In this study the participants did 6 times as much Whole Body Vibration as the Chinese group however they got 75% less benefits. After an entire year of Vibration Training, the women in the US experiment only managed to increase bone density by 1.8% — not even 1 year’s worth of bone loss. Why such a difference? The answer is the amount of Gravity applied by each group. The Chinese group performed Vibration Training with 9G (9 times Earth’s gravity) whereas the American group used only 0.2G. This highlights the importance of training intensity. You can spend all day every day vibrating, but if the intensity is too low you will not get the results you want.
Stronger bones I was determined to deal with my bone density isuues safely and naturally so I turned to vibration training. After 2 years of Hypervibe my bone density increased 8.3% — I was astonished.
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STRONGER MUSCLES THE BAD NEWS As people age, the inclination and ability to participate in regular exercise is reduced. As a result, rest and inactivity occurs more often. This causes our skeletal muscles to wither and weaken. Starting at around age 40, this process continues at a steady pace until around age 75, where it accelerates dramatically. Muscle weakness is a major cause of: •• Problems with mobility •• Frailty •• Weak bones •• Falls and fractures •• A further decrease in activity level •• Diabetes •• Increased body fat •• A loss of physical function and independence As people age the inclination to participate in regular exercise is reduced and resting occurs more.
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THE GOOD NEWS You have probably heard of the phrase “use it or lose it” in regards to keeping strong muscles. Whole Body Vibration has been studied by the European Space Agency for its ability to prevent muscle loss,9 which occurs during extended periods of inactivity via bed rest. The Space Agency scientists study the effects of bed rest as this has been found to have similar effects on muscles and bones as the effects of the weightlessness environment that astronauts experience in orbit. You may be wondering what research on astronauts has to do with you? You have probably heard of the phrase “use it or lose it” in regards to keeping strong muscles.
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Well, another phrase you may have heard before is to “take a load off” which refers to taking the load off your feet and sitting down. Just as bed rest will cause muscles to waste away, so too will prolonged sitting, and decreased activity levels. Due to tendency to become more sedentary as we grow older, just like astronauts, we too reduce our exposure to gravity.
The key to achieving significant benefits to power and strength is how much stimulation is placed onto your body by the vibration platform.
By increasing the pressure between your feet and the platform as a Whole Body Vibration machine thrusts you upwards, this increases the gravitational loading on your body, and forces your muscles to work harder. Where decreasing our gravitational loading, or “taking a load off” causes you to lose your muscles, Whole Body Vibration increases your gravitational loading, thus countering the effects of a sedentary lifestyle. The key to achieving significant benefits to power and strength is how much stimulation is placed onto your body by the vibration platform. The stimulation a vibration machine places on your body is determined by the platform acceleration or “G-force” where ‘G’ stands for ‘Gravity’. For example “10G” means “ten times Earth’s Gravity”. You would agree that doing squats with 22lb (10kg) produces benefits that are not possible with 2.2lb (1kg). Similarly, Vibration Training with 10G of G-force produces benefits that research shows are not possible with 1G of G-force.10 The more G-force the machine produces, the greater the stimulus on your muscles, nerves and bones. Anything less than 5G is really more of a massage. The research shows that strength, power and hormone related benefits from low G-force vibration are very limited at best.10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Energy boost I bought my Hypervibe to build up my muscle strength after having Polio. It really helped. I also love the energy boost I get after each use. This is the best purchase ever; I couldn’t function as well without it. I’m now 62.
Lorraine Australia
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INCREASED CIRCULATION THE BAD NEWS Having adequate circulation of blood and drainage of lymph goes a long way towards: •• Feeling energetic •• Trouble-free joints •• Prevention of fluid retention The problem many people have, especially with older age, is that their lifestyle involves a lot of sitting and becomes increasingly sedentary.
•• Protection of your eyes, toes and feet •• Faster recovery from injuries •• Healthy looking skin The problem many people have, especially with older age, is that their lifestyle involves a lot of sitting and becomes increasingly sedentary. This can lead to sluggish circulation and lymphatic drainage, making it difficult to do the one thing we all know can correct those problems — exercise.
THE GOOD NEWS Improving movement of blood and lymphatic fluid are things that vibration is particularly well suited to. It does this via the rapid up/down movement with a subsequent increase/decrease of G-force causing the muscles to work. As the muscles increase their strength of contraction it pumps blood through that area of the body, which means that circulation can be increased without straining the heart.15 Additionally this effect creates waves of movement through the soft tissues of your body. In slow motion you can actually see the skin and muscles ripple like water. This ripple spreads from the point of contact throughout the body. This increases the flow of fluids5,16 like blood and lymph, which rejuvenates muscles, bones and skin while removing excess fluid.
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An example of this comes from Austrian research16 where 9 minutes of Vibration Training resulted in a 100% increase in peripheral circulation. The subjects merely had to stand still on the machine for those 9 minutes. Similar research from USA produced a 40% increase in lymphatic drainage and 50% increase in blood circulation.5 As these fluids are influenced by vibration, heat is generated, which quickly warms up your joints and muscles.17 This makes movement easier and more comfortable, similar to having a massage.
My legs are like new The Hypervibe improves the circulation in my legs resulting in me being able to walk a lot longer and further than usual. It especially helps the discomfort I have in my legs — after 10 minutes on Hypervibe, it’s gone. My legs are like new.
Joyce Australia
I feel 20 years younger! They eventually talked me into trying Hypervibe and now I’m hooked. I’ve lost 32lbs (14.5kg), got the feeling back in my hand and can play with my grandkids again. I feel 20 years younger.
60, Australia
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Flexibility, or the lack thereof, is probably the single most important factor affecting our quality of life as we age.
Flexibility, or the lack thereof, is probably the single most important factor affecting our quality of life as we age. Over the years, we develop habitual ways of using our muscles to move and position ourselves. Poor posture and a lack of flexibility may be the result of a legitimate medical problem or may be the result of limited stretching and improper body alignment. When muscles get tight and stay tight, they cease to be elastic and they restrict movement. That sense of restriction, or stiffness, often leads to disuse. Disuse causes weakness and tightness, which in turn causes a vicious cycle of more disuse, weakness, and tightness.
THE GOOD NEWS The use of Whole Body Vibration has been extensively researched and proven across a wide range of populations.18,19,20 In general, there are three methods that most people use to increase their flexibility and Whole Body Vibration can do all three at one time! First off, like traditional stretching techniques, the rapid up and down (vertical) movement of the vibration platform causes the muscle fibers to stretch repeatedly. After just a short period of time, this repeated stretching forces the muscles to increase their resting length. Secondly, the vibration or “oscillation” of the tissues caused by the rapid movement of the platform serves to both improve the mobility of the “fascia” that surrounds the muscles as well as reduce the stiffness of the tissues that surround the joints. This allows the muscles and joints to have more freedom to move. Lastly, like when we feel stressed and our bodies tense up, the vibration platform forces the body to relax. This effect, which reflects the temporary reduced activity of our nervous system, further increases our body’s range of motion. 
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More energy and down a dress size! I’ve been using Hypervibe for a few months and have already dropped a dress size and lost a few kilos (pounds). I have more energy and my hips stiffness has disappeared. I love that I can do all of this in my home whenever it suits me.
Eleonore Australia
“Significant increase in lower body flexibility in nursing home residents from three 2-3 min sessions per week of vibration therapy for 6 weeks” Bautmans I. The feasibility of whole body vibration in institutionalised elderly persons and its influence on muscle performance, balance and mobility: a randomised, controlled trial. BMC Geriatr. 2005 Dec 22;5:17 >
STRONGER PELVIC FLOOR THE BAD NEWS By age 60, more than 1 in 3 women will suffer pelvic floor dysfunction with symptoms that include uncontrolled urination and defecation. This rises to 50% of all women by age 80. Recent estimates by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggest that 17 percent of men over age 60, an estimated 600,000 men, experience urinary incontinence, with this percentage increasing with age.
THE GOOD NEWS Whole Body Vibration has been shown to assist in strengthening of the pelvic floor.21,22 Because of the functional movement pattern that the HyperVibe reproduces, simply standing on the platform while it vibrates, forces the pelvis to move up and down in an alternating fashion (similar to walking).
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At lower intensities, this movement serves to release and relax tight tissue in the pelvic floor, while also stimulating the nervous system that supports the pelvic floor muscles. On the other hand, at higher intensities, the HyperVibe serves to improve the strength of the pelvic floor muscles while also assisting with stabilizing the joints that connect the bones of the pelvic girdle. “Significant reduction of incontinence symptoms after 3 weeks of Whole Body Vibration” Zellner M. Incontinence after radical prostatectomy and cystectomy: are combined training with mechanical devices and whole body vibration effective? Urologe A. 2011 Apr;50(4):433-44.>
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INTRODUCTION Are you fed up of struggling with too much weight? •• You can’t shop for or wear the clothes you want. •• It’s impossible to keep up with the kids (so you stopped trying). •• You’ll only go to the beach if it’s empty (brrrr… Winter!). •• You wear black all the time and freak out if someone tries to take your photo — isn’t it really becoming tiring? And to top it off, your doctor says that Diabetes, Depression, Heart Disease and Arthritis are more or less unavoidable unless something is done about the weight now! And to top it off, your doctor says that Diabetes, Depression, Heart Disease and Arthritis are more or less unavoidable unless something is done about the weight now!
We understand — it’s tough! You know you should exercise and you have seen the people on Biggest Loser, but it’s hard. You feel too embarrassed to join the gym and staying motivated lasts about as long as holding your breath. What if there was a fast way to… •• Turn up your body’s fat-burning fire. •• Feel more energized and enthusiastic. •• Bring relief to problem body parts. Here’s how the REAL benefits of Whole Body Vibration can help you…
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IMPROVED BODY COMPOSITION Being overweight or obese is the fifth leading risk for death globally.
THE BAD NEWS Being overweight or obese is the fifth leading risk for death globally. At least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese. Being overweight is a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases such as: •• Cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart disease and stroke), which were the leading cause of death in 2008. •• Diabetes. •• Musculoskeletal disorders (especially osteoarthritis — a highly disabling degenerative disease of the joints). •• Some cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon).
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Some World Health Organization global estimates from 2008 follow. •• More than 1.4 billion adults, 20 and older, were overweight. •• Of these overweight adults, over 200 million men and nearly 300 million women were obese. •• Overall, more than 10% of the world’s adult population was obese.
THE GOOD NEWS Read it straight from the European Journal of Applied Physiology:15 “From a practical standpoint, it is interesting to note that many participants seem to prefer vibration workouts relative to more traditional exercise. Although this might reflect the novelty of this form of exercise, a recent review paper compiled data from nine Whole Body Vibration training studies and reported that only 1 of 266 subjects dropped out (Wilcock et al. 2009). While the reason(s) for this unusually high adherence rate is (are) unclear, the potential effectiveness of Whole Body Vibration exercise to promote fat loss combined with a very low dropout rate suggests that this training modality has considerable fat loss potential.” There are always naysayers in regards to Whole Body Vibration used for improved body composition, typically from “experts” who have never tried it, and/or pretend to understand it. To make matters worse, not all of the research on body composition via Whole Body Vibration has been positive, and occasionally some “expert” will use one of these poorly constructed research papers to confirm their predetermined conclusion. The best explanation we have for these naysayers is as follows… For improved body composition, we regularly perform a series of conventional exercises on the machine such as squats, lunges, push-ups etc. Let’s forget Whole Body Vibration for a moment and just consider those exercises. Are those examples of exercises useful for improving body composition and losing weight?
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Unless you are 20 years behind and still believe cardio exercise like running, is the only way to lose weight, you shall indeed agree that exercises such as squats, lunges and push-ups are useful for improving body composition. So most of us should now agree that the exercises we do on a vibration machine can indeed help improve our body composition, it’s just now a question of whether or not the machine has any additional effect? Read on from the European Journal of Applied Physiology15 “The present study demonstrates a significant increase in VO2 (calorie burn) both during and following an acute Whole Body Vibration exercise session, compared to the same exercise session without vibration. Although previous Whole Body Vibration data indicated little effect on fat loss with training those studies used a more limited exercise session, lower exercise intensity, and did not control diet.” The key to reducing body fat with exercise is intensity.
The key to reducing body fat with exercise is intensity. If you have found that exercise “did not work” in the past, it is likely the exercise was simply not intense enough or it took such a toll on your body and energy levels you were not able to keep working that hard at every workout. HyperVibe can provide your muscles with stimulation that ranges from gentle massage to intense exercise, and it does so without requiring a lot of your own effort. Our first clinical trials showed decreased waist size and decreased hip size with only a moderate intensity.23 In Vibration Training, the intensity of the exercise is determined by the machine settings. This makes it possible to work your way up to doing a very demanding workout even if you would not normally be motivated to work that hard. What you’re not told is that most machines are so low powered that what they produce can be best described as a gentle massage. These “massage machines” are relaxing indeed, but don’t tone muscle, burn fat, strengthen bones or boost energy; consequently the research on vibration is full of “it did not work” results.24 Refer back to our question for the naysayers; does a Whole Body Vibration machine have any additional effect on exercises such as squatting? In the research from the European Journal of Applied Physiology, done with a high intensity platform, they showed that indeed it does. Now consider the ©2014 Hypervibe
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following quote from The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research3 after using a low intensity machine under the brand name T-Zone.
“it did not seem to induce any extra exercise stimulus in comparison to similar exercise performed without vibration” Raphael Z. Occurrence of fatigue induced by a whole body vibration session is not frequency dependent. J Strength Cond Res. 2013 Sep;27(9):2552-61>
(In other words, the low-powered massage machine made no difference to the exercise results. They would have been the same without the machine there.)
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80 pounds of fat — gone! After years of trying to lose weight, nothing had really worked. Then I was put on a Hypervibe to rehab a sprained ankle. It was so good I started using it three times a week. I’ve now lost 80 pounds (36kg) and so far the weight has stayed off for 2 years. Hypervibe is my one routine I do not stray from.
Dina USA
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HORMONAL BOOST THE BAD NEWS Hormones, such as growth hormone and testosterone, which are naturally produced by the body, help maintain tissues and organs throughout life. These hormones have been shown to increase libido, reduce body fat, and maintain bone density, muscle mass, and a healthy energy level. Unfortunately, production of these hormones begins to decrease markedly around age 30 and slows progressively as we age further. Unfortunately, production of these hormones begins to decrease markedly around age 30 and slows progressively as we age further.
Our bodies also produce a hormone named cortisol, which has been termed the “stress hormone” because our bodies produce more of it when we are stressed. Small increases of cortisol can have some positive effects such as quick burst of energy for survival reasons. However, higher and more prolonged levels of cortisol in the bloodstream (like those associated with chronic stress) have been shown to have negative effects such as decreased bone density, a decrease in muscle tissue, higher blood pressure, lowered immunity and inflammatory responses, and increased abdominal fat, which is associated with a greater amount of health problems than fat deposited in other areas of the body. The list goes on and on.
THE GOOD NEWS Italian researcher Carmelo Bosco developed a Whole Body Vibration program designed to maximize muscle stimulation while minimizing fatigue. In 1999, he tested the body’s hormonal response to this simple routine and uncovered these impressive effects on the body.6 •• Muscle power — increased by 20% •• Cortisol levels — decreased by 32% •• Testosterone levels — increased by 7% •• Growth Hormone levels — increased by 360%
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Why is this outcome so impressive? The level of Growth Hormone secreted in response to the Whole Body Vibration was approximately equal to what you would get from 30 minutes of running at 86% maximum intensity25 — something that would surely leave you energy-depleted with elevated Cortisol (stress hormone) levels. Now compare that with Carmelo’s routine in which: •• Results were instantaneous •• 60% of the time was spent doing nothing •• 100% of training time was spent standing still •• It required the subjects to exert no conscious effort •• 5 months worth of power training stimulus was achieved in 10 minutes •• Stress levels which normally increase with intense training actually decreased •• After completing the protocol, the subjects were not fatigued To get such a result, Professor Bosco set the machine to deliver 11G of G-force (11 times Earth’s gravity) to the subjects’ muscles. This is a level that is not possible with most vibration machines, but can easily be achieved with a HyperVibe machine. In another experiment,10 researchers compared the results of a low G-Force vibration machine with a high G-Force vibration machine and the differences in results were dramatic.
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High G-Force Machine = •• 800% increase in growth hormone (20 mins after Whole Body Vibration) •• 48% reduction in cortisol (20 mins after Whole Body Vibration) •• 31% improvement in bone metabolism (ie. reduced CTX levels) after 8 weeks — better result than osteoporosis drugs and with no side effects! Low G-Force Machine = nothing :(
STRONGER MUSCLES THE BAD NEWS The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends you hit all the major muscle groups with resistance training at least twice a week for good health. Strength training improves your confidence and your appearance. It helps you better perform simple daily activities, from getting dressed to cleaning the kitchen. Strength training also prevents the inevitable loss of muscle mass that happens when you fail to move. Use your muscles or lose your muscles. Use your muscles or lose your muscles.
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If you are in a seated job, bedridden or simply avoid physical activity, you lose muscle tone. Your muscles need to face resistance — from your body, weights, water or elastic — to rebuild and stay strong. Astronauts, for example, who are exposed to low gravity environments, lose muscle mass at an accelerated rate because their bodies don’t experience the resistance of gravity. If your body senses that you do not need the muscle for daily function, it will stop supporting them and may even feed off the muscle for energy. It takes more metabolic effort for your body to support muscle tissue, so if your muscles aren’t used, your body is not going to bother putting in that effort and will readily waste resources needed for survival. Without significant muscle mass, your metabolism suffers. Muscle burns more calories than fat tissue. A body with a higher proportion of muscle burns a greater number of calories at rest in a more efficient manner. As a result, you have an easier time managing your weight. Being overly fat — even if you are of normal weight — increases your risk of certain diseases, including heart disease, stroke, some cancers and Type 2 diabetes. Loss of muscle mass can also lead to loss of function. It may be harder to do chores, play with your kids, carry groceries or walk up the stairs. As you age, loss of muscle impedes balance and can cause dangerous falls and limit your ability to care for yourself.
THE GOOD NEWS It is no mystery that making your body exercise under a load that challenges the muscles is a proven way to get stronger. When standing on a Whole Body Vibration machine, the upward movement of the platform during the vibration cycle makes your body temporarily heavier, just like the heavy sensation you feel when you are in an elevator and it stops suddenly. By making your body heavier your muscles are challenged by the increased load. This effect is the fundamental principle of Whole Body Vibration. The key to achieving significant benefits to power and strength is the intensity of the muscle stimulus. A vibration machine produces a force on your body determined by the platform acceleration or “G-force” where ‘G’ stands for ‘Gravity’. For example “10G” means “ten times Earth’s Gravity”. You would agree that doing squats with 220lb (100kg) produces benefits that are not possible with 22lb (10kg)? Similarly, ©2014 Hypervibe
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Vibration Training with 10G of G-force produces benefits that research shows are not possible with 1G of G-force.10 The more G-force the machine produces, the greater the stimulus on your muscles, nerves and bones. Anything less than 5G is really more of a massage — the research shows that strength, power and hormone related benefits from low G-force vibration are very limited at best.10, 11, 12, 13, 14
More core strength This is the first exercise I’ve been able to do that has produced results for my core strength and lower back condition.
Tracey Canada
Improved muscle definition As a competitive figure contestant (bodybuilder) I am completely sold on Hypervibe. It has enhanced my workouts and improved my muscle definition. I use it for a lot of my strength training..
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INTRODUCTION Wouldn’t you agree that being a woman has more than its fair share of challenges? Before, during and after childbirth, your body goes through things that can be difficult to cope with and can leave your body changed in ways that seem to be irreversible. Wouldn’t you agree that being a woman has more than its fair share of challenges?
In addition, dealing with age-related changes to your external appearance can also drive internal changes that can be painful, stressful, costly and embarrassing. As you know, exercise is a real solution to many of these problems, but if you are like many women your age, you simply don’t have the time or energy to do the kind of exercise that gets noticeable results. •• Is it taking forever to lose “pregnancy pounds?” Does this leave you feeling unattractive and frustrated? •• Is fluid retention making your body look puffy and flabby? ©2014 Hypervibe
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•• Have people stopped giving you compliments about the way you look? If you’re nodding your head right now, pay attention to what is coming next. There is an easy solution that works and we’re going to show you proof. Here’s how the REAL benefits of Whole Body Vibration can help you…
REMOVE CELLULITE THE BAD NEWS Cellulite is a hormonally based condition that affects women.
Cellulite is a hormonally based condition that affects women. It is caused by a herniation or rupture of fat through the fibrous tissue and the subsequent pulling back of this tissue that creates dimpled areas. Some estimates suggest that over 90% of women over the age of 30 will develop some form of cellulite.
THE GOOD NEWS The main problem with most cellulite treatments is that they focus on only one of the reasons for having it. Draining your lymphatic system helps with fluid retention, but not fat burning. Deep tissue massage helps shift the fat cells not empty them, exercise will empty them, but not shift them. With the combination of these things provided by Whole Body Vibration, cellulite removal can be facilitated.26
Cellulite + 40 pounds of fat — gone! This is fast, I can do this at home while looking after my 2 kids. I’ve been using it daily for just over a year; my cellulite is now gone and I’ve lost 40lbs (18kg).
Teresa Canada
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IMPROVED SKIN COMPLEXION THE BAD NEWS Skin can tell other people quite a bit about you. Beautiful and healthy skin gives the impression of vitality and relays the fact that you take care of yourself. Unfortunately, if your skin’s appearance is less than optimal, the conclusion the viewer will draw will probably not be too favorable. Poor skin health could give the impression of apathy, an unhealthy lifestyle, and poor hygiene.
THE GOOD NEWS Our skin contains many tiny blood vessels that carry blood laden with oxygen to the skin cells, allowing them to ‘breathe’.
Peripheral circulation is blood flow that reaches the upper and lower extremities of the body and the surface of the skin. Our skin contains many tiny blood vessels that carry blood laden with oxygen to the skin cells, allowing them to ‘breathe’. Whole Body Vibration has been demonstrated to be particularly effective for increasing peripheral circulation,5, 16 which helps nourish skin cells and keep them vital. In addition to providing oxygen, blood flow also helps carry away waste products, including free radicals, from working cells. By increasing blood flow, a bout of Whole Body Vibration helps flush cellular debris out of the system. You can think of it as cleansing your skin from the inside.
Results (+ compliments) came fast I got dramatic results quickly with Hypervibe. Even after having two kids I’m now stronger, leaner and getting great compliments from friends.
Lindsey Canada
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“100% increase in peripheral circulation after 9-minutes of ‘standingstill’ Whole Body Vibration” Kerschan-Schindl K. Whole-body vibration exercise leads to alterations in muscle blood volume. Clin Physiol. 2001 May;21(3):377-82 >
STRONGER PELVIC FLOOR THE BAD NEWS The pelvic floor is a large group of muscles between your pubic bone and your tailbone. These muscles help keep your bladder, vagina, uterus, and bowel in place. These muscles can become stretched, overused, or weakened due to ageing (menopause), pregnancy or chronic hypermobility issues. Once the pelvic muscles become impaired, they can allow organs to “sag”, creating situations such as a prolapsed organ collapse. They can also allow too much movement around your pelvis and spine, leading to chronic pain. Also, these muscles give you control over your bladder and bowel movements, so their weakening can lead to some uncomfortable moments. A healthy pelvic floor is crucial for every woman at all stages of her life. •• One in four women over the age of 18 experience episodes of leaking urine involuntarily. •• Between the ages of 18 and 44, approximately 24% of women experience incontinence. •• For women over age 60, approximately 23% deal with incontinence.
THE GOOD NEWS Whole Body Vibration has been shown to assist in strengthening of the pelvic floor.21, 22 Because of the functional movement pattern that the HyperVibe reproduces, simply standing on the platform while it vibrates forces the pelvis to move up and down in an alternating fashion (similar to walking).
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At lower intensities, this movement serves to release and relax tight tissue in the pelvic floor, while also stimulating the nervous system that supports the pelvic floor muscles. On the other hand, at higher intensities, the HyperVibe serves to improve the strength of the pelvic floor muscles while also assisting with stabilizing the joints that connect the bones of the pelvic girdle. “Whole Body Vibration provides significant activation of Pelvic Floor muscles — greater than maximal effort during traditional pelvic floor exercises” Lauper M. Pelvic floor stimulation: what are the good vibrations? Neurourol Urodyn. 2009;28(5):405-10.>
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INTRODUCTION It’s true, the body is a stubborn thing! Making it faster, stronger or nicer to look at seems to require huge amounts of time and effort to achieve small results that take a long time and often end in injury. What fitness junkie wouldn’t love an advantage that sped up the process of improving strength and performance, hastened recovery, and prevented injury? Nope — we’re not talking about drugs. If you feel dissatisfied with your current level of progress, are being slowed down by injuries, or find there simply isn’t enough time to get in the amount of training you need — you better keep reading. Here’s how the REAL benefits of Whole Body Vibration can help you… It’s true, the body is a stubborn thing! Making it faster, stronger or nicer to look at seems to require huge amounts of time and effort to achieve small results that take a long time and often end in injury.
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INCREASED MUSCLE POWER THE BAD NEWS Muscle power is an important factor in many sporting activities and is greatest when we are in our 20s and 30s. This age range is also when our recovery time is greatest. This is why most great athletes are in this age range and also appear to be injury proof. Some of the best power-generating exercises used by these “superhumans” are called plyometric exercises. Plyometric training exercises condition the body with dynamic resistance, which results in a much more rapid and powerful muscle contraction. This occurs because of something called the “stretch reflex”. The stretch reflex will occur when a muscle is stretched very rapidly (referred to as the “eccentric” phase of the muscle contraction). Because of this fast stretch, the muscle will automatically (“reflexively”) shorten itself (referred to as the “concentric” phase of the muscle contraction). The end result is a much larger number of muscle fibers being used to create a more powerful and rapid contraction. However, despite how amazing plyometric training sounds, there is growing evidence to suggest that gains made from practicing plyometric drills may be outweighed by the risk of severe injuries attributed to this training method, if practiced incorrectly. As the G-force is increased on the machine, an increasingly forceful load is placed on the body at a very rapid rate.
THE GOOD NEWS Similar to the effects of plyometric training, but without the apparent injury risk, the research on Whole Body Vibration for muscle power continues to grow,27, 28, 29, 30 suggesting that it may be the most efficient and safe way to train the muscle system with this goal in mind. Best of all, it can be used by individuals of all ages in the athletic spectrum (unlike traditional plyometrics). So, how does it do this you ask? As the G-force is increased on the machine, an increasingly forceful load is placed on the body at a very rapid rate. As described above, the muscles are then forced to undergo the same reflexive muscle contraction process that occurs with traditional plyometric exercises, resulting in the same rapid and forceful ©2014 Hypervibe
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contractions. Think of it as a reversal of the process, whereby the ground is moving rather than the athlete. Curious why this isn’t dangerous? The answer lies in HOW the load is applied. With traditional plyometrics, the load is very large and is placed on the body at a low frequency. With Whole Body Vibration, the opposite occurs. The load is lessened, but placed on the body at a much higher frequency. The end result is similar changes in the muscles, but without the same risk for injury. In research on muscle power, Whole Body Vibration, when administered in short, intense bursts, can quickly “kick in” the nervous system, resulting in an immediate and useful improvement in power (acute).27, 28 In studies where it is administered differently, it has been shown to create longer-term (chronic) improvements in muscle power.29, 30
More power, Faster recovery Using Hypervibe´s high G-force vibration has helped me increase muscle power for short-distance events and by switching to a low intensity vibration setting I´m able to shorten my recovery times.
Chris Johnson 6-time Ironman, USA
HORMONAL BOOST THE BAD NEWS There is nothing more important to an athlete than improving their performance. Unfortunately, for a whole host of reasons, with age, comes an increasing list of obstacles to that pursuit. At the top of the list are hormonal changes, which more specifically relates to the imbalances between cortisol, testosterone and growth hormone production
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in the body. This imbalance becomes a major issue with training, as it reduces the muscular responses to training while at the same time increasing the degree of tissue trauma.
THE GOOD NEWS Italian researcher Carmelo Bosco developed a Whole Body Vibration program designed to maximize muscle stimulation while minimizing fatigue. In 1999, he tested the body’s hormonal response to this simple routine and uncovered these impressive effects on the body:6 •• Muscle power — increased by 20% •• Cortisol levels — decreased by 32% •• Testosterone levels — increased by 7% •• Growth Hormone levels — increased by 360% Why is this outcome so impressive? The level of Growth Hormone secreted in response to the Whole Body Vibration was approximately equal to what you would get from 30 minutes of running at 86% maximum intensity25 — something that would surely leave you energy-depleted with elevated Cortisol (stress hormone) levels. Now compare that with Carmelo’s routine in which: •• Results were instantaneous •• 60% of the time was spent doing nothing •• 100% of training time was spent standing still •• It required the subjects to exert no conscious effort •• 5 months worth of power training stimulus was achieved in 10 minutes •• Stress levels which normally increase with intense training actually decreased •• After completing the protocol, the subjects were not fatigued To get such a result, Professor Bosco set the machine to deliver 11G of G-force (11 times Earth’s gravity) to the subjects’ muscles. This is a level that
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is not possible with most vibration machines, but can easily be achieved with a HyperVibe machine. In another experiment,10 researchers compared the results of a low G-Force vibration machine with a high G-Force vibration machine and the differences in results were dramatic.
Gravity is of paramount importance The influence of gravitational load (G-force) on muscular performance is of paramount importance. An increase in gravitational load will increase the size and power of muscle.
Professor Carmelo Bosco University of Rome
High G-Force Machine = •• 800% increase in growth hormone (20 mins after Whole Body Vibration) •• 48% reduction in cortisol (20 mins after Whole Body Vibration) •• 31% improvement in bone metabolism (ie. reduced CTX levels) after 8 weeks — better result than osteoporosis drugs and with no side effects! Low G-Force Machine = nothing :(
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INCREASED FLEXIBILITY Good flexibility allows the joints to improve their range of motion.
THE BAD NEWS Good flexibility allows the joints to improve their range of motion. For example, flexibility in the shoulder musculature allows a swimmer to ‘glide’ the arm through the water using shoulder elevation. When compromised range of motion is present in a joint, surrounding joints (and muscles) take up the slack, creating additional stress all around. A typical example is when immobility of the joints of the ankles and feet place additional stress on the knees, hips, and lumbar spine. Good flexibility and range of motion is therefore essential for injury prevention. Good flexibility also improves posture. For example, when we have tight hamstrings, our pelvis and low back becomes “stuck” in an unnatural position. This causes our posture to change and also makes our muscles become overused and problematic (ever heard the word “trigger point?). These muscles, and others prone to tightness, are often implicated in postural disorders that result in all sorts of musculoskeletal pain.
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After just a short period of time, this repeated stretching forces the muscles to increase their resting length.
The use of Whole Body Vibration has been extensively researched and proven across a wide range of populations.18, 19, 20 In general, there are three methods that most people use to increase their flexibility and Whole Body Vibration can do all three at one time! First off, like traditional stretching techniques, the rapid up and down (vertical) movement of the vibration platform causes the muscle fibres to stretch repeatedly. After just a short period of time, this repeated stretching forces the muscles to increase their resting length. Secondly, the vibration or “oscillation” of the tissues caused by the rapid movement of the platform serves to both improve the mobility of the “fascia” that surrounds the muscles, as well as reduce the stiffness of the tissues that surround the joints. This allows the muscles and joints to have more freedom to move. Lastly, like when we feel stressed and our bodies tense up, the vibration platform forces the body to relax. This effect, which reflects the temporary reduced activity of our nervous system, further increases our body’s range of motion. “Female athletes increased flexibility by 13% via 3 Whole Body Vibration sessions a week, at no more than 6 minutes each session” Fagnani F. The effects of a whole body vibration program on muscle performance and flexibility in female athletes. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2006 Dec;85(12):956-62.>
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BETTER WARM-UP THE BAD NEWS Warming up prior to any physical activity can help to enhance performance and reduce risk of injury. One of the ways it achieves this is by helping to increase the body’s core temperature, while also increasing the body’s muscle temperature. By increasing muscle temperature, you’re helping to make the muscles looser, suppler and more pliable. If strenuous activity is undertaken via muscles that are “cold” or not warmed up properly, the risk of sprain, strain and tear injuries are much greater.
THE GOOD NEWS When you stand or place other parts of your body on HyperVibe’s moving platform, the repetitive upward movement of the platform sends pulses of kinetic energy up through your body. You control the strength of these energy waves using the machine’s control panel. As each wave moves up through your body, some of the energy is absorbed by the tissues of your body and is converted to heat. Muscles and joints feel and operate better when they are warm. Whole Body Vibration has been proven to create a warming effect in muscles and joints faster and easier than other types of exercise.17 In addition, the way that the machine “oscillates” the tissue that surrounds the joints (i.e. ligaments), serves to enhance the level of communication between the body and the brain.31 This gives you the ability to move faster and more efficiently than if you were not warmed up.
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“A single 10 min session of Whole Body Vibration caused twice the muscle temperature increase of cycling for the same time, and 3 times the temperature that would be expected from a hot bath” Cochrane DJ. The rate of muscle temperature increase during acute whole-body vibration exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2008 Jul;103(4):441-8.>
IMPROVED RECOVERY THE BAD NEWS Recovery is an essential part of any training schedule. Your after-exercise recovery routine has a big impact on your fitness gains and sports performance, while also allowing you to train much more effectively. Recovery after exercise is essential to muscle and tissue repair, inflammation control, and strength building. Unfortunately, most athletes don’t have an after exercise recovery plan. •• Athletes who do not spend time cooling down after intense exercise risk dizziness or fainting caused by the pooling of venous blood at the extremities. •• Training before proper recovery leads to tissue breakdown instead of building. •• DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) describes a phenomenon of muscle pain, muscle soreness or muscle stiffness that occurs in the day or two after exercise, and research suggests there is little you can do about it.
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THE GOOD NEWS Whole Body Vibration is an excellent tool to aid exercise recovery. Think of traditional recovery methods such as massage, stretching, and light exercise — HyperVibe can produce all of these effects simultaneously. Whole Body Vibration has been shown to enhance performance when used during recovery periods,32 and additionally, Whole Body Vibration is one of few methods that have been shown to be effective in reducing DOMS.33 Whole Body Vibration is an excellent tool to aid exercise recovery.
“After a bout of eccentric exercise, a whole-body vibration training session was associated with reduced symptoms of delayed-onset muscle soreness when compared with no Whole Body Vibration.” Aminian-Far A. Whole-body vibration and the prevention and treatment of delayed-onset muscle soreness. J Athl Train. 2011 Jan-Feb;46(1):43-9.>
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INTRODUCTION You’ve heard it said before, “the magic pill” for overcoming many physical problems is EXERCISE! But what do you do when there’s rain or knee-deep snow outside? What if you’re lacking motivation, are injured, or have a physical limitations that prevent you from going running, riding or hitting the gym? Or perhaps you’re a health practitioner and you know that getting your patients to exercise would dramatically improve the effectiveness and longevity of your treatment, but they simply won’t do it unless it’s really quick, simple, and right there in front of them. And even then, they just won’t exercise with enough intensity to produce worthwhile results. If you relate to either of these situations, keep reading to discover why the Hypervibe safely offers a fast and effective solution to these problems. Here’s how the REAL benefits of Whole Body Vibration can help you….
LOWER BACK PAIN RELIEF THE BAD NEWS Low back pain affects 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives.
While injuries or accidents can cause low back pain, low back pain is also due in part to the aging process and the result of sedentary lifestyles combined with too little exercise. The low back is a complicated structure of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles. You can sprain ligaments, strain muscles, rupture disks, and/or irritate joints, all of which can lead to low back pain. In addition, arthritis, poor posture, obesity, and psychological stress can cause or complicate low back pain. •• Low back pain affects 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives. •• Adults with low back pain are often in worse physical and mental health than people who do not have low back pain. •• The number of people with low back pain increases with advancing age, starting in school children and peaking in adults of 35 to 55 years of age. ©2014 Hypervibe
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•• Low back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work. In fact, low back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections.
THE GOOD NEWS A growing number of studies 34, 35, 36, 37 (not too mention thousands of anecdotal reports!) suggest that, in the words of veteran Whole Body Vibration researcher Jörn Rittweger, “…well controlled vibration may be the cure rather than the cause of lower back pain.” How could this be you ask? First off, vibration has been shown to have a painkilling effect.38 The tremendous amount vibration that you “feel” on a Whole Body Vibration machine causes you to become less sensitive to other forms of sensation, namely PAIN sensation. Over time, this can literally transform your nervous system and provide long term relief from chronic low back pain and the sensitivity you have developed while living with this painful condition. ©2014 Hypervibe
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Secondly, Whole Body Vibration goes to the source of the pain by helping to strengthen your low back and core muscles,34 reduce muscle tightness,35 restore spinal motion, and improve postural alignment.37 All these things often contribute to the actual condition that caused the low back pain to occur in the first place. Lastly, Whole Body Vibration is a quick and effective way to exercise. As a result, through a minimal time commitment, you preserve function of the various systems of the body. This helps serve as a preventive tool, therefore reducing the occurrence of the aches and pains that have either been mistakenly believed to be the “inevitable” effects of aging, or are just unavoidable because your job requires you sit all day long.
Better back in 2 weeks I am a nurse with a very uncomfortable back injury. After 2 weeks of using my new Hypervibe machine daily I could feel a remarkable difference in my back. It’s now been 3 months since I started Hypervibe and I’ve also lost 20 pounds (9kg).
Jenny Australia
JOINT PROTECTION THE BAD NEWS A joint is comprised of both the space that exists between two bones and the various connective tissues that help hold them together. Joints provide both stability and mobility when you move, and when damaged, can be a source of great pain and immobility. For these reasons, joint health is of the utmost importance for overall function. Two of the most successful strategies for preserving the joints are strengthening the muscles around them (better shock absorption) as well as maintaining their mobility. Unfortunately, for those that already have some level
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of osteoarthritis, most traditional strategies for achieving this are difficult to do without aggravating the condition itself. It is a vicious cycle. Over time, our joints tend to deteriorate. Referred to commonly as osteoarthritis, because of the inflammation associated with the process, joint deterioration can be the result of instability, excess tissue stiffness, being overweight, bad skeletal alignment or overuse activities. If left untreated, osteoarthritis can lead to the need for joint replacement.
Strength exercise helps keep your muscles and surrounding ligaments strong.
Strength exercise helps keep your muscles and surrounding ligaments strong. Increasing the muscle around a joint holds the joint more firmly together, and this protects the joint from excessive movement and wear. Unfortunately, people with poor joint health often find that traditional forms of exercise can be painful. • Poor joint health can cause pain, stiffness and swelling • Being overweight puts more pressure on joints and will accelerate wear • Joint wear and injury can often lead to osteoarthritis • When joints become too worn and painful, joint replacement may be necessary • Joint diseases account for half of all chronic conditions in the elderly
THE GOOD NEWS Whole Body Vibration has been shown to be a safe and effective way to perform these vital joint-protecting exercises when suffering from osteoarthritis.23, 39, 40, 41 In a 2011 study on war veterans who had numerous medical conditions, including osteoarthritis, there was a remarkable adherence rate in the HyperVibe Whole Body Vibration group compared with the group performing traditional strength exercise.23 Studies have shown that Whole Body Vibration can produce comparable strength gains to traditional strength exercises by simply standing on the platform.40
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Knee problem — gone! As a mother of three I love being able to get a workout done in only 10-minutes. My knee problem is gone.
Sheila Canada
In other research, it was shown that not only did Whole Body Vibration provide a pain free way to increase strength for people with arthritis, but it also reduced inflammation as shown by a positive influence on inflammatory markers in the blood.41 Whole Body Vibration is frequently used as a rehabilitation tool for those who have joint replacement or ligament surgery, where studies have also found Whole Body Vibration to be effective.42, 43
My strength is returning I just wanted to say how good Hypervibe has been for me. I’ve been using it for 1 month. Previously I couldn’t exercise due to painful arthritis. Even walking around the block would result in falls. With Hypervibe I can feel strength coming back into my joints without upsetting my arthritis. This is exercise I can do.
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REDUCED SWELLING The causes of edema can vary, as can the symptoms.
THE BAD NEWS The medical term for swelling is “edema” and is defined as an excessive pooling of fluid in one or more bodily tissues. It is the result of fluid “leaking out” of small blood vessels and can occur throughout the body (“generalized” edema) or in a particular area (referred to as “localized” edema). Examples of common edema problems include skin edema, peripheral edema, and lymphedema. The causes of edema can vary, as can the symptoms. Left untreated, edema can lead to •• Pain •• Infection and ulcers •• Poor circulation •• Blood clots •• Immobility One of the more effective treatments for edema is exercise, which is also one of the more difficult ones to participate in given the above potential complications.
THE GOOD NEWS Whole Body Vibration is one of the most reliable tools for assisting in the movement of blood and lymphatic fluid throughout the body. Similar to walking, but more efficient, the repeated forces placed on the body while the machine vibrates, causes the muscles to contract at very rapid rates. Because of this increased muscle activity, blood flow will increase to the muscles, therefore giving a much-needed boost to the circulatory system without straining the heart.44, 16 In addition, the repeated contractions of the muscles enhance the natural “pump” mechanism of the lymphatic system. This helps the lymphatic system contend with any excess fluid.2 ©2014 Hypervibe
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One example of this effect comes from Austrian research4 where 9 minutes of Whole Body Vibration resulted in a 100% increase in peripheral circulation16. The subjects merely had to stand still on the machine for those 9 minutes. In another study from the USA, WBV produced a 40% increase in lymphatic drainage and a 50% increase in blood circulation.5
Leg swelling gone Hypervibe has allowed me to continue working and remain independent even at 80 years of age. This keeps me feeling healthy better than anything else I’ve tried and after only a matter of weeks the swelling in my legs is totally gone.
80, Canada
NEUROLOGICAL STIMULATION THE BAD NEWS The nervous system is the primary system responsible for coordinating and processing information throughout the body. It is responsible for voluntary and involuntary actions and transmits signals between all the different parts of its body. A healthy nervous system is crucial for the most basic of functions. Neural processing becomes less efficient with age due to age related anatomical changes. The nervous system can also become impaired by disease or injury. According to a recent United Nations report, up to 1 billion people (nearly one in six of the world’s population) suffer from neurological disorders. These disorders range from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease to strokes, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, migraine headaches, brain injuries, and neuroinfections. Some 6.8 million individuals die of these maladies each year.
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A healthy nervous system is crucial for the most basic of functions.
THE GOOD NEWS Whole Body Vibration triggers a neural response by simply standing on the vibration platform and being exposed to the vibration. Studies have documented the reflexive neural response which is triggered by the rapid stretching of the muscle when it is undergoes the movement of the platform.45, 46 Whole Body Vibration is excellent for people with neuropathy or neuromuscular disorders.47, 48, 49 Ten minutes on a Whole Body Vibration machine can fire more than 20,000 separate electrical signals via the spinal cord,46 training the nerves and increasing stimulation hundreds of times more efficiently than other types of physical therapy. This is why many doctors utilize Whole Body Vibration for patient rehabilitation.
Remarkable improvements I use Hypervibe with patients young and old and have seen remarkable improvements in a variety of conditions.
Dr. Robert Bos
Madison Avenue, New York, USA
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REATMENT OF SYSTEMIC T CONDITIONS THE BAD NEWS Over the past several years, both the medical and rehabilitation professions have seen a growing influx of individuals with systemic medical conditions that can significantly differ from the more traditional scenarios that have become so commonplace. These conditions may include autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis, pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia or peripheral neuropathy, or issues resulting from surgery such as lymphedema. And let’s not forget cardiovascular diseases such as stroke. Thus far, the only solution has been to prescribe drugs, or even worse, in some cases, suggest that the condition does not actually exist (“it’s all in your head”). While there are a growing number of changes being made to approach systemic diseases, the “evidence-based” world has caused the need for study after study to be completed before a new approach can be offered. This means, for those that are suffering now, they will have to wait for the potential solution to be available. It’s a very difficult balance to say the least.
THE GOOD NEWS With over 16 years of research and hundreds of peer-reviewed papers behind it, Whole Body Vibration is quietly making its case as one of the safest and clinically validated methods to improve systemic disease conditions. Studies have shown that Whole Body Vibration can: •• Improve quality of life in people with Fibromyalgia50 •• Reduce symptoms, while simultaneously improving balance, in individuals with Peripheral Neuropathy51 •• Improve strength and balance in Multiple Sclerosis52
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•• Reduce inflammatory markers (cytokines) in the bodie53 •• Reduce arterial stiffness and lower blood pressure54 The list goes on and on. The bottom line is that Whole Body Vibration is a quick, effective, and safe way to get the benefits of exercise. It has been shown to reduce the occurrence of “issues” normally associated with exercising with a systemic condition. Whole Body Vibration serves to not only strengthen the body, but also mitigates the loss of function that can occur with these systemic conditions. As we have referenced throughout this book, Whole Body Vibration can reduce pain perception, help maintain circulation, and promote healthy lymphatic function.
Honestly the best machine there is We are seeing improved glucose uptake in Type 2 Diabetes using Hypervibe. We use it because the G-force doesn’t drop when loaded. Our elderly patients can’t believe 1-min on 1-min off is all they need to do. It’s honest the best machine there is.
Dr. Mike Climstein
Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University, Australia
Results came in a third of the time Compared to other exercises, Hypervibe resulted in the same health improvements but took only a third as much time.
Dr. Rebecca Sealey
Institute of Sport & Exercise Science, James Cook University, Australia
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Jones A. The effect of a single session of Whole Body Vibration on mobility, lower limb joint position sense and balance of community dwelling older adults. IJAHSP Vol 11 No.3 ISSN 1540-580X.
Cheung WH. High-frequency whole-body vibration improves balancing ability in elderly women. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Jul;88(7):852-7.
Bruyere O. Controlled whole body vibration to decrease fall risk and improve healthrelated quality of life of nursing home residents. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. Vol 86 February 2005
Torvinen S. Effect of whole body vibration on muscular performance, balance and bone. Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tampere, 2003 Feb.
Stewart JM, Karman C, Montgomery LD, McLeod KJ. Plantar vibration improves leg fluid flow in perimenopausal women. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2005 Mar;288(3):R623-9
Bosco C. Hormonal responses to whole-body vibration in men. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2000 Apr; 81(6):449-54
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Andreea Macoveiciuc Andreea is a long time fitness and Whole Body Vibration enthusiast. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Prosthetics and Biomedical Technologies and a Masters degree in Prosthetics Bioengineering. She is the founding member of the Romanian Association of Regenerative Medicine and sees Whole Body Vibration as a valuable therapeutic tool in modern integrative care. CONTRIBUTING AUTHOR
Gabriel Ettenson Gabriel Ettenson, MS, PT received his Masters degree in Physical Therapy from Columbia University in 1998. He is a member of the Columbia University Alumni Association and the American Physical Therapy Association. He has assisted in teaching at Touro College and lectured on Whole Body Vibration to fitness and health professionals in both the US and Canada. Gabriel has been using Whole Body Vibration for over 9 years in both his private Physical Therapy practice and independent fitness studio dedicated entirely to Vibration Training. As a result of his vast experience, Gabriel has been interviewed by CBS News, Everyday Health, The Wall Street Journal, Men’s Health magazine, Tech Talk, and New York Observer magazine. He has also written numerous articles for Advance Magazine for Physical Therapists.
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