Belleville | Bloomfield | Clifton | Nutley | St. Mary’s Official Newsletter of Division 17 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International
Volume I Issue III
Liz’s Letters
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Hi Division 17! School has come to a close leading to days filled with fun in the sun. Summer is a relaxing time and I hope everyone is recuperating from the stressful school year. I know I am! However, Key Club does not end in June with school. CMRFs are still due the tenth of every month. I have revamped my newsletter, so I hope everyone likes it. I am going to begin a section called Organization spotlight where we either spotlight one of Key Club’s partner organizations or another reputable service organization. Look for the spotlight on March of Dimes on page 3! I will be in contact with everyone soon about a backto-school division event, so everyone can meet each other. Yours in caring and service, Elizabeth
Table of Contents Page 2… A letter from your LTG Page 3… Organization Spotlight Page 4… K-Family Picnic Page 5… K-Family Picnic Page 6… Summer Service Ideas Page 7… Division 6 Blood Drive Page 8… Contact Information
Upcoming Events July 14 – K-Family Picnic August 2 – Board Meeting 4 – Division 6 Blood Drive (contact me for more Information)
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March of Dimes is a non-profit organization that researches problems that routinely face babies and aid mothers in carrying their babies to full term. A full term child is born at or after 39 weeks. A premature baby is born before 37 weeks. 1 in 8 babies is born premature. Premature babies are at risk of severe health problems and lifelong disabilities. Premature birth is the number 1 killer of newborns. March of Babies are walks held throughout the country to raise awareness and money for research into premature birth. On May 5, Division 17 walked in a March of Babies walk in Brookdale Park. Walks like this one are helping families whose children are born weeks early and must be treated in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit). For more information please visit
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K – Family Picnic What is the K-Family Picnic? By Hannah Hickman LTG Division 6
What are you doing this summer? What about Sunday, July 14? 10 a.m.-4 p.m.? Well, I am attending the NJ District Kiwanis Family Picnic at 100 Green Island Road, Toms River, NJ, 08753! What are we doing at this wonderful picnic? A slew of service projects will begin our day, followed by a splendiferous picnic. Did I mention games? Join us for games such as the balloon toss and the chance to pie some of your favorite board members and Kiwanians. Join us for the chance to hang out with and meet your fellow New Jersey K-Kids, Builder’s Clubs, Key Clubs, Circle-K’s, Aktion Clubs and Kiwanis Clubs! Admission is $10, but bring some extra cash. Hope to see you there!
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How can my club stay involved in the summer?
Hello Division 17! My name is Hannah Hickman and I am the Lieutenant Governor from Division 6. Summer is right around the corner but that does not mean Key Club is taking a break. But how can you have a successful summer project? If you have not already, gather your executive board to start planning a summer meeting or events. The summer provides the chance for a variety of projects. Help clean the beaches, plant a garden, or even do a joint project with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club! Key Club is more than just all work and no play. Plan a social event! Hold a barbecue with your general members, go out for ice cream, or even plan a friendly baseball game. Summertime is Key Club time! I hope you all have a happy, safe, service-filled summer!
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On August 4 at Brick Memorial High School in Brick, NJ Lieutenant Governor of Division 6 Hannah Hickman is hosting a blood drive. For every pint of blood donated $5 will go towards the Eliminate Project. If you want more information please contact me!
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Contact Information
Lieutenant Governor Division 17 Elizabeth Wallace Bloomfield, NJ 973 – 934 – 7584
District Governor Ryan Clarkin Vernon, NJ
District Secretary Kelly Tran Egg Harbor Township, NJ
District Treasurer Penny Xu Morris Plains, NJ
District Editor Pak Chau Egg Harbor Township, NJ
District Webmaster Yuya Ong Tenafly, NJ
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