AW Cleaning Services: Residential & Commercial. Light Hauling. 678381-6588
‘99 Ford F1250 Super cab, step side, silver, V6, 5-spd, sharp truck, $4500. 678-836-8186
Gutters Cleaning, New Gutter Installation, Roof Repairs. Insured. Call 770-633-8754
For sale: Hamilton Beach vegetable chopper & small pull-behind suitcase. 770328-5239
Older wood dining table w/leaf & 4 hairs, $65/all. 770-973-6325

1999 Ford F150, super cab, stepside, V6, five speed, $4500. 678-836-8186.
New queen box spring, still in plastic, $100. 678-378-3124
For sale: Echo & Craftsman weed eaters. 770-5373270
Smith & Wesson model 19-3, .357 magnum. Serious inquiries only 770-328-6387

VILLA RICA ~ very nice small brick home for rent: 3BR/1 bath, Central Air & Heat, Washer/ Dryer, $1100 per month includes yard maintenance. Perfect for one person. No pets. No smoking. 404748-1225
Pecans, four dollars a pound. 770-646-3139.
Moma’s Boys Lawn Care. All lawn services, landscaping, pressure washing, gutter cleaning, etc. Reasonable rates for LOW BUDGET INCOME families. FREE Quotes. Call 678-245-9810.

WORK: Over 50 years of experience. Driveways, water lines, land clean-up & elect. Please call 770-328-0028 for FREE ESTIMATES.

EXTERMINATING: PAY LESS FOR THE BEST 1st time treatment ~ $95; Monthly $45. Fleas & large homes extra. Ask for Mike, 770-834-7956.

I transfer film, video, photos, slides, tapes to disk or flash drive. Coley Studio, 770-2589943
Free 39” Panasonic TV. 678757-1047

Two person Deerstand for sale. 770-301-8985. 2007 Chevy Tahoe, $5500. 770-634-5345.
Flute, $900, EC w/case. 678-3334588
Beautiful 3BR/2BA landscaped Doublewide home for sale in desirable park location in Carrollton. Appliances included and a shed in the back, $85,000. For more information, please contact Jackie, 919-817-7747
2017 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail, 16k miles, EC, $10,000. Please call 770574-5553

Free pine slabs from the circular sawmill. 770-2587451
I buy used/junk cars & trucks; 770-834-4398 or 678-778-6439.
Three 20lb LP gas tanks for grills, $20/ea. 770-537-7554

Nice player piano, $300. 678532-6060.
Metal six-panel door for sale. 770-880-9194
Pecans for sale, $4/lb. 770-6463139

West GA. General Contractors—Roofing, Framing, Siding, Flooring & Remodeling. 678378-6713
Hart 4 Hire Pressure Washing: House Wash, Roof Wash & Gutter Cleaning. Fireman. 404496-2002
Gravel driveway delivery and small dumbstruck, tractor and excavator service. Call 404-218-3397.
Propane gas dryer for sale. $50. Call 770-6531111
Looking for an inhome health care to stay with an elderly person. 678-378-3124
JB Welding providing West GA w/mobile & shop welding needs. 770-856-8682
Looking to buy a washing machine. Can be used. 470-5228606, lve mes
PacMan stand-up game, GC, $300. 678-628-2601
Nice player piano, $300. 678532-6060
in Shape and Feel
in 2025! For sale: Total Gym XLS, like new, well maintained for $350/obo. Call 678-378-4439. Wardlaw Tree Service: Full tree service, stump grinding. Wood chips, topsoil, gravel, fill dirt. Bobcat work. 770-2584634

Looking for a PRN and a weekend person to help take care of our special needs son in our home in Carrollton. Must be able to lift at least 80lbs, and have reliable transportation. Flexible hours available. Call Angie AFTER 5:00 pm @ 770301-2776.
3 Fiddles for sale. 770-459-4827.
Free pine slabs from circular sawmill. Please call 770-258-7451 Mrs Albee 4 seasons plates, $40 a set. 770-5371329.
42” Yardman riding lawn mower, $600. 678-6282601
Commercial Baw for metal or wood. $1000. Call 678523-6060.
4’x8’ utility trailer with side beds, $150. Call 770537-2418.

Food & Other Assistance Tuesdays & Thursdays (for food), 2 pm – 4 pm. OPEN HANDS Financial Assistant via email or text only. Text, 470-729-1757 or email: openhandshelps@ gmail.com. 100 Bledsoe St, 30117
5-disc stereo system w/speakers, $25/cash. 770276-5222
Junk Removal & Other Yard Work. 470-8793884
Free pine slabs from circular sawmill. 770-2587451.

Two sump pumps for sale. 770-5373270.
Propane, gas dryer, $50. 770-6531111.
Good Starter Bedroom Set for Sale
Queen size bed with headboard, footboard, mattress, boxsprings and night stand. All in real good shape! ONLY $400/obo. Call 678-378-4439.
Where will you spend the rest of your life? Heaven or Hell. For Who so ever shall call upon the name of the Lord. Are you saved?
Wardlaw Tree Service: Full tree service, stump grinding. Wood chips, topsoil, gravel, fill dirt. Bobcat work. 770-2584634

Looking to buy a washing machine. Can be used. 470-5228606. Leave message.

“For piano moving, tuning, or repair. Call the man that knows how! 770-2896983”
Looking for Pokémon cards, silver coins, Indian artifacts, and arrowheads. 470-9250077.
Wanted free or inexpensive Dachshund or Basset hound. 770-841-6815.
For sale: new women’s fuschia evening gown, size 6x. 770-4595515
Marlin 336 SC 30/30. Magnificent condition, serious inquiries only 770-3286387, leave msg.
Two Trex yacht club chairs, blue, nice, new $339/ ea. Selling for $100/ea. 770214-7767

Complete Home Repairs: 30 Years Experience. Painting (Interior/ Exterior), Pressure Washing, Decks, Clean Up (All Sorts/Haul, Roof Repairs, Plumbing, Landscaping. 678910-9952
Senior citizen mobile home community in the country, in Alabama 55+, Must have transportation; $450 and up monthly. No deposit to fixed income. Call 256-5683550.
Ruger American rifle, 6.5 cm; Mossberg International Silver Reserve over/under 40 ga. shotgun. Serious inquiries only 770328-6387
Two handmade quilts, $20 each. 770-214-7767
For sale, white baby crib/toddler bed with mattress/washable pad, changing table, and drawers. Find on Wayfair (stork craft/Portofino 5in1) for $300. Call or text 4-9 pm, cash only. 770-354-5325
Noritake Paradise 14 place setting with serving platters, butter dish, coffee service, salt and pepper shakers. $500. 404-5133519.

Looking for a copy of the West Georgia Shopper? GET YOUR COPY AT ONE OF THESE LOCATIONS:
Country Financial • Piggly Wiggly Southern Lady
CARROLLTON: Food Depot, Bankhead
ROOPVILLE: Chevron, Hwy. 5
Food Depot • Texaco, S. Carroll Road
HEARD COUNTY: Valero at County Line
Four Aloe vera plants for sale, $2/ea. 770-8695464
Very nice pool table for sale, $550. Text, 770-8467528
Seasoned, Oak Firewood. Call Jason, 770-2387517 for info.