tors—Roofing, Framing, Siding, Flooring & Remodeling. 678378-6713
Gravel driveway delivery and small dumbstruck, tractor and excavator service. Call 404-218-3397.

Grandmother providing Overnight Care for Children. 7pm7am. References/ Limited Spots. 678-953-0283
Caregiver looking for private elderly care work, CPR Certified/References. 678-953-0283

I buy used/junk cars & trucks; 770-834-4398 or 678-778-6439.

Dooney & Burke 1975 purse, never used, $50. 770.714.7767 JB Welding providing West GA w/mobile & shop welding needs. 770-856-8682
$2 ea.; Trimmers, $15 ea.; 770.235.7891
Yellowstone Roofing: Remodel, Repair & Decks. Licensed/Insured. FREE Estimates! Roger, 404-921-8595
Stay safe & cool through the holidays!
Contact Robert @ Davis Lawn care for all your lawn care needs. 770 845 2260. We can also help with small home projects. Licensed and Insured.
Sanyo VCR w/ remote control, plays well, GC, $25/cash; 770.942.8096
Loveseat, $140; Chandelier, $30; Treadmill, $190. 770.235.7891
Stove, refrigerator & small freezer, $275/all. 256.579.2402
Nice player piano, $300. 678.532.6060 Window screens 4 for $45. 770.235.7891

metal rooster, $175. 678.532.6060 For sale: antique cash register, $250. 770.367.8872

Research shows that ADVERTISING IN PRINT proves far MORE EFFECTIVE than social channels.
For brands to survive in a competitive marketplace, building long-term awareness is crucial.
And in a blow to social media, a definitive new study underlines how incredibly effective newspaper ads are for doing just that.

6 Reasons Why Print Media is an Important Part of Your Marketing Efforts
Looking for way to break through the communication barrier between you and your prospects?
In today’s digital age, it’s easy for your target market to become saturated with online advertisements and email marketing. It’s time to take a proven approach to reaching your prospects, print media.
According to Forbes Magazine, print materials and publications offer your customers and prospects a brand experience that can’t be replicated online.
Below are 6 reasons that stress the role and importance of print media and why your print media publications will make a lasting impact on your target market.
1. Print is Tangible
2. Print is Credible
3. Print Establishes Your Brand
4. Print Helps You Reach Your Target Market
5. Print is More Engaging
6. Less Print Being Used... Is More Opportunity For You!

printed page provokes a reaction through its very tangibility. The print reading experience commands your time and attention, so it figures that any ad that runs alongside it will make an impact too. It’s this awareness that figures in cementing a brand in your memory

I BUY HOUSES - any condition. Cash. 404-2021006 La Vaquerita Mexican Taqueria, 1124 N. Park Street. Closed 7/4
C&D Bush-hogging, Scraping, light grading. Serving West Georgia/East Alabama area. Free Quotes. 678-787-1450, 770-354-4864
Divorce $399.00, Kerry Baldwin, Attorney, 402 Adamson Square, Carrollton, 678-390-5719, familylawandchildcustody. com

Gutters Cleaning, New Gutter Installation, Roof Repairs. Insured. Call 770-633-8754
“For piano moving, tuning, or repair. Call the man that knows how! 770-2896983”
Looking for a PRN and a weekend person to help take care of our special needs son in our home in Carrollton. Must be able to lift at least 80lbs, and have reliable transportation. Flexible hours available. Call Angie AFTER 5:00 pm @ 770301-2776.

Have white pine, red oak, gum trees, about 16 inch diameter if someone with a sawmill wants them. 770-3018985.
Hart 4 Hire Pressure Washing: House Wash, Roof Wash & Gutter Cleaning. Fireman. 404496-2002

For sale: Hastings Piano, well maintained. Can send pics. Text/ Call 615-8099502 or 615-4960037, Bowdon area. Home Improvements, Remodels, Additions, 30 Yrs. Experience. Reasonable & Dependable Service. 706-402-7381

Senior citizen mobile home community in country, 55+, Must have transportation; $400 and up monthly. No deposit to fixed income. Call 256-5683550. Bush-hogging, Free Estimates. 770-328-1102 Sawmill Service & Lumber. 770316-9772
Two BR/1 bath apartment in Tallapoosa, GA. Six month lease/ no pets, $1000 monthly rent w/$975 security deposit. For additional information call, 770712-1677


Wardlaw Tree Service: Full tree service, stump grinding. Wood chips, topsoil, gravel, fill dirt. Bobcat work. 770-2584634
A-1 EFFECTIVE EXTERMINATING: PAY LESS FOR THE BEST 1st time treatment ~ $95; Monthly $45. Fleas & large homes extra. Ask for Mike, 770-834-7956.
Turned into Treasures:
Memory Bears/ Pillow. Call 770.301.5447
2012 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport/ Off-road, crew cab, 6’ bed, supercharged 4.0 V6, 4x4, 169k miles, VGC, fairly new tires and rims, $22,500. 678-447-5053