Who qualifies for a Scalp Micropigmentation procedure?
Scalp Micropigmentation is a quick and permanent hair loss solution. SMP is a nonsurgical and non-evasive method, which allows the hair to look much more dense, with ink to give the impression of tiny hair follicles.
Anyone suffering from any level of baldness, from starting to advanced.
Individuals who have no hair on their sides and back
Individuals with thinning hair
Individuals who wish to camouflage any scars on their scalp, following a hair transplant
Individuals from post hair transplant
Scalp Micropigmentation Training with Elixir in Dubai
This course has been designed for anyone who is looking to take on a different career path or wishes to delve into the SMP industry. If you are looking for an opportunity to expand your skills or looking to increase business within your barbershop, salon or beauty studio, then this is the course for you. With the industry growing to new heights at a rapid speed, this could be your opportunity to be in popular demand yourself.
Training Opportunities
All of our SMP courses are tailored for everyone and determined on everyone’s personal outcome, they wish to achieve. Elixir Pigmentation offers 3 training opportunities, in a beginners, advanced and a 12-1 shadowing SMP training course in Dubai.