50 Acres+- two miles from the Georgia line at Graham, AL for sale. 678-6345597
“For piano moving, tuning, or repair. Call the man that knows how! 770-2896983”
96 Chevy 454 auto for sale. 770-375-5273
Two VCR’s, GC, $25/ea. 770-2765222

Dump Truck for sale, $5800. 770375-5273
Motorized wheelchair, $950. 770630-1687.
Buying Gold, Silver, Old Coins, Currency, and Precious Metals. 770-214-2555

Welding power source, 1 lb. spool, gun, aluminum & steel, mig, tig, stick, flux cord, top class tools, new in box. Details on inspection - Owner GA State Certified Welder Patrick. 470-232-7757

2 weedeaters for sale. Echo and Craftsman. 770537-3270.
1998 Honda Accord LX, good condition, $1800. 770-597-8429
Magnavox VCR, GC, works well, $25/cash. 770276-5222
Four Aloe vera plants for sale, $2/ea. 770-8695464

Very nice pool table for sale, $550. Text, 770-8467528
Two chainsaws for sale, electric and gas. 770537-3270.

Flute for sale $900 excellent condition condition with case 678-333-4588.

Older wood dining table with leaf & 4 chairs, $65. 770-973-6325.
Looking to buy books, coins, and other collectibles. 404-558-9025.
A-1 EFFECTIVE EXTERMINATING: PAY LESS FOR THE BEST 1st time treatment ~ $95; Monthly $45. Fleas & large homes extra. Ask for Mike, 770-834-7956. Buying Gold, Silver, Old Coins, Currency, and Precious Metals. 770-214-2555 I BUY HOUSES - any condition. Cash. 404-2021006

Landscape trailer, 5’x12’ single axle, 2 ramps, $1400. 770-316-3734.
15” floor drill press, lightning, used very little, $200. 770-537-7554.
42” Yardman riding lawnmower, good cond., $600. 678-628-2601.

Samsung DVD/ VCR combo, works well, $25/ cash. 770-2765222
King size comforter, brown, beige, and turquoise for sale. 770-328-5239.
Hart 4 Hire Pressure Washing: House Wash, Roof Wash & Gutter Cleaning. Fireman. 404496-2002
Gravel driveway delivery and small dumbstruck, tractor and excavator service. Call 404-218-3397.
I transfer film, video, photos, slides, tapes to disk or flash drive. Coley Studio, 770-2589943
Need a handyman who can replace soft spots in camper floor and level up the porch on it. 205753-9587.
West GA. General Contractors—Roofing, Framing, Siding, Flooring & Remodeling. 678378-6713
For sale: Graco
10 position adjust, harness + headrest 08/2019 car seat $40. Call or text after 4 pm 770-354-5325. Pickup only cash only.

JB Welding providing West GA w/mobile & shop welding needs. 770-856-8682

Moma’s Boys Lawn Care. All lawn services, landscaping, pressure washing, gutter cleaning, etc. FREE Quotes. Call 678-2459810 for info.

I buy used/junk cars & trucks; 770-834-4398 or 678-778-6439. 5-disc stereo system w/speakers, $25/cash. 770276-5222

1999 Ford F150, super cab, stepside, V6, five speed, $4500. 678-836-8186.
or inexpensive Dachshund or Basset hound.
Looking to buy a washing machine. Can be used. 470522-8606. Leave message.
Propane, gas dryer, $50. 770-653-1111. Pecans, $4/lb. 770-646-3139.

IN VILLA RICA ~ very nice small brick home for rent: 3BR/1 bath, Central Air & Heat, Washer/ Dryer, $1100 per month includes yard maintenance. Perfect for one person. No pets. No smoking. 404748-1225
Indoor/outdoor heater, on tripod, can be put on the wall. $175. 678628-2601.
Senior citizen mobile home community in the country, in Alabama 55+, Must have transportation; $450 and up monthly. No deposit to fixed income. Call 256-5683550 for more information.
Hamilton Beach vegetable chopper and small pool behind suitcase for sale. 770-328-5239.
Stepstool, canes, adult walk, exercise machine, miscellaneous for sale. 770-3244308.
7 foot patio heater, stainless and black, comes with propane bottle, $125. 678-8368186.
Handmade baby/ adult lap quilts, several designs, $25-$50. Call 770-834-6830, leave message.

Want to buy a single wide mobile home that can be moved to my property. 770546-0412.

Good Starter Bedroom Set for Sale
Queen size bed with headboard, footboard, mattress, boxsprings and night stand. All in real good shape! ONLY $400/obo. Call 678-378-4439.
Shop Smith Mark V w/table saw, drill press, scroll saw, lathe, jointer/planer, belt sander attachments. $1,200. 404-513-3519.
2005 30’ Keystone Outback fifth wheel, clean inside/out. $8000. Serious inquiries only. 470-5390852.
Complete Home Repairs: 30 Years Experience. Painting (Interior/ Exterior), Pressure Washing, Decks, Clean Up (All Sorts/Haul, Roof Repairs, Plumbing, Landscaping. 678910-9952

Pac-Man game, stand-up to play, good cond., $300. 678-628-2601.
Craftsman 5 HP 22 gallon air compressor $150. 404-513-3519.
Mobile home for sale will need to be moved. 770301-8985.

(3) 20 pound LP gas tanks for grills, $20 each. 770-537-7554. Need blocks laid for a border wall for shrubbery bed. 770-301-8985.
4’ x 8’ utility trailer with side beds, $150. 770-5372418.