ES Magazine Summer 2013 Issue

Page 1

contents Feature

Entertainment Spice the dancehall diva Sumfest review


Health ealth & Life H & Life


what men really want do it right excercise

Fashion&B &eauty beauty fashion Summer proof your make-up


Suit Accessories

Food Summer pastries



editor’s note Welcome all readers once again! Summer issue is definitely hot hot hot! We spiced it up with Spice one of the lead female dancehall artists in Jamaica. Also included another beloved artist TIFA, whom we caught up with for a small conversation. Summer definitely had a lot of events happening we went to the SKUNK nation show caught a few photo’s and let’s not forget the Reggae sumfest. We hope you all enjoy this issue, lots are in store for this issue.

Editor J.Dale

Models Janessa,Samantha

Writers J.Dale Dk.Anokye L.D

Photographers Bp Photography M.Hamilton

C. McGlashan Glashan

Sexy, Strong Abs: The Easy Way! By C. McGlashan Personal Trainer

AB WORKOUTS THAT REALLY WORK A flat stomach can be yours: Our four-part guide to what to eat, drink, and do will have you bikini-ready in no time. Bicycle Lie on the floor with your fingertips behind your head. Bend your knees and raise your legs above your hips, calves parallel to the floor. Bring one elbow to the opposite knee while pressing the other leg away from your body at a 45-degree angle. Alternate sides. Beginner tip: Start with both feet on the floor. As you bring one elbow across, bring the opposite knee up to meet it, then put it back down and repeat on the other side. Marine Crunch Lie on your back with your legs raised straight above your hips and your arms reaching to the ceiling. Simultaneously reach your fingertips toward your toes and press your feet toward the ceiling to lift your tailbone off the floor. Beginner tip: Instead of lifting your feet and hands together, alternate between lifting the upper body and the hips.


Get a sexy, sleek, and healthy stomach with the best gut-strengtheners of all time. The first three work all your ab muscles at once; the fourth slims and strengthens your sides. Add one or more of these moves to your ab routine every time and say hello to a new bikini Standard Crunch Lie with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, fingertips lightly touching behind your head, elbows out to the sides. Contract your abs and let your head, upper back, and shoulders come off the floor. Keep your chin one fist's width from your chest. Hold and squeeze for a moment at the top, then slowly return to the starting position. Tip: Don't pull your head with your hands! Imagine a rope pulling your body up from your sternum. Side Plank Lie on one side with your knees bent and your forearm on the floor. Keep your elbow in line with your shoulder. Press your weight into your elbow and lift your hips and upper body off the floor so you make a straight line from knee to head. Hold for as long as you can — try 10 to 20 seconds at first; build up to a minute. Switch sides. As you get stronger, try straightening the arm, straightening the legs and then straightening both.

ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue

Sexy, Strong Abs: The Easy Way

6 MYTHS THAT MAKE YOU FLABBY 1. Lie: To get rock-hard, you have to work your abs every day. Why: Abs need rest and recovery: It's only during rest that your muscles build. 2. Lie: A good ab workout takes half an hour. Why: If it takes you that long to feel them working, you're doing something wrong.Check your form, don't use momentum and focus on quality rather than quantity. 3. Lie: Super-slow crunches make you stronger. Why: Taking as much as a minute per crunch doesn't make you stronger than regular crunches do. In fact, ultra-slow ab work is less effective. Ideally, your workout should help you do everything better, from kickboxing to picking up a suitcase — neither of which you do in slo-mo. EAT YOUR WAY TO A FLAT STOMACH Cut back on low-carb snacks. Many bars and candies contain glycerin or sugar alcohols, which can cause bloating because your body can't fully digest them, so cut down on those snacks. Run one mile less. Your body can interpret excessive exercise as stress, causing you to retain fluid and become constipated.But moderate exercise, such as yoga or walking, can speed things through your system and help nix the problem. Watch it with condiments. Condiments can be high in salt, leaving you bloated and puffy. A quarter cup of ketchup gives you a third of a day's sodium allotment; a tablespoon of soy sauce holds nearly half a day's worth.

4. Lie: The best time to train your abs is at the end of your workout. Why: It makes no difference when you train abs, it only matters that you do it consistently. So the best time to work them is simply whenever you're most likely to do it. Getting blood moving prevents many types of injuries during a workout. 5. Lie: You can't get a six-pack by doing Pilates. Why: Pilates exercises your core, so if you practice it regularly and combine it with diet and cardio, it can give you a six-pack. 6. Lie: You won't get firm without a weight machine. Why: You don't need weights to build sleek and sexy abs.Stick to the floor it's cheap, effective, and available everywhere.

Push the potassium. This natural diuretic can counteract the belly-bulging effects of extra salt. Find it in tomatoes, bananas, salmon, almonds, and cherries.

ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue


Get It Right: Excercise By: L.D

E nrol l ot hers in your exercis e, t he more supp or t you have, and t he more chance you have f u n and succe e d. Whet her it’s a 10-m inute wa l k , 2 0 m i n utes of y ard work, and 20 m inutes of st retchi ng , c ycling , skat ing , or d ancing - it a l l adds up and e v e r y l it t l e bit c ou nt s ! St re n g t h t r a i n i n g , s u c h a s l i f t i n g w e i g ht s , h e lp s t o bu i l d an d m ai nt ai n st rong b ones and mus cles. Y E S ! It’s ab out t hat t i me to ge t t he b o dy r i g ht ,

The more muscle mass you have, the more calories

no more putt i ng of f t he e xe rc is e for l ate r, che at-

you bur n e ven at rest! Ma ke a c t ive l iv i ng p ar t of

i n g o n y o u r s o - c a l l e d d i e t . It’s n o t a c r i m e t o

each day, active living means taking ever y opp or-

l ove you r fo o d ! It s summe r t he we at he r is b e au-

tunity to keep your body moving. Help your body

t i f u l ; t he ai r is c r isp, w hat b e tte r w ay to ge t i n

move more by taking the stairs instead of the ele-

s h ap e. P hy s i c a l e xe rc i s e i s i mp or t ant ; it h e lp s

vator, w a l k ing to t he cor ner store, or c ycl i ng to

with more than you think at least f ive to ten min-


ut e s c an m a ke you fe e l l i ke a d i f fe re nt p e r s on . L osi ng we i g ht is not t he main fo c us , but gett ing i n s h ap e an d b e i ng h e a lt hy i s t h e go a l. B e l i e ve it or n ot e x e rc i s e c an b e f u n ! D on’t b e a p ar t y p o op e r, push you rs elf to t he limit but don’t t a ke it to o s er i ous . F i nd your mot ivat ion , p e ople w ho make you feel good, energetic. It might be friends or f am i lie s , or e ve n t he R o cky s oundt rack to get you pu mp e d up, JU ST D O IT! 6

E xercis e your he ar t w it h a erobic ac t iv it i es , su ch as j og g ing , c ycling , sw im m ing , d anci ng or br isk wa l k ing . Incre as e t he intensit y of you r ac t iv it y. You’ve re a che d your t arget he ar t rate i f you c an t a l k to s ome one, but not e asi ly, w hi le exercising . Increase your muscle strength and bone mass with st re ng t h - t r ai n i ng e xe rc is e s , l i ke l i f t i ng we i g ht s or resist ance exercis es, a couple t i mes a we ek .

ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue

Ke e p y o u r b o d y f l e x i b l e t h r o u g h s t r e t c h i n g exe rcis e s , yo g a , Tai ch i, golf ing , garde n ing , or dancing, cho os e dif ferent ac t ivit ies e ach day to ma ke it more f un. B e ac t ive no matter w hat t he weather is. Find more ways to keep active ever y day, the more you do it, the more reas ons you’ ll find to make active living part of your life.

As a wor k i ng i n d iv i du a l it ge t s re a l ly d i f f i c u lt at t i mes to e at he a lt hy! You t r y your b est to at le ast h av e s o m e t h i n g h e a l t hy o n c e a w e e k o r s o. I ’v e met p e ople w ho wou ld w r ite dow n e ver yt hing t he y wou l d

b e e at i ng , re c ording weig ht s and c a lor i es ,

either for the whole week or at the star t of each day. T hat work s for s ome, but not for a l l. A c oupl e of a dv i c e to consi d e r w hen t r y ing to e at r ig ht wou ld be, make a fruit salad at least once a week with a mix of d i f fere nt f r u its su ch as appl es, b er r ies, or anges , g r ap e f r u i t , m e l o n s , p e a c h e s , p e a r s o r p i n e ap p l e .

cre at ive w it h l ast n i g ht’s lef tovers . O n ly fo o d pro -

Us e a c ombi nat i on of f resh or c anne d f r uit . Ad d a

v i d es you w it h g re at t aste and t he e ne rg y you ne e d

spl ash of cit r us ju i ce to ke ep it f resh, for t he f r uit

t o g e t m ov i n g a n d f e e l g r e at . Ke e p e n e r g i z e d by

lovers. Even thought the word “fast” is in Breakfast,

having regular meals or snacks ever y 3-4 hours, have

do esn’t me an it shou ld b e fast-fo o d rel ate d. E at ing

he a lt hy s nack and me a l choi ces handy at work , i n

a healthy breakfast ever y day can help improve con-

t he c ar or at home to avoi d s ett li ng for s ome t h i ng

c ent r at i on , re du ce hunger and maint ain a he a lt hy

less nut r it i ous .

wei g ht .

D r i n k plent y of f lui ds i nclud i ng wate r t h rou g hout

L o ok for fast and e asy choic es such as w hol e g rai n

the day ; you can w hirl up a “smo othie” with milk or

breads and muffins, cereal with milk, fruit and fruit

orange juice, f lavored yogurt, and fruit in a blender.

ju i c e, yo g u r t and yogur t sha kes, che es e, and eg gs , ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue


By: S.Durbec


We are simple creatures. We men, we manly men. We are not complicated networks of emotional gatherings. Men have very simple needs and wants. Women have the power to fulfill these wants and needs very easily without doing very much on their part. What does it take to really please your man?

Be confident in your body under all circumstances, dress sexy during intimate moments and we will be pleased! You are sexy if you believe you are sexy because you come across sexy in the way you hold yourself. We already love your body, we would definitely be more attracted to you if you acted like you were attractive. Some women reading this will not understand this last comment.

Give us our personal time. It all starts when our life disappears into oblivion. We used to have time that involved no one else. During this time we could think or do what we please. In a relationship this time is gone forever. We need our own time to be ourselves. It does not mean time to go find other women. It means time for me to be a separate entity. To have my own thoughts, feelings, and to be able to do something or not do something without hurting someone else's feelings. We used to have friends. We used to even have our own opinions. Why do we need either of those when we have our woman as a friend and her opinions as a package deal. It's important that men are able to have some time to be apart from their woman. It really helps men feel as if they are allowed to be themselves. Freedom to make decisions. Let us make decisions and support the decisions we made even if you totally disagree or think we're idiots. We need to feel like we have some control over our life. Our decisions are the only control we have. When our decision making is gone we feel trapped. We need to feel like we have choices. If there are no choices left we may seek options that provide choices. We want our woman to be sexy. If we are with you then we are completely attracted to you. Even if you are overweight, pregnant, blemished, etc. We wouldn’t be with you if we didn’t have a desire for you physically. It is so simple it is funny to think that women don’t understand this basic principle.

Naps. This is our sacred time. Naps are more sacred than the earliest recordings of human history. Naps are our spiritual retreat. We want naps. We love naps. It rejuvenates us, excites us, makes us jump for joy. Men really want the ability to take naps. There is nothing more important to us than nap time. This ritual has been passed down through the generations from man to man to man. Naps are when we are really concentrating on thinking up new and really incredible places we can take out our woman. It is written by Confucius - 'Naps are the fountain'. Talk to us and let us know what the *&%$ is wrong with you. Can you please start letting your man know exactly what is wrong. Men want you to tell them why you are acting like the world has been hit by a meteor but you’re telling them everything is wonderful. Men want to converse. Men want to know what they can do to always make you happy. Men would love for their woman to always be in a great mood and happy. We just have no idea how to make that happen. Clear communication that something is wrong would be appropriate and necessary for a healthy relationship. Men like to know how to make you happy. Men want to know how to make their woman smile. Men do not want conflict. Men want to talk directly. It seems as if women want men to read tea leaves to find out about their disappointments.Men are simple. We want to be happy. We want our woman to be happy. The end.

ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue


summer berry desserts Berries – YUM! All sorts of berries, Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries the list goes on and on. And now that the days are warmer, it’s a great time to indulge in these amazingly delicious summer sweet treats while they are at their peak season. Berries are at their sweetest and juiciest during the warm summer months, and there are simply tons of varieties out there as well as countless ways to incorporate them into your summer recipes.

Strawberry pretzel parfait Ingredients

•12 strawberries, diced •2 teaspoons granulated sugar •1 cup pretzel mini twists, •2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted •pinch of cinnamon •¾ cup whole milk yogurt (or sour cream) •2 tablespoons brown sugar


1.Place the strawberries in a shallow dish and sprinkle the granulated sugar on top. Stir to combine. Let sit for at least 30 minutes. 2.Meanwhile, add the pretzels to a food processor. Pulse until they are broken into small chunks. Some will pulverize, some will stay chunky. It’s all good. 3.Drizzle the melted butter and cinnamon over the crushed pretzels and pulse a few times to combine. Scrape mixture out of food processor and set aside. 4.In a small bowl, add the yogurt or sour cream and brown sugar. Whisk together to break up any brown sugar lumps. 5.Into each serving vessel, layer yogurt, strawberries, and pretzel mixture. Repeat. Garnish with extra yogurt and crushed pretzels.

quick tips

-> It’s best to eat this right after it’s made; the pretzels quickly become soggy.

ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue


summer berry desserts-Berry and Cream Cheese Crostata

Berry and Cream Cheese Crostata Ingredients •1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting •1 teaspoon sugar •1/2 teaspoon salt •1 stick butter, sliced •3 to 4 tablespoons ice cold water •1/2 cup blueberries •1/2 cup blackberries •1/2 cup raspberries •1/2 cup strawberries, sliced •1/2 cup sugar •1 tablespoon flour •1 teaspoon lemon zest •1/4 cup cream cheese, softened •1 egg •1 tablespoon water


quick tips A crostata is rustic and will not slice as nice as a pie will. It’s meant to be enjoyed the way it is. Serve in bowls or plates. A scoop of ice cream is always nice!


1.In a bowl combine flour, 1 teaspoon sugar, salt, and butter. Work the butter in with your hands until the dough starts to pinch together. Add water one tablespoon at a time until the dough is wet enough that in can come together as a ball. Flatten the dough out into a disk with your hands, wrap it in plastic wrap, and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or in the freezer for 10. 2.While the dough is resting in the refrigerator, mix to combine berries, sugar, 1 tablespoon of flour, and lemon zest in a bowl. Set aside until needed. 3.Preheat the oven to 425°F. When the dough is ready, remove the plastic and place it on a lightly floured surface. With a rolling pin, roll the dough out to a 12 to 14-inch circle. It does not have to be perfect. Place it on a baking sheet covered in parchment paper or in a greased pie dish. 4.Spread the cream cheese evenly on the pie dough, avoiding the outer 3-inches of dough. Pour berry mixture into the center of the dough, on top of the cream cheese avoiding the outer 3-inches. Fold the outer 3-inches of dough over on top of the berries creating a crust. Whisk the egg and water in a bowl and brush the egg wash onto the exposed pie dough. 5.Place the crostata in the oven and bake for 45 min

ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue

summer berry desserts-strawberry basil

strawberry basil bruschetta Ingredients

•12 thin slices French baguette (sliced on diagonal) •4 oz. Brie cheese, cut into 12 slices •6 medium strawberries, sliced •1 to 2 tbsp honey or agave nectar •4 fresh basil leave, thinly sliced


1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 2.Lay the baguette slices on a baking sheet. Top each piece of baguette with a slice of Brie cheese. 3.Bake in oven until the cheese is melted and the bread is toasted 5 to 6 minutes. 4.Top each with 2 slices of strawberry 1/2 to 1/2 teaspoon of honey and a few slices of basil. Serve 5.Enjoy!

quick tips Do not over bake, it will result in hard & dry strawberry bruchetta.

ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue



ave the heavy makeup textures for sweater season. Instead go for sheer, oil-free, and water-based formulations that feel feather-light on your skin. Swap highly pigmented foundations and powders and powders for a tinted moisturizer such as Sonia Kashuk Radiant Tinted Moisturizer. Blend equal parts lotion and foundation in your hand, and apply the mixture to your face for sheer coverage. Instead, dust a matte bronzer over your complexion, using a fluffy brush to make the application sheer. Try Tarte Park Ave Princess Matte Waterproof Bronzer. Place more bronzer, or a pink or peach blush, on the apples of cheeks.Then color lips with a neutral gloss to complete your sunlit look. For lasting lip color, try a stain such as Revlon Just Bitten Lipstain by ColorStay and use the attached balm liberally. Mascaras are perfect for summer, these formulas thicken and lengthen temporarily with tiny, rubber-like fibers that wrap around each lash. Warm water activates the tubes’ release, so they slip off when you cleanse your face. They won’t budge in heat and humidity, and don’t require an oily makeup remover. L’Oréal Paris Double Extend Beauty Tubes Mascara Primer is the ultimate multitasker. Use it to fill in fine lines and keep makeup in place. If you tend to be oily, primer also acts as a blotter so skin stays shinefree all day CoverGirl & Olay Simply Ageless Serum Primer Apply primer over your moisturizer but underneath your makeup or simply use primer in place of a lotion, It’s not necessary to prime the entire face; you can also spot-apply to oily areas.

ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue


Denim Rocks: Fresh Summer Denim Trends Denim Dress A cute little denim dress is the way to go for all your summer fetes: brunches, baby showers, birthdays, or barbecues. They look just as cute with a pair of flat leather sandals as they do with sky-high wedges. Let your hair down and add a swipe of bright lipstick for an effortless summer getup.

Denim Overalls You know it's officially a thing when all our favorite designers are coming up with their own take on this wellloved trend that's making its way back into our closets. The key to pulling it off? Loads of confidence, clean layers, and accessories.

denim Jackets The denim jacket has reclaimed its place in our hearts and on our hangers. Go for a vintage-y style that'll add a relaxed edge to the girliest outfits and carry you from hot summer days to cool, crisp fall evenings.


ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue

denim skirts Denim skirts don't need to remind you of middle school. They've gotten a totally ladylike makeover! A-line or pencil shapes are not only flattering, but when paired with lacy tops and leather jackets, they also add just the right amount of laid-back chic to any ensemble.

bf jeans Boyfriend jeans are everything you could want in summer pants: They're loose and comfortable, and when they're paired with feminine accessories and fun summer colors, you'll really hit the summer denim style jackpot.

Top 5 Most guys are wearing the wrong suit size. It’s not something that the average guy is taught, so consequently most of us drift by with oversized, ill-fitting suits and never really look our best. Even out of the few that do manage do get a decent fit, they still lack the finishing touches. Remember, accessories are the last thing on, but the first thing noticed. So when deciding on yours, it’s important that you take your time and know what your doing. Neckties: A men’s suit is simply incomplete without a necktie. No matter where you’re wearing a suit, carefully choose your necktie to accentuate, but not distract from, your overall look. A silk necktie with a conservative pattern, like stripes or a micro-grid, is appropriate for a business suit while bright colors and patterns show off your personality outside the office. Even a bowtie can be whimsical and appropriate in the right setting. Pocket squares: Typically worn with dress suits, pocket squares add color and personality to your suit. Often, you can find pocket squares and neckties in matching sets to give you a clean, put-together appearance. Your pocket square and tie don’t always have to match, but they shouldn’t clash either. Choose a pocket square to match a highlight color from your tie or a neutral square to balance a brightly patterned tie.

Tie clip: A tie clip is as functional as it is fashionable and is the best way to complete your look. The right tie clip will bring all your other accessories together, whether it’s a basic bar or features a design. It also works to keep your tie neat and wrinkle-free throughout the day. Tie clips, as opposed to tie tacks, Cuff links: These dapper accessories can only be worn with won’t damage the material of your tie, making them the best French cuffs, but they do add a touch of personal style to accessory for keeping your tie in place. your suit. Cuff links come in a nearly endless variety of styles, ranging from basic to novelty. With the growing Dress watches: Your watch should be just as dressy as the suit popularity of French cuffs on men’s dress shirts, it’s easy to you wear. For a business suit, choose a stainless steel watch with add cuff links to your look nearly any time you wear a suit. multiple functions to meet your needs at the office. For a more Choose a sophisticated pair of cuff links for a big meeting formal look, like a wedding or black-tie affair, a simpler dress at the office and a pair of bold or novelty cuff links to grab watch is appropriate. Look for a watch with a blue or grey face drinks with friends.The thing to take away here is to under- to accent the colors in your suit and tie, or really impress with stand that you don’t need to take them too seriously, just mother of pearl or diamonds on the dial. have fun with them . ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue


on the rise...... brittany johnson We Asked..... ES-How did u get into designing? BRIT- i was just lying in bed one day and the idea came to me to try make a dress, just for the fun of it. I got up, went to the fabric store and chose a material with a print that I liked, came home and used one of my dresses as a pattern and made a dress using my mother’s old sewing machine. And it came out pretty well. I was quite proud of myself! I put up a picture of the dress on my Blackberry Messenger and got a flood of compliments and good reviews and people saying they want to buy dresses from me ES-What inspired? Brittany Johnson a 23 year old designer who started to create her own clothing line called Mikalani. She attended St. Andrew High School, graduating from 6th form in 2008. Now a Hospitality and Tourism Management student at the University of Technology majoring in Meetings & Special Events. About a year ago she started sewing with her mother's old (but still very good) sewing machine that she bought when she was just about her age but never got around to using it. She is self-taught but she plans on taking some courses in sewing and fashion design to improve her skills. “ I believe life is about experiencing new things, and this is no different when it comes to Miakalani. The world of fashion and design is still something new to me, but with dedication, persistence and hard work, I am positive that Miakalani can grow to be something great!”


BRIT-The success of that first dress is what inspired me to keep going, exploring styles, designs, fabrics and seeing what I could create. ES-What is your philosophy about the ART of fashion? BRIT- My philosophy about the art of fashion is just make, and wear, what you feel. You can't always please everybody. Not everyone is going to like or gravitate towards your designs, so don't hold back. Make and wear what you feel and enjoy! ES-What do you enjoy most about designing clothes? BRIT-Seeing the finished product and the feedback I get from people. I welcome all opinions and criticisms, whether good or bad.

ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue


on the rise:Brittany Johnson

ES-Five years from now where do you see Miakalani? ES-What was the first thing you made? BRIT-Five years from now I hope to see Miakalani as a re- BRIT-The first thing I made was what I call a boho maxi dress. tail store with a satisfied and dedicated clientele It is adjustable, so it can fit almost any body type. I gave it to my cousin as a gift for her 3rd baby shower and it was a hit!! ES-What do you believe makes a quality article of clothing? ES-Does your work reflect your personal fashion taste? Can you describe your style? BRIT-Good finishing. I analyse and scrutinize my finishing all the time and do my best to make it as neat as possible. I BRIT-My work does reflect my personal fashion taste. At first don’t currently have a serger (which is the machine used to I started making clothes just for myself so I made pieces that finish the edges of the garments) so right now my finishing I liked and that I would wear. I would describe my personal isn’t as up to par as I’d like, but I am working on getting one style as comfortable and simple, yet sexy and chic. Sometimes so as to boost the quality of my pieces I like to mix it up and add a little edge. Not very girly though. Flowers and bows and glitter aren't really my thing. ES-Do you prefer sketching designs or constructing them? ES-Why did you decide to name it Miakalani? BRIT-Well I don’t sketch at all so constructing is the default BRIT-I decided to name my line Miakalani after my 2 year answer [Laughs]. old cousin Mia-Kalani. She is the cutest little diva you will ever meet. ES-What are some of your goals? ES-What’s the most challenging part? BRIT-First of all to hone my skills so that I can be flexible in designing and sewing unique, one of a kind pieces that stand out.To become a well-known Caribbean fashion designer and have my pieces shown in as many fashion shows across the world as possible, and to be able to use Miakalani as a way of life ES-If you had the choice of all designers in the world to work with/for who would it be? BRIT-Alexander McQueen… which is clearly not going to happen. RIP

BRIT-Because I have never had any classes on how to actually construct a garment, the process of actually cutting the pattern out of the material is what I find most challenging. Sometimes I don’t even know where to start and I find myself sitting and staring at a picture of the design I want to make until I figure out how to cut it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Trial and error... I learn more with each piece I make

poetry corner

Summer Time Waking up to the sun dancing through my window Birds chirping people surfing Wind singing through the willows And it's all good Shorts and kapris We headed to another BBQ Our heritage echoes into the distance Pump up that azunto Regaae and Soca Children laughing as they step on the shoes of the wise Look me in my eyes young one As we pass our love of this time on the next generation No hesitation hit to beach to get our vitamin D Breathe in the salt water as we sail in the sea Waves of laughter As we sit by the surf and gather Long days Warm nights Mosquitoes fleeing from the camp lights We are in love with you so we enjoy your tender kiss Cloudless nights were we sit and reminisce About the cloudless nights last year Hold me dear As you dance through my window Birds chirping people working To make the most of you Summer time so damn fine DK Anokye

Reggae Sumfest

Spice The Dacehall Diva L

y r i c a l ly l e t ha l and s ass y are words t hat

describe Spice the female dj, Spice toned it d ow n for t h is s e g me nt , w he re she was sp or t ing an elegant ens emble. This showc as e d a side not many we re e x p e c t i ng; we got to s e e t he char m ing , char is mat i c and ele gant side of Spice. SPIC E a k a Gr a c e Hami lton , g re w up in t he Old B r a e t o n c o m mu n i t y i n St . C at h e r i n e , Ha m i l ton w as an av i d l ove r of mus ic . Wh i le attending St . C at he r i ne Hig h S cho ol, ye ar af ter ye ar she ente re d t he Jamaic a Cu ltura l D e velopment C ommission’s ( JCD C) festival contest in music, sing i ng he r w ay t h rou g h t he ju dge’s he ar ts and w in n ing a gol d me d a l e ach t ime for he r s cho ol.

In 2002 w hi le on tour in E ng l and w it h Ward

She s o on b e g an to e x p e r i me nt w it h d e e j ay i ng

21 and B aby C ham and no hit to her cre dit ,

and in no t i me, ge ne rate d inte re st in he r com -

Spice again delivere d an astoundi ng p er for-

mu n it y w it h he r mus ic a l abi lit ie s at lo c a l st age

mance and in t he pro cess e ar ne d t he resp e c t

show s . Spi c e b e g an to gain a re put at ion for her

of B aby C ham , w ho l ater to ok her u nder his

bl ister ing ly r i c s , h ig h e ne rg y and r is qué st age

mu s i c a l w i n g s a n d i nt ro d u c e d h e r t o D av e

p erformances. By the year of 2000, veteran pro-

Kel ly.

mote r, He av y D f rom Supre me Promot ions disc ove re d he r t a l e nt and w a ste d no t i me g iv i ng her t he chanc e to p e r for m at St ing 2 0 0 0 . Spice d elive re d an e xc el le nt p e r for manc e in f ront of St i ng’s a c e r bi c c rowd and e ar ne d fou r e ncores.

There, Spice re corde d her f irst sing l e on t he M a d Ho u s e L a b e l , M i G o n e o n t h e P r e t t y Prett y rhy t hm . The sing le went on to do wel l b ot h lo c a l ly and inter nat iona l ly.

ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue


We Asked.....

Spice:the dancehall diva

E S - W h at do you t h i n k YOU R role a s a wom a n is? SPICE - My Role a s a wom a n is t o be a Good Role mo del t o you ng wome n i n t od ay’s so ciet y be cau se I k now t h at a lot of you ng wome n a re lo ok i ng up t o me a nd so g iv i ng up my Goal is not a n opt ion. My Role is t o play apa r t i n ch a ng i ng t he bu si ne ss f rom bei ng m ale dom i n at e d . I do bel ieve t h at a Wom a n ca n do wh at Bob Ma rley h a s done. E S -A re you h ap py now w it h whe re you a re? SPICE - No I’m not re al ly Happy I t h i n k I cou ld h ave r e a che d f u r t he r w it h my ca r e e r i f I h a d n’t m a de some ba d de cision w it h r e c ord L ab el / P ro d uc e r s et c a nd i f I wa s n’t ge t t i ng so much f ig ht i n t he bu si ne s s my t r ue Ta le nt wou ld h ave show ca s e d eve n mor e but it ju st t o o D i ff ic u lt a s a wom a n t o get you r mu sic out t he r e. E S -W hy is you r a r t ist n a me wh at it is? I s t he r e a st or y b eh i nd it? SPIC E - I wa s g ive n t h at n a me by some Fr ie nd s i n my c om mu n it y b e cau se t hey t hou g ht I wa s Hot &Spicy a nd I ju st fel l i n love w it h it .

E S -W ho wou ld you , wa nt to tou r w it h? SPICE - I wou ld love to tou r w it h R i ha nna , Nic k y M i naj, L i l K i m, M i s s y E l l iot , L ady G a ga or Madon na . ES- How have you change d to ma ke a b etter you ? SPIC E - I c an’t change w ho I am but I have t r ie d to t a l k l e ss s o p e ople won’t miss judge Gr ace Ham i lton w it h Spic e ES- Whe n are you c omple tely s at is f ie d w it h you r work ? SPIC E - w he n it is done to Pe r fe c t ion

A lot of fema le ar t istes f ind t hat preg nanc y slowe d t hem dow n, but not t his l ady, she to ok it in st r ides ma k ing her prob ably t he on ly art iste w ho worke d t hroug h her preg nanc y. B eing a mot her has def initely change d her c are er p ersp e c t ive and t hat include s b ei ng more professiona l ab out t he business. Ham i lton di versif ie d her business interests as an ent repreneur and op ene d her ow n hig h-end cl ot hi ng store c a l le d Spice y C outure. 29

ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue

Spice:the dancehall diva

Spi ce re c e nt ly tou re d Eu rop e, a forc e to b e re ckone d w it h ; she ke e ps on push ing as a b elove d fe ma l e d anc eha l l ar t ist . Ke eping up w it h he r t rack re c ord, Spic e coll ab or ate d w it h a fe w le ge nds Missy E l liot on a s ong t it l e d F UN and Mya TAK E HIM OUT Spi ce a ls o rel e as e d he r ne w proj e c t s a v ide o for D u n Wi fe, Twe rk, Pan - Top and he r l atest sing le C ome Ins i d e w h ich was shot in It a ly w hi le she w as on her Eu rop e an tour.

We Asked..... E S -W he n d id you k now t h at M USIC wa s m a de for you? SPIC E - I k new t h at mu sic wa s m a de for me si nce I wa s i n H ig h school. I u se d t o at t e nd t he St.Cat he r i ne h ig h whe re I e nt e re d t he JCD C mu sic fe st ivals on nume rou s o cca sion a nd w i n i ng gold me d als for my scho ol. I wa s a pa r t of my school choi r a s a le a d si nge r a nd wa s always e ncou r age by cla ssm at e s t o pu r sue a ca re e r a s a n si nge r.

Continued.... E S-What is your a dv ice for p e opl e want ing to b e an ar t ist? SPICE -My Adv ice is to t hin k t w i ce b ec aus e t his music business is f u l l of corr upte d p e ople and e ven t he ones w ho b ecome your f r iends w i l l st ab you i n t he b a ck but af ter you t hin k t w ice i f you st i l l aspire to b e come an ar t ist just ma ke su re you’re st rong ment a l ly to cop e w it h t he cha l lenges you w i l l have to fa c e. It’s not e asy b eing an ar t ist, ma ke su re you s et your dre ams and G o a l and G o for it w it h a fo c us of ne ver lo ok i ng b ack . Ne ver le ave go d out of w hat you’re do ing and a lway s t a ke my motto w it h you w hich is " G o o d b etter b est ne ver l et it rest unt i l your go o d b e comes b etter and your b etter b e comes b est”. E S-Who is your role mo del in t he mus i c world? SPICE -I don’t have one

E S -A s a fe m ale a r t ist do you fe el it’s a bit more ch al le ng i ng t o gai n re sp e ct i n t he mu sic i ndu st r y? SPIC E - Most def i n it ely, be cau se it is a m ale dom i n at e d bu si ne ss I t h i n k t he m ale s get more prefe re nce. I n show l i ne up t he promot e r s g ive t he m a lat e r t i me t o work , t he produce r s cal l t he m f i r st t o voice on r idd i m s, t he sele ct or s / Dj play t hei r songs . A s a wom a n al l t h is m a ke s it more ch alle ng i ng for fe m ale s t h is I why we h ave t o f ig ht t w ice a s h a rd t o ke e p ou r ex is -

ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue


The Spa Retreat: Negril Jamaica

The ideal romantic escape, wedding destination or

health and wellness retreat.A true adult's only luxury escape, located on the West End Cliffs of Negril, Jamaica. While achieving a stylish equilibrium between modern technology and the rustic grace of the natural island landscape.The SPA Retreat is a portal into authentic Jamaican culture. 18 Handcrafted stone cottages with spectacular tropical gardens and cliff side organic dining enhance your SPA escape. An ideal destination for couples, women’s SPA retreats, men's SPA & golf getaway, individual wellness retreat, weddings and honeymoons, The SPA Retreat features a full-service luxury day spa offering classic aesthetic treatments with a Jamaican flair. The adults only, SPA Retreat features an sea water pool, sandy beach deck, A/C, wireless internet, in-room safe, yoga and specialty tours to enhance your experience. Located on nearly 2 acres of oceanfront, the unique property extends from white sandy beach into exotic grey cliffs both overlooking the vibrant turquoise hues of the Caribbean Sea. For the most discerning guest, enjoy your own private Retreat Suite with a gorgeous ocean view! Sleep soundly on your Platinum Serta King bed. Your suite contains a frameless shower, double vanity, and a private roof terrace to sun tan or watch the famous Negril sunset.The devotion to quality and service familiar to The SPA’s Canadian locations continues to surpass guest expectations from the moment your flight touches down. ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue


highlights Caribana Road March 2013 was a blast! After a much anticipated wait for the yearly event that happens in Toronto. Many soca lovers and patrons were able to jump and wave while chipping down the block. It was a great time for all the Caribbean Islands to come together and showcase their culture. Toronto's yearly calendar is full of many colourful festivals and parades but the Caribana parade takes the fashion crown thanks to the colourful and meticulously-made costumes. No wonder it draws millions of people yearly.

Road March 2k13

Catching up with TIFA L

atifa Brown also known as “TIFA” is one of the hardest working and influential women in dancehall. She has been spreading her versatile musical rhymes and charisma performances in the Caribbean and North America. It’s no wonder she’s making such a progress and attention, we had to get the scoop on her success thus far we had a chance to chat about dating, music, and what empowers her as a woman. Tifa’s grandmother had a restaurant and bar and she was always surrounded by music. She has memories of singing and dancing contests with her cousin. Her interest in the performing arts was sparked at the primary level when she began attending Wolmer’s Preparatory School. There she was actively involved in the choir, drama and the dance club. After her grandmother’s death, her mother returned to Jamaica. While she enjoyed prep school, the transition to Wolmer’s high was different. Her feet were in casts at the time and she began high school in a wheelchair. She described the first half of first form as lonely and weird.

By the end of second form, she was able to walk and went to an Ashe Ensemble’s auditions, shortly after which she joined the company and was an active member for six years. Singing, dancing and acting then became a big part of her high school life. She was popularly known as ‘the dancer’ in high school and would be spotted with her friend, Mystic Davis, a fellow Wolmerian and also a YVA winner in the category Favourite Dancer of the Year (Female), dancing up a storm around school. she went on to the famed Big Ship studios and recorded there as well. She soon did an audition for Danny Champagne. It was her link with Ward 21, however, that opened doors for her and truly boosted her image. Kitty Police on the Dem Gyal Sitt’n ‘riddim’ got her recognised as an artiste and launched her professional music career. Her biggest song followed suit and Bottom of the Barrel became a hit song among women. The rest as they say is history.

Her legs couldn’t bend at the knees, so she had to have a special wheelchair built as well as ramps around the school to ease the process of going to and from classes. She was not allowed to do classes such as clothing and textiles because those classes took place across the street. She also couldn’t participate in physical education classes. ES MAGAZINE 36

| Summer Issue

catching up with tifa

We Asked..... ES-What song of yours are you most proud of? TIFA-Spell It Out- Is what introduced me to the world,so I am most proud of that song.

ES-What motivates you? TIFA- Life & Fans…I love certain aspects of it I love my fans if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be anywhere. My experiences I write about and my support systems.

ES-What do you think YOUR role as a woman is? TIFA-, To empower & nurture people love and make money.

ES- What is the greatest advice you have ever received? TIFA-Don’t give up-the greatest advice ever given.

ES-How do you cope with all the negative people? TIFA-A lot of it I ignore, because I know the truth. The only time is when I respond is if it affects my work and money.

ES-Who do you look up to? TIFA-My mom, every female whether a veteran or who has inspired me in anyway. I draw inspiration from everything. Like Oprah Winfrey, Bob Marley etc. I draw it from everyone.

ES-Which do you prefer a night on the town or staying in with that special someone? TIFA- Both because I’m single. I miss that feeling.

ES-What is your magic formula for success? TIFA-I don’t have a formula, but consistence is key. I am always working; I can feel myself progressing.

ES-If you could go back in time what would you do differently? TIFA-There would be a lot of different moves in my careers, but right now it’s great. ES-Are you happy so far in life with where you are? TIFA-I am happy, I represent people’s brand. In terms of being a dancehall artist. I can’t complain there’s much more to do. I had to fight for mine, I made sure work hard. I worked, I worked. ES-What’s your favourite pig-out food? TIFA-Chocolate ice cream & any kind of cake. ES-How have you changed to be a better person? TIFA-Never get complacent, I’m my harshest critique. I always say what can I do better & how can I improve. ES-As a female artist do you feel it’s a bit more challenging to gain respect in the music industry? TIFA- It’s a bit more challenging. It’s not as bad, it has evolved so much. Now the door is open up at more artists. More people know about more of us, new era. Clearly men get paid more & I sometimes get upset about it. I can’t complain because we have evolved and there are more females to listen to.

ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue



Samanrha Liana Model/Actress


amantha Liana born and raised in Toronto with a Jamaican bloodline.This beauty models and acts, but her true passion is acting. Even though she is phenomenal at both you can only imagine that she’s been doing it for years. It was not on her mind to act until recently in 2012. The acting journey began in Toronto with an acting agency. Her acting career began with an acting agency located in Toronto. She participated in two acting workshops (E Fulcher) and then ventured into another workshop called Pool of Talent. Besides several high school plays in addition to a play at Ryerson University, she has never had live experience with any films or auditions. Once she completed the Pool of Talent workshop with the Torontonian director, she submitted herself to dozens of castings using online casting websites. Eventually, she received a call and was asked to audition for a film called Reality Check; her first audition since her training in the acting classes.


Since then, Samantha is set to play a 14-year old girl in search for her father in the short film Searching for Sasquatch as well as playing a teen on a road trip with her mother and sister in the Nuit Blanche-type film festival film Small Meteorites. She will also be starring in the Canadian version of the popular American television documentary series I Survived Evil on the Oprah Network. She is currently filming her first feature film Fragile as well as several commercials. When Samantha isn’t performing, she is busy with refining her craft with various acting coaches and workshops.

Q&A ES- why did you choose acting & modeling? Sam- A couple reasons... Ever since I was a kid in school, it was my favorite class 'drama'. Portraying other people and entertaining people was the highlight of my days. Also, I've always craved spot light. Sometimes I'd even purposely go into class late, just so everyone can watch me come in the door. ES-which do you love more? Sam- Acting. Modeling is fun, but I am a bit short to pursue it full-time. It's a lot of fun to get dolled up and sexy but acting is where my hearts at. I initially got into modeling thinking it'd be some sort of gateway to acting. Which in a way is wrong... The only relation acting and modeling have for me is just getting camera confidence.

“Every minute is a moment to change your life”-Samantha Liana

when did you get started? I started modeling 4 years ago,acting less than a year ago. what was your first big break? I wouldnt say I've had my big break just yet. I've acted in a lot of student films and independent films however you never know where or how far those films will end up. So... *fingers crossed* In terms of modeling, I'd say the biggest thing was my appearance on international TV show Dragons Den - Season 7 ep 15. Also I had an ad up in Dundas Square on a huge electronic billboard. Would you be doing anything else? As of now... Acting and Modeling is my only vision.

ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue


Samanrha Liana Model/Actress


DON DEM- Don Dem is a Reggae/ Dancehall Group based in Toronto Canada. The dynamic group consists of 5 members which include Durri “the Scientist” Brown, Kez Ferguson, Kirk “Diamond” Douglas, Chaunard “Bob da Builda” Brown and Olaf “D” Smith. Bonded by their Jamaican heritage, they have put their eclectic mix of talents together, to help strengthen each other and the industry in which they serve not just locally in Jamaica but internationally as well. Starting out as Dancers in 2008, the group was loved for their energy, crazy dance moves and swagg as they as represented not just in dance but attire. However with Kirk and Chaunard being music Producers and writers and Olaf being a professional musician it was expected that the group would evolve into a total package entertainment group and so they did. Don Dem is Now one of the top names in Canadian Dancehall market as over the years they have garnered popularity and recognition on many fronts. The Group was featured on one of Jamaica’s top MixTape, namely DJ Kenny’s “Spring Culture Mix” and a few other top selling CD’s for their first Single “Blind To Dem”.Don Dem debut single gained recognition on Stampede Street Charts for International Artists to watch. Stampeed Street Charts is based in Jamaica but with International recognition and following across the world. With this, the group has demonstrated that their career not only as a group but individually is developing and will be a force to reckoned within the coming year 2013.

BENKS BENKS- Kemar Harrison aka Benks can be described as an enthusiastic, optimistic artiste, ready to conquer the world of music. Armed with exceptional talent and unparalleled determination and drive, Benks sees his musical talents being exposed to every corner of the globe. So far, he has released songs like Day Off, Now, New Friends and Man a Pree, which he recorded for Kingston 11 Productions, the label he is also signed to. He has also recorded Fi You for Vijahlant Records. However, Nuh New Friends, produced by Kingston 11 Productions, is the feature track currently being promoted. The words are definite and can also be served as a warning to the world that a new and irresistible talent will bestow upon them. ES MAGAZINE | Summer Issue

Skunk Nation Ja’s Import Tuner Event July 6th marked another historical day in Jamaica for the Skunk Nation Ja family, who hosted their second Import Tuner event at the National Stadium, Located in Kingston Jamaica. Fast cars and hot girls were the order of the night, the event featured over 200 of the most street tuner machines across the island. Brands name machines such as Honda, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Audi and more took over the parking lot of the stadium. Females from different promo groups dressed in their gears flaunted their perfectly chiseled curves and posed for the bright flashes of the paparazzi’s on scene. The spectators turned out in their numbers and gave their support, in return they were rewarded with a jaw dropping stage show which ended the night. For more visit:

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