Belleville | Bloomfield | Clifton | Nutley | St. Mary’s Official Newsletter of Division 17 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International Volume I Issue VIII
Liz’s Letters
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Hello Division 17!
Table of Contents Page 2… A letter from your LTG Page 3… Organization Spotlight Page 4… Fall Rally Recap Page 5… Fall Rally Recap Page 6… Key Club Week Page 7… Key Leader Page 8… Contact Information
We are officially halfway through the service year! Can you believe it has already gone by so fast? I certainly cannot. This year has been a record-setting year so far. For the first time ever we surpassed 3,000 members in attendance at Fall Rally 2013! Now, we need to get all of you to District Convention 2014 on March 28-30. I know most of you have expressed interest in going and I will do everything in my power to get you there and make sure it is financially feasible for you to attend. Finally, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Sincerely, Liz
Upcoming Events November 1 – Early Bird Dues Deadline 4-8 – Key Club Week 22-24 – Key Leader December 1 – Final Dues Deadline
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The Tomorrows Children’s Fund was founded by a group of committed parents to help their children and others like them with cancer and serious blood disorders. With the help of friends like Key Club members, today, TCF provides a warm, healthy and loving environment for children in treatment; a full scope of services to relieve families’ emotional and financial stress; the very best possible medical care; and funding for research on these diseases. All of which confirms the belief that through hope, hard work and heartfelt generosity, extraordinary things are possible. I have had the pleasure of working with TCF before through Bloomfield’s Key Club. It was a wonderful experience and having the opportunity to view where all the money goes as TCF provides all their benefactors is an eye-opening and heart warming experience. If you are looking for a local charity to help out local kids, this is the one for you and your club.
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Fall Rally 2013 was the largest Fall Rally ever with over 3,000 attendees. On October 13, Key Clubbers from all over the state gathered together at Six Flags Great Adventure to learn about the District and International levels, upcoming events, and the 2013-2014 service year as a whole. It was a great experience for everyone involved, even if it was slightly cramped. After the morning information session was over, everywhere you looked Key Clubbers were having a good time on the rides and some even stayed for Fright Fest! Suffice it to say, this Fall Rally was the best yet…which means DCON will be absolutely spectacular as well! I plan to see everyone at DCON where we will win the spirit stick!
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November is Kiwanis Family Month. Key Club Week is from November 4-8 and starts Kiwanis Family Month off with a bang! Monday, November 4: Show your K in every way - Show people what Key Club is all about! Spread the word by wearing Key Club gear and publicizing Key Club Week in local stores, your school Web site, community newspapers—even on the radio. Tuesday, November 5: Kudos to the Key players - Personally thank all the Key Club supporters you know—teachers, advisors and other Key players. Write thank-you notes, host an appreciation dinner or do something uniquely your own style to recognize the contributions of these special people. Wednesday, November 6: Connect the Ks - Key Club is the largest high school service organization in the world and is a member of the Kiwanis family. Celebrate the entire family of Kiwanis by getting the whole gang involved. Connect with local Kiwanis, Circle K International, Builders, Kiwanis Kids or Aktion clubs and team up for a joint service project. Thursday, November 7: Bring a friend to Key Club - More members = more service. Increasing the amount of service Key Club performs increases the impact Key Club has on the world. Bring a friend, or two, or more to your next Key Club meeting. Friday, November 8: Your way - This is your club’s chance to do its own thing and make its mark. Pick a project, plan a recruitment party or combine activities from the other Key Club Week days. Whatever idea you choose, take it and run with it.
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Contact Information
Lieutenant Governor Division 17 Elizabeth Wallace Bloomfield, NJ 973 – 934 – 7584
District Secretary Kelly Tran Egg Harbor Township, NJ
District Governor Ryan Clarkin Vernon, NJ
District Editor Pak Chau Egg Harbor Township, NJ
District Webmaster Yuya Ong Tenafly, NJ
District Treasurer Penny Xu Morris Plains, NJ
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