What does it take to be a Builder’s Club Advisor?
What is Builder’s Club? Builder’s Club is the middle school level of Kiwanis International. Kiwanis is an international service organization that is the parent organization for K-Kids, Builder’s Club, Key Club, Circle-K, and Aktion Club. Builder’s Club is unlike any other service organization. Not only is it student led, but the goal of Builder’s Club is to create young leaders who can give back to their communities. The core values of Builder’s Club are the same as those of Key Club: Caring, Character Building, Inclusiveness, and Leadership.
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Responsibilities Attend all meetings and events Be the liaison between the students and organizations the club works with Allow students to take a leading role Handle all the money the club raises Organize the first meeting and officer elections Aid students in anyway possible
Sample Projects: § Volunteering at local Kiwanis or Key Club events such as pancake breakfasts § Collecting food for local food shelters § Fundraising for a cause § Trick-or-treat for UNICEF § Making cards or little gifts such as pillows for children in a hospital