Head Start & Early Head Start are Federal programs that promote the school readiness of children from birth to age five from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social, and emotional development. We have Head Start centers in Carroll and Coweta County.
• 70% Employer Sponsored Health, Vision & Dental Insurance
• Short & Long Term Disability Insurance Available
• 401K Matching
• Paid Holidays, School Breaks, and Annual/Sick Leave
• Position-Related Tuition or Certification Reimbursement Tuition/Certification Reimbursement

VCR’s, $25/ ea. 770-2765222 Serious calls please. I buy used/junk cars & trucks; 770-834-4398 or 678-778-6439. Used wheelchair, $40. 404-5639249 Six acres with cabin, Cleburne County, $65k. Call 770-8342700, leave a message. Experienced Caretaker needed. Experience in Dementia. 770-834-6647 for details.

Tree Service: Full tree service, stump grinding. Wood chips, topsoil, gravel, fill dirt. Bobcat work. 770-258-4634 Yellowstone Roofing: Remodel, Repair & Decks. Licensed/Insured. FREE Estimates! Roger, 404-921-8595 Free pine slabs from circular sawmill 770-2587451 (3) 20 pound LP gas tanks for grills, $20 each 770-537-7554

capacity. $1300 or best offer. 678-5226646. Golden Retriever puppies. 470620-7651

Memory Gardens: 2 Veterans Plots, $7000; Lot #62, Section D, space 3 & 4. Call 678-850-6362
kennel. Free/cheap. 678552-8561. For sale: Scooter with battery, never been
Glass table, $125. 470-622-1909.
Used wheelchair $40. 404-5639249 Generator, barely used, $235. 470622-1909. Bench from islands, $70. 770375-8245.